The Exeter Times, 1884-5-29, Page 7It Took,
A Bowery dealer in clothing got hold
of a chap the other day who had a
knowing look he his eyes, and who
strongly objected to paying $7 for a
coat which he had trier, oil,
"Well, >, den't sav ,lot it is worth
W." replier, the dealer.
"Then late do von ass. it?"
"Theli, my eyes lin# got so poor dot
anypody can pass badt money on Sue
DOW, If l sols, dot goat for $7 I should
expert to git $1 in gounterfeit motley
and $2 silver dot rites plugged, oop."
"I guess I'll take it," said the stran-
ger, after'[ pause, and be scraped the
bottoms of his ,{pockets.nod hunted his
wallet over forhitts,
"Dot is rig,ht, young man, and I
know you wouldn't sheat an Ole Mali
nit' sore eyes."
The coat was bundled up and the
stranger disappeared in a lively man-
ner. The tleaier .turned to the cash on
the counter, carefully examined earl[
piece, anal they • was a heavenly smile
on his face as he chuckled out:
"Only ninety et'rats of keit money,
end some of dot Llenty good enough to
put in the ahildten's saving hank;"--
I€'ati Streit .fetes.
An Witte, frau ore.
The massacre at 11'auekhnrn's Ferry,
Cal., WAS hut onge I,z many scenes of
blood that '!narked the in ti reourse at the
two races for several years. The ferry
was established in the spring of 1$ i1
and was briefer the vharge tit the man
frena when'. it derived ite name, who
was living there with hi wife and three[
resistants, The proprietor:, Merle (twin
R. Tompksizi and ('harlots 1leDermit,
the latter of whom afterwards - became
inthe army and fell in battle.
with Indians in Nev2tte in lritiu. The
reauager and his wife uecupiecl a small
Shake shanty nut far from the rivet
bank, while the three assistants slept in
a tent near by, Between these was an
Open space need for at kitchen and din•
ing room. Mrs. Illaekhurn was ;t noble
W011110n of that pioneer class who have
been led by love to fallow the foutste lei
of their itis', into the vers heart of the
wilderne Slue notirtetl one ties that
stock, e.f bullets wait nearly eNhalltit
eel, and with the usual pre►n)Iltnees of
such people at once 1nA►liled a large
quantity., tv)me would call it proviclen•
JIM, and so it 1t a providential rl srte
caution. The ferry hat never been n
tested it tete Indians and they felt no
amuse,, alum, and yet that eery night
been [,veil upon for a lua.saerft r)1
them ,'ell. M the evening shattowt'
blended in a universal gloom the Inili
;1n. er,'rthered in, the fairest about the
abode if their i otlnlr
1 ilh-
ed until their Itwerey(.4closed Arteat .
:dumber :duuer a►niI the plate Mai wrapped
1 ,
tetfAnl:tn c ►f.ttrr o.
ll 1 t
When the nicht wail ao far advanced
that they felt free trent the intettrnptiopl
of belated travelers, the savages erupt
stealthily to the teat where thle three
men lay e,leett» ige and eonrmeneed the
work of death. Besides bows An.l ar-
et•ow:el there Indian,. were armed with
tong l:niv4 a gime not basing tet fallen
into their 1,,),,,;,..,401t. 'l'1rn of the nein,
were in;t antiy kilh•tl. 'elite the third,
badly wounded. ;prang to his feet and
leashed towarde the cabin, Trying laud',
ly for help. Ile load taken but a few
steps when he fell under the blows of m
dozen IxlU ens Wilt) had renutiuerl out.
side the tent. Aroused from their slum.
,leer by the cry and souulle of struggle,
the inmates of the =bin hastily herr',
• e ,t Icd the door and prepared for de.
tense. Their arms eansisted of two
ritles and a revolver, and, thank, to the
woman's =re, :t plentiful supply of hula
lets. The night way Clark and the foe'
multi not be seen, lint their continued
yells and volleys of arrows were even
the more horrible on that account.
Blackburn maintained an ineessnnt fire
in all dire c tions,his wife reloading the
weapons as fast as he -se
har c
l them.'
All that long and terrible night the de-
fense was made, until the yells died out
about daybreak and the enemy departed.
Early in the morning A. E. Ray nes,
R llli�itu Yonng and William Little ap•
peered on the opposite side of the river,
and shouted to .arouse the ferryman.
Blackburnemerged from the house and
walked down to the boat, saying;
"I'm glad to see you, boys. They
are all killed but myself and wife."
As he ferried them over he related the
details of the attack and how the de-
fense had been made.
"Diel sou kill any of the devils?'
asked one.
"I don't know; the night was dark, ]
could not sec."
"Well, lot us take a shin around and
• see what we can find. They always car
ry off their dead and wounded, and you
never can tell whether any are killed or
"Iere is one they didn't cart off,
said one, as he noticed a body about 10(
yards from the house. "No, ' he added,
-"it is a white maul."
They hastened to it, turned up the
face to get a bettor view, and Blackburn
exclaimed: "Great God! it is my father."
The old gentleman had not seen, hit
n son for ten years, and had followed hire
er to Califon: i at. He started from Trinidad
with a pack train, which camped that
night some ten miles from the ferry
:Coo eager to \waif, the anxious father
pushed en alone and fell beneath savage
knives in sight of his Son's Cabin
May It Prove True,
It is reported that it is the pnreos0 of
Samuel J. Tilden to leave. a lame mon-
ument to his name in the gift to the
city of New York of the magnificent
mansion "just cornl)Ieted in Gramercy
Park, together with all its rich treas
urea of rare hooks and works of art.
The library contains the largest and
most valuable -collection of books in
New York. if not in this country.
Wanted to Awe, .
"chief" of one of the New
evening papers walked inte the eity, ale-
partmenton last We,Inesday marnin,g.
flee cite editor had jest lighted a pipe
of Killikinie, and several of the report-
ers were enjoying •"corn cobs," prepa-
ratory to going out on thewarpetlt after
murders, rnnur:ince f tilures, and other
events ueceseary to progressive eiviliZiC-
tion. The editor-in-ehief looked at the
iilnoker , Made a vapid nelttal calcula-
tion of the number of enble feet of air
being adulterated with smoke, and said:
"O=A0euiens the order ie that no smok-
ing will be allowed during -office hours.
•Smoking affeets the lute's, irritates the
sir passages. and pre[- tints men of-abilia
ty front soaking a good newspaper.
The city editor Welted, threw his pipe
out of the window, rind all the reporters
were reluctantly preparing to follow
his example, when a maiden, little jack --
rabbit .of a fellow, who hati only peen•
on the paper three days, jumped out of
a canebottonted eltair, and walked bolds
ly up to the "chief " -afar "Exrense
cite, but arc yen the head of this e-'talp.
li,shllrent?"' "1 ant." "Allows me to
[.Ting •atnlzte v'on. 1188 t l:i-i t'-► meet
you, sirMy father, whoa, a• poitmeeo
or in Orangee comets, cava you are a
good man. I;a4 l chink Pon are wrong
about smok eg- IIs .t ri i a;,a:n;t yon
sir, and I I1 prove le
This wee said. its an easy flow of
breath. and to the a stoid.bntent of the
eity editor ,x1811 reporters. The chief
himself was evidently tc►n suepriyed to
knuek the young man into the ash -bol;,
sod order the janitor to remove him to
�. rr
the e t]u I t the profound
, #t et tri tit ,-
fence, the young Wren cotinued sI
see yon want preof. Diekeus, Thaek-
erey and.ilyron :.marked, and did w4
wed ptumher tri, fix tluedrair p .saes.
Then there were Miltau (von llav heard,
of Milton, the fellow woo wrote the
story about Atlint :Heti Late) and,
the boss pine. Both of then[ smoked,
and their 181308, membrane- were a3
good as new when •they died. 'ion uiny
say these are exceptions. Well, Addl-
sou smoked so diel G'harloy Lamb .and
Campbell. History says nothing about
their. nerves 'being.hatt,'reed. Itut these
Bright and glurltelt itaatu@ ; are not all,
for Burns and Lock['. $:rote aucl ll.ln
Webster. ,Tulin •[Quin,';► Mame and
Henry ['lay, Andrew ,Taut; -un and old
Grant himself all smoked, and never
dire, with their beide on. These are but
a few of the stuni.ers owl if ,you will
li;(en a". ---:(t this junctures the lire
alarm wag sounded; the editor leaped to
his desk, while the veteran, ~seen[ .Inns
stain four t4.,ps to a Pulp. 1eavin'r the
young elinp from Orange In a whirl of
speeulatton ns to the pr.)b'IlIlte result at
i 1t)i1 �. � It li 1 r, . „
hie (r . 1t 4 L tt
following. 1 � was made
an t]l f it m 1 11 t 1 t n i t tic o
1 t 1 ml,t 1
aesi;tent to the 'haw ball reporter at a
salarc of five dollar; a weeeek. 11 reh.
fnpdoia f'rtllttaf.
History Repel its Itx alt
The world nu►ves, but very slowly;
how slowly, we were. showy, the other
day, b1 a copy of the Nov lurk Sinn of
1849. Yt wits a very ancient and musty
paper, looking he full a'ge of 81 1 t'atw;
but hand it been new and elms,[, itmight
have been handed to nearly any one
and. been real, [anvi;,[ and through
without hit diecoveering that the news
in it was more than a century oltl.
The leading editorial is on "Our Na -
Yes" which department, the .fila,, at-
tdeka vigoruu'ily ars utterly uneati:sfac-
tcn'y :tint lnrefie cut, and consisting of a
lot of "old tubs." '1'lie article might
be reproduced to -day without the
change of a word, and no one would
detest, the atuaehronislm.
The fu1K1 news hi almost
with that published in the 'fineee-I)cnto-
ceat title morning, with only at few
changes needed in the name;. From
Ireland comes the story of destitution
and starvation—it was soon after the
great Irish famine --.of plots against
Great Britain, o -
of 9 .Cie
ties organized, and half-starved Irish -
mien being shipped to America by the
British (,oyernuient, seeking to stop the
famine by depopulating the country.
In France —it was during the days of
the second republic—there' is the same
story of quarrels and abuse among thra
various factions of the Republicans, the
sante hostility of the Reds to the Con-•
serlatiye Republicans, and the same
in)peritllistic plots against the govern-
.A. revolution fills up the South Am-
erican column, while home affairs con-
sist of the usual damages to lifti and
property from spring Roods, and the
usual cxeiting election n'WS,. with a
large vote polled and big majorities for
the Democracy.
The worlticertanly moves. During
this period of thirty --four years the geog-
raphy of Europe lies been. materially-
changed. Two united nations, Ger-
many and Italy, have sprung into life.
France has changed her governiatent
twice, and yet Europe has got around
to pretty )ouch the senile condition she
occupied then. In this country a
mighty civil near has been wager.,, a.
race hits been freed and made citizens,
and the whole constitution of the Coun-
try has been changed; ;Ina yet so does
tehist:ory repeat' itself" the Sun furnish -
Os t.e-(18v pretty much the Bailie news as
in 1S49.—.N'ety Orleaaza '[Tucci[ -Democrat,
Mrs. Sargent, wife of the American
Minister at"Berlin, in a letter describ-
ing a call upon the Empress of Ger-
many, said: "Her majesty surprised
sue by. asking ;about my_ 'daughter Liz-
zie. She ha hoard that Lizzie began
the study of medicine in California' and
Was, now continuing:it in Zurich. 'We
are much interested in medicine,' the
Empress added, and then spoke of the
civil tar in America and the Franca-
Prussian war,. saying that the Gtirntans.
had galined much valuable infor•,mation
from the Americans as. to the treatment
of sick and wounded soldiers,` which
was out to good use in their last war.11
Interesting Items, ••-.-Severalebocka of earthquake were felt
Wednesday tbroeghont the penisula of Cyzi-.
ems, Asia minor- Several villages were des.
ttroyed, and twenty persons killed.
$1000 Eorfei e
Having the utmost oonfdouce in t impal-
ority over all others, and after thousands of
testa of the most complicated and severest
-Rev. R. Williams suieided at {;liintothe,
Mo-, yesterday,svith prussic Reid to avoid
p.oseentiou for bigamy-
Bllcklen's Arnica SWIM -
The Best Salve in the worts[ for Cute, Bruin-
es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres,
Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively outset Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ENO
perfects satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2,) Gents per box. For sale by all drug-
i The effects of whiskey aro always evil, and
those who feed upon aleboholio stimulants,
va'uly endezvoring to cure coughs and eon -
gumption, but nurse a viper, Ilagyar+l's Pea
torsi Balsam is a remedy that is always reli-
able for all throat, bronchial and lung troubles,
and never does harm to any elle,
Janes Brayley, Hamilton, says ; "I reed
the teatiutonials for Mcssegore Speedy (lure
and found that 1 had not to go to New York,
Philadelphia, Louisiana, or Texasto and living
witnesses of its satin, we base plenty of per-
sons nighs here to prove its merits. 1 got a
bottle and it ,,Aged me ri?lit away, I eras so
bar, with I3flioa„ Fever tool Indigestion ss I
thick any one eisild be, I base take 1► tier: e
Potties and Ara nearly well gaud can eat soy
kind rf fool withent ft hurting me. I may
Ge, Free tris,, l _attics ht J. W. ll
0Ilrag Store. 2
—The U'nite4 Sees L eeln;+t:o.3 Co. was
1►e0rper:atee in Now Yea a E ti cal.,
$500 ROAN -aril.
est :,ill pay ti,i+ Axe., reward ter any
°'ease of Livercorpptaint, Dystiepeie, Siete head-
seha, 1ndt; L =tt,e,1 0 -meal at ion for Costiveness
• we cannot enrewith Weirs i egetable Liver'
Lille, when the din:etiohcs are *trickly complied
'tsit]I '!'lee ar tl •fel • }ee•'t, e
e t tali s a e u yr r
1 nl
y p
A ,
i fail togive atttisfact eo. Sugar coated. Large
, ba"e', containing '3u isiL , is 0 3(114 For sate
:'by all Tsl.;,;yrrt,. Beware of eeenterfe•ite and
iimitations. The Herminetnanufeeturr•d only
by JOLiN C. WEST it CO., "The fill mak-
tera," 81 5.83 Itiug etree t East T, reale, (int.
!rare trial, .te%aage beta by )[mail t^rept;a1't'el en
P of a time cent statute.
Flt: ore)Ma E;�r TeRAN\S>CTIUNS.
Thera ae, (138117 frainls Ferprctaterl in teeth.
dile. marl 38887 alcextl(' 41 308)06lfes rtorrie
than use es`. Net se trill)1Ieseerrl's ,epees
11 rY s e
Uig uta(•tieA tvar°t•�;
#kt hist i11tr` to
rt l an d
"caterual wediciue for ull pain, ret'renerts and
„i(aj)lrite, with widen Inman fli"h le Afflicted.
'We have a, epet.1y anti pesiti%e• cure for,
Catarrh llil',tlteridt, (Sinker mouth and Ileal
l A *meal bilettarfree with cash battle. L'a:e it
It von desire health and a eweet re I tl
, Price
, 50 de, Seib by J. W. Browning I:xeter.:13
-•Iianict Bloom, Fon of a wealtt•I Easton,
Ps„ farmer threw himself len?. a burning log
Way ]rake WA wift va til era dia#1t, Sui-
1es Li----.• d'sty1 What's the matter ;t" ,f
ly --r 1L'ith fico envc loln'.l iu volt of hot
Olt .1
I'm crazy with eithat Neural.rat•
is that a l freed 7 t n b s
n ctt rust ale."
t1; 7
a,.,•„r. W.11, howtet?iAeIt . Why ,lr,41
n t you
haluJ.}t.l:rear,inKSIli ni;.e+tilemo.1 gt1 a
ivet ►,
,.. Cf AZ's : ! , •q�.
l trt.l f l .l A l lit(n Honed •, - beet
a a r,e131.3 its t .
than nue minute. I always Step a bottle in
the house. It only costa 25 conte. " 2
ON THIRTY ii Ya' TltT ,.
Tun Yuu.rare Litaa Co., Marshall, 71ieh„Rif
eel Ila Prr,'aCreamertans+ Eze.ceue.Vorr.ue
Pani,,.. 1N. 1'1.l e c„tr' .tl t't,141 6 05 ,al trial for
thirty t18y1to men (ysin, lg or eget) rho 1110 af'I
I ietee with 2Aeryene debility, trust vitality
and Limited tren141te;., enarmltte. duel
speedy and complete reetorntion of health and I
manly vigor, Address as above. N. Il. --No
rode is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed
Railway and tel graph lines between Le.
rida and Tarragona, Spain, have been rut
Supposed to be the work et Revolutionists.
4411rown's household Panacea', has no equal
forrolieviagpain,bothtuterualnnd externa! It
CII sonata Ia the Side, back orbowels,sore throat
Rheumatism, Tootbrlehe,Lambage and auy kind ,
ctfal4 Aiuorexile. "It win most surely quicken
the blood and heal, lea Its acting power is 33-0801't'-
l e+ I o y h xl< P ul •cen' 1, 1 t •-
fut. I ro3rn t I (i a I t 1, ei ( a cl,
uowlodgeri as she groat Pain l:ulitn•or,and of duo
biet11eatrength of any other Elixir or Liniment
intim world,nhculdbe in every family randy for
use When wanted; esitreally is the boat remedy
in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
Painsand :tubes of all kinds,' and Is for sale by
all Druggists atit; cents a bettio
SetcfuItf 1 � rther
e afircnl.lf fromLatite erou
a pig, from the supposition that the disease
CatlnO from catieg swine's flesh, It is often in-
herited from parents, and leads to abs.esses,
ulcerous sires, debility, king's evil and con-
sumption. The ease of the Rev, Wm. Stout,
of Winston, who suffered 23 years from scrofu-
lous abscesses, is one of the most remarkable
on record. Burdock Blood ='fitters cured hitn
after the best medical shill had failed.
—A. London despatch says a Canadian
loan of ton million: pounds is imminent. Its
Chief purpose is to Assist the e011ye.sion of
five per cent. bonds. •
I=you should be so nnforiurato as to Burn,
Scald or Wound yourself iu any way the prop.
er thing to keep clean and heat it is McGregor
& Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Insist on having,
and be sure you get; McGregor cC Parke's Car-
bolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. 3'. W. Brown-
ing, Druggist, has the genuine. 2
_A.- C A.RD •
To all wile are suffering from the orrorsand
indiscretfonsofyouth, nervous weakness, early
decay,lossof manhood, etc.,I willsend areceip
hat will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE • This
great remedy was discovered by a missionary in
South America Sendasolf-addressed oiuvolor,s •
to the Rov ro SEP 31T INMAN. 8k/tie?? D, New York
A:1swER Tff.s q nee: o Why el0 so many
people we see around us,seem to prefer to snf
for and be made miserable by indigestion, con-
stipation, dizziness, loss of nppatite, coming
up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 Dents,
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante
ed. t• cure them, Sold by J. W. Browning,
Exeter. 'It o w
Ilolloway's Fills,—Sudden changes, fre-
quent fogs, and pervading dampness sorely
impede ;she vital functions, and conduce to
ill -health. Tho remedy for such disorders
lies in some purifying; mediicno, like. these
Pills,`whioh is competent to grapple success-
fully with the mischief at its source, and
stamp it out, without fretting the nerves, or
weakining the system. FIoliowaq's 'Pills ex-
tract from ,the blood all noxious matter, reg-
ulate the notion of .every disordered organ,
stimulate the liver and didneya, and ,relax the
bowels. In miring chest coin laints these
Pills are remarkably effective, especially when,
aided' by a free local application of the Oint-
ment. This double treatment will ensure a
certain, steady and beuedcient progress, and
say that I am better than I ever expected to
1 clod, we Erol justidad in offering
to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any ease
nos; bronchitis, censumptlou in its early
stages, whooping cough, and all diseases of
the throat and lungs, exooptAetbnia,for which
we Duly claim relef, that we can't cure with
\Ycst's Lough Syrup, when taken according to
directions. Sainp➢e betties 25 anal 50 cents;
,arieho#flea one doAlar. Genuine wrappers
only fit blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent
by snail on receipt of price. JOHN C. WEST
e: CO., 81 ,?i' 83 King St. Eest,Teronto,Ont. I
The secret, of be',nty has beea at last re- I
sealed: Without good, healtlbpure blood and
a fair clean skin none care possess good leaks.
What is ,more aiepulsire than pimples, btatah-
es ami a sallow or pastry complexion ? Bur -
flock Blood. Bitters reveal the feet that all
can gain pure blood and freedom from the tc-
putene diseases of the skirt that result from
Young lady, do not despair.. I)r. 1:. O.
}heat's .erre end Bruin Treatment will airs
hysteria and all uervo.ta troubles. Scald its
J. W. Brg;vit a '.. Drug Store. 5
.L s ilnlneroiII te.tin.,ceulals'mili show, there.
is 160 Snort dere fair deeflless tamn
lI t yard's Tell', Oil. It is a1 -;e the beat
remotefur ear vette, sere throat, et.,14',
rlreutuat➢,ru, sed fesairs 6313.)1*fu_e1,cs;
orally. Used externally And i:raterlrall; .
R lust every Berson should ktlowr -The gruel
outlets of dleeeee irons the ssetene are 044,
botveleauel the kidney'.. Jolanstein'e Sarsapa-
rilla is the Most safe, pleasant aced s'ifestiial
perchers of the as stem known. Try enc hnttk'
marl bo eouvinccd. For sale at the Golden
Mortar, star d'. W. atv o) ••r,OM-
.I1r AAnI r ,
, .2 ell.
There are tee. pe(io(eiu the life of ever,v
female when the dentals touters -we great
chauL.•s. Fest, Om el►apge frost childhood
to Wf,nta,nit0etl next, that of Mums ulteod to
ehl age. These ars: the critienl ellaegs'e of
life, And the syx.teuI Fhu-.i: i lie noeri.l sit ciaoel
reguia$e.1 by that mlatchlesssuer,[ Bum;cls
Blood pet'i'te . Lig invaluteb.. an ►.l xis,. a=•:
wearier to feetna➢ree.
sound health will soon be re-established.
Planing Mili!
lrkrnlow. .•,n:,
AS.13tl.iattthe44l..,, ci. ,
I lowo x, •4 x ie: , 4'4
Ar rs.r.stiso slots KSA 4+11:1 ,tr i✓ S. iv a%,
rimedp iA Os0 rhe N fk1 e.: 6, )%” ,*4 [' Y
fam,d i, a'x room far a• 111,013r r4oe3s t n:; a Aar i•
ties f.•4 a iraatisa .a't a Brea aunt* et my .14,-,•; •
moody.. 48vo )-'YQroso and root 0A400, 2a e,s*.
oonila•- f,rr a iris►, one rwin ooze yes.
4dr*sa nr, U. O. $0Qr,13 rears $t, wow, 'rk:: .
Salt ! Salt I
—> as sk1J'.E ,AX
Exeter Salt Works Go
--A 1.►8(a: Qua:anis* cr.-
1.4 aiad
1.tand and Fine Salt
All communications addressed to the uitdersig:,-
ed will be promptly arum c red.
Exeter P. ti
V AN -111E ID
VI.I) AND r+1.P.TLt 31tt'R0T1:,0,.
Any one wishing to sun thin sheaf+ off' opert;'
an rearing ebtuiiu a par:limier by apply big
(11405. 1'1. I3OY11GISS.
I.siattc)fcr, Pehq,la,a Ft„ Loo.ttou, 0r,t
TO X0411
at lowest to 1 ,,
trrte,Yo ► r. .. o
of rot Apply t
(' k:•Illtvt+til.st3,onRru•
itf r� 1I f 't
Cott�n Company
IIANDa'AC1 t'A1:n, or
r, , ,,,
,i Ne It T
Whit -told ('ote,4,•,i, Siusb'i,attl Double
PE: WARPS. Whitt and n/' Colors,
REAM WARPS of every description,
Rosiery Tarns Balled and Knitting Tarns
or 1 1'1'.111 V 1,t.iF.t3`,
Iet:NI:!I1, TICE1NtiS and t°o:tTT(s 1, 1c1:S,
mese neves ere u 11i3 -4l'4 5113 19-.414,11.M d irr the
trado to be tally equal to un • [[tatter. and fee 3 )"
.,,421uri13 8l1,1 aSOM:CI•, ID wank( ata, r'olcrrng till c
are ul(.3115 ut :'t4,
(I.%B11t T Wfi, sit.11 '.lift[ 31111 find Out'
'Warps superler 10 sow in tl:e M 'ket ; we est:
vou J fi to
Meta Btr
If your
ry Good[
it a:,,t It write
to us awl we will see yea ur:' prom/.tly supplier.
OL Ia YARNS, • t which r o ars:tt1" all [less ritt-
tioas5il➢be found equally good. Ask Ale
them. Try them .
T; era ont•w
1,.s Cern ► t . its. , .
n rr.irtt two •
r so.
vornt,:e.Rtya6'rorot/to F:xrril.itfun iu lits.,. art., ::
,rat prize; at Woe/nein/ Exhihtian at KtuLrtt.w
TV R N J. .l-� LA it tf31.\TS:�SyINANSA.Vq.,Toronto ; F. Ili
=EMI,: 00..Moutreull, ty lease
Done to order.
Remember:04e place.
Dyer 41t. Uowar( .
this Sowing Machine is offered at the unheard, of
anti ridiculous low price of SS, it must not be
supposed that it is a toy. It will do the work of
any FIFTY DOLLArt ZACniNII, and do it as well
n telt ton scientific- i i
It to co atruc u now and princi-
ples I
simple o' t -os worked
los and isinc e true i easier v, o etI
and leas liable to get out of order than any ma-
chine in the worlIt stakes the aatuo stitch as
the leadinelnachines in the United States The
principle of construction is entirely new. and
covered by Ur- ad patents Saving secured this
machino,irehave decided to put the price worm
DOWN TO HAIR PAN for a short time only, well
knowing that everylady' will want one Fuill;di-
reetions with each machine Agents Wanted
Agitating the Public mind at present is where
can trey got the best Bread, but this )natter
can bp settled to the entire satisfaction of the
peoplt of Exeter and surrounding country, by
calling on
the old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand
Also a first-class stook of Buseuirs, BUNS,
CANNES & CCNFEOTIONAIIY, which will be sole, .
cheap. While opponents have started busi-
ness, and sold out, andleft the place, luIr. Bell
has been found at this post, during the past
eight years, ready to attend to the wants of
the Public.
How Lost, How Restosed,
We ;MVO vectatt15 1 '3l'11,i11 d It 1(833- etlitiur, °„
DR, et Ir\.:1:11 r,1; (3 Id liILIT a, 1:,Sstl
on the radical andpermanent ease {withulat am,'•
iBeluelof Norv0u•.3nItillt}',:dental and physice1
Incapacity intpttlrnleutt; to Mari ispe. etc.,
suitingtimet oYvt';ses.
Peer,,inseal:.iienv cl,+tue.rnlly 4'..e013 ,nr t
postllOO stamps.
The celebrated .tntllar0W iia afire irai..lecsa.y
elearlydc'in..ustr rt,'s.frino thlriv years' sueeesr-
fulprneticr•, that Marty ingcenseuuencer maybes
radically cured without the dutigeroua•u,e of iu
ternalnri'•licintstn. the Luo of the biaife; Point•
o'it seems of care at once sinhp lr certain and of •
Naito 1,3 ylneau (ofwhlohevery nuilorer,8:oniat•
(t,rwhat lit,, 00183(1(08 lflay b43, 11)3(7 cure him seII
eh 0.ply.p:'ivatolr• and radically.
1 -Thi lecture should beinthe handset evert
• nth ud• ver' 1 tlaud.
o a � n nn it
) t..i
y r
Pea Office Rox 430
1 e
That Diphtheria is One of the most dnngerous
diseases surd annually sweet s sway thousands of
children, is a fact wLxoli no one can deny, and that
doctors in many cases aro powerless against it is
justats true. A medicine that is a certain and sure
cure for thin dangerous and contagious disensc
should be hailed with joy and warmly welcomed
(ry. ovm y fancily for 1(511 is time, of necad. A con
idagration is mush nvlre easily checked attbe be-
ginning ban actor if. has gained hcndwny. Solus
with td'eis disease. • beep it on 'hand and do - not
wait till it is' too late. Keep, a medicine is offered
the public in DIERLA MI\L'S DIPHTHERIA and
CROUP RGSSEDi. We are thoroughly coiivinced
that it, will answer its purpose. Letters patent
have bean taken out for the. Dominion of Canada,
and premetions are taken that no one shall imitate
it. We kindly ask medical men to give this remedy
a trial. Testimonials, circulars and trial bottles
sent on applying for. Agents wanted in every city,,
own and county. Ask your druggist for it.
Address Rev. H. DIER.LAMBI, Zutich P. O., Ont..
Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha
found it necessary to remove to more coni;
modious premises, and has added iargely to
his stock of Groceries, and will keep on hand,a
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything r
usually found in a first-class Grocery Store.
All kinds of .Farm Produce tak-
en in exchange for ;goods,
REMEMBER TIM STAND :-Southcott's Block,
Fens doors North Post Office., i