HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-5, Page 3A PLEA MR 'TEE. ST ::)"a.JTIEDR. at, iaung Afnerio . in Various Situations,
When you ice as boy corning .dotvo the
A Writer Oontends that th) Stapfnother street mitts ball of e;us, to his hata
end it look on his serious face like that
I lick-Abns' 1 Character worn by the pietute of :an early. Chris-
tian father st tiding iiti the :bell:, wait-
How litany books cls, fuer still take up illg for the new notate Le Called to dire
lnwhich the plot turas, on the cruel ma,, nes, it is t !go. that .if you just cast
t'1<ioatious of as stepmother, and suely your eaupward en see
writers ought to be Wiser ns, They yyieetanul> ninthly ie. the air to
make the very name hateful; it.eelns to aha lttseiviotls Isle tsinrn, of a whole 001.
ring n111iititine a ,:'1,l iii I1stitgte, and onY of teicgraplt w,irea.
far¢be it from m, to say that the proto when cu ;lee a boy .loins~ along in
type is nowhere to be found.Coat. the reel's). merry suurilliltd with iris hat
heartedness and oppression toward the in his hand,..sitokinift,his: hitir Aisle ft
children of one who has preceded leer flue sticr t et it dlry, ZLow 40314shall?
in heart and home tare no doubt at times "•etiuitl ,itis. +I OAA One side, 11itiuml. g
to be met with, but cannot many house- the other . t . with WS li9ud huci praet
holds tell another tale -:a tato oa lore a ally kieki itis feet -ba the air, in -dot,
•t e, *': , n iterate til one fo get the water out of 14s
and �,entltng ,, and mutual affection , .
:and peace? and cannot, too, s0111" homes i e•t;'Jr t; Ii ;t you safe him; hGldiug" ,p
tell a third story, where the suliiercr is v u>n stet:0 to his car•for..tho seine par -
the one ,rho is looked on as an inter- pose, it in a true sign that yen may
roper ? Ar:' til 'rt' a mtsoul,n 1 think of that; boo, by soul hy, st'anding
whose hearth tilts been early deaol ated, l s1>eeelllc tshcu his molhor asks hint
and who is left with little ones whonnho host his .m:rt crime to .lt 1 'stung bide l: Utters:' flarrri9lttal a ,.
raunot look after, with a. heart still! out, You must )cut rimiiwn�ii the Conte leted,it the t •eaa a"
street i4 tiara direction ii€ 'vision: at under tet r tree
yearning for it['aetiun, brintrshotn850Tare' ;lay:`�tocG elf L�aidcrtaktrr•
�' the inipri -iUn that t 114y is woo goodsir targe, txienpl rfi
stinted mea
d n' of1 1 stir topouroituti ' .h•boy't•tt a and we aseiortvtt,andshy
' 111urtlere,I . <xt.li �L
stinted rttc•l�tia'i' 1+ilia• tare the lltethi,r-i >�`-tersait:eottirinott,uytteit,�
Wel Onte;- mil ;Ojai 41•i, It,. 'a :,1.�h,s anal
canto strap. an in hoe`'%lances you r shale lint• trio nrd #t t::
I,Indr rtit i (l1.ar;
x�j O Ll3 aA):
w1, intend
pttrolltisiitg to dt so from
the lrlanufaeturer. The
dealer. wire buys to ,toll
again must necessarily
have a 'aorta. We chars
to givetno t%Rrcl)asere the
ttenedt,which cannot fail
to meet the views of the,
Gratugers. Our expenses
aretessthau those of cite.
roan* f aetareeseeaisa teepa
wecite se/h.:lioaner.
G S. GillI.EY,
;41.1td 1117 t initti,re,
\2ttIIstf< c>tii eY;e
1 I calf lt,peoialatttentio
to our undertaking depart
ment,wbicb1 is incase coni
plot ethanevaries wn. have
i ddeci Sever* I u ow,dsifgns
of late The Neer comas
casketR shrcuds,and every
funeral requisite at the
lowestprictt Our new
Ilearsais irononr.,,edb.y
competent 3Bdgei. to 1}E
Seeend t0.I10-e to the
Su'blo of al's -the J ekent SOO ieS,
ONBBII NKEI� til it .
on settlitegri0W11 to tlit•ird:t lvlit• ? Tit:tt will lauott that boo has been tri syvttilt alteeal1 nuc e n tt'a'ix`c
l siting when he should ,?rave been at e
foolish relatives, or ignorant servants
have already. pui„au',iI the why mind i school, learning that twenty-six preyo- t4etns0l,es,
'1i1111,i:; BEST I11,3B l�lltSE IN ',VIRE. f..101 JRSI`l
1letuembei• the slate ---Nearly opposite Keutp's Tobacco Store, 11411u -street, racier,
tr Q U I x�'i.
atrtatnit their rr rend Ino titer, and that Satinets Inv followed by the accusatrvC,
:ill her etfetrta t:1 win their affection awl all 11110'' ay front fid to ultra.
trust; arse blighted by the unholy: roil*. , �i''hou 3.°11. sou ;t troy about bt45 p, til,
owe that etas beten wielded. .and'vht>u i with ins: o t 111:1 nusa and the grime. of
chalk on his relaid,, his hair disheveled ^,
mud the two upper buttons of his jacket
gone, his collar rumpled and his ueelc
other little children come, tau often, fn.
stemd of being welcomed with brotherly
or sisterly love, they are greeted whit
tie twisted awry, anti a 5o. piciens.look-
f leave just rece.veti a
ergo stock. Walnut and
Gtogewood Gaskets; also
iloftins of every deserip.
tion. A complete titers*
of Robes and °.Crirnttiings
away unbend.
• The latest styles tat
Chamber and Parlor Suits
All kinds of lyurrtlture) at
the loweatxates,
fes•lings of llttternts s anal jca1ottsy.:Norl jou quilt un lhiaa sue, von tvi11 ?loom ITCii1NG I'l1;Ffi--svirrrO sANDCBitE , SAL
is this cult ro Ililen alt + Children, nn- t+ R. Bal N SAL is
t! t " t'ke ' in., after school and Tito symptoms are moikure l'k4 •Pair
tussis, perhaps, have a fcteling that they 'ik Mooted for the stout) by another ntie•n, intent:e licitinii increased 6y scratching;
P l:;
IAA' he deprived b3 a stranger of part
o their! ,steps tri are
miters lattttdretl, llaxte been nthlea to the
inConte Watch marriage-- hundreds not
raven settled on the woman who brought
theta .to a e0111parativtely poor house..
htold; and yet she 'sit, set aelde to a
"'uohotiv," treated ;with cold insult by
stepchildren.. and undefended by her
husband, We iitiglit tell of elek-lxtds
'vtatched with all a 111.0/her'-. dest)ttort;
of dying hours r±.)othrd with ail tt int,* it.
e''r'd• faithful self-forg*tfulne-it; of the
tir)uug affair t sinking tea the grave'. cliu,g-
it1 with fowl atahetioll to tiro represent-
e lhrt sent
ative of that real parent whom it wee
soon to , ree't in the spirit land; and we
tutu wits justauger from pieturera Iaid
before us SA fit as t1u are Ili.ue1g d..
Into how ninny houseltalik must the
seeend .mother bt, brtlu"lat, or they could
never hold tog ether- How many fam-
ilies must eoustst of the ehildre'u of the
one father, but of two mothers; and is
it well that young minds should be pre-
judit eft against a state of things in ear
Malty ett.aea a uect'Ssit1•. But it the nov-
el orthe tale ;t youthful hero or heroine
is the more interesting the lnitne he or
she sutlers under the domestic roof, and
that suffering is supposed to b:' most
easily wrought by the "stepmother "---
I'.et us hope that a truer view will be
taken of this relationship; that the vul-
gar feeling with regard to it (a feeling
showing itself i () plainly is some loco -
ities that the name of stepmother is
given to the most painful thing on the
Miser, sometimes called a hang -nail)
l y ere lout; pass away from amongst
us; and that: as tatlasttlhelong-despised
"old leant" is meeting with justice and
kindly judgment, the same may be meted
with no stinting hand lei the often long-
suffering and inuehetlandereet "step-
The Cattle Interests of Texas.
A boundary lino, sterling Ot Denison,
foxes, theme running south to IVSeo.
*hence west to the New river, thence
north to the lhortllwest eorntrr of the
stats', thence With the north and east
boundary lines of Texas to 1,Ittce of bei-
.inning, 'child embrace the stock belt
to whirls this communication will be
devoted--eomlhriing 62,850;000 acres
i)f choice grazing lands, well :applied
with water, covered with excellent
grasses, and bite.sed with •t mild cli-
mate. It is susceptible of furnishing
a abundant range for more than 8,000,
t.100 cattle, although now there is less
than one-third of that number occupy-
ing it. This is the great reservoir from
tvliich the great grazing fields lit Color-
ado, Wyoming,Dakota., Ktansa$, and
Nebraska c!raty their young catltle, It
is also a great source of beef supply to
the markets of St. Louis, Chicago, and
Kansas City, Land able to sleet the de-
mands of the canning companies, thus
furnishing meat to the nh:Lrkels of Eu-
rope. All this is accomplished without
utilizing more than one third of het
great grazier field.
So exhaustless are her ifesoureeS, that
all capital invested in cattle raisin, has
yielded most handsome retttrns. 1t has
been asserted by those who are thor-
oughly conversant with the business,
that "no capital has ben invested in
eattle raising in this region since Jan-
uary, 1880, but has returned a clear
profit of more than 50 per cent per an-
num;" and I fully believe the state-
ment, since the tttivanoc !11 prices, the
increase in numbers, and the reduction
boy when he cams out; mid if you wont nt t 1'cr ' diatrewilt;;, tlnttivult .ttatiEht; eget*- at+ 1 PORK
P d
f h birthright.C ti 3 to know the rant of a, it tont net. be tt ptn•tciatuls'tun et•as• i,• ill hitt? ixi�ou[ fisc i `+
nr e:csa:try to go into juirticulars, but rcetniu, the 10t,tetc ! stE elm sometimes at-
uil ask hint "which Mvltllllli df" if a !veted, I:all ,tedito continuo very reriong re-
lex)k u! triltmtglt alt their cnitstuay follow. SWAT• 1: $ OIN T111:KT '
exultant?+kesyou wilt ,t1"4":11:*osis tat just Ielai eni,tilitenun,• Scald -Head. for'
Ai�•s Tetter.
;around tut corner yon Cart hid :a boy Dashers' Lteh, I3t"tihes, nil t+calp.ernMt Shin
•lliseases„ litoc, by mail, it$ Cts.; x for q1,:5.
.9,ddrti-', lilt. S\F.,.YtiR & ,1' )N, Phila.. 1'a. i
Sold by prepoists. •
.fro you dieter -14d at night anti braleu of your
With 11 bicediug noses •tela! :t generally
demoralize -1 f:teade. Ila; if the lad you
ti.t'St:,.,ll it 14tc downcast. initial stunt
1,, hr. nti, begins his oration, like Di.
W0tit•IV, lav *hying: "Well, he 'see u
erten field barg"'ttr''tl LUN," you. may
-now that star boy got "licked." ieatbl•asickclui.t suffering stmt crying 'with
+t11'her' at+e,1 see •t Litt• a itllthe pockets pin of cutting:toot? if se, sena iit (jut,' 81111
of his 11 altaaunts Io ; e • root Until 1:0 ;ret &bustle' ..1 X113.1 atrGriti:..fi
looks like a great lgtnhl,.e,-?Arae lateen tar SritL?i'• It wilt r4 -
the hive, while he tyalas along. trying Have the rear little l,nffc'rcr immediately, ite-
tu ltwk a, thiel .lt.-te''1 I:11 It and t1'i:lr- pend,la+r•nithuotl.er,s.theveienoniiItt•Reabout
in n. prtifoluttl rhe•5t•�.;a t: cif .nperth:tt- it. ftcans tlytemery uudtliturlr`non.regulates
Mall LIIIIt' ive, you know without re- the stomach arid- llttr,•cle, tones wind` carie
fct'rltig tri tiro, VAN of ri;:nxl t that buy aloftcub t!ie host'+, u'tiuvi- lufl,una utinu. anti
has been lingering in somebody's or
chard tuid. dee•-tet care to ?sive undue
publicity (rivten to fact that only cun-
griCr, tine" not I *l'( c t tkr where .''acre,
}IIs'. 1tr\ •.nyi A+41781.•0 MRCP Fac • t'lilX.tl,
artTtlt.rirl'•o i1•phuultt to the taste. and is.
cern him per:4n04. ' the itis seription of acre of the oldest and best
Witten } (1st tics a I. t eft alae Clist:tut female Moines and plivvi, iatae i1. the Vatted
hill�idu r,udtl•snly 1Patrh toll into the soft Strftaa. and Warmth, by all druggist. through-
out thet world. 3'rIco Sts Seta,* a
erly but. firml • in to - 4 t'rtt,'tt Heuer; of -
both hands while jot Lea, ;u'outtit is ir•«
regular but exulted *rusts, at the same
time voicing; itis grief with wailing
shrieks, IUeIIUtved hv.husuutlydistance,
then, without going to the telephone,
you may know that barefooted buy bas
trod upon tett* busy bee that nestled in
the perfumed clover.
Aud whoever and wlteuever you see
him, in mischief or out of it. ---that is
just coming out of it ur jag ready to •
get into stone mere; awfully bail, or •
with mauy tearful failures and disgrace-
ful stumbles trying to be goad; Iorgut-
tillg; your Colnulautnlent'i n'hielt thunder
upon hint by tlttt hundred, well nigh as
readily :rid repeatedly ass you forget the
ten titan infinite wisdom has laid upon
you; in all his Indio, Isis poor little
Strug;glw, teinlatatiuus, triumphs and
failures his piteous little troubles and
his tearful, honest penitence!, iu -all the
lightness ore boy's Life, your heart must
grow (mellow tinct tender for the little
0rcrnt of matahoatl, ,u fall of wonderful
pos-ibi.ities, so rich with seeds of
strength that will ripen bye ;ted bye,
for good or evil, as you walk and
live before .the boy; even- as you look
tit hitu, remember what you were thirty
• or forty tears ago, :anti may, -God bless
the b..y--1;eerliu,tatt Ilia aIneie, .
l:rotessor .`lir 11� 1Itonlpson in his
treatise 011 natural philosophy is lett, by
a consideration of the neeo„ary order
of cooling and consolidation of the
earth, Co 'Infer that the interior of our
world is not, as commonly supposed, all
liquid, with at thin solid crust of from 80
to 100 1111104 thick, but that it is on the
whole more rigid than a Oontinuous
solid globe of glass of the Siune diame-
ter, and proibly more rigid that a
globe of stool
";fly dear," exclaimed 0 loving hus-
band to his wife, "I have jest had my
life insured for your benefit." "Well,
I declare," said the wife, looking
around upon her family ttnd friends
with an expression of injured inno-
cence, "just to think of the selfishness
of men, and particularly of husbands!
There, you've been and had your life
insured. while your poor wife must go
without an insurance on hers. It's
just what I should expect of you."
"An Alabama woman, claiming to
in expenses of • yenning stocks cora- be a centenarian, recently walled from
binecf, could have produced no less fa- her home to the village, a distance of
vorable a result.—NatOnul Live Stock five guiles, then returned and milked
Journal. six cows, churned and did the washing
-'- • for her family, all in -one day." As
she was 'suffering from au attack of
malaria she was Ohlighed to defer un-
til next day the digging. of an acre of
garden, ending re, cored of wood, and
' t serves In the i.ennossee iugaent-
ture," said a elan to a new train ac-
quaintance. "I served in the Arkansas
legislature," replied the acquaintance;
and each man arose and 1rrantred a making a bed -quilt, containing 16,789
pocket -flask to keep the neck from be- pieces.
int' exposed, "I can imagine," said 'the poet,
as he toyed. with a charlotte
Dtd you hear about that row 'ester- russe, "dint Aphrodite originally rose
dray, and that Col. Peter SaanclIV `vas from one of these at some dove foast of
knocked down :end Major Stunpleby lead .the immortal pods on high .Olympus.
his nose broken?"
".No, I -didn't hear about it. How did
it happen ?a,
"Why,theywere discussing the tar-
iff queton, nd it just'ihapp ed in the
regular course of conversation."—Tex- make a shampoo, because the foam
its Siftings. --" But the hard had fainted -The
I always think so when I see one of
them." "Well, .T not, said his com-
panion; "whenever I see ;one of them
I feel like dipping a lather,brush into. .
it :and halving a close shave. It would
Pains and Aches,
rall2 MEDICINE is the IVCRLD
RICE, 25 AND 54 C,4TS
niC h V k CO. of ilea Cit, ti^r Psi• A1irt:ICAII eon -
Mau toilet us v ,amort for 11 tent* Caveats. §'rude
Starks, VotnriItits, for tlte.1J riled States. Canada.
England, Patrice, Germany, etc. Bund Booknbout
Patents sent free. Thirty-seven sears' experience.
Patents obtained tbroueitDitN.i St CO. are noticed
lot the SCIESTrr1C A9ffiniOAN the largest, best, and
most widely circulated seientf cpry1'er, g3.50a5'oar.
Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting in-
formation. Specimen copy of the'Sclentiflc Amer.
lean sent free. Address DIIWNN1st CO. Scislr'zzrxa
A izaxaax Mace.=Broadway, New York.
Will be mailed sore to all appa••clntsand to
•ustomcrs of last +1 1ISGG year without ordering it.
t contains illustrations, paces, descriptions and
directions for planting all Vegetable -and Slaver
Seeds, Planta. etc, Invaluable to all.
D. M. FERRY & CO."'iN®, :
Health & Happiness for all,
Biliousness, Headache, Dys-
pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Dropsy, . Fluttering
of the Heart,
And every species of disease arising tor
Impure Blood, &c. &c.
1'HEVAREn BY T1111"
Climax' Chemical Company
2Kl1V (' If OUSE
Havant; ateuntt•net'tl bushiest tun tate
ail and Winter Trade
tlesav riparetitupureltaseanyquantity'nf
Pork ,aubjecttothefullowingregulations -j
We will tate off Gwa pounds per hundred if
dry,aud three pouldef soft. Shooldertuek
t sventy-Pier dusts. If any of the l auk gcia
tare lett "a, 26 s'tutsextra will be deducted.
No pal( will bo bought at any price
if warm,
Wo,v.tut all flogs Grtttiog right through
br•Pnst to 11ee•1, and llama opened on to tail
Loss of Appetite,
indigestion, Sour Stomach,
Habitual Costiveness,
Sick Headache and Biliousness.
'Price, BS, per bottle. Sotdby allDruggist.
Hair Vigor
:et* .i -es, with the gloss and freshness of
;ailed or gray hair to a natural, rich brown rotor,
or deep black, as may be desired. By its uue strait?
or rel hair may be darkened, lhitt Bair tlliekeneti,
and baldness often, though not urways, cul ii.
checlts taIting of the hair, curd .titan':,tee a
and sickly gr, w1'., to vigor, 111 preven 1.. arid
rnres scurf and d onivoif, acid heals nearly every
.1?seaso peculiar to the scalp. Asa Ialdies' HLtir
1)r.'sxiug, tho mon is unequalled; it 001191ins
neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, gloss;',
and silken in nppcanittee, and imparts a delicate,
,.grecable, and lasting perfume.
.1tit. C. I. 1<UIQUElt writesfrolit 1Cia 1;l, O.,.fury
al, 18,12 • " Last fail my hair commenced tolling
oar, aad in a short time i became nearly bald. 1
used part of a bottle of Avr•,tt's11AinViooit
which stopped the falling of the hair, and started
a new growth. 1 have now a full head of hair
growing vigorously, and ant convinced that but
entirelthe y onobaldof yens preparation 1 should have been
-l. W. Bowmr, proprietor of the ltcArthUl (Ohio)
Enquirer, says : "<lrt:n's hate ''icon is at 111.1st
excellent preparation for the hair. 1 spears of It
from my own experience. Its use promote; the
growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft,
The Vomit is also at sure cure for dandruff. Not
within my knowledge ]las the preparation ever
failed to give entire satisfaction."
:MR. ANGc's FAInUAI8 leader of the cele-
brated "FalrbairnFamily "f of Scottish Vocalists,
writes' from Boston ,Maass., Feb. 6, 1S80: "Eversince h1y hair began to give silvery evidence of the
change which fleeting time procureth, I have used
Avuit's HAIn VIGOR, and so ]lave boon able to
maintain an appearance of youthfulness—at mat-
ter of considerable consequence to ministers,
orators, actors, and in fact every one who lives le
• the eyes of the public."
Mts. 0.A. PRESCOTII, writing from 18 Elm .St„
Charlestown, .Mass., Alin if 14, 1889 says : " Two
years ago about two-thirds of •nay hair came ufi'.
It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing
bald: On using Aver s IIAnt From, tate felling
stopped and a new growth commened, and in
about a month my head was completely covered
with short hair.,it has continued to grow, anti i$
now as good as before it fell, I regularly used but
eitlncly bottleasaLdressiof tte ngV."iGOht, brit new use it occasion -.
We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the
teeaey of ATER's I1A01 VIGOR: It needs. but 11
trial to convince the mostskeptleal of its value.
Dr. J. C.' Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
And every species er disease arising f'ra1i��
T. 1IURV RK & CO. ProprITO otli'i"t,•
e Year 404.
LFIrt CQ YIJAIXT, :711:P16,
And, for Purifying tho Blood.
It has h?en In use for;•)years, and has
proved to be the brat preparation in the
market for SICK D AD.1.1 HE. PAIN IN
DYSPEPSIA, PILES. and all Diseases
Mat arise, frena a Disordered Liver or ani
I1npt,re blood. `lino^.,ands of our best
art,, a tale it and giro Is to their chil-
e' -R 1' ,.,t 's 1,1.1101 v.) it daily.
il.l . o W .; Li4 p IS Guest reveto ntnLl it to
It hi Male fr.r1 Y. 'low Devi.. Honda-
s Far's,ti,art.la, tt,..t t.4ierry, Stilpngilt
cods .n t z.e sytmg
s. Wintreeeti, and
c.' -r well-known valuable hoots and
Berl,?, It isatrietITT vegetable, andatn-
mt Mitt the 8/0:4 deltat.- c. c‘,n,littalola.
Ir is or 1 of the best rttc'dieine- l::'kr a :or
Itegtitt. the Bowels.
Is Is F :d by alt :..peas b.s drr ggsVs at
ono dollar fv: a quart butt1,., or o:4 uuttlw
"Tt,M 111;1,1751714 a
obt,7n a I ^'• of this
• frr in th, it firer 1. 9 owe. 3.4 g4irl o'...a
. .
d 'a wit abet? At to moo,:
r. J7-1tE.O:t k L0., bulla tT.te t.
sa, Ott, Zatrlit,
Ara pleasant to telco. Contain their 018133
Purgative. Is a safe. sure, and effectta'
ilitErOyer of worms in Children or Adult..
Villa ISU(AOgU AIc TED 5498 TMEn61091a8HYaOr TN`SCOJN.
By the central position of its line, connects the
Bast and the West by the shortest route, and car-
ries passengers, Without'ohango of care, between
Chicago and Nausea City, Council Bluffs Leaven-
worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and St, `Paul. It
connects in Union Depots with all the principal
lines of road between the Atlantic and the Paanic
Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi-
cent, being composed ofMoss Comfortable and
Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent Roston Re-
clining Chair Oars. Pullman's Prettiest Palace
Bleeping Care, and the Beat Line of Dining Cars
in. the World., Three Trains between Chieagb and
Missouri River Pointe. Two Trains between Chi-
cago and Minneapolis and St Paul; via the Famous
A New, and Direct Line, via Seneca and Itan,ca-
kee, has reeeatly been opened between Richmond,
Norfolk Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au..
gusto, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati,
Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap-
olis and St, Paul and intermediate points.
A11 hrough Passengers Travel on Past.Espress
Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices in
the United States and Canada.
Baggage checked through and fates of fare al,
ways as low as competitors that ,offer less advan-
Br6 Cif d0ttheailed information, get the Maps and Fold
Atyour nearest Ticket Office, or address
R R. CABLE, E. ST. .1oHN,
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