HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-24, Page 5FAR M ER' S T'.&R —<--Folies— New Press. New & rresh. —ALL KINDS OF— FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Just Arrived. Try our 50o. Tea. OPEWING SHOW nROOM ,--ALL KINDS OF— FIELD c GARDEN 85E08 Just .Arrived. Wines and Liquors Wholesale and ,Retail. SEEDS! SEEDS t SE I-44DS SEEDS AT THE EXETER SEED STORE, DQM�,�tZZO F! roJet.S311411.TORT. 1 We call the alt Fresh Field Flower and Garden Seeds, ,'ion of Fanners and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspection. W BROW"T'?NC, Prop. Gland Ben Fish faun the • age here,. 034 Yaw at,r'f hi* net i* tinct: A iii+► thin soaaori. Ram cid! 143,1 built 4 na.r. dresser •b his fulhery. Mr Joseph Brenner has re -fitted his preraia++s, :he Tit eetlowtle Heuer, (tato tlia :he Howie) p1'P11ai t.,ry tc the summer aczzsau. Ho protaieaa that no rain* shall be awed to motto shit comfortable wren may favour him with thsir patronage. , Mr B. has jolt had ilia rdeaanro boats overhaul. t Qd and namely painted, The Bove awl Ririe had a taffy; pulling party at Win. Furgeson'e Q residence, on the river road. near the Bend. We think that there wan a akertQ little too much ee•!ip syrup in the nder taffy. Taffy goes good .omma lilacs— 1 i when Blind mane buff goes arounu. ` and Mr Alex. Ernereon, of Parkhill, gave ono of hia very select and un- ique lectures, entitled ''Seven yeura in the Tropics" in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Sxb bath Sohnoi on Thursday Nat. Ot(ring to inolomenoy of the weather the audience was small, but very se- lect, being composed principally of WILLIAM DREW ladies. Mr Emerson in iiia usual nieaaitig manner rendered the descri- ption of his own voyage in a most elaborate anti intereftine manner. ahe ill+tstrations in pencil, the truth of which is only evinced by the word Going aver his discourse especially of the beautiful islands of Porte Sou te, Madeira, Barbadoes, Tividad and the Coast of British Guinn t, is proof that he has a thorough knowledge32, 33, & 83 1-2, Osburu Block. Rochester, N. Y. and, is master of the subjeot of his lecture. The Botanical review and ANTED—A good general servant. Apply tbe Zoology of these Tropical count. W to ED- Dnoodge Ari Exeter ries were also described and proved • very interesting, so much so, in fact, that wo could have listened to him all night.. We may also state the Mr. a'niersou did not fail to add in the way Of interpereing the lecture with many amain anecdotes, us well as touching upon incidents founded up- on facie that would astonish `tile most learned. The whole went off with great oat and raptures of applanss In cunelnsioll we might state that Mr Emerson intends giving a series of lectures through this section, dur- ing the ensuing Sousoli. His object being a good ono, we bespeak for him a .hearty support, and can recons ineudliiw to the patronage of the pub lie in general. as they have a rare tre at. He intends lecturing under the auspiooe of the Mechanic's Institutes and Sabbath Schools. ►-fo+t An Answer wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liyer complaint that Electric Bitters will not spoectily euro ? We say they can not, as thousands of oases alveaclypermaneutly cured nndwho are daily recommending Electric Bit- ters, will prove. Bright's Disease, diabetes, weak back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels,aud act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents albottie by C. Lutz. 1 Many Hungarian laborers in the vicinity of Willfeabarre, Pa... are preparing to return to their native land on account of continued perse- Cation. A LAWYER'S ,OPINION OF INTEREST TO ALL J. A. Tawney, Esq., a leading attorney of Winona, Minn., writes : "After using it for. more than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regard Ur. King's New Dis- covery far Consumption, as tbe beat remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It had never failed to corn the most severe cokes ,I have had, and invariable relieves the pain"in the chest." Trial bottles; of this sure cure for:all Throat and Lung Diseases may d free at C Luts's Drug Store, Large size, $1.00. 1 4 Cabinet'maker. : MMT EP., ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. FLOW TO MARE CANnr. This book gives full directions for snaking all kinds of plain and fancy candy. The receipts for making caramels, ch000lato drops. French mixed, and all other kinds of candy contained in this book are the somas used by the leading city confectioners. Auy ono can have these candies at home at less than one thins the usual coat. Sent postpaid 50 cents in postal note, or 18 two seat stamps. Address. ROCEESTER PUl3LISHD G 00. For Sale A comfortable ' frame dwelling, one and a half Story, standing on I of an acro of land, situated on Andrew St—Title clear For full particulars, apply'to ME GEORGE KEMP, 120 Piing -at., East, Hamilton, Ont. CEN TRAL DRUGSTORE SCHOOL BOOKS OLD -- and- - NEW /��qy r. ,ala - T, �Ty S I R I E S —AT THE— Cen trall'Drta,g Store 0. LUTZ. AT— S41tV1LL � PICNAR6'� Friday & Saturday, April 18th and l9tli. We will show a nue display of New French and English i'eittern Bonnets and ROA, Ni•w Straw Gcuals-. Englii•b and American abapee, French Flowery, Ostrich Feathers, Novelties, Ribbons, Silk Lee's, Parasols, and Sun Shades, Om Millinery Department, which is under the litanagemsut of MISS Mo1NTYItF, will he toned unusually a,tTactiye,; the St,' end prima will compare with any in She trade, We solicit a call from all ens .patrons. NEW SPRING GOODS -Stock DOW complete in all depart - mode. Grand display of now and desirable Goods, Our Dross Coeds department will befound very attractive, We allow a frill range comprising an til., Nat: Fa• brio for the present season. Speeiat cheap lines at 10 and 12i cNnt•i Mask Cashmeres all wool from 45 oenta to t1 -,-bust value in the trade, silks, We aro showing a falx range, from 50c to N. black Ottoman lords—apeci- sltx for Maude,. HOSIERY --Fuel range of German, English and. Canadian (loves --Best French Ride in black and colored, Lisle Gloves, Pure Silk. Taffeta in black and newest More. PRINTS-SATEENS &e, All newest designs for the pres- ent season, STAPLES. --This is a department we are giving special at. tention to, and eau uy that no other hoose is giving better value. We are offer- ing special bargains in Grey and. Blleackeg comas. TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS. Extra Value. TWEEDS. Our stock comprises the newest designs of &otah, English and Canadian Manufacture. GENTtI' 1?C.I,NISli1NG. Full lines in Hats, Caps, Shirts, Tics, fie. CARPETS. Brussels, Tapestry -choice new patterns in all wool and union, New Hemp Carpets, tenor Mats, Rugs, Crumb Cloths. ;3ely Floor Oil Cloths. New Lace Curtains and Table Cove's. BOOTS & SHOES. Full assortment of Ladies, Gents' and and Chfldron's wear. WALL PAPER—Stock complete-EnIish and. Americans. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE -fully lines, GROCERIES -Our stock it large, cheap aancl. fresh. SEEDS -Field: and garden -all kinds. Exeter, April 10th, 1884. Saimwell & Pickard. cc 7.3IIas stood til^ test for F ir•'ry-Titta.i: 2 in YsAns, and has proved hell- the bc;t fn • remedy known for the cure of IT O COriSSixi"?'3"l ing o Coldsyta'+ 1: . 7 23Ind ail Li.;: y ) nye Cr .1,1 S.:.rliCS DOWNS' ELIXIR N. IL DOWNS' VEiETASL1 EAt'AXIC LIXRE i<4»WaMti5i i_. 17H010 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEO4RAPHY Or THIS 0000. TRY WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS t1APTHAT THE moo, CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC D. Y By the central position of Bo lino, connects the Bast and the West by the shortest route, and car- ries passengers, without change of cars. between Chicago and Kansas Oity,,Counail Bluffs Leaven- worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and 8t. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacldo Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi- cent; being composed of Moat Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnieoent Horton Re- clining Chair Care. Pullman's Prettiest Palace Bleeping Cars, and the Beat Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. Two Trains between Chi - Cage and Minneapolis and 8t, Paul, via the. Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Linc, via Seneca and Kanka- kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport Newa,_ Chattanooga. Atlanta. Au- gusta, Nashville Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minnoap- olio and 8t. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Past Express Train Tlckos. tfor sale at all principal Ttoket Oleeerin the United States and Canada, Baggage checked through and rates s Pare al. twe¢*, as low a as competitors that,of n less sdvan- eFor detailed information, get the Maps and Pold- ers of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Omoo, or address R. R. OAtsLE. E. 8T. JOHN. Y1np.rtCO, (lea'! mg.,. Gni Tkt, d Pan. At, CHICAGO. FARMERS MINH ATTENTION. y Why you should use the Combined. Milk Bucket and Stool 1st:—Tho use of this Bucket will effectually protect the milk from contact with any foreign substance whatevc,, and from the odor of the stable. 2nd.—Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket no milk is lost or injnrcd. 3rd.—In care of spattering, or misdirected streams, no loss will occur. 4th.—It avoids the soiling of clothing. 5th.—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the "old-fashioned" stool. 6th. --It enhances th value of dairy butter. 7th.—It is mutually acceptable to the milkman and his patrons, as it guarantees satisfac- tion. 8th.—Butter and cheese made from milk drawn in this Bucket, possesses keeping quali- ties, far in advance of that containing all the germs that fall into an unprotected pail. 9th.—Both the creamery and the cheese factory can afford to remunerate; those patrons who use this Becket, and will in time,be compelled to decline the milk of those who do not. DISST PROS. HORSEMEN JUST RECEIVED Two New Horse Cuts (BLOOD and CLYDESDALE) Made Expressly forOurse1Ves You will find it to your ad vantage •to Os 11 and examine our cuts. ,Prices low. SEED, SEED, SEED I . The undersigned offers for sale at his Store- house, Exeter Station, the following verities of seed grain ; WHEAT. ' White Russian per lb $1 40 Lost 'dation ', 1 25 ble0arling 1 20 Johnston 1 20 Peas " 90 Barley, " 60 Clover Seed ' 7 50 Timothy 2 25 J. SWEN.t.RTON on GEO. ,WILLIS.