HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 7alone makes miles of extra tr:svelina in n t I. Betas tote Er;..crate flys mals ,Ef< on trial for
the course Of a dear); the cistern With pieturttsgtle region Is 01 CO blest;,; kuuwn thirty (IVR to melt (young Or of a) whom) at•I
no other eonvenleneo for drawing water Cell Contineross the nt. Lord rd al)uti'n elr tnlina le a trip and. with
nervous re utiles, guarantst eeing
than a pail and rope. ` is It any wonder 4l the British Columbia tu►d t1ltt,ka _speedy and °r)')a slit, rcttcaat}ell of Health and
that mother tale daughter in such a Coast while (h ernor•r•tneral of Cana- manly vigor, Address as above. N. 13, ---loo Whoring leen in feet a°' all who needl• e exert
triafarm house are tired out with extra h • • .
labor and drudgery of household duties? n *n anti
i f,ae cellakl aereri,.th tlV",dust! tl rod; istetenre^,Las andi•Rdart' @e,li,alt+t•,tt1 .tEa ,tui leaf thec rtln stiff i; 4t 'a fill son•.
The building of al, good lsuue by the 3 1 it n12 i lalntrness t
thrifty farmer may perhaps have bcebeenost vivid aryl a kiln,+:1141115 .;e1re.;,#,3s Call at C. Lutes Drag Store midget 3ap:tekagn to all suets liateard'a Yellow Ilii N a prompt
that he has written of the :1+ -;v N't:t,il, of Cal\crt>c-.ob)lic tends. It i.1 eoluee 9e<l relief and perfect cure.
long in contemplation; he may have t'.zhen a ''u 1 t' i l31 l; 1.11 of Vaseline Catholiet Aeid mei Cerate and hal; 11'1
rt' t � e intend- , t +, , outer
mate Welt mountains, it• ,.n -w Forrest, f,3 t+skin.-
bowels d
most Important part. how to n1aaG it a , , otlactftail, 'l ty it. w•3 rills lathe Isost safe, pleasant And effectual
Write embed inr. 05 Iu!art,pntl conceal. ele;al; emerald, w:dttre, it, shies and (1['ItI': FUFt It11I.L"t11`1'IS�t: purifier of the syntax 1Gllutsn. Tr t.t,e bullet' : `I" r "CO
snot,,, has beets left entirely out of his fogs and sunsets; to tempt the angler Sllfftr°r) from either a°tete or uhrolti° rhe),- and be convinced. For sell at weir t3oldtut Cl N { "
with .d� ta:e3 of the ,rrl;tt salniEltl; to me2tisat will Cuts no more rea y relief or better Mortar, J. W. Brow nssu ;t prop_ lv 25. ton. White and Cnlolt d, t>ingIeaisd nonitla
A mistake tlt:at the farmer often ' ext. lll1103 litln+e•1' with Muse of ills Heel, l a Itre than bFa tvarli'R Yellow Oil. the lxejrtllar t A men a)amev. Evans. looking for work at
makes is that of huitotittu ntelnetlllntgr : 111 1ear,• the X11 llntnili sheen anti household remedyferexternttta01 internta use Iit'a4N)4N, la „G fety da s:t��u, was f^ten+1d tlt!,tl �'� I (ARP , la3°dJ1t; anti 1i(: �aQ1ilj•$.
that he has sena st)tneitvhert'. that, so tuilt..I�,et)u.t= t:tat. erotvtl tette.= untranl'. to alt paiat'altaff.'etbnnC. 14i.lny. Iia• haul starred cl dr.ttlt, B5II WARPS of ever fi!8SC1'1 60X1..
far as the exterior IS cert'. rned, he , ,leu iviltte, anti to litre situ artist kala the A tit 1•; il'[{1;� "o !'lit. P t1:;1', t Balled f +P
thins:•: just• suite hills, In hisattempt to 'deer un Xa tett std t.'lie)e*' elf t!U,ru'il 1.1 :alt- Iiralli's Fltlltl Lf;;hlnin It, adrr, llRvti ;ai)n a tales gid, we.lk sled tfrcd COSI@ Ta rs
copy: from 1t he sinus that the lue:ata to i -y, the S::uteh lfe hs aelt.5 will ice .ulge)t- : (, arts tur.)tiled;c ane. uatlre:gia eltuek as fash fe ling, will tecristue exitanstitn), especially in R 'A, to l tarry,
as to frontage and all it surroundings i ten, apd the placid waters of these relieves any pain instantly, the elteaaye':•t Rut the early spring? Then Gant• liver is inactive ' OF EVERY a',tltlt^°rr,
is quite dim,rent i'a ti,„ two e:a-4•�, ant. picturesque eh:aunel4 and inlets will re- •qulelieat amine teen known. Why ;miter with meld circulation leer. Aiteis• the t,tr till liver,,
9 , ► !lt't't tete she )al\ hull : of tlunatnxrlrtrt'd toothache, neuralgia. headache, rireumatism, eleaure We sin • •»)i Woad and rt, 111:\I\[S. "1`Zt:FiI\cif;;:)efts t"(X (T(i:, Ajtj;lt,
when too late he dl+eo\a rs that seal has t neer. it e X summes spent ill td; . get .de the .i ticso tittttdas alt li iv, ry stet
the . mattioaiT, aseiatica, surto throat t)r asset++ })Rid', seel'dtRMS with that p�rifying wow,. ourllocl 1 rotted„ce•d twtltu
made a mistake. of any kind intern you eRn) go to L. I,utz'x drag Blood Liters. trade to be fatly equal to env WO& and for re.
$bueehold Conveniences. Fermentation. o£ $aket's Dough. interesting • Items,
-eintrrlt s as ;aster paiirr caw renal
Froin expor�' tic; ,. , ee . lis a Wilder* It bas hitherto been su osed that the gore eb1z$ d'liy Nev: Yor healtl3 inspectors uh
s Sheep ere dyi> oi= grnL in t11 sicinfty, of l!'ridiey nll,ht,
I find a great ac 5 tells • •i to ' ilsrinedtetion of breed dough set up by Eric, pa
f 'b �� sola►- leaven or beer t e rsr
Was real among armers• .: on -it e- ea , + t a .B11dtten's; rjij00Satve�'
of a house, tf we atretotake the alcoholic fermentation.. We learn front The Beat Salve fu flee id for Orta I3
description of the thought as we see It a paper i?t Compecs Revlon", that Gr, es. gores. Clore. Salt ltheure, Fever Beret;
embodied fu the country houses that dot Ch1candard hos investigated the sub- Totter. Geta ell bawls; Chilblaius `erns an
the landscape, it 19 not stemma that the ject interesecpleeny, ,He found that all Skin Eruptions, and po*itive)y curse kites
dwellers in villages and el/'houses of the SgechatreMYOes Ceretif put into or no nay required. It is gnarenteed to give
comfort and beauty should eau them the dongtl very soon disappeared anti perfect eatisfsetiou, or money • •cents ecl.
places to live in instead of homes. Tr'' numerous Microbes, which he took for Price 25 cents per box. For vale by ill drug.
often remarked by those from bacteria, made their appearance. Tht:se gists.
country who visit friendsin the ss, bacteria multiplied Rath great rapidity myth, New' yam Exchanges Were closed
or eti . erespeeiallyt33ewives, ratite.t. on the yeast in dough, and .be t ,exp,. i Ail Friday.
and s*t,o , ,4110 hand and. convent- be c,iltivaated II3 w,}tior, ontainl r'i:3s r"
' $•$OO Reward.
elft yam 44 1104 i rythug 'bout you]' lde4". be ee°1-430 bent-• -the be t•,t'tt
house lits sew avork! I wish our Is faavo3'ed the PVIN x`Af dress m c+rob+', l m'al'e will pax tbtt above reward for any
could be as hand" The farmer An analysis o
ivsif the rises evolved dungen otitic of Livercotnplafnt, l�lyspepsia1 Sick stead.
y g toile, Indigestion„ t:onsttpation or Costiveness
,ay, perhaps, "It accts money to have fe:rnleutalion pinvlgi t:ie prt•s„nce of "-: lee cannot cure with West'x Vegetable able Liver
all these things." Well, so it does; but per teat of carbonic ;weld, while the rest 7 S
en which side of the ,account does the cousisted of by drogen . and iiitroeen.
profit or loss come in tete end? Fermata she colupositiou of three gases is altui-
buy unproved implements to save time lar to those formed by the putrefaction
Pills, when the directions are stricklyeomplied
with. They are purely Vegetable, and never'.
fail togive satisfaction. Sugar coated. Largo'
boxes, containing 30 rill*, 25 cents. Far sale
> 1 1,U00 Porton;
• : t
1;•ar �i n x... �
Shu t i,. •Rnt>r fa lra'�t
a!)noudt, ,,, •+t '+t r. • +-er�• ISA, RA!AM.
.t.he atinoitt etteiti4•'emie in- it Kap if es OM). . 1.13:01. I:+,+. x+a r+ E,TS 1;ILF.Ysl^
vrft ovsrall *thew Art{.. +y. I4A.-!'.:,,t>:,y
It res; awl after :tltoneaints u) ,t pee,- - a # i., „ • 't a.ww.' WASS*, exl,ar; haws
tpstsof the mos. oompiitiated, etnd severe.:• 1a 'v ..r)• �rn+ivinlaau+t-FdnAt.4
sac.; yA•1nixbe.1 011e of wyc1:a)da
oases we e°attt lied, we fres justified ill ui%+riLRt sot .i �• 1nn,A IAt,!f'1 r ve yai�tlRo, r ""'" X•'y"
to forfeit Ono Thousand Doha -it: for any oas)' n. c, r„lol: In rear, st.. re,. Tars:
of angles, COW*, BOP throat, lnflnenze. ho erse-
nose bronchitisr tion luupllou hi its early
stages, wboopfng co}igli, and, el: tlf..etteca -I
the throat and lungs, except tstinna, for wide.
Weonlychitin relief. !hat We cautt euro .,ii.,.
We$t'a Cough, Syruli, ,thee taken according i•eu e
directions. Hamlet) bottles 25 And 50 cont..;
large kettles -90e I1Oe1a1-, (104111110 wile alepo .;
only ha blue. S.sld by .31, drug.ist,, or s•1.
by mail on receipt o1 ler ea, .I MIN V. West -° .s ;q 11rt�TCT] OP -....CQ,. 81 k •83 :King S:. ;sat..'erouto.-)nt. 1
Names, riVpS ANO tel lilft•.i;, - ins Salt
Will bu cheerfully gi:°n by tela pro :i ;O..;,•
e •E•in; E rafC to filo underaigl,
Of'i3nrdOCk Blood Bluets.,•p$ar•li'1.'. to- mete .p•: flit. . r+, r'+ r 1 Vi r, t .
certificates of ,vouderful cur e1rna,ia .ry fuse
nl,ediciuo in chrome dietra:es ur tilt. idnu l,fi: t .
and mouey, but rarely think that the of albumen. 1 by all Druggists. ]dews rc of cauuterfeits and and ki nut yM,t•evealitait put f fust i• larrortli ;u•
time of the wife and daughter in their From this it world appear that the imitations. 'fete Genuine manufactured only possibility of dfsput.p by t;,e mtert iuc.r,luiun
daily journeys to the woodpile, well or fermentation of bread does not weds', by JOtUN 0. WEST & 00.1 "The Pill mak-1 t'ured Free.
cistern, is worth the seeing, lie rarely 11! I quefyin'„ tilt +heroes by alcoholic fer cru, 81 & 83 King street Earn Toronto, Ont. Any reader troubled with Dy:tpepsta, cu.-
thltaiis of the extra steps to the cellart mentation, bite in telt conversion of once Free trial package sent by mail prepiired ext tiveness, Heati,iche,livei cemplaint.ete„terns.,
and pantry, in the preparation of a sin ! (receipt of a three asset statue,
Salt E' Salt 1
^Fon SAT E AT T9k••--
` 9QIto Works•
portion of t;•,• 1l Ill1ub:e albumen of the
°listen first Into soluble al;:Moett and
green into peptone. Starch is first ge”
composed byheart ill tett*protiessof ball
inn, ft,rIninz 4oluide s' rtth and some
dt'xtrtnl•,•l inn c lnso t.; tuft ferment* 1Ache, ill SHILOH'S ttATARall REMEDY..
tion N. however, n l::irterfunt. A nasal Injector free with writ bottle. Use it
gle itaeel. He does not take luta ac-
count the saving that would be accom-
plished if all the necessary- adjuncts of
the household were in closer proximity
to each other. 1 stave often seen the
woodpile at the farmer's house WO or
Forest tiles in several counties of Georgia
have caused great damage to farting laud*.
We have a speedy and positive curb lot
Catarrh Diptheria, C'.enkor mouth and Head
W. Li. :Blbbg T,
Lxetet P. O.
oalt at G. Lutz's Drug Store, non secure tatter l+'.^. tt elks (tF asses JJ1E 4Cl t;ta"f'IUNs
trial bottle of 3doClregor's Speedy Vero as e1..'s
width williw:wince ,yan of the r,.erits of ti:a IN/ ROAFD.1NUPAW= Iatrnotl•:n,
medicine. It cures t,ermatleutl, ..Acte all i
other medicines have faails:d. AS a blood pint-
Fier it lies no equal. Reinr;tlber, it cos s slufA�
- f V T
ins; to try it. Regular size. fifty cents and tele Any ens wishin, t., :411:1.1* .la s of Property
l;,es situ reukt",bear• A •utrphaserie'• epritingto
,,ane t) c• Volltslas st., Ll,nttnn.Oz
three rods from the kitchen door, and - - - . • t It yea dome health anti a s+vont breath. price `
rtA blAt•t in tete oakum sten tip, Iii tuiuelE:tlie
then not under roof; the \ve11 ten QP lq�yn, aT'll' to m,., . �h'ul l Be.n0 Sts. Sold by J. W. Bralw,►ing Exeter.33
Superior district, kited Thou, Tremberi, who
twelve rads rap and conte#tt11eS datv4 1 Xn i ON
'pHIBTY DAYS' TOTAL. Irsvey ctgtlt cbuttlrc'u.
as steep 11111, hav13ng 121cu locate,. there A sew tttlrentllrtlth' 1'.n;,.li htnnn have sue Vaui'1la 13x1,• Cc., Marshall, •ltieh.,\vil 'The injurious marts. ut assets! 011 aha b sin
to save fa few fort of di+• rine (ant. this abinli
f:ul e�Uf t16hXsirtta3 {leoll) (lt►tai climate -
to IMO Dit,Dvt;'s t esenaaTsn Estxreo•Ireerste: and. nervone bps era relieved Real cured by the
Baa r' i t t c f all
213s3of '1)r. P. C. Wu,t'e Nerve >3tit Brain
'rreatraleut, Sold et J. W. J3ruwliiing's Deis
Store. 12
A VAI.UAl31e1•', 1IINI.',
Artizans,'actors spornenen, utauh.iuiei and
cou'idel l how ninth moue-- h set tit ),Im ,iel,, 1.1 , .
ed to gnat into the structure, Litt the ila\ti arisen to paint the vaunters of it:, uettr failed to macre pimp las, Mathes, nl
i tr them forests, • ,. eetatitl at)r. roil''}! It cures when alt
sat every person should know—The grand
is of disease front the agsiem are the
f u the kidneys. Johnston's Saraa.,a-
Q.l x. Vi r t 1C„ .N
St lowest r:ate•ts of intory -t. Apply to
P. r, 13i1Tiusi., Louden.
IIA:►fIL-rol, Oi rAluo•
asn.er.cl vxa1:Iti Cr
”' ""'"' antler ..%rcl)i !n la P ,4111 mean ;n,.,.. to
depends upon the lnt>'atfuu of to f:ar ! , "
' tnc fa,hatan•a111e� And •'at) •t' : d
m' ^atm° and get ;a perfect and instantaneous cure rho New York Herald's Washington des- l: ee a a�ur� 1 �l 3;V" iia ➢,tali" mull vol. ring cher
house and it. buildings for �deabtltn elf- n .t a, iE' mind than far twentsetire scute. Ask for Emu's, Fluid patch says:- There i no truth in the re intl.; I ,
a T six seasons a the eu:ttit of mnino. land
incl :t'i filly dt ,i;;tl of the 12u.It.Xuti astir. lei •Iltnin a 2.4
R 1
We often :lees the ttwellln'r, Pn Ullt ' j 1 twf winters on ;t tie !hes +) a'.•tl•n•alt ::1 b s" - 111 n )alt' 11va1'•
1\'h:1ti, Volt gill fins] our
that the (T(I trnment is thinking f i } . 4, . j-tl'Rrpssuperior to art ie Vie Market we ask
' .,le e
I tilt+ Ii
Ie. TIM re :1(11,1 •tttl•.r•r't len IT Sllt)ULls B1: IN V}'7ti'11(rti,,'1'I:D, • Cuba.
you jus. tgive them w fritts.
of tilt• atldic hf'wlnvay, vvli.ln Ult tl1P , (1 "f had hew! t40' Tial g
" + Ot11er ,:alt: \v;ttnr, .':all see the brie- :re1'e If any of tint' reader.; ere suffering, filen „ 2t months unable tot It your eery Goods tun has not ere it write.
oltltUsite pithy earl! .pr,•Atl clef is :rn~} renal forthree weeks, t ehrouit tl;sea a of the Stau/aei', liver, kid:*• 't3, ' work„ alas MI as tinolgll 1 would as lief tifn at + to a t 1 :let we will SCO yell aro promptly supplied
,r , .ant .t month. without } n o tat YARNS, .4 whieo we markt' all iloacris.-
various other inti -buildings. to reach i , ,r or blood, Otte should muesli se the merits of lire, through Itrapnp•ia and indigestion. I ,fan', will )
tvi►1t•h gates mug be r)llpglasl, ;end filo : evlil est nt'int, is alt• setts unless it rrtt relit lin 1 er! BloodBloom It i3looking : n f Cu''tl,hed lit the time id getting to Cattle of 11C-1 l t e found lap:ally good. Ask for
..t• It • ,
y ) • company uni>ytvasnwnxl of ir:oftratl)1ire nal•
of flans•+ lel tees eU2tC:e of ;t jtyar. P t mile p ; t+ 1' ! <, t"•:t „ tt':lt :ant ' atltilaueW tWE'i"It-It),111t� 'uses never 1t'1lK l ,ter ° v rt 1 1 t k t
+ruic should hfe,)v tv ...et thin e2l zG lief+ " e .. . 112 n , Bless ley them
flirty or muddy t.,ui t tab ',s •1 hundreds j ^ tete meet remarkable eines on rle•)rit Gregor's Hneeill. Ctrs* 13,, 11)4,, 52:1+1;1 bisalts,.
forty v Cul t t t f II t w 't 1 Teta t' )p l t t
.. lbs., a istier I assn sa Toronto
•.x i)•itit,oill 2t:'it, and ':
--as-• •_• .!)exon: fennel. WIn':,•ti611 lettl2'iarl line` 11)in•rt3lttnr•),eri„nc•+lrfver liettt'rit lou• in my lite. It was; \Ietir,tger's 3*1t-.'iyCure, !first Prize, ntVrovi6:cia2ebtliiitttenat Efil stun,
tirlraraUe [3: it:.li t `,)itlltthi:t land Alaska.. sardine suet Ilalufltnfi, says': '• tt was n))po:l- that brought me Aroma. So Faye t�iiltallt ts`'•1• 15.
_ _.. F, ft •C
'—a..t pexis ,L.7.r'+I2 rpt-,e•-'i.F, t3i!)I. f et :guy }u+routs to i,- A \vitro... subjrrt at b`e11, IIatanilttrn. oto to Ct. Lilt:':1 null 'et Arne *,x4/ rvl:v.t'��,ct o.,7'aronta
'+ . 1 .. d O„31•nttntnl. j\ 12•611.3,
1 - - etc' • -
Dyspepsia and a greater sufferer 111x11 I watt. I free trial bottle. 3..
Farmers Arbi r a, 1., 't Litigate. often hed to lie de n to the tea )Ouse, and ecttt-
ally thought I waixid die teles e I reviled my
The huv fav”, arloltrstiell 14a Petme- destination. L 1 }las 1 a batt f Mehl:.ST�i� 3aoaU REWARD.
'l� it 1 -he”' as",•:a 3 � =.^a.::•..• suet of '� ,
, -1„;,• , ;Ode tt ani lIn a )nti'n a`r til+'t hit n settling , . , .,
1tie11<tltt• when a f�nntlt•tilAtl says I Ane � t.rstntoa�a t t,ty, .0 tatl'lt t elft, tint"
bottle itt C. IJttt?,'p Drug Store. Regular size hae4tcenrlmseeWauiiiiou4epmpmind aTUedleCnnleuNAnlaia
r1::lrl islet,, i 1 1 \' Wllilt l ri Elly cent -4 ati,t "lee',tollar •)
.0.* ammo tatirt sal•+m t9 pre, tired only by Frank W
jet ra tet bottle
0 ttnnarn of rtmRt r;i:" The hl h ra n•
l„ ll li 1 E i t f li s p
der t,lt.i ,,,{,1... t •z. 8 fail' t(l t, e'1, n or's tj)e e'i1y Clive, esus! It rnr1:'imC, Fres teal 'i'l41 �F taEMRor Ad uanR•• iia antrt„Ngn n^.lnmm
lite Court it v bl• retitle •-• museum etlJ„sew proprietore,Augusta,UAW. To pro.
rr t e l It lu 3 tI l tit 1
"It i+, 111,' 1i:111•+flare” hit rt )lies, ltltlt:,}lWilt of , p »LriMf Iromlm It
.- Iit;3T.LN1)Ct)S1FteRT .':) T131;8I 1•'Fi;231tiG ) rM Ion exalts* ono bottle and acs
itrnly • "ere' i'1au1+1 never 1 el',r t•tl lett ala:` tt::r1 +,r lett ,.:1 e)f itrleftt' t21
et tuts namotF, , l,Inaman, nrufiatrt, AURusta, He.,
47 i r t •• f ro\AJ3'tt t,st,sC to 'e ,ttettee a" let:, nit edges a a+sun In the 6;iaar of the bottle. A reward of isto tet
tl)t•.�, {'arc"rtti2l.� •i 121:1►t+•t' dn.\•-i11)ittlt- 1'.t ,.iT,red ttrabrttec arttcte. We alto otterarc,card
fortelievingpain,bothint,Te tendexternat It •,•.)mthnpraprietorotnuyremM)SSahnerincnni g..
_ . 3 ..ed try tlte)SI. It i:? :11121o:;t 111 our,, 1)Ua- et, espain in the Side, hack or hewc};:,a0r0 throat t tt•stimnninit citron.. on. corns of Arthmaand fun;:
"It Was in flit• oasis 1): 11,'tl 1t'illll:t'1C- sidle t0 take' a ease Ila, of Court, lents Irinra nieatamnml CaRutr limo, Fnr Malo by an rc•
Rheumatism, ToottineIlc.Lulnbnlroitnllanvkiwi s yea e.;41.rsr,, IT :AZ,
,„ submit it to referees at any stage of its „ •• ..wiMn. SSA:. per der. II, dins,.. 5:120N0 ISMS,
1 gal) last year,- sap ;a 1pl Ulll."tl and Ofapans or ache. It trill effort surely titiiel;rn •.::.•r.\. n., Wholesale Asoma ray Costada, ,
\a•eatlaer-htetu•n 41t1t(ittr inutleetl" , after prt2r;1)102 Ill lilts atb:enre of ;Illy Statlt- the mood et.,1lteal,134its acting ** werisw n der
lei:: emlii oh.1 h;,,,; Ifni, ”! thoiin.„oitaal`l i tory provision, t it t3 always lawful for flit '•'IIlntries IiongAtOil lien men' being:IrI . -
pasties to agree to submit their tease. 1
lot 1 1 \v
f s ••au•i F t. )o•
.,•tl far m
nettled ed asthe s eat Pain ltelleconnudnf+lou J
t t u•
•a'*lent 1 other lit' )
illy t� ti at1 Of tt tt1 1 Liniment 1
b rf �
e t I r
tilt t) dal )!t l 31 t '
t t ,121 there their i• l 1 1
abide i 1 1
+ . be either oral -or 'Written, but the latter nee Wllcu Wantelt;aatarealiyis the best remedy
thn 1e1w The,. :►r.+l not piavor;t'el ow. is the better way. The form is not es- 3n the world. for Cramps iu the Stoulach,andexce9
5vltft h was a pulni ill my favor; so I P • nttlsandAubcttoi nlltiind4"and iafor sale h S r► +NG tk91aACH NE
gtl'artly tock out ln\ bayonet, tixett it au, be carefully. ex expresset that d. It istcustomar -1 all s)r)na;gistsnue;centea.bottle.
my ride, l,ren"r oitt a3 they sere\v near) iu 1 y' WEATHER PROBABILITIES- THT,Z'ARIWSEWING\[AGIII\E. Although
and TAA.++ addition to the agreements for the • : this Sewing; l.tachine is offered net too unheard f
0-t blue l '\' 2e'i] ;oak , 21 v : my three
The •' • J A
! dee:SIMI. lett, la+rreetnttlit 10 do So 111:14 i i
Arabs alt})1'l):tTitiil�,:; fuel illi armed, to � °� tut.e.t taurl,l,sin)ultibe is every fauns,• Candy for
, ') • • t t •is In r •thenate tidieulo ► w
"Ran n ' 'm t }Uwe]?" ; ); .d breath- Parties to execute to each other au lar- Foretelling 14tC11111g tlk weather t .a taus at I ns o price of es, it must not be
this changeable climate best b • k .t any ro 1st noted u gn new al ant do it as Well
a t e is c. a rest - belt atzun bond,conditioned best but it is 'certain that if yon crtteb cold in supposed that itis n toy. It will ,to the work of
1e3 au/liter,one an each1
I u 5 tt to es r t
• m by
3SCla Ca .Cimrie o tlt 4a a
party pC1•farmm„ the award given g It is
coastruotatl up'�n note and FcientiflC princi-
t 1 the arbitrators, \Witatever it be If iil effects with flagyartt's PeetoralBalsatn.:lee plus and is simple iuconstruction. easier wor,ted
yard and escaped." t y
"No! Ran down the path to the picket -
the award. is ire erly 211:tile it ti 1Cn be- most reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs, endless liable to get out of order than any ma -
11 the ld It • k tet
• I 1 ,
-• colds bronciunl Rud hen ;caul pl.ltllts, It to so c it:e tit a Wer makes a sa.mo stitch as
In suit for the conies binding net the )tar ties. ' 1 the lending machines in tete United States The
for the Lplaintift draws Talmo, t unfl atter- Arbitration is well worth considering
agreeable that OVOU a eliiloi will take. it. principle of construction is entirety now and
mac neto ecce
knowing thatovor 1nd wii15vn1)t ono nil '
covered by br ad patents Raving seen refi this
'no. picture of th • husband, 1 1
by farmers, who tend themselves
How Lost, 'Row Rostose&
1loluevn recilltiv l•a6hii h:d a nen nttition ,,i
llIX, GT/I.\'ER21 *2tL'S c'F:1.1+13II TIelI 19SS.'t\
onthoradic611and permanent cute (without Ine-
ttieluelofNervous l) • bit lty:Siwtta1 rout phgsleet
Incapacity impediments to Mart [age, t'tr.,2'.
suiting from exeesaes.
Price, in sealed envelope. uuly G vents, ni- taco
postage Rtnn)pa.
Tbocelebratetltaathu•cfthin a'2inirn1.lneRsa;
o1etillytlnlno)14ti,ttes,trs ig t-1111•ty years' 8n01081-
1ulpractice. that. a lam ivgvonseet.caeee toay h.
radically euree'vvitlloutthe ttaagcroos use of )t:
ternaimediclnes orthe use of the knife ; Point•
ant alumni of cure at 0000 simple certain and ef-
tectun l,tpymnauaof which every sufforev,anonlat-
ter what his condition may be. in ay cure him eel
c_ aaaj 1y,pric..toty and radically.
fa -Thi lectnrc should bein the handsof every
youth nuttevery man iu the laud.
Pont Omee flog 45o
in ,lis- bi , r have decided putthop11en1tlt)nT CRY OVER
pato about some simple question of fact, To allwilo arc eulforiug from the orrorsand now\ TO IrAnn PAN for a short time o):ly. well � � 9�
ns, for instance, the amount of danutge g 3 y F diIDIDIC 1' • A
a iudisnretiousofyoitth,uorvousweakuess, nnrly�reotioustvitheachmaehiuo Agents 'Wanted '
B's corn, or as to what was the valve of het will cure you „MBE OF CHARGE This '
l pet 4 R lain he
venont an as bttltal, ball tempered,
violent, and so on. which A s breech cattle have done to ,
y decap,lossof mnuhoott, &c.,I will Bond to recall ANGPLO ART CO DETIIOIT 'MICHIGAN.
Tho counsel for the defendant then
rises and depicts the plaintiff as cross,
bitter of tongue, headstrong, and the
"Pardon me, gentlemen," says the
court, blandly, "but where does the in-
compatibility come in?"
"Uncle Willyim, when I grow up
shall I still be your nephew?"
"Yee. my child, always. You will be
my nope ctv at sixty just the same as you
are at Six."
"Yes, Uncle Willyim, but then you
won't have been my uncle for a good
while, will you?"
"What did the doctor say; te11 me?"
says the sick man nervously.
"Oh, be didn't say anything," replies
his friend encouragingly, "but there is
no occasion for any . alarm—he seems
quite easy and well satisfied."
"Yes, so would s if 1 was in his
X., a wild fellow, has a charming
home, but the Iife out doors is so agree-
able that he is rarely to be found at his
In despair of ever meeting him, one
of his numerous creditors sent him the
"DLAIi Sxit-I respectfully invite ou.
topass Friday at youry
evening .house.
Views. mfr•.''
Verdict of a Baltimore Coroner's jury-
over a dead. colored woman:: "We find
that she came to her death through nat-
ural.causes-cramp colic, produced by
eating sausage for breakfast—and in the
opinion of the . jury•the 'sausage was
A's sheep Which were killed by B's badbyy -_ .._• A _ p . ._ ...._• _ .pA . .
doe rest remedy was end mored a molt -addressed
Suchquestions can oenerail be oath America 5ondasolt-addressed envelor e
?n y tnthaRovJoanrr.TlrizitAN,SttttinuD,Ne:uY(+rh
quickly, cheaply, and justly settled by City __.___
one or more fair-minded neighbors, and THE GREATEST HEALING COMPOUND.Gi
the expense, delay, and aggravation of Is a preparation of carbolic acid, vac+line THE ENEIiAL QUESTION
a suit in Court may thus 1.) - avoided.— and °orate called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Agitating the Public mind at present ie where
American Agriculturist. Cerate. It will cure any sore, out, burn or
-.1. -'-- ',wise5vheu iii other plepatrations fail. Cal} can alley got the best l3rca1c1, but tells matter
can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the
at C. Lutz's drug store, and get a package, 25 people of Exeter and surrounding.counil;y, by
cents is all it costs. 2-1 calling on
ANSWERTIIIaQOEStION.-1Vhy do so many
people we see around us,seem to prefer to suf
fer and be made miserable by indigestion, con- +
stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming
the old established and reliable battery, where
up of the loop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, they will find just what they want.
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarantee
ed t- cure them. Sold by J. W.13rowning, A Superior quality of Bread always on eland
Exeter. E o
Froni the nlauy remarkable cures wrought
by using McGregor's Speedy cure for dyspepp,
sia, indigestion., constipation and 'allectioti of
Heirs to a Fortune.
Cox was sentenced to a month's im-
prisonment at Rutland, Vt., for selling
alcoholic beverages, hilt had the alter-
native of paying a fine instead at any
time within twenty-four hours. He re-
fused to pay for his liberty until he
found that, as a prisoner he must part
with his beard, which reached to his
waist, and had been- twenty-five years
growing. The warden said it was then
too late, and ordered. the barb..r to do
his duty. Cox was 'held fast and his
face roughly shaved, without using any
lather or first clipping off the whiskers
with the scissors. He caught cold and
nearly died, as a consequence ' of this
treatment. He sued for damages, and
two trials have resulted in verdicts of
heavy amounts against the warden; but
each time there was an informality, dollar. L.**
Holloway'e Ointment ,and Pills.—Diseases of
and a third jury will hear the case. Advanced Years. -Tho grand climacteric being
passed, mankind passes to old age. Then the
John H. Parnell, a brother of the digestion.beeameimpaired, 'the nervous system
famous Irish leader of that name, owns grows feeolo; and the physical powersbecome
one of the largest peach farms in the enervated. Now arise congestion of the liver,
world. 'It is situated about • six miles lungs, es head, followed by .dropsy, asthma, or
below West Point, (Ia. There are apoplexy, which frequently afflict and often
125,000 peach- trees in it, besides alaree
number of other kinds of fruit trees, destroy the execs. As the elver usually become
. . es torpid, its activity may speedily be revived
They cover. over 700 acres. Mr. par- by rubbing Holloway's Ointment thoroughly
Hell has planted 500 acres'of cline over the pit of the etomach-luid right side; at
trees thisyear, and reports his business •liasl 'Moen day, and leaking tete sills at the
a paying one.' This year's crop will be' oblimot time.
congestions by varying tlse pao rts disperses iiibbed
tolerably good, notwithstanding the
according 'to the situations of the mischief.
Also a first-class stock of Bosoms, Buss,
Calms & CC.NPROTTONAnr, which Will be sold
cheap. While opponents stave, started busi-
ness, Livor, :end from the fnilnense sale of it i has been found t sold out�l11* pest,smitten the
diving tele Bast
without any 3advertisieg, wo have concluded to eight ,years, ready to attend to filo wants of
place it extensively on the market, so that
those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go
to C. Lute's drug store and get s. trial bottle.
free, or the regular size at fifty emits and one
Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha:
found it n'ecessery to remove to more core
modious premises, and has added largely to
his stook of Groceries, and will lceej) on hand
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, : and everything
usually found in ti first-class Grocery Store,
All kinds of Farm Produce tak-
en in exchange for goods.
Itnllr tai n Tub STAND :—Soutbcott's Block,
Four doors North Post Office.,
P -'I. '
That 1)ip1)titeria is one,of the most dangerous
t:isoases mad anunally sweeps away thousands of
children., is a fact wl.ah no ono can deny, and that
doctors n many cases are powerless against it is
just as true. A medicine that is a certain and stere
euro for this dangerous and contagious disease
should be hailed with 'lee mad warmly welcomed
1)y ovary family for use In time of need. Acon-
da511111on is vouch more easily checked at the he.
ginning than after it has gained headway. So it is
wide this disease. keep It on hand and ate not
' wai t till it its tee late. Sada • a medicine is offered .
the public in DIIIOLAililt'S DIPRTHERIA and ,
CROUP REMEDY. Wo are thoroughly convinced
that it will answer its purpose.' Letters patent
hats been taken out for the Dominion of Canada,
and pre'ant.ions'are taken that no one shall imitate
it. 5Vo loudly ask medical!tent° give thisremedy
a trial Testimonials. circulars and trial bottles
smut on applying for. Agents wanted in every city.
own and county. Ask your druggist for it.
Address Rev. 71. DITursestDI. sullen P. 0., Ont..
For Sate at; C, LU Z'S Central Drug Stere.
1e1)ST4lt. 00:. •.