HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-5-8, Page 1VOL. XI
,.1,tXE ,i1, F , ONT. r +fir r ■ UB SDAr. a►+ MAY 8, 188+F
O. 19
GREEN Just Received-- IVoivoreity.quotee a oot;reapotttlelt+t
as follows , Two years ago I seal to
PEA13, ]aR1aSIf TOMATOES. Spo ou a for one tan of refuse salt
SWEET CORN, : 1 0RADA. Oftt.NGPS, weshiregs, which cost toe at my ,near•
eit rallread station $7. 10, an • alt {1pQ
Fresh Table Butter always fan hand EXTRA FINE L .'.MON$. was renter lumpy and moist t ill, A large numof t►ntatenr Wt.
sporting Brevities.
Nine yearlings of the Eughab 10Oree
Hermit have sold for more that $42,-
I pulverized i
.t,,'�rt ell ray harp der, and hetes are practising daily for the coin -
At G. A. F D 11. AN'S• tinned with the salt es =oh ling events.
1•> OAL. ° 20th I tlrtiled. In my beraey!, and want 5,000 circular malts of ite His ra to
N it t l tit Ar 1Y.4.1 C:41.11TGr the phosphate . arrangemettl, soared Beaton tour b"
hard wood oho as I had salt. 3Eay 'The Chicago bicycle club bed issued
RW„ HALL,. Causenneuce ar the Ilis,%itutsauce o scow. about, 250 puede of the above milt . About 15,000 tlirda wilt be re fired
. alt 4 Lleease Act.
S..OLI> ITC %,etc Ottawa,. May 1. ---The follr,wtng cit- very piutnp berry and bright, straw Herbert 6 . ,
Qrdce in fiatuweli'sltlgck, l~> etear, spring proved to leave been cc herder t k forN Zeeland.
rvartis oaatae a+fnt u htiu lite dl�ial•
Lure per acre, end tate result wan, 1 for the Sportemen'a Convention, to be
Thad a geed piece of bluffly, with, a , held at Buffalo la June.
o -alar has hetet issued to the dshver,il • er art Seita has had enongh
of:stir hack of Iota Dorlliui'eu i Ser a Th farm 1 tete pnr.b'ui that tor the United elates and will wait
• itelt woe New
. 1 able run, aud the ueighbore hod pas- Last season one of the Dwyers (
tl•.,natfce of lila hgttor haulm duties sere.by syould often eek what I tied Michael J. ) won in betting ou horse
bill .--•- been doing to my ground toad lands races alorafl oyer $100,000.
100137 0k.
Teeth ex-
out pato.
.,_ wad nettle was 8,540 lbs. of eta .
q y I fed States paid out in purism etekes
".INLAAP Rkyi:NLli DKPAR7318NT.illy h 1 , J. t
arg Ie ack au rank
Wiser, of prescott, Oat., has
"Sir,—l: have the li sewer to inform SALT ON :bg.tnow LAND, acid the etalainn Il; ea k to J.I. Case
you that 11i9 Excellency the Gover. The first experiment made with the owner of Jay -Eye -See, for $5,-
They play bean ball iu British Co-
lombia now.. Matches have boa er-
raneed between the Victoria and Port
of ,n
la er-Uetterai bee been pleased to dire salt on meadow laud was in 1445,
allow the pct passe 1 at the last ,dais wltbtt k'. Kuhitneu, a (Oconee invedti•
WI) of tlleLeRielatltre cf the Province gator, made at) applic;etien of It with
of Ontario entitled 'An Aot respect. very merged enooeaa. With chloride
big Boone° d,tties ' arta oaIts 1 h pt eel 85
.eintnum, the g over a piece C' To einem l clubs.
1 rah the Outarie statues of 1884.
'FJlht' depattrueut has uo dewire to
adruwe any Authority avec the aotionw
of ummenured land of the satzle Fina The racing assooiatioueof the Unit-.
theeauutgorHer.'u. toince,next.loorio
W. BROWNING M. Ii.. M. 0
• P. H,4radaaroVistOrlal'nirersity• Omc
andresidmuce. Don.-nit+h l,aboratarv, Exeter.
D11, J. A, ROLI,INS, M. 0. i'. S.
0. Cake. )Main at.Exeter.Out. Residence
house recently occupied 4s P. }ict'htnipl, Esq.
%„j. Qaleeat ltfaresideuce Exeter.
ycinstTrinity Col cirtaphysait streootOnta ineKku.
t am. Ralespwwl.ttyattended to. IIaI•itot
arra urea, at this oaten
�(c? t �` Y () LU.A.' UN 111JAL L8•
.LT - tutetorthe Marin d: Vrit Loan ' Sayings
octet . lee rate*of Interest. Apply to.7ohn
ti aokinen,Lt� ..
3. 0 A s: , Agent for the IIs-
i • tonneau rt RlntualPireIneuranec
Company, llesid 8ar,lulhar, Carders by
vrith eba addition of 440 pounds of and l►audioape, the stain of $1,282,-
of the uatrttniateioueie appointed un eel% the Said was 12,511 ponode of 807, Juries lot you.
der the Liquor Lloe lee Mt of 1888, hay, Jay -Eye -See. bee, xrioke St, Jutteu,
inasmuch as the evident intention of In experimate made at the wow, Ciiugstone, Phalle*, Jolxtaeon, aud (Sundt to ages cowl lint Lir wages,
Parliament teas to ltttrtlat the "Amin gas Agricultural College eluting tate probably Maud b. will meet We Boat- $10,50 ; ofl'uet for horse hire $15.
istratiou orate Act to bomb del eneli years of 1864 and 1865, it was found alt the rates Intek at Qhioaga. The oaaa being heard, the verdiot to
by repreeentativea c4 the judiaia1, that three boatels of salt in three Wins $. Ftackwnud, of New York, the plentiff for $9,99 and coate,$3.25;
municlpiat, and ionet:►1 interests of you'd gave an lucre of 5,22(1 challenges guy one to peek out and 'rota, $18.24. :tlageatrates, ruling
the community. But I weutal verdure pound' of bay to the Acro, stud three eat Hickory nut meats far $50 a side, is as follows t --"Thai if toaster allows
to auggeet that to yiew of the come bushels of sant with twenty Lode oft the nuts to be crooked, aervaut toe of bore or ilar9ua,he Can-
plioationa which have beau brought muck gave ea itlariattu of 6,055 eba. t, t jeweller of R %Gine, 'entad,, is utak- not recover paynlouL as hire, maimabout by concurrent tegietatiou. it is This tells in a striking meaner 'the in- 1 iug eau( pins out of the horee•ehos by special agreewout.
but fair that parties eubjeut thereto flume of salt cu the bay crap 00 ueile taken from the hoofs of Jay -Eye UltlxnAnX.--Dietl in the faith of the
r'houtd be warned that shoals' the
constitutionality of the U.awwiale SALT Reit PAM TRx8 ,
being assembled, and et the Oxford
holel'Ionian watt received by the
Mayor, who offered binea hearty wel-
come se the cc]ouy. Iu" returning
ehanke Hanlon etspreaaed a strong
wish to conclude a watch with Trick-
ett before pinkies any other.' engage.
in eats."
^ Mme.
The roads loadmg to Parkhill are
1 All the women in this ueigltborbootl
11r. J. ii'ile. n, iliCae liiPt, of this
place has been m..lzi .g ra ge7aiid Iiia•
play i:t advertiseuunte. Those Chin•
awe eigue are quite a novely.
The appearat;ce of the corners have
cbangeel oonsi+lerabiy-•very' clean aud
prosperous looiliug.
W. J. Wilson, El., J. P., the Post.
rooter hae made to grit improvement
in and urentai his prones. -�, anon aa
paper -banging, twitting, tic. Van
stoma to be the favorite workman,
everywhere as the decorator and
31401erRATE$ 041;11.T.— Boioro W. J.
Wilson, 3. P., Esq., Richard Smith
vs. Wirt. Ryau, bots, of the towuebip
of Steptiet;, mast-ir and eervaut. R.
light soil See when he made his fatti record of Gospel, et hit redideuoe in the town-
Act !;e affirmed at au earlyda fav K p 2 10}, ship of Stephen, on Ajuil 27111, 1.884,
the Su frame Court, da iho Salt td said to be exeeltertt for a Hon. fon Keith Faloouer, one. of .Robs. 0. Artnetrong, J. P.,iu the 54th
metier u,la 1t11aCortel Ile refexrasl plication to the soil uuder fruit trees. the fastest of wheelmau, was recently' year of ane age. He wets bora
Cniuberlau4 Euglaud, and came i
Canada in the epriee et 18G9,aud set
tied in the totvuelitte of Stephen. Ile
avail a iaeiullart ti the Church of a ug
land, and at.,Jtle etitue'of thitie death
cleared 22 feet in praotiee at the run. held the ornca of ti�ie:tlan in Graca
Hing loug jump April 19, on. the New Chuuob, at Greenway. Hie, illness
York Athletic; Club grounds twits ot short duration, loug but 10
Kennels have been pat is the baso. :slay*. Deceased and
a sorrowing
meat of the Boston Bicycle Club 1 wife, one son and four Jaughtera ter
Club house to ,afford acooneodetion i Mourn their loss, but they mourn nob
for the members, doge when their without hope, their lode is gain. The
owner as are out riding. There ie j funeral took plana on the 29th tilt.,
and the services were conduoted by
the Rev. A. G. Gollmer, formerly of
Dorchester, but now of Parkhill, and
pastor of Grace Church.
7 , It hae been proltouuaoel a remedy for N alarrie:i iu England. Solna of hie
those who have reiie,l upon tate enlca•'the yellows in peaches. A. corm. times to day are iho best amateur ou
cy of the provincial House will find • pendent of the t.<►lurtry t entlema,i record.
theulselvee ? writes :—I have two very old pear Malcolm W. Ford, the champion
[1NAlhr,l:TO CONTE= ItCb,NEKI, ° trees iu nay garden, +ttanditi„ florae amatatlr, jumper, ie stated to have
teasmuciz as Iiceuaes to the number twenty feet apart, eaclh elite ,et ,lee
permitted by the law may aud probt•;teoyod by blight. A barrel of salt
bly will then have boon i.teued to was pieced tinder ane with the vtaw of
°tlhere who applied for them et au spreading upon the garden. The
aseviler doge. They ellcal.t also be tree tinder which the salt stood, aud
made aware that the law will no per- tae leRclhad it bI• •
t of y tv,te hug rnuhe.
mid tie issue of sdditiaalRl tiaett
tuallprolnptlr attended to. g any deemed to revive very perceptibly,
J"0 . HUDSON, CU,11:1I1SS1QN1 B'see after tbu 12th of May uutit the white tete uther continue,I its deoliue.
lu the Lours of Gammas Pleas—Deednest ousoIng lime year.
\Vilia,Mort,;ages,LeaseR,aud all forms of agree-," It'reay be desirable further to — _-- - — meats drawn and executed according to law.oma out that the postponement of
OFFICE—Intim Centennial Hotel Oioek,Eon- p p p Dastardly Otttsratj;o
sa1l,Ontarlo. penalties iu respect of Home under _..._
itif ON ''Y TO LOAN A'1' 6 AN D 61'sec 26 of the amending Act 47 rovided i vies ly rrespucted taudsies, ster of a wolouug lknowu
por gout. eco PP19 to terms. Private t cap. 32, ie all temparnry. The Do. citizen of Si. Thomas, was the viot%m
aotaber15,'80 *3Solicitor, zute' minion Licence Aot being upheld, 1i- of a brutal outrage by Clinton roughs
ceases issued uuder the provincial on Tumidity night, and the latest iu-
Aot will no longer afford protootiou formation is to the effect that she
to persona gelling liquor Without li-, will die. It appease that Mies Batas
cenees from the Dominion Board. left her ' home, in Godericn
In view of the dieallowanca of the on Tuesday, Iasi and went by
Act hereinbefore first cited, oertifioat the Grand Prank train to Clinton
ed applicants will only have to total- where she use to change care and take
lieh to the chief iudpeotor's satiafact- the Louden, Huron & Bruce divieion
ion that they have either paid or for this pity. A+ ttse trains did not
tendered the ordi'hery provincial or connect she e,,gaged a cab to take
local lioeueo duties iu order to procure her to the town and back again to
a license under the Dominion License meek the train. The Cabman pro -
1 oan.lend ally amount of Money on farm so-
eurity ate, 61 a.,d 7 per omit. according to terms
Private funds a specialty. Charges moderato,
H W ITALL,narrlster,Exator.
Money to Loan en Farm & Town Property
Atlowost rates of interest, and on terms to snit
borrowers, A number of first-class Ferenc for
sale. Mortgages b-uglit and sold. Whoa in
Fansan's Block Exeter
o • intim Court of Common Pleas—Deeds,
Wiils,%fortgagee. Leasee, and all Corms of agrao •
meats drawn and oxooufeduocor1ing to law.
ing to borrow money on account of rocontpur-
nheses of land, or to pay off existingmortgagss
willflnd a great saving by giving me a call, Can
lend money at and 61 per cent. aecoxdnrgto
terms. N.3.0LABE
nWELLING HOUSE and ono sore ofland.
situated on the Thames Road,Sa miles oast of
Exeter, Goodlarge frame stable and driving
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re-
tired farmert1i11 be sold cheap for dash. Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLAN, E.cater P.0 ly 19-tf,
Central Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy shaving, fasbionable hair
cutting do.
t Clean towel for eyory customer,
Next doo _ to Central Hotel
Established in 1863.
This cornrany has been over Eightteen years
n successful operation iu Western Ontario,auct
continues to insure agaiustloss ordams .ge by'
lire, Buildings,Merohandise, Manufactorios,and
all other descriptions of insurable property. In-
tendiuginsurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Noto or Cash System.
During the past ten years tris Company has
issued 57,096 Policies.covering property to the
amount of$40,872,088; and .paid in losses alone
AssetS, 86176,100.00, consisting of Cash in
Rank, GovernmentDePosit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes onlhandand'in force J. W WAT,
named D. President. O. ltl. TATon,Secretary
3. E.Bvdnns, Inspector. CHARLES SNELL
l gent torEreterandvialnity.
nothing like »tyle.
Bari Ifroin, a journalise, rode a bi-
oyole from Detroit, Mich., to Staun-
ton, 'Vt.,
totl,'4t., a distance of 1,422 mile*,
at as average rate of 42 miles a day.
On oun day he made over 100 miler.
It is aseerted that Loan, who is
styled the phenomenal sprinter, re-
cently ran 75 yards from soratoh at
the report of a pistol iu 7 seoouds at
Jefferson, Iowa. Lean claims to have
run 50 yards iu 4j seconds last year.
The challenge of Mary Murphy, of
Fall River, Maes., to spar any female
in the country, has been nocepted by
Hattie Richardson, of New York.
Such a fight would be disgraceful
and should be promptly headed off.
Mr. E. Burgess 22 months old twit,
Act of 1888, provided always that uo misett faithfully to tail for her in time andBred., by Princeton, dam Rcxatit e,
y y and full brother to the calibrated
other reguirements of the said Ad for the train, but instead of keeping P,iuceee, last week ran a quarter of a
preclude such issue. hie promise he came around after the mile ou the traolf in 25 seoouds.
-�- -- train had gone and informed her of Brain promises to Eolipee Princess
Salt fa L
r Land. fact. He tock all the blame on hien as this is ahead of any time the 1•itter
Mr. W. C. Fisk, of Onondaga
County, N• Y., says : •--" in expel-
meots for the past four years, I find
many advantages in sowing salt on
spring wheat. For over 26 yearn`
farming on soil to hot and dry for
spring wheat to fill well (in the usual
manner of cultivation), ie proved a
very uncertain crop. Bacomiug
nearly discouraging in trying to raise
becan four years ago in sewing
salt. The first year three bushels
were scattered on the ground. just as
the wheat was fairly up and the
ground dry. Twenty fire bushels per
acre ryas the first year,a yield. The
second year four bushels of salt were
flown, and tweety•uine bushels of
plump wheat were raised to the acre.
The third experiment was -four -bush.
els of salt and thirty ot wheat to the
acre. For the 1 1st trial I drilled, on
six aoree acorn -stubble ground. one
aud three-fourths bushels of wheat,
and sowed six bushels of Malt broad-
cast, to the ac -e. A strip was left
without any salt, -which was very
light ; on this ground the dew dried
off quicker aud the wheat hoarded out
two days later, with the straw darker
aud badly crinkled down.
Professor Kedzie..of the Michigan
self end as there was ro otber train made at the same age.
That wonderful filly, Yrimoess, has
left New Odious and gone to the
Memphis meeting, where, on Friday,
she commenced her mufti performnan-
oes;by winning the Milburn purse,
for all ages, one mile, in 1 .45f, beat-
ing Manitoba Ferg Kyle, Brunswick,
Aleck Aineut. Joe Bailey, John Sulli-
van, and Earl of Beacenefieid. The
track was in excellent condition, and
fully 3,000 spectators witnessed the
I4I. K• Kettleinan, the obampiou
rainier of Auseriox, says that the mon.
ey-offered for chaaaoton raced iu the:
East Is wnelt to emall to run for.
IV Ir. ia. M. Allen, of San Francisco,
offers to give a purse of $2,500 for a
race opeu to the world alt two (hou-
sed five hundrei dollars ti stake eaob,
100 yard heats, best 1-wo in three, for
four or moro.- entries, This would
make a stake of $10.000 for four
entries, and the winner would be well
paid. The race to come off in San
Tho Otago Daily '1'imee, New Zee-,.
land, of March lith. says -:—"Ed-
ward Hanlan, the Canadian oaremau,
was aocor,led a most entleueiastio:
and cordial public reception at Auck-
lavid this morning.. Ttie streets
were lined with people, fnilp 12,000
going to London that day, lie said he
would take her back to Godernoh.
Mies Bates, thinking that it would be
better- for her to go back home again
than to stop in Clinton over night,
accepted his offer. The cabmen
drove towards Godericb, and there
foilowod in his wake two scoundrels
in a One horse conveyance. When
the oab reached a lonely spot on the
coed Miss Bates was taken out of the
cab by the fiends and her person vio
lated. She lay by the sale of the
road in an insensible conditon till
near morning when she tegained con
soiousneasand crawled . to a farm
arouse aud told her tale of Woe. - Her
person showed marks of violence and
her clothes wore nearly torn from her
body. On Saturday last Constables
Paisley, of Clinton, and Full of God.
erioh, arrested three young men in
Seaforth' named Chas.. Hanhart,
Fred. Soles and W. Hunter, who
were brought before Mayor Forrester
and suffecient evidence, elicited to
commit them- for trial. A. medical
examination of the girl showed that
She had been shamefully abused, her
body beiug black and blue, and she
has sustained euoh a shock to her
svetetn that she lies at the point of
OalxuAaT.—.'%'Ito Brandon San of a
recent date contained the announce.
mon% of the death ot Mr. Thos Burns,
a well-known eitizett of that plane.
He was ono of the oldest residents of
Brandon, baying settled there iu early
days—three years ago. Deoeased
was a native ot Boxburgahire, Soot -
land, where ha was born on the '22nd
of Oct, 1815. He cause to Canada in
1840, settling first in Montreal, after
which he moved to Glauford, County
of Wentworth. His next change was
to Oneida, but having located ou au
Indian reserve,he was obliged to move
off, and iu 1857 he took up a bush
farm in the township of McGillivray,
North Middlesex. Here he remained
eleven years, and having tasted fully
of piauaer life iii Ontario, moved into
Parkhill, where he engaged in an Iu •
eurance and General Agency business.
Three years ago,altlhough all old man,
he pushed on to the uorth•west and
settled in- Brandon. His waw alto true
pioneer spirit. Deceased was a mem •
ber of the Presbyterian Church, a
Liberal ill Politics, aud a most en-
thusiastic Mason he was also a good
citizen in the best and highest sense.
His He was insured for $5,000, and
he owned a large amount of property
iu and around Brandon, all of -which
we understand, is bsqueathed to Ile
only son, Mr. Alex. Burns, late of
It is alleged that a Mr. Partridge,
a former reaideiot of Cliuton, now of
Galt, was the victim of a niero1lese'
hoax the other day of Lncknow. .He.
advertised in the "Globe" for lady
correspondence, with a view 10 matri-
mony. A. holy correspondent invited
him to Luoknow. Arriving there he
was Ori von, all over the village with-
out getting a glimpse of the charmer
tit, pa ns, cow belle, aud horns making
ro.atters pleasant and enabling him to
bear his disappointinetir. The'`boys"
wanted $10 to cease their attentions,
which they didn't get. Ile left the
village with anything but -good ' will
towards its people.