HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-24, Page 3Blood Figures. Anxiety and mental distress were de- pleted on every line of his face as he rushed into an oftiee on New street, and called out: "I tell you I'm right and rn bet a thousand on it!" "What is it?" "Illy figures on the damages done by the late tresbets from Pittsburg to New Orleans. I spent three whole hours this 'zeroing figuring up and I can't be wrong," "What do you make the sum total?" "I make it$23,265,428.11. "I guess that's correct." "Of course it is, and think of the gall of a broker across the way there con- tending that Iain $7.04 off my base! He says I have counted in two calves and 20 rods of rail fence which were not swept away, but I don't believe it: no, sir, don't believe a word of it!"—Wall Street Dail Nem. She Thought She Would Change the Subject, "Always," said papa, as he drank his coffee anti enjoyed his morning beef- steak, eefsteak, "always, ehiklreu, change the subject when anything unpleasant has been said. It is both "vise mot polite," That evening on his . return from bus, iness he found his carnation bed despoil. ed, and the tiny bnprintof stip lered feet silently bearing witness to the small thief. "Mabel," he said to her, 'Said you pick my flowers?" "Papa," said !label, "dill you see a monkey in town?" "Neer mind that. Did you pick my dowers?" "Papa, what dill gran'ma send me?" ''hfabel, what de you mean? !lid you piek my flowers? .Answer me yes or no." "Yes,, papa, I did; but I'd foot I'd change the subject." --- Philadelphia Quiz. Aunt Venus' Oat. As I passed Aunt Venus' abode I dist covered, from the clatter of pans and kettles going on within, that she, toe was up and stirring. As i paused to peer curiously within the open door, in a twinkling from out itflew +large cat, with tail erect, wild eyes, and ,u its mouth a chicken dressed and made ready for the frying -pan, which latter came hying after her, hurled by an ex- asperated xasperated Mand, while a cracked, high- keyed voice exclaimed: "Lamb. ef yo' means to kill dat ar eat, I'lows 'Us time yo' dun It, 1 allus did, t'ink dedebil was In cats, an' I jus' knows he am in dat ar un, bigger'n a woodchuck. I'sc dun C'row'd flans and kettles aster her, till dar hasn't one bressed {lot in tills byes kitchen what dar hain t a hole or crack in. De nose am bruk el'ar offen de tea-kettle—dat ar gridi'on;ain't got no han.'Ie, au' all dem nice gourd dippers, what yo' made las' wilder nn' polished so b'u'ful am gone, ebery one on em, atter dat eat. Ile new Carvin' -knife Miss Luey Mot las' week I sent after dat same ole, sly, t'iafin', braek imp obB'lzebuby, "'day, when I Botched her kitin' offen de cor- ner oxner ob de lio'ch long wif dat string of pa'tri'ges inher motif Masse Bond sent ober to de ladies, wif heconlplishments. Do knife hit her squar, an' sho crawled off so oncommon mis'blc-lookin' I felt shorn she dun got her freedom papers in ole Wenus' hes' ban'writin'; but not 'fore de Lord; der she goes wif de wes' spring chicken outen my pan, jus' ez aggrawatin' an' full ob 'git up au' git' ez Ober; an' do knife—do Lord hose'f only knows wimp it am, fo' I 'clar' I dun forgot all 'bout it till dis bressed minit. Johnnie Had It, Colonel Bumgardner got up yester- day esterday morning worse mixed than were the drinks he had taken the night be- fore. When he was ready to start on his usual cocktail expedition, he cried: "Metier, where's my hat?" "I don't know, dear, unless Johnnie hasit." "Well, and what the darnation is he doing with it?" "I don't know—but he said he want- ed a brick to sharpen the knives on and I told him to look in 3 -our hat. You said you had one there." The colonel wore his last summer straw hat clown town. Little Johnny Samuelson goes to school, and has become quite proficient in arithmetic. Johnny is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson, but the lat- ter was a widow with six children when she married Mr. Samuelson. "How are your little brothers and sisters coming on?" asked a lady friend of the family. "Ali three of thein are well," responded Johnny. "Why, there aro six of them, Johnny." "Yes, ma'am, but you forget they are only half brothers and half sis- ters, and it takes two halves to make a whole one." ---Texas Siftings. One time I was iu Mr.Brily's shop and he had crit Of a pig's had and set it on top of a bar!, and ole Gaffer Peters he cunt in and seen it, and he sed, ole Gaffer did,' "Mister Brily yure pig is a gitton out." Mr. Brily he licked audthen sed. "That so, Gaffer, you jest take that stick and rap him on the nose fore he can draw it in." So Gaffer he tuke the stick and snook up reel sli, and fetched the pigs bed a regular nose -wiper, hard as ever he c>.uie with. a stick, and knocked the pigs hed off the bar!, and you never seen seals a stonishod ole man!. But Mr. Brily • he pretended like he wasn't a lookyn, and ole Gaffer he• sed, "Mistei Brily, you must.excuse me, but when 1 struck at that pig it dodged and cut its hod oft agin ,the edje of the burl."—Tlia Argonaut. •' A telegraph' wire is likea mustaohti. Itis of no use when.it is down. • If there is ever a time in a man's lift when he is tempted to lie it is when the assessor 'begins to ask peisonal ques • ions.: IT(:HIN°, PI 1, tl'AII't'OMSANDCURE `l'eaching Rim a lesson. 1 e sytnll ems no • 1 p atinn, itltenl eitelline r, e eased by P• mtcheig; "Xacob,1 dells you more as a hut's•• very di- tt'e-bil.r . • aIt'eulSI at Ili. ht; nsrtms as dent dimes alreaty yit dot you -mmost if i•iu-u. n1,6 +nit: es tic hug lo auel insist rho nicht spreeh pack on me in Seherinan • , canto. tie le i ite 1 a'' n a e :4.111011ecsef- weltje ag'Ctmuissic. ‘e1* . dt►"Fa Tone T ne Wo "Fader, I forgit somedimes." tu'tsu,as f 1 ,:., (,t1'tjj �, ', ; lf'��f'tll':Ii t "' � � 111 ILII al:< ,..•tut. Se,! „ .,. 1",cct!,etas, 'U 14&lt! x[1P.ABE de Co4 clot. You moos" like veer fader him , Nas.241and298 wast IJaltituoro Strout done viten him vas a boy." •l llarb,'i,t I1. 1"ke ht '. ,t;k t,t':tts ;t l tor 1,214 uo. ii2zltti> eveaue.NarrYork, "And what was that. fader?'" Rn.eetes I3••x t t nail, :. "I moost English s reehen all der Addre,r; It 7tt'AY;r-+. ,1 4')N Philo . Pa.' dimes viten I don'it vas so pia as a Sold tlx,l"rrb i t . leeclle too vit. Und you se• dot vas ` iE TO M to ARVICkl TO MOTHERS. vhy I :lot me dot language to a tine feCied. If el! ••• a ,t to c, ut11 tie vet e dons rt • ?INgty11,A>a1ag , 7iI lruia110 1! & �I1'd 1 ""You nroosG nicht dot somedimes for-. IS n l,! t,, , sure t ulv i• , f t totter, l - i , d down." Are you disturb, d atuie n and broken of your r'rest bteelt,tc^111.1-01fcr,tlt awl crying nob "Fader, do r(lii'ivant me to learn s'1 u or von learn mer . pain of gutting "Meth? If so, send at once and •'Isar vhy you dose vay dalk? You • get a bottle of 14I1t8 wl\SE.OW''1 sooTHIN('t make mut ascltatlled fon meinselef fon SYRUP° Its valid. i inct,l(mlal,le. It will re - you," lieve the tusr !Wit s::If• 1• r immediately. He - "I can speak English better than you pefldup nftlnor t•r', 1• eleup •:,i,t lie abotot , r. i, it. It cur, s tip -enter; and draaPrboett. regulates nosyfade "Gott nu Ilimmell! Yost consent the stoil nell Rita bawl 1s. corm- 111101 colic. J.Doupe & Co DYSPEPSIA, DRP8,11«IDIZZINESS, s, DI ES VE INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HiEART, *���" " T ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF i i I () N I HE•ARTR RNA' DRYNE, a TOMACH, HEADACHE, OF TiIE Mk And every species or disease arising fro Oisordered BQwER, IDNEYY8 STOMAQH% your fader clot vay! Von I vas half not softens t't Runts'. redacts tn;Hamtratiou. and OUTSTRIPS EVERYTHING FOR So pig like you I sprechen me dot Eng- st es tone an , energy to the ""!role system. lith dalk so voiles as a schule leacher Mus, Irlusraw' S a sooviIii:O . riti'i.` Bon "'LI' Yon got von (loo schuiardt You dints BEN Tc:ETnlr*ta you more as Cour fader knows? •I fenudonutsasa•,.i 1•htsieiates it. the Unitedsehook dot seluu'srd fon t ou ond! I States, and i. for stir by all druggists through -1 If 1011 watat the best value for learn you Cone lesson ---you tamest nicht out Me world. Price e5 :cuts a bnttie. more sehmarder peen as your fader. Dem pad gonlpany vas That der mad- ss der vas nett dem pad poys like you. Viten I vas a !toy yit I know"! four .t 1i dunes more as 1110111 fader, aber 1 doted KINN t. e' .• •' Will hill. dot. 1 vas duo sehmard for tiu°ic.`t 11151", 16 l,l° psnut tt• fire ta8tt', and fa C u, • the pet serietfor f ore the ho aides t oud be st BUTTER 44EGGS: e' c,rcon. -- u()To-.- I t .: tl, t"fund dot. I dott'd vas so dumb 'like your bnose t t 4'47... iftlstt �i ... ghoul tart: t 1 :e•r;eoc b 11 isle •it t 1 ilrty sit it t best d s elleCo mit a oow-skin hide shoost like diff --1 fic°.rn tnGti a ircindf�.r 9yfvlUNxeCO tirt�• t"r»Ra But•bu'didn't show Y ae;1h how it eras Aat:*ii.t..,S oauco, 20.nrvadway. New 1i'orlr. done. Yacob was too smart for that, He knew four times more than his father. That's why ho dodged out and oil down the street at the fastest small boy rate,--1Ccntt(cky State Journal'. Out l mein fader Bile doh! (lot him t Ptt(,1, nes ,i tt f P 'la A1C ti,-.)''wtt art'n�'n d �n .t hex; zee mein coat -collar oo suit 5 i t (t rgtAi aA } p mutt•lur,ce,rcul'""4sCleattaop• r, °'"Ieur's his left haunt ltnd vh!p mein pohindt i Nlcr 1.1,.,d,tl ualtravinscs a d interesting to WIT AND HUMOR, Clerk of the Court: "Qwest Dohertt Are von Owen Doherty?" Pr sons'(with' a merry twinkle In Ids oyes): "Yes, be. gorra, I'm owing everybodv." The enterprising iudivlaual who is organizing a brass band of twenty wo- men says that, if thoy learn half as, many "airs" as they put on. the exper- iment xnaciment cannot fail to be a nneees3. "Is it wrong to cheat a lawyer?" was recently eery ably discussed by the members of a debating socloty. "lite conclusion arrived at was that it was not wrong, but impossible. Some ono says "no thoroughly occu pied man was ever miserable." That man evidently don't know what it is to attempt the feat of keeping twin babies quiet while their mother goes to church, In Arkansas they call it a romantic marriage where a couple of the neigh hors get the bride's father in a back room, and sit on him to prevent his in- torrupting and breaking tip the wed- ding. A. gentleman having his hair out, and being annoyed with the operator's sto- ries, in the middle of each he said, "Cut it short" At last the barber, in a rage, exclaimed: "It cannot bo cut shorter, for every hair on your head is cut off." Dr. Chalmers used to say that when he is in the act of tipping his hat to a lady whom ho supposes to bo an ac- quaintance it requires a good dual of taot to make believe that he is only scratching his forehead whon ho finds sho is a stranger. "Say, Pat, whatever made you go to work for old Uncle Dan? lie's the meanest man in tho country." "Aiello is it?" said Pat: "why, shuro an' he's the foinest, nisyest goin' master Iver I had, bednd. He gives a man fifteen hours to do a day's work in." "1 toll you," said Pools, "there's au indescribable sense of luxury in lying in bed and ringing one's bell for his valet." "You got a valet!" exclaimed Poots' friend. "No," replied Pouts, "but I've got the bell." — Cincinnati' Saturday Night. "Oh,, ma," said Jennie Parvenu, when sho came home from a dance at Newport. "You should have seen Mrs. Dash. She looked just too lovely for any thiug, had diamonds just as big as yours, and she was the sinecure of all eyes!" "Late, you don't say!" said ma. Elderly and obnoxious suitor who was the first to arrive and evidently means to be tite last to go: "I have forgotten most of my mathematics, but at your age, sir, I was devoted to them." Im- patient young lover: "Ah! then you are probably familiar with the 'rale of 41three.' " E. S.: "The rule of three?" . Y. L.: "Yes, that two is company and three is one more." , "Your son has been knocked off the railroad and killed," exclaimed a man ap roacbing an Arkansas Colonel. "Who knocked him offP" excitedly de- manded the Colonel. "A railroad en. gine." "Well, that begins to explain matters, for I knew devilish well he' wasn't knocked off by any ordinary man. He was ono of tho boys, let me tell man.. Traveler. Evenin the making of a: will, little peculiarities will occasionally present themselves. Here is an Irish specimen: "I hereby give and bequeath to my beloved tvit�e Bridget the whole of my property without reserve; and to my, eldest son, Patrick. ,one ;half of there mainder; and to DenuiS, my you%1ge"st ' son, the rest: Tf anythingt- aitm is left -sat go, together with the old cart without` wheels, to my sincere and affectionate friend, Terence McCarthy, in sweet Ire- land." Brother Gardner's philosophy: "What we don't know we often tryto makeup , for in argyment. What we lack in argy- ment we try to make up for in blab. It am easier to call a man a fool dan to produce lacks and 'figures to convince him dat he am in de wrong. It am safer to call an old Mali' a liar than to Wink ,at a young man's wife." W111 be mailedbe! to all applicants and to csto.•aera of last Fsoose rim rxithcut ardcrint; it. t contains illustrations, pricsa descriptions and directions for ;slanting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Plants, etc.Ixtvnlunble to an.D. M. FERRY pCO WINDSOR. 11 �' DUSEIOIAcI�,MI SEWIN 10o,a.v.: .F EVf art, (..f ,' PROVI ,.1V 1 I/ I SIMPLret 05T 'JtIru( ES%� CXAMOEAINi 1r.,ANo.TEig,BESt' SUMPTIO 1h.co,ap"yl0reremed tor the above Minute; b Its '.e 11, 21xxde ornate* or thewent kind and ofyy,�ut; r•,1,tatghaie'11 ( eur.d.lndaad 8)18180081405)181)11 in On ettteac , th,,t•7111 send Tl1'O 110111.85 mos%, 1.2111 ra111 it Ai.rAISLE TREATISE eathtadisease, 1e aUr aWrerr8. Otte Express and r. O. address. PR. T, .t. SLOot'X, tit reirl St.. Severed; Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the' Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, &c. �Cc. 1880.1RRD rY x11)1 Climax Chemical Company MONTREAL. Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer ---1N or. KENDS or -- -GI IAITiS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROD/11'T ATTENTION. LARDINE MACHINE OIL. HARMERS, THRESHERS, AND Mill men will save menoy, and save their Machinery by using Laraine. LA:R,DINE Has been victorious at all the leaning exbibi Hone and industrial fairs since 1878, oarryiu golf first prizes and modals in every instance. ' It has now no canalas a lubricator, and. will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warra AO not to , clog or gumthe finest macbinary' You will save money byusing this 0i1. Try it and you will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations. —MANIIPAa&'uriED ONLY IIY— vICco11 Bros. Co., Toronto. —FOR SALE BY— BISSETT BROS., Exeter J. EILBER'& SON, ()redden MoDONELL & WAUGH, Hensel! KIRI1TON, 1111 MSALL PORK PA CKiM +YOU8E t MI BURN & gO., P''° QR0tiT1, JOHNSTON'S STOAT'S SARSAPARILLA IVEIk ki 3ttAuillallDTSPINIA, I.nd for Purifying, the Blood. It has been i'1 use for "Oyoaata, and has proved, to L3'.te t.. -4t pr:•_sarationin tit,1 marLetter SIM I ..A1bAC'1fE. PAIl71:: .THE SIDE Katt BACK. I<ir c( a PLAINT. PIMPLES f, N TIiu F,AC4 DYSPEPSIA, I11114, Cts 1 n&I I114eai.e•I •thattufse fr,,ttt p 1 ., r,:t .-rel f.:1- r or an falpere L4 T . 't :cls cf ear heat prt.l,,a f " .' It a i fi i d, it. tri tttrir el!ti- Wars, it oz.:* .ex:e.0.•0- est !t. to It Isms fr rw ,'+shoe. ituntio. t'ait 1: lba.,.atraa !)ar% t t :r. ,, t(t•� D n1dc.la� 's'rcn.1,1; 1 to..me 4(4.l!nt,Nttlt„nta and 1551.4, It IOL r. 'I Y t,. ti.:ti e..a- not L-. 1 t .e 11,1 « t , '• t . It (En of the ht+lt r•xton: rt , id t.>�: •r Iiegu,At fait, ti o lis'wt ie. 9i „r .* • t+^e datlar r, ! tt tt>s -U ts4.'+,1„ as' k l; .+•,n ? : eeeta: - wry , a' P,l»t t� oto f t ,.» pa r• t 'tri It . - : 1 i,i. PY^.'.• a. t,t ti avint autumenced bueiuesr•tor the Fall and Winter Trade Wit arc prepared tepurchaseatint:nutity of Pork, subject to the followiu g regulations We will take off two pounds per Hundred it dry, and three pound IP soft. Shoulder teak twenty-five cents. If any of the 1 clog guts aro left ia, 26 -Ants extra will be deducted. a No proK will be bought at any price! it warm, ' Weavant all Hogs Cutting right through breast tohec 1, and I1anisopeuedout to tail G 4; J. PETTY - THE ONLY MANDRAKEtP VEGETABLE "7":"-- 61; CURE' -:m T - FOR Loss of Appetite, Habitual Costiveness, 1 Sick Headache and Biliousness. A Pike, O.N. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. . AYER'S terry Pectoral. Alter complaints are so insidious in their at- : :, those affecting the throat and lungs : none 11e d with by the majority of sufferers. The c„ugh or cold, resulting perhaps front a b or unconscious exposure, is often but the • .;-sntin5 of a fatal sickness. , vnie'S- CnuiRY L has well proven its efficacy in a forty " fight with throat and lung diseases, and be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. "In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected my hates, 1 had a terrible cough, and passed night n:tor night 'without sleep. The doctors gavo me up. I tried <LYElt'S 011E11RY PECTORAL,'11)1011 ••Pl teved nay longs, induced sleep, and afforded me .t' rest necessary for the recovery of mystrength. I ty the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma- ueut cure was effected. I am now 83 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisttedyour Ciiima Y::c son Saved mo. 1101eAOE r.l'RliRoruL•R," Itoekingharn, Vt., July 15, 1882. Croup. —A. Mother's Tribute. "'Mille in the country last winter any little boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; ,t seemed as if he would die from strapgulation. One of the family suggested the use ofAYtae's 0110100r PECTORAL, a bottle of which was al - Ways kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less Gaut half an hour the little patient was breathing eas- ily. The doctor said that the CHERRY PECTORAL had saved my darling's life. Can you 'wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, A13IS. EMMA GEDs1I." 159 West 128th St:, New York, May 18, 1e82. " I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL hi 111y family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for couhs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANE." Lake Crystal, Minn,, March 13, 1882. "I suffered for night years fromllronchitil, and after trying many remedies with no succuss, I wns cured by the -use of AYER's OHEI11W PECTORAL. • JOSEPH WALDEN." Bybalia, Bliss.; April 5, 1882. "I cannot say enough in praise of AYER's CHERRY PECTORAL, believing as I do that but for its use I should .longsinco have died from lung troubles. E. BaAonos." Palestine, Texas, April ?2,1882. No vaso of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S.CMERRY PECTORAL, RN itwillalways cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of. medicine. .PREPARED 11Y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. l FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Aro pleasant to teke. Contain their own Pergativo. Is a safe, sere, and effectual ffroyer of worms in CbildrenorAdultti Fronthill Nurseries. 1325 ACRES. THE. LARGEST iN THE DOMINION Salesmen 'Wanted„ StendyEmployment at Fixed Salaries to all willing to work: MENan 1 WOMEN can have Pleasant work the year Bound. Good Agents aro earning from DE to $75 per month and ex- penses. r Torras and outfit free- Address: STONE re WELLINGTON,Toronic THE NEW `INVlNCIBLE' STEAM MUM ll' is THP--•__ KING of ALL WASHERS (Pateutea in Canada, July 13,1863.) Mr. 0. Ran wishes to inform the inhabi tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has sole right of this washer for Huron County, add also that he has appointed Mr. Robt. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing. to see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter Ten Store. It was thoroughly tested, and ite merits approved before the patent was tip. plied for. It has since been placed in com- petition with a great many washers of note, and in every instance proved its superiority. It is, without a doubt, the roost perfect in action ever invented ; the improvements' are prominent and well defined!; they are hot imitations with a slight change of parts of scene old played sant patents, such as the public are often fleeced with by Patent Right sharks, but they compose an original and genuine invention, containing distinctive features, which are fully set forth anti claim- ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers at a distance. Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best 1st. Only one-quarter the amount of soap used as with other machines. 2nd. Only one-fourtli the fuel. 3rd,' No labor. in comparison with th machines. 4th. No wear and tehr, as steam and soap are. the priroipat agents. 5th. It requires only one-fourth 'the time to do a washing. 6th. The house is not in an uproar with Slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least ono day out of each week, C. RAU, R. PICKARD, Agent, Crediton. Exeter.