HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-22, Page 8„ Dares many t; rule,” says Uncle Sam, The former night the audisnee wits' oat won't workbofe ways. Whiskey twill i small • the second wits fair. Mr, produce a headache, but a headache wraii't i Ve#`ey is so well known in. Canada its produce whiskey;" rG lecturer, carte r� Peter X says people who run their heads ,ct , it�tl hie exhibition being, 'vtf l;a•Q1esa,1e .arud, Retail against a rigorous And well-conducted news- gel/Mlle: le: it Is not 'leen-sally to repeat r' paper will not bare to live lofts; to pee what the oaanpliment of the prose, Every, fools they area body >ilhuuld patronize him, Mr, of this ford, of /dense% sold. to'gr. R. M[. Jim. `Previtttick, twat osl.rualser C i��, SZ IR ` . Davis, of this place, a poste !leiter, for the g aaut of: $7t -r, on SWturelay Inst, Ur, D. iii• of tine ./lace, is building., 15 Iumber tends fattening the beast for Christmas beef, wagons, of wllioh It number goes to The Loudon APstriet Veetpug of the *C- the Bruae tepees, and some intended thedist Church is beim; Bela horn at present fel tlla ttocth•west. '1#is s e9kce well. for the purpose of makiug prenaratious pro- Y ' for the Oreditaal eater rise. FANCY ' GOADS DEALER paT1irouto too Union. S p T1lmueh some misunderstanding Rev, Mr., II l:011id lint fail .Ic\air, did not oouduet the scrvicdee in the— Presbyterian March, last Sabbath, as was IilrIton, f :gated in our last issue. i; E'i$R, Cl?�iT, • At the Chattel Sale of horses, head at the Fruit trees promise an abuudautt a . IVI 1 tlawwerciat Hotel, on. Monday last, cousider- i#Rrre)st, ion, esti,. able excitement prevailed, and some smart 1' a 1; on the brillg0 over Fish creak Flat li CENTS per line tar each attbse T -'TT biddin4 was done, which caused the nmimais is being ° 0 ►' NEW g poi warded. t TEN CC*lra per lineline for i#rst /Heart uei.t in- The let . um. ay to Jzoee es the i'ea! COAT- leupuatlir:::::::e:wwa.„0,1,un.o,,ref:e o[de efts[ to s..11 for lit lattli c lntnntsh„rgedfor notices *ptwatitig utlaianehas of itdutlllekixodtse the dsi£cr- thr►net halrsdaly lus ,9 .� 1huroh seal it , it I ee4,ou 1►lon- - •-. - will ba opened by a thauksgiviug or congra•!1` ;1 tutation service tlrrougltont the conference, day• Rilap gill, , 'et"r fillies. ,i liees . 1 On Monday a(teruoon Met, while Mr. Messrs, ,Tota (reins aud Thos. J k t 13 -laden, of Usborne, was driving down Main T11111 lu►ce been gppoitited by the . _ / street, awl when opposite the Market, ono- Methodi�t pougr2p�jailou to attend the 11 flier rig passed prim which caused. his horse I Tjautt il�alltr. mix ` 2, Rasa#. f then rig After him, au for some time sae Tempacauuo r,tltlsetttietr iii Cliiaiori OR b aqt got ire leg over the abaft of the buggy, the 27ttl. P aud ren for some distauce, When 14.13, gat The Auuir•41;a:1ry alervieee u con • aehaautage vt the mania, and stopped its uentiou with slue ereeby tttritin ht. S., Tzt erste s • career, will be held Sunday uud tb May et#d SPRI�tiG Local, trappenings. Jun' azertver.-•-1iea;t and cheapest lot of boom end a hog Ise here** yet Seen in torte T TO :>U to inspect our ey p Round the Country, Junta 15111 ltltta. Gleam (travois' Rent their drat. • le at O. l:;xereto btu 1 wale work• ig1ieaA. round on Howley, Na boo will be and tc"airiag none ata usual. ''Harkens,; of kept et the creamery title seasoo Ott ewers kind erose on hams, wbipez, minks„ Tim base bail match on Friday Int. that ie found its l#tu at nen-pa1yiug childrtciti eletrrieget=, "PR*" rtaka151 sews,+ Gal sand see, ttreoit Luottu its Ailsa• i,ritig, ta;attltt d .tees Q+vuera ill those hnimalo Merit. lin favour of the latter, by 18 to 40 lug wore for thein leen then can be procured for thein when fatted. he buttermilk will be shipped to Lew don. WoodbFm people appear to bane Kot quite enatugh of "8apyy Badley," ;Lfeetings wets hula there on two suet- ceekive friday night and tluatlaer arl• uuuuced for the 'following Feiaaty Scotch d Canadian '' '"we ds Notice. F d T i'ytlt 1) ,; A fete persons may secure boars. by app.; - I .�,.- �.�. ,,, . =a1■r tug to Mrs. Heywood, au Ann street, south/ KitiYit. of Hawi1DLasv'a> hetet. w.. Halt cess yieta„g iu Laudatt iropertJ l ttsitW5 ... lig lank weak. (Fel ay ) Messrs,.ltiordeu aud an have esclahn;,ect prapertiee. Mr, Joltu P ata, who tesitledl iu The bag }fitter, Remold UOlattan.4111 Primeistewn. thinking the 4120taaee too ter terteine4 un out evening lest week,at trim:the F+,nulry, where he is employed., a tiirt•autie o[ two anilen. It wM Very l night, not In she Meantime that pot,. ,sera tegeti with ;six, Jahn Warden, 'chase i sow. perty was situated Heart? oppo4rte to the eau utear (rattly informed the did 114 abyteriati t„hureh. We understand lir. The proprietor of ,the outs 1.10190 rotate he would bo sequined to flay Ban, gave eanaidexasble money ,u ttlth lits ..total, state* that, all anti acre of his 52.00 far the use at. Ilttl eLurcfl. Art property. latnd which he leased, from the Canada Bailefe mocemente appear to be gas The Scott Act. Iionwcod treeB We fear 'Milani is A convention emnposed of delesatel from -. d%ltlea,+, it is ilCedfeu * to ,alto olio, he various parts of the county will meet at Clin- ton on Tuesday next for the purpose Set tar. Ito; talon to have tee Scott Act submitted in Lend Co., be counted one million of erueti a gutla dial 1a1 ,eat,Ears acid his .ugh `.lova again. Step/ten. or any of his entente didn't Ilea it concealing to meeting the meeting an degrade Huron County. Tire. representatives from -�° �� a bribe utt the pretense of latrtboring Leri will be hissers, 11r. G Collins, Chas. S. S. tiU a., Steptien..•,•-The child• At rho 134t eeting of the gwxLor' the good morale of a country. lank t •xll aune:i iotcha i cry -made C tithing a sped - ar ty- bat in £ex s and Boys. united, No tt ouble to shoe' Goods. 1. O1 . /LI G flounced.V . to fro tttomselvea a>I + a pt Buell and X. P. Clark, The temperance leu. ren en: puking great progress ill ly board of the Kirkton Circuit it two the excitement was iuten.as iktien lee' t e°7 s,; moi' ! r,A E c2i Plc of Pertlt County are to meet at Stratford thein- etttclieaa under their efG.,:ent mouths leave of abetiuce wee granted egad that titin whale atm" fortn.a •K steno rraxt• :tit ace urkt:. shortly for a rimiler poetess. There see= _ to Rev. Mr, I3,tr:is, superintendent of , mut 1,e.,wat' »r!+++tore Tt�t (fret set.tan of a t be a general t tit to teatllaor lIr Tait tltr Tait is tt pr seep err#kine' fil;allt:�? tet Ilio !'rogue aecaudt day rf rseetlna, ce San of the t'oa i. Court Itoon . iib day. thesrd at Putt the Coattail, awe people of tri this toFhaw then Act suiting young mart stud as a Weedier chis 'Inuit s, ho with Illi vette inEenda Li 1. .attar ate4liui; bttaiueara, 'Ffs) i7, i+.'*i. 1'J:ii?li::tlt.iDfRco Mork. corned, It seems to have bleu successful in 'newly deeercoe the ,etuplimecite treat• vi•ti.ting old London and other places ell counties tttrontlbont 0ututnu, whets- it las ed upon .tint by the people -of the gee• of nota. They will erubeh1y Rot sail linen voted Upon. tion for lite paint taking. tune iia July. rr~noraina Mr. Patriok Cougllliu'a brick house Mr. lierey's Great Pannratua of Wax is no'r entirely oo1YipTeted And paiut- Seenca, Pilgrirs`s Pio-,ir• aa, and Ten Night's ed. The grounds uedttr claimed, in a IlarBoom, was exhibited in this place which ./resents a very tidy. allpaar- on Saturday aud 1rnnday evenings. A per- nova.11 r. P,, is an industrious and tion of thc.aceiery was passable, white the remainder was not ao attractive, and Mr. V'a enlerprisiug farmer and its an upright explanations went far in assi.sting.the even- mat: cannot fail to succeed. !mot programme in the way of tnstrneting Mr. duo. Piulcbiuer, lot 10, 0011 10,, the aud1euce. Ou both occasions he was greeted with tolerably wall -filled .louses. Should MT. V. chance to visit our town again the public would be well satisfied with one evening's entertainment, aud not be bulldoz- eby a repetition on the second night.. ltanaway, 00 Sunday afternoon last, Mr. S. H,.1fan- niug suet with a alight accident, For some tieo he has been residing with 31r. Werry, of Littleton (pian,) s'abo.u,., nkd: of tvhusu annuals was taken siek o11 above morning, which occasioned Mr. M's going to Exeter to eeenre a veteruary sergeon's assistance. He being in n. hurry, harnessed a young colt, and attached it to a sulky, and accordingly drove to Exeter. All went ou quite smoothly until ho was return- lnr lane, mid triol deseca ding a� hill two- .intend break ng as soon as seeding and. -*-half miles east of here, sortie person who resides in ho vicinity of Wiuehelsea,) is ever aud in al probabisitythere wilt while passing struck the colt which .tanning be a largo tunouns of new land under was driving, and caused it to jump into a :.seta ditch. He, however, managed to control the beast and keep the rig right side up, un- til it matte another leap to the opposite side of the road, when, at this period, he was thrown rapidly to the ground, where he re- ceived ieverai injuries, and from the effects of which has not, since, been able to leave -the house. The rig was almost totally wreck- d:tl, but the Horse lana but slightly fujnred. btepliou, .ia buitdiug tide summer on his farm a frame house 20x80, one. stud -a -half stories high, with a stone foundation which promisor to be very uoraanludeous. 11r. Chas, Tinuenfield of Dashwood. is the mason stuff plas- terer. (From our gash correspondent.) BlIEVITIES.-The weather here is alt that one could wish. --Seeding be - gen about the 20th of April, some are already done. A great many fanners crop next year. -A great many claims have been cancelled around here late- ly. -Several• pigs have died .in this tleigiborhood during the last two months, cause of death unknown. --A Sabbath School has been -staffed `svitli stir. Jas. Carvell as superintendent. Fisnma.-Greet excitement on Ti- ger Creels, a Large ntiui�er of suckers Brevities. and jacl=fish have made their way up the cease and the people of this place are having lots of fun, catching them -some with pitchforks; spears, &e., Frame house for sale, cheap. Apply at and others with a large sack witu a this Office. screen io the bottomwhile others The Volunteers of this place contemplate • ,a black bottle, of genres we going in camp at London on the 16th of June carry dont know what is in' it itntess it is what they call (lots of fun). How- ever there are scores of ugh caught daily. • Huron County Council will meet at God - ,:rich on the 3rd. June next. React Barnwell & Picrkarct's change of adv. which appears in this issue. next. Mr. Ed. Drew and family, and John Drew, intend Ieaving on Monday next for Winua- mucca, Nevada. Mr. Patrick Trainer, • lately a farmer of Stephen Township, leaves this week for St. -... Joseph's Island in Lake 5operier. Crediton. A preparation for renovating old furini. tare &e., can be bad at the Central Drug Store. Try it. We uuderstand that our friend Mr. Hellebore for current buses -a sure pre- Bead of this place has applied to Bar- ventative against the clesti•oyer-oan be bad sum for that $500,0.0. - r thinkat the Central Drug Store, C. Lutz, Prop. Banton Eros. have just opened a big lot he will have to procure a few more of New Trimmed Mitlinery, fresh from the city. New, stylish and desperately cheap. A smart and intelligent lad to Iearn the art of printing.. .lust have a fair education, Exeter. Apply personally to Tenses Office, Our readers will notice in the next issue of this paper, the advertisement of Mr Coulson, the Chemist. The bread of life is love ; the salt of Iife, work ; the sweetness of life, poesy ; the water of life, faith. Mr. W. Wilson, of lot 23, con. 1, Township of Hay, had his farm stack, implements, &c, sold under Power of Mortgage, on Saturday hast, Stock and articles sold well. On Sunday last, a portion of the walls of Mr. Wm, fierier oed hes exceeded the feat performedby Queen Anna of Uistoricel fame, tie she recoutiy gave birth to her tt';ei?'troth ehiid, Dat that l r.w•t. usilu1ne. ',i'ho U. A. I. K, O..net 111 their: rooms Obi Mniidlay eVeniaig, NIt;y I2th, and ofteu a tti>xiialeterivg the "grand bumper" degrr;e to several oaudidates,, it was, ttuauitn&turf{" received. (1) That whereas lair Charles Teri. per has resigned Iia seat in the Dom- inica Cabinet, end accepted the ex- alted positilil of .High Commissioner to Greet Britain, be it therefore re- solved that the members of this club express their sincere regret at losing the valuable services of so eminent :t man as Sir Charles has proved him- self to be, from the present adminis- tration. • (2) That we piaoe on record our high appreciation of his services to his country as H. C. in the- past,and also as minister of Railways, and congrat- ulate the country at large ou the ele- vation of one of Canada's greatest son's to ettols a high position, feeling perfectly confident that none are bet: ter qualified than ho to perform the varied functions of that im:portans of: lice. (8) That the club do now adjourn out of respect, for the departure of Sir Charles from Cauada to take his parr maneut abode in the mother laud After singing Auld Larxg Syne the club adjourned for erne week. The club;/Chit a_>ain nccor ding to ad: journment tin the evening 'of the 10th inst. President in the chair. • iYliu- utes of "previous meeting read stud confirmed... The presiaont then in a neat epeeoti of half an hours duration reviewed the- Toronto L'ouspiracy oase, touching on its most important feat: urea, making especial reference to the novel method adopted by one McKim to pay his own debt with money taken unlawfully from the pocket of another, rungs for his poetical ladder, ere lie aud therefore iu his own (the speak: can mount the white elephant. er's) opinion no better than stealing. p He aid a high complimeirt to our °rope,are looking up in this section p g though there is. some biirewas.; own M. P: P., for the `noble manner The 1llessrs." parsons, are doing a' 1n which he kept his owu skirts di: very fair business. rectly auttlienoe ours indireetly,olean The bualinese of thislace ie looking from corruption, especially 90, tylion up. P he svgs 'so often neer contamiimtion Fro -fishing is the sport of the day. in disenargiug lits- duties as errand. g boy for Wilkinsou,in loading the spot• They a•ro quite an'epicure. leas lambs of writ within the £013 of The two flax firms of this plaice have purity seeded 500 acres in flax this season: elle depraved corruption. He made a Mr. Harry Either is making some capital hit when he alinded tothe cone 1r. James' Howard's new brick residence, psrovetneuts at his /soups „ eplraoy as only befitting those persons Width is in course of erection, fell in ; cause Verev's panorama exh'ibitea two lvliose, !dens of ati'atan Hist. tett»i are 80 of which unknown. nights here Thursday au4 Friday last. 1o08e as to encourage any set of Leen. Wanted, ,• .lie ooalalutlett Lis teuiarke by urgang apse the wen beta to atttsprress- thea Notice. very ttk;?eagta» of vice and Co bewa%e uc)t'1t...0 nl I1LVztitO:i�-a, Court of nevi* oftbat most daueereue of tealtittlet;te teeettbe miteenieut lion et theVilleb'n or Iaxe: for le~ &,ensu life ,held at the 'Market "tile anti Justifies the means." 4.p ifouao,l;satce,on please. j�J 7]1g qQ ]jou {gyp! The resolution committee then sub- ,1 � Sahli, 4U � of 111$E, 8R4. m itted the following Irhtob, were men u••n 4a;, at til u`ca• .t; i, tn. Perm+tus having adopted without discussion. (1) That no Mau should 111`}'(u priate the tummy of tcrrat•ller to the peermeut of his own debts. (2) That the parson taking: es AVM;' for easy cattle int: ate had if not worse than the briber. (8) That any lean guilty of giving or receiving a bribe 14 unworthy of cognizauoo in Society, or any law- mutklog body, leave elope a Legislat ive Assembly. That the members of this olub do TO WNBHIPof'UBBORNE not sympathize with any of the par- i ties to this di*graceful trausactiuu it. t sbnrno, un the 5,4 asrnueut of MI, will be told —a:t- Joshes Dnititslrr, 1 bust r s,; at tar. a ti 1 noire OP walk govern then/ • iriifil s Lith 111. St.xt:3E 3i1 t`11. 4'letk. court of --rci; T48 -- nor with the government that hutiehee The 11 in n.lie i'iou for the 1o.,u511iti M To t,e continued ,.+a+•.r �,,C_ "` X':: eke_ ,"tl'.'ait`3Pia"' NAIL,LlllfVlCLE, George Peters' house, at aSbzt.bot i Saturd.ay, MAY 31,et1 1884 P- erislnetlln the Flames..• Lake, Out., was burned at 1 o`oloc'W Monday morning. Peters au& a daughter of eight years, and. - young woman named Briedeu were burnefi to death, The Bre wad; caused by - a coal oil Iuunp Felting down stairs froiu the fiend's of Peters; firing the stairway. A son of 18 got up and threw a pail of water on, spreading •flatrtes rapidly. Hrs. Peters made her way down stairs through h t e flames, followed by her daughter of 20, who, it is feared, is fatally burned about the neoic and shoulders, Mrs. Peters is slightly burued about the shoulders. Tlie sou and some work- men, boarders, made their escape, but Peters, his little daughter and Miss Bridgdeu perished iu tho flames upstirs. Very little of the. bodies can be found. The 'leasehold effects aud clothing were burned. A snub• cription iu aid of the aufferet•rs being taken up. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Oombiu• *tion of Induuiis, cowboys' and buffalos attracted an audience of 8,400 to the Chicago Driving Park Saturday afternoon, A large' dog carne into the town of Gerrardvillo, Pa„ Thursday night, carrying the body of a very young infant. The owner of the dog was found and interviewed. , He said the babe had been buried in his yard some clays before.. It had been unearthed by the dog. Tile authorities httvetie• otded to arrest,hitn. Ho has erose been arrested., and the coroner has the matter in hand.. a0inuencing at ton u',:Inck a. iii. The /saes;. went /toll can be peen at my office after tliiq du.te, Usborne, liay;itb, N. J AIX, Clerk Mortgage Sale -OF- Palumie 11e:1E:tato -AT- TTDZANLBYY VERTUE OF the Power of Sale contnino 1 in two cer- tain Mortgages made by WILLIAld1 WILSON et. al, to the Vendors ,which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by Pi1B- T,IC Auction, ou the premises, at and near th e Village of iieusall, in tiie County of Huron, at one o'clock it. m., by David Dickinson Auction ,ger, on FRIDAY, 27th day of JUNE, 1884. Tho following valuable property, namely 2.113 ST PARCEL; -Lot number twenty-three and the Itorth-half of Lot number twenty-two, in the first Concession of the Township of Hay in said County, containing together 150 acres of laud, more or less. This :property contains a large au;t well-[inisltecl Brick -D welling, . and commodious Barns, stables,eto' SECOND PARCEL s --Village Lots in Hennas. numbers 21.22, 23 and 24, on the ,North side of King Street; and 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, ou the South side of Queen Street, These lands w111 be otiered iu smaller parcels to suit purchasers if thought desirable. TIIB33tS and conditions will be made known at time of sale. Por further particulars app to DAVID DICKINSON, Autioneor, or to FABBAN & VISDALL, Vendor's, Minto u, Ont. Dated 20th May, 1884, -