The Exeter Times, 1884-5-15, Page 8J. GliiGG
W ,41esa1e vend %j
The Iltelton�� , of the LoThedeN4tt/tul Ming woollier is seadir 'I�t. lroad,lgay, "
enc the luau with very Imminent -like ,( !hymen of if cXtllop,bei sold his well -kaolin•
of ei theaters* of our ar flews Pay d vin melt is Mr. Jalgpe Wei 1111,
an too 'morning unit, '„Aomori Bo4getviflo. for the ental. et ,190 • lie hie se
;sic.It is wonderful ...s.wlght with. so sold* driver, eery ag two, to fir. Wool,
see shims, Aho y,' etew, when the of Crediton, for 120, Mr. Seott has a keen
• sRho»Rk4 of lixllt iN►o:r ' tiny turns to eye for Mors* /home.
1M vtlhage wee sroaUS*. and all the beet d ei pro.trptly, ifor tri o patronise ry pro should pay
”. j:� tom MKea uritis tui Y' ower prapah l o>" the
Idle "WEI)* I)* bet, ureligiouslyh other. Then Presaword u::" a peculiar power the Print i I far.
at the first ward l jc of fly. If the printers paid
' .tie1 sad • s*[nplael.
*bioaffh the � "all day �!w,i7 hi% paeai' hook kept plpthore
e fret and OM? the ttei' o -•
AND--'- dale to tenet - ,Advertl�l�Q h l 7 l' M MyinR Petrone* be rue
sad: sends teak T hoed, # to paper In peso, his pangraphe of psrr.'
*dy rends whet
tbrougb,and *rents bay .'tore ple >ig color*, send the
he she seeks oats be ',omelet' his paper is **owe to the
lowest rats. Her time is Havel.
paste et ate dry -goods roan is not so
rourttl i , 'Re sells his staffs in ouey,
advance just wlrl{Er,ha has told the buyer in soar Punier, Ws 30th 1989.
1 Having enjoyed the pleasure . _-_r_. a
JR grhatenar lune it° (tat.
dooa""z�h Tae merch
`lb t9 heslow m 4Prlase west spoAit of it in very higha : - .,r s4 ne ARAB to t magnifi.
he tures displayed ar^ f oat of t. and p't sk
I; at 4.1. sn ,addition to the pleasure of the en-
-r+;. Qt .
TEN CENraper Invites arae tn.�iertlon, and
11OT'S OENTB euritsieforataliindo equenttri-{
settle*wiitbe�ei +tit tktr �+att�eSoggaaaiirrg.rt
Ws Wows.
t „#h ns.
rl tltr i �. &Y 15, 1884.
Jrstr-ttivsp,—Pleat and ebeapest lett of
boot: +tad aftosa we leave as yet Seen in town,
is a40. Bored* Also bee 4 reale wok androal'.
ting clone eta venal, Harness of every'
kind Mwase ora bevel, whip& trenks,obildroni
arriaiai, espreis *wens, &e. Cali au4aee,
few persons may secure board by
Applying to Imre. Heywood, on Alin
atreat,seuth of Ha,wksliaw a Hotel,
Igo. Past. tide Peso e1 proverbial phiiosoPhhy
in some place where l;lt parties can perceive
_,-----ABOUT TOPITI�C$Ag-„._....�
s; Ala ug11 fail
antique ••a,u,.r,,
t terse*- . t great a
. of therm very superior m woxk■
141.141342_ VP M. Yerey 1s ealiuently success.
"'resp emu Out.”. U0 � $ inetrpot on with amu*ement,�
The request.. Keep my name out of the ful in ^a inrportatit moral lessons that
paper "14 often made to toe by parches who in een+rey,.., ler gam, lute eneesof all, es-
are unfortunate enough to get mixed 1m in must Influence, rt. re 13T>E, }3. A.
some occurrence which may be a discredit to peoially the young. >saiAl part sorry,
them and which they are anxious to have ideal Master High ia:: '
suppressed. These people. do not, or eanuut
be made to u nderetar:d, that in publishing a
newspaper our first duty to the public is to
give the news as folly turd truthfully end im-
dilly as wo oan. however much it may
Burt the feelings of partied iotereated. It is
az from Oar viii o Nay d ,i •00°11
iF flQ tl 41 s and i
but we
Chet into option
to ttheaunatd -4 lenge* from au"' pan for *hal•
tla uaeleee and not the repoitpre Ana* wens f07l of elle . dayurno.
giving au account of the week' , who in ,- a friettl+il,Y gime. 5 days uo-
Rtraply doing their duty a' ..i deluge are p=d to be given. Addeess,E. Jennings
pnbllie what they oxp�'' .,,t etvlllg to lir,,, lineal), P. 0.
are to *,annul. 0" ..,eini`tl;.pity tor. Were
Mealy comply - .4 WWI weibee wet would (*rand Bend
this matte. ,(tried. sigh requests, but in . �„..
the per rete fA'a wltstcrTing onrae1vea bltG Large quantities of white filth are
[p .�M- moo, in which. ossa privatt+faai httu g present, p
I-.ehtrot earntenter consideration, g caught bete at resent only se
..,... ore deprived of the beat. Well, if we
towel ninvttitee have a law all good subjects roust
stead Cadiz��p'a�� ehau&e of adv. obey.
IFhet4 RIll llbeeies hare its ArborsIla 7 F No sports are a; yet spoken of for
Binns jai emoting 43" ata,Gte ort the nittlt of Iilay. Jr. Brenner will
crowd 01 people is. Iowa ova try and zu ke tillage euterteiaini ter
Hereunto bed* busy day. any pleasure'loeker who wishes to en-
• hewn lour sale. shop. Apply at joy a pleasant day.
11 I.
�d tfipg,ep
Thio iau,t .„,,,4 Fine Base Bail r
flute '.tale been reer'ga heed icy lb.
f f h t land ne's feeling* t Ile' 1854 d e .+r
Tho 'k '..
Greet complaint is being made by thepub-
lic* spinet the Anglielt Sparrow.
Moe iu Dreherd* au polo* *reining bad
lty� injured from Unbinds ploking the bads,
tlaerebyr Imaging the trees, and oortainlyy ta-
inting this season's crop. The English Spar-
row must go—if yon coat get hire to go.
guidon Csasrt+s.
T13s mouth courts, for the revision of 'the
Awosament Boll, are held in the municipali-
ties, and it becomes the duty of every indivi•
anal to see that this asaessnaeat is correct, fat
this time, and not raise objections et other
petiodc of the year when errors cannot be
rectified. It there aro no appeals or eltcra-
tione made at the Court of Revision the as-
sessment then must be accepted es correct.
On Saturday last .while Mr. Tho. Oke was
working on a farm near Bethesda, he met
with *severe aoeidont. It appears ho was
rolling the ground with. a land rotler,on which
he was Blanding, when the tongue broke, al-
lowing the concern to fell bank upon him. Ho
was found unconscious by Mr, L. \alper,who
immediately eonveyed him to his residence.
Ho is, however, progressing favorably.
Razor Stolen.
On Monday evening some miscreant cater-
ed Mr. Chis. Mauning's Shoving Parlor, and
stole one of his most valuable razors. An
Umbrella repairer, who was seen coming out
of the place, was arrested and searched, but
no razor eould be found ; be is a cunning -
looking person, and it is thought he has
placed the instrument in some secret place
until such a time as he is leaving the
Per the Elinrvine Circuit.
The following resolution was unanimously
adopted at the May Official Meeting of the
Elimvillo C. M. Circuit. As the Rev. IIr.
Gane has received a unanimous invitation to
the Elimville Circuit (Subject to the approv-
al of the Stationing Committee) in the new
Church, it will bo of interest to some of our
readers, who are acquainted with the rev.
gentleman :—Moved by Chas. L. Bremen,
sec by John P. Beall, and resolved: That we
Place on record our appreciation of the ser-
vices rendered by the Rev. W. H. Gane dur-
ing his pastorate of the past three years
which have been marked by temporal pros-
perity and that webear unqualified testimony
to his efficiency and worthiness as a Christian
Minister. •
Tree Planting.
We draw the attention of municipalities to
the Ontario Tree Planting Act, as this a good
time to do so. Under it the .-council of any
municipality are authorized to pay out of the
municipal funds a bonus not . exceeding 25
cents for every tree planted' within their jur-
isdiction on any highway or boundary line or
farm. The Legislature voted • $50,000 for
this purpose called the Ontario TreePlaitting
Fund. The kinds of trees are specified in
the Act, and they must be planted at least
30 feet apart. They are : Ash, basswood,
beech, birch, butternut, cedar, cherry, chest-
nut, elm, hickory,, oak, pine, sassafras, spruce
walnut or white wood.
Spring Poetry.
The willow boughs are bursting, the maple
trees are red,
The robin carols gayly, the crocus lifts its
The waking spring is breaking sweet per-
- fume mien air,
And winter broken. -hearted, lies dying In
despair. '
Unto the distant hillside a few fair snow
wreaths cling,
bava 000urred is town
are new going their
oar population will viilt
s7, lea7 Seth.
Jobs Fisher, of Mellen gave Baia of -
11 on Tnetdey.
ondon hat, proclaimed Monday 2Gth May
fe celebrate the Queen's Birthday.
The sidewalk on Stationed. would be the
better of some repairing.
Her, it. McNair will conduct the eervioea
in Garen Church on Sunday evening next.
We notion that air. Jno. Elliot paaao4 Inc
first Intermediate Esemivatton et Toronto,
laic week. We wish our young friendcucoosa.
A preparation for reuovstiug old furniture
Sitio., eau be had at tho Central Drug Store.
Try it.
A large number of Ane cattle were shipped
from this station oa Wednesday, by Mr. Jno.
.1frc. H. Fowell, of Wiunipeg, (sister to
:gra. Ed. Speakman of Exeter,) Is at present
'halting fronds in town.
Hon, A. M. Rosa, Provincial Treasurer,
was in town on Monday endeavouring t0 ea •
tabliah a militia.
Hellebore for current baall:e4—a aura pre-
ventative against the deetroycr—can ba hu•1
at the Central Dene Store, 0 Late, Prop,
Horse-btyers from Montreal wore in town
this reek purchasing all closes of horses to
the American market.
The shores of lake Huron will bo visited by
a number of the citizenly of Exeter, who will
indulge priooipelly in angling,
Mr. W. Collina, wito has bean visiting his
brother in Pontiao,retnrua:i h:1mo on Mon-
Read Mr. Geo. Mausou'a advertisement in
another column, He has opened out a new
boot and shoe shop.
From this date the time of closing the
mails to the old country will be changed to
Friday, which will be continued through the
The tone of the town bell is mnoh clearer
and mom distinct since a heavier hammer
has been substituted. It can be heard twice
the distance now than before. •
Why is it that in most oases the " baauti•
All and accomplished " young lady elopes
with their father's coachman ? Plain look- important that patrons ehotild corn-
fug ladies are never known to do such things. mouse to send their cream RS Boon as
Snipe shooting promises to be a profitable the business opepe.•
sport when the season opens. It is stated Louie Kirk intends removing
that a large number are to be seen about the ialrcg
pond. - both his barns a short distance from
Vercy's Grand Moving Panorama wilt bo their present site. and building stone
exhibited in Drew's Hall, Exeter, on Sator" foundations Hader them. He also in and Monday evenings, flay 17th 3r,19th. putting uttin a lean to one of them.
Admission 20 els, children 10 els, g
Mr. P. K. Hyndman, brother to Dr. lipid- Mr. K., will have plenty of stabling
and barn room when he gets this job
Mr. Alex. Kirk goes, as a delegate
to the temperance.' &invention at
Stratford on the 15th.
- The contract for• building a new
bridge over 1i'i-41 creek in the village,
calls for the completion of the job by
the 24th of May. • As yet very little
has been done towards it, and from
will do Well to attend, appearances the contractor has done
in our report of the Crediton Agricultural abatis all he iu lends to do. The
Show, a few. weeks ago, we overlooked men= Council should see that the work is
tinning that in the Agricultural Claes Mr, A. forwarded. •
McGutre's Crown Prince look first'prize and It is our duty this week to record
Sas. King's w Lord Haddo took 2nd. tho death of another old resident of
Mr..Matthew Kelland of the Devon Hotel,
has been granted u license by_the Dominion this neighborhood, 1n the portion of
License Commissioners. Mr. K., has not had 1,. Wetherell Marshall in the 64th
a License for some e reason of which
e best known t the Ontario Commissioners year of his age. He died on the 3
of May and Was buried on the 7tb,just
4 mouttte from the day of his wiles
dioease. In life he was respected and
in death regretted.
"Worth twine the money" was the
verdict passed by ,those. who heard
"Ten Nights in a bar room,
in. the Town Hall oaFriday
night tact. Notwithstanding the dis-
Agreeableness, of the weather the Hall
•was: well'filled,and all present appear-
ed delighted with the play. (i reat
praise is due the - Granton Dramatic
Company for the fine style in 'whish
The '.knobs" from Zurich paid our
village a visit lost week and enjoyed
themselves very mush. Had the gnu
not lost Pete the might have arrived
home at a mare .ea.onable hour.
rick Curtin of Biddutph arrived home
on Satnrdsy from a trip to Scotland,
bringing with ham twelve Clydesdale
*.alkane --one three•year-old, ten Iwo
year.olde and one yearitug. They
are bays and browns and posses all
the characteristics of thio very useful
and popntar breed of horioe. The
news of his arrival spread rapidly,
and the village el Claneboye was
Noon filled with interested people amt.
ions to inspect the strangere, They
were adtnitted to be the finest lot of
Clydesdales ever brought to this
country. Pat is a rare judge and has
bad much experience in handling this
class of horses. The lot were person-
ally selaoted by him from the beat
breeders in the Clydesdale districts,
regardless of expense, as he was de-
tertnined to bring the best. They are
all pure bred and registered in the
stndibook. Their influence in the
improvement of the stook iu the
northern district can hardly be esti.
mated. Along with oho Clydesdales
name a psir of shaprg little Shetlanders
end a handsome trio of game fowl.
Potato planting comes next.
The creamery commences oper-
ations on alto 15th, a good business ie
antioipated this season. It is very
man, of this, place, arrived .a few days ago
vlth his wife and four children, from Scot-
There is a. colored titiposter • travelling the
country soliciting aid for the liquidation of is
debt on a St. John's Colored Church ; the
church has no claims against it. Give him
a wide berth.
Owing to the wet Weather, the Auction sale
of E. Drew's Household Furniture, Refit Es-
tate, &e:. will bo continued on Friday, May
16th, at one o'clock. Intending purchasers
• In the report of the Eieter Council pro-
ceedings published in last week's issue, a
mis-paint was made in the amount rendered
for lamp lighting, being 06,000, which should
have read 00.00 •
Mr. James Trow, M. P., in company with
the Hon. Edward Blake, will take a trip to.
the North-west during the coming summer,
so says the St. Mary's drgue. Wonder will
they carry n '! cork screw."
One of our :ileborne farmers, ,who' resides
Their purity beseeching the mercy of the but a few miles from here, had the dottier -
spring. tune to have his team ran away. from him
The verdant cirel3 round them grows *los- while driving along theiroad, on Monday every bane. tet noon last. The driver was "thrown •from
And every fleeting moment is natal with a the wagon, but received no serious injuries.
inspect our
n 4-w 4- ` i.c.,,ra er •
t)eJ1 !i to.Uwwu >,
$i.Viiui. tivoroottinp
Iu1 W o 's#I ds,
Scotch and
Canadian 'Tweeds.
'mita ct rift guittranttod
,s Pt ; o ,y refund 1d>*
Ready-made Clothing a speciality --
both in Mens and, Boys.
In5Iaeotion invited. No trouble to show Goods.
they performed their several parts,end
we cart assure them ahuuld they re
turn to Klrktnu,whioh it is to be hop-
ed they will at no very distant date, a
mob linger Ihnuso will greet thou.
The demoralizing influence of drink
was clearly ehown and it is to be hop
ed the play will not be without good
The regular meeting of the Coun-
cil was held on Monday, the 5th, all
the members present. Minutes of
last meeting read and confirmed.
Mr. W. Cade appealed t the board
for assistance to put in n drain 'woes
his field a distance of *bout 11 rods,
as the Council had put down a 7 in.
tile across the road, turning the water
in on tike field which Ind formerly
gone dowr tho roadside, thus necessi-
tating a 7 instead o1 a 2 inch tits
which lied formerly boon sufficient.
051 morel. of Mr. Hutchings, sec-
onded by Mr. Graham, the t.ounoil
decided to pay for half the tile. Mr,
Ruthig complained that the 11[11 un
the 15th eon. was in a very rough
state and required some repairs. R.
Radcliff also complained that the side
road running past his plane needed
repairing, and Mosta Pearn and Gra
ham were instructed to attend to t he
matter. Mr. Dale asked for 80 large
tile to put down on the road side,
thus saving an open ditch. The
Reeve and Mr. Hudson were instruct-
ed to attend to the case,also to exam•
ino the water course on the Base Line,
near John Moore's, au l make what-
ever changes ale necessary. A bill
for printing was presented from J. J.
tlrabbe,"for $8, 64. ' Ordered to be
paid less $1' 04. Leave was granted t
to introduce by-law 61, for the pur-
pose of more plainly defining the
transfer of tot 24, con. 9, from School
Section 4 to S. S. No. 6. Moved by
Mr. Hutchings eeoonded by Mr. Hu:l-
eon, that a Court of ,Revision be
held in the Township Hall on Mon-
day, the 2nd day br June, 1884, and
that the Clerk advertise the said
Court. By-law 118, appointing Path
matters, Pound keepers and Fence
viewers being rend a third time, wee
passed. The following gentlemen
were appointed members of the Board
of Health,—Messre. Wm. Johnston,
J Spearin, E. R. Gooding, and the
Reeve and Clerk. The following
grants were made to the different
roads :—Con. 1 $80 ; con. 4, $50 ;
Mitchell road, $6 ; Base Line, $80 ;
W. B. $20 ; St. Marys $100 ; Centre
bide Road, $8C ; Stratford Road $100.
The following orders were paid. W.
Morfit, $5,65,repairing culverts ; J.
J. Crabbe $7, 60, alvertising ; Thos,
Pearson $1,00, repairing • culvert •
Jno. Burns, $1,75, drain ; Ruth
Ritchie, $7.0P ; Mrs. Foster, $4,00 ;
Geo. 'Wilkinson; $8,00, charities.
Council adjourned to lit Monday in
June, at 10, a. m.
8. CLARKE, T'p Clerk
The Annual (eating of the shareholders of
the Exotar Salt Yorks Co.. will be held. on •
MONDAY, the Nth day of MAY, 1884
At 7 o'clock p .m., at the Commercial Hotel,
COURTOi BBOV4SLON'-1. Court of Revfs-
iou of the AssinanOnt R011 or the Village of
Exeter for 1884, will be hold at the Market
Muse, Exeter, ou
'WEDNESDAY, 28th of MAY, 18B4.
comtnencing at 10 O'olcrie a. in, Persona hav#ag
business at the said Court thould govern anew
selves accordingly.
Orator, Mar 1Sth 1484. M. EMMETT, Clerk.
3To rICM..
Court of Revision,, -
—Fon TnE—
The Court o4 Revision for the Township of
Usborno, on the Assessment of 1::4, willbo hold
Saturday, MAY 31A, 1884
Commencing at ten o'clock a. m. The Assess-
ment Rollcau be seen at my o91ce after this
Usborne, May 8th, N. J. CLARK, Clerk.
July !xaminatian:,
IIII. CLASS (non-professional) AND INTER-
MED1ATE wilt be held at the High Schools
of tbeCounty.beginning at 9a.m.,
Monday, 7th ,xuly.
11. CLASS (non professional) at the High
Schools, beginning at 11 a.m.,
Wednesday, 9th 3arly.
1. CLASS GRADE C. (non-professional,) at the
Normal Schools, beginning at2p.m..
Tuesday, 15th ,%s/y.
Monday, 21st fuly,
Wednesday, 23rd yui;':
ALh CANDIDATES must forward to the
Secretary, on or before JUEE lst.notice of the
school where and the class of certificate for
which he desires to write, carefully naming the
options he wishes to take, and the certificates
he already holds, if any. This notice MUST a1 -
so be accompanied by a certificate of charac-
ter and a FEE of one dollar, or two dollars if
the candidate' applies for second as well as
third class examination, No name will be for-
warded to tho Department unless the fee ae-
companyit, Forms of application may be had
from the Secretary.
Th rd -Class Teachers desiring an extension
must write at the July Examination, otherwise
the Minister of Education will refuse exten-
sions, except in exceptional cases,
J, R. MILER, P. ADAMSSecretary.
Presiding Examiner and
Chairman of Board.
tiOdericb, April • Nth, 1S84.