HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-29, Page 8J. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail
-------- 1)
TEl•. CENTS per nue for brat iesertiorr, and
F07.113 C Eft S per lrua Lor etieh subsequent In-
sertion will be ohar8e4 for notices apreering
itx thi■ coiner.
elm ., Eefc,' '" turps,
THURSDAY, MAI 25, 11384.
Local. Happenings.
atter eree vele—.11rst and cheapest lot of
boots a4 s we teat:aits yet even in towre.
ie at C. Eftcrett's. Also ilaud-rnatlo work
repairing d lee es usual. 'Harness of
every kind alweye r,rt Bend, whips, trunks,
cbilartais carriages, express wa,oua, die.
Call and see.
A ease per','us natty secure hoard by apply-
ing to hiss. Heywood, on Ann street, south
of 1lawkrhaw'a Hotel.
ereart aed intelligent led to korai the
vitt of ptrintiva;. 31ust Lave a fair c:tltication,
Apply personally for Tfates Office. Exeter.
t (lima Offer.
We sill s.11.1 also :ffan s for Me reminder
.d 1381 to any addresx iu Canada or the
roite:l Stahl, p*astoail for Teets. Subscribe
:t" once hand pet the full limo: it of tine eller-
Kicked by a Morse.
tin Saturday last Mr. Allan'OteDmield, e.f
the 12th con. Sterne , was severely injured
by a horse kickieo him in the face. The
round being of a vesicas lettere, surgical aid
wes called, when it was di -covered that sewer -
his teeth had been knocked ont.
Aral Broken.
On Fr"day amides IK,t, while Mr. James
Digital' was exercising a colt, he met with
miens accident. Ho was leading the mil-
l -nal when it gave it suddeu jump, which
caused him to slip. and while Iia was picking
LimseIf up the colt kiek,."d trim on the arm.
It was so badly brokeu, as to cause him to
remain indoors far several days but we are
pled to notice he is able to bo around again.
bruit Trees.
Those who own plum trees should reeol.
lett that this is the season when the cumuli()
devotes itself to business. Before the •blos-
riom breaks, put a desert spoonful. of Palis-
green in a pailful of water, mix it well, and
syringe the trees thorougbly. If a shower oI
rain follow.,, syringe the trio again, and keep
021 doing so after every rain till the youug
plum is as large as a white bean.
Drop Therm.
Almost weekly commercial pedlars visit
Exeter, solicit orders for clothing, ehir;a,oto.,
and in not a few case„ with success. The
town lies several firat•class merchant tailors,
who keep excellent stocks, and guarantee
good fits ; they pay taxes, and in other ways
contribute to the prosperity of the town.
Thee why send money away from, home tor,
articles that can be purchased just as cheap
Read This.
A serviceable hint to storekeepers is given
by the Registrar of the Ontario College of
Pharmacy, in an advertisement jest publish-
ed. Those who sell Paris Green, London
Purple or "other arsenical insecticides," are
required hereafter to labal the packages with
the name and address of the seller and to
keep a record of their sale. This under a
penalty of $20 for the first offence and 350
and costs for subsequent offences. Pharmacy
Act 1884, See. 24.
Loss of a Valuable Colt.
Mr. John Heywood, of lot 18, con 3, Gs -
borne, lost a valuable 3 year-old colt,yalned
at 6200, on Monday last. On the Friday
previous Mr. Heywood turned the colt ou (;roans Bend.
left in the counter drawers on the grocery
Bide. The stolen property in all amounts to
upwards of 6100, No doubt, the object of
the thieves was to seem money and not
goods, aa there was a large quantity of silks
and other expensive goods, which they might
have taken. No clue of the guilty parties,
The Salvation Army is coming to town.
Last Thursday was Ascension Day.
Saturday next will be the iaat day in May.
A large area of spring *heat has been sew-
ed in this vicinity,
],rause house far sale, cheap. Apply at
this office.
The sidewalk is being overhauled on Main-
st south.
W. Aiken of St. Marys, gave this office a
eel on Wednesday last.
We understand that Mr, Wm, Bawdea will
leave for the Old Country ibis week.
'fir.. Mace's trotting snare took two 2nd
prizes at the Clinton rase, on Saturday last.
Itis said that a lacrosse club will be or-
ganized here in a few days.
A laarosso match between Clutton and Kin-
cardine. was won by the former.
Mrs. Hamlin has erected a new fence along
the front of her residence-
Mr- S. O, Hersey has erected a new ver-
audali is front of Iris grocery department.
ltev. W. Down of Cartwright, was in town
on Saturday last, visiting friends.
Our citizens are looking for the Salvation
By law all wells in town will have to be
clowned out by the tat July.
Exeter Court of Brewton was hold last
evening at the Mirka Rouse.
A large number of prams paid their aid
hems a visit on Saturday and Monday teat.
There was a slight treat Tuesday evening
last, which damaged the youug vegetable
Bev. Ur. Fesaaut, of Centralia, occupied
the. pulpit in the Main•at Methodist Church,
on Sabbath iaat,
On Tuesday evening last, the weather was
SO extremely cold as to bring winter clothing
into requisition,
A preparation for renovating old aurin,.
tare do., can be had at the Central Drug
Store. Try
Delegates from Exeter attended the Tom.
peranoe convention at Clinton on Tuesday
hellebore for current bushes --a ,tire pire-
veutative againat tbo deatroyer--cau be bad
et the Central Drug Store, 0. Lute, Prop.
A hearty rote of thanks was tendered the
people of Exeter by the delooatea who attend-
ed the District meetiug last week,fat the hos-
pitality ,,hewn them.
Resta W.111. Coulsons ace. in another col-
lune- He will open out a new Drug busiutas
to the comer More, opposite the Central
Mr. Weir of Exeter who assisted the Clin-
ton club in the Lacrosse match on Saturday
!eat, bad the misfortune to have his eye .
The baseball match held at Clinton on
Queen's Birthday, between Clinton and Orme
sets clubs, waswon by the visiting tenni, the
score being 81 to 9..
Mr. John Matheson's adv appears in anoth-
er column. Ho lust received a Woe lot of
boots & show:, which will be sold cheap. A
fresh stocc of teas, &o.. will arrive in a few
days. Give hire a call.
We stated last week that a portion of the
walls of Mr. 3. N. Howard's new retldeuea I
had fallen in. Wo were misinformed, as it
was only the scaffolding that fell, which was
caused by too many bricks being piled there-
Dr. Elliot, of Toronto, formerly amedical
student here, paid Exeter a short milt this 1
week. We must congratulate the 1)r. on
his semen. He gradusted with boner this
spring and is now in partuerahip with Dr.
Ring, of Toronto. Dr. Elliot received the
congratulations of nia friends ou all sides,
with his usual bonhomie -
Connell Doings,
Tho Council met pursuant to adjournment
at the Market House,Exeter, 22nd May 1881.
AU the members present,except Mr. Pickard.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and confirmed.
Moved by W. Bissett, sec by D. Johns,that
orders be granted for the following sums,viz
D. Bissett, 615 for labor ; John Keyes, 3131
do; R. Pincombe, 315.93 do ; Jno Hutchin-
son, 63 75 do ; John Coleman, 317.78 do; E
R Bissett, 324 do; T Snell 310 do Al Bis-
sett 311.873 do; John Stanlako, 318.75" do;
Zv Ws bster 614 do; and M. Eacrett 310.00
for issuing Local Licenses to May 1884.-Car-
:Moved by W Bissett, see by A. G Dyer,that
Dr. Hyndman, Mr. T Hamlin and Mr. D
Johns be Health Commissioners with the
Reeve and Clerk under the New Act relating
to Public health. --Carried.
Moved by W Bissett. sec by A G DYer,that
this Connell adjourn until after the Court of
Revision to be held on the 28th May inst.—
M. EAcnnrr, CLruct.
Round the Country,
grass, and it seemed to be in good he .1th,un-
til Monday morning, when it appeared some-
what restles4, and would. continually walk
about and eat nothing. The animal was im-
mediately brought to Exeter, and within ten
minutes of its arrival it dropped dead in the
street. A post mortem examination was held
by Nlr. Sweet, and it was found that the bow-
els of the animal were tangled and ruptured,
which paused death. Mr. Heywood had a
matched team of colts, and has bean offered
3400 for them scores of times.
On Sunday night or early on Monday
morning, the stere of Messrs. Barnwell &
Pickard was entered by burglars, who effect-
ed an entrance by rue cellar window. They
broke the iron bars that protected the glass,
and went through a grating on the inside, as
well. The parties evidently were not well
acquainted with the premises, judging from
the fact that theyattempted to gain an en-
trance to the Dry -goods, Department by way
of the cellar, as the door leading to the main
floor was blocked by shelving. This did not
stop them. They cat a bole iu the door suf-
ficiently large enough to allow the hand to'
pass through, in order to draw the bolt which
fastened it. Finding that this woald not
work, they rnade a surveycof the collar, and
finally discovered that an entrance could be
inacle to the Grocery apartment. This date
they were Bucoessfal, and after teaching the
Dry -goods Department, the thieves packed
together 'a pair of, pants, two suits of clothes,
n quantity of plated jewelry and ornament
as well as a small amount of cash t
The 24th was well celebrated here.
" The fur was flying." Many sports
were out.
The nobs from Crediton were out on
Saturday Last, and enjoyed themselves
very much.
"Horse - racing on the " home-
stretch " was very exciting.
We much regret to chronicle the
death of Mrs. Alloway, an old pio-
neer settler of this locality, at the age
of 74 years. She died suddenly and
unexpectedly last week and was fol-
lowed to the grave by a large number
of her old associates. Medical aid
was summoned on Wednesday of last
week, but it was of no avail as 3 or 6
hours after she breathed Ler last,
previously becomingunconscious..
Thomas Ballantyne, M. P. P,, of
Stratford, retugned on Tuesdny even-
ing from his transatlantic trip, in ex-
cellent health. - Mr. Ballantyne has
made several puronasea of cattle and
sheen from noted. breeders iu England
nd Scotland.
Rev, Mr. Watt occupied the pulpit,
in tits Presbyterian Church last Bab.
• Mr, and Mrs. Hollingehead, t vo of
the oldest settlers in these parte,, left
twat week for Galt, where they intend
making their future house, their many
friends hero will rase tboni greatly as
they were highly esteouued by all
who kuew thein.. We wish them
every prosperity in their now home.
The congregation of the Methodist
Ohurch hero, were greatly pleased
with. the service last Sabbath, it being
conducted by Rev. Mr. Kersey, nu
African gentlemen. On Wednesday
evening the Rev. gentlenlaa gave a
lecture, in the same church, taking
for hia subject "Slavery and temper-
ance" whioh was highly appreciated I
by the audience.
U. A. L. K. 0.—The following it
continued from last week .-'-Under
the bead of spew busiuei,a, the follow.
tug teaolutions introduced by private
tuotnbere, Were rend nut( paused,
That whereas the Local Logieleture
has set aside the enen of $50,000 to
be applied to the purpose of eaoour.
aging tree planting, and whereae
tie, of trees bas boon pnblielted from
which the soft maple le omitted. be ik
therefore resolves, Shat it is the opine
ten of the members of this clab, that
the Soft Maple is outs of the most
beautiful of shade trees, and therefore
should be iuoluded its the boatload
(2) That whereas during the peel
few weeks the cotutuus of the Exeter
papers ltave beau glutted with simple
child's twaddle, about "Eaouutoy in
insurance", and whereas the writer's
object awns to be anxiety to see his
mane iu public print,rather than auy
benefit he cnn hope to confer upon
the public, tad whesea' the replies to
the sante aro seetuiugly done so tae.
talize tate vain gloricue. be it there•
fore reaolved th.tt it is the opinion of
the members of this club, who arta
enbsoribnrs of both journals, that both
papers might be better employed than
publishing the r"rubbish" of the one
or the "teasers" of the other.
butte DernOnT,
Itfr. G. A. Powell, Wolter of Mead -
cremate, is at present visiting his
fronds to Winchelsea, having been
compelled through sickness to give up
hia school fox a while.
Potatoe planting anti sheep wash.
ing is the order of the day. Statute
labor comes next in order and after
that "noxious weed" exterminetiug.'
That man who lives in the ueigh.
boyhood of Winchelsea, emphatioally
contradicts the statement that he
struck a horse on the hand causing it
to run away while on the road from
Exeter. On the contrary he took
nfr. Manning up and gave slim a ride
as far as he wished to go. He also
Mateo that they were both guiug to
Exeter and that Mr. M. turned cut to
let him pass,
Should not fail
l a nifi
In Worsteds,
Scotch and
Canadian wrweeds.
4 Portoot tit FutorAttoteod
or **toy refultute4*
Ready-made Clothing a speciality --
both in Men s and Boys.
Inepeetiou invited. No trouble to show Goods.
to inspect our
cent Stock
John Ball, D. Steiubatelt. together
with the Reeve and Clerk be up pein•
tett heaths officers in and for the mutti-
cipality of IIay,iu compliance with
the requirements of the Public Heelth
i Ant of 1884, aud a By-law be parsed
coufarming said appoiutancut. The
tollowing accounts wore paid ; ---J.
Bouthron, assessor, $75 ; J. G. Kalb.
Minh, lumber, $20, 65, wheu the
council adjourned to moot at the call
of the Reeve.
S. FOSTER. Clerk.
mat as a Court of Revision and ap-
peal on Tuesday May 20th. The'
members all present. There being
no appeals the business of the Court
was limited to making a few ohauges
in the Aeseament Roll as follows : —
Moved by Mr. Surerus seconded.
by Mr. Rennie that the following
changes be made in the Resident
Roll for 1884.
Tile property of R. Be Johnston
Zurich, to bo appealed to 0. Greb
and J. S. Smith as owners at $26 00 ;
that R. R. Johnston be 'assessed for
part of oarding mill Reserve as Ten-
ant al $800, and that lots 61 and 62
Knelis survey be assessed to H.
Reese instead of August Ehnes.
Moved by Mr. Heyrook, seconded
by Mr. Rennie that lots 12 and 18 S.
B. be taken from: the non-resident
Roll and assc $;ed to John Penbale jr.
and John Penhale sr. respectively as
On motion the Court adjourned to
meet on Wednesday Juno 251h.
After the adjournment of the Court
of Revlelnn the council met and tran-
sacts, ..,.. following business :—
Mose . ay Mr, Heyrock seoonded
by Mr. Surerus, that S. Rennie be
instructed to; open the ditoh opposite
lot 10, con 10, Mr. Heyrock was in-
structed to expeud the sum of $5 in
opening the ditch opposite lot 6, L.
R. W.
Moved by Mr: Heyrook seconded
by Mr. Surerus, that J. Voelkor be
pathreaster instead of. J% Grebeil,'and
James Reith instead of R. Carlisle.
Messrs. Rennie and MoEwen wer in-
structed to examine the road at the
point where the:Saable river Drosses
on the 5th con, and consider whether
or not it is necessary t0build a new
Moyed by Mr. Rennie seconded by
Mr« Surerus that Dt. ' MoPermaid,
Oran -ton.
The village of Granton was wild
with excitement on friday last, end
the gossips of that burg bare uow got
something spicy to talk about. Yenta
ago a fair daughter of a well-known
resident of London township was
wound and won, and settled down to
housekeeping with the Ulan of her
choice. In a few years, however,
death stepped iu and carded offtheline.
baud. The widow was left with two
youug children and was inconsolable
at Der loss, But a short time elite -
sed before another swain—this time a
noble son of Fulcan residing in a vil
lege not teu miles south-weet of St.
Marys—"made up" to the widcey,
and in a few mouths the twain were
made ouo flesh. Tha newly -married
Bin had a brother, who also had an
eye on the widow, (tato events prove,
however, that the widow had an eye
on him) but the newly -married couple
seemed to enjoy their new life, and
all far a time went merry as a marri•
ago hell. But only for a time. The
woman was fair, site was frail, and
she wasn't forty. Her heart was
with her bachelor brother-in•law, and
she arranged to meet him in Gran tali:
When elle was getting ready to start
for the trysting place at Granton, the
husband wanted to know where she
was going. Woman like, she was
ready with her excuse, she was going
to Granton to buy some things.
Just the thing, be had to go there to
get some woodwork done, and the wo
started. While attending to his bust•
nese the husband somehow "smelt a
mice" and on 'going to the station
found his unfaithful brother and wife
ready to start for the land of the free,
and of easy divorce. It is needless
hero to say that there was a scene,
and the two didn't get away. The.
wife was carried horns a prisoner of
war, and the brother hied away to
the hostelry of a well•knowtt and pop-
ular landlord. The mon and boys of
the village, who of course had the
praiseworthy objeot in view of keep
ing their village free from the stain of
immortality, demanded •the hotel
keeper to gyve up the culprit until
they would give him a close of stale
hon.fruit, but he would not be givou
up, although threats of boycotting
the hotel were used. Tho man after•
wards did get to the. station unseen,
but he was soon recognized, and' on
the double quick made again. ,for the
hotel before the eggs could be previa
eti for that ons>laugltt,. How he got
ewny, or whether he is there yet, is
out known, but it is mare than likely
that he will trot try again to run off
with nuotlter mau'a wife"• --not • even
his brother's --At loayt around Gran•
- s -..,,R..{
Ten ('axon. -Impure blond is the cause
°tinany ailments, buy a bottle of Golden
Emit hitters, undoubtedly tho best Blood
Purifier. bold by all dreggi;tis.
The Connell of the Corporation of -the oottu-
t , of Huron will meet in the Court lroorn,•4n
thomeet Town of Goderich on Tuesday. the8rd df
Juno next. Ali accounts against the Council
must be seat in before the arst session of the
second day of emetine.
Mel 17, lata.
Court of Revision
--3,•011 Tnrc—
Tho Court of Revision fur the Township of
shorn°, on the Assessment of t88l, will b e h old
Sattu.rdayf MAT 31.st, .1884
--.AT xura—
Commencing at ten o'clock a. M. Tho Assess
went !toll can be soon at my o` ice after this
Usborno, May ebb, N. J CLARK, Cl er 1;
Mortgage Sale
—O r—
Valuahlo R¢al lialo
):'-: i
the Power of Sale contnine 1 in two cer-
tain Mortgages made by WILLIAM WILSON
et. al. to the Vendors .which will be produced
at the time of sale, there will bo sold by PUB-
1.IC Auction, on the premises, at and Hoar the
Village of Hensall, In the County of Huron, at,..
one o'clock p. m., by David Dickinson Auction
ear, on
FRIDAY, 27th day of JUNE, 1884.
Tho following valuable property, namely
FIRST PARCEL: —Lot dumber twenty-three
and the North'half of Lot number twenty-two,
in the first Concession of rho Township of Hay
in said County, containing together 150 acres of
land, mor a or less. This property contains a
large and .well -finished Brick' Dwelling,' and
commodious Barns, Stables ,etc,
SECOND PARCEL: --Village Lots in Hensa11
numbers 21.22, 28 and 21, on the North side of
Ring Street; and 30,37.88,. 89 and. 10,-on'the
bouth side'of Queen Sheet. These lauds will
bo offered in smaller parcels to suit purchasers•
if thought desirable.
TERMS and conditions will be m.,de known
at time of Sale. For f nrthor,�pparticttlars apply.
to DAVID DIcxiusoN, Autioneor, or to
Vendor's, Clinton, Ont.
Dated 20th K11.17,1884,