HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-24, Page 1VOL, Xi
,Q� it(GIJP,
Theelefell A 0 Brood
E T.133, ON
3txst ReftetiV
Try G. ,A, H'o floe sobrmocoea
this l in tt in. markt 1.
O *o tat aats►weli'ltls%FR
d to Poet-
Tooth eat*
t pain.
'I A
The Oheeady Statrgiater,
Pliant, April 211.---Faaarre'a cm
poad,eut at Cairosends details of the
reraaps ltbaudy inae•aioree. 7'bsa e
huu+.dr.d Egyptian troops sod 600
nota -combatants. preferring to crake
Storm end JIel.
OON, Mie.„April 19.-eTbe most
vere rain stomas over known visited
re to•daq, aaoehpitvled by itesvy
..sbtoiug and hail, dab:gi * darn -
+a httzerduus aUempt to march to Belo age to °rope. A qu.iutibyr of stook
her to
LE, FIGKAB,ID'S inside Sheoay, set nit torOmlatter
]lgIltitn, Upenling. on the 15rft Inter' Part of the
number went febt sty by steamer
down toe ritrear arhile the others ecce
atTOGa.+,-*•Rrt,atin AISYf♦lev' titre 1 the pack,
QF l Arial+� 09+"a'I CBAND c along rive .
taro taour. diatlalttoe freta Shandy,
tbay were attacked by Arabs and after
to short fight all the troops exoe$iit it
tc.a few were
t' Tbeilrabe after ward cap=ered Shandy.
e° The - Egyptian noope there IOW leis
f cardetl their arrnd and nuifurms u
tate hope of bats¢ Spared- Few. hew
"' evor, escaped elle general •n,►aasore,
mere sltiughtered' tua,ty of them ref.
ageea hose . leirtontu,
Venice Apiil2i+.—Ue,t. Gorda
of th* toaI atartzotiva feat
are* or lett week waw tate Millinery
opeurug of Rsmwel1.t4 Piakrnd'e no
show room. Although the prat t►
teuapt of the loud in Beater, thio fr
liavee shown to conituttiadehlo spirit o
enterprise and a thorough kaowjedg
of the wants of the c:rmmnnity t
winch they cater. That they nava b
honorable dealing mud good vane
gained the ounfidence of the people i
self evadeut, and that their efforts t
extend their bueiueeo by all tegitieuat
MEMOS are ttutiritlg, woo e<ufiloientl
stteeted bythe m644140304! diaplxy.
That tilt, frm have spared neither tittle,
_ ... ._ .. - „�, oar (Minnie* is apparent to even the
1t. YN1 11'Alv.••--CORONE1:FOR mootoamal observer. From 77a might
the{: oentyatllur,,n, e+itleoosent ,luerto;rOM', *early thorn ueitil da.r7 eve" the
Itr.l wMrtietR'i.store.lixoter splendid show room, the wall of wrhiolt
BROWNING :►I, D. 1, C ware
ti critic elegant devica+t of
P. H; lreentereeeeteriarmetil't omc fitment, feather* Ana laces making
"*a drowteed aced, lulled by. igittuteg.
SAN ANTONIO, T'ex., April 2f1. a,
This cite wile vittitrerd tido evening by
terrible rout and write st rm, Resi-
deneee end other :properly were bad.
1y'drelaseged. Reports front the oouu*
try.atate the lees to he very lzowvy.
Lalaia, ale., tilt river ie still
y hitt. Three feet ot wale covers
aaarluws ,and railroad trioti and
lands. The trigbways are
i iambic e a riambs of dame
been Oaf Away,
CRlaAcltt, by
from the northwest
snow prevailed to
eutertainea for the safely of vessel.„
att'eeg the weatera chore..
ivy gales
prettied by
Fears are
Itis GAi VESTON, dprll 19.--b'refrt
a tele.rara to Sir Evolyu Baring parie of the Suite heavy milia a
expreeeiug the utmost itudtgnaliou et winds aro reported. Probable great
the gnat tier in which he heel beau a• damage to crepe. i all and molt
baudoned by the English Govern. are repo. from a'irAv o,tits na-
metit, autl ertycug henoa;o. fie he will preco ell fit leaf. as the vas r, i
oat hitnself entirely ad.lft fr,�in th tee „ tR"'
who have detorted hien, on whom Who expel ttut»aatn ww
ae will rest blood ;;uiltinoas of all livers eipt#1 enthurlt a ofaa
hereafter lost ' the l *31
leedua"+a dip lai'ec
aerated, end decided upvii going to
London, where he understood a cog -
Wax small -pox hospital excited. All
forts to rioter hint from his purpose
preyed unave.iltng, ate as tbere is air
proems* no beard of Health eetablielt-
ed in till,. corporation the neediest
au.thoritiata were poworle.a to hinder
hie from, hutting hie plat# in. open.
Mien. Such being the os e, it was
decided that t* tneaiewl altanJta )t
At011id driye iritis to ibe atatton
reU r than that hie datera►ius$iota
of tsiripg the hoe shotttdrle plat ire op.
oration. No money was paid Little
le Gi„ derieh anti u* inetrnottttne rte' to
Ins 'laminar orproeetrdiuge here given
hien. leo ticket wee purchased for
hire hero, but he trievetled from Gad-
erlah to Clinton eh hie return ticket,
which lied bean bought At Seeforth
on his way here. This fent goes to
.how Mak Littlaeliatt,�lot been a res-
Went of Greletrlt�i l flee' the past three
months, its het been erroreouely
ataterl,—F:,'e Pair'.
The regular ineetiug of the council
as ht}l4 on t11u 7.Lh inst. :lembera
itII preset*, Minutes of Nat meeting
read acid ooufie toed. +qtr. A. Smith
applied to the boatel to hive rwome-•
thing done to the ;*ferret relining
past "no piece as it mot in a very
•a>u b etas. Ota ,notion the .Reeve
:ter. Hudeota were instructed to
Rttterid to tate matter. Mr. ;Seed•
home applied for tile to taut in a
drain on tie 4th con, ;[ode v. Pearn
mid Mellen appuiuled to oxstn-
ue the place acrd report. air. Thowp•
on ,salted to have a dhoti on the tat..
Mary* gravel road opposite his place
deepened iu order to give him on out-
let The Reeve waw inetruoted to
attend to the matter. Tenders t:>r
the building of a uow bridge ° ttcrnas.
Fish Creek ou.10th eau, were °peo*#i
a, falloff( :,,F. Staadeven, $495 ; A.
Yule, $874 ; C. D• Swanson, $850.
Ogr�tnotiefi the tender of C. D. Swan-
son w* .. the ted. The following,
wera then itj�toiuted .pathmetsters
Peter Barr, 'klea. Hvde, R. Whaley,
P. O'Brien, 'Marriott, 3. Stevens,
J. Ceillauder, ,; Roadhouse' J. Rob-
iuson, A. Robertson, 3, Nairn, A.
Doupe, W. Sutph n*, 33, Breathour,
A. 1Sarriot, J. Wiseman;J. McKnight,
VLF. Johnston, 'ill`. Thumpaon, F,,;M'c-
ith, R. Radollfse, J- Mitchell, J.
,ster,T. Shi,ple T. Ditlsdlore, W.
}j, Slack, J. Morley, ' ,.. Niter. J.
Lawton, J, Mceloelibil., M. Driyeta,
. D. Lawrie, W.McCull»ugh, R.
syuerd, A. Mi et; Ww. Somerville,
Jarmiobael,. i. Pearn, W. Wood,
t 4. A. Mo&eys F. Stoners, W. Som-
a. A. Dawson, W. Marriot, J. Stew -
1, J. Dawson; J. Pearn, W' Melee
eh, J. Camtlet M, Ballantyne, A.
oblation, J. Sheldon, W. Robinson,
Gnarl, 1..15purling, J. W. Robin -
n• Wan. Atkiuson, W. . Bennet, D.
eaten, A. Lamond. G. Mot. C.
kit}uer, W. Sutlierlaud, 3. Skinner.
Fease viewers ;- J. Stephen,. J.
Abater, 1,?, Breathour, J, Mitchell,
deuce. aural :tion;tratearaterv. ,:tette. rceue of enoiienting Iuvelineee, rf " la t fil.,lldatl mei rewart
riR J, A. itOLLINI , Ar. 0..i . �a, y It le believed that the Government
q, Mee. Mein Eit.Tretater,nut. Reeldeaas law who appeared to ba uevar tired " f ''hie determined to despatch the tat-
ttoneereoenUroetaaptodby'Y.Sr<al'iulll te.8e+l,
Admiring the ruatry neve?itit►e, And p l- p
giving g e.atna of neveiae es of, inert available farces of all arms of le moat su�rpriilul
pleangre at the w+aal h. 11 neatly dad the Egyptian arm: to Khartoum. It oaate to - ht, eau a reur, _
levant roiRmory and fabrioe, is hoped the furca will be ready to tercet Arid n Iiptadau, upupal the
The above Arm may well pride rt in six track-, morning tuitt off the London, Huron
themselves upon the grand display
& Bruce, a man who appeared utterly
kndthe euooere iwhioh attended their Dastardly Outrage» incapable of helping hintoelf, being
opening. parleotly idiotic aid ratable to utter
The millinery de arttnRul, Hadar On Tl:ureday night some portion a ward or ,lake himself at all intel-
N nukaowa outered'the Stratforit Times legible; The aouduotor elated that
d popular management of Mara Mt► ( the uufortunate creature had been
setrtel eikideeich 4by the autism --
dies of thick place, who no doubt �}e.
sire to gat rid of the trouble of sup
porting him by coneigniug him to.
the tender. mercies of the London
people. It was ileo stated tliat the
man wait provided with a mvaioipial
paws to London and watt accompanied
to Clinton by some person— it..eba- �V
a t'a r T ' ' P ' bq?n 1 bey a town of eial�-echo there abrin Ko
lne fiug�+rcrn ; 1 � Jr
�a dolled him to his Bate, and he was put '
upon the tr#'in for London, and a.
his ticket was all right tie was brought
here, and noun atter sent adrift on.A
Riottmond street to waurler *round aw
be oho". until probably taken into W
safe keeulugby the polioe. Snoh ooze. to
dust on tttl'1 part of municipalities ap er
pears moat repreheneiblo and unjust. fir
crowded b thraaigit a1 delighted lad
• ttlpceat bleresidance East
TY Tr hal CotlegMember Cello*
:^►d swoon* 50nt Out„ r• rdecitirkton
?, lieu. .Salosp rorupttxattsude0to. 0418of
talus arra 5►ettltWhit Wilco•
tate for the/loran itelrieLoan Saving*;
uaietX. LGwr rates*: lntare*i. :lpplyto John
6packmen, itxeter.
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us-
e •boznexnd 1fibbert ltutuall�ircIuIurnnco
Comp.pany, Residence—Farquhar. Orders by.
mail promptly %ttoudedtn.
in "ho Co. t of Common Pleas -0004A
Wills, hrortiag tteaees.eud ell forms of ee.
manta dt�crn uuuuudddd oxoepted aocot�dd!r�
oereo In the Cczstennialifote lwooljt an-
ral1, Ontario.
�-►i per cent. arooreink to terms. Private
Funds. Arid yto
Solicitor. Exotet
3 can lend any amount of Money on ferret se -
malty' at5. et a.al ; per cent. according to terms
Private Funds a spnoiaity, Charges moderate,
g W IIALL,Berrister,Exeter.
IrZoney` to Loan an Farm & Town Property
At lowest rates of interest, and on terms to suit
borrowers, A number of first-class Farms for
sale. ML1rtgages b tight and sold. Office in
Panson's Block Exeter
ct' of
a he4rt-
tplent, 1
point tt
int vee was of oour�yyy, t,{ae chief atm
Creation, and contained the latae +Ie-
aigm>{ Of thi best &shoo marts, and
w tee tt only spare apace) to enumerate 1pnblieher, attributed the outrage to
a i'`sv of the leading nuveltiee ; tho.,r J personal spite, and not ai the result' of
e itle�d'to mention beiag a shell pink party or eeetional feeling. He is Dap
o;io•silk Oeleans bonnet wltiolt to. uty'Reeve of the town, and thinks
gst17air' ith a tun= I ntia:La Geooata- perhaps some adieu
hat n�em.'Yfor , 11 n of his in the
du rials first place , Council ma,R have lea to the dastardly
b t . tttir
priutle�g office, and "pie" all the type
ill the.l a, inoluddmg every ao.e.aud
all "forme," advertleeme+ate and jobs.
rM.E. T. Butler, wbo ie editor and
high attracted all and far
.wise a ri' .,ilts :net In
a= 1ue satin. 1'utoS3opbrette
olden were the centre ot~tlie Kia Wei. )road open. Load estimated
(admiring Ihroilg.' The Treuvile and at $2,1100.
Belle Cole occupied prominent places in accordance wrtilli the wish of a
.ICI are .are to be popular. The number of oitlaens, tha mayor called
Faligu grid Tuleltearo loading stylee a public meeting for Friday evening
i on iadei,�and deeer'rs passing to 0005lder the beat steps to be taken
not As awe is 1i"eu we will regarding the gross outrage. Mayor
mention a few of the less striking but Gordon and a number of promiuent
equally new productions ; the West gentlemen addressed the meeti„g, and
Point, Marcella, and Dadelta, are all spoke in, favor of showing their
shapes that should be seen to be pro xsympathy-in a subatani's! manner. A'
perly appreciated. In this department ;reeoiu •o,,`was pulled requesting too
the exhibit allthrough was eat- 'town "'•n gall to offer a reward of
celtent.aud the styles will suit ,$500`ia' ;e paid to be paid to the per-
son giving information that will lead
to the. conviction of the perpalra tore
of the outrage, and a oommittee was
a Oltlte
affair, but* unable at present to lay
exile:4'00111e guilty party, En.
trauoe `Gad by a window which
tastes and pookete of every person ;
indeedtthe general opinion of visitors
was that the millinery was remarkably
modern* in price.
In the silk 'department this ()stab.
J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER lishment, takes a prominent plane,
Wi11s,4fortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagroo.
• in the Court .2 Common Pleas•—heeds, great care having been exeraieed in
monts deluge and execufed,+ecordin,: to Iaw purchasing the, best and nest goods
i410V11Y TO%Alia ON IIUAL ESTATE. Parties wish- which were niauufaotureit at the
Ina to Uorro
i R of money on account of recent par. T'IenQh factories, chases ofland,orto pay off exietingmortgagsa ¢ , `�.'ney' dans t�heie-
willfind a groat saving by giving me a call, Can for be tiapepdi dr Open as being what
lend money at6 and 6I, per cent according to
terms. N.J.CLARS, they are represented to be, viz: first-
' , class goods, ad at prises that .will
FOR' SALE.-TWO•STORYFRAME sell them. The fancy goods and hoe
DWELLING HOUSE andouo acre otlaad.
situated on the Thames Rnad,2i flee"east of fiery deparimeut is replete with a boat
trees, goodweliand cistern. Suitable for a re. Kid, gloves, scarf., allk Lace, llandker
ply tiretofaTHOM� S Amer LLIN, Exetee sold rP.pcash. A chiefs of every e}tade end color, to
ay 1e-tt? gather with everyt Ings necessary for -
Serer, (ioodlarge frame stabled driving .,f useful ae will as the ornamental.
shed; splendid orchard of choice trait -bearing
--TRY_ trimmings and while the ornamental
C. MAN NO'S departments area time cdmplete, the
staples hive not been neglected, and
entral Shaving` Parlor all the hundred and one articles re -
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair quired by the richest and poorest
cutting &c. housewife, at all prices. A visit to
i clean towel.fbr every customer,. S t the upstairs department will well re.
Next coo:; to central lintel pay the intending purchaser. The
various lines of Brussels, Tapestry
and other carpets occupy prominent
places, as well,ihey might; and can.
Established in 1863. n
This company has been over Eighttoen years a
n successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure againatloss or damage by as
Fire,Buildings,Mercitandise,Manufaetories,and o
all otherdeseriptions of insurable property. In.
tending insurers have the option of insuring _on m
rho Premium Note or Cash System. in
During the past ten years tl is Company has
issued 57,000 Policies, covering property to the
amount of 940,872,088; and paid in losses alone
Assets, 15176,100.00, consisting oft Cash in
dank, 0overnmantDeposit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes onehand and in force J, W Witt„
nnw,1 t D. Pre ide& t. C. td, TAYLon,Secretary I;i
J. B.Hvorins, Taepector. CHARLES SNELL
leant for Exaterandvicinity. wa
fail to please the most fastidious.
e advise out many readers to pay
n early visit to Samwell & Piokard
the grand"display will be exhibited
n Saturdays 'during tlire-ensuing
onth so as to enable all to visit and
speck their stook.
To cure consumption, Ulceration in the
lungs must be stopped, the matter must be
thrown off, the membranes and tissues
healed and'the system invigorated. Downs.
ixir will do all this. Try it. Every bottle
pp d to solicit euoseriptioas to
Gcderioh, :eerie 21e1,'1884.—In re.
gatd to the case of the , man Little, so
who, while suffering fre .small -ox. W
left here on the 815 train $itut y, s
afternoon for London, anal chane ty
dad accounts of which £petard R
briefly as follows :—Something over C
in the Loudon papers, the tante are
assist Mr. Butler in purebaelog new a mouth ago Little a0oompcnied by
stook. At the close of the meeting a_ his wife, arrived in Canada with a lot
subtoriptiou list was opened and about of other emigrants, and travelled to
$800 subscribed. East Zona township, where they ob
Bidtlulpb.--John FIannigan, of
Clandeboyi, Victoria Hotel ; Richard
Simpson. Clarideboye, Ontario Hotel;
Wm. Middleton, Granton, Ontario
lintel, ; Thos Culbert, Central Hotel
Mark W. Hodgins, Moorsville, Com-
mercial Hotel.
'Luoan.—Robt. McLean, Central
tamed employment in the household
of a well-to-do raid e. Shortly alter
their arrlvat Mrs Little was stricken
down with sma11-poxand died. 'The
liueband also contracted the disease,
and became low iu e rite. While in
this state: he weer ba 'r'- + antisep-
tic solution of carbolic 1 tflo wit.
er, a new suet of ol. x given
him and a s,„lp, , 'a '` ,, 'jhiob
to pay bottom to,
1 �ti110>re-
Hotel ; Alex. McFalls. Queens Hotel ; side in Hurong On '-Wodpee.
Thos. day,the a srrrived at Sea.
Thos" Creighton, Royal Hotel ,• And:
then forth,a
Keeffe, Western Hotel; Ed, Mara; 'forth, -and le proceeded to
shop license. Hoar Winthrop, whet din, uncle r -
MaGillivary,—Charles H. O'Neil sides, He wee th�s but a short time bb
of West McGillivray, Mon Hotel when the nature aims ai,teases' was
. Sommeetville, W. Glsuoing. J. hie•
ullough, F'• Somers, P. MOVannel.
Ballantyne. Pound keepers :—J.
Pearn, J. ;Shoebottom. W. Paynter,
E, McDonald, A. M. Driver, J. Hays,
J. Pickard, , S. Stewart, W. MOIn-
t,rh. The f,i1owi,ag orders- ere
granted ; H. Rn'd!:,nnsae, ,$2.5.6;11 e
R. St, John, $8, colyert ; W. Slack,;
$2, tile ; W. Robinson, $2, repairing
culvert ; J. Porker, $1, repairing
culvert :.GQ. Fodor, $2, repairing cul.
vert ; J. ''Andersoe, $90, collectors
salary ; J” Anderson. $17.15' ur,col.
ledtable. taxes ; L. Younus<,n, $10.80,
gravel •R'. F. Sharp, $5.23, stall 'u-
ar_y 3' nal. $2, printing ; E. D.
ons $59, builds fur township
os, Bern, $6, treasurer's
b ' 'uth Ritchie, $7, Mrs. Foa-
1 ,''. G. Wilkivaon, $3. charities.
tutctl then adjourned to meet on
o first Monday in May, at 10 o'clock
m. S. Cum, Clerk.
George Bierue:t, Moray, Moray Hotel ;
David J. Craig, Clandeboye Station,
Jackson Hotel.
Three hundred converts and seven-
teen Missionaries arrived at New
York, from Europe, on Sunday.
A portion of the town of SSalineivlie,
0, is sinking into a coal mine. 11 is
feared a new (rink schoolhouse will
be destroyed.
Several hundred • Haugarions and
Poles engaged in a riot near Shenan-
doah, Pa., on Sunday. One man,
was badly hurt. The polioo proven -
ted a serious disturbance.
discovered, and, as happens usually
in outside munioipalsities, it was de-
termined to send him to the county
town, the impression being that 'in
Goderich he could get Letter treat•
ment than out iu the country. Ao
eordingly he was taken to Seaforth,
and a return ticket was purchased
for him. Little arrived here in the
early part of the week, and took op
his abode with a cousin, who lives in
Goderioh. Medical attendance was
proem ed, and' after an . examination
it was proposed that he should be.
sent out to au isolated house , where
small -pox patients had been •treated
some years ago. 'Re this Little ob.
' Acornr.Nr,=-An aoolden1 which
might have resulted seriously. 000=ed in Gould & Cameron's mhill,of'Hay,
on Thursday, the 27th of March. A
five' foot "circular saw came to contact
with the clogs that hold the logs,
canning the saw to buret; flying in
many pieces tlu•ong�>,hA>tlte hill. One
piece struck the to>;il`.sawyer on the
head and stunned him, a troth also
wont into his arm and out severely. k
Another man escaped by jumping
down through the :trap hole. The
sawyer stood et his post with his
heir -on end' like a porcupine.