The Exeter Times, 1884-5-1, Page 7i Statesmen's Stimulants. A reporter of the Washington O7ittc interviewed the bar -tender of the Na- tionalHotel in that city, and obtained the following informatioa regarding the favorite beverages of &motors, Rep- resentatives and other prominent men at the capital:— "What seems to be the favorite drink nowadays?"' "That depends upon the seotion of country that the customer, come from, as a rine. Now, a Now England man likes rare; the Eastern man whisky, while the Southern and Western znen are heavy on mixed drinks. Alen dif- fer, however in their tastes, There was old Senator Bogy. I eoald always tell what he wanted and when he cavae in 1 would set it out without asking a ques- Underground in San £ranoisco A correspondent of a Philadelphia paper writes: "Highbinders" seem to be a sort of Chinese Thug, and the weapon they employ is a short, round bar of iron with a basket hilt. It looks like a broken -off single stick, but, as wielded by them, isvery deadly. The blow is generally gieea at the back of the neck. The guide regaled us with an account of the finding of one of the "Highbinders" victims a few days be- fore, and then took us into a cellar in which, he suspected some of the mur- derers were. `Two floors underground, in a narrow, tortuous passage, the rats running over lay feet, and the only light a flickering caudie held by Choy, it may be imagined _we ke t close to tion—gin and sugar was his drink, gether. On arriving at a doorway the Senator Perry never came la the bar, neagic "Anions" soon gained us ail - but lie was a great drinker of sherry in muttanee, and we stood in a room about his room. Davis, of West Virginia, nine feet long by six wide. On the generally took straight whisky; he was right-hand side were four bunks, one not much of a drinker, though. Jude above the other, with less heighth be - Davis never came in the bar, but had tween them than is usual in the fore- sherry and whisky scutto his room. castle of a ship, Across the end of the 1►iaxey, of Texas never bikes anything stronger than a lemonade. Coke takes sugar and whisky. Bayard takes the same. Pendleton is very fond of a occupant, and here, nearly eighteen whisky punch. ,roues, of Florida never feet under ground. in a space not so mixes anything with his. lie takes lar'"e as an ordinary stateroom, with whisky and drinks it out of a water foul smells arising front the saturated 1 (rhos, having an aver -tun to mail ones. ground, which was the only Goering, ogits and hest, us a rule, take it with and with rata so numerous and frequent a little sutler. Eaton of Connecticut visitors as not to be thought worth xoom were four more bunks, leaving clear space only at the side of the right hand row, Each of the berths had an. interesting Items There were 183 failures in the Liurted states the past week, A portion of the roof of the Fuller coal Co's $1000 IE<or4'eiG ONE FITLY, •„ x .:.,� �,J::., , x. t c...,neutt t.u•rc: • .0 x,m tx.a•tn IGr mines at i, ilitesbarre, Pa., caved loon Thurs. Having the utmost oonadenee in it super( 3 h o S T i z3ral hands ttre out of employ- tears of the most and severest z l r r ur r•�au,tt ,i+.tc,r x wrx : n u•:an.1 Tuxan,rTt•'r- day, Water: rushed in and flooded tho work- ority ovar all others, aud after thousands of is',i I, r• r:t ,' tt,a, �, t..n . r l•zxs. Erxt l.I• si tugs. 'wolzz t e rrL1tLINnSICit�6oitint;••atad ,cer-rtnrr: . ` • complicated, fj T :Y S, Agent. (rases wo could flue, we feel Justified fn ffering f t t:.: , e t n^t r te, . now rocohloga.cutu •e era 1 O our. 4+x a ...'aa ax1a Free Dottie of my lur...,,'a EuekIen'f3Ari11Clt.Saive. to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case forfti`u: 1r1, T', az*i`te,:as `c" rc c.r.a xUu Tho Best salve in the world for Cuts, "Inge., of cotigizs,colds, sore throat,intlneuza. hoarse- Aeor,u,e D:.11.0. ROOT. .axrn rlSt..lr, 1:(41" es, Sores. Lloers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands. Chilblains, Corns, anti all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 27 cents per box. For sale by all drug. gists. Citizens of Iiarrisonville, ''Ifo.. tpok W. Fink from the z:Iitrzff Thursday, and strung him up until he confessed lie had murdered Carden, at Pleasant Hill. The 'whetter was then jailed, $500 liireil,'+iord, 'W'e will pay the above reward for any Case of Livercomplaiut, Dyspepsia, Siek head - Role, Indigestion, clonstipatxou or Costiveness we cannot eurewith West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the elireetiolzsare 4trieklyeoznplied with, They are purely Vegetable, and uever fail togive satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 25- cents. For sale lzy alt Druggists, Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The Genuine manufactured only by JORN 0: WEST tt CO., "The Pill *oak- en," 81 h 83 King street East Toronto, Out. Free trial package seat by r»aii prepaired en receipt of a three cant stamp. nese; bronchitis, cousumptlon in its early stages, 'whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat andlauge, except dsthma,for which we only claims relief, that we can't euro with West's Lough Syrup, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. - Genuine wrappers only in blue. 'Said by all drugeiste, or sent by mail on receipt of pr°ee. JOHN C. WEST ds CO., 81 1t 83 King S;. East,'f'eronto,Ont. Holloway's .Piltz.--Ieapor ant for the deli- cate. -It is difiicelt to determine which is the more tryiug to the human constitution, j the damp, cold days of autumn and winter, or the keen, dry, ea-terly {winds of spring. Throughout the season good health may be maiutaiurd by occasional dosses of Holloway's Pills. wineh purify the blood and act aswhole.some stimulants to the skin, stomach, bowels, and kidney. This celebrated Inez l eine needs but a fair trial to conviue, the ail- ing and desponding that it will restore and cheer theca withe.ne danger, pale, or inconveu- ielaee• bio family should be without a enpply of Ilol'oway's Pills and Ointment, as by a tizuety reeozu se to then, the first erring fume - Ion may be reclaimed saff'erit.g may be ep.er:;•1. and life saved. We have a speedy and positive cure. for The New l:o'k Superiuteudent of Pablie Catarrh Oipthzeria, Vaulter month and 'lead WOAS has ordered that the canals be opened Ache, in SHII,QII'S CATARRH REMEDY. M'zy 6, was pretty regular. He sometimes tout tannin, lay itiigl,t iluilian beings, Somc A easel 'ejector free with testi bottle. hoe it This SOBR l'IIROA'P, 1 , were axles i g if Fon desire health and a sweet breath. Price T , u col ani! painful ttfftupp1n way 4a *whisky but most generally *wine. no �ttthaceo4fi'oino little f'flct,?, soltIv.11'.Iirnivelag 1`xtder.an reunify cured by the prompt application of seldoul came zn with awls dile. Ido and smile lia yarel'a Yellow Oil, taking it internally driuk small bottle of Milano's which; only hold a pixel( of the twezd, ��:1NllAleV I:�SI k.t'TIf'N dna aauue time accordingto i y at If you would ave+id slciiz,i.s3 clear away the lireette+us, In croup, asthma, colds. swollen Maude, rheum alien- and other painful diseaeee it is equally efticae wouldrill. a m o extras dry, pa for it and walk out. and are r exhausted in two or three !(Bland old nitiddei 'aur tclear.aeay tbo There was old Senator Dave A rmsttong whiffs. The air was almost intolerable. _htimrrr struma t. and admit are air. Tito elfin of Missouri, Ile elways took *whisky Yet the Chinese live and thrive in it. Ash oail1 a ! a ''l labs and /email, forty drops. I.,aplzam, of dreadful hole, known as the hospital off dei i � .1 bt a alae s s s1unela t ltcaltiuieeways of unktl THE FALSE PROPHET New York would always start on wwlzis. the "Lost Chanel, t+ supported by tizo i ,uralnek lih",l Ente s which set zealet14 to He �vllop;ctphrzir�i falsely of the . weather. toy, but there was no tellingwhat lie p, i o1,•lnl :trl:i i nintt tit s etuizaeli, urn. auzl`Lid. haves otf hid flanllola and arershoos, and would winch up on. Jolla li.. Clark, of about o'clock in the mornin ;, and bc- }_ • oatclies cold, is budged nuwsisrr. If you tollo+r Missouri generally ally tock it straight, So cause the villainous-lookin 'attendant ON THIRTY PAYS' TOTAL. this false Prophet you roscntt life to lak ziu <lid Van Horne. Praetor Knott never delayed some time in opening tsoundly.r Tne �'ai'raic Beer Cu., Marshall, Itieh.,wil Iiaoynrd's I'eetoral llalsam. It iy tha bent mixed it, and always wanted Old hour- • the detective boxed ed his ears feud nn.Avi'a Cz ri na.+xr ix I;r rczsa.Vo>arazc oougli cure and the safest throat and lung rani bon. Page, of California, and George, The "Last Chance is, indeed, worthy Metas Ata Eta:01'8;O t?,t'rar:tNess on trial for ells known t0 medical seicnce, of Oregon as a rule, took str siuht w bis. of its name. Here sick Chinese aro thirty day a to glen (yc,uiz;;-nr ala) +w:fia gra Rl•1 !'get ti Free, ky. The great objector, D1r. ` Tolman, brought to die. They get llieilical at thictek with nervous debility. (stat vitality any reader troubled with AlrAliep;ia, aos- used suar and water. Ale t nti Von the 000:0111 bMir,in ono Alexander a on P and kindred. tronbtes, ^narauteeing tz%cues,I3`eadaehe,liverooulptaint.ete.,eltauld 1r rt>o,ll Horner, lti}}• tt 'iva1► criutF }ing of speedy and coos late re;toratian of lz�alth and still at G. 7,tlta'd Drug Stere, Aad secure R free tonsum flog• bt Be silt, was some fi manly Add b �, Ii ..-No i i Salt ! Salt I' -FOR SALE AT TEF:— Exeter Salt Work8 Co came into the b, Stephens -never t hong he was a reg( ar drinker. •er, o , 1 h l 1 d k H P vigor rosy as above. N. trill bottle Of ,1foGregor a Speech} 41ire at ages tarried al tittle ei�*ht ounce vial of the, food and a cup of ten. The attendant risk i3 incurred, as thirty dayq'tri!ttisello'ved which willeonvince roti of tLe .....tts of the 1 vas' best whisky ?ti his pocket.. Geiser- al Phil Gook, of Georgia is oue of the most jovial Congressmen that comes in ....A LARGE QCANTITY Land and Fine Salt Allcozunzunicatioi,s addressed to the undersign- ed will be promptly enswv ere, d. i� . G. IIISSlTT, Exeter P. 0. cplained that if the (patient felt better. Plmules and I11otohlgs, medicine. It curets pertuaneutly *where all ho turned over and took his food; if not I Vali at 0. Lutz's Drug; Store midget alifokege 1 other medicines have failed. As n blood puri• tie ket his faro to the wall and died. of Catvert's Carbolic Cerate. Itis comuosed Ger it has no aqua(. Remember, 'tams uutlr- here, flet ^ekes a. little sugar in liis In a shed built e>ut from the raonl wore of Vaseline, Catbolio Add and Corate, and has roil to try it. lingular size, fifty cents and Quo some trestles supporting rraglzly-made' never failed to remove pimples. blotches, nl- dollar. ; *+ whisky "Flow is it that none of thew drink coffins awaiting occupant. :i eheerful cerate,( sons. rough akin, It cures when all Nervous Prostration; Premature Old d'.e occur sight for the eyes Iif t (sack and dying: callers fail, Try it. a.g either causer( by tobacco, adobe', overwork, or Beer? — �+-- S attempts I been within (noses. curets by lar. E Q West's Nene and "Very few of the old time fellows •,Morayy* Chrlsfmas, niather!" cheer- fortnight burn thinCarterII to , made lcllaira.O. Brain Treatment. Soh' at J. W. I3rowuing's drink beer, especially those from the full3• exekihmed ilttle Charlie 11ligga, The torch is usual let ar night. tztu• b South, The young glen aro this bear. h bountleei into his agent's presence M drinkers. Kram's Fluid Lightning. •fads pmiwrietary tzttlichnezz, if they cure at "Did you, ever see Judge Edmunds in kale. f 0 beaming. Christmas brass !a lI ail, rcqutro sash n (arra quantity td prcnluce as Dru • Store. 2 ,. r ep p zeas are excited, UUt IN A LITTLE.. FARMS OF ALIA DEScYBIPTIO �B here?" growled the old lady. "Yesterday after - "Oh. yes, 011 a few aeca4lo.zs he and noon there were six mince -pies upon the Senator Anthony and. Ben. Perley Poole top shelf of the pantry. This morning would drop in.They alw:tr�s took there are only five. Now, where is that straight whisky.�� Senator Beek is other phot" "Mother," solemnly an - Cures tt'otbache and ne;uratgia quick as flash effect that it tmakes them 1•ery uncertain and res an)pain instantly, the eheapest and expensive reb &1liue, Not to with Burdock quickest anddto thou known. Why suffer with Blood Bitters. It is highly conoeutratod, and teothnelte, neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, for all diseases of blood, Pver and kidneys, Lumbago, sciatica, sore throat or acute pains one or two bottles will cure more than gelloue of an; kiud when you Call KO to C.I.utv.'adrug es am weak mixtures tueually soln haul for a groat lover of Scotch whisky, and savored the boy, "as true as I live, 1 store and get a perfect and hestantnneous cure Senator Williams of a WiShky toddy.," don't know, but brother Bill has been 1 for twenty -lire. rents. Mk for Kraal's Fluid "It doesn't appear that any offour. rollinQg round the bed all night, sick `Lightning. 2.4 stateami:ti indulge In fancy drinks."0110 1 to die." -Brooklyn Eagle. A disea+o resombliug p!euro.puenuiou's No, dr. If you want to see fancy has broken out among cattle at Washington .'drinks demolished, von inat watch a l * count- . Pa. crowed of yuuug bloods fruity ills South t The faculty of recollecting faces and •1 }.rt %lnnro, eugne.driver ltet%+sen KW.. and West getup to the counter: :Cuero •facts is of great value to the politician, cardiae• and Hamilton, says: "It was Mimeo may be half a dozen in the crowd, and each of themwill take a different fancy drink." Would not b= Issn'.t'(l, ti Street car Ivo. 6 going. up Austin Avenue one day teat 11 eel; contained but a solitary male p 7 ;t•u2ar•, Having exhausted the beauties tfthe scenery from the ear window, hi- finally entered into conversation with the driver. "What do you think?" lie inquired; "a man called mea dude this morning." "A dude! What diel you pulverize him with?" asked the driver. "Me!" replied the man, "O, I only laughed at him." "Only laughed at him!" exclaimed the driver, excitedly. "Pd shot him tigyvn like a dog. I'll tell you what 'tis, Bir, po man could east any seek refee- ion oe that on ole and live."—Texas Aifti z f s. -0 • -- Before cutting a man's head off in considerately .China the.authorities imake him drunk. In this country they s onsii.erately make hili( drunk before putting a head on him. "My dear roily, 1 anisurprised at your taste in wearing another woman's r1air on your head," said Mr. Smith to wife. "My dearest Joe, I am equal- ly astonished that you persist in wear- ing another sheep's wool on your back." A train on the Great Northern Rail- way ran rote n cow' the other day. It didn't hurt the cow, but it threw the engine off the line. People accustomed to the beefsteak furnished in the restau- rants express much surprise at the slight damage done to the train. "No," said the sad -eyed man, "1 never press ' a young woman to play ,upon the piano. I tried it once to my sorrow." "Why, what followed?" asked ;Olaf -dozen eager voices. "She play - ,ed," 'replied lay-,ed,r''replied the sad -eyed man.. "'shall never forget the lesson I learned that AV." • Yes, my son, advise all your friends ,.not to marry money. When you have succeeded in getting them all married for love, you can look about you at :your 'leisure and then decide upon -what .particular girl with money you ,will lavish .your dove: -Boston Trans - script "Are:you married?':' asked the justice of a man who had been arrested for va'. gl'ikncy. "No, I am not married, but my wife "No trilling with the court." "Heaven save is'. ° I'm 'not trif.iing *viii the court. I'was married, but Fog at divorce. My wife got married again, •''�+.T didn't; so I am not married, but. but, while many, claim it, few really possess it. Justice Harlan, of the Sus promo Court, has it in a wonderful de- greo; Governor Hamilton, of Maryland, the great elonionts of the hold which Representative Talbott, of Maryland, has upon his constituents is said to be in the fact that he knows by name al- most every Ulan, woman and child in his county. A handsome German girl, fres(( from Rhineland, was up before a New Jersey justice on a charge of desertion. Through an interpreter she :paid she didn't know she was married, the old Dutchman claiming her having told her that was the way servants were hired in this country. The learned justice said it made no difference what she thought; she was married anyhow, and must obey her husband. She at once declared' elle would return to Germany, where no fellow could marry her with- out her knowing something about it. Joaquin Miler, after hesitating some time whether he would become a dude or a Socialist, appears to have gone off on the latter tangent. Ho is demand- ing that the fences around Stuyvesant Park be torn down. "Do zyou want to fence up the pure air?' he shouts, somewhat extravagantly. Certainly not. Be calm and reasonable. There is no fence around Madison Park. Go up there and sit on a bench, and live on peanuts and play with the children. Then mayhap you may become a poet, or a philosopher or something. lace Joaquin Miller has become a newspaper man he carriesa daily paper in his hip pocket and two Boston papers stuck in his wampum belt, andgoes about look- ing for gore like the untamed corres- pondent of the plains. General Robert E. Schenck appointed the present General Crook to West Point. Speaking,of the matter recently he said: "I had looked over the dis- trict to find a bright lad to nominate to West Point.' I linally remembered that Squire Crook,' a line old IN big farmer, and a friend of mine, ,'had two boys, and I sent word for him to come to Dayton. Ho name in, and I inquired if he had a spare boy he'd like to send off to West Point. After studying a while he slid he did not know but he had. I suggested that, he send him in. The boy sent was exceedingly uncommu- nicative., He had not: a stupid look but was quiet to reticence. 'He did not seem to have the slightest interest or anxiety about any proposal. I explained to him' the requirements and the labors of the military schools, and, finally asked I him: -Do you think y011 "can oonquer . all that?' His monosyllabic reply was •I'll try.' And so I sent him, and he, came through fairly. ' ' as long been famous for it, and one of' Bible 1.4r may person to he a worse subject of Dyspepsia and a greater sufferer than I was. I often had to lie do .z1 in the caboose, and actu- ally thought I would die before i r.'aelzed my destination. t purchased. a bottle t,t Me(ireg- or's Speedy Cure, and itcuredme." Free trial facto audyfigures. What ovary person should kuow—Tho grand outlets of disease from the system are tire bowels nun the kidney % Jobneton's Serenest rilia is the moat sate, pleasant and effectual purifier of the system known. Try nae bottle' and bo convinced, For sale a; the Golden Mortar, J. W. Browning, prop. jy28, em. "I had Leen for eight moneha unabze to work„ and felt as though I would as lief die at live. through dyspepsia and indigestion. I weighed at the time of getting a bottle of Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure 185 lbs., used 8 bottles, and now weigh 165 lbs., and never was better len ROVED ANY. PARTLY I1:x'I1OL"I:p, ALSO, Ble=b! LOTS Any otic 'wishing te. sell:44s elcas of Property an readily obtain a pitr.hns,-r t. aryl;ing #', VITAS. al;. liln11't(. , f,ani Oil:ee•, Paeans St, Loi;.lr,:, ipr:t WIZ T =AV at lowest rates of interest. Andy to C 1^1.11ItYt'OzES London. JkltAYl41ZL'1'O:N Catton Com any bottle at C, Lutz's Drug Store. Regular size xn nay life. It was McGregor's Speedy (awe that broug fifty cents andonedoliar. 2*• ht mo around. So says Wining( Fell, Hamilton. Go to 0. Lutz's and get a REST ANDCO1,IFORTTO T11ESU1eFERINa'free trial bottle. ass etBrown's household Panacea" has noequal „ Rheumatism, Teethe 010Elimbn go and an kiuiCureapainin the Side, hack orbowel ,scrohroatfoxrolicviugpain, Wthlutarualand ostornal It FIVE 1.) QLL of a pain or echo. "It will most surely quiekon the blood and heal, a a its acting novel. is wonder- Iul. "'Brown's Eousahold Panacea' being:wk• nowlodgad as tho great main ltellaver,and of don bletheatrength ofany other Elixir orLIniment intho world,shouldbe in every family handy for use when wanted; `asitreaIly is the bostromedy in the world for OramPs in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at93 cents a bottle, A- OA1-itD• To all Who aro suffering from the erroraand indiscretion eofyouth, nervous weakness , early decay,lossof xu e'bood, kc.,T will send arecede hat will cure ye ,OR'EE OF CHARGE This great remod « • e•.scovered by a missionary in South Sine aself-addressed envolor to the a.. r:' .WAIAN.Station D,N5wYork City THE V it,.._' .,:i' HEALING COMPOUND. Is a preps ation of cefrbolie acid, vaaeliuo and cerate called McGregor R Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will cure any sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Cali at C. Lutz's drugstore, and geta package, 25 cents is all it costa. '2-1 ANSWER THIS QUESTION.—Wily do a0 many people we see arouud us,seem to prefer to suf fer and be made miserable by indigestion, con- stipation, dizziness, loss " of appetite, coming up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante, ed t••' cure thein, Sold by J. W. llrnwning, Exeter.u o w AN 'UNPROTECTED FAMILY. Is one that has not that valuable remedy, Ilagyard's Yellow Oil in thehouso for accid- ents and 'emergencies. It cures colds, croup' sore throat, deafness, rheumatism,neuralgia chilblains, burns, 'bruises and all painful in- juries. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGrcgor's Speedy cure for dyspep- sia, indigestion, constipation and affection of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively onthe market, so that those who suffer may have a perfect care. Go to C. Lutz's drug store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents and one dollar. 1-** A CASE MUCH TALKED OF. - The case of Mr. Jobe Moirison,'of St, Ann' N. S;who was. afflicted with a serious . dropsi cal .disease of the kidneys. The best medics aid having failed, his life was despaired of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood 'Bitters . cured him. Bis statement is vouohcd 'for ;by J. D. McLeod. J. P., who knew of his condition. the cure is considered marvellous in his town. SEWING MACHINE HAMILTON, ONTARIO. at ANttz'Acsvzn dei OF 00'1 rON _R A.RN white aud Colored, Single end Double CARPE? WARPS, White and all Colors, 8E4441 WARPS of every description, Rosary Yarns Balled and Knitting Vadis OF EVERY VAfRIETY,. DENIMS, TICKING$ and COTTONADES. Tlto;o 000113 are11"4 ri:atly pronounced by tiro troller to be fully cella! to any grade, dad far re- aulnity ndeve nesstomakeandcoloringthey CARPiiT WT:AVI R8 -Tion will ani our Warps superior to any in the Afarket ; wo ask yea joat to give chem a trial. If your Dry Goods man hes not got it write to us and we will see you are promptly supplied OT'R YARNS, of which wa (rake all descrip- tions will he found equally good, Ask for them. Try then*. ThtsCumparzy'wax awarded two Arstpsrise sil- yermpdais at Toronto Exhibition In 1681, and 3 first prizes at Provincial Exhiutiou at Riogiton. AGENTS r--WINAi1s t•f`n., Toronto: F. 3l'e- ELEA=deCO..Montreai. iv1ll--sm NH o mow/ V How Lost, How Eesfosed* Weltavo rocentl'Dublieheda new edition of DR. COILVEltwvl.'LI: S CE'I,F,BRATED ESSAY on the radical and permanent cure (without me- dialnelof Nervous 1>ebility,:i[entel and physical incapacity impediments to Marriage, ata., re. suiting trona eaeossos. Prico,tir sealed ouvelone,ouly Gcants, or ON, postage stamps. The celebrated autkorofthin adnuirableessay olearlydonzonstratos,lrom thirty' years' succosa- ful practice, that alarm ingconsoquonce smay be radically cured without the dangerous useaff in torualmedtcines or the use of the knife ; Point - out amod o of euro at once simple certain and of- feotual,by moan n of *which every suiferer,lnomst. ter what hin condition may be, may OUTS himself chaaply,prtvatoly and radically. I. Thf lecture should bointhe handsofeves y youth rtud every man in the land. Address ` THE OULVER WELL MEDIOAL,Co i! A'N'N r.,NEW YORE Pont Office Box 450 THE FIERY SEWING MACHINE. Although this Sewing machine is offered at tee unheard of and ridiculous low price of $5, it must net be supposed that it is a toy. It will ,lo the work of any FIFTY DOLLAR 1AOHINE, and do it as well It is constructed upon new and scientific princi- ples and is simple in construction, easier worked and less liable to get out of order than auy ma- chine in the world It 'makes tho some stitch as the leadine machines in the United States The ' principlo of construction is entirely new, and covered by brad uatonta Raving secured this l machine, avehave decided to nut thepriconit1HT Dowry To HARD PAN for short time az ly. well' knowing that ovoryladywiilwant ono Full di- rections with each machine Agents wanted ANGELO ART 00., DETROIT, M:IOHIGAN. ftEMOVAL ! REMOVAL TI•II. (ENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can bo settled to the entire satisfaction of the , people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JO Na.:141t the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find jest what they want. .A Superior quality of Bread always on.Hard Also a first-class stock of BusCUITs, BuNs, (CANES & CONFECTIONARY, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- . ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been fennel at his past, during the peat eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. 0EOC XR. Z'S. Owingtoincreasing business, Mr. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more com- modious premises, and has added largely to his stock of Groceries, and si11 keep on (land Sugars, Teas, Collee, Syrup, and everything -usually found in a first-class Grocery Store. All kinds of Farm Produce tak- en in exchange forgoods. BEAIEMBER THE. STAND :—SoutlicoWa: Block, .Four doors forth Post Office.. JOHN: BELL, ronrleto p 4 ��ER. ea ifitiA DPWIW„Ji/ IT IS NO HUMBUG, BUT REALITY. That Diphtheria is ono of the most dangerous diseases and annually sweeps away thousands of children., is a fact wt,,,r11 no one can deny, and that doctors in many' eases are powerless against it is just as true. A medicine that is a certain and sure cure for this dangerous and contagious disease should be hailed with joy and warmly welcomed by every family for use in time of need. A eon- fiagration is much more easily checked at the be- ginning than after it has mined headway. So itis with this disease. Keep it on hand and do not wait till it is too late. Snell a medicine is offered the public in DIEIt1.AMM'S'DIPOTHERIA and endue RR�tRDT. \so'm'e tboroughiyeonvineed that it will answer its purpose. Letters patent have been taken oat for the Dominion of Canada, and prc'autions are taken that no one shall imitate it. We kindly ask medicai men to give tttisremedy a trial. Testimonials, circulars and trial bottles trent on applying for, Agents wanted in every city, own. and county.: Ask your druggist for it. Address RCP. R. BIERLAIOPr, Zutloh P.O., Ont. For Sale at 0, L177'Z'S Central .l)rng Store