HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-5, Page 4_ : ht , wrier gimes.
Crop Prospects.
Though reports from Lake Huron
THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1284. counties vary considerably in estimat-
ing the *-bout to which the fall wheat
THF. 'SCOT? QCT''.- Drop has been injured, they Are prat•
Rieallyunanimous as' to the.osusee of
the injury and ice distribution as - re
Of orb soil and cultivation. The dry
weather of seed time, followed se i
wee by frost and ool4 winds in Saptom-
bee aa4 Oeteber, left the yennei plsnt
rather feebly equipped to enoounter
enesa•efelly the violesitu4se elf 'ewe
county and al no distaut day. Yes- ant! tiering, ; loud though they welt w
tetany, yeti uuderstsoa, the Ofl tient of fall eoodiaion when the •new dieap-
tho inuuioi sl branchlike of the Comity' pan a �e air dyed. of yes rt of
p 7 Dart of march and the vary part of
Auaooiatiou, met again at that plsee April, did-sericu• aud,in. many places,
to complete their organization, and imheovettlble damage to the crop.
distribnte petitions foe signature, will Wheat 'own on light dry selts�gsnt e' -
the view of securing the requisite ally .ustebeed the -tart injury, thengb
umber of mimes to justify the Got. in a few awes low, rieh, " mucky"
ernes General in enbinitting the nat. soils,' aud, in a few others, well drain.
ter to the people. The contest will eel clay loads, are mentioned es hay-
doubttees be a hot one, as the friends nig enjoyed almost complete Mullen -
of ha Act are enthnsiaetio and great. icy from damage. Upon tbie point,
ty enoouraged by the foot of being however, the reports may be Bummed
backed up by the representation of upaby saying that the beat safeguards
the venoms religious bodies In the agatnet the effects of the spring frosts
counts , while its opponents are just as gnat proved to ba ---putting the
A$ determined aud euthuriestio to pre. crop in early and well, and thorough
vent its being carried into effect. nnderdratnage in the case of land not
Now in order that our readers may naturally dry and well'elraiued. The
understand this quoetion olearly, die- fall whoat in thee° three oeuutiee can
coos it, lied alga or refuse to sign hnrily be tweeted to be more then
these petitions intelligenllp, we, with one.ltalf to two•tllirtle of a full orop
this issue (sea first page) begin the for the total serene flown. Tile
publication of viola parts of the AO quantity ploughed up leas been large
in question as well enable them fully in eolne parts of Huron county, while
to judge of its merits or demerits tuid in Lemhton auii I3ruoa the dere o is
will so continua to publish until the on the whole inconsiderable.
whole has been laid before them. Let --•—
Not Far Prost Home.
Judging from the large and anthem.
ia1tio wetting held in Clinton •ort
Tuesday of lost week, the advooatee
and friends of prohibition sue resole.
ed to have the Canede Temperanee
Loi submitted to the *teeters of Ibis
were in the engine -room sit the time,
arid were intently killed. `4'heir
bodies were removed from the ruins
in a terribly mutilated Condition.
Charles Sauer", the -head sawyer,
had on arm broken and wee badly,
acid' it'' -i8 feared fatally, injured.
"telt Cramer. +waadhadly ivaured shout
the Measle 4'baok; bat is likely to ee.
t cover. ° •Jolapii31doOullangh and Wm.
Dyson were also badly injured. The
• mill �4 steppe- +N the time of the
catastrophe to repair the feed meceen
r ism, Waal' was out of order, and
alinm who eaeape4 eley there were
three eepirate exploetous. The bell.
ere lay about !at fri meuts for rode
around. The damage ie estimated at
$5,000. An inquest is Deing bald
over theeleaQebed le,
Ay a aessedy for'Ste% Headache, Sour
,'Bonaaah,Dispep.Ia,2naig.Mioe, conetieetions
Torpid Liver Biliousness, tie., Aoalnedicine is
equal to Dr Baster',' Id'audralse Fitters,
25 mite per bottle.,
all interested ---espousing either sides
of the question 'preserve these num.
bent of the Titles for reference and
.Boating News.
Ou 'March 31st Edward Hanlon
signed artiole,s of agreement to row a
mem sol the Nepean River, a atraitway
course, about three and a quarter
miles, with 'aware- Trickett or Wil-
liam Beach, for $2,500 a side, The
day ti.xe;l for the rake was May 22;
Trickett and Beach rowed for $1,0
a side on the i'armatta River, Satut'e
day, Auril 12, and previous to the
contest it Rao e111dorst00d that the
wivaor would nteaeure oars with Han•
lan. The victory was a comparative-
ly easy one for Beach. After the
race the announcement was made that
Beach would not row anybody on tho
Nepean oouree,2nnch loss Hanlan,and.
this spoiled the plans of Mr. Hnnt,one
of the signers of the artioles of agree.
anent dated March 81. The latest ad.
vices by mai' : irnisih no explanation
of the way hi which the dispute was
settled, The cable, however,gavo the
information the other day that Han.
Ian defeated Laycock on the Nepean
course on the 22nd inst. The pre.
sumption is that a race between Beach
aud Hanlau will take plane ou the
Paramatta, and that then the champ.
ion will sail in a steamer for home.
Saturday opened mildly, but at 10
o'clock n breeze sprung up Ghat ruined
all probability of a good course for the
Courtney -Ross sculling match. The
wind continued all day,malnng lumpy
water in which a shell could not live.
it was announced the race would be
postponed till Monday. Later, how-
ever at a meetiug of C.lnrtney and
Ross, the referee and offioial time
keeper, both principals agreeing, de-
cided to adjourn the race to Saturday
next at4p.m,
Geo. W. Lea, the oarennan, made
made a complaint against Courtney
in court, on Saturday, alleging that
Courtney owed him half of the $500
purse won by Courtney in the race
Sept 1, 1882, at Richfield Springs.
When Courtney was served with the
summons he said : "1 don't know
what this -means, but if Lee's method
is to sue for prize•money alter he had
fairly lost it, I'll give hila all ho wants
of that business. Every possible
means has been tried since I've been
here to worry end harrass me, and 1
suppose tuffs is another brick of some
kind -but they cannot down me that
way. I intend to win this race." An
hour after the summons had been
served Courtney was notified that the
suit had been withdrawn.
Deadly Cloail Burst.
A. cloud burst on Frenchman's
Creek, near the Nebraska and Colo•
ratio ling; swept everything in its
path before it, carrying down the
river men. -horses and wagons of a
cattle camp. A. few escaped. Ten
men are missing. The bodies of
four have been recovered.
A aloud burst near Visalia, Col.,
Saturday night and swept away the
house of Peter Stewart and ail the
inmates, consisting of himself, wife,
Mother, two children and R. Weis-
ner, a sheer? herder. The bodies of
Stewart, his mother and one child
were recovered to -day. They were
frightfully mangled their°clothes being
torsi into shreds. Weisner is injured
beyond. recovery. The house was
*lashed to atoine.
News Condensed
Mrs. Wm, Muir, 9th con., Hultett,
after about a year's illnoes, partied
away Wednesday Jae!.
Mr. ',Thomas McGregor of Tucker -
smith, near Rippen, eterted for the
old country on Thursday, aud intend,'
spending the slimmer in the old land.
A number of pneeengera of the
Luokuow and Goderioh stage were
severely injured ane day last week,
the stage falling through a culvert,
throwing then- out.
The body of Miss Minnie L'attridge,
who was drowned in the Gland River
at Galt on the 26th nit,, has been
found by a farmer four miles down
the river.
Mr, James Coates, of Ribbed. re.
coolly sold to an American buyer a
span of two year old mares for the
handsome sum of 5450 smell. Mr. O.
keeps good h:r,res,
Mr, John Leishwan of Hibbert
has sold bis farm to Mr. 1', Burne for
$6,000. The farm contaius 100 acres,
and ii was purchased about three years
ago tor $5,700. This shows that land
is rising in value.
Mr. George Eisler, of Hibbert, had
a valuable horse taken from his stable
on Saturday night last. The horse
wits found on the following Tuesday
in a shed near St. Marys. No clue
to the party oho tools the animal
Mies Hattie McLean, of St. Marys,
died on Saturday last after n short ill-
ness, and was buried on Sunday. In-
flammation of the lungs was the cause
of death. Deoeased was a lady very
highly respeoted by all who knew her,
and the Budden death will east a
gloom amongst her many companions
Mr. Bailey, of Goderioh, has se-
cepted the challenge given him lash
week by Mr. George Whitley, of Sea.
forth, and arrangements have been
made for the race to come off at Sea
fqh on the 10th of September, the
same day that the Rattenbnry-Ward
rape takes plane.
Tho ease of the Stratford Times vs.
Henry and Scott came up Saturday,
when it was settled by the acquittal
otHenry. The trial of Scott is to be
continued ou Monday. Henry claims
that the expenses and loss incurred
through this affair are over $500,
and lie intends commencing action
for that amount.
The biggest temperance meeting
ever held in Stratford was held in the
Town Hall Sunday afternoon. The
platform, body of the hall and gallery I
were fairly packed with people ; fully
1,500 were present. The meeting
was addressed by Rev. Mr. Her:ridge
and Miss Macpherson, of the orphan-
age, who -las just returned from her
81st trip to England.
The appearance of the fail wheat in
Middlesexcountyup to the present
week is reported to have rapidly im-
proved. On the. lighter and well -
drained lands it is excellent, bnt on
heavy. undrained soil it is almost a
foilure. One farmer reports having
thoroughly drained a large field last
fall, and expects by the increased
crop to more .than pay tor the expen-
About 2:30 Friday afternoon two
of the boilers in the Windsor mill,
belonging to Wood tilt Thayer, ono
mile'east of IIIoBrides, Stanton, Mich.,
exploded and literally demolished the
mill. Weekly Ammon, foreman,
tingusto Newman and M. Mathews,
To ear* iteasoreeries, etleeratton tri the
luogs mast be rtsppeet, tie natter mast be
thrown off, the membrancee au* bosses)
healed and the system invigorated. Downs.
Elixir will da all this. Try it. Every bottle
obit- eapewro.
says "Doubts are tractors ; we oft lose the
good we lui(iht have by kat lug to attempt-. "
Then doubt not "(loldru Coin " -it is the
best chewing tobaooe in Canada,
(Corrected tit 5 O'clock p.m. Wetine sdny.)
rALi, warier
i.Yaitt•Wheai ,,, ., • , o 75 to 000
Whitt,. Wheat flew ... �• : 00 to�1M
Red Wheat New . 0 00 to 1 0o
e PAIN G1550,44::
Wife mewl ... .•. 1 05 to 1 I0
Harley ... ,•, •• ... 0 4.5 to 060
Dacca . , ••• 0 35 to 087
Olovor Seed .. , - • .. 700 to 740
Tetnothy -' . - .,, 1 25 to 2 t'0
Pea. „ ,,, O es to 0 70
Corn .,. ,,, .-. 000 to 005
tir;+ .., .., 014 toG14
I1uttPr .,, ,. -•, C 36 to 0 16
Fiour>r.rhist -... 5 00 to 5 60
8otatoc€.,Tur hag • 0 75 to 0 e0
Applee,per beg -•• 0 70 to 0 75'
[hYratl#Cpp1ei r b 0 00 to 008
(-erre ser Ib, ,,, .. 005 to 0 O0
Turkey perlb ... . , .,. 0 07 to 006
Ih+ivk� per 7pr ,., 0 50 to 0 1,-5
Chickenaperpr........085 to 090
floge,drosiedper10e ,.. 7 00 to 7 53
Deaf .., ,.. 000 to G 00
Flideoroaba, ... .. „. 5 00 to G 00
dressed .,. •,. „ 0 50 to 6 75
Bhee sk(na,eaob .. .•. .,. 0 90 to 1 00
Calfskin, 0 SO to 0 70
wool per lb...........039 to 0 20
Flay per ton .,, , 000 to 0 rA
Onionsnerbnet „. ... ,.. 0 e0 to 0 73
Wood percord ... ,,, Sis) to3S0
Tito Cheese-
UTIO.&, N. Y.
Urre,e, N. T., Sane 2.- Salee-9,(O0 boxes at
Llsrr s FAr,:s, Jane 2. -Sales ---8,500 boxes
at ttie to 101e. Bulk at the latter price.
The British Grain Trade.
Lowrie~, lane 2. --Tho Mark Lane Ex-
press, in its weekly review of the British
grain trade, says : Despite the dry weather,
and cold east and northeast winds last week
the wheat crop is more than usuallypromis-
iMg. The plant is excellent and would soon
respond to suitable weather. 1f the season
is favorable there is the making of a more
than average crop. The outlook for barley
and oats causes anxiety. The wire worm
is busy. In the off coast market there is
little scope for business. There were throe
arrivals, three cargoes sold, two withdrawn,
one remains. Sales of English wheat the
past week, 50,351 qrs. at 37a. Id„ against
58,898 qrs., at 48s. 5d. the corresponding
week last year.
rf ENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri-
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College.Toron
to, have op' tined an oillce
for the treat went of all
Domestic An iruale, on Main
Street, Ere- ter. Cans from
a distance ....., -+• •••-•,-.- promptly at.
tendedto. 5fedioinosfor Horses, Cattle, &o.
always on hand.
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that ho has opened ont a
Et in Shoe- Shop
in the corner Store North of Barnwell
& Pickard's, where he is prepared to make
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed. work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to. •
Late Manager 0. EacretL's Boot and Shoe
. Establishment.
May 14th 84.
11. HASWELL & Co.
wholesale Druggists, Montreal.
Clone Fishing, Has He ?
No Will ! Johnny went to
Exeter to -clay ; 120 Was so
much taken up with that new
suit of yours, nothing would
do but he must have one too,
so he and his mother have
gone c,ut to RANTON BRCS..
J'ohrzuy will order a HOW suit
and his mother get a silk dress
She hatbeen waiting this long
while to get a good one—cue
that will wear and not cut,
and several of her friends say
they keep the best you eau
get anywhere, that they beat
them all for mire Silks.
That's what our ;Iris Sfty, IACiiTNE OIL.
i For Sage
t A ooiufortablo • tame *dwelling., ono and a
half Story. standing on d of an ecru of land.
situated on Andrew St -Title clear I or [illi
Particulars, ,'rim Kung ti GEORGE,a£ tt x G'
For Sale.
-i -well aatt,edaud convenient Dwelling Monte
anti Lott onllurou Street, East of Mein etreet
For particulars apply to
Atli, 11 V ELLIOT.
Solicitor Aro.
For Sale or To -Let
A cola -medians stare and a convenient 1*
storey dwelling house, with good brick stile*
almost new.(At present occupied by?ir John
I'arcons,linthevillage of Centralia, slid t as
*ore ofgardsn arauxid, with good stable and.
driving houses Possciteion can be bad on May
1st: Apply to-
ROUT.itpri110 ent alia pat.
WANTED -to se21--
New Superior Canada Maps & Charts
As paying as any agenc • in o world. For
fullparticulars, free, addUmress, H. C, TUNISON
The Seegmi1ier Plows.
$. PQWEs 1t
Having decided to elose Ma present stock 1'f
The above plows, will veil
FOR $W CASA, and $14 Cn TIME
The Glow can lee: sten at the building oppos-
ite llawdens Usable shop. (A few doors
south of the inarket,i
I'uiels and mons ellwttyn 1,ept iu »tec:c.
Porties intending making a ptrcbase will do
well to call early.
April 70, 1. I'OWF.LL.
they have worn their's for 2
years DOW and they are just d
as good as new ; they art) go
ing out nett week after their;
new Hats.
c( Yes, come one, come all,
We have just opened
New Trimmed Millillezy---
very cheap. New Dress -goods
bought fat a 'bargain. New
Black Silks, which cannot be
beat. A lot of New Tweeds,
Pantings, and Worsteds.
Now is the time to visit •
and get big value for you
J.41.Ll;llf^:ll:l, '!"lI1:Esl1l Ils, An)
M it nir�i -w111 ha -e lame, ant . its. th,+ir
ltaci,ln(.ry by u Ing 1.x1 :at,
Ilea 1n'tu victerioneatell the landing i'xbibi
Ilene mitt ir.tnertrial fairs Once lt, ,4, vatry iagoif
Arai prises and tnoduli.1u every instance,. It
has untie 00 equal ss a lubricator, ant will out-
wear lard, heal or cantor oil, and warrii,ited not
to clog or guns the !Must ionchlnrrc• You will
sav,.• toout y hy.. using this 011. 1(y it :and you
will testify in its favus, Iter.';:re inlitstinnw
-11t�T'i'.tr'Atn1;n(+11<-' 1+5--
MCcoll Bros. & Co., Toronto.
nn 1, 4,.1: ,tr
RISSETI! Blit)., lexutrr
J. EILBE1t & SON, Credltou
Mci)ONELT• t• WAUGlf, liensatl
w _
The Marcia u Looking Mats
i't v
Every 'Married Couple,
\Fhileit will hurt no single loan or woman
to rend this peculiar book, yet to ell who flusSalvation Armythe Arst time outer the tuarrit.tl Mato it is
ailuply a1\i:CI•;SSiTY, Theta tiiu,;t ha -•o it•
nor van the eonteuts ho g(ven here, last it i
a. Anougl1 to Fay the book contains all tho Fee
111LL rets relating to newly married couples. father,
who order it will have to bear the conacquon•
• ties, es itis only intended for those who wish
to Avery t' sec after have a is tied
�very suers corplo should huvo it, and a� it
11 costs only apaltry 25 cents, or 3 for 30 cts.
Every ono eau have it by remitting stamps or
silver and this slip to
.1wKIN NW', Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia
Heavy Firillg!WILL BE HEARD
The Hallelujah Guards will sing Songs of
New Drug Store
-•-- ..
would inform the inhabitants of the sur-
rounding country that he has opened out
In I-Iepburn's Old Stand,
A Complete New Stock
Drugs, Chemicals,
Patent Medicines,
Dye -Stuffs, Spices,
Fancy Articles,
Flavouring Extracts
Special Attention given to Dispensing.
Remember the place,
Corner Store, Opposite Central Hotel.
--OF THE --
Dashwood Flouring Mill
Wishes to return thanks to his numerous
customers, for the past liberal patronage
given him, and since making im-
provements, which is a large
saving on fuel, will clo
anlil further notice, at the following
--rates :�---
And for all other grains (Peas excepted),
Are may regular grinding days.
TERMS Strictly Cash.
N. B, -Flour cC Feed sold at a close mar-
gin. Don't for'ket to give us a call
Makin F'RZED,
Dashwood, Feb'y 711, '8.4