HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-8, Page 4til tlflSDAY. Mo.Y 8, 1884.
Commuz oatton,
To Editor of Exeter 2'ianes.
Dsita. Sia.—Yon will greatly oblige
by allowing me quoin your yaluable
paper for this small ei'istle, as I ani
desirous of acquainting rev friends at
Exeter and vicinity, of the foot, that,
after an eight days journey, I
safely lauded Vera in the town of Ham-
ilton, Dalt.nit,I''eiv.hiee. Couuty,on tate
2nd day el April, where 1 met with a
I]umber of illy Oanadiau friends, who
have been reeidiug in this ueigbbor
hood for semi) years. 1 was greatly
eurprieed to Gee what they lead ac-
cumulated in such a short period of
thee. 1 nisi sat2:ied with the country
aO for. 11'.t Hive hal goadspring
weather. Red ite route are In excel
feat condition fox (gavelling
the year 1892, as they failed before
that time.. Now .1 lsiive this matter
to auy reader of the TIMES to judge if
Mr. $ogsrth has done right, in own,,
paring figures of two eompauiee for
1882 when one of thetrt was not do.
ing Any busineu at ' . Anit. 1 defy
Mr. Hogartb to contrridigt this. Ile
says in .his last letter that when he
found he was right and 1 was wrong
he came to the lonclueiOn that I MORI
havebeen camGrin the r
y p g take'ort of St pe s 1
another year. I am Wang
the re- Torpid Liver Biliousness, etc., no medicine is
Qom- port of business done by Mutual equal to Dr Baxter's litandrake Bitters.
ponies for 1881, which Mr. bad 25 mute per bottle.
referred to in hie fire) tetter, and if he r; .
is taking figures for any other year MARKETS, EPDRTS.
tI ail Haat, it ie not my fault, but his
Thousands Say So.
Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kau., writes ;`'I
never hesitate to xeoommend your Electric
Bitters to inyeastomera;they give entiresatis-
faction and are rapid sellers." Electrie Bit -
tors are the purest and best medicine known
and will positivelycurc kidney and liver com-
plaints. Purify the blood and regulate the
bowels. No family eau afford. to be without
them. They will save hundreds of dollars iu
doctor's bills every year. Sold at Any cents a
bottle by C. Lutz, a
As a sure remedy for Sick Headache, Sour
omaeh,Ds psia,Iud3 estion,Ooustitatio»s� [ 1
own. Trill. H. will please ask hie
father (who teas been reeve of ttie
Township of Stephen) in what year
the last report of the Township of
Stephen, dated Feb. 28th, 1884 is, I
ADO of the opinion be will bo informed
that it is for 1883. The same with
the Government report ; no govern-
Soito of the farriers are busy putting meat cannon* a report at the last day
:la their spring craps, while others of the year, but insert on the inside
have finished. . 'dile lay of the land that it is for the business done oho
C30ernbles to a great extent the :raves previous sear, ?Jr. Editor, I here
of the ocean, tend very little water is with. Beth you the Government Report
to be observed on the whoa thereof, of busiueats done in 1881, in order
The soft is of a blaok, Tommy oiay of I that say pereou who m4y desire to iu.
from two to three feet deep. I shall vestigate the matter in your office
not epeak of the many advantages or will be iu a posltto') to do so, and 1
disadvantages at present. But, how. think it would do Ur. Hogarth good
ager, the people are au oontentod In If laeewereio 0411 and iuveetigate the fig.
their now homes. Actual aottlemeut urea,, and then, perhaps, he will tell ue
having only begun but a few years, it shat the Editor of the Reflector inado
is not gutta balanced with other now a typographical error in the date, Ito
Qountriee, Ae a ttrllaatgrowing goon that as (MrJI.) will have au Racy way
try it is fair, and judging from the of getting ant of the diftlQutty. can,
sample and the bulk which the farm. aider that the editor of the Reflector
era have stored way in their griller. has humiliated bimtelt by inserting
fes awaiting for advanced prioes, I be. the following note at the bottom of
Have it to be a good grain growing lar• $+rgarth's tut ooatwctunioetton :—
country. This country WAbcen sou. "In Mr. llogarllr,'t former comrnunt.
detuu ,d: by people of Ontario ea not C$tiOU several typographical errors in
being good for stock raising. It law the figures were left unoarreated, ow.
certainly true that the stook is of au ing to the proof not being compared
inform breed and very limited, but with the copy. The mistakes were,
whatever stock there is to be seen is however, so evidently typographical
in good order, and many of the mild) that any unbiassed reader might notice
cows are fit for the tanners and coo, ata glanae that Mr. Uogarth was not
earners, 1. groat many farmers are responsible for them." I do not con.
tolerably well supplied with hogs, eider that I was showing any partial
Eliot: Ar.3 of a superior breed, and its in my letter to the Traits, and that
seen i to thrive fully as well as in Ou the word unbiassed is uncalled for.
iris, 1 Live fit `s accts aurae vary The old saying is, that a new broom
!pea luo2:iug sheep. With these few
remark's 1 taia.tll i:ta=a fir the present,
tent iu sojas future time I will try to
give a more do,oripttve idea of my
view of the fature property of this
fordo c)untry. Inure ever,
Cavelier, Dakota,
Pembina. County, April 28th, 1884.
klconoanty ou the 1"arin.
i 1 tfit,sr z_1' . ”titer 2'ii:trr'.
Ur.•tit Slit. Uu :quell 20th, 1894,
'fr. S. J. Roland), wr Om n letter to
11,4 1, +'ttyt a Olt this rbavo subject,
mid in c,lonec'io:1 therewith he oti>;im
oil he was particularly requested to re-
fer to Insurance business for Farm
;,lroii^.rty, awl referred to the Instil.,
; sates Report for statistics. 1 claimed
Cleat (l• ni:s,la it la • s
number of er.
core and therefore contra:1.10 tad his
iattttemente tlro following week in you
:taper, nod c)n ider that I clearly
showed, by the Government Report
that Mr. !Io.arth did not uuderetand
Iusurcnce business. 1 see by the
(Corrected at 5 o'clock .in. Wednesday.)
( wVhite\Vboa t to 000
. tied . ... .. 0 75 t o e 90
White Wheat Newv,', 00 to 10
Rod Wheat New ... ... 090 to 100
rife (new) 10,3 to 1 10
tlarlay .., ... ... ... . 0 43 to 0 50
Oats ... ... ... 035to0 t7
Olover :reed 7 00 td+ 7 i0
Tinwntlil 1 ;i ro ' 00
Peas ... .. .. o 0.5. to 0 70
Corm . .000 to 0 s;
Eggs... ... ... 0 10 to C 16.
Hatter ... ...
t . CY'Itoe]6'
Flourperbb. ... 5 00 to 5 So
f'otataoa,per bag ... .. o 75 to 060
401,10s,perbag .. ... .. 0 70 to 0 73
RrieelApl*leslpr b . .•. ., 0 00 to 0 0e
Goose per lb. .., a 05 to 0 Oki
Turkey per ib ... ... 007 to Oa
Ducks pasr lar 050 to 0 CS
Cltiekcattgper pt ... ... 0 25 to 050
oe'iresaedlei ICo .. 500t00Bef. ;00 oa00
13iaeardwulta, 1, 5 00 to 090
dressed 0 ,0 to G 75
9heopokius,etich .. . 090 to 100
Oalfekiaq 0 50 to 0 70
Wool per ... . 0 le to 0 00
ITSYPei•tath 800 to 8 00
(miens tierbuila ... ... 0 00 to 0 751
Wood per eerd . , ,.. 13 00 to S 50
L1vO Stock Market.
May S. Tile reeeipte of ogttie at
the market here today were 200 head.
Prices were *boor the samo as last,
week. A. few extra fire beasts of bet-
ter quality Blau hag tleon offered bore1
for same time brought Go ; ecOQnd.
chis: sold from So to No, and third.
close 4o to Oto per pound live weight.
Sheep, Sic per pound, and lamb
from $3 to $7 colt. llogs, $0 60
per pounds live weight.
British Crop Prospects,
sweeps clean ; bat iu this particular Lavnaxl, Me.y 6.—Tile Mork Lane
the nejlector editor has ruined the Exprees to day Faye that on the whale
theory by acknowledging so many or- it is evident that the prospects of the
rors. I oak, am 1 to blame the editor wheat crop are very satisfactory. Of
of your ootem for makiu8 the errors ? course no trustworthy predictions as
Why does he tell us in the above nolo to the yield out be imide so enrly in
that in future when Qotntnuuioatione the season, as everything depends on
appear in his paper, we may expect to a the character of the weather up to
and iaoludiug the harvest. Seldom
have the prospects of the crop been
repetition of erro•a, and requests the
;ebbe not to take any notice or them?
Nina assort on to be sure 1 I defy :lir so favorable in ally part of the country
H. or the editor of your ootetu in as they are this semen. Snore re.
show one cent of an error in the mark applies to every wheat -growing
figtlrcta of my first letter tothe TIRES. country in the world ad far as present
No, nal one 1 the editor, like a wan J inlorinntiou guides ns to ai conclusion.
who understands his occupation, in
serted my figures as they were nd-
e4 in for publication. 1 desire to
bns ty
again that the income for 1881 is
$511.222.83 ; Losses, $270.782.18 ;
Expenses of lianaging $172,618.33 ;
and I once more defy . the .Reflector
editor to say that I nm wrong. I
still claim that 11r. Hogarth was
wrong in all toe figures he gave of
Income, losses and Expenses_ of
Managing for 1881; as well I am pro -
paled to leave the matter to any nor
hist .vtrelc'ir Reflector and also in Times eon, whether or not the editor of your
that JIr. 11. his Irvin raieud courage ootem was justified in calling ane an
'tnd'. rep1idd, •trid I censidor he has unbiassed reader.
:made un:t.ttor:t worse than ever for Thanking yon,'Mr. Editor for the
himself. I wilt cudeevor to make my apace granted me in your paper.
communications as linin as possible, I remain yours, &e.
ao that any of your readers in cm, INSURANCE MAN.
:ildering the matter will come to tihe
conclusion that Lane right and Mr. H
is in the wrong ; 1 therefore solicit a
3Iose inspection. In Mr. Hogarth's
letter of March 20tH, he says : the
gross income of all the Ontario Com -
The Welland Tribuue,an out and
out Grit journal remarks:—"The
Ontario (buldozieg)Licence Act could
only be excused oh the plea of fighting
the devil with fire,and its disatlotcance
ponies (exclusive of Life) is $687,427,- will not be regreted".
95 (1881), and iu last week's nom-
rnunicat•ioi:s says it i3 „:.657,527.96. I Should Mr. Dalton's opinions in
said in my letter to the TImIEs that the McKim's garnishee case be con•
.jr,,Hogat th was wrong and that I finned by the Court of Queen's Bench
MIS $511,222.33. In order to explain the member for Weft Wellington's
positron will be rendered more un.
oomfortable than it already is. The
Master thinks that the sale of Mr.
McKinh's vote to Mr. Wilkinson was
Iegallyoomplete, and that the property
in the bribe money. is in McKim. The
failure to deliver the goods is so:tte•
thing that the law does not tape cog-
nizc•nce of. It leeks now as th ugh
Mr. MoKim's Hamilton creditors are
the only people likely to profit by the
extraordinary ,ipeonlatinh. Verily:
it 19 AU ill Wind that does not blow
sotnebodys luc,r. -World.
Myself why I say that the is wrong
and 1 am right is as follows :—On the
^over; of the Insurance Report of the
Inspector of Insurance for Ontaii.t
y.0 will find the following printed :-
" Report of the Inspector of Insue-
4nce. 1882," printer] by order of the
Legialatrve Assembly. In the preface
ou the imide of the boolf•is as follows:.
" Report of the Inspector of Insurance
for the ytutr ending Dee. Slat, 1881,
tic. 11 r. Hogarth distinctly said in
his first letter to the Reflector : " In.
Cottle for 1881." Now Mr. H. must
,Know that he is wrong and I' am
right. Ill his first fatter he speaks
•e,bont the Hay Township Farmer's
.11utiial Fire Insurance Co., iu the
At 10 o'clock Saturday mo rning
William Henderson of Adelaide coan-
This fact aco.tunts for the perststeut
drop in prices that has been going on
for some time in sl'ite of falling of no
Boot &.Shoe Shop.
Has opened a new Boot & Shoo shop in
Pansou's Block, (south. Door.) where he
prepared to make all kinds of ordered work.
Fine Sewed Work a Speciality,
Give him a call.
Shortest Sea Passage,
Three of which are passed in smooth
and amongst the beautiful scenery
river and gulf of the St. Law,
Rates of Passage.
Quebec to Liverpool and Londonderry ;—
Cabin, $70.00 incl $80.00; return $135.00.
and $150.00, •
Intermediate to Liverpool, Londeuderry and
Glasgow (including rail Liverpool to Glas.
gow) $36.75.
Steerage—Liverpool, Belfast, Queenstown,
Galway, Limerick, Londonderry, Glasgow,
Loudon, Cardiff, Bristol, $17.00,
Intermediate and Steeage Stewardesses are
appointed to each vessel,
Passengers in Intermediate are found with
everything, and the aeaomodation offered is
L9 committed suicide byhail in equal to what is called Second Cabin' in some
year 1882, and also the Phoenix Mu- 9 g g of the hoes sailing from New York.
• tuxl. Now M. Hogarth must have htiuself {n the woods. He is t res-. Tile last train connecting with the steamer
l'haOI .Of the opinion, when he wrote peotablo farmer, but has been suffer at Quebec leaves Toronto on Fridays at 9 a,
that eeeeee for the Students of tho Ag. Of Is to f, orn lung disease. ' in. Passengers can leave on Fridays at 7:50
zaculturi>l.vand Exuerimyntal Union,
u. m. also, and eon iect wvitit the'steamer at
Rimouel d, by payieg an additional fare of
that they were bloekheade, or that he $4.45 1st, and $2.25 2nd class
To care consumption ulceration th
lungs muste stopped, the matter must be
the mem ranee& and tissues
healed anthe system invigorated. Downs
was sharp, eeoug1 to bullciose them ' b k ton m e No cattle, sheep or pigs aro carried on the
for the. 1Pl re.nix llutn•il Insurance Co. thrown off,
b Mail Steamers of the Allan Line.
to uvt reported in the Government h 1 d d t For Tickets and Berths and every inform -
111411r ance
III+tti•tanoe -Report for Wanness ;1JOe in Elixir will do all this.; Try it, .Every bottle ation apply to
w.stranted. i JOHN SPACKMAN,
la 40
0' —
iFor Sale or To -Let.
A Comi,iodious store and a convenient 11
storey dwelling house. with good brick cellar
almost new. (At prese..t occupied by Bir° .rahu
:'arsons.] to the village of Centralia, and an
acre of garden ground, with good stable and
driving hitt e' l'os6('s;fon can be bad on ?day
1st• Applyto=-
For Sale
A comfortable Raine dwelling, one and a
half Story, standing on: 1 of an acre of land,
situated cit. Andrew St—`i'itio clear . For full
t particulars, '
culars, apply to MR GEORGE I;y'1lil',
12e $ing-st.. Ea,t, tiantitl. a, C
For Sale.
A well Anislaedaud convenient Dwelling House
and Lot mil -Loren Street, East of luainstreet
For particularaapply to
Solicitor &c,
�+ • 4 - April 10
1 t' A. \ TED 61
Superior -.......w Maps,„ wi+Charts
P•fl 0
Aul tpMi2saisntnauar' SnR $ Cw,11.
RoBT. Afet;UY,
Centralia Ont.
44:1 m
Seegmi11er Plows.
a. l'ONVZ/Za
having decided to close his present stern of
the above plows, will Feil
FOR $13 CASH, and $14 Oil TIM
3 •
gnu bo,
seen r
i eel t
a the
budding i
itc Bnwdciis Marble shop.i, n31 os
1 (A fele doors
south of tate market.)
Points and reerdis always kept In stock,
Parties intending making a ptrebase will do
well to call only. '
April 10. . POWELL.
HeQ.1Th. is Weal ,.
Exeter .kiuto tor Shop
Butcher & General Dealer
-^-r\ ALL RINp3 07--
uat„uters supplied TUESDAYS. THURS-
DAYS. o SATURDAYS at their residence,
PAP.:tllr;US, Tu,1u sI31':I{S. AND
litiu men n d11 VIVO rums , and sive their
tlachtu, ry by itt•fiig Laraine.
T d A.iIN'.T.
ilea 1...n wictcrioi.. at ail tlta hailing eshtbi
*lowland industrial fain: since It,li,, earrvingeff
drat l'rir I-,. and In( dal. ill every instance. It
has u,•c1 r,u clue! c a lubricator, an 1 will out-
wear lard, sent or color oil, and wnrraated not
to cis :t or g, : h ter meet machinery' You wilt
Eazt ,.40334 w 1 , ti ;; t a. ttli. try tt and you
u all t"'..f if iii rt t Ut of Bemire et imitations
—,tw yr- 7, -;,It r, u... t t......_
•MCcoll. Bros. & Co., Toronto.
•--roa FAL!: nY ,
73ISSET'1a BItOS., Exeter ;
3, EILBk;R & SON, Qredtton ;
141c.UONELL dC WP.UGI:I, Hewlett
The Mania e Looking' Glass
For kh, try Married Couple,
teit will :il. 3 tt�thomttotto thii 1oetano
k yettoawoi
the ^.r.•t time ('111( r the i,xsrricd (;tate it is
simply al -1 CIiSSITY, The/ must have It
nor van the contents be given here. but it i.
911011 h to airy tiro b, oi: contains all the sec
rots r datitifi to u orty niarrledc.wiip1e,;. Others
who order it w ill have to boar the eonsoquen-
ces as it In stip intended for those who wish
to know ]howl•
s net after the ldzca is tied.
-.very :Alen couple should have it, Pal as it
e0,f o•.ly ftp tltry 15 cents. or 3 for 80 ctn.
Every one caul have it by remitting stamps or
silver and this slit, to
AwVERN tiI1Y.117Li0a'
ova513 is
=t x a guaranteed NERVE
for Hysteria,
ziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakulness,hiental
Depression, Softening of the Wain, resulting in
Insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, Primature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss
of Power in eithot sex,Involuntary Losses and
bran, self abuse and dover-indulgence. o One
box will cure recent cases. Each box contain,
one month'stieatment• One dollar a -box, or
six boxes for Ave dollars ; sent by mail prepaid
onieeeipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxesto
euro any case. With each older received for
six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we
toill send refu d the money if thaser etreatmen
our guarantee
dos not
effect a cute. Guarantees issued only by J.W.
BROWNING, Sole d "ent for Exeter. Ontario
Planing Mill!
2LIID FC!011!
Done to order.
RememberIthe place.
X ver . Noway; d,
Dashwood Flouring Mill
Wishes to return thanks to Itis numerous
customers; for the past liberal patronage
given him, and since making im-
provements, which is a large
swing ou fuel, will do
until further notice, at the following
--rates :—
And for a]1 other grains (Peas excepted),
Are niy regular grinding days
TERMS Strictly Cash,
N. B,—Flour & Peed sold at a close mar-
gin. • Don't forget to give us a call
Dashwood, Feb'y 7tb, '84