HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-8, Page 8J:CRIGG
Wholesale mid Retail
IThe trees have commeneed to bud.
What about claiming up your back yards.
Qaits a number have commenced garden-
ing ru the village.
Mr,1. Areasireag, Hnrott-at., is having his
house re -eh ugled-
It isuaderstood that a base ball match will
be played on the 24th.
Mr. Geo. Edworthyhas returneelhotue from
Therein lad week made the grass and
grain grow wonderfully.
Housecleaning and goners' renovating is it
present being perfumed. .
The I,noan "Irish Nine" Base Bsl1 Club
have reorganized for the season of 1844.
The Middlesex Spring Aesizea opened at
yenitlon, matey let.
Large numbers are visiting the lake daily
on fiebiug expeditions. '
Otte sidewalks are being repaired, at pre -
TEN CENTS per hue for first Wrestle/a. and Wit' .
FOUR CENTS perline foreaohsubsequent in- The railing on the North aide of the Bauble
,croon will becleargeufor noticesmppearingin
this column, bridge should be rewired.
Vie toter' gimp.
THURSDAY, MAY 8, /884.
dear Itettmea~n •-Bea=t and cheapest lot of
boots and slaves we have as vet seen its town,
ie ate. E.ucrett's. AI.a hand -made work, and
repaiiiug Moue as usual, harness of every
kind always on Laud, whips, trunks,ebiidrens
arriage,s, express waggons, ,it:. Call audzee.
..1•011 RTIPT
A few Persona may 8eenre board by
applying to Itirs. Heywood, oft Ann
8treot,eouth of He,wksllaw's Hotel.
Fine Cattle.
Mr. John Willis of this piece, has a large
drove of very superior cattle an his fermi a
IOW miles north of Exeter. They are eats to
be the finest Mr. Willis has ever had.
Norse i'urehased.
Mr. John fiawk*haw, has, of late been
dealing considerable in horse testi. Hw is
now is possession of e, fine bay mare, which
he purchased at Kiuear.Iine. Her rceortil, we
hear, is something less than 3 minutes.
To the Neighboring B:a.e hall Club*.
The Exeter "Clear Grit" Naso Ball Club
desires me to state that they are prepared to
accept ehallougea from any of the neigbboriug
dubs to play a friendly game, on notice of
five days. All communications promptly an -
attend. Wu. Sr:torte, Ja., fix.
^ -
horses Shipped.
Meaara. White eC Sen, of Bodgerville. ship
this week a car load of road horses' to the
American side of the river From rumor wo
learn that the nuimala are, without any ex-
eeptione, first-class, and will doubtless cem.
mend high figures.
Trout Fishing.
Trout fishing emu need ;lay 2st. For
the past few days liehcrmau have been over-
banling their Mettle for the oecasiou and get.
ting everything in readiness for the day. A
number left for the Lake this week. On their
return home, look ont for some tall fish ator-
Right You Are. ^^
The Mayor of Sarnia,in response to a sums
erously-signed requisition, bas proclaimed
Monday, IMfay96th, as the day on which Her
Majesty's birthday shall bo celebrated there,
It is quite likely that many other places will
follow suit and keep Saturday, May 24th, as
*business day. Which day shall we keep as
a holiday in Exeter?
Farmers arm looking plcasant,aud they have
good reason,for never were they blessed with
abetter seeding season. A large acreage has
already been sown, and by the end of this
week the hurry of seed time will be about
over. The fall wheat has wintered well,and,
with a continuation of favorable weather,there
is every prospect of a bountiful harvest, and
we trust the anticipations will be verified, as
after the poor results of last years work,many
of our farmers are Badly iu need of a good
United 3fethodfst Conference.
The Guelph Conference of the amalgamat-
ed Methodist Churches will meet in Clinton
on the 18th June, The districts to be repre-
sented comprise those of Guelph, Stratford,
Goderich, Walkerton, Owen Sound and Wel-
lington. The territory to be represented will
embrace a very largo area. Say from George-
town on the G. T. R. nearly due north to
Ieaford and Owen Sound tatting in the pen-
insula between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron
and from Georgetown westerly to Exeter
thence to the lake. •
A Warning.
A warning to assessors conies from Kent
county. Edward A. Cragg, an assessor, has,
just been convicted at Chatham assizes and
sentenced to a fine of $200, with two weeks
in jail, for having wilfully inserted three
names on the assessment roll for the town-
ship of Camden, with the intention of giving
them an apparent right to vote. It was of no
avail that the prisoner pleaded ignorance of
the statute. The judge told hilt he had tak-
en the oath to perforin the work faithfully
and honestly, and he had been guilty of a
flagrant violation of it.
Cattle Killed.
' Ou Friday evg., last, while the northern
bound express was passing over Huron-st ,
crossing, the engine came in contact with
three fine cattle belonging to Mr. R. Davis,
of this place. It appears Mr. Davis was driv-
ing them to pasture, and when crossing the
railway track, the animals boldly faced the
train, and could not be:urged on. Two of
them -were thrown a distance of about t rods;
and instantly killed, while the other was
thrown through the fence,sustaining such in-
juries that it expired a few days after. The
animals were valued at about $200, therefore
the loss will be heavy for Mr. Davis.
r.oeal Brevities.
Reset Tenant c&G Tenant's adv.
The gypsies aro again on;the path.
'�fileh cows are allowed to run at large on
the public streets after the 15th day of May
It is rumored that a Town Flan will be
erected here during the summer.
Another past -tines in the shape of a shoot.
• ing gallery, left town ou Tuesday last.
A. detachment of the Salvation -army of
Luean are expected here shortly.
Frame hue for sale, cheap. Apply at
this dice.
For r flue monograun i eul reveal ou sole€ or
silver, call on W. T. Joltua' Sunbeam Art
A preparatiutt for renovating old furniture
Mt., can be bad at the Central Drug :More.
Try it,
Mr. A. Fake, bee returned home from
Chicago, where he bas beeu reselling through
the winter Ino»Ills.
Meagre, i'Iorue anal Carrick left for Lake
Huron on Monday. where they intoud re -
mining through the summer.
Mr. P. Curtain, of A1are, is expected home
in a few days with his stook -tile t'suest yet
brought out.
A large number of youug cattle, belonging
to Mr. C. Dorward, broke out of the pasture
field, and were impouudea au Tuesday last.
Zr.kE. Chriatie has had a new feuee erect
eel in front of Iia reaidcuco, which greatly ins
proves the appaaraueo of the acme.
Mr, 1 Carling has had a fence ert etas on
the west side of the lawn, wbielt adds greatly
to the appearance of the place.
.A. camel wilt work for seven or eight days
without drinking. In this be suffers from
some mon, who will driuk sewed ar eight days
without working.
At the Iast Parliament of the Cairaliau
Government, the Pawubroker'e Act was
amended ao as to empower trimmapalities to
grant licensee to pawnbrokers and eollcet the
The fastest hens lay the smallest eggs.
(The particular mission of this item iii to in-
duce poulterers to save the lean bens for lay-
ing and sell the plump ones to boardiug honse
Yon can purchase a ticket which will take
you. from Exeter to Liverpoet for $2:5.00; from
Quebec to Liverpool for $17, by applying to
Mr. Joint Spackman,ageut for the 3.1lau Line
As I am about to move ray tannery du:wu
near the Post Office, Main Street, I have con-
cluded to Ieave the Beau Problem oixiu a
little lunger for those who wish a chaueo to
win some first class pictures free.
ENTERrAINDIEN2'.+-A greed tree, 11
iu store for the dwellers in this com-
munity on Friday night is the agri-
cultural Hall under the auspices of
the B. T. of T., the Grauton Dratna-
tie (Jompauy will give that excellent
play "Ten nights in a bar room".
The adpaiseiou to Ibis performance is
mauady 26 cents, but in this geese, ut •
money is oulya secondary consider-
tion,it will
be 15 cents for adults, and
TO cants for children so that every
ier o n lull have au opportunity of
An unusual uumber of the old real -
dente of this neighborhood have
reseed away since the dawn of I884.
The tolling of St. Paul's bell all day
Wednesday dull the quarter pert of
Thursday of last weeel reminded us of
the solemn fact that death had entered
our uoiglibot'bood au dokuuwd as its 44
victim "11r. Peter Burns in the 60th
year of his age. Mr. Burns bad been
tor many years a resident of titan-
altarit stall was nluob respected by all
who knew him, a f et attested by the
large concourse of people, who ou
Thltreday afternoon last followed his
renlatns t.e their In -t restlltg place.
Wilson's ,torehnuse at Hausall
was destroyed by file on Thursday
uiitbt last. The ereiuiae8 were used
by Mr. Charters aa a grain warellouee.
`:filen) were 2001 hoeheie of grain in
the buildle a at the time. Title ware.
Iloueo Was set fire to ou two fernier
occasions of late. It is no doubt the
work of au incendiary.
A. lamentable occurrence attended
with fatal consequence took place here
on the emotion, Unroll & Bruce, on
Saturday afternoon, the victim being
a young brake:eau named Michael
(looney, who was a resident of Lon-
don. He was upon duty ana freight
train at the time, and was engaged in
coupling care. One car wee loaded
with lumber, the oude of which pro-
truded beyouei the ear, and when the
Iwo care came together, Gooney was
aqueezeu in the abdomeu, receiving
very serious injuries and his body
being very badly crushed. He was
tekeu to a hotel at once and a tele-
gram. sent to Ilia mother and stater, 1,
who at once hastened to the place,
but the unfortunate roan sank rapidly,'
and at 6:45 Sunday morning breath-
ed hie last, He woe well esteemed
by his acgnaintat'.o s, and his uetitee-
m ly demise is touderod the more sad
from'tho fact that it was Ilia iutoutiou'
to enter into the matrimonial state'
within a few Jaye, and the young lady
ie aimedt, dietraeted over his terrible'
fate. 'rhe remains were taken to
Loudon for interment.
Wo are now showing an Immense Variety of
New Spring Coeds in. all Departments.
w.T Jom s.
The Granton Dramatic Com'y will play
"Ten Nights in a bar -room", at Ridden, in
the Town Hall, on Friday avg., May 9th,
This Comp'y has the reputation of being first -
cease, and no doubt there will be a largo
crowd present. For particulars see bills and
The West Huron Teachers' Couvontion
will be held hereto -day and to -morrow, com-
mencing each day et 9 o'clock a. in. This
ev'g a grand entertaiument will be given iu
Drew's Hall, et which Professor Graham of
Hamilton, will give several choice readings.
Admission, 15cts; To commence at 8 o'clock.
Council Doings,
Tho Council met pursuant to adjournment.
At the Market House, Exeter, 30th April,
1881. All the members present. Tho min-
utes of the previous meeting were read and
Moved by W. Bissett, see by Jas. Pickard,
that the clerk apply to have the taxes again-
st lot 85 for 1882, charged to this corporation,
the same being paid to the Village Treasurer.
Moved by W. Bissett, sec by 1. G Dyer,that
the clerk advertise the Court of Dovisiou of
the Assessment Roll for 1884, to be held at
the Market House on the 28th May at 10
o'clock, a. in. -Carried.
Moved by W. Bissett, sec by D. Johns,that
orders be granted for the sums, viz :-S
Handford, 33.00 for labor ; Jno Piper $3.12,j
do ; Geo Delve, 32.50 oto ; W Webster $7.50
do ; F Gill $5.00 do ; Well Johns, 36.50 do ;
R Pincomb, 32.50 do; A. Bissett, 37.50 do ;
D Bissett, $15.63 do ; 5 Fanson, 33.75 do ;
Jonu Hutchinson, 31.50 do ; Juo Coleman,
310.00 do; Jno•Keyes, 39.00 do; Jno Gilles-
pie, $1.50 do ; John Stanlake. 1610.00 do ; E
R Bissett, 326.25 do ; and Samuel Fanscn,
$6.000 for lamp lighting up to date.-Car-
Moved by Wm. Bissett, sec by J Pickard,
that this Connell adjourn until call of the
Reeve. -Carried.
M. EAORETT, Clerk.
Mt limes Elliot, of Fairfield,
weighed two oar loads' of steers in
Centralia on the lst of May. They
averaged 1,500 lbs a head. They are
the finest lot thot ever came into this
John Parsons & Sons, merchants,
have gone to the ,village of, Crediton
to start business there.
Revival meetings have been going
on in this place for six weeks with
good success.
James Abbott has refiled the store
and dwelling from R. McCoy, of this
place, lately occupied by John Par-
sons & Sone. He intends putting a I
tailor in the store.
usoor nes.
Notwithstanding reports to the con-
trary, Mr. Philip Here's mare which
was ntteeded in foaling by Meters,
Tennant & Tennent, has fully recov-
ered. This was a very difficult case,
in which the foal had to be removed
in pieces, but the skillful manner itt
which it was done, no doubt saved
the Inare's life and Mr. Here many
1'lne U. A. L. K. C, met in their
rooms at the usual hour, on Monday
evening last. After the usual routine
ceremonies had been gone through,
and oue or two drowsy individuals had
received a few kicks to wake them up,
bueiness was resumed with a right
good will, all joining heartily in the
discussion of the various topics of the
evening. After a lengthy and heated
debate, iu whin more than oue zeal-
ous member biled over, and several
more collapsed, a faint groau was
hoard in the roar and a stampede en.
sued. But the stentorian voice of the
President soon restored order, when
it was found that a freckled faced chap
had fainted from shear exhaustion ;
he was iminediately dragged into the
back -yard and stretched on a rail, a
few pails of muddy water dashed in
his face, and he recovered. The fol-
lowing resolutions were then:consider-
ed clause by clause, reported will -*out
amendment, and after a third reading
were adopted
(1.) That County Councils consist
of one representative from each mnui-
(2.) That each representative pons•
ess a plurality of votes, if necessary,
according to the equalized vatuatiott
of his municipality.
(3.) That the basis of representa-
tion be the same as at present for one
representative, with an additional
vote for every aitditional $500,000 of
(4.) That the Council appoint small
Executive Committees to transact the
business .ot the year, and thus save
the expense of so lnauy sessions of
the whole Couucil,
The Committee on Parliamentary
Reform reported the following reso-
lutions whioh were carried uuanlmous
New ftottons, do. Sheeting, do. Pillow Cottons, do. Table
Denims, do. Table Napkins, do Towels, do. Lace Curtains,
do. Hosiery, do. Gloves, (lo. Laces, do Ribbons, do. Corsets,
do. Frillings, do. Embroideries, do. Dress Trimmings, do.
Fancy Goods of every description..
Millinery, New 46 Stylish.
We would :iso call special attention to our Inaguitieaut stock; of
New Gent's Furnishings
New felt and straw Hats, do. Ties, do. Shirts, do. Braces, do
Handkerchiefs, do. Gloves -in all the latest styles.
Seat quality* and, Lowest Vrioes.
Intending buyers will do well to ittepeot onr Ida tensa Stock, before making your Spring
purchased, and ehoule also bear in salad that our Stores are the moat handsome and beat
lighted in Exeter, Our Stock is now and Choice. No trouble to allow Goods.
(1.) That we are ton mnoh goverued
nooaaiitating an immense dram ou
the public purse.
(2.) That the basis of represents.
tion be changed from 1 in 20,000 to 1
in 40,000, Ulna decreasing the expen-
diture in that direction by one half.
(8.) That in the opioiou of this
club the Local Legislature has out-
lived its usef'tlneee as an a+lmiuietra-
tjwre body, seeing that its whole tend.
euoy is towards furthering the inter.
este of a certain party and not the
whole country.
(4.) That whereas the Local Legis-
lature seem bent upon the mad
course of destroying the growth of a
national feeling, and whereas the ob.
feet of that body seems to be to pre-
vent the completion of that great
structure of which the foundation was
laid at Confederation, and whereas
1 the centralization policy pursued by
that body is calculated to destroy the
whole principal of self government, be
it therefore resolved that in the opin-
ion of tike club it should be abolish-
Jus* as the janitor was about blow-
ing out the lights the meeting was
again called to order and the follow-
ing resolution moyod by Mr. Honey -
mouth, seconded by Mr. Longjewe :-
That whereas an individual known to
this club did, wilfully, felonously and
with malice aforethought publish an
item iu the Exeter Reflector last week,
purporting to come from Elimville,
said item not appearing to be for the
public good, be it therefore resolved
that said party be forbidden ever to
outer the precinct of this club room.
This declared lost on a divisiou by a
majority of five and a half, the freak, -
led faced fainter beiug considered a -
half man. The president remarked
that to pass 30011 a resolutiou would
be condoning crime, which is cot
the purpose of this society. Subject
for uext night, "The Toronto Con-
spiracy." JOS1AS DORIGET.
Not Far From Home.
News Condensed
It will be remembered that au in-
fant child was found upon the door-
step of Mr. W. J. Dyes, at Strathroy,
having been abaudoned by its mother,
and ou Saturday evening a young wo-
man named Emma Cndney,
who is believed to be the maternal
parent, was brought to the County
jail:b_y Chief Miller. She was pre-
viously examined before Mr. J. Noble,
P. M., at Strathroy, and oommitted
for. trial on the charge that on the
25th of April she did abandon a male
infant by leaving it itt the open air in
the night at the residence'of W. J.
Dyne, thereby endangering its life.
PaAXR.-'111. Usborne, on the 3u1 inst., .Ernest
Henry, son of Mr. W. Phair, of Exeter,
aged 15 years, and 4 months.
DE'ARma.-In Stephen, on the 2nd inst., the
wife of Mr. John Dearing, of a daughter.
The Annual Meeting of the eltaratrnidere c+f
the Exeter Salt Works Go., will be held on
MONDAY, the 18th day of MAY, 1884
At 7 o'clock p.m., at the Cornrttoreiat Notal.
COURT 0.b REVISION•,.. Court et,itevis-
Ion of the Assessment Roll or the 'Village of
I3iteter for 1884, will be heli nt the Market
' House,Exeter,ou Wednesday, 38th Mar, 1584,
oomurertcing at 10 o'cictk a. in. Persons having
business at the seta Court should govern thous-
rrieN i'NT & TENNI:1NT, 1''eteri-
1 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
t'oterivary Collogo ,Toren
to, bavo op- cued an omee
'for the treat wont of all
DowosticAu basis, on Main
Street, EU- ter. Callsfrom
a distance „_,.. •-+ promptly qt.
tendodto. Medicines for horses, Cattle, &c.
always ou hand.
Court of Revision
-Fon THE-
Tho Court of Revision for the Township of
'Osborne, on tho Assessment of 1883, will beheld.
Saturday, MAY 31d, 1884
-AT TE14-
Commencing at ton o'clock a. in, Tho Asses
wont Roll can be soon at my office after tbi -
Usborne, May 8th, N. J. CLARK, Clerk.
July !xainatn:1
III. CLASS (nun.professional) AND INTER-
MEDIATE will be held at the High Schools
of tltoCounty.beginning at 9 a.m.,
Monday, 7th yuly.
II. CLASS (non professional) at the High
Schools, beginning at 11 a.m.,
Wednesday, 9111 3'uly.
1. CLASS GRADE C. (mon-professional,) at the
' Normal Schools, beginning at2p. m..
Tuesday, 15th /Gly.
Monday, 21st ,uly.
Wednesday, 23rd yuly.
ALL CANDIDATES mast forward to tbt
Secretary, on or before JU2.E 1st.notice of the.
school where and the class of certificate for
which ho desires to write, carefully naming the
options he wishes to take, and the certificates
he already holds, if any. This notice MUST al-
so bo accompanied. by a certificate of oharac-
ter and a FEE clone dollar, or two dollars if
tee candidate applies for *second as well as
third class examination. No name will be for-
warded to tho Department unless the fee ac
companyit, Forms of application may be had
from the Secretary,
Th rd•Ciass Teachers desiring an extension
must write at the July Examination, otherwise
the Minister of Education will refuse e sten •
sions,oxceptin exceptional eases.
J, R. MILLER, Secretary.
Presiding Examiner and
Chairman of Board,
Godericb, April 2804,1884.