HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 54 ECISIVOSi New & Fres. STAR. CI -B.,0 aEP "- -- ---FOR New 48z Fresh. —ALL RINDS OF— -'- ALL EMS Ob'— SEEDS 1 IELD � GARDEN SEEDS FIELD GARDEN SEED Just rri�vecl, Ju>; 7'TxTtrPC,. Try our 500, Tea. Wines and Liquors -Wholesale and, Retail. '11111111/1 PINi11,0t � OPi!I 10 Q SHOW ROQM SEEDS! SEE I )S BEAD 8 SEEDS Friday &Saturday, Apel 18th and i9th. re gill show a Azle display of New French and English Ptttterrt Dolmen, and Ileac Neer Straw Gocdes r uelarb eel Amefiieer, shaper. AT 'THE XE t01rSEMI) STORM French Flowers, Oradell re:ltlitee, Noveitiea> a L.ee. T'^rte 1 and 8nu Sllattea. TIQ Z2TTQ LA, .t TO.,.,1l. Our Millinery Department, which is under the m int gee 1 nt of 11188 IteINTFBIR, will be found unusually a•treetive1; the Melt and priers will We all th Fresh Field, Flower and Garden compete with any lti the trade. We solicit a call front all our pntrfine: NEW SPRING GOODS -Stock now complete in all depart- Illtion of Farmers and Gardeners deners o the above, and invi i115pection, melts, (irttnd displex of new and deshablc Geode. Our Pres-.. (wells department will be fend vary attriittive. We 6hnw at fall range colupertsiri , all the New Fa- BlICYWINTINC. Prop. brief; for the preFeut wagon. itp'erier cheap lines at 10 and 11) etnte Black Caelimeree all wool from 46 cents to 81–ebegt value is the trade. Since. NM are showing a full range, flour See to 63. Meta: Ottoman Vorele—epee . ally for arannes, HOSIERY —Frill Fell range of { erlrlau, English awl Canadian Gloves—Beat•; Prem.), Kids in black and colercd, Lisle (Heves, Pure $ilk Teffele in black and newest colors. PRINTS-SATEENS (tc. All newest designs for the pies. cut season, STAPLES, -This is a department we aro giving speeixil+l at. 1)o Sheep Pay. A writer in the Prairie Warmer snye. Taking all thtttt.a Into ace ant telleeet► aro profitable, If you breed tor wool l and mutton you must hare rotor oft The largo bneeda. 1f near a ladle : its' 1 where early lamb* command good prince it is very profitable to mine kbet•,n. Lambe. at 4 mamba old that will weigh 75 ta,80ua1ind9 X711 rr-ttu11 iron) $5 to $U roe hero% Wind e.jtieitiet' ing tho wool ate otvti that reuses the lamb iconic! eliil,n;ty 10 pumas, , lite prict+k Ilia wool twill pity tn. her kelt. A. farmer eau Loon from 25 to 50 good sheep and out fret the ir('ubta of ctr,- ing fur thcau. '.Liike 25 ewes of (Icit - nrald or some of the 1)•twus anti they will drop 80 latutia nod raise them.' " j Thirty 180.: w ill per Gcv l would, nd 'take � bring $180. Twanty •flys atvesClil111ittg e ten finitude each yvtltdd give �'0 and pounds wool At 20 cants per pound unwnalioci Mala would be $50, uniting tt snug little coat of $280, :Ind the ewes are left. Tseng—five ewes at $8 would be $4()0,whioh would leave $80 ;ver and above paying for the e *a�. 1/11/1ELELIAIIII DREW To ciao eonst11nption, ulceration in the lmiga lnttat lie tapped, VIP l :attt'r 2fl ' iso thrown off, the inambrailces hull tisiiucs healed and the system invigorated. Dome Elixir will do all this. T17v it. Every bottle warranted, NI Vr1't (7Il'EU1', If yen are troubled withlow and depresgcd spirits. loss of appetite, general debility, disk ordered bloott weak eonstitutiou,headactie,or. any disease of n billions nature, by all menus procure a bottle of EIeetrie Bitters. Ion will hosurprised to see tliernpidimprovoment that will follow,you will he inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; ,lain and energy will cease, anelhenceforth yon will m- ince in the prfise of Electric Bittern. Sold at 0 Lutz's, Drug Store. 6 A Startling Discovery. IIIc. Wm. Johnston, of Huron Dak., writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all rem- edies tried gave uo permanent relief, until be procured a bottle of Dr.King'sNewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had a magioaleffeot,aud produced a prrmanent cure. It is guaranteed to cure allDiseases of Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial Bottles Free at C. Lutz's, Drug Store. Large Size e1.00. 5. 4-11 THE HOUSEWIFE. Apopular domestic journal for American homes, will be sent for one year free to every lady who will send at once the names and ad- dress of ten married ladies, and 50 cents, no postage stamps taken. Best paper for either young or old Housekeepers inexistence. This offer is made only to secure names to whom to send sample copies,as we know every lady who once saw len HOUSEWIFE will subscribe for it. Regular price e1,00 per year. Address at once TUE HOUSEWIFE, Rochester, N. Y. MARKET REPORTS. tsution to, and can Fav that uo ether hots. is giving better sinal . lige sr?tt offer. ing *Treat barallin i in Grey arm Bleached Cottons. TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS. Extra value. TWEEDS. Our stock comprises the newest designs of Sonteb, EngIb.IL and (aua dhm "Manufacture. GEN `P;ti' FrItNISIIINi1. Full Homs in Rats, (;w,, Shiite, Tits, tic. CARPETS. *Brussels, Tapestry -choice num patterns in all wool ono union. New Hemp Carpels, i.tunr ;tats, hogs. Cis teb clutlr'e nit Floor cit Cloths. 'Vow Lace Curtains rind Table Covets. BOOTS & SHOES, Full a: sortdneut of Ladies Gouts' and and Cnftdmn'e wear. WALL PAPER--Stoeh complete -English and Anterican. Cabinat-maker CROCKERY and GLASSWARE -folly pisses ■ GROCERIES -Our stock i large, cheap and fee- I R:, ;: T ,, 01fT.A_ I0 SEEDS -.Field and garden -all kinds. ONE IDOOR (NORTH) MOLS()N3S BANK. lIow To \fnxf CiL:l.t. This book gives full directions ter snaking all kinds of plain and fancy candy. The rI t i,et . fol meltingi earanlels, chocolat-. dr,.p l reach mixed, and all other kinds of 'Noel:, eoutain d ill this book are the re1W,t:+ Whit by tha ]catiiu3 city eoufuctioners ane one. can bate these candies at heals' tit=:, than chue died the usual cost. Sent ye tyiiti 5(1 cerate w lta,t81 note, or 18 two cent iitnInps. Mares:. ROCHESTER. 1'1.11T,ISHINtl Cie 32, 33, tL` Y, 1-2, O.,burn Rochester, N. Y. (Corrected at 5 o'clock pan. Wednesday,) Y'ALI, WUBdT: WVnitoWhcit i 0 75 to 0 90 floc! 0 75 to 0 00 white Wheat Naw . . 00 to 102. Iced Wheat New 0 90 to 0 75 PILING Wn1::AT Fife (new) Barley ... Oats ' Clover Seed Timotby- '• Peas Corn Buttes Flour y, erb bl. .. Potatoes,per bag Apples, per bag Dried Apples pr b ... (Neese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr itogs,dressedpo r I OO Beef... Hi&iesroullg dressed ... Sheepskins,eacb Wool per lb Helper ton Onions per basin Wood per cord ,.. ,.. 105to130 •• 045to050 035to037 .. 7 00 to 7 40. 1 25 co 2 00 00bto070 0 60 to;,0 05 0ltltoel6 • C17to038 500to660 • 07510080 0 70 to'0 75 006to008 005to000 ,., 007to0:OS 0 50 to'0 55 025to030 .. 700t0750 500to600 • 5 00 to 6 00 6S0to675 • 090 to 100 , 060to.070 019to'020 800 to 8 60 , 000to075 ... it 00 to .n 50 '"ANTED --A. good general servant. AprlY to hues Da li'rND]ttN. Exeter For Sale A comfortable tame dwelling, otte and a halt Story. standing on of an acre of land, situated on Andrew St—Title clear For full particulars, apply to still. GBO11G F Kr5XP, 120 King-st., East, : f aluilton, Ont. CENTRAL, DRUGSTORE SCHOOL 313 OHS OLD— --and---- - ----an:d--_-- _NEVI —AT 100— Centra Drug Store C„ LUTE l GOWN ' ELIXIR UOdvNNS' ELIXIR Y. • . DOWNS' >x..a.e:aBl.E LOU 0 Iias steed th.l test for Fit l k=1•iflei:l: 2 eAu , and has proved it- 1i the h.•'t 'n I remedy telown for the asps. tf ,171 Consumption, Couchs, Colds,i3'tfhoapin4 Cough 73 and all Lung l ei ac.es,t young: or old. Sorel E ee a ev. : ,. • . Price 25e. and U100 pez Fatt.?e. its LOW I .a ELIXIR statesteatece 110 1.^, UNACQUAINTED WITH THE 4t0G,?Ar-HY OP T11:11 00011,1 T11? WILL SEE aY ESAMININQ TH15t1111.TIIATTHe CHICAGO, ROCK EAU P &PACIFIC R. By the central position of its line, connects the .Bast and the West by the shortest route. and car - rtes passengers. without changeof oars, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven- worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. 'Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principDal linea of road between. the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment la unrivaled and magnifi- cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaahes, Magnificent Horton Re- clining Chair Cars, Pullman'sPrettiest Palace Sleeping Care, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi - Cage and Minneapolis and 8t, Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Now and Direct Line, via Seneca and Konica. gnats., T�,►/ New /� `'i e kee,lute recently been opened between Richmond, ! YY o �/ 1 e Horse Outs Norfolk,NewportNowa Chattanooga,Atlanta,Au- guata, I7aehville Louisville. Lexington, Cincinnati, ..ndianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate points, (BLOOD and CJYDESn �LE)All ThroughPaseongera Travel oPastExprese Trains. ms. Expressly q ire Tickets for Bale at all principal 2ltoket Offices i>= elm n de Ez vn�r7�� �Oi Q rsei Y LS the United States and Canada. .• - 6L Baggage checked through and rates of fare al ways as low ae competitors that ower less advan- ta(tes. For detailed information, get the Naps and Pold- ers of the - CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, You will find it to your -advantage tc ` At your nearest Ticket Office, or address q. R. CABLE. E. ST. JOHN,as all and f XSfllitle our OO(I. ;:l'tiee t VI c•etes. A Gea'l M'g'r, Gent TM. ,pees. Agt. Exeter, April loth, l l+tlt. Sam -well & Pickalad F1illIE1IS 1111 IlihilUl . ..TT Z\�t`r 'Zt»"_ 'Why you should use the Combined Milk Bucket and Stool let -The neve of this Bucket will effeetwilly protect the mine frons contact with any foreigu substance whatever, and from oho odor of the stable. End.—Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket no milk is lost or injured. 3rd. -In case of Spattering, or misdirected streams, no loss will occur. 4th. ---It avoids the soiling of clothing. 5th.—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the hold-fashioned°'itool. Orth. --It enhances Ili value of dairy butter. 7th. --It is mutually acceptable to the milkman and his patrons, ns it guaraut ees satiefee• tion. Stiff.—Butter and cheese maele from milk drawn in this Bucket, possesses keep=ng quali- ties, far in advance of that contaiuiug all the germs that fall into au unprotected pail. 9th.—Both the creamery and the cheese factory can afford to remerierate those patrons who use this Bucket, and will in tirne,be compelled to decline the Milk of those 'who do not. BISSZTET EROS. RORSEM N JUST RECEIVED CH CACI+.. SEED, SEED, SEED The luldersignt I offers for sale at his Store house . Exeter Station, the following Tariffs's of seed grain.: WHEAT. White Russian per lb' Lost Nation „ 11iaCarling Johnston fells Barley ' (Mover Seed. Timott e e1 40 1 25 1 20 l 20 90 80 7 50 2 95 . SIV I EETON, on (WO.y•r �,q �,!]ilil8.