The Exeter Times, 1884-4-24, Page 8GRIGG Wholesale and Retail 13001teE:ttriais It Rev, Mr. McAdams, of Strathroy, preached 1 m the Presbyterian Cbnrnti on Sabbath even- ing test. Mr. John Bunter, of llaborue, routed the Attriculturel grenade for the pasturing seas- on of .this per, for the sum of 1152. One of our eitizerte ie minus of a portion RI cue of his, ears. Trained dogs tee conse- quenee, The London District meeting of the Msth- edi,t Church will be held here, commencing May 20th Inst, The fall wheat is looking somewlzel better than it was some time ago, and a good crop is expected. A' T' 00DS W�t4 i 11 yU 'm, Ai'urdock of this plaae,1145 been ,il St 'L# 3 buss',y engaged in •'�hxiog up" wd renovat- ing the grounds of Mr. Itaae Carling, Huron Persons anticipating a visit to the old eouutry, will do wall to consult our adv. eol- nanus, where they will find an `"ad" of the A`'ilsa hire of steaumshipe,of which company Its Tan Specimen is agent. Quite a member of worthless 110 bills are now being eheulated through the country. These bill, are those of .the obi, Oosfederate bask of the southern states, and the public 1 sllaclal be on their guard against accepting thein. BT euelion, of Dlew's stook, on +Saturady,. next, 26th, et 2 and 7p. m. At afternoon sale dome choice pieces of eolored alike sed satins, a new lenusa sewing machine, two fine seta trau,parent algin* and a neer alley plated erect, enaeaget other tlatage, will be eftaree. At evening' sale a general assort - alit. Big bargains. Drew's block Rseter. Sala next week. Wednesday at 2, Saturday t2and 7'p. m. > Egb;TER.on. %MN MINTS per lane for first lase tier:, and Nom CENTS per linarareachsuesequentto. aestioe: will be cisarged fpr a otdcessppearing itr eillaeolpnn. > ; , 'efer mots. THURSDAY, AERIC 24. 1884. lit Jvrr liacrty soots an eel et0. Keer+ repairieg dant es usual. ldarnese of laid always on baud, wnipa. truuke,eliildreee *Triages, exprt'ee mag,tdus, .ie. Celt end Fee, s. aPtt;t yet sera su settee, 1 Bulars-Mr Johu Delbridga hoe a 41, jaw 'prone ane rnsv eocure board by i `"Yoaug Hackle entire eels not yet It apirl;ri.,g t:, Mrs. Haywood. "a Auu year old that weighs 040 pounds. etrear,sou'h of lIewleittaw's Hotel. ' Next. -Mr. :James Halls' ware gave — --- tert1 to twtu colts last week. Cone of Perseus►*,.t the twine baa eiaoa died, -Mrs. L. J[ise NI. J. Flicks, and Miss A. Ecaus, o a El;urea returned from the U. S. last Centralia, were the veins at Mr. Jai tar lee, SattxrA-- 11r W Britnac )02e o of Exeter :tooth, last week -T ls3r, Df4.f ca z, 4 , lay, bf the b,aterth t:'spusitor, gam this office a caul Eltarville is gneier the declog'e care, a Friday last. I•atrtture. A free lecture will e,. alien iia Drevr . tl 1• E irfiy fan IT At in this vioieity .0 Thursday evg•.et8c�eloe1.byIt.May,a'. i�i3ieeat baa fair oro , taut the it. L.. under the *tapioca of the Exeter U.. 1' P ;iwolos`Iustitate. Subject,"t'hearisece of, Cold frosty weather hoe almost tour'. :very day life ma with chemical rxperimente ", =!;salad the' lateawheat d nista ome f All Ma walaP It races x y started to .�- plow i't down.—Farmers ara busy,. Eaterlaxaeaout, so+v og, cod many of thea' will he A l.aterary eutersainment muter the Sus du sixad tills +rsssit it the weaWer; re l+icae al the Eeeter S ns of Tamlwrattoe, wail f held inthrlr Hsu on Tuusdsy erg• hu'. A :slue f*vourabla.--Sirs Jelerie Mantle jeugc %moth'r was present, who listeeel to a Of ',10.1erioii is visiting reloads in this .vall•rendered progra thine, cousiatlnii of sing- locality.—The Allstate Jennie a,.td An- iog, resdiags and recitations. nes Jlurray have been spending their Piaster 11rlid9va h.hrte--Tate people of 8etheeda sand vicinity 'heve decitlect to held their usual Annivereer on' May the 240 in the B. 0. •C't 'cit.' A. good time is anticipated,—Rays 141r Sparge preacheda very. aprerapiete Hermon to the young men°in-altb feiC. Church, Bethesda, on Sunday even- ing last, from the words : "Where .withal shall a young mail .oleanae his way ; by taking heed thereto accord• IIodgervitle. Good Stock. Mr. Robt. Elston, has two of the guest tharo'bred lreitere In this section. Out: At them will be three years old in August, and it now weighs 1180 pouuels, while t ae'ather,. whitish will be, two years old in A.ugust,crahghe 903 pencils, Tbi, Is considered to be good weight for heifers of their age. Boma Paxcl,sied. Mr. Qnintal, of atiutreal, was in town on Tuesday last, and pu ohaaed over a doyen burst*. Price per head, averaging about ,180. ?dr. Q. bas a large gale stable in Mon.' tag to thy word,'• ireal.tud shipped 4 oat load from London on t►+s.se Saturday lest. He Saye Huron County is the Henson. hest district he ever atruok for a fine class of borses. SauT DowRR The 13eneall Flouring Mille are shut dime for a few weeks, as the proprietor Is putting in roll. 621. Iitpltevnee.—i3uainsis is improving stated that, and acme sportsmen will, Do since the road" bare 'become dry, aonbt,'be sorry to bear it, That a fishing pole ',and expect a busy trade fork while has been invented that registers every filth ,��"Etiiito.--rFarnlers in told district caught. This will do away with all fish ator- les, inasmuch as the angler with s pole that are nearly through seeding. Spring doesn't register will be regarded with magpie- wheat will ooeupy large acreage this ion. season,ae the crop last year was Error. fair. In the report of the Granton Spring Show, CALICO HALL.—A grand calico ball published last week, an error °oourrcd in the was held in iiia Caitenniml Hell name of J. & T. Hodgins, which should have this plaetl on Fridtµty, evening last. The ereuing was firm and in oonsequ. once a great many Kaes* were present from • distance Musib was furnish ed by the London Italian Band, and the affair turned out to be a thorough iuooess. Our village was 'llerown into a state elf immense excitetneet, en Tuesday last, by the arrival of an aged citizen of Exeter, who is uuted tor being the possessor of a team If speedy gray nage, and who ie generally followed about seven o'clock the Dr. smelt smoke when by about 25 well trained do go. He upon examining, be found this paper room arrived early in the morning aeoom. in a blaze. Fortunately there was a water partied by his doge, (one of them be - tank in the same room, the tap of which was immediately turned, and in the conrsa of a few minutes the fire was extinguished. At. Last. The following from an exchange will be of interest to fishermen, now that the time for their great sport is at hand :—it has beer read 3. It T. Clark, of Uaborne. These gent- lemen have taken fust prize with tneir horse at nearly every place shown. The animal is 3 years old. His equal is hard to find,he being possessed of great atrengh and good action, while he has some good points that cannot be found in any other horse. Nearly a Fire. On Monday evening last, what might have eesulted in a horrible conflagration, was the smoulderingtof some paper in a room on the third fiat of Dr. Browning's resiaenoe: This room is kept expressly for files of Newspapers (he having some 30 and 40 years beck,) and Base Btt11 Meeting. The meeting of the Exeter Base ball club, or rather the "Clear Grit" baseball olnb,met on Friday night, 18th inst„ at the: Central hotel. Mr. Richard Escrott was appointed, chairman, and Mr. William Sanders, jr., sec- retary, when about 30 members were enrolled for the season. After some tontine business being dispensed with, the following officers were installed for the season : President, F. Elliott ; Viee.President, C. Willie ; Secretary W. Sanders, jr„ ; Treasurer, Jno. Bowden ; Captain, Frank Knight; Field Captain, Alf. Drew, It is anticipated they will play a num- ber of matches this season, and will no doubt be a eredit to our town, and we hope the townspeople will "drop in the hat" liberalby, and ewe them a hearty support. Local Brevities. T. Coughlin, Esq., M. P., returned home from Ottawa on Saturday last. A large crowd attended the Spring Show held herelast week. The band played several choice • selections on the street on Friday evening last. ine a large .Newtoundland,) and after placing his equines in the shed came forth, blowing what his muzzled new- fouridlsnd dog could d.. He unmoz- $led the dog sud after it had shown the iahabitentitsome of its many ern ple tricks, set. to work to perform some of the more difficult yet risky ones; and ancordingly sprang upon its mss ter, ingiotiag a scalp wouud and almost knswing ope of his ears off, besides scratching his face in a horrible manner. Hsi there not been a number of witnesses on hand the free exhibition would have termin- ated fatally to the owner of the dog. The muzzle was at once placed over the dog's mouth thare to remain un• til the proprietor would recover sag. eienity to give another free exhibit- atien in which we hope he will have better luck. Marks will be visible tor some time to Some. Manitoba Griet'ances. There are several new residences to be emoted in town this season. 7:'he following ie an extras► from a Mr. W. Drew, a former clerk in Mr. James letter to Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, from Piekard's establishment, is at present visiting his brother, who is an old settler il; ,rionda in town. Manitoba, and a farmer. C sr Kitlarnsy prwil3rd 18817 W esee *110. Ka here,uotwlehstsnd. ing the presence of hard tlmes,or what has now become familiarly known as farmer's grieveucee.. To my mind the Farmer's Union bas o*cried their want to at most absurd issue. My private' opinion is, that of s11 the years *brae• 1 came to Manitoba, there tweet was a better spring to come out here than this. 1 tell you candidly we have grievances, but nothing like the farm len represent. (ire na 100 miles of L. W. R. R„ from the cud of the old track, thief year, and Turtle Mountain is safe. stud if the 100e trite are built now, * 021111 0001 do more with $500,thau lie could when 1 eagle out, with $1500, I laws become debignat. ed ;with, ttie Movement. People be come blind and run to extremes over these t jivas. no tsotrlere area Int. of Grit spaculatora trha -dou't try to fem. but Icy to wake uolonty nut of this affair. Of ueurae a few are sin - tom but not the majority. Oat, here a mita eau gat $1.00 per bushel for unfrozen wheat a1 hia bares, :$10.00 per owl for dreoied Boge, 20 cease for oat% The foot .is, diose who kicked up the biegeut row, wore hien who lead never grown 100 bushels of grain. k bad some sympathy with thew un. ( til thsy permed the anti emigration re- solutieu ir, Wi„uipeg. But if the best friaud I lied in the world, .asked. my advice about emigrating, I could (ansa would)oouaoieutioucly say "aouie uew by all mean.” • Stephen Council. Council suet April 7th. Mi mato. here present. Minutes of Net meeting read and etigued, Moved by H. Silber, seconded by C. Either. that lir, French arruuge with Reeve of Ueberne legtsrdiug out, let of mater ou Luudan road, neer J. Suell's. P.b'lannageu lieu pertniseiuu to do statute labor at his corner. !loved by 0. Ei,lber, Beclouded by J. French, flint the ansaesmeut roll bo accoptetj, and that assessor recieve leis fifty. Resolved, that tenders be received up to next meeting of Council, for a bridge on 12th sou., near Wm. flult's. jr. Further partretilats eau be had trout any member of conneil. Mr. Wal. Baker, is permitted to (jig a drain along 4th con,. a specified distance at 10 et!. per rod. Moved by t3.1'.i1Gor, seconded by J. Ryan, tli+lt $15 be granted to Oredt ton Fair. The Court of revision for revision ofa'4tosenent roll will be .held on tsf'rluday,May 26th,. The following orders were granted: A.F.Bean, *12.75. serer in rolls 1881 and 1882; relief, $5; R. O'Rturke ditching C. 13., $2; Hart & Co., $8 60; C,Oristie, assessing. $65; W.Holt, work 0.1144 clerk quarter- s Lary, $32,611, postage, etc., $5; regisleriug, $5; debentures,$11; deputation to Dashwood and Limerick, $4; J. B. Hodgins, ditching, $2 ;13. Eastcoli, $5, J. Laurie,e'rur in, return of school acconut, $8.70; absentees, $177.65; Crediton Fair $15. PATHFASTEhe. let con. -11. }Lake, R. Handford. J'. MoAiek, T. Eseery, Win. Down. T, Rowe, G. Floyd. gni con.—J Mitchell, Wm. Calfas, J. Walker, J. Ford, C. Snell,T. Shap. roan. Wm, Dearing, 4th sou.—W. White, J. Taylor. J. K. rr, A. Dearing, S.Sanders, F. Tre• bner, W. C:eotrer111. 6th con—J. Ed aa:•ds, D, Stahl J'. Taylor, J. Lewis. V, Bertrand J, Wine, C. Kuhn, M- Oestreister. 8th „on.—J.,Mat tine, E. Chambers J. F. Beaer 1, 1f. Fi•,kbieer jr., J, Wind, C. Keetle, 11th. con—T. Klhgallon. W. Year - 12th Iv. E. Willi,ime, S. Mlttleholtz, T. 13 Martin, R. Kerslake. 12th con.—W. Flannagan, Y. Sult- ivau, A. IticCortnick, L. Deitreicb, F. N:JIi. 14112 con.—J. McDonald, T. Bas- tard, T. Lamport, J. Liner, A. Klump. 16th con. -0. Mitchell, 3. McPhee J. Finkbiner, A. Cambell, S. Iugier. 18th oon.—R. Hodgins, P. McGre- gor, D. Tutton, R Ireland. 21st con—J. Carruthers, A, ?itoh• ere, R. Polliok, R- Eastcott. 22nd con. -3. Mellord, P. Baker, R.C. Armstrong. J. Brinker. Bablo—M.Ferguson, W. Fo11ie. A;.—F.D. Tetreau. L.R.—J.Oobleigh. Gore.—J.Diehertaw. S.B.—P. Galvin, W- Baker, J. Mc- Keever,J. McCarthy, J. Boland, '''.- Hays, A. MoKiuuonr G, • Towle. N. B.—F, Green, S. Stanlake, J. Pen hale, J. Hartman, J. Fenwick, F. Baker, Peter Shroeder, 11. Rhoeder, 0. Walper (rimer oir.--lti. Nevele. FENCE VIEWERS. J. Walker, W. Walker, T. Willis, 13, Deibrich, W. bolt, H. Doyle, C. Stone, 3. Mallard, R. Robinson. POUND KEEPERS. W. Hill, J. Banes, T. Shapton, T, Amey, J, Tseyithiok, W. Holt, U. Mitchell, W. Foilis, W. Hickey,. ook, Rattle,. e GENERAL OPENING. --OF* .' 11111 zrzn GOODS a! CA11111111 We are now showing an Immense Variety of Now Spring Cay©ds in all ' ,pax# em„tl , ' +.�,- - .— •. �.,. ;•-s-- NEW SILTS, " SATINS, BROCADES, VELVETS, to tt N W CA SHMERES, 1 �' PRINTS, 44 DRESS -GOODS S New Cottons, do. Sheeting, do. Pillow Cottons, do. Table Denims, do, Table Napkins, do Towels, do, Lace Curtains, doHosxery, do. Gloves, foo, Lases, do Ribbons, do Cor'seta, do. Frilliligs, do, Embroideries, do. Dress Trimmings, do, P. Fancy Goods of every description. Xillinery, New ez Stylish. \Pe would also call special attegtion, to oar magus gnu& stock of New C:er,><.t"s Tt xnis i ,gs el felt and straw Barts, do. Ties, do. Shirts, do. Braces, do Handkerchiefs, do. Gloves---iu all the latest. styles. SHOES, SHOES, zest quay and zoweit Prices. ',wooing buSevs will ao well to inspect oar Immense Stock, before slaking your Spring purchase:, and ?Wald also bear in mind that our Stores ars the most handsome and beat lighted in Exeter. Our Stook is new and Choice. No trouble to show (roods. .Agricultural Sliow>a. rr lv .Miter of "F J;aeterr Times." iDsart SI1s,--We noticed witl: pleas ur t the report ill your colutne lot9't week of the ttpinionts'expreeeeed *the it em ate of prince Albert Gram Helasait, with a,eference to agrioultu shows. The thoughts expressed iu those resolutions ]rave rho true ring about them, end coining as they do from elicit an it'line'ntletl body cannot fail to carry we,jgttt,and will no doubt receive due consideration from the pnwers th .1 be, Still there are some improvements that may be auggested and while the members of the Us- borne e borne Agricultural Little Min Chub ex tend their greeting•, and preeeut their compliments to the nentbere of said grange they wish also to make known to the public though your valuable columns rt few of the reeolutione ad- opted at their last meeting, viz 1 That ,there be five jtidgee instead of three. 2. That the judges be imported from a dietenoe ef not less thou 100 miles .from the place of holding the chow. 3. That they be obliged to take an oath to judge the horse, the whole horse and nothing but the horse. N. B. Not judge the man. 4. That there be two classes of judges, one for horses end the other for cattle, the latter' to be bound by oath as above. 5. That in case the judges be chosen from the immediate neighbor- hood in which the show is held, as is nowdtrequently the case, the fact should be made known to the pubho, and the exhibitor—not the animal ex: hibited--shatl be led into the ring, and the animals left at home. 6.- That there be no chows at all,in case the above regulations be not oar: ried out to the letter, as the modus operandi at present in vogue 18 the veriest of throes, and general dissatic: faotiou is the resins. . 7. That the judges be forbidden 'the privilege of speaking to each other while in the ring, but eaoh being pro: vided with a card and pencil, record the different points of each animal by 'narks, these Dards to be handed to the Secretary whose duty it should be to 4darp, the prize winners. 8. Thee immediate. steps be taken to memoiialize the Governor General to have leather medals struck at once and a committee appointed lo present the same to the judges nbo so e fb1- eutly (i') and impartially (?) perform- ed their duties at Xirktonland Exeter, By publishing these resolutions you will confer a favor on Yours truly, JOSIAs f)ORIsnT, See. Trots. U. A. L.*K. C. I. CABLING. iCatlioriun Kitruzin aged fifty, died lite Novo York Sunday from the ef. (cots of a beating which sole -said she received froth, her daughter, Itre., llirady, last Saturday. I SAME REGISTER. % 3Ionn.T, April 28.—b'arui Stock, rusple, monis,�lae., the property of J. Stealer, lot 10, con 5, Stephen, at one o'clock, p. ni. H. Either, tiuo. BORN aleeonn,—In 'Osborne, ou the 14111 inst., the ~' wife of Robert McCord, of a daughter. DISD, •3it rlaar: -In Iiay, on the eetlr inst., Thom as, son of Mr, George i\luttant, aged 15 mouths. One hundred ore bodies have thus far been recovered from the mines al Pooahuntua, Va. Operators eay they will resume work in a few days: "THE WOMAN'S PHYSICIAN." A common liens° medical noik for ladle ottly. Fully answers all questions which modesty prevents asking a male physician. Gives causes and symptoms of all diseases of the sex, with positive cure for each in plain lauguagc, written by ladies who have made these diseases a life study. A Plain tack in delicate language which every woman, young and old, should read. It is recommended by many eminent lady physicians ass safe guide for the sex. Handsomlybound and lilustrat- ed. Sent postpaid"for 81,00. Address the Itocnasrza PinnasnING CO. 32, 33, & 83. 1-2, Osburn Block. Rochester, N. Y. THE HOUSEWIFE. A popular domestic journal for American homes, will be sent for otte year free to every lady who will send at once the names and ad- dress of ten married ladies, and 50 cents, no postage stamps taken. Best paper for either young or old housekeepers in existence. This offer is made ouly to secure names to whom to send sample copies,as we know every lady who once saw Tits Housuwir'E will subscribe for it. Regular price 91,00 per year. Addrese. at once •- Tmt HOUSE:virs, Rochester, N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS, marked "Por.6IouutedFolio Provisioasand Light • Supplies," and address°dto tbo Honorable the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will be roaeived up to noon on THURSDAY, lat May. Printed forms of tender. containing full inior ms tion as to the articles and quantities re- quired.may bo had on application at the Department. No tender will be received unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any .endor not necessarily ac• opted. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac. oeptedCanadian Bank. Cheque •for an amount equal to ton per cent of tit ,e'total value of the articles tendered for, which will be iorfeitedf the party declines to enter into a coutraot, when called upon to do so, or if he fails to coin plate the service contracted for, If the ten. iter be hot accepted the cheque will be retur•r ed, No paymentwill 00 made to newspapers eating this advertisement without authority', having beenflrstobtained, FRED, WHITE, Comptroller Ottawa,1tth Meroh 1580,