The Exeter Times, 1884-5-1, Page 8J GRIGC Wb,olesaa1e awl Retail sootszzaiza 'ANCY GOODS DEALER EXETL+'.R, OT. TFN CENT'S per line torarst insertion, aud FO1;Ii eFlNTSPer line tor each subsequent Su- aertlon will be char gad for lint iceeeppearruz to this column. vie . .t•¢fer irn fS. THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1664. AL �1i1i�S. Ew17.tyr:D.-•-Beat and, cheapest lot of beets ako ailmea we "lave as et seen iu tuwni, is ile . Eacrett'a. Ale() hand -made work Roel repairing µone as usual, Harness of every kind Always on ltanl,whips trnuks.cliihlrens �l��iaA4,;, .>Ypre3i waggons, ,t,e. C:til atl•leee. Notice. A few peva Nits may secure board by epplyiug to ars. Heywood, on Ann. atroat,sotitb of li't elteltair's Hotel. F'lottrlehIng. We are glad to state. that the „Clear Grit" base ball club • is iu a ii turishiu,l condition. alai we safely Bey that Exeter will now have one of the best clubs that has been on the tied for a ;:umber of years, and time exceed- it:kly fine playing may be lo:,ked for this &wenn, The Cetbbar;e wenn Petit Aga*. A farmer e s; l that in tryiug t get rid of arils„& a^*ins ne trie i red pepper, but dm i::ac eta se -,'Mist t=e relish the sea uuiug. Salt and saltpetre were ex better ; wheat brae r na laid 4ittgi did no goat. Another utember of the farmer's club e;ti,l tlrtt lila experience ":a, that sssp snag put on hot clestroseei the in tet Teta cabbage coal mans% the appli- t ati jn qai trot without taking ally ,isinsge, Street et the moon In the Tropic'. levee; isive,;tigatieue Flow that the rays of tkt? nx .:n ala." &reedy nit n fish. even if it be test of � - The t "�,a i‘!4".., will cause rapid decay.. e this in tropical countries, where the woon'a influence is supposed to be greatest was en- ti,.ly satisfactory, fur of the sAilers who ate same of tits u:c"au.sytruck fish having nearly ahs i, The natives of Au,tralia will not vat either fish or fowl that bas been exposed to the moou'a rays, neither will they sleep with their fames s where ttt r..:y apossibitity of being struck by thou. exert]. ifrovltioa• Warm days and col nights. Spring traua is picking up. Today is May day. Read Rainton Bras, adv. Thy e are lengthening rapidly, I'"state es are Feline in town at present. The rain on Stmday last, revived the fall wheat considerably. Large quantities of fish are being caught in the riyer le Inline wast of here. The roads aro in a good condition tit pro- eent. r o catch is ice cry of How man fish did t- sate t y y y the small boy, Could not the base ball club get up a eon - oil and follow "suit" with Zurich. Mr Wm. Carrick left hero for Colorado,ou Thursday last. We wish him succees. •Farmers are about through with their seed- ing. Where are you going on the 24tH of May is the cry. Night Spearing Fish parties are the order of the day. Con not our town get up some exeitement for the 24th of May. Mr. Chas. Senior has disposed of his resid- ence to Mr. Eesery. Therh are a number of first class driving eolts in town at present. Tho bicyle bas avian made its appearance on the streets. 3Ir. Chas. Manning, will hereafter ran two chairs in his barber shop, on Saturday night. Frame house for sale, cheap. Apply at this office. Implement agents are now at work. They report sales easy to make.. A, number of Wild Duck have been shot on the mill pond daring the past week. Some of the farmers have finished seeding while others are just commencing. An under -ground drain is being put in on the street leading to the School. Mr. W. H. Verity has just put a large fur- nace in the basement of his residence which will heat the whole house. A preparation for renovating old furniture &o,, can be had at the Central Drug Store. Try it. Miss Annie Davie, of Exeter north, left on Friday for Sarnia, where she will reside for some time. Dress -makers are well represented In Ex. eter there being over eight different estab-1 lishments. A converaazione was held under the auspic- es of 1 0 0 F., in their Hall on Friday even- ing last. The affair passed of pleasantly with singing, recitations, &o. R. fair audience attended the free lecture in Drew's Ball het Thursday evg., which was delivered by Mr. May. Full particulars are given in another column. Mr. B. Swenerton left last week to engage in the duty of General Agent for the "Sun" Life Assurance Co'y of Toronto district: Gray and Brune Counties. Auction sale of general goods in Drew's Block on Saturday next at 2 & 7 p. In. Also on Saturday of not week at same hours. ;No. R•Anray. 1r. Semi Hunter of D'sberue, left for Chatham, last week, where he intends travel- ling his eolebrated A. rieultural Stallion '"British Oak" during the season. =lfr. Wm, Dealing, of Stephen, has been very sick from typhoid fever for the past two weeke, but is a little better. He will be mound again soon. Mr. Chas. Manning recently hung a set of new blinds in the window of his barber shop which adds greatly to the appearauce of the front. 't The Exeter. Salt Company /lave during the !past week, shipped six car loads of salt to t different points, while large quantities have I been sold to farmers in the vicinity, Air, Geo. Manson, hes opened a Boot ,It !Shoe Shop in the corner building opposite f the post office. where he will make to ender t all orders that he may be favored with. See 1 adv. next week. I A slight disturbance occurred in one of I the churches on Sue'lay lest. While the parson was engaged in delivering his salmon, a so-called prophet walked to the front and began reading a paper of his own production; the result being that he was walked out of s Ales door. 1 This is how an editor puke it:. ---u a love to l take hoe and rales, and place them in the V rack aud throw oureelrea upon the lounge l aud whisper "011 my back t" 'Tis sweet to see the ordain grow, the tomatoes and peas, but we prefer ..yea sir, we do, --to lie and take our ease. Who wouldn't be au editor u tilde a big garden. Kirktt� (Reoeivei. to late for last issue.) Seeding ie the order of the day with rulers, Bible claeia at James IT, Conn's, on Friday eight. The Salvation Army llnau't yet opened fire tie our villgge. Ur. Jr lire. Jae" Murray. of Chases Mich., were recently vieitiug reatiye, iu t'.is neighborhood. Fall wheat hal au eucouragiug look about it. Mr, Jstnee Mezo rnteuds building a kitchen to tics liouea thio eoassiou. Out fair day ae usual a vary wet uu"t, The exhibit of ateoit Kea cart' gond. The weakly cuttagoliraver meetiuga are well su'etained. Rev. J. T. LeGeer pasaetl a meet l successful eaatuinetiesu at St. George. last Reek. We uuderataud ilii cause out &seed in hire class. A Union quarterly meeting will .he +. held its the Mothodiet. Church on San_ day May, 4th. The service trill bo conducted by Rev. Mr lleudersau, M. A., of St. Marys, Is the promote ofreetnesitation thor oughly uuderetoot3 by our vill:sger.s ? If isn't it ought to be as a l:uuwledge of it may be the menus of saving somo of our amateur oaramen from beiug hurried to that place where boating is i unknown.. 1 lko IE - Comae Erixo. The 'T'owuehip Council of Hay, met on Thursday April 29th. All the members pre. sent, Minutes of previous westing .read and approved, Moved by i1Tr. McEwen, sec by Ur. Surerus, that Ir, Marcher be added to the fiat of Renee viewers. That 0. Gribe be pound keeper instead of R. R. Jennison, that J. Dinemere, A. Douglass and 0. Knopf be added to the Pathmastora Het, and that J. Dai- ley,J Own, Gil and 0 c J.i Wm , Sobnalm be pathmasters iustead of H. Wolper. J. Schnell, J. Poster and H. Boner, illr. Surerus, eeo by Mr. Rennie, that the clerk notify Mr. J. Pollock to remove fences or auyother obstruction he may have on the side road between lots 119 & 30, L R W., as said road as wanted for public. travel. Moved by iklr. Rennie, sec by Mr. Surerus, tbat the following road com mieaioners be appointed and that a by-law be drafted confirming the same. For the north boundary, H Gies and C. Troyer, for the centre road, R. Carlisle, E Troyer, M Surer - es and D. B. Geiger. The following aco'ts were passed: D Bell, plank, $3.80, 0 Dorward, gravel, $16.74, 8 Treffry, 4 cords of wood for Mrs. Honse, $4:00, D. Sur- erus, rep culvert, $3.00. The Council adjourned to meet as a court of Revision on Tuesday, May 20tb, at 10 a. m. S. FOSTER, Clerk. r.s,.4 Crediton. Tho Rev. J.A. Schmid' is still ill and unable to attend to his duties. 11 is reported that the Rev. Broad, B. C. Minister, has regretted his move to Texas and purposes to return to Ontario again. Our flax manufactures ere busy sawing seed this spring and intend running both mills this summer. Our barber, Mr. Dearing, has re- moved to Luean. All our hotel keepers are 'grumb- ling about this time of the year when license must be paid, and especially this year when the Ontario Govern. mens has increased the fee so greatly. Mr. Jacob Staebler had an auction sale last Monday of all his household furniture and effects and purposes to remove to Iowa,U.. fl. Mr. Johns Murlook who had been suffering (rem. cauoer in the throat died at hie reaideuce last Friday and was buried Sunday the 27th inst. ik1=. itzutlleok bed been a resident of Oiectit rn fur ri. number of years nod (serried ou a business as waggon and carriage builder,About Three years ago he removed to a farm about 3 plisse frena bore aud, everything Seas progressing favorably until about five naot,tbs ago be was 'trubled with whet be considered toothache. He had the tooth drawn by a Dr. shortly afterwerda but the pain increased, end ou meaical aid lining summoned roiinunced the ailment a cancer Ur. llnrlock procured all the medic- al ai ct psreeible aud still the disease grew worse, awl for cue week before he expired the food which he partook of passed thr.•ugh En tucisiou triad& at the side of bis neck large enough to admit a goose egg. Ur. Murlock leave•t a widow aud a large leanly to mourn his toss. Clsborne. The V, A. L. $, Q„ met in their Nome on Mnudayoveuitig, April 29th accordieg to u;treemeni at last wet - lag. The President, after removing a quid fr m his an usth, adjusting his epectetcles, binning the minutes dine- rums fpre-rings rhheetiug,anll c,r:nplhmenting the roesnbnre upon the successes of the re s"'futiens pttblislred in the Times hist week. eatuoueced that he tune now ready to teceive (ho poetical effusions tie the riterleeei of the club, en the Eaulljeet mace, inown at last sleeting, Biz c—""B:trnntn'e White Elephaut". He also stater" that he had received a telegram from B trr,mn stating that all poetry irteuded for ootupeti,ion mien be is the fiends of the orifice be- foto the let of nay. After tho presi- dent h i1 sum led, a stabil blear -eyed eelueakr v,ieeti iudiaidual arose from the gable end et an egg hex, and an-' nouueed stint he li td deoidod to ,cuter the cams seinen. but would Urd sub mit lilts poem for the coneideratieu of Lia brother neentb.are, aud would abide by Llmir dccisi.e s, He then in true Suakespeariau etylo pr:seeutedthe renewing ; . .'ltaru .n'a b" uelit n e7, haat tt „ :i , a All in the ell ceuutree Atel brc'u;.;ltt Lith to Am. ri a, For the people here to sen. Ile es 1 noble Vest they ear, Ilia bile is white as snow ; The likee of hint v:aa uove.r sou, 13y greeni.or e t :.ere e.,a. l:t sty. Tht °.veli alt c f thb zee:rnh-Bali Isitcl etelvcry teed; Ilia vale,. t' a email meal, 'Tis hard to estimate. New 1 tliit:It I've swig leis Praise - Sufficient 1 u tole tune, And will salt; it toy eeotry. To fudges of toed rhyme, IDIR..-Y—C+OCIDDS Yr -4`i GEEBAL OPENING ING °F— IR SEMI GOODS at CAL!JD'$ We are now showing an Immense Variety of Tow $priig Goods Us all Depa ctmentes, NEW SIL S, rr SATINS, cr BROCADES, c VEL TETh, NEW CASHMERES, i cc P'R N�.'►B', I �� CRETONNES, r` DRESS -GOODS New Cottons, do. Sheeting, do. Pillow Cottons, do. Table Denials, do. Table Napkins, do Towels, do, Leo Curtains, do. Hosiery, do. Gloves, do. Laces, do Ribbons, do, Corsets, do. Frilliugs, do, Embroideries, do. Dress Trimmings, do Fancy Goods of every description. Nates, New ez Stylish. v;euld alto cell speeial attention ao our maguiticeut etoek of 1'&w 'U,xnisatg'>' New felt awl straw Hats, do. Ties, do. Shirts, do. Braces, do Handkerchiefs, do. Gloves—in all the latest styles. SHOE S, SHOES, Zest quality. ty and, Lowest :Prices. Ihtt'e a i tParye, Dill MI " e11 t,a ivapt'ot our Iresueu a Steels, Were inekieg year f; lizn,MazT , &inti ctc,.ula a,-0 tar iu uriud that our Star..e ere the west ban=1p+sate *ea lighted in Exeter. Our Steele is new and Choice. fat traAblO to ;huts (=cells. ,� Prr,, Speeds; fr+ n all (perk. re are t+egintting tri put in an appeer- atico at the Bend, So far they Have ° lust with Fond .uck. It in expt•cicd a great many more will visit dere be- fore long. l:sei;itTAINyli;NT.- L:i entErtein lent 9t, tont: t4'tee i:h diet tie tool lam -e, 13. line Slepht'tt, lustier they putr maga of the testoher, Mkt Etta. Reinhart, The chair !seine; taken at the canal hour Theta is tare' tiautt;;ltt ]; ruigltt now acid, It is—len' t fn'lge zee harts though, Fur large mid white though this beast is, He's not a %match for Jua:the". The audience Was fairly taken by atorin, and in spite of gray hairs amt sturdy niittsh., 1, the ctntstioll during the roodering of thio was plainly vie ible, and ui ro than one choking sigh was given vent to. After a long peri- od of painful silenoee broken only by seine the president slowly arose from a nail keg, and brushing a tear from his off eye with the cuff of his coat, aaid--Gentlemen, this has completely nu -set my equilibriulh,t feel as it were all broke up—shattered. What is the will of this August body iu regard to this poem ? It was then moved, sec- onded and carried, midst storms of enthusiasm, that the poetry be hand somely engrossed aud forwarded to its destination, with "strong reoommeed- atioLs for mercy". After passing the hat for charity ; the meeting then broke up with three rousing cheers for the poet. Subject for neat night "Parliamentary aud County Council Representation". JOSTAS DJRIaHT, Seo-Treaa. Mr. Robt. Taylor of the 9th con, of Usborue, has a mare colt which when 10 mouths old turned the soalee at 920 lbs. Grand Bend. FIRE. --A. very dangerous fire was raging in the pineries below this place un Sunday lase. The wind was very high blowing from the south east. ICE.—The ice still huge the lake shore, and is persistant. There is, however, indications of it breaking up Soon. AN0LINGr.--Tiro finny tribe in the lake may soon expect a raid, as the Fishermana' Association are laying in ambush for them. Suckers are pion• liful around here. REnroVED,—Mr. John Ironsidee,eur worthy poet -master, has removed his residence to his plaoe of business, across the street, (east side). RESUMED, -r -Mr. Falcon's saw mill is now running, which makes things lively around the Bend.—Mr. D: Sut- ton has also his mill in operation. He employs a large number of "hands. Now STORE.—Mr. D. Sutton is erecting a store 21 miles south of this plane, where he intends opening up business. We wish you success. by I4v. Mr. Shelton, he in a foto words eeldreseoti the audience, after which the programme was reudered. Opening chorus by Misses Fttnuie Follhe, Rebecca Rabinsan,Erta Rhine. hart, and Messrs. W. 13. Faille, R. Mollaud,A. Trentreau aud Jas. Pelliy.' The next piece on the programme was a emit/ by Mies J. E. lrouside's, wlliolt was rendered in splendid style,' and from the suo,ro she received Was a enil'icient guarantee to that effect, Bev. Mr. Shelton tires gave an instru lneutal on the organ, the like of which is seldom hoard. The fourth ou the sheet was a chorus by 24 child ren -•-from 5 to 14 yearn respectively —all of whom were trained by the teacher, and from the manner in which it was rendered, one would be- lieve that their teacher mast have epared no pains in prepariug the little band for tae occasion, and following this was another piece by Mies J. E. Ironsides. She more than sustained her past reputation as a singer,ne this selection was rendered in such a style as to lead the audience to still more believe that she had a charming voice one in fact, which is seldom heard. The sixth was a reading (from Long - •fellow) by Be',. Mr: Sbeltou, which he gave in a maaterly style. An iustru- mental on the organ was then given by Miss Fannie rollis to the satiefan tion of the entire audience. A read. iug then followed by Miss R. Robin- son, it being given in good style. The nineth on the programme was a song by Miss J. E. Ironsides, which was rendered in a style equal to her other selections,lf not more charming. Rev. Mr. Carrier followed with a snored song ; he has swell trained voice. By this time the audience having listen- ed to so mauy grand songs, readinge, &c„ felt quite satisfied, and in crder to add more to the enjoyment, Miss Ebinehart oxine forth and gave a sen timental song which fairly aroused them to their feel. After which an inatrumental was given by Miss Fan- nie Follia. A chorus by the children was tendered the assembly aud to conclude the affair Mies Mosae eu re• cited an exception illy fine 1 renoh piece. The National Anthem was then sung,after which they all depart- ed to their respective bomee, well - pleased with the entertainment. The gentlemen who assisted the ladies in their undertakiug, fairly astonished the natives ; they did well. To con- clude, Miss Rhiuebarl muse be i m- plimented for the manner in which she conducted the entertainment. 'We 1. CABLING. hutpo, s'senld alta be spared to favor us with smother 1Beete that tt 0rent er sucaces will crown her trud4rtaliing. The adnla r io n w :ae only 10 0 ani G ia(sntaalthough the prvoeede amount. ed to quite a snm. Wo might hers eny that the object of thi•t entertaititnent was to stemma a 811fMeiehlt :menet to nurchane win- dow blind'!, as well as ripply the ,,(shone with other small requisites. Very thotlghtftil of the tencher,inctecd, and if teachers' of other echelols were to iuteteat themselves in looking after the small wants of their schools (those that are too triflueg to lay before the trustees) we think tvauy of the schools today would tareeent a much better appearance, as well as reflect credit upon the teacher. s+�Ir� AN LDITOIIS TRIBUTE. Theron P he.ator,Eelitor of Ft. Way ut,Ind. "Gazette," writes : "Ftrr the least five year's have always used Dr. King's New Discovery, far Coughs of moat severe eharacter,aa well as for those ofi a m "der type. It sorer %vile to effect a *weedy cure. `fe friends to whom I have recommended itepeak et it iu same high tortes. Having beeu cured by it of ovary cough I have had for five years, I consider it the only reliable and euro cure for Coughs, colds ecc," Call at 0. Lutz's Drug Store and get a :i'rce Trial Bottle. Large size 1,1.00 2 To euro consumption, ulceration in the luugs must be stopped, the matter roust be thrown off, the membranes and tissues healed and the system invigorated. Downs. Elixir will do all this. Try it. Every bottle warranted. DIED. McArscs.—In London, on the 29 ult., Mary Ann MoAnch, daughter of Mr. Richard Croelcer, aged 22 years, and 4 months. MARRIED. Ksionv—ACIIEBON.--In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. E. J. Robinson,incum- bent of Christ Church, Mr. Geo. Knight, to Miss Elizabeth Acheson. Both of Exeter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS. St EALED TENDERS, marked "For hiouuted Police Provisions and Light • Supplies,' and aadreasedto the Honorable the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will be received up to noon on. THURSDAY, let May. Printed forme of tender. containing full infer motion as to the articles and quantities re- quired,may be had on application at the Department. No tender will be received -unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any .ender not neeessarily ac - opted. Eaoh tenderrnustbe accompanied by an ac. . oeptedCanadian Bank Cheque for an amount equal to ten per cont of tee total value of the articles tendered for, which will be rorfeitedif the party declines to enter into a contraot when called upon tq do so, or if he fails to com glete the service contracted for, If the ten. der be not accepted the cheque will be return- ed, No paymentwllt 00 made to newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority having been first obtained. FRED, WRITE, Ottawa,l;th3rarch 1884, Comptroller ✓ i