HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 440
ht over
The MOlsOns Bank. Elu r roves as fast as�those wt work Fork d e, The May Numb cu oanta-1A ze due
OOli roaATOD OR ACT or reueeeetne x,x85,5, and Capfaiu . Wilthank ventures to say
That not two•thiude of the 15,000 lab -
corers row at work wilt 4a alive a year
from ow. Five lhcusand died due
ing the laid three months; but the
HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. _ergo pay tempts mon to brave all
DII11mcTQBs. donor- The omp>sny appears to
'i'noa SS,Wansrt X, eq. • President have an unlimited supply of money
Nfe Leon, Sag Vice -fres. arra pays on every two weans.
flow 1) L Ntaoxzlzerson, it W 8izoklierd.E9q.
4LP41auIt,E6q,t S ll Elvin g,Esq., Trfansfusiota for Consumption,
altles Witnarns, Esq,
b' w)i,za43rts'exX Tooetes. kls4.,Glett'I31anager, An enthusiastic yotlnf surgeon
JAs,1~ta,,tov, 1 sq.,:ifctttagerIre/dreg IBrane1 has introduced a novel (teat -
M, U r.trgn,,l sq. _ Tnspedor
Ment for pulmonary ooneun)ption, or
14.;eto BranYz, tuberculoses for widish a great fixture
is perdicted by his admirers, His
X. A. 0 i)Fl OVA tit - - MANAGER . lira( experiment was uudortekou tout
OFPIGE FLOURS, 1lontlis azo in the Dasa of a ding
IC u,, M. to:1 p, ,n, 3 t,tut•aays-ltd a.m. to 1 pan
tti,aidway Vine.) mail of 28 the only eon of a wealthy
dry gouda dealer, who was so fttr gene
40A,NS TO : ARMERS. with the disease that weclieel consul -
Motley advanced to fanners ou easyterine,ou
their o v t lrrontisaory notes with one or inure ri4s10U had pronounced recovery hope.
goat( :+Heuser(,.. No urortgagerequiretlasse- leas at� death only a question of a t
caritt-. " , t8, 55 and 57 peek Phtcu, \t. �'..
few d • consist in
f weeks. The reale ed _ ..,,..�
INTEREST ALLOWED O DEPOSITS, the repeated transfusion from the art As a sure remedy for Sick I:te;tdttehc, Sour
1)ra.ft5ut United. States bought anilgola. erial system of a healthy young coati, Stotnaelt,Dist,eesta,Itttligestian,Conttipatkusf
.iterite i,:ell t.g •atraglttand old. et'Orl2ttl Levet Biliousneaa, &e . t1R medicttie lel
t'c)ll< ctiornsta,taein all harts ,It tl , Pauli
Witt) celtEentEtt to act Irl donor of from equal to Dr llstxti r'n 1landxalre Bitters
con and 'at trim tt',itmptly r r-uttt t1.tt lowest four to cis atlnoes of futile blood ac- i cetitat 1)Qr ltuttlt
atesofoxcliange. cording to the toothed styled ar'teric- '"THE WOMAN'S PHYSICIAN."'
Exeter Argltst 19th ism venous. The patient wild so exceed d Coxytmoxi sense iut(llcal wild; fire letrifl'.'t,
luf;ly feeble when rile tienttransfer oat/. F idly answers all questions whicix
,Iii xxeier ri mos. was undertaken that only four aunties modesty prevents asking a trade physician.
partiotilarly notable articles, and is,
altogether moat interesting and edi.. t
tying, The editor, T. De Wilt Tale
maga, U.D., lute two ar•tio1ee-.-"'Thu
„ "The arctic Martyrs" aud. 1.i)e great freed-,
eta,, -.-Which are of profound interert
aud admirably illustrated, '•Oathed.
rat of our Saviour, Moscow, '" ""faove !
and Life in Norway, " "A tinwier r
Holiday Abrerd. " t" The Flsnefur1e, I
Ancient and modern. '"etv., are prom-
ineut features of the number. There
are serial and shert stories, essays,
sketches, etc., by Rev. E. Bermes,
Miss, G, A. Dave, AJft•ete') Ilery y.
T. L. Meade, J. Alex. fatten aud
celebrated writers ; pt•.iine of great
merit ; the Moine Pulpit, tvtili set --
mon by Dr. Talmage,. and miecellnn
eOus articles, etc,, O'tt I.:mining and
replete with iufirrtntttt•+n. Single
c py, 25 c -uta. or $11.50 to year. po_".
traneftlsed, In coueguetice of the dos- Gives ci:nsei and sympt"tile of all dtseiwes of
r tut banes of the notion of heart that ear sex, \ritlt 1>astftt'e cure° fir enol( in main
i1R,l DAI,AI'Ib,l. 17, 188#. iaugnage, written by indhttit who have made
itutuedintely Queued. The reerudas• '
'vl .tlNTEp--bfenandwomen toatarta wen
buert esa at their Bowes, anally ltiltzntd
in au hour, Nopeddling Teneeuts to 50 cents
an hour made daytime or evening Send ton
Cents for 50 Samplers to ooxnmenoe workou,
Ad\''ressB a PAY, Rutland, Vermont
Q rF-,-, TO $4,000 ON of tBRIAGrE. Ladies
W 4 0ootieman. APPLY f,mrnediately,
11, Y.• Cttnztx, r. i'„ Soo, -Trina„ Louden, Ont,
An. nts w•nnted,
seen i A )
��� �YEIiZiSkRS 4y ttddraBr,,luR (#7F0, P,li(?l<'
1;GL.0 CO., lU Sprues -St,, ear York, c
learn the ox,.¢tcost of any proposed line of Al.d
yertleinginAmerican 1+Tewspa\ti7rs.:t t•10t<-page
1'anxlrhlet, lac
Those new all -wool French
N U1/ E L '1' 1E S. invisible
Checks, Prima Donna, Pin-
head Check, Ooinbivatiou l.xForpartioularsapplyto
Solicitor4 e,
DRESS-GOO1)h Booming--- ,Exeter
a few pieces Illore jut iu : All ,
Wool Black Cashmeres from
38 cents up W e have lead
For Sale.
A ROI finished and convenient Dwelling iTouse
and LOS en Buren Street, Bast of 'Alain street
Plaids, Wool Taffets
big rush in Mantle Ornaments
were e Q� ll,�eil to re -order.
See the new lot opened to -d
at -
R,�r,'\iA.O,t,�t ROS
For Sale or To•Let
A cowiuodiouu "Koro mid a cotivettient 13
1s Qstdne .I,o house,
sto 4 tiridai�iuconye lent n
S i'tuantta,y ut rite villsge of -Centralia, aud an
stere tfRttrdeu l routui, with gond ata .lc and,
driving t.cuse. 1'ohsc,t•ion can be uad on May
" 1st Apl.1 to--
UOla Sf ' t
q`. c
April t0 Centralia Ont.
laooD ,:1n14.Iiia JtESIDE�ltl'CE
SA.1,111�-j_ •
3422. +tTEILa
Phipps' H.etut'n, ceuoe of the vital energies was,ht w•
lever, oxtraordivary. From the data
Lnke Ph'iptts,the alto murderer, ar. almost from the moment, of the exper-
rived in Detroit over the tiliohiga'aCen• ludo((( the patient began to improve.
Err e RN.1ti ott Friday night, in charge The teueudoy to emaciation die
of J, W, M.ttrry,cif Toronto, Chief appeared, dna the pulmonary '-ywip-
toms were greatlyreduced in severity. Itocheeter. N. Y.
tJzet prr+vitloial Deteo ve tJap.rtnaont, � ' y -
Ile was suet by G'.ttef Bezn ie, of Relish fur food returned, rand rho vet. sat,i4 ItEGISPFIt.
these chimes n life study. A Plain talk in
dellinle langungo which every woman., yougentleman, To look like the a
and old, Fhotllcl read, Itis recommended by r r t
many eminent lady physicians all a MP guide Ii "' Ti
1 IE, n;,, desirable Ill
,for the sex, Handaomly bound and tl.luatrat• your
Gia -UP l j P as fa title 11110 or
ed. Sent postpaid for ;11.03. Address the �1'i?ll. )Qlihlled shoe �'Q11
ROCIirsrmt PI7araSursiG CO. l
tf3, ti 33.1-t, Qsburlt Block, should see our big (display of
Windsor, with a e 7aored carriage• vats proetratlnn was greatly ielleved. Tt'tsanAl, April A<- .t!'artn Stuck, Ituple-
Severtal persons Tyre al,•o an Valid three weeks later the operatii*p
who know 1'itipps waw canning, al MIS repeated when six onuses at blood,
thetigh great, atTorte I ad been wide to the method employed being that of
Fide;, his arrival secret. Phi carriage Prof. Joseph W. Kowa, the leading
clrossed 00 the ferry t.ritll'Iatt attrao" advocate of transfusion iu the United
ing dotted. Stater. The results of the second ex.
Oa the (tray fe lag Windsor to 34ntt perimont were more euouuraging than
whish Phipps told ilaw he and Groan- those of the first. Three trausf.teions
wood broke jail, He said ha was hurt have now been undertaken, and the
b idly in getting over the wall that, Young luau is now improving so rtal7itl
he was obligati to Iii in the Episcopal Iv, both in geueral health, an 1 local
Ott'lroh yard for two oe three hours. I eytnptotns, that the young surgeon in
Then he c-otti+ed the river in an old confident of suooete without another
skiff, and his first thought when he iii retort to the trausfntiou �yrtuge.
reached Spring~veils wa+ to give him- "The idea. ie not tt new enc," he
self up and be treed in Detroit. 'tot) remarked, in r'eepanse to a request for
how I wish 1 could stay there!" he ex. inforulati an. "Dr. Howe was tun fieri
chimed. Phipps was earning $.50 a to try emu dill/0011 in ft deaperato c,tse
mouth at Pullman when arrseted, end 0` tubercular cansalnpli:ou with hueh
intended to leave for Ohio aud see hie sucoeee that the Tato Pr if. Van Buren
children, when lid saved money enough exhibited the patient to his class in a
IIe said he wag satisfied with his ex s 1nioal lecture at which I was pre
atninntions at Chicago. Hie lawyera aeut, and, describe 1 the operation.
bad made a hard fight tor him, and he I firmly believe that trau4fusiott of
would try and recoueile htm4elf to the blood is the true rttrnedy for onn,inm p -
result, Ile is inure hopeful than at tion and diseases allied to it, and if
first, and 'Wilke he will be °evicted I ever have the opportunity 1 511 all
only of Man slaughter. teat it in leprosy. AND IS THE MOST PERFECT
When the jail was reached the baud.
new Ties just in ----then aro
'rho anter; lens(( offers for i.elothat well situ•
atudtwu story) hrictt house, cettttriluilig eleven
4004404 on VVilliam'st, tsar tho llxoter Market
Thom ts , t,onabaruun+t stul)te,together with
driving home ;141au good pig pro aud hen coop
canon; lac The10141 e07•Ftsts oftltree•atths et
pin aere,',u srhic•lt thsre urea i4:igo number of
choice hearing fruit trees; ood Lard diad reit
water. Far1)a1ticult4ta apply to IR, V. Elliot.
t.xe!er, or to
Jc)IIti 1'1.. WIC K,1)asbwoodP,0
% TANi1aD.-'-A) BOY -ABOUT Is
ears old to learn Pluttegr
• ' a rhipq, Qi14'
superb, and don't you forget whu unclerstandeliotll English wtnl 1ertnan,
l? + , Apply to W. r.aousS. f:soterliorcb,
meets, cto„ the property of J. Marshall, lot.
it. For aft() DIMSS SUIT l ,_-,..-
ti, seri 8, Stephen, sltoae i'elock, P.
tu. 7'aA. we are showI1'; some , choice
Qkn, uo. };Qt)dC, for ptln Ftll(I +a1111II138I' . l! > ,a tl ,,,,, uutfl aft (rat•:rq?C the Int of Nov
„ ihet, ,111,anr.u4,tr c.:utio.;c•rlatinitu,,,,,biul•
�V('111: Itoltlf(t14, Selges,lthewatnr.
Worsteds, Scotch ri1 veeds,a11tI+stepitc.t,.F0,77,1rrl. JOHN VVJII)PI,FN,
illi(' '
1 antic s,—latest c'1ts----� Teri i"r'orresshe ; e.
good tTi111111i11!S ulid it perfect,
Not eecost.
.15538 3Nt... '1 or,trvvx.1 Is31dilis
""11.---.--Zft4lIl tt38 ISO a
1, -.,5 fr,,iCiI ?....]r,,,,...1,1a;r..,:,..
r si
tom3 s -+r.._iii
1i.n'sisedtiroremedy tor the *bare etressolh its
a thotoota is of cases of On worst luno and et
n andineltnra been cured. indeed ,n strong1, toe Teich
In its al ca v tent r will sand TW0 ISOTTLNA I tt tS,
together with it VAI.t7AU1,1i11titATl5R on tills dttra9c,
to soy ante red MY* t;xterrrs and r. 0. address.
Mt. T. A. 84044')1, 111 Pearl et, ttsw?ark.
Pains and Aches,
cuffs raid ehaceles wore remove i and - —
the prisoner was planed in the Tilo oonno11 motet Varna April 5th SOLD Ere ALL nEALt,RS.
same wad from whish he escaped, according to notice, p } PRICE, 25 11.11) 69 coil P ii C9T'slE.
Detooltve Hurray says that Phipps The heave absent, Deputy Reeve - ---t.-......._ `• '`�.:11 .'�'"vA`:ter
br rice down e)niplaft'ly when the train '
got in dight of Detroit; ens iue in the chair. Minutes of previous The Seegmiller Plows.
meeting read and signed. b
rA uY EMU in the WED
was not prepared to go to trial at the
assizes, which convene on the 22nd;
inst;, and would try to have his case
Murder Will Out.
Iu a (laird wonday between .tlonso
Bird and his wife of 1lorganetown the
Matte, blurte0 milia seaternenet which
caused her hu'tband's arrest for the
murder of Captain Raphael Livingston
an ex Federal soldier. 17 years ago.
Living stun was confined in a ('tented
crate prison at Salisbury. While there,
Rose Austin, daughter of one of the
officers of the guard, fell in love with
him and effected his ()Hcape. After
the war Livingston returned for the J. Torrance, that this c.,tincil• do now
purposeof marrying MGIiss Austin Bird, adj ,11111 tc meet again as a Ganrt of
in the meantime, had become a suitor Revision and for other genetal bust -
for Miss Auetin'e hand. Livingston nese ou the 15th day of May next, at
ten o'clock :1. m. Carried.
Moved by J. Torrance, seconded by
J. McKinley, that Humphrey Day -
mon and Wm. Willey be allowed to
do their statue labor on the eideroad
between lots 10 and 11, concession 6
Mo ved by J. McKinley, seconded by
Wm. Clark, that A.. M. Campbell De-
puty Reeve in company with a mem
ber of the Bayfield council be appoln
ted to exn,mino the boundary line be-
tween thio towuahitl, and the viltaf,o
of Bayfield and report at•next tweet
After appointing the Patten itsters,
Pouudkeepere and Fe'lceviotrers and
transacting other business, it • was
moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by
suddenly disappeared and tIiss Austin
was made to beltevs he had deserted
her. Monday she gave info rmation
to the effent that Bird and two com-
panions murdered Livingston aud
with the aid of a colored boy buried
the body. The uegro was arrested,
and corroborated the story. All par.
ties have been jailed. The ,affair
.causes intense excitement, Living-
eston belonged to New York,
At An Awful Cost.
Capt. Jas Whitbank, who has been
fcr more than a year engaged in dredg-
ing operations on the Panama ship
conal, has just returned to Phu1adel
phis after a hard tassel with the
dreaded swamp fever. He says there
is plenty of money there. There is
only one thingmore common than
cash, and that is death. M9n die like
leaves in autumn. 'Only the Italiaos
appear to live. The dead are disposed
of witheutcermony. A shallow grave
no prayers, aortal' ie it a monant for-
gotten. There are now 15,000 men
at work on the canal, mostly negroea
from Jamaica and the .French West
The regular gnarterly meeting of
the Huron Medical Aesootatien took
place at Clinton, 8th inst.. and wits
well attended, notwithstanding the
bad roads. There were present Dr.
Williams, president ; and Drs. Camp-
bell, Gnnu, Llliolt and Worthington.
There was reported rocas° of solation,
with ultimate loss of eensatinn of the
leg and foot of that side. A. ogee of
gun shot wound, fracturing the thigh
bone, a pieze of which was shown
with the flattered bullet. The ball
first passed through a door, then
through the right thigh, fracturing
the bone, and then through the other
thigh, and dropped on the floor. A
case of moist gangrene beginning first
in the left hand, and almost lmmedi.
ately attacking the other , ttrm and
feet. A case of diseased stomach,
carising death by hemmorrhage, and
indigestion ; also a cede of lupus, in-
volving the question of removal or
not. The disonssions brought out
some yery interesting points. The
meeting was attended with a good dual
of interest, and papers were promised
for the July meeting.
Having decided to close his present stock of
the above plows, will sell
FOR $13 GASH, and $14 0'ri TIME
The plow can be seen at the building oppos-
ite Bawdens Marble •rahop. (A few doors
south of the market.)
Points and repairs always kept in stock.
Parties intending making a ptrehase will do
well to call early.
April 10, S. POWELL
QEALED TENDERS addressed to
kJ the undersigned, one endorsed "Ter dor
for Indian Supplies" will be received at this of.
fico up to noon of 'THURSDAY, 1st MAY, 188,4,
for the delivery of the usual Indian Supplies,
duty paid, in Manitoba and the North-West
Territnriee,consieting of Flour, Baden Grocer-
ies, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, (lows, Bulls,
Agricultural Implements, Tools, &c.
Forms of 'Vender and full particulars relative
to the supplies rogltirod, enn be had by apply-
ing ;o the undersianod,or to the EOM nt ssioner
of Indian ,-tffai_s atBegina,rxto the Indian Of
lice, Winnipeg.
Parties may tender for each description of
goods separately or for all the goods called for
in the Schedules.
Each Tender mud be accompanied by an ac-
cepted Cheque of a Canadian Bane for at least
five per cont, of the atnuu.tt of the tenders for
Manrtoba, and ten per cent, of the amount of
the tenders for the North -(Vest Territories,
which will be forfeite 4 if the warty tendering
delines to enter into a contract when called
upon to do so, or if be faild to comelete the
worlt co ti acted for. If tae tender bona ac
ceptedthe cheque will beretu-nee.•
Tenderers are required to make up and at -
Every out, Oiozdd blow fur WIDOW tI
"'(.;old Coin" is the fent Chewing Tc�bltot4a
now wade in Canada, The unprecedented
demand for it, since it has been in the mar-
ket, attest tito fact. For tale by all Whole -
halo Grocers n»sI Tobacco Dealers. :Made by
Montreal. Quebec.
A Lendin;r London
Physician establishes
an office i n New York
for the cure of
►Fang Lte.Jaurnal of medicine
i•. Au H4wn7o t7.1torr 1,0n404',Ktc tap &ar'
dairy+ rt ilepa,Y has 'Manse doubt arta ed se 1 car *d
anroc ,'vs t' 0141', her Misc. 1 n, 0 1;1 on,
c'as 1 as sla,111 tt t n ent.ml Snit : tta. 1 rN ta1rd t•-
WTANTED_ A<io'hNtil
New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts
4 n 1ta; iaN ng any agency in the -'ori,l. Per
full particular s, froe,wdaret.4 II,C.TUNLMO S
3Sap,PublIaher :t8RIoilmen d it.Lomiun.tint.
AI tll he mailed I=IiEE to all applicants and to
customers of last year withoutordering it.
It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions rind
directions for planting all Vegetable and Blower
Seeds, Plants. etc. invaluable to all.
D. M. FERRY & CO."11,41:
Health is Wealth.
rsv% ern:r:.rt 4'0I-ttn r ...,t Acne ti\
hhn. lfa hal pubq t e 1 a work 4114 1114 4O.caxw, tt•ht: it
1 ',,wlital. r141,4. fbt. tot-1.rr4L 15,1 itrn
ser xtt! reel 1,, l ,P x411.1 11410 serest. Sud 1', (1
4,',., t: qwrn, r.1,^t1...t.'tretoad.l,rs,
Ir Ao.lt;ti4.ut,i:,. ,.:oJuat,1..,?7iRla,k,
The 3larriage Looking Glass
For Every ;ifarriatl Couple,
While it will hurt no singie man or wuluatt
to read ti (4pee0linrnook, grotto all who for
the first time enter the married state it is
simpIV nNIX 5I-SITY. Themust have it
00r Can the contents bt+given hero but it: is
eatou511 to say the lamb cttutuins ail the see -
ruts relating to lowly married cnuplos,lOther4
who order it will have to bear the cunaequen-
cea, as it is only intended fur those who wielt
tohnnw how to net after the Bret is tied.
.veryauen convict should have it, and as it
costs o_ly a paltry '2n cents, or 3 for 50 ata.
Every one can have it by remitting stomps or
silver and this Blip) to
.1VV' KI,S PY, Yarmouth,
Nova Scatia
I)r.. L C. Wx:sT's Ni:itvn .tern BRAMN T•nrn.T-
ltt'ENT, a guaranteed specific for RVttteria, Diz-
ziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
headache, Nervouts Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco, \Vakefulnoss,Mental
Depression, Softening oftho brain, resulting in
Insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, Prinratnre 018 Age, Barrenness, Loss
of Powerin eithot sex, Involuntary Losses and
.lpormatorrhrrn, caused by over-exertion of the
blab , self-,tbuso and over -indulgence, Ono
box will cure recent cases. Each box aontains
one month'rtreatment. One dollar 11 box, or
six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid
on 1 eceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to
cure ally case. With each order received for
six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we
will send tho purchaser our written guars.utee
to refund the money if the treatment does not
effpct t elite, G aranteosissuedonlyby J.W.
IlltOWNING, Solo Arrent for Eice ter, Ontn.rtn
Planing Mill!
tach to their tender the total money value of ALL ,KINDS O
the goods they offer to supply, or their tender
will not ba entertained.obe(Ii ,-"1- R 'j�"f' I N
The louder for beef must be a separate ten- l „I� �LJJ _t.,v
de r; 4f ft includes any other article it will not
be considered. Done lowest or any tender not necessarily se- Done to order, A
I;No newspaper to insert without special an-
thcrfty from this Department through the Itomenzber:the place.
Queens Printer.]L
tyof heiSuperint n WIQZ" *iOWaX1
Deputy of the Superintendent •
General of Indian Affairs,
--Ur:i'enTt ENT Or INDIAN AMF`AITIS, i • 4
O'Aw., loth Mare/1, x554 r
--Or THE, ---
Dashwood Flouring Mill
Wishes to return thanks to his numerous
customers, for the past liberal patronage
given him, and since making im-
provements, which is a large
saving on fuel, will do
--C 171 OPPI G ---
until further notice, at the following •
--rates :—
And for all other grains (Peas excepted),
Are my regular grinding clays
TERMS - Strictly Cash.
N. B,—Flour c& Feed sold at a close mar-
gin. Don't forget to give us a call
N0.4.1 -Z 111.XZ1
Dashwood, Feb), 7th, '84