HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-15, Page 1VOL.. I N� r. '.a �t ►: ONT ,1 T DAT VAT 1884 .--tee txs 'Received Cdnatured end orf a lively dispoeition cot. tI81;" EN PES ..•ental TOMATOES, late elle bas been regarded as of urs. j •RFT CORN, ]±LORADA OIiAtNGHS, sound tnittd. 1'lriilistn Hunter, 'bus unter:'bus drivernf Seaf„rth. Charles Her - Fresh Table Buller away n 444i EXTRA FINE LEMONS. bort ie lit, tinsmith of fee,M,rye, Fred Bootee 1$ a carpenter of Lleaforth Pixy. , ing al timer aorneivhlt 'ritlgafly. Of A.. MAN'S EGAL. W R. HALL* •13411ZISTER,SCLLIT011ietc Witte in, Su4utteit'si3leolc,1 titer. Issmsweset 11F1~t'TAL. TUN DENT Canadian. George Lessard, a French resident of Montreal who has attained the Aanericatre.• A drowning acoident ooaurred at Detroit on Sunday evertiug. A. party if young muu who had been out flet - ;ins; ►s;ero stt"tc:k Gy eteatuler Corte' of eats aot•di"a;try ago of 107 years, has ; Detr„it and oaepaisad, The officer, through bis attorneys instituted au action against bib two sons, tlleopbm of the loneedtert eauaoeededf tire-Riving nejeb•se all and Georgie, for an a3,lnneetary allow g an", 1Ite oetitariee claims to hove excepting Albert S. &nooikeloff, who served le the 1+'ranola array under Ne, 'Pee drowned before eealatawoe could poleotl, all says he also took part iu he rendered. the A monoe.n war of 1512. The Ptcasueliipa";.'una'elland Routine T, O, p.g" were reported on the toe off the innth The prisoners Tompeett and LAW aide alt Saturday. On Sunday attar• der, under sentence'I death at I'io teen trio TnaRtall got iiipped off St eaiter #�: Iota, Ottt, la,r the l.tazter yittraer, peter'. bay light, and enuk during a ofnoeBreait passed an uneasy flight Sunday. Tie; heat n+Y li 4, Ind' Wow- g it bravado that ,ft?�,eder elicited whet+ . y Tooth ear- oaptaln 4 crew wale lauded wltlt raatedwtt2, senteii°ell dieappeerod after being great difToltlEy, Tits stestwer xs'" rut P.tn• leered up in the cell. The Cburels of England olorgyman auuonuoed opal Inn") bound r:ir Il nntre'il lrollt that every Wednesday. ao:d Frit'T Piotat,, 4114 11414 been in gulf atoms afternoon, cammenorngwttf thie week "'I.` public inteceaeing players will be held in behalf +if the murderers. Twenty"=live thoueaud round. of ammuaiti011 have been 'hipped (rem. Fort Henry, Aingetou. to Loudon, oeediuge of the evening, --Carried, Mewling adjourned to inset si 9 n'oiook noie moreing; At the hour appointed the Insti- tuto reaeeembled, president in the obair. D1inutee of preceeding day were reed by eeo and coufirmed. Upon motion Meese. G. Baird jr,, and S. letarrison were appointed Re- porters for the Locsal prase. Chairman of "Text Book" commit. tea reported that theylied no report prepared on aeoouut of the uaembere not haying met to Qonsuli and from sotn.e members of the committee hat- fog left the profeseiou. It was moved by Mr. Brown, gee by Ur. Regan,tbat Messrs. G. Baird, er„ and Holman MI tete vaonnoy in the committee ou TOO Beaks, °aused by tate removal of Mosso. P. Strang andruff from the profession, that the eltairu an call the committee togetbet prior to the next meeting of the Institute and to IMO a report ready for the fail :agei- ng, and that expenses of committee be paid from funds of Iriettttete.e.0er- ried. Mr. G. Ilolntau .ben gave a very ttuoaoroue end endinatruetive madras. I on "Whither are we drifting" coupled with "What oasi be Clone to give great. epprelienaion, and he watt then re- er pertuanol" ami stability feonato the !II mored tat tba 4°1 . " Lb' •itavestR- teaolier's Position"f Alteridergs►tiou tlleaed,g stile lively °Itoeat Arias irin as, If 1..1..4 hearty vote of *alike tem ghee), to Zurich.. Mr. Holtman for bis able paper, Mies Oliver road *pottier on "Terri. parolee in Schools" and after some dlecuenion,it was moved by Mr. Greg- ory, leo by Ur. 11Olutan,t e* a hearty vote of tbatcke be tendered MU Oliv- er for the excellent manner in whioh she dealt with the eubjsc$.-0 zrted. The following resolution Baa then MftD1CAL R. ldYNiiMAN.---COROI!TEii FOR the CountyofMason. Office ,next daerta .1.Aatrling'arltore,Bxoter W. B1t,OWNING U. D., 111. G • P.ti,uraduaseVlatorie.Volvariit'" *elle Kudr•sid•aaoe. uott ntort.a,boratorr.Exeter. DB. J. A. R©LLINS, M. 0. P.8. .1l J 0. °taco. Main 8t.Fxeter,©nt, Residence house recently occupied by 1. lataPhultps, an. C1 LU'.t'Z, M. D,, .� I ! • ()Vice at his re dauao grater. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI RSITY TrinityColie$Member College latau>;.udatrrgoont Out..fllooi{irkton IMPORTANT rtUTICES. anti, eiz berreiu of powder to 4ttswa, The coroner's jury, un the iugaest on the death of Oubway at North An. gusts, fled that the men was killed by his horse running away. Cutesy ting a woak•neiuded young man, end xae supposed to have been murdered by several men with whom he guar. rolled. There aro fifty;two witnesses in the Midellemiee murder °nee, thirty.four for the Crowu and eighteen for the detence. a,•••4 WEST HURON 'A:! *SSO(;IA.TLQN. HEWS Nortb Huron with regard to a► 'Unica Meeting.••-G.srried. Vote" ot thanks were then tends:P of to S. T. for nee of organ, to editors for insertion of notioee, and to afroee tees for age of 'wheel free of ob., rge,-- Carried. The Meeting then adjourned till the call of the Eaecutiye. Tits McCabe Vase. Tito eemi snnaai wefts of the West Huron Toaober'e A.ssaciatiou tsaa held iu. Ezetor ort the 8 & 9th t„ where a► eery pleased end pro. tltsble time wee spent by the members+ present in the dtseusalan of Talon; edueetiOnal tltples, The firet dey'e prooeedinge corn- mimed at 10 tt. m, President in the chair, Minnie" of urevions meeting read by Mr, S. P. Balls 800'2 --pro twn-- laud confirmed. The president explained the action of the °emotive committee at Goder- At1Ila5 UI{E, COUNTY A.i1CT 3N. Early baturdey bowie Jewel foie with reftreuoe to fixing the salary TAMES Hales , tt attended ins Weil went to the bowie of hie brother- in-law, S. Clark, Catherine Street, Hamiltou, and awoke the family' with a revolver in hie hand, giving t' ne p nal, y ou seat aslesarraneedatthae office ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES- .L tato for the Intron d; Eric. Loan edavings ooiety. row rates of intorosi. Apply to Jobe Sfpao maa,lixoter._ of the sea trete, at $16 her aunuw, stud the appointment" of Mr. S. P, Halle, as se rix+,, in pisoe of Mr. W. Leigh. If theta five minutes to prepare for i yriovea G Mr, eternity. He then shot. Clark in the A. Craset.o er, that t e lection of the 1�VT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- wrist, and his little daughter in the Qomnlittoc he oonfirmed,--Carried. •f .., • borne and R[bbort MutualFiroI•ngnraucc temple. The girl was taken to the Messrs. Gregory, Brown and Miss, Company, 'Residence -Familiar. Orders t,v mail promptly Wended to. , hospital. Wall escaped, and le not Diekeon were appointedft business j OS. HUDSON C01IMIsSION1?,R yet arreatcd. Feint y troubles are the committee, ,After, thorough in.veetigation nt the McOebe pelsouiog cage the follow. ing verdict wag brought ite s--"" The jury i17 thio ogee after having ogre- fully weighed the evtdenee, are un- animously of Itte opiaiou that the de- eeased .Ano ?tteCabeoerne to >t'r death by the edwioieleaetion of etrvohuine the 881138 bating boon edminieterd by her lluttbttud, George Mo slabs, a►od therefore find that the said George McCabe did en the 26th day of April" is he of our Lard 1984, et the town. ship of Weetail:niter, its the enmity of Middieaez, willfully, feloniously and of hie 13181 100 a3farethought. Taff and Murder the leant A617 McCabe, The prieonor was then asked if he wiebod to make .any statement, eiad replied in the I egatiye. The Gorou- er'e warrant wits then leaned for hie • !J in tho Court ot Common Pleas -heeds,, tatltle. Wills, htortc;ages,Leases,andall forms of agree Tompselt and Lazier wore on Sat - melees drawn aud executed according to law. nrday guiltyof the murder of OPPICl•;-Intho Cu ntennialliotelBlook,Iien- Mc, Nicholats Deicbsrt of the Com* rsteroial IIotel< 1* renovating, refitting and painting his premises he pro. crises to make it oomforteble for all allose who choose to osU ripen hint, A good meal, bed, cigar suit bis at- tentive hostler, "Dave trill insurer hint (with his proper Attention to read :1—That we as so Association are business) petrouege. strongly of opinion that a diffusion of The gentlemen of the Unroll iHotels scientific knowledge 01 the offsets of strong driuk is greatly in the interest of morality, that it can be well taught is a Pubito School, and theretors we memotedire the A , the Minister of Educatiou to iuoorporate lessons on thie subject in a aeries of reorders and make -the teaohtng cit ft compulsory.', It was moved by Mr. Gregory, sec ere 81110 fitttug up for tate comforts of their ouit►outars, and are both prong'. mg young men. The sidswadke might here been. stmewbat imE•raved fide spring. Mr, Wing is making some preten- sion*. repaving, dao.,&o. Randall the painter will tosoh hien to "fly." A ortweemmp factory is under con. by Idles Oliver; th e% the resolution be 1 tompletiou hereby Memo. Sipple & adopted. --Carried. Reudall. After listening to * tturdber of well Everything its lookingwell around A oommunteatiou from the sec'y ofd exeouted seleotiene ammo, given by the village—roads are rying. the NV. 0. T. Union with reference to Miss Helier and her class, a hearty The lake at. the View' is quite clear" to Scientific Temperance Education and unanimous vote of thanks was There are some very bad boys its giy"en the lady by the appreciative this town ; their conduct is not what members, it should be--espeoiatly on the Bah - Mr. Strange paper on ," Spelling bath day. We may at roma future Reform " was then read by Mr. Sr. P. time, hand in their names. Halls, -(Mr. Strang being unable to be--------��- present ) PRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY 'MIAoAZDIE. Mr. G. Baird, sr., moved, Mr. --The brilliant JUDO number closes Brown seconded, that a vote of thanks the fifteenth volume, and the claim of be tendered. Mr. Slraug for his able this periodical to public appreciation paper. --Carried. mutt we think, be universally recog- A discussion then took place on the nixed. It is admirably oondueted by subject : Minister of Education vs. its talented and popular editor, T. De - Chief Superintendent of Education, Witt Talmage, D. D., who has in when the following resolution was this number two most interesting ar- read :—" That it is inexpedient to titles, "The Resurrection" and "Hard diecuse the question of Chief Suporin- on others," and also a sermon "The Umlaut vs. Minister of Education, at Sword Sheathed in Flowers." There present, but that in the opinion of are arttclee (most of them beautifuliy this association it is desirable that illustrious) by Rey. George T. Rider, the Minister should have a regularly Aivau S. Southworth, G. A. Davis, constituted adoreory committee re• Alfreton Hervey, 7. Alex. Patten, etc., presentation in character; and partly etc. The serial and short stories, elective with definite duties} and pow. sketches, etc., afford pleasant aud edi- ere fixed by statute. •1t was moved fying reading. 1lanyexceilent poems by Mr. S. P. Halls, seconded by Mr, are contributed by Rev G. A, Wad - T. Gregory, that the resolution be dell, Amauda E. Dennis and others ; adopted.—Carried. The next resolution was as follows: °" 1t is the opinion of the Asrociation that increased Legislative aid should be granted to public Sohoole; and that increased aid should be distributed en the basis of amount of salary paid teacher's' Chi motion by Mr. Gre- 1rbU,Ontario, Peter Lazier, and sentenced to be being introduced into Public High �ONI"]Y TO LOAN AT Ei AND 6I hanged on the 10th of June. Sohoole was road and referred to the per cent• uceort"ing to terms. Private A ft wily residing at Levis after Resolution Com. Funds, Apply to B. V.I:LLIO'i', Ocaoberlu,'80 Solicitor. nsete, • partaking of soup a day or two ago were oaken ill with symptona of pois- oning. Emetics were administered MONEY ' ! r and they all recoyered. The peas it I eau lona any amount of Mane)* on farm se- col ei had been kept in a copper velecurio,at0, 5 mut 7 percout. acoord+ng to terms Bel itlCO laht fall, Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate, 011 Saturday afternoon a young et W 1rALL,Barristor,Exoter. man named Geo. Stone entered Nits m !7fGLINN ELLIOT, REAL RSTATE all'" bakerybakerystore, at the Corn©r of AGENT, Adelaide and Jarvis streets, Toronto, Money to Loan on Fargo & Town Property ."nd reaching over the counter, opened the till, took out $86i-1bills, and de- camped. A. firemon from the Court street fire hall running, and hearing what he bad dune. followed bin). He was overtaken at -the market, and aro rested by P. C. MoCelland. When seal ohed at the Central police station the stolen money was found in his- possession. At the wedding of Wm. Reeves and Miss Hodges, in Milton county, Sem. Pruit a former lover of the bride attempted to cut her throat, but was shot through the temple by the bridegroom. The wound is not morsel. It has since been ascertained that Reeves has a wife elsowhere,and he has been arrested for bigamy - John McGill• a farmer, living about two mites out of Piotou on the road to Smith's Bay, hung himself Monday morning with a log chain tied to an apple tree, while Aiming a fit of tem- porary iaeanity, paused by bis being very severely crippled, the result of having his feet and hands frozen last winter while under the influence • it was moved and seconded that a cor- .3 tlewestrates of interest. and on terms to suit borrowers, A number of first-olass Forms for sale. Mortgages b ugbt and sold. Oihco in Fanson's Block Exeter J. (CARR. COMMISSIONER N • in the Court ..: Common Pleas—Deeds, Wills,Atortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagrao manta drawn aucl executed acoor5ing to law. MONEY To LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Parties wish ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland,orto pay off existingmortgagss willand a great saving by giving me a call, Can lend money at and 61 por cont. according to terms. N.J.CLAR$. FOR BALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE andone acre Oland situated on the Thames Rnad.2l miles east of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shod ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing tees; good well and cistern. Suitable fora re- tired farmer %Jill bo sold cheap for cash. Ap JAY to THOMAS ALLIN, E.toter P. jy 19-tf, -----TBY---- C. MANNZNC'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting &c. r Clean towel for every customer, ort Next doe*: to Central hotel THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. This comxany has been over Eightteen years a successful operation in Western Outar"o,and continuos to insure agaiustloss or damage by Fire, Buildings,Merchandise, Manufaotoriee,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years tl:isCompany brie Issued, 57,096 Polioies.00vering property to the amount of $40.872,088; and paid in IOWA aalone 5709,7511,00 Assets, •176,100.00, consisting of Cash in Sank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Wemiusa Notes onthandand in force J. W Wan DEN,M D. Presidei.t. C. M. TAxx,on,Seoretaryy J B.HvaaEs, Inspector. CHARLES SNELL Agent for Scoterandvlolnity. Moved by Mr. Brawn, see by .fr. Henderson, that members of this In- stituto be entitled to receive auy two of the following periodicals at trod- tute rates (50 eta each a year) yiz J ourn els, Montbly,Suppleneent,—Car • ried. Association adjourned until 1:80 p. tn. On r.. -assembling at 1:80, Mr. T. l+. Young read an essay on "Teachers and Teaching" which was well receiv- ed—After some remarks by Messrs. T. Henderson, Brown, Gregory, Hol- man and Huston, it was moved by Mi. Gregory, 6S0 by Mr. Brown, that the' thanks of the Institute be tender- ed to Mr. Young for his veru excel- lent paper,—Carrie+cl.. Miss Dioitsou thbn illustrated her .method of teaching'att "Object lesson' with 'class, talciug for:object "'wheat." After remarks by Messrs. Brown, Gregory, Huston aud.W. Henderson, was moved by Mr. S. P. Halle, eec by Mr. Brown, that a vote of thanks be tendered to Miss Dickson for the very able manner in which she illus• crated her method of teaching the lesson.—Carried. Messrs. T. Henderson, Crass welter and Mies Halso were appointed a Re- solution Coma Mies A, lienderson thea took up "Primary Drawing" using illustra• tions:• After an auimated discussion in which several members took part, liquor, About 150 pounds of glyeerene in in Mr. Dnnpar's magazine exploded Monday evening. The men had quit work about an hour before the ex- plosion occurred.It was oaueed by the bolding taking fire. The shock was felt for miles. No one was injur- e . njur-ed. dial vote of thanks be tendered to Mise Henderson for her able efforts.-- Carried. • Meeting adjourned to meet at Drew's Hall at8 p. m. On reassembling in Drew's Hall a delighted audience listened with mark- ed attention to Prof. Chapman's ex- cellent rendering of tho various set - Mise Rebecca Bates, who was out- onions on the programme and to the raged by roughs near Clinton recently music furnished by the Local 'talent. lives with her father in Goderioh. She is about twenty years of age, tall .and fleshy rather good-looking and usually well dragged. She was good. After which 11 was moved by Mr. W. R. Milier, see by Mr; T, . Henderson, that a rote of 'banks be tendered to those' who have taken part in the; pro. • 5 the miscebane ins artioles are enter- taining and instructive, and the il- lustrations are profuse and in the beat style of art. • The price is 25 cents a number. or $2.50 a year, post- paid. MRS. FRANK LESLIE, Publisher, 58, 55 & 57 Park Place, New York. gory seconded by 41r. G. Holman the . It is announced tutet the nova' by resolution was adopted. the late Charles Reade now current Moved by G. W. Holman, see by in Harpers Bazar, "A neritous se- Miss Halse, that it is the opinion of the 'members of the Institute, that there be no optional subjeots for deo and class aandidatee, but that they be. regtiired to pass au examination ou the subjects prescribed on the pro- gramme to be taught in publio schools said regulations to .take effect immed- iately After the mtdeummer exam. of 1885. ---Carried. Moved by Mr. Brown sec by Mr. Gregory that Mr. George Baird, sr., be a deligafe to the Provincial Aeso- aiation.-Carried. • . Moved by Mr. 0,, Holman, second- ed by Mr. W. R. Miller, that Messrs. J. I1, Miller, S. P. Halls, and H. E. Hasten, be a oomnnittee to confer with a siplilar.00wmittate Appointed from cot, " was completed by him but a little while before his death. Mr. Reade had several times within the }last few years said to friends that if he undertook another long novel it wouid be the end of hint, -and his fear proves now to have been a true proph- ecy. • •�lh4 How Turr Acr.—Golden Fruit Bittors act on the Stomach, Moneys and Liver, the Fruit Pills on the Bowels. 75 cents per bottle. MAIimIED. DAYMAN—GREENWOOD—At the B. C. Parse- nage, 290 Horton Street, London, on Wednesday, 14th inst., by the Itev. W. H.'Butt, cousin of the bride, William, eldest eon of Peter Dayman of Tucker- . smith, to Lizzie M. youngest daughter of Philip Greenmail., of Lumley, Usborae ' Township.