HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-29, Page 5141 ci-Tto _.--FOR _ 40 40.._ _ __i VR S10100$p $,)1: ' MIDIVELL Ne v Fresh.. New az Fresh.. GENZ IALI DEALERS ID PRIMO -ALL PONDS (11 ;--- FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Just . .r rived, Try our 50o. Tea. Wines and Liquays Wholesale and Retail.. -ALL KIN1)8 OP -- FI EL D et GARDEN SEEDS Just t riven. r iilti.re-E its tJniait• ruts;. ` r1 A (MEAT DISCOVERY. cGr ,IT uric fiions 1' Weil Sir • i Ny Lt•r�11 as) t t,'e•t1KRt un in Canada trzfebesbc,ta.,c..ot el_v affei:tedtvlfi +. �� + Sir. Wm. Thotnas,of l�exton,Ia.,sayst Economy O the Pam. t do not like to sr':, causidians lilt• t severely than ever before. Shelled used many TO Editor of Lute); Tim. 3. r nr.. r.•at•e, tftelly remedies without relief:and being urged tetry 1 Dr. giiag's New I>incovery, did so, with meat Once more 1 tau calash tit' ' i•^ ` a alta llamas. grgtifyiug results. The first bottle relieved trespass on your valuable space e 3 l' z 423, l (4y Citl, 3Idoh. her very mueh,and the second bottle has ab the patieuee of Tour reader ^.l:rl.. 1 Q May 18. 1884. - II soiutely cured iter. She lass not bad such reply to 111 sir&ti oa +►ri'a Iasi; it'' tan >' -"' t• til igood health fur thirty years. Trial bottles i for twenty -live Sears, and tine spring more poei.#t 111,4i". To cure cc,nsetetlpnnM, a.eera t. -u In a tre4 at C , Lutes drag Stc.r.�. Large size in Toe: `l'iFu of Mny 2t'2ud. Inti nt i Iaarz meet bo o;toppni, the natter must bo 51 tH} 6 tine i•e tt 1 lllt(@eertlti•t Bila ,,,,,or leltt'l throws/ off, the A#.Irilh►a#eete a'd. ungues rigout K''ItaOl•I 1.'111 rFl4lly kc? 1)t1-9;;11 . ,...t iiia the wtnti^nl 11140€atel. Drowns. 4'3'1'1; tat. viii utas. Try n. Leery bottle the rlif►;lo4cp sift fillets of that of%•r `•: t,wr:Nut„i. 1aig, Eta deposit from $ O to $100 -.1til _ .^' _r t,y rc inbta psi' on, eke if '�e C; .mil 11r.)V,r that tit.• IIifh.-t•tr (.r 11t•iof12 Y1I ;hortest Sea wage. 1884, did contain the following ; Tim :Vl;RAUP WYt . )(roam ineotit•' of all %tit) untnl i,. Coat Thrua of which aro pasa.:i iii atmoath 4.tttttr p&niea, (eNcitlsive of Lire) t4;o. f and amongst tLEe bcantiftit c.o#tery *4 shall iters stay that the I:.. k* Ior Of ti+4t mut gulf of the `it haw• tlfttrelt 28th (•iitit:tt'r:ert tlt)tbi#3l; .. f Om rend. kind. boosu"`' there wa, t:^: ism," of fitittes or Postage. that data published in Exeter, a':(1 1 gaibmi I verponl and f,asidcrdarrr tlietl'tlfOre accept bis ctrnlierrgc In '11+41 Cal.tti, 570.0.1 an0 O0; lttnrit;li:i.li(t. trarti:.ttlttr. /sod talion it L 4111 willing tfif a;,d wLaU ltd. dapasiC the outtito amount ler u i I.itert:-mdiatO to Livervoel. LoutIvnderry fol tto,eRt, Nl with it; ts lfllw a llratpltatcr ti.1:f rGtae lnding rail rpo�1.4 i.' to alasll. . Il trove carr«e, wore ,*Truitt«it 404.:.** 9aitrlf,tintoner. Lot to :tam. tituuduw,%ute* do t111Ati#f 3 ul.tq Sti.nr$wa '1,ir.rp.ol, .vet Ing '1};,), utrt`Jg to a ty 1` atoplti• 1 4.04442. Cardiff. iI3L ..,'7f. 1..U'.i. 1t I a rent rl ate gala SL •Rage lilint„T.le ceu aro i '�" ' P4t.ctel�' IA alt Iatarlianlialt' art' foe d with S} CAL ,*emir iet ilial paper i1s1l11e-Itit^b; tlr•wi; and wen R ret; to by 1 It " .: r• •+ :Ss iltl,t�intltt to tiltlt it � ie�'a : w ye al tf•i11 t l t SEED, SEED, SEED ! Tt..s uadui eipu4A oilers for sale at lits Store - wise, i:lti`tnr Station, tit.. foilirwfrt; verities tared grain : MOAT. AT. White Russian per Ib Trost Nation I. McOarlin2 John'toti Pena Barley 41arer Seed Tirnotuy „ RR ti $1 a6 n 1 20 s0 00 7 Sia �. iNVENERTON I air C 1.O. WILL 8,• -==FANCY R"Y G C)ODS Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FURNISHINGS, RUCH 1\11 EYE t)ll'r'L'NSr EtlXfR _,....-4040..,._ 40,40 .-�...•.. solitary figure of Its x oa twrang- x i i,ri,'iythina. si.l the accumulation tlfffe vox 1#1 is have eon stoutly C11niut;int"WI that n0 vii' tl to voblit 18 oiled. li :oi 4 Cain ill r.)1I(• Were ti itt rout Mott 1811 were ,rid. -I )•'f tyle' ftna,. >i,ltlitt:', tom :'sew ».tilt. different.t%h#1 UII`-1 tt? i I* 19st trdin e1onitecting with theatettluvr z "+3 ?Vint lf•• hitt• +b"4t Qui-ilft leaves i'.",icitt"t i.## wfrItiai��•L1 :.t 0 U. X even 400 my moaning in this '? taw, U. Papst'e#8 r-4 pati »caps` on Fridays at 7:9 he not see hew 1 say Ilia two Wrong, 1). fat. Ai!), i4M dfltltw,t Shill the atrsi)ler at oritir(tt\, absolutely, final 1lotlr.t: but . nimou in, b pMani; an additional fare of wrong. This 1 do asy omplia foody. 34 it eatto r lgeajre earrie1 on the Lastly he say, unless 1 molar the :•fall :tuaC44N offlu. "lNtl iin••.' 0 .deposit the prohs.bilitiosawe thein itr iter Voltam Anel IYas•ilt9 Mist t,vi'sy infur,u• shall take lit:l•t notice; or my i;,:.:.:< intim apply to pinidcnrn. I'rrliap.. lie tlritilta 1 MIN yl{.Lt:l:�f.1ti, ehiruli tatfftl8 ':^let Mut:lr WA ttil«nt. ;to: x ATra'(1:t.:� Il�rr>rrt. 1 may etty beat I do not feel at till flat- Qi' S[ farad by bout;; noticed by samemet'•trop 1.IOa^� don% huni,c whom, %rho will t give le I hie frame, bur outlet nu assumed hitt, resorts to deliberate falsehood to iUC- Sack's Old Stand. lam trot. I11 canc113Ki.ttr, a4 1 d1.1 not! intend (exoepf. under Fern' peat I re. (2 Poets north of Port Oflice) vacation) to trouble you fir• tbor•• 1 alit repeat, that when I make as. Butte' and Eggs Wanted ,sertir>n.e in print it 6 after knowing i xtx 1`.�rlllitn(s inr Coatis. them to be cores et, ant1 then 1; am wit- __ ling and able to eland by and unfet'd 14'4 ate selling Goods at \Vlroleselo Priece.' thein under tilt own si tuattire, I have asked Ines+abaci» ..4-1n'1 to give Iris name. This has not bean dura,. Yet he #talot rue to pat up inanity with I'don't know whom. le may lnnl(e ilil the ful4A statements he chooses udder nn Est;aumed n#sme and who am I to hold responsible ror them ? la it. fair ? Is it just ? Is it manly :' 8. J. HoeAwrx. Exeter May 28th, 1884 Mr. Hogarth claims to have i4 point en Insurance ;lean in the date, March 2Rtlr, 1884. Upon (man -lining the copy of Inunraneo Man'* last letter, we find the date is March 20th, 1884, and as the cipher ao#newhat resentbi- ed :t figure eight, it was thereforet in sorted as Mr. Hogarth claims, MaroI 28th. -E». i 6 las Ito 'i - tel. for Fit s='l'ir1::: IN k �"h tee, ;11.•3 lrac looted if Ylit Ir-( .'9n r'r :In cure .. f ;tr.] remedy l CorSur 4p;-.infty C:'otli•'u,..'hss, x CoIdsiV hcQpin„ 1 Couq:I �w and all 1-tinbfi-aasessut I :r.en 866. aS. SI CO a8« rattle, Phtteittniiitct L'Ui",,, ACENTS WANTED .1,71 `Li ltili'R NER. No more trouble k, move wicks Evers farnlly wants it. Fit ttuv lamp. tilt,* war?. •. globe. Sells at mi -lit. throe humors forvi to Any 44.414tt..4.. huller ramp Burner Ve...73ktur- ray Street, New Yerk. y •br „t . 1,,v; i:caaa,xxtt OtCit*tJea f+.* w.r43Jtadl9,u 011cr$ a o 9u:aatta etesses of naw horst kind toad of lien•• ra^din•'haro Poon eared. tudee.l.so strong1071Is to fans tit neetiirars, trot 1 re111 Nand TLSO HOWLEY ERRE, 11...yor IOW IAL(^ASLS TKF.sr 3' 0. n tills disease. 1J der esti it 1' One .L 31, 1661 toast Si iNeW vast: Good's. A. nice assortment of Dross Cfnnl , 1it:ady I made 'Clothing, Sn) tr8,'Peas. trnrrnllts and l At Il1'F;ILTISTRS scud for our r;eleot. Sat of Local` Newspapers. (It o, P.11,0Voll.r.Co„ ltais1u8, at a reduction of 25 per cent. on J El Spruce Strout, Ne York, former prier's; ilasinneres •. 55 to Sec., Prints 5 to 100., None Veiling 111 to 20e ; nil similes in Fignretl buntings In to 12e.; lila Crimes for 75e. worth 01.25 ; Parasols, 25e to $1 ; Children's Hose 5 to 10.; li'en's Stiff Felt Hai,:, 75c.; Soft, 50c. up ; Overcoats. 34, $5 an.l i 7 ; '['wet'd Suit 1)0.50 ; Coat $g ; Pants S2 ; Tweed from 50 to 75c; Boots and Shoes at very low prices. JOHN 'MATHESON may 20th. r re El NEW N(11_13 LE ' A Warning to tatnaciians. The following is a letter which ap- peared in the Frcc Preis of the 28rd inst., and should be noticed Duke. you Sllt:-Will yon Kindly it stat a warding to Canadians against codl- ing to the Saginaw Valley, reeking empioymarlt, there is at the present time in this oily not less than four or fiyo hundred men out of employment and more coming every day. There aro meet here to -day wlio woul.l be glad to work for their boat ci 'ant rho work cannot be got, and. tlli)i'o :,110 have aork ate continually in fear of being cut down in their wages, in fact the mill owners have in some cases already begun to reduce wages. 1 understand that the mill owners have standing ztdvert•isome-,ts beth it) Canada and the Easteru States for man, saying thereat] get work and good wages in Saginaw Valley. Wegos here are for common laboring,» $1.25 to $1:50 per day ; boird,$4 per week, so you see after deducting lost time a man 'could do better tp work on a farm at $15 pee monde. Of Coarse ctook•wallopere get 40 eta per mouth, but they only work from 'r ne to ttve and a half days per week and. while one gang is working there is ten out of work. Perhaps, Sir, you may think it strange that I should take such au • SITAM AHR IS Tlilc-- KING of ALL WASHERS (Patented in Canada, July 13,1863.) New Boot & Shoe Shop. tom.. LLII.rte►'. 1laa opened a lzuiv .Beta As Shoe 3`11013 in 1'auaon's Block, (wrath Door-) where lie prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Fine Sewed Work a Speciality. Give him a call. COUNTY OF HURON. ,11r. 0. liau wishes to inform the iullabi tants of Bader and vicinity, that he has sole right of this washer for Huron County, and also that lin has appointed 11fr. Bobt. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing to see the Maohine,wiil please call at the Exeter Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and its merits approved before . the patent was ap. plied tor, It has since been placed in com- petition with a great many washer s of note, and in every instance proved its superiority. Itis, without a doubt, tile most perfect in action over invented; the improvements are prominent and well-defined»; they ars 3,ot imitations with a alight change of parts of some old ntayed out patents, such as the pubtlu are often fleeced with by Patent Bight sharks', bat they compose an original and gcuuine invention, containing distinctive features, which are fully set forth and olaim- ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers at a distance. • Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best 1st. On or one-quartertheamount of soap used AR with other machines. • 2nd. Only one-fourth the Mel. Bra, No labor in comparison with th machines: 4th. No wear .and tear, as steam and soap. are the prircipal agents. 5th. It requires only one»fourth 'tile time. to do a washing. 6311. The house is not in an uproar with slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least one day nut of ,*soh week, C. RAti, R. PICKARD, Agent, Orediton. Exeter. till. ��WOIL 1884. IIS. CLASS (non-professional) AND INT'EI3.- Iit19D1AT1: wilt be hold at the High Schools of Chad minty. beginning at 9 a.m., , Monday, 7th, July. II. CLASS (non-professional) at the High Schools, beginning at 11 0.111., . Wednesday, 9tff• (sly. 1(Ir,ASSoRADPC.(uon-proiestional,) at th) Normal Seh001s, beginning at2p.tn.. Tuesday, 15th Jrcly. PROFERSI01'AL EXAMINATION, Monday, 21st July. • 0 LASS, OILADl:S A ant, Wednesday, 23rd July. CES)C14:EZZ 'ASM' GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, lii.'I{li., 314 *.3d.1 Fu11 Lines in alb. Dela: rtro.ex�.' s. 40,4•.....,,0. _4040..,, Do not fail to examine our stook before purchasing else- where, as you will find prices oorreot and Goofs iiir.st class. Inspection. Invited. • • SAMWELL ELL & IC A s Exeter Post Office Time Table. MAILS 4040 I arn>.t 1 aT4181'. Sirkton,Wootiha n, W1u.helseaand ZIlinvi)le •.. ... ... .. . I. a•in iS to n nt, .� Sautb,exstaudwear,iueltti:iu(:7.ondou,liatn3lton,•Toronto afontrcul, lUanit•i obs Ulllted States F, 3glish arid foreign mails ,•. :.. .... ... ... ,.. ..• 9. t. 1 30 i m.,a.eo a. 111 South, oastaud west ... .., ... •.. •4040 ..• ...10.:,3, P•m.I4•94) p. in North and east,iucluding Godorich, LYingham, Nineardiue anti ail pointsunrth,1 1 Strattord,Toroutc, SSnhtrcal,turd Eastern States.. „• „ ••, ... ...-1('.t1in•n1 ,ti. -2.0 a. 1tt ••• ,., .., J :.0 p.m.5A'0 1•.10.4 .0•f.ap.ur.ifiC0 p. 131. North Hay CUN1)IDATB$ must forward to the Seotetary, on or before JD NM lst. notice of the school where and the .•lass of certificate for which be desires to write, carefully naming the options he wishes to take, and the certificates he already holds, if any. This notice MUS'l.al- so be a.ccoml)aniod by a oorti5oate of oharac- ter and a FEE of one dollar, or two dollars if the candidate applies, for second as well as Baird class smut nation. No dame will be lox - warded to the Department unless the fee ac- company it, Pouts of application may be had from the Secretary. Tar rd•Class Teachers desiring an extension must write at thejuly Examination, otherwise the Minister of Education will refuse often-' sions, °seept in exceptional cases. alEM It 0 WT Q p_ 0 7, R:MLL•GR, secretary PreaidingTxnminer and. ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK ' chairman el B oard. G oder' ch, April 28th, 1883. 10. .50NEY ORDERS issue land paid on and from any Money OrderOBroe iu tate Dominion of 0anada,Grea tltritain and irelaud,Dritish India, Xewfoundland,(lerma,ty. Austria, Italy, Australia and the United States. POST OFFICE SAVI:((.r USE .% NX. Deposits will bereoeired at this oliiee from $1 to $300. Depositors obtaining the l•ostnlaster- C:enorai'sspecialpermisticneaudeposit$1000. DepositsonSavings Bank.accotuitreceived fro,,, 9.m. to 4p. n. Office hours from 3.90 tt. m.to 7 p, m, Letters intendedforregistration must bo posted IS miuutesbetoro the closing of each mail. N 14 -It is partieulary requested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of th mrntles to the addresses. D: JOHNS, postmaster. 1 IIA W • • .2 �^�•i{, r T jh.`y la ;a:;? 4g4�h 1 P f J5 •'fd1'61� ;;7; w3itti ' �I'�((1 -""��' 5�� .. S •e 4040, F�adi�i�.•a_. 'n SSP st Undertakanerd Cabinet-maker.