HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-5, Page 7What may H
h a appea, •
Let its take to look into the •i!uture.
Suppose the • 250,000,000 of HindooS
should rise and drive out the foreign
invader; suppose also, which is not im-
possible, that the Chinese, with their
superior numbers and reoraaanizod
armies, should defeat the Frenal in the
event of a war, might there not follow
a marvelous change in the relations of
Asia to Europe? The Hindoos and
Chinese wvoulti have one common foe
left—Russia. That power now donein,
Otos Central Aga, end menaces 'both
•.China and Iiindost:uz. • Their combined
populations comprise about half the
human race; why shoulti net their enter -
mous emetics not only -reconquer Ceu-
tral Asia, but occupy Siberia, and men -
see the very existence of Russia? The
,conquering armies of (ventral Asia
have more than once swept over the
was 1�
e,�tea:'n World. it i >, the" Tnrcotnau
!who, in former age , conquered (,'hint
and India. and formed the rank and
tilt of the MollaLtnntetlan areelos which.
oveethrew the Eastern Roman Empire,.
conquered Spain, andpbteed the penitence of A% e ettn n Empires in peril,
Who knows but that eonee utile during
the twentieth century ntury iii-l:ory may. re- -
pett itself?--Pealfar'::?k a Mont/dee
Ad lice •." 1* at? 1•-"t' L'n Pieria%
Xatr1.1t1Y•'ti,txl. :1':' :innirnl neer ihet
rive: 1 int. ell el�)n1,11els mart Ili tho
co:l+t. Tee nn .t , 't..,9a'l::il + :'tilt of
this kind le on the eoethbeak of Spt•lrtee
Creek : n vita:'!^4- of the IT:Llifee. its;
lea*.e eee al 'it „ir!. ' (.f •ae,t f " end it.
aattain.;.t 1.1 i t ti;' sift;' f'at.. 1sit11
gide., ➢ :tt4elet on tits• ante:, w: : i➢ i' in -
Nein el
N info u iv. (fir It ism di •'L+'. .i.:C-
cavatien+ near: b'ee.reveal the soilret' Of
cupidy air the Material in the titin -trite -
tion of 11:is mantel. In thee,- artifie•i i
hills have been, 1")IiI i ,1) •t*:mien t of pot-
tery, stone, pipes, rude vessels for do-
n lir nee, eh o,l skeletone and➢i:
The mound,: areewi•lently
the work of the sante vaee of people who
c'0nstriu'ted the militate fortitit'attions,
or ttltlal bede, wear Lake Quire hnbeo.--
Tht're is nothing to heli('ate the age of
the shell mounds or of Ike t•.Lrth wounds
on Sprott: l'r.,-laeno timber r gitnntitsof
sufficient size" to vee=aril the yya (.rt„et of
the centuries. . But on the I, eke flirt
works •the epee la different, On the
('masts of these artificial upheavals the
lhl°e oak is growing 1n luxnrutnee.
While the age of the 1 ug eet sp(t'nuens
of these trce:T cannot ,tt.4ltraatll} be dt.-
terruined, it is safe to say they are from
700 to 1,000 year, old. Anil 'they have
bad gernlilnatiun and continuous life`
Alice the earth was •dieturbed by the
hitt i
,' ,
hand t man r1 int ': d
1 lit a 1. called this
new world, and Florida is the !newest
part of it, for the polyp hta'e not yet
ceased his work of creatlou here. And
yet it is of :welt gu'at age that many of
The important events of the old world's
leistoe5 are recent when compared with
what we know itae happened =n the new.
Jones sit Cincinnati erommercia8
If you have a boil roast al carrot and
make e, poultice of it. If the boil is on
:another man let liilu grin and bear it.
It's good for the system.
.A. relic hunter --a fellow endeavoring
to rapture a widow. Fast trains•-•••
stuck -ln the snow with no provisions
Longfellow evidently paid his fare
like a man. Didn't he write in "Ex-
celsior'''. "Try not the pass, the old man
One peculia=rity of the wild goose is
that if its melte flies it never takes anoth-
er. We never knew why "goose” was
used as a synonym for foolishness before.
London 2'rntll tells- of a sculptor who
had to make the limbs of all his Venules
remarkably thin because bis wife was
very jealous.
At St Anne's Sunday school, in Low-
ell, in answer to the question: "What
is the greatest church festival?" a little
orphan of 6 years promptly answered:
"Strawberry festival!."
Four out of five treasurers which Ten-
nessee has had within seventeen years
have been defaulters. The proportion
may bo nut thus -4: 5 :: 17 : Tenn.—
Lowal Courier,
A Cleveland paper says that John
Seater, of that city, shot himself on the
south side. A loan who ean't come any
nearer the center than that had better
Cucumber green is the new shade for
ties. The man who is tied up in a knot
from the cucumber he has eaten will
have the intense satisfaction of knowing
he is in style.
"What is a woman?" asks an ex-
change. It is—well, we suppose she is
a combination of dynamite and mule,
for she looks as innocent as a mule and
talks like dynamite when she is mad.
"Yes," said the mother of a daugh-
ter, "I shall stop Mr. Tommy's calling
witth�ut any trouble or unpleasantness,.
I shall! merely ask him to stopto dinner
and'then invite him to cerye.'
"tI like your now hat very touch," lie
said. "It's a chic; there's a sort of
abandon--" "There isn't any sort
of band on it," she said, pouting, "It•s.
a real ostrich feather."
Tho aggregate w ealtl. of the State of
New York is estimated .at $7,000.000,-
000. This is about a seventh of the
estimated wealth of the whole United
States. William H. Vanderbilt is sup-
posed upon the best of grounds to be
worth 8150,000,000. This would make'
,him the possessor of about one forty-sixth
part of all the wealth of the Empire
state, and of about one hundred and
twenty-second part of that of the whole
country. That is 'to say that this indi-
vidual, in a population of over 50.000,-
000 of .people in the. United States, rep-
resents in wealththe importance ,of
nearly 200,000 ale:1.
The Fashion in Art,
I Augusti
In the C nCur
c G. W.Proth-
trio, says, apropos of the paintings of
Mr, Watts at the flirosvenor Gallery
"The fashion of the awe prescribes for
art bounds withal it cannot pass with.
out forfeiting its universality. It is no
Wenger the business of art to teach but
to amuse;; and if Orcagna or M.ehael
Angelo.were to live and paint again, it
is doubtful whether he would not die in
Penury. We admire these masters of
old days, because our instructors have
Crawl them greatness into our ears till
we are fain to believe; but if thestatue
of Moses were to appear for the first
bein next year's Academy, weshculd
told that his horns were ridiculous,
and his beard half a yard too long. And
50 it with Mr, Watts. Those ivho
wish to be amused go away unsattee
fled, and laugh at the power they can-
not feel,
An. Au Ito lot; of Vail lyck.
One one 0(e:: -ion \-:quir i, wase at
1Fte,trlcnlr the lt!)tlle. taf1 t•itin!« I`ltts, as say that I am better than, I eve! expeettd t
be. Free trial klittla. at J. W. L'L01 llin�'s Brunie• el the most pet nful ttifferii that
noted l)tlt(ea portrait-painter.I l,il 11'el afflict luortals occur from rheumatism,
vwent tr) hie studio Inst« ae ague!, Ihsl:` Dru store. L u It hither the acn"e tr chronic form n s 1 1' ,
P 1T S ALL :a s
f ^ CatFtl front the Moot L • , early • L C'l4IP'1:ItJa�.,.
Interesting items.
—.Cho eteanaship (treat Eastern, which. is to
be used as a hotel at the New Orleans Exposi-
tion,Ieaves Liverpool in September loaded with
Suckien's Arnica Stove,
The Best Salve in the world for Guts, Entiti-
es, Sores. UIcers, Salt luteum, Fever. Sores,
Totter, Chapped bands, Chilblains,Qorns, and
all Skin Eruptions', and poeitively curee Piles,
r n0 Pay required. Itis guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents perabox. For sale by all drug-
__New York banns report Money again flow-
ing to the city.
James Brayley, Hamilton, says "I read
the testimonials for afeteegors Speedy Ouzo
and fouud that I had not to go to. New York,
Philadelphia, Louisiana or 'Texas to Anti living
witnesses of its value, we ]lave plenty of per-
sons right here to prove its merits. I got a
bottle and it helped nae tight away. I was so
Ontario, restoring his bearing eu ago week. DAYS AND S� T'UBDAiiS at their ixsidtauee.
bad with Billow: I eves and Indigestion as I Young lady, chi cot despair. Dr, E. C.
'vest's terve and Brain Treatment will cine ' ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE
31000 Forfeit.
ll ang the utmost confidence in it superi-
ority evsr all others, and after thousands o
tests of the most complicated • and severest
esses we could Ana, wo feel jestif ed in offerieg
to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case
of coughs, colds, sore tlareat,ial3uenza, hoarse -
nese; bronchitis, couaurption ill its early
stages, whooping cough, and all diseases of
the throat and lunge, except &stitLna,for which
we only claim relief, that we can'; epic with
west's ()ough Syrup, when taken according to
directions. Sample bottles,25 and 50 coots;;
large bottles one dollar . Genuine wrappers
W as y
d4,t eG
t mea @ t0
: to
L m
t,itm@l. theyhits@them S,11ooa cotta..RaMnWi-
cal wire, i h@r4 nladu n 1 d •'° fir 141'94111 ,rr.n k'1
rRnl4dy L@ r -.. ih@ 11.1.4l Ca rn a Hecpyf@ 9th,@Sa hitt!
inthdl•;uerr'.Tll'vOn,iinYro 1.10109 �.Cm folodA;
qac e f r •; ,r •;U,ta@ anti n 1''ro4 1solei@ or 1- tint!
reMxAr ,Y o I E%pre,la and Tw5 ea1.c4, 1K 40N6Y @Ila.
'ri@thtu,! EDn T, 1 1•on,
Alxdt'a.x.,l, et, e;. liaoT, let re@!1st„ t:@�r x4rk.
Exeter ±si7,tc.i1t? ►�i3Q
only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent
by mail on receipt of pr=ce. JOI.1N U. WEST y� j r� �}
di 130., 81. cTt 83' shays t, I est, Teronto,Ont. Butcher General 1�e dealer
The loss of the dense of !tearing is bath au- "'" rN pi'r &L: es UF^"---
' TAYTD,?t,
uoyine and dangerous. These snaring from
deafness should try ±1agyerti's Yellow Ail no-
cor(ling to directions, `.Phis invaluable house-
hold remedy cured John Cla.k:, of 1lillbridge, Cnatoneers supplied TUESDAYS. TBLRS-
dank any one could be, I have taken three t tL 1 nen0us troubles. Sold at CLIS 1 I'RO:MMPT A.TTF.;`TIO �.
kind if food without it 'hurting ine. I . play J. lZ , Browlrng #, Drug; Store, ,, _
bottles anti ata nearly well nett can eat any
Hysteria and
;, A. I'r1,1:4F:;In f.1CCi�liilt^N(>t.
ANer -41,...1 T E D
's, E : i..,➢al's: , a a6-m1L14'tit t,tL➢" mon ' `: '. i al-' be t ri"l 1 � � a � v
'shah at the tavern, Vantl4ele stint for • 1 " oo : tot tar; use of the,
1 his n viewestted. OltiO, wast Thrown out of a earn- rxrtnevi.rt.l::r),:
1)lm, '' It"Ltlr that a Strah,,tt'r iii ht't a"e D , grand pa9iifying s •a4C n1 re e., ", • Lard.
r ti:'LtS !ilii"neai,'1 rn.
Intl b tel •I) 1 L tat L
tr l while t.. i )..111 l * to alTLna List
' �+ y .. « .1 -
portrait punted, tilt! 11;1.1 buttwo home wg,Clt til b«o inarti0nl.
Bleed /litters.
u) stay f t Mil! $er-OeDe leeward
t iL t.tl.x . � .11...11•+.+, Li.1Fstxl tf +•-Ctie11+
1 .>
for 11. ..171 t t f:,lnia,s , r'
11n=1 hrttsaet➢ r n 1 e t0 e twit .e, t4'1(' .".v- r.,: eta- lh f l outlet, of lista a Heine the evete 1 re the l
'i halt overt. pereen alto➢old, n.., ale ;Areal , LS T*
'•�'. i}i.t lett•, 4 i .Awl S4 -Ya•1 ft*t•nn;, ^ • - Y ., a..
ease of L'wc' "•a, , ' t • ,f ' bouelsnini the kitlneye. J oileetot e : Semite:- p Any A,a• 4c..u1, E..; t+, • ,o. 54', - -- , as i- .
i t v En, lr..LIIt, ^;^.,. lea°ail^ lr.-n ft rApt L9
"r11h1 1 the li:[)v , pleasant ' r , re6Q. "°"'1111 ebt 'i) ,r ,.
t 3t lt rr+.. 4 CtI le.. Live s. a. -.i the- 1.
l t 11 1 1 1 .aml ire. c.11wh1cu", For .. t the- Golden , a o .
l 'Pills, ishcnthoal ' t 1 •11�• at riItit:n i.�.i i ince,llnneloifit.,l.m:tltan,flr„
wi. l• t with. I hat n n to t n ' , n111
tr 1 S e e 1 bit• mid sterni ° A RI:ial lI3T,F WITNESS. `.
let' I I' •:'ti made. AV';len dols sate,' tile boxes, eantainbi;% 13t) fills, L',i cents. l". l`w.'lV'i1.eeier, (;f s-trte➢lt, ^1t[:1,`iS isi �1t1 "
1 u For sale t f 1l !te :u d a I't ttartsl halraut, !^sten);; E,•ttt its ' 0 '"°"t OLOAD?
)IC1t1ae-, 1Lt• erkL )i'at'+'tl t,:rt 4iL.l b• aIII?ru^g "
i r y „gt�tra. L•le}vttrt$ t,f cY)1niterfteit� tztld - ,; • •.. , .. t ,
:(ilei ±:ti^l a I':..:•t'tY'' eeeTme • �! t9. .410-- , .ee t safe, known.
,L, +pie. e('rnl SSL ➢ wa•i11i
aChC, Ii➢dt„6..11 SDE, 1",77,4710,L7 joy; "3". t'k.. ,LTi') afh i l , .,t
1ltt t!iit)g tt"at t 1 : " :• t i iii' +, :) It . wt. cat:nu« cr , ° i i ]rtU rh. t "f the «urn kntnlrn, Try .a)t• b .,lir. +C t 1M, E, TaIfkllGLs1.
('ata r o :1 i, 11 e.ein'rc, a asee' ,; ➢
` irl.t leis ale atliti lvcum sited
11 1['111 'irixl tilt' 1.'•+'Ye,r ,'6ii1=+'ll the
r .• 1 �tnrtitr T W.' I31'o;1'nii;"-"r, tri' ;!
se1,•8111t1 portrait ;te '1111t•lil l• 11'a the fir,t ' 11rt1 to.;ire tt-f.r= it 1L Seger eoatett Large'
CItr i, "1 Kt11 ,ti r t.t lit n. �n other IrlLltatlei,•., The frl➢d➢Linc` t1i'431°4"'ir't 'e1 1 • ' t l 1 i at$+,1, .��t+ �tt ".F ➢a,;At>rt :t, :1.1.1"lS t,1
Nadel do whet tt tiou bee,- n.nl [lull' l,t T0t1\ C "1 1 ( 0e ” 1 !'all in Ll rA cough,. w.ua dint •a
Ivaadl'atfcetl eared, tsliieIt 1La1 resit".ctl
^- - - bred: trim! ae•.i 4..1 eon by mail prepeireiL tat
r. „t; ... , y,. *eau: ' ,k. . , : , .. .:.hogs
,0 a e>�, tt nt rix' aitl9n1it t,lL .
. . ort:. only ..„. .
of tin' 181!iS ails1 111,..ri:r', n ,`el t' i„ 1111111(+..", l.t°nxie 1➢.
,1t 2 is.
Mello s ere, ' 1 \ - e Meg. !tet . a,11 i ,+1 into, tuft, '. a e y
ttlitxr .rrasluess.
,t �t ,�,} ILA
T� t, �y receipt of a three cent stater.
A Crou'tryman Wit) i3;:d Read the Paprr,. Tt4 \ } 1'D Lt itA i0i17 0l j• 3 t.t.1EF Li 1 vi.7!ll
.. thruty-looking eonntr\•Tnan, prole- with tee pave_ ,eial;Pan'd'a 5 eihee
a tie CRl'; oft
tib] sixty y , .tom ,hent on Bectu„ alma raln:li,ae fo: i stet tett :eel ;lae`lnnl nag:
C1(.(J714J 4yf
oils ffoi
_:, �-- �.� .,-cat•
.,i!rJ. ._E. R11ee --- ,a ✓,il nt pr—
,1" wL",;'.%`rL
51'�'RCESl oCz BM "1411114.1051%.
,1>rp,1 .. 1.
•lute #�5
all *that was 1)n vies, 111 ilia attopti11n(1011e euriug rih rnn1tti tu.ei`Al:+, fore throat, erou
and tlto streets, attracted a large crowd frust triter, Uwe, in•nil:es, Anel MI lameness
when he reached Murraystreet and and mem ss of the fleelt.
L rou1wav yesterday mornsug. said the We have a speedy and positive curs• tti
Nov York Tribune recently. A yomug Catarrh tliptlteria, Canker month and Bead
matt dresses! In the height of fae:luon ; Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY.. wearing a tall silk hat [walked up to. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it
the countryman and putting; nut his if you desire health and n sweat breath. Price
hand in to friendly manner salts: v0 ets, Slid 1.y J. W. l:rowring Excter.3a
"How'(1o, Mr. Davis; glad to see you,; SPRING CLEANING,
Row'sthe'f k,
folks at home, Every Good housekeeper will renovate the
The, couutrylu-nn looked over the entire house at least every Spring and Fall.
yotin-man carefully, and being satisfied Oar s)etelne often need renovating also, and
that he could take care of himself, made there is nothing better to make pure !bleed
a movement as if he was about grasp- - mid cleanse and rrgulaite all the secretion*
ing the young man's hand, but Instead than Burdcek Bleed fink-'., prewelltiug Ili.
of so doing be took him by the coat col- smelt incidental to the seas:nll'5 changes.
lar, faced liim about so that he Jeoliod Patterson's snatch faetort•, in Dublin, was
upon the Lit3 11 - held i drill- hn-ntad
au T
tesdny T
nen uarravlylyin
position end thorn gave him at kick escaped perieldua in the ftanUea.'
ivlticirsent hint sprawlinglttto the street. , --•—e' Why l hilt's the Matter "
Another young num,. evidently a friendLady-;(\'kith face et eloinit in 1011 f hid
of the assaulted. youth, rushed up land 01601st -4 -Oh 1 I'm crazy with that Neural
demanded to know the trouble. The Gin that tautiuLtahy troul,lcr nit+ -'r
,-.-•" Well, hoer foolish! Why don't' you
countrymen had become warmed by this go to J. \\r. Brewniug's D=ug Store and get a
time, and endeavored to intlict punish- bottle of fluid nig htni1C 2 It eared loo in less
in on number two, hut he escaped,. than tants inhume I alwa;e 1.cta Lottie: in
The countryman then quietly walked the house. It o1,1y costs 25 MAP. "
away, muttering to himself, "I Itain't
been reading this papers nigh onto forty
years for northing, and t1101U 00ntl(eut
men must try a new game when they
scoop in this old sinner."
---- --.* •-e•----
.ft is estimated that the druggists of
the country have an average of five reg;m
alar onium customers each.
Taslephonc consolidation hi Ne>v Eng; Holloway's Ointment vii=i! Pills .--1ltfluenz ai �-�
land juts been for the present defeated Sore throat, Qufrisey, 1Anups, and simiNm , j�'
not through any virtuous repentance or or, and nee most 1afcl and et:ectuallysubdued
by rubbing Holloway's Ointment at laaet twieo
a day upon the chest and glands of the throat.
The ointment penetrates the .skin; reduces in-
flammation, east halls ulcern'ions. This
treatment is sufficient for curing the most seri
ous and complicated threat affections, pro-
vided Holloway's Pills be taken at the None
time. 'When a•wnlicwing girls Lain, the
Ointment may be )(died en till improving
symptons admit of pailtlei.s deglutition. In
asthma, Bronchitis: pnemuonia, plearisy,
whooping cough, incipient eansulnption, scar-
let fevro and measles. Holloway's medicines
ate not less valuable in mitigating the most
troublesome features than they are certain in
ultimately curing.
consolidation scheme was abandoned,
This is one of the few instances where nt-ow:esIfouseholciPanacca"hasnoequal
corporate greed has benefited the pub- forroliovi.ngpain,botbinternal and external tt
tic —2icw York, 117)188. rourespain intheSide, bacl.orbowels,sorethroat
The Empress Eugenie is rather an in- Rheumnatism,Toatbacho,Lumbagoandauykiud
terestin figure at the hotel SVestmin- ofiepaiuorache. "It will most surely quicken
ster, at (7arlsbad. She.occupiesa suite the blood and heal, aaits acting uoworistyondor-
of six rooms on the first Hoer. Her ful. "'Brown's Nous>_hold Panacea' beingack-
41100 s are supplied from 1110 restaurant uowledgodasthe great f'ainitoliever,nn(ofdou
at the Iionigs villa, opposite the hotel. blethostrongthof.any other Elixir or Liniment
She always appears In leap mourning:, in the world,shouldboin every inns!) !tardy for
find usually aLceontp Lniefal ,ay' Dr. Evans use !vixen wanted"lesitroally is tllobestromody
fn the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
011 rials, and by 51;=dalue Lebretgn. pains and Aohesof all kinds," anctisforsale by
The Etupress, like. other poor mortals, a11I)ruggtstsat35cents abottle
was troubled with dyspepsia. At Carle- -Lionel Suess shot and killed leis wife and
bad she began her cure by taking Inc himself at St. Louis, last night. He was a
waters of the Scltio-s:iruunen, but she shiftless fello v and had a bad reputation.
changed to the -bust! o uauen. Her vis- I�you should be so uniortuilate as to Burn,
it 11 is excited the greatest possible in- Scald or Woundyon,lself in any way the prop-
tcre t and erowde of people wait out- er thing to keep clean and heal ft is McGregor
site the Hovel anti all down the Schloss- to Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Insist on having,
berg every morning in °nicer to catch a add be sure you get; McGregor a: Parke's (lar -
glimpse. of her. belie:Cerate. P4•ic0 25 cents. J. W. Brown -
:len; is oil,: of 7.h;tc1:cry's pleasant nig, Druggiet, I)as the genuine. - 2.
a uis!11t Harv, and here is A VIOTOM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE.
Glu l t re's un tut th0 t 1111 t roof, Tlle. individual who places trust in many of
110208 :sial t(8 erten 1.; aline at rest.. the claims of advertised remedies fs often sad -
1y (11 appointed, bot the iu)a}s el fuels re-
gardiug the honest slimes of'Btvdoek Blood
Bitters are indisputable. It positively: cures
diseases of 11;e bleed, lice;• and kidneys, In -
Planing �[il1I
SASH, llOOR, and
Tun Voi,e tit. Bina Co„ Marshall, Jie11„wit
septi Da.1)o1 s Cxrnn1LATRD ELECTilo-Voxrue
BUTS vst. EzuoraTo ArPLaANozs ou trialfor
thirty days to men (young or ole) who are af-
flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality
ar1(1 kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of health and
manly vigor. Atitireso as above. N.B.—No
reek is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allow° d 1
T -iT R -LV I .I �t G
Dolle bo order.
Ifemember,thc place.
Myer ' . Howard.
complaints a iwnys abound in easettlit6 weath-
any drawinrc back from the gigantic
stock watering; [Intl publioswin=liing in-
volved in the scheme, but through the
greed and quarrels of the interested
parties. The Bell Telephone Company
it seems, wanted the earth. It was tc
take one-half of the $16,000,000, stock
of the consolidated concern :it the out-
set, and $1,000,000 more us a construc-
tion land, besides a generous fraction
of all new issues iu stock. The Con-
necticut and Providence companies de-
murred, the stock of the individual
companies went down instead -of up,
the stock holders protested,. and the
in (.10 10. tat of :L great eni:n the Stars
took out fe Ill the heavens. the silence
08is peuple,f 4081.11 the !last sorrowful
remorse for sins ,Ind shortcomings, vest'gate the proofs and testimonials.
memories of passionate joys and griefs
rise ma of 1114.4.r ;111105, both now alike
A. C A R' D -
„elEyes, and sad. `es is I seat miu0 To all who aro lliT01(from the 011018and.
... n
' 1)g indltis
se14onset • uth neryeli
lone, at me that, long since used to chine.. s Weakness, early
deCay,lossof manhood, &c.,I will send areceil)
• 17)11.1): and the. lair landsenpe sleep ,
under tilt. starlight, wreathed. u1141(1 Lllt hatwill circ yoiu,.FREE 01 CHAUGr' This
o-., , greatromedy was. discovered by a miss lona rytp
!Lill tuna mists. 1811(1CHiner, among the t�othe �laneriCa' Sendaself-addressed onvelor)!
to the 710.1105051 r ie ntea. sfo tioiiD
buil t i, alight' keels watch herb and
Lluiru 111 1',1Int ni;,ht be a1 sic.: chniuber city'
es t1v,, The chick tolls sweetly011 the ANawS11T11.8 QUESTION.—"'sly ago so many
people we sex around us,seein to prefer to sof.
S.1taI1G ;11 f. Here Is night 11.141 feSt.fez and be made miserable by indigestion,con-
4ti awful sense of thanks makes the
he;sty swell and the head holy, as x gas. strpation, dizziness, loss of appetite,.e0ming
1 up of the foop, yellow 51ciu, when for 75 cents,
7). lilj• room a through the sleeping house, we will sell them Sl11101's Vitalizer, pimentoo
an,l feel x, though hushed blessing ed 1• cure there,, Sold by J. "r,)3rowning;
tuns upon
1 t. Exeter. - E 0 w
this Sowing Machine is offered at the unheard of
and ridiculous low price of 85, it must not bo
supposed that it is a toy. It will,lo the work of
guyrlr' TnoLLA1 mitemsE, and do it las well
ISIS constructed upon 1171($7111111 scientific princi-
ples and is simple in construotian, easier worked
and leas liable to get out of order than any ma-
chine in the world It makes the seine -stitch as
the Nadine machines in tho United States The
principle of construction is entirely new, and
covered bybr:adpatents having secured this
maoldno,we have decidedto put the price maim
120401.1 To uAnn 1's for short time only; well
knowing that eyery lady .1vlil want ono Pull di-
rections with each m8611188 Agents Wanted
Agitating the Public mind at present 1: where
elm tney get the best. Bread, but this matter
can bo settled to the entire satisfaction of the
people of Exeter and surrounding country, by
coffin!! on
the old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand
Also a first-class .stock of Busourrs, Bees,
()Alois cF CO.lr>ae.foNaxs, which will be sold
cheap. While opponents have started bust -
Mss, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell
has been found at his pest, during the hast
eight years, ready to attend: to the wants of
the Public.
Owing to increasing business, ,Arr. Bell ha
found it necessary, to remove to more com
inodious premises, and has added ihargely tp
his stock ofGroceries, -and }vi.lPkrep on Maud
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything
usually tonna in :a filet -class Grocery Store. 1
Aall kinds of.Far to Produce tak-
en in ea:change for "moods,
: liEafiDlvEll Tn)H STAND :—S011tbe0tt'5 Meek,
11.11111a 00N, U;1 I.tl.l(.e,
whit., And Col.,Dt.4. Sineleaud Doable
, CARPE1 WARPS, White and all QolorS,
BE'AM WARPS of every description,
Hosier Yarns Balled and Knit Yarns
DJNlliti, Tit:KIN(S and c'UTT(l$ADE:4.
I'llrtae Goods art: er.➢ivertiafl)' p;au0unured bw° tbt
trade to be fully meal to any mode, and for rr•
• gularityana .vens:tee in.unkc 11ud coloring t
YAW= l RAVERS -lion will find our
%%rarl ,ssuperiorTosny In the 3farlcet • w '
yon just to give them till,'!. Pit+i.
It your Dry Fronds n)aan,ban not got it write
10 u9 add we will Kee you are promptly ruppfie•,1
OL'IRYARNS. ofwhich wt: make all de.crip-
(10*19 40i11 be found equally good. :ick for
them. Try 'thorn .
This Countsny was awarded two Ark prise .41-
verraodntq at Toronto exhibition in Nil, tad :I
first 1uigosatProvincial neat bleon at.1Ctii slto t
AGEN13t—WINAN &Ct).,Toronto : P. )fe'
ELP.R13Y:aC 00..:afontread. iv 12.6ua
How Lost, How Restose ..
We have 1'00131411V (*01)118118418 new edition o1
1)Lt. 140IL\'ERw LL. 4 onLEIIILAT1t,D I:SLi9 !
OA the .lath 11 Il
C1 a dsera aD t
1 l tan euro (without 171t•-
dieiuelofNervous l)cbiltty,ilientat and physical
Incapacity finpedtments to Marriage, ate.,ro,
suiting from a seesaw.
Price, in sealed envelope,ouly"5 cents, or tat,
TUeoclabratedoath orofthis mini
oleariyctenionstrates,frorn thirty years' succes4)-
fulpractice. that alarm big consequent es may he
radicallycuredwithout.the dangerous use Of in
tornalnnedicinos or the use of the knife ; Point-
out amoxl0 of etir0at onto simple certain end et-
fectual,byrneau,i of which every sufferer,tnolnat-
terwhat 1115 eonditfonnay be,neay curehimsela
ehaaply.prfrately and radically.
1 Tlii lecture should be intim handsof ever,
youth and every man is the laud.
11 ANN r.,NE:W3'C1tIC
L'a.,t Wilco Box 450
a s Pill
That Diphtheria' is one of the most dangerous
diseases and annually sweeps away thousands ot•
children, is a fact w1,4011 no one eon deny,and 'that
(10150 s in many eases are powefiless against it is
just as true. • A medicine that is a eeriain and surd
care for this dangerous and contagions, disease
should be hauled with joy mid. warmly welcomed
tyevery family for' Lisa In time of need, ,(c+in-
ilagration is much wirer easily checked at be-
ginning than after it has vaned. headway. 8tl It•ix-''
with this dise.lsc. Keel, it on 'hand soul Ito poi
wait till it is too late.. Such a medicine is offered
the p� pbile Y'a DIERLAMII'S DIPLITHEI3I A and
(,tow? RG\rrDY, We are thoroughly convinced
that it will answer its ,pnr less . Letters patent
h;ivt,boen,taken out for ho 07171111011 of Canndn,
tent ep.egi ulcus are taken that ne One shalt imitate
Fouirdoors North Post Office. it, we kindly aslt medical men to give ihisremedy
a trial. Testimonialscirculars and tidal bottles
70FI\ BELL, sent on applying ter, Agents !anted in over51.11)
�rtalri 4 'own and cli1.1014 isle your draggist for it.
.41.18114ss Hx.. 11, DITPi,Aliltt, Zutloh I'.
0„ Ont.