The Exeter Times, 1884-5-22, Page 3e ,e •eier
THURSDAY, 13fA'Y 22. 1,884.
'hie of the :mitt 1 festa to be et-
tributed to the Reform policy is this ;
—That they Lowe all along ander-as-
tonatca the capabilities of the comi-
trye and the etlterl`riee of its people.
it hes beep their oouti;atitit practice
to think of and d.tvi with Ota as
it Was Come tWentv•tWO veal's Ago,
when by means of lucky fluke they
f office for a fell"
is fast risiug to a position attracting
the universal regards of :European
and American eoeiety.
The hietoricnl character who dis
poser of the letters cout:tieing the Pa-
arfic eclrndel to Mi. Huntington for.
one thousand dellala has just nbui ed
It is stated that a. nice little pro- off the rar••1nl col! at Nielatteul. Hie
gtgiatiaia has been prepare.. with 1e �1Pr,n a ateu��:;r.,liliic writer it, the of-, of foietieg Stir. T. w. Amon tic$ of lite lJ.•rsr. J. T. C, Ab>aott. o
Ott iaoutlr Oxford. The attctnpt: to ceased fisc lspt•�. htftar y eaQapet laic
ri .
reheabi1ih 1e him b't briusiug him lug i)vide.nee is tae West o•,urls.
1 b d tl tt naive was Geo, Norris, at,ti t o tad
i t k
from Now Hraltesllriek to, 011titrio Attu Ae a sore remedy' for SW: Headache, Boer
- titans►acll,Uispopsa.ZQdi,�eatiutl, (%oustlpntions
itot so f�u milt Sntii much !mess. Torpid leiver �ltionBReSa, eke., iso racttictpa iu
Iii rog:li'd to tits pro;loset to give him equal to Dr 1}a;ter'+ Mandrake Bittera-
$5 soaks per bottle.
Que s)f the Oxfords may it club sound t _..
•a little derogatory to the local men
n ise any naturally expect to come at*orrot teQ at rn�Lr. �as�} eanela):.1
got 11oa4t tt�lli .) c i forward, said who are being brought vvuir<rlCuQtit o".•."'"'")
short montir;i. 0;i the oilier hand '1Q titian that the county has done its : fret! o ,stee so
' 1.Yhitc 1i'LcaG;ir+w �
* Tore
0 to 10ua
the lea+, ever been ox- full share already in that tray ? yet tilie>;r ta+r o ae to s oe
peetent awl hopefrd, &••d their The following is front the Toronto 4Pr,n,..t Rrrlaar
NerxS t'• ri�t ill reference to tete rut oep li'itI "law) ..- ..- — t Teri r !
policy d!!t:` tl c"wl strongly lll.i c3R with ( r . ' anile,} ,-, . 4' a a;
of tt change 111 the galitival vfrela of ')ata , U to, 0 aF
their belief lir One -matter. lel all tete part; •: Tilnotlly
they have dtl:la is reepect to railways!The report hag been vrittely circa I
scutal Stihl uutuigratian 'bey have listed that pressure is beio , brought ; Fars
to gear b the Grit, leaders to indece patter
not ca atilte.l the past ttic,tle, but ' loops p`r .. . -
lite reaigattttltdta of Mr. Harley. 1, J ". t'tltetoee,per 4,4
for Salah Oxford, in order to zaaIri n.'i �ir Pi," i r i.
a vacancy for I,ia11. T. W. A,Ugh!.1, t fatxxas rar�li.
ono of the editors of the Mote. It ;1att.l.: silt. pr
1Srt411t1 be t. ill 'n;Iviale'd tt ln•�r a eta rite ' imhr.•Re.nrs t%,•r t+r
" l;o:�:res. rtv;.ei lar)'.7 -
t•rlit,aCltatiC,L1 of Sir Cat l:1 right. 11r. i half
Anglin iet a fair-to-miodling eot't of tt , Ilii' t" rneeb, ,
lrrstor of prody and iolr,'.woulteii styli. 19e.e.ei ooler,;eacla
lent a evertor of It teutUrp or ins cPlra sus
� t \Y,�ol per 11: ...
Yeti;lti of' I 7th' fol,
tltest,i.hi!!al hi38i3
tic iltioa dieeppeeireol 118 they eere ,.lr- the tttttuivaleh ,tournaltw 1;10 ib not \ro ie 1
O1a1•e • 11aa1 i to to 7 40
1 2,3 co III/0
▪ 000tooy„
, 01r to is
• lt;to7
Kt to ., lie
• e ;s teem
• ys uta to o uti
kr. to 00
▪ osoto►►1,3
• 013 to 030
• eye tootle
• () Pe to l 00
0.79 to 090
text to 00
• s00ra$s0
have had out the olive branch to tits
lllture. And in this they have been
jui<titied by event*. While tinzitl and
fear stricken they isr.VQ not ...bin tried
the expedient •^f t'ttl,iatli;eg' "te beep
their eaelraee ;;i» while the Caneur-
Ye ive Peaty have , moved boldly for.
weird, sod found that dimeere and die.1 app, ansa still Adhered to i► -
ue er e..r. ...
A than of oti118�tiutiteue shinty either all ..
lrroacitod 433 eballengod.. l-lelsec it la politicirt: or R jotirelltli>"t, and Marr:
O Met tae histcry of tire two parties over, his reputation is hien halted by
pis...lira avoir different ',smite. The the printin;; ct,utraot 004'1441, and he
one teas point proudly to &epee retired from acttvo publio bfa WALK a
overcome; to mi9aolloeptlotln removed ,c1°114‘ He is A comparatively recent
to woudora a doom Herbed, vwhile 111e arrival Wile proviuot « tveide liege uo
p � ttatrt at alai77a upcs7l tits alae#urs uf.
South Oxfarcl.
If men in the porttiQnS Qf uou'a:414
of South Huron,'auti Harley of Santh
Oxford: tare weak or complain eriou;l;
to etllkrw ibemeolaos to be e' fixed or
Wind or bulldoreel by the Grit riuo
other to still elt:vertog tit the belief
that ttee•luaxs .i fan n;etllions 1141/0 boon
expended in the improvement of the
niations! *elate erorythiug is going''I
to the Aad, and ti collepao itseritebie. !,
if one were to taslco the trouble (if it i of wire pullets oak. giriug up thou
were loam wt►t t.1; :while) to reokou up "Pat* to interinpere).the olentura should atu;lxlir; tu.
'• ler lire 1t ,`Sias that 11Rve heart by their rotas teeolr this eerty wow- ;stay 10,—Tim rret•irte of cattle at
The Ghees o larl et.
VMS, , N. Y'., May 18.—Vhosso
Wee. 6,0100 homes, 1.010 to lila
In, 11•}0 ; 400 hoxee anneigue4.
'tt C)1'ERT Lt T
tr Sale
l A comfortable table r f:ar:c.e 4w.e J*iig, ono and a
trait taalingolt' of au ,acre of laud.
,...rdr@rs St— isle clear for (till
particulars:- apply to !lilt GFO2 (Ut
120:ti°eg-st.,k:ast.,larrlr t�' 2 C
For Sale..
!Idrxislsedaudcousouient i,lrelliugRouse
d bot on Brise! ',tri.t, 31ast of Mau street
For ;,:+rti.-�ilussappl:: to
.I tic; citorsice.
For Sa15 or To -Let. —
.4 e..,L c4:e r •r.: u„ -a a canrCriit;llt 7i
' .l--r.�y ,iu. 7:c.g t 1 s, s•Stligued ,tile': cellar
1 Ctmast new. SAL l.n .anis occupied by err" John
b't,.89na lits : s e .•f f e aria':a, and i ail.
ere ..fe3Yr.t,.S: grimed with good tale end
;yin.; is ..i Po,. a,:' cants. loot .,i:.'10
it•' T ..ItuilY.
^,mprii l., Centralia Out.
alit. 13 V FI,I.IOT.
:NOW t4 Snprler Cad Man & Charts
• 1„t1r.1..i. ,. ., o c a the world. For
k» acs � �r•Y Y za Ir ;' �'C 3eiIdst?R
.t;cx:lt:cr ,.,.i.:t,.I.e.ntlou.Ol,t.
to _watcher S1 p,
LtTTL: FALLS.1:'L 11, May 19,.-..-
4ries., 5.400 buatott at 101. IQ 12 ; tltfl
balk at ',tic.
Livo Mot* Mar
Fro mil 1 ! 1 t�i cry "I" then h. '6•3 sparmllonnt Mho market here toeltty were about
uttered An these matters daring the 1 'Age."
1swouldt few year., it would be (Quo(' that
sea,+ tc a day hamliaased during
which it hoe not been stated that if
eozuethiug ut w very radical liGtd
vis;ti not br,ugbt ahem, end that
pretty eerie, the only people who
multi pt7e1,11)iy cooper it up,keep it to.
gonr,hei;eg,of soothe, tllo Reforwera..
However,Istrairge to say. this long
Morin:. of prouostientirms has been
siguttliy defaatod. Not only has tbo
oountry ,refused to aurrender,but has
hien advene'iug with rapid steps in
all depertsueute of life, Tata R pap
cage from Sir 0narlos 's'apper's
recent epeecb a, • ::n iliustraliou of
claims to bo tatteu into ttt•a..utit, 230 heal. Pride for extra tlnelity
Should Mr. Blake 111ceea.t in hill were higher. JY'irsteelieee beef bronghe
design of bringing '1r,\Y. Anglin nein i from o to GIa ;..-ee.tmbelaser. 5c to 5#
to the front in politics it will Alford c, null third;eleee 40 to 4}o per l•,.und
another evidence of Ina uufitlioss me ea live weight. Oyer 300 ealvoa we
leader of the Grit party, and hie ie. offered, ttul at. erice ranged from
ability to read the signs of times. $2 to $7 tech, according to quality.
There wore about 200 «boor stud;
iatnbe, the former reugei from $•i to'.
$0,31), and the latter from $2 60 its
$4 30 each. ;loose, sn to 7a per
pouud live x eitjltt.
t Z•.'elfee- of EX, ter Tian..( s,-
In order to wind up the di4ttnsewn l tl':�1N1�;;iT `t' ,'.L1tNLN'C, ' teri•
on the chore subject ilei Aril of the lVotoriltervHurgeons. i raanates of the Ontario
nail qtr College .Tot
to,, lime op
foe the tr,•at
Domestic An
Street Ems
this: --
"Tho tnaguifioe, ` atrtdea that we
httdmede'vas apparent to the Minister
of Einanoa, end if any oar, would ask
condition ot the great masa of the
people lie wnnld disarmer that their
position today was 100 per cent, bot -
ter than prior to consolidation of the
different provinces. The deposits in
the sitviuge banks, which 'sero one
million and a-hitlf seventeen years ago
were tweisty.eigl,t luilliolrs to -day.
More unqualified evidence than his of
the prosperity of the couutly it would
be difficult to seek. If any ono would
ask the P4:,ornnator—Geueral as to
the indication of bettor titnee, he
would tell them that im 1867 there
wore only 18,000,000 lettere mniied,
and to-diy there were 75,000,000.
The Minister of Immigration and Ag- better "r put up or abut up.' In Mr.
ribnitnrt would give a similar gratify- Hogart.h''s lateat,he says he never said
ing amount. He will be able to tell Income for (1881). Here is what he
you that in 1867 there were 1),660 says in his essay :--" The gross u, -
settlers oalneinto the country, while come of all 0ntltrio Companies (ex
in 1883 that number hied swelled to ensure of Life) is $687,427,95, (1881)
98,667,or inrblding those by customs .fn another letter he says : " Now,
133,624. sir, 1 tarn to the Report of 1881; and
Snell facts, and they are belt illus- 'in his last says, ,'I never said Income
for 1881. Will he please telluswhat
year he really does mean. That maria
Mr. Hogarth speaks of will be re-
moved just as soon as he shows that
my figures are wrong. He has never
attemptedto say that it solitary figure
of mine was wtoug, and hi trio moan -
time I defy him to do :so.
I shall await the deposit, and un-
less it is made, . the probabiliesare
that I shall take little Iiotice of his.
Yours truly,
Exeter, May 20, 1884.
Economy 011 t1ta learnt.
i Omerg
t,il11u1-.l: Tl';:ESLlX8. Tki1'ItS-
S.4,Ti"1311attT$ et their xr�i•t.orra, .
,i;FT ' Ttik; SHOT' 'WILL 1 t
opinion Mt' Hogarth hat* little respect
for the truth, I will =mite the follow-
lug proposal to hulas ---I will deposit
from $2514100 provided Mr. Ho
garth dose the soma with reliable
And if I oats not prove that the Re-
flector of March 28th I884,did contain
the following:-- The gross i130or11e of
all the Ontario Oampanios (oxclusive
of life) is $687,427,05: (1881): The
mount paid in !mites is $215,498.77;
the expenses of managing this am.
omit of business is $282,276,42, then
my deposit is til be given to any
charitable institution: unit if I aro
right, then lir. Hegartli's deposit
Will have to be paid to an in-
stitution of the same kind.
I will give Lim another offer : that
if the above figures are correct se per
Government Report for the aforesaid
year or any other year be desires to
mention, then the deposit is to be
given as aforesaid. Mr. Hogarth had
trations of a hundred of , others, tell
their own tales. With a country so
widely progressive it is absurd to.
build' our lines upon the errors or
the littleness of bygone years. Had
the people of - this country never
looked forward,llad they' been con-
tented with the timid, shrinking poll•
cy of would -bo advisors and eminent
•obstrnetionists in ,what condition
•shouldwe have found ourselves to.
-day ? It hasIbeen'given to the Con
Iservative party, guided by its able
•and trusty leaders, to marsh with
elle timed and thus to be ready to
meet: the growing, the bounding ad
vaucelnent that we are and ''have been
rultlsivg. _ Checks there will be it is
true; but making eve!), allowance for
those inevitable occasions,'' of which
legislation has no oentrel there is no
other popsy for this country which
can succeed but that whzoh reoogni:
zos the upward and onward, It is
by keeping this in view thea national
success has been-assu ed and Canada
says ' •Doubts are traitors ; we oft lose the
good we might have by fearing to attempt, "
Then doubt not "Golden Coin "—it is the
best chewing tobacco in Canada,
To euro consumption, ulceration in the
lungs must be stopped, the mdtter must be
thrown off, the membranes and tissues
healed and the system invigorated. Downs.
Elixir will do all this. Try it. Everybottle
warranted. {
epee eu °nice
meet pd' all
Stoats, on Meta
s ;Ustanfront
eo __„. ' lrrnlpi2v n
tetnie•ltit1. )teiliciuealor Hones, Gates.., •r,
always on ita14,1.
Coo* laamsoa
."t1:111:1IS, TLi1:J 3HE1l i , A N 11
;4ltiti', •, , i"• t, .ttt;t4trc+air*t
¶.:,t, a tc Cit a:" 1'... Jading rxhibi
MA ti tnsir,or laic, ntliCC iter• eltrrl-insult
•rias.. e,r,a itiC1!o aysry iu.t.u,^w. is
• 1;•... uu ,: t1.:.. a lubricator, 3 t1 will cut•
car 1ST 1, t.«,!i ar cw,t..r 4/:. Sri iiia Mart Mott
..IUS tai Mess t+1a5i' st rianietoet'• 'EV4
.0 err'" ••rh. ria Ina t.iestill. ' yet and yon
e 9!e••ell eft itn.e,...• 1..,wirr 41 nattat ion*'
\\Intim to announce t'• the, Inhabitants ot;
Exeter nue vie,uity, , that holies opened out a
Boatan Shoo$kop
in the Corner Stora. 'North of Barnwell
di Plekard'', where he is prepared tomake
all kinds a, ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended tn.
Late iifanabar (1. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe
May 14:b 84.
"Wholesale Druggists, Montreal.
The Seegmiller Plows.
Having decided to close his present stookof
the above plows, will sell
FOR $13 CASH, and $14 Q'ri TIME
The plow can be seen at the building oppos-
ite Bawdens Marble, shop. (A few doors
south of the market.)
Points and repairs always kept in stook.
Parties intending making a ptrohase will do
well to call early.
April 10. 8. POWELL.
2tCcoll Bros. Co., Toronto.
a rv,tair . s,
DISSI,;TI.; BROS., Exeter ;
Jd. EMBER' si SON, Crediton ;
teVONEL%.0 ivAtat,: i 1, Hensel!
ie Mania a Leo ,ing Glass
For Every married Couple,
325 ACRES. " t% 325 AC'RE.e,: \ti'ui, r,+•°: er" ... oust`n::tt: or wontsu
'til mattsln�pi. n?ins hook. Yet to all who, int
the first time crtcr the marri.,1 stets ,t Ste
a'1I.Cf•1$S1T t. They roust have it
THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION I pn▪ or ran the content. I. little here. but it i
an need to e.ay the Vico* r main» ail the sec
rate rein( i nit to wed, uw.rr1 Aconpleo. Others
!who uritrrit will o, ••, ., t .: , r Ow conaceuen-
• • ,e. It inrit*v.'''.:3vd f . tis,.... wI,a Visit
r to ktttiV litres h, at , 'alter enc. kite t Is
salesman. :i i� tf. i3, 1.,}cry su n coops •itoul,t ;eve it. anal as it
'.lo Ucbui sor3:at uu iw i tttl 5.11; s, Ste°..4,T,1 rrrjt, a ,3.. 110. c -t 1•Y 4rnli.felina, oln1 } i;i
Nne).•le+3lus'ut lit arca ssalai ws to ail is I;c 21 vt I • attd
wultrg to work.
can have pleasant
flood Agents aro earning trent $10 to +bio 1
per month and expenses. 1
t -Tenni and outfit rite- Addrels 1+1
Srater it WELLINGTON.Torontoi
AGENTS WANTED NE« .t it sn sr'
NEIL, l3o more trouble to move wicks. Every t
family waste it. Tit any lamp. Uao sale ;
globe. Sells at sight. three burners torS1 to r 0 +FARmEitsany address: 1ionerLamp}turnerCr 73 Mar
ray Street, Now Yer h
.i3V EIINNi3Y, S aru,..uth,
Nora Scotia
rhave sandstireremedy of for WO worstabove land
MO thousands a have
i creases or Ind Indeed
ata,d and or r 41
i Its
0l have that
I will
,si,C r' S0 BorraEs a rne.0
intoget together
that r a. 11 lord Tide U 08 this
jJI - 19 eu er OOrer. Give Exir ss tura
P. 0nn 5r944.soasn,
to anysufforer. 8L0Cn 1, 1St Pearl St.,
T. A. 8L64itiX, lSi I'8t1r18,., t�9ar York.
ADVEBTISERS send for our select list of
Local Newspapers. Geo, P. Rowell &Sr Co.,'
10 Spruce Street, New York, -----02' TRH --
This spade belongs to Mr.
John Matheson, (Back's Ofd
Stand,) whose acly. will appear
next week.
Dashwood Flouring Mill
Wishes to return thanks to his numerous
enstomers, for the past liberal patronage
given hire, and since making im-
provements, which is a large
saving en fuel, will do
--O II O P .P I i�N G--
utitii further notice, atthe following
--rates :-----
And for all other grkins (Peas excepted),
Are my regular grinding days
TERNS - - Strictly Cash.
N. F.—Flour & Teed sold' at a close mar-
gin. Don't forget to give us,a call
110,467: rzaz ],
Dashwood, Feb'y 7th, '84