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The Exeter Times, 1884-5-22, Page 7
TIIE BIG BRIDGE. Some 'Observations on the Practical Value of the Bast Myer Bridge, (ten. Ii: W. Sleety , of Brooklyn. n, in I, recent ii►terview, said that, in hie judgment, the bridge would be worth to the two cities inure than ten. times its • cost, but its real e:due will not be real- ized: until it is macre absolutely free to all except those who ride over it in the cars, it intt'st be paid for by the people of the two eitiee, and the host convenient, eafte anti L !OII nuicai meth- od of collecting the taxed. to do this is not by planing irrespt'n 1I,le men on the bridge to collect them in driblets, and return to .ti1(' city.. telt:0: their eonseieneee, shall dictate, but to have them collected annually ' r 241 11 b melt who l.4• tlo' , t t ac 1 3 i c, s, of Meal an liorthen of them. it is real -estate that ret to derive the groat l,e•n"lit resulting front the bridge, anti therefore it is fair that real eetate should be taxed to pay for it. If it is madee free, , it will be paid for by the inetea;se in rents and the ad - viewed wed value in rwal eetnte. The speak - es. referred to the operation of the 1e - rated roads in this city to show how the Valftt ftf property le Infet'ta.'It by rapid trAusiI. in 1817, he said, the aeseeee$!l value of real estate in New York was SSt3,053,09e; in 18*t. it was $,1,010,- ecel,t'ts), and in(re (tat+ in live years of 1- I.4• 1'►,i1i►d. the t warde ie the up-) per part of lite nits, the twelfth and the nineteenth. Reith iuii.t atlieetetd by the tenestruetion of the elevated roticlte. • "In 1'i. 1S c t e::+ tigtin- , ' ;:Uel Gen. She, ewe, , .a•hu can doubt the Area i of n free bridge on the property of both cit - it :. An inereese in the valti:ltionofthe reap est;ltt' of Weekly)* of 21 Herr cent, • will et once repay the city for its in- vestment v nt iir the bride. No ri':isons eau -be tweed for the e:()liectio)r of tolls on the bridge whitlh do nota ply with equal fere a '2 can other luglteneen and to our narks." "Thi t%Vo sections. cif London," said (len. Slocum, "'.Iepterttted laythe L'Iicues are .not so eh) -i 1- Mimi as are Brooklyn Brill New Fort;- The two seethe -0 e then, of London are united l v eight bridges, he - side, two i r three' built exelusivt'ly .for the nee of raUroside. '1'he' most Mee. brunet of the ee' le the Lindon bridge, tvliieli en:.t they city juet about the amount %whiell Brooklyn lra'tcontributed to our bridge any, eta tl ;ti.aliifp, built upon {pier*, with Mete Its entire length is Lteneee t t t, hese titan two-thirds the flyer span of our Its e bridge; width. � b x i l h is forty-four i u,. far tar !' fit n l t r. while our 1 eighty -11w. Twenty thou- s:tied v.•Itiele' 222nd 110.400 pedestrians mai, twee it every slay. It is a free bridge. 7.1te most beautiful of all the truettrxe':1 over. thi*'lltame i the Wa- terloo bridge, constructed id by n private cord oratitrn tet a cost of :tailJI).l,1h141, 2taltl opened an the anniy!I•t3,►I;y of the battle of Waterloo, June18. 1817. It yield.( in toile about $1110,0410 per antumi. In 1878 1t }was purchased by the city of London from the cor )orath28 which built it, iuid was made fre'e's to the nub - lie. The other bridges, the B1nekfrinl:•1, 111(1 Vauxhall. the Chelsea*, the Albert, and the Ratter.4i' were all constructed 40 by private f ttle:nttitlns, and :dl a lu2r;;t'ld toll till the yeti 1•'711. when this •c . elf taxing the pnblle to ,•tate,. e'i- ions that the city of Loudon purttlsased all (Villein ;14,1 "made then! free d+Lief � •s. This is the re.eult of the experience of a great cit -, which. in the • part has been governed with :t 3 mends intelligence and etirtabbly as tutu+ economy as either New York or Brooklyn. Net only has L('ndeto abolished this system of colIcet- inr money, but t'vt'n in the ?twat' dis- triets the toil -gate has been abolished tvith other rin)sar2ees. Many of us were horn and reared in the country and can recall the time when we could not go to seined (r lass from nee village ;el to another without taking :; few pennies with us to meet the demands of the toll - gatherer. The East river bridge will be made free. It only remains for us who have lead the care of its construc- tion to tkteidr•'rhether iwe, will adopt the wise and popular le•lit�yl(n'''tated by the experience of others. 01"'.. • her' .rye will have to (21IIL s the honor 0 ineeter-• mating this policy. -w \'e�w York Times. • Eel"s far %;thin,,• The Royal Humane Society recom- mend, to the notice of the English pub - lie a code of rules published lir the so- ciety, and entitled, "Caution to Bet}t- ors.2' 'Choy are ns follows: Avoid bathing within two hours after a meal. Avoid bathing when exhausted by fa- tigue or auy other canoe. Avoid bathing when the body is cool- ing after perspiration. Avoid bathing altogether in the open air if, after having been a short time in the water, it M 14203. a sense of chil- liness, with numbness of heeds and feet. Bathe when the body is warm, pro- vided no time is lost in getting into the water. Avoid chilling the body by'eitting or. standing undressed ou the ban':- or in boatsafterHaving been in. the Neter, Avoid remaining - toe ins e m the water—leave the water immediately there is the slightest feeling of chilli- ness. The vigorous and strong may bathe early in the morning on an empty stomach. , The ycnng, and those who are weak, had better bathe two or three hours af- ter a meal —the best time for such is from two to tree hours after break- .. - fast. Those who are subject to attacks of giddiness or faintness, :tori those who suffer from palpitation and oilier sense of discomfort at the heart, shouuld not bathe without first consulting their; medical adviser. A telegraph wire'' is like a, mustache. It is of no use when it is down. House Decoration, if you bave not a book -vase, make one, or two look better, if you like to fill up the recesses each side of a ehim- ney. Any nook, or a, corner will do,. though a corner is rather harder to fit• up. Have i carpenter make you some very smooth shelves. and lit them into place from the Moor only breast high. I)o not paint or stain them, but rob them roughly with oil, except the top one, which :Should be covered with a bright cloth. Finish the l lge of the shelves with a strip of scarlet • leather- cloth eathe -cloth pinked, on each edge, and f.tstenetl 9 w , Ilntei'esting It ems. —The2•e was a heavy falil. of 'snow around Newcastle, X B., Saturday --Accommodation and freigt,t ;veins were $f.000 Forfeit, i in e,oll2S1)n near moll Wee, Pe.. Saturday. llrrvin,• 1 • utmost t c4rcninL•. SeYcn ners,neK :ar•r,. 1,..a,:n„:.r. a t !(• )z,rs,C011ti enceafter iil'it super:, over all others, and after thoasrends of tests of the 2I2os3 eonlplicated,'and severest cases we could Bud, wo feel jest1Cled in offering tel forfeit One Tien:sane Dollars for any case of couglis, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarse - 41111010.41111,1 fFi V 44•41,%,4x,4343-4.•.>, 8'143284 ,}i rt ,. A Who 084•1 tfwti lbws:'!„•f88 1, r t,- , I t 3 f F r4831- . 1,na 1have e131 tt•,d n E E•`' 1411[( .i ° u1' t A,r a I180 SICK + t t f a' Fs2t•-y ,12 r.1,i • c , 42'1 tl» , t• .a+ 1.8•403440 o her a rt ,>r2 .I :,A r.•a:.hh'2ng,, LL 14 •�a s t' , 1t .(:Sin., lin'md 9t nay ,r rnnr•.2 ,.E:."1'3••, and es 01124 t tw=- • ,•8 ' nett: 1'n 822,.2,8.14312 ria rest ;,row i 4 4'484 Dr. n. 0,1100'. $8 84440181.. New P 21- ' ed-trvn s.epo, te.1.. Bt*o:tten's 1l8xnfen Salve, Tho Beet Bake 828 tri" ,vurltt for (:tetra, Bruit: - re, Sores, heave;, Snit }Menu:, Fever' Sorge, Tetter•, Ohapped h;t 14l.s, f:ltilblsine,G'oi ns, awl nese; bron01lit1s, 8024911uptlo11 II ita early! all Sein l guldens, nett poeitive'y enr:a Piles, stage, whaoatiu,g cough, and nil diseases of • I or no bay required. It t artrautee•�1 to give the throat and Iange, except' Asthena,for which --I'On SALT: AT Tun— 'Exeter un-.- I Exeter 8 on with brass -headed nails. Make a %oppressive clunates, fivenl' the development Ly mail on receipt of pr 4•;i+. JOHN (.k \\'EST of manifold uiseases, t uw12 may in meat in- It CO., 81 & &a King Sc. East, Terento,Ont. et :icett be checked. 1,22!1 re -e1.1. I,•.l Itiee:eve; by --J. B. Bayme 2t digentg for climat ands bear perfect satisfeetlou, or money refunded. we 01117 claire relief, that we can't earn with Price 1,5 cone per box. For sale by ,ill drug. West's Cough Syrnp, when taken aerording to gleta. directions. Sample bottles d5- and 50 cents; fieeionety'+ Xait(aa.—.44(1 .c n trtansitione trout large bottles 0180 dQ21ar, Ue1Tnlne wrappers h01(t t:' teed. o, Leen 1,48,4 luck:11E-44: weather to onlyin blue. Sold by all druggists, or. out pretty curtain to hang a(1'uss the front. It may be of dark felt (lath, trimmed aeraes with bright hams of eloth fcath- er-stitehett on, or of erne!: worked 1;t .out -line embroidery, or of any material 0o w i•' Ore 1 widen will harmonize4' r l with 'ou 1 t, \ carpets or eui„32n>, Hang it with littta;, rings (which you can bun of :try uphole icrer) on a pelt' vert l4• tla ell'I be feet - mei in front of the top shelf (we forgot.; to say in its pwoper pd.lee*, that the toll shelf should b(' nearly 2 i:urlel. wider thlftt the othor'). Tho hole hilar be or- dered red with the rims, or you can take ;t section of ;as pipe (or tt broom stick) 8124 gat ° it, with pr'eper(:ct gilcting,bought at a paint shop. To support the pole, h:ivi. sots• ear - patter saw you out :1 conplU of small hrneket,. with a hole in the center just large enough to admit the pole. 1?cl•ttlti 70111' e'tli'tstln t+•) the %•ing,'. glut the Anna on the pole, and the pole through the braekete, then screw the latter into place. Odd thlt braekel. and :screw heats like the pole. Put plaster busts or other ornament:: oil the top shelf, and you will 'Oiy you have. a pret- ty anti %lectin piece of furniture Rt. a I slight expense. \\'e sate ;a lovely cur- tain for this purpose mode orf olive e()1 - tared felt cloth. 9►er11 i 4 the bottenr wee e deep facing of maroon (:loth, ailov0 tiro were five row(; of or:It l:Iry wttrst,•t6I braid in bright color, and fastened at each edge with high -colored silks in faney stitches. About a incites from the top of the curtain was another (duster of • the btadds.--•Fannei s' Reber, (211 e4• tl, 0.0.2•.. J .41M 1,t. 1,1,,.,.•,...b, 14404,4t1U (2 \\alktsha, Win., repor49 ire fouu(i twit U11 and rtltn t zz „YE � Tide wet.1p” U 1 gravel St rata, one •a 1he et 1,(r and highly te(n(d Tt lieittsf3u ,, g'r ni, �t a safe %ct crystalizatii33n. Irl tris, ulapea str;a:a, fs3i;Il 1 .enol easy remedy for 121!210..4 e'vtry eenstitutio- quantities of topaz. 2ll:tleehite9anel pieces td nal wrong which unhealthy elhostos, rapid ' garnet. charges, tar dit.tltie trrci•::, can engender; ndt r, anal TH1: 4FCii1. 1' ol:•r. erfeettenly recto tt:•11any vale Ta.. >clt.6sia1t11- t The Eec1'ot atf i,a'rnty hes been at 1(.14ro- gent habits Ma) have hawed. 1u all coedit i tested. Without. good health,pnr4' Liov l and ions of the system b0 ('t riug ver diva: ase such a fair cicsnl skin none earl pensees ;peel l 1 eks. i :142 :vie indiertell ITt oral' Pi; l:'hit,;"s,, met whet :t is Morn cell:lit 4•;r• than 01111( k. bl�+toh- ' restitT80l444,:,1Io)10Wvta4 h 11l1•2 will prove es- 1 es and a suttees or pastry et•rnplexinn a Bar- ' pt'ciully reryir. bbl. 4•12 t,( :+ttiltg tiro Vivacity of !dock Blood Bitters reveal tiro feet the tell mind and belly apetee#1,r.I by both 8ualld 381111 kalr2 hart; litoo11 anti freedom from. tae re. and sick, r pnlsive tri„ easee of the sf:in tont rota £row --Dente Poaeelc. it etynamite; (11241 021 iwpurltie.. l C'i/*than! ('1'1 I2 tit S. is 1tl2, .Young• lady, da ret despair. 4•)r, T. C. 3L.I1IT 111OVEN ;Weal; eaa'; N(,rvc and Thein Treatment will -cera :Boiler n}Op (104•;.^,r 11 frequentiy st•t•tea on the ; ante 441 11CGC0114 t, • l,l:. Sid:° f:C . fault 4 f 1. tOemuncit433iii.ol for .8; , ,. ,'2 424;l2,1y ' J' 11% I3w•nl*8:iTiiill, Stea.'eti' stQ• t (:tutlh2li3s11 art\tt1lt„l4201U,ol• ItS 1ri1iyl1 as nnAAr004 tcntireenia1s 211l! ctdh,o , 111020Ito rai7it, are moven. (''dl 2, .1. W. Brown- is no Moro 11'1i81,k' 04183 fOr 41dt(ft1;° $ 111802 ]12;4*a?;1ie:;; L((4'O 144.44• rt • 4•c.•,. triter L,ttii .bol llarrt:ltl"a Ycllo 174•1. It i; alee 'l.e t,ctt matter of lion Itnee staaditi a i1'. costs Fon me. "rlhy. 17,4 externally and 111;0181114. titnatuals Irene etreetl(t 1,r 3Gnr own town. I ! Pullet:. ©f disease from the seetem at(: the Tut; tit it 4.4.1E OI \\ 1 L4KEY. bnweleand the kideeye, J0hnttoll'4 &w wva, i t t t. 1 whiskey ere � i' t to f t l,l , t 4• Y „} ,a a oat. and ; 8 f 1I 1 t 1'r Ia -a et13 a4• most safe. pleasant +tlatl effectual the ' 119 feet li,j'e•ei 1,2t 7 .141 lu `%ti,aai8l•t*, , l4ndtii'r wI 11114 s4 itt•in knueru. '2'' - . l,rt va11a1) t,telt•'rl•Or12l4 10 e1,re ,',• 2 I mei C • atYd d. Perfectly Harnleas, 4\t Cross 1("Tat mf aor,!0 fell 1322(4', antl a.4 night was (amine; on I );:ova u till) idea of reaehin:; fart lir. publie and made for the nearest +farnsiter 0. The be ople were kintlnese it elf. and when ird -tune came they cavy me the lledr room off the parlor and a bed ::o high and iride.and luxurious that Twee n'leep in five minutes. In fetes than an hour, the old farmer rapped on the dnio') and put hitt head mot the rt11nn and queried: "Stranger from lefit'hig:in, are ye awake?" "Yes," ,I'everything i th3nt all 1's 1ta ' NA yes." 4.11311 ain't 1erron4, aro ye?" t,:t2'ot tt hdt." "1 just looked in to toll ye than we era bothered a good deal with milk-1:naicce. Tia old woman :lays there wee one rat'. ing around this room to -day'. and she meant to have driven it out but forgot. to. They are harinlees 314 kitton,. you .now, and if you feel one in bed with ;yen don't feri a bit :damned? Good night.” or. but 110 doest4- tJtwty to this dee' that 1: piled out of that bets like a strenk4.) lightning, got into my 0lothes, and t]3en .skipped through the window and slept in the barn all night ---•t3' Quail. The Alt of Dresaio. Lady Pnr('t, in Th Mize/ten/4 rn/4 t'r<f (very. ea,'5: Those will he 4ae11 th'e,rse:1 wlio wear the right tiling at the right time The example ought t t enme from the educated and relmel . e. constan, Sat l Salt A Lt10n Gi a.tattI or— , .a arrld and Fine sat Alleoluraiufcations addrt2se41 to the ntalcrsig,s. e4 14111J0 »unaptly anbIwtrtat, W. G. BISSI.IT, l.settr I'. O. OP ALL I ESCi+IPT1ONf> It01'Irtiw8It t%22 r'A1411,X INF./144T P, iALt, BUSH LATS if but C0n2i1'•et- t it eel eine nit of the worst 1 remedy for Par ach-' sago thrort erarpr forum of n tih( 4,ia: Livor ('.,�alel?int, ore., no ! rel uns4 ..W 1111 1 ft�I pee, ane 19.meni'ai g,„.. e > . thine. Sold 11' 50e. and •- t bl tt le T. See tete i 'What every p• rsu:t should loony- -Th'•e: Land i %i,O3.' trisbtn.•tosa21,tis era=s ofPropert_ ran revel; oeteet to nue:it:tier by spplyiug to YH.(S. E. IIRli I(AES. 1.9 nit 148; 0G, Imelda:. f4t.,¥.bloom, (1u 4 , ONTZW2"''O 20417 atlas:c�trutca0fiuierast. Art1+lyto C 1•t. Il'IiXiTC,RtI I.ngdoa. �. ,F (Jottton Coy • t,t,2a.1(1411, -1.- ' a convinced. For Side 311 8132' G(d'lott s "nturtton. l+tlt lirF.1.87 a ilit'. 1.411.5.11::4'14 Pee- ; 3furr•.r, J. W.1 lirtivlrina, prep. } °1C, Cru. , tore! Bale= lea remedy that in etwaye retie 2 .1:.tPtlti'CA\`0 CHANGES. ( &2i('fer nil throat, broneitiel auditing troubles. ° 'Thorn Arta taro periods in the life of every ' mut never doe8 harm et any 4230. •G i female'21t1lr the syeto- u 32nderg.hre ere et 111400 Int:ward. ch:n ees, keret, thezha,w. frau cl4il1)1(43tl ° ()Tr co -r ca-^ of Lirorer+nriaint i►r••me wi•t se(•'• plead- 2 fie age. Titre ars tri • critical eltawese (f l HAMILTON. ONTAIII0. :.iANI:VACTrmiati RF 4. 'hill tete tits above reward for any to Woni(ulieed next. thee 01 '.2ulanituetl h Mites IudigeAtiO4. t°taa2'lipati0n 4/1'1''lrtivenn44. t lit,:. flue1 the syettne stereld he nu"ria teid awl White a1I41 f'o,or:.•ti, Sitll;44 fled Double we cannot curfevith \1 a:4'i( Vegetable Liver i reeptiete(1 by that Illtttcl8itisa tonic, 1turleek °At2PF i WARPS; While and all Odom, Ville, when the Jir. ctseer are etrieklyreerael(ett ' Libio41litters. 1,. it inralu*ble in til +lisesaes with, '1'1u.} are purely ta„et;'Tir!'�, and never1 iN•,•ailiir to remake. ��'�� ��+�Q+� C�sy�"f',j".�+�SCI'%fJ�l4 fail t3; iwt' e1+ tfk:,tiirll. ,inter, coated. Liege _ R • tatting Qt b.." , 0,4,1 tinil3g :lit %'ill••, i *•. litat. For "•Elie - k Koslety Tans �t Bailed ait and, �1,1i � 1.� by nil Drieptd'ate P0..4$4e of %,writ% 3'ft ito 0114 1141:141441K. The (1f Offline 3nanef1Cttlrt•( +unlet' he JOHN 1'. WEST t 00.. '1114 fill =0. .1 ere.” iI et: eat King t1'at Rust 'e;tote,)1,t 1 I''re,.ltiall•atka,.a1«ent by 4434.1 1'rt•ptairt11'l rril receipt of it three 44,•u« 0494414 FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. 'Che:e are many heeds 1 oreretat('tl 1u men- I eine+ and many advertised 1'r*Y3(;diea Worse than 1s?e'lFys•, Not ';r,': with Ilatgtir'1 s Yellow Oil. It temente :144 ewer the beet internal told 8 cxtcrn'+1 ►n(•.lielne for oil rant. rorel)4824 awl 1 113juri481 with which ismer% flesh is afflicted. \\'w, liar: a speedy and lluslttwe cure fore (`,at+tnit L 1)iptheria, 'tilker 2184'22111 and Hetet Ache, in SHI1'LOH'S` O,tTAIll1dl 1111 1' 1)T-' A nisei Injector free with web bottle, Lien it 1 Wive desire )1estlth er a1 a met tweed'. Price 50 eti. ;ao1i1 by J. W. Browning Extter.38 1 . ON THIRTY RAYS" TRIAL. Tet: 'amore 1113,1 Cn., Maa•a12a11, Micb..wil, semi An.I)iels(12:TEnnt1311 EtrcrnreVe retey BELT. ,1N3 Ereereilr A2'rett sere on trimlfor ' thirty arra to nem (young or els). who are af•1 ' ]5•46.4 wall ncrvanss debility, lost. vitality 1 aoJ kindred 04111100, g11118431t4ring eras(ly 0.11id+1011111144 43 tc+telratia.0 of ltr.11th and 1 untidy vigor, Add* eel, as above, N. B. --Ne . risk is ineltrrett, ue thirty days' trial ie. allowed. STATION-ST.Railway and telegreph Imes Nevem, lee i —•----il fleaaneiTonlgt.pa, Slain, °are leen eat inialc td t(p hes 3110 304411t•'f 11cro1nlinll)st$. i � � � -DOLLA 1'I,UIh I,1(211'* NiNt1. Vase rte but for tient have newer : iltfcrt d 1 ehnost intolerable rein Rent 'Toothache, 'Neer- . It was awful good ill a{1 iii %?.,tit �i:11rf'T • ( I2r ri\T.ltr 1 11rrET1,. Planing MiU! SARH, 105R, and LIID raC!OR!! L KINDS OF TURNIN ' Dolce bo order. Reinotnter',the place. IIiNISiti, TIVKIN(iS and C'QTT0FAAFS, t einnl f 1'a - x @ lrar.t attitude-ex: Ally t 2811- o X Req a! a 3p x bys4 trade, to la, 144/3 3.440.1 to any nutele. and fore guts rlt) toil create:411n ranee end coloring 4rte, arauASurrwS7Pd. c.t1u'r.T W1:A\'Eltfi-Ton will find our Warns superior to any in :ha Market ; we ark you Inot to eyet1lornatr•ial, Ifyour l►r)'Goods III atuf ahnotgot it: write. to us sod %cc will soo you. arc rrompt17 sgpplted ti, Vic t'�e. t 1 QCI XA) . to Ichw h 4 11N . maks 0.11 G .^ aetc tinny Wtllbo found equally good. Ask for them, Try then. '1'iisCompany was awarded two firt•t prise cll. rormeda1a 1,t Toronto F:xhibltion in Ib8l, nud first prize, at i'reen:ern;BehibtIon at Kingston. itR AGENTS s--W(NAlttf• O')..Tomot0; P. Alt - LI.EitltT.s; CO3..lontrcal. .N1264244 :Over 4 oward, h' �d d f ' 1 \i' - alhut. et lithpn1311., Tu thrnl snob an t • a -i 2 ' hear French eh dle. yin extolled: ' T: the • 'e ; Fluid 4•,i ). ulil r. u u Mold \1, i lit instant olio( n 1 >; i n u 1 reason ]s that the Frenchwoman, being blessing in time of trouble. Niu�i]isl;nstini; ot•1 of a more positive turn of mind, is less fensive medicine. to be taker for days. Ono' prone to the ef1betive and picturestjue., u1plication of Fluid Lightning emcee Solar at and her appearance, therefore, will gen- J. \'4.1)rowniug',1 Brag Stun 1 n orally be inhai•ineny with her surround - in e. The REST AND 001111(ORTTOTIIE5llkirEltlNG 1'r ging bonne, In spOte53 cap and ,+,11rowlt'311011ssellolt3Itanaceat" hitt no (%rein apron, going to market: the gr1.I'ttt•, in fnrrelieving pain ,bnth int"1'r, pawl t'xteama1 It Sq Jere Illretdl)tltlw8211-1118U1t:lnel190, the eurerpttiulathe Side, hmei: urbotvtls,auretiarout plain straw bonnet relieved by a touch 01 vrinn on; the grande Janne walktnn Rheumatism, Toot hache., tombs go and an y kind toma-.s in her rich but simple black; flirt Latin orache. "it win meet surety quicken 1 is ctiu novel' rt a wonder- ful. cud het al g silk trimlu�d with •t few yards of Chan- ` J ' fel. 'Brown a Irons lhold Panacea' being9eh- tlliy round neck and wrists—are all nowicdgetlasthe great Pain ttoi(ever.auclofdon dressed in reference to the hour of the day and the errant' they persue. In England it is different; the, neat muslin cap is replaced by the charwoman's greasy black bonnet—a soiled lilac Iall Druggists &ti cents a. bottle . blothostrongtlloftiny other Elixir 08 Liniment intim world ,shoultlbe to et ;r tunny handy for use when wanted; 'stn it really .is the hestromody in the world for Oratntns in the Stelnach, sad Pains and. Aches of all kinds, '"mud is or sem by flower and crumpled blue stein s 'being) the invariable aeeempunimentsi tawdry', . \VEIAT IN. A N,Aln black satin and a prat or bonnet profuse. t(o.r0f ila is s, eatlett from the Lntf11 >;cmf11, ]y ornamented with light-colored teeth- a p't a Egon the su W11142iml that tin: disease canto from eatieg swine's flesh, Itis often in- ste• ad the freshet—meet the eye in -j berited from pare)Yt43. an(1 pads to abscesses, stead of the grisotte s neat costume, and 1 ulcerous sores, debility, Iting's evil and eon - should you cnauee to take a }walk in the sntnptiou. The case of the Rev. \Vtu. Stoat, park one morning, you encounter fg.. of \Viar'ton, who suffered 2$ years from moth - Ions abscesses, is one of the moat remarkable on record. Burdock Blood Filters oared frim after the best medical skill had failed. A.. C,D- To An wire aro suffering from the errorsand ures of every hue :ted shape, clad in every texture, from 'invest eaten to canary satin, covered with Ince, floun- ces, beads, and embroidery, regardless of expense, harmony., or fitness. It is not that many of these- dtessee, are not indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, oai•1 y very. pretty and picturesque 4•u them- tleosy,lossofmanhood,R;o„Iwitisond areceila elves—forinst rnet, thatin:lt'tlon welt et. tl,atw111 0006 yon ,1111111 OF (HARGE This railing along. in the dust and snggete great remedy was (11564overecl byatnissioutu•yin tiro only of 'beat and discomfort illi, lout b0path Aere::a Send a981f-addT0a6tt Onl'erOr� summer morning, would look beautiful C-iiy e. 'osTlrraT Lxsnr.x.intiora,NetuYurrt CitN and rich at 5 o'clock ten on a January afternoon. In yonder rod plush para- sol there can be no reddening point; it always must be an enornt lyy - but that slim girl in pink muslin with a huge fur tippet on her shoulders would have' done )such better had she worn a warmer dress or a more appropriate covering. A:Frenchwotnan contents hereon with 11,132B11 •214 Y QUE8110X.--\Vl1y do to many people wo'se, trotted ns,aeeru to prefer to sof for and he ,natio miserable by indigestion, con- stipati017, diz ;i*ess, lees of n•pp:tite, coming up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell. them Shiloh's Vitalizer, 2uarante ed t erre ihem.. Solt by 7• \V. Browning, Exeter. x 1f):11 w —S. F. CTiilntu, a Belleville law elori , toll a few very well made and not too showy 00.84) in ) % chair Saturday reeding atter eat - dresses, with everething thereto per- ing hie supper. Apoplexy WAR the 821088 of twining complete- Should some oppor- tunity arise when none of them 2v111 do, she remains at home. Now, though an. Englishwoman often possesses tnany ad- vantages, over women of other nations, `the very charm and originality of her appearance prove her snare. She is apt to be misled byideas taken closers of MMc®ol•Secedy Clem from J. W. from pictures end poetry, but Browning'sDrug Stole. 31 death. 'WI] AT T0' l)0. If' tr0ublea1 with an unhealthy, slow -)renting sore use McGregor &' Parkes' Carbolic Cerate. Ton willfind itiuva1uable for healing, cleans- ing and completely removing y'0122' trouble. 11 the Blotxl is out of nrder, take with it a few SEWING MACHINE THE PARRY SEWING MACHINE. Although this stewing In tel:Iue i; offered at the unhreuel of and ridiculous low price o143&, it. must not be supposed that it is a toy. It will ,lo the 2801-1: at 91171'2FT22 I,OLI.Att 11A0InIer:, anti ,la it as even It re. constructed up'In now and scientific princi- ples and is simple in construction, easier worked and less liable to get out of order than any Ma* chine in the world It rniakea the saute stitch as ihn lend1u0nu2ctaiues ftp the IFaited States 'She principle 0t constructi(ul fs entirety new, and covered by br •ud Patents Haring secured this urachine, W0 haws (1001410d to put the 3581401210w8 1202014 To 8212412 PA\ fora short unit: 02.17, will i(nowing that eyOrylady wlil want one Full ai- reotions with each machine Agents Itanted I lI C Jt AN7Ci•ELO ART 00.,DETROIT, 2 [L I REMOVAL t• REMOVALI THE GEN BEA L QUESTION 1 Agitating the Public mine at present 18 where 1 can they gat the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and @urrounding country, by ± cabin_ on JOHN.VLL i the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class stool( of Beseurrs, BUNS, CAl(ES tY OcNs's:c.roxasT, Rhicli Will be sold cheap, While opl,onents have started busi- ness, and sold unt, andlc'ft the place, HIr. Bell has boon found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. How Lost, How Restos %. \tol2ace 1804)1110uultif..hede. 110W adit1011 08 DRI, Mt3LVFII\Y.1tL $ 14L14Fi32t3T1s1.) on thert4atienl ante 32rrnententcure (without m(' ,lieinelafFTerrGU.l3ehtltt,:,slentnl anti pbyeical Incapacity inli>ntliauc2it9 to Afarri4ge, etc.,re. suiting from 0See8S221. PricO,in Heeledenvelope,t my o cents, ca. tit.. T10sia. stanlp•a Tho r, e10br9tcd8utIiO2'cftulia admirableeseay cicarlydem2u4trates,iron2 thirty years' 0110009e- fnl practice. that a1io'a ing consequences maybe ra21caliycured without 8136 dangerous useef 4•11 o t a toxnatulediatacaorthe use f eeltnIfo, Paint - oat wrootte of earn 9t once simple certain and et- tuctanl,bymcantlof whiell every smfforer,tnornat- terwhat his condition way hc,rnny eurellintsetf ell menta rfrmteivanti radically. to -chi lecture. sllouldbe fti the hewn; of evert youth and every man in the lanai. ltidr.r4u THE OULVER\i'ELL MEDICA.L•Co 31 .1NX T.,1tR\t TORE I'o,,t Office Eos 450 s V p� 8'1e :' gL..i`t1. Ir...-•-• •-••4‘,8�-8_`".'33`9. 44718441 CROCERXES. IT IS NO HUMBUG, BUT REALITY. Owing to increasing business, Mr. Boll found it' necessary to remove to .more com- modious premises, and has added largely to his stock of Groceries, and will keep, on hand Sugars, Tette, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually found in la first-class Grocery Store. • All kinds of Farm Produce tak- en in exchange for (A'oods. 11E31E310E11 THE STAND;—SOuthcott's Block, Fear doors North Post Office. 4 YOl3N BELL, proorie'o • TItt8 Diphtheria is ono of the most dangerous t'iseawa sad annually. sweeps away thousands of children, is a fact wltoh no 07764 can deny, and that do:tnrs 4•u newly cases are powerless against it i+ just as true. A medicine that is a certain and sure taro for this dangerous nud eontagieae dlselasr should b.) hailed with joy and, warmly welcomed l y every family for 1181 in time of mood, A-con- fiagr:(tion is much more easily checked at the 131, - ginning than after -'it -has gained headway. Suit is with this disease. Keep it Oil band and .(lo not wait till it is too late. Such n medicine is offered. the public in DIERLA`iWS DII'}fl'}l l(IA and (ILIOUP IIEA8DY . 'We are thoroughly convinced that it • wilt answer its purpose. otters patent 114Ve •dretl out for. the Dominion of Cnnads, and pre'nutions are taken that no one shalt levitate it, We kindly ask medical men to give thisremedy a trial. Testimonials, circulars and trial bottles sent on applying for. Agents wanted in every city, 'own and county. Ask your druggist for it. • - Addcess Rev. H. MEW: AW OL. 2utkb P. 0., Ont.