HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 3Continued utp ens 1•a e
His father smiles,
" Very well, my lad; drawl and go
down. Take your time about it.
Johnny. 51. Paul will come to you and
amuse you."
" Papa, may I—I should like to see
" Presently, luldiae presently; let her
sleep. She will be down,' think, before
"And Ilene--:
"Ala t Rene—who knows? be will nog
Some down, You may see luno to -mor.
row, We shall have to take great care
of Rene. I am going to him now."
Dr. Macdonald goes, and Johnniy, very
gingerly, and with many pauses, and a
surprising sense of weakness, proceeds
to dress himself and travel down -stairs,
It is rather more like a ghost of
Johnny, than that brisk young gentle-
man hiumelf, this wan lad, with the bol.
low eyes and pallid fat=e
Weesy shrieks with delight at sight of
him, and makes a rash to clasp him pre,
cipitately to her kreast, hut Johnny
jumps behind a table, with unexpected
rapidity and alarm.
" No, you don't t" he says; " keep
off! I've haul enough of that. First,.
some brute with whiskers, Last night,
and then you, and now again—but you
dis'ta'l if I die for it. Let a fellow
alone, can't yen, Weer} •?"
And Weesy laughs. a:it1 cries, and
The misfortunes of her children
!Ave covered, for the time, their multi-
tude of sing.
Johnny sits by the breezy whitlow,
and looks out over the rocky garb,.., the
rough path beyond, the beach below,
the sea spreading away into the bky,
mad nigle. a. sigh of infinite content.
One might fancy he bacl bad enough
of the seal but not so, John Macdonald
will never have enough of the bright,
watery world he loves, If only the
Boule.tlo.ueige-but he must not thins:
of her—there may be other b tteaux in
He ie at home—they are all safe ;
that is, enough for one day. And pro.
scntly comets 31a'ara Weesy. with the
thicken and wine, and a book of sea,
seto:•ieee, and Johnny slowly muuehes aud
read,. and time passes, and at last -•-•-
lie starts up 'with a weak shout. for
there b. M. Paul supporting Snowball,
toakiug; p1allid and pathetic. but other.
wise, not so mach the worse for het
week ou the barren furze at Chapeau
Dion. Her blue oyes look like azsre
mood+:, in her whito small face.
" Oh, Johnny 1'' sLo solemnly says.
It is au adjuration with which Johanna
is tolerably familiar, emotion of any
sort evoking it some sixty times, on an
average, per day. .Ile laughs iu re.
armee:. a1 1 looks 4h
;l at her (;cart.
"Ju rn ay. dear °Kellap," that gentile -
neat ,,.. ,, end gine his Banti a cordial
er"stip. "`don't stops. Peg away at the
chicken. aud give felto Snowball. It
dex'rl raf pod to sere yowl."
"" 110atti clot`s. Rene got en. Lair 1"
•",\h, nut fie well; Rene is hot and
fey* ribh, and a tritle light • headed.
Fancy his giving; in, while thi little,
yellow -haired lassie holds out so well."
" It was Ivy fe.ult," say a Snowball, in
penitent tears. " I know now lie starved
himself for nae. Anti he made nue mind
him. 1 {Billet want to—now, did I
Johnny 1"
"Rene is a ,vtuuu gel ntlelnan who will
always make people mind niin. There
is nothing; to fry fee. Petite- -he is not
loins to die, not a bit of it. Eat your
ehieken and dry your eyes—he may
haw rather a hard bout of it for a week
.7r so, but he will conic round like tho
Hero he is."
M. Patti Farrar proves a trine prophet,
only the " bout" is rather harder than
even he anticipates. Rene is quite de-
lirious at times, Gild talks wildly of
Chapeau Dieu. and the storm, and the
bower, and tI1e berries, and gathers
more in his !seated imagination of that
luscious fruit than he ever dM in reality,
and sings scraps of the evening hymn,
and cjuotes Shakespeare, and conducts
himself altogether in a noisy and objec-
tionable manner. But at no time is
there much real danger, and lie is so
faithfully nursed, so devotedly attended,
that he must perforce turn the sharp
corner of the fever, and come around,
all cool and clear-headed, but deplorably
weak and helpless, at the end of seven
or eight days.
" And you and Johnny look as well as
if it had never happened," he ,Says, lan-
guidly, with a resentful sense of injury
upou him. " What a muff I must be 1"
They do, indeed, look as well. as
bright, as fresh, as plump, as though
these six days on the desolate lnountaiu
side were but a dream. Johnny by this
time is decidedly proud of his perform-
ance, though a trifle bored, too, by the
questions with which he is plied when-
ever he appears at St. Gildas. Tho
Boulo-de-neige is safe at ber moorings,
none the worse for her playful little es-
capade ; Rene is all right, M. Paul is
here, and Johnny is happy.
All these feverish and tiiehty days
Snowball has devoted herself to the
patient with • a meekness. a docility, a
sweetness almost alarming in its self-
She reads to him, sings to him, brings
him the beef -teas, and chicken broths,
and toast, and water, and other nasti-
ness, as Rene calls it, and watches him
oat and drink, and recover, tvith the de.
erotedness of a moteler 1 Rene submits
to be petted, and cuddled, and made
much of for a few days—she keeps
-Weesy out, and, that is a. great point—
accepts her society, listens with languid
graciousness to her gossip; lets her read
him to sleep, lets her fan off the flies,
and adorn his chamber with flowers,
and then, all in a moment, turns round,
and flatly declares he will have no more
of it 1 .Strength and his normal state
are returning, and this phase of super-
natural goodness and calm comes as
might be expected to a sudden and vice
lent end: Ho isn't a baby --be won't
swallow gruel and disgusting beef -tea;
he won't be tucked in o' nights and have.
Snowball popping in and out of his room
like a 7a:p1-in•,r,•'eo< whenever she
pleases l Let her go with Johnny, as
she used to, she would rather, lye. "knows
—she needn't victimize herself because
he pinked a few ralipberries for hear
there on the mountain I And she isn't
meth of a companion, anyway ---be
would far and away rather talk to M.
Paul Which is ungrateful, to say the
least, after the superhuman efforts she
has been making to amuse hind during
the past seven days, And Snowball
deeply hurt, but rehioved all the same,
does give it up, does resuinU the aoeiet•
of Johntay, and is prepared, the install
Rene is strong enough for battle, to res
tonne war to the knife as of yore.
X. Paul is a prime favorite in the
household. Dr, Macdonald beams iu.
his presence -1m is the idol of a.'eau
Weesy's heart ; the boys look upon him
with eye:; of en • and admiration—a
loath who has been ove,.,ywhere, and
seen every thing, and place, and people.
Snowball falls in love with him, of
course --that goes without saying—and
is never out of his presence a moment,
when she can be in it- Even offal Tini
succumbs to the spell of the charmer,
yields to the fascination of M. Paul's`
glance, and laugh, and voice, -anti old
Plui's latterced heart is not over sus-
ceptible, He Ilan never, within inorta:
lien, been known to invites a Iran inti
his domicile to partake of a illirop of
itlrriiik before..
They sit together, one sleepy- August
Afternoon, al..ruul and Snowball, dawn
ou this sands, ]w reclining hie long
length upon the rank reeds, a $ warm
waving sea:.ide grasses, Iris steaw hat
nulled half over Ilia eyes, A golden
glaze rests on the hay, sails Some and
go through it as through a glory, tiiialhiag-
boats take on a nimbus around their
brown mile. There is the faintest
breeze, little wavelets laps upon the
white sand, the beautiful sea loops ars
though it could never be cruel,
ply c' Sae the are alone, Jobanny
bas just ,eft them. Ohl Pinna le creouinll
to harucielt` u ► in the lighthouse near, ata
be polishes his lanaps It is fall three
weeks since the resrne. lien is alnisoall
again, and haps ,y a rung his beloved
book,,. Snowball site on a rocky scat,
her nailer bat 'sell on the back of herr
bead aS usual, her fat e' frankly and fear
lesely exposed to son•bidesun and wind.
Taint••, is not cue of tide young;rson's
ma,., fui1inge; freckles and blisters"
and sauul,tiro aro matters of plrofuundoet
unconcern. et this period of her career.
Ile has t+. to tolling her of souse of his
travels and adventures in far-off lands,
thrillnag enough and narrow enough
some of tht,n. No romance ever written
it seems t i this email girl, as r,ho listens,
could be half so wonderful, no hero halt
so berme,
But gradually. iiemen has fallen, aud
al, Peer' frm"r under bias wide straw hat,
looks .t .Lurk, dreaming eyes out over
that yvi:uw light on the sea.
Snowball steak a giam at him. Of
what is lac thinking, she wonder:e. flow
very handsome he 1.1 llow brawn, sow
strong, how big, letw unruly 1 Of what,
of whole is be thinking, as 11e lice Iter'`,
with that grave, steady glance? Anil
what is he to her -lie who brought h. r
here, all those years ago ?1 Why, in all
this romance) of sr:mitering and str ngc.
adventure.., has there never been a
heroine? Or has there been one and
be will not tell the story to :t little p;iir•1
of twelve ? There i:, souiethin :"he
1iiu"e to ask Ilium --has often longed of
late. but Ow is illy with him , semt•how,
in .spite of his gentleness, .. hl is foriaid-
elec. in her eyes. She makes c.ne or two
efl'a, te. now is the time or never, store
bluslst•; . and tries again.
e el. Paul I"
" Petite 1"
lir wakes from hLdrani with a .tart,
and then smiles slowly to see the Co,y; 1
tide mounting to her eyebrows.
" 1—T want to ask you something. i
You will not mind ?"
" Mind ? " still smiling amusedly.
" How ? I don't understand."
" You will not be—mad ?"
" Masi?" he laughs. " Offended with
you, Petite.? No; 'that could not be."
`" M. Paul"—a pause. " You—you
brought me here.'
" Nine, more than nine years ago.
10 fni ! how time flies t Yes."
Another pause. Snowball pulls up
the rank, flame -colored sedge -flowers
waving in the wind, and finds going on
hard woe :. The dark, amused eyes
smile up et her, and intimidate her.
" 1 wish --I wish you would tell me
something about myself. I don't know
anything. I think sometimes it is not
fair to me. I think a great deal, M.
Paul, about it, and it makes me un-
Her voice falters ; she stops.
" Unhappy, Snowball ? Ah 1 I am
sorry for that."
" I am not like other girls, I feel it,
they know it. They ask mo questions
over there at school that I can't answer.
They whisper about it, and tell all the
new girls, that 1 have no father or
mother, or home of my own, or relations
at all. And I think it is too bad. Every
one is kind enough, but still it is hard.
And I want to know who I am, M. Paul,
The steady' glance of M. Paul, out of
which all amusement has died, turns
from her and goes back once more to
that amber glory of sea and sky. The
grave, bronzed face looks as it looked
before she spoke at ail, thoughtful, and
a little sad.
She has asked a harder question, it
inay be, than she knows. Ho is silent
so long that she breaks out again her-
"Dr. NIaedouald can tell ins nothing
-he -Would, if he could. 'Everybody is
good to,nle; but—oh, M. Paul, tell rue—
tell nice if you can 1"
`" Snowball, my dear little one, what
shall I tell you 2"
"Have l a name—a father -e mother 2
What,is the reason I am hidden away
hero -as if the people who pay forImo
were • ashamed of sue? What , have. I
roicr. CO irr v2a
—An English psychological society is
raclring its brains over the conundrum;
Are angels ever sleepy?" Not very
often, hat.when you hear a bootjai It
rolling down the front stairs, you can
make up your mind that the angel's
father is sleepy,, which practically
amounts to the same thing.
—A French lady, on ber arrival in
this country, would eat only such (lithos
as she was acquainted with, and being
on one oecasion pressed to partake of a
dish new to her. she politely replied.
thinking she was expressing herself
admirable English : " No, I thank you .
I eat only my acquaintance -4."
A popular domestic journal for Amerman
homes. will be sent for one jeer free to ovary
Jady who will reed at once the names ended.
dress of len misled tulle*. and 50 cents, no
postage stamps taken. Best paper for either
Tone, finch ,`orinanship&thi abiility.
ivikoLTANI aclreta sal e * co.
Noe. gal and206 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore.
No.112 PM Armee. New York,
J. Doupe &Co WILL GU1'iE til ,„svuiSN€So',
tai, i ET0 N i HELATEglRNM,
young or old liotrsc-k., puss inexistence. This And every epodes of disease arising fro
offer i s made only to secure names to whom 4l TsTalrs EY>+$TTailNG FOE d,sordered t vER, KIONEYa�, ST4M+t a►ci ,
IcHCIIEAF0(..),V s iri
to seed sample topies,as we know every lallt
who once SAW Alis Igor dative trfti +>abscri&e
for it. Regular price 01,00 per year. Addreim
at once
'Tne Hor,i w1rr, ltrcl;l stcr, N. Y.
The symptoms are tuei=tore like perspir-
ation. intense rtehinr i,eer(aetel by' 'atclnnh:
tie'ry ilii tre'sing, i alt'elder at night; seems av
if pin -mums woe. erawlnig iu and about the
eetnto, the private pacts a,,, ,iometiutes af-
teeietl- If railowtrl tee a :ntiltne very serious re.
sultsmnyprow. •'$WAYNI $ODTIIkN'I”
Is a pleasant, sure cure. Alio for 'Tetter.
fele Salk -Rheum, Steel head, i:rysipelaa,
l arlwre' Itch. Blotches, alt Kealy -cruet Skin
Diseases.. Box. by mail, 50 Ctll.;a for 5145.
A,ddre'+', Pit. Aro 4',TNF it! SON. Phila., Pa.
Sod by Ilrugai.ne
Are you disturbe 0 at night andbroken of your
rest by ttaick ell/b1 suffering and erying with
vele of cutting, teeth? If so. send at Race and
get a bottle of 7U*S WINSI.AW'S SOOTHIN0
MVP' lta.virineisineeleulable. It will re-
lieve the poor little enferer itnlne7/tietely. De,
pawl ulx nitmotlaeaw, there feria ultitlke about
It. It ousel dysentery and dtanhoea, regul*tea
the r,toulwlelr end' leesele, einem Rind colic.
**(tens the matte, redueee indama`atipn- and
sten toga an t anergy to thy 'whole tryete nn.
Max Waltatoves!aorrui4+ slave row carne,
mot Towns -um Ia plsassat to the taste, and is
tahe'weaztption o#oee of the oldest and bolt
feisnieunrwaaand TbIslctasa its the tUnisad
letatise, and is !or Indy by an druggists through, -
out eh*
hrough,outehavresiei' Price Ra sauute a. battle,
arias.' d co.. or the
::t+•a7iut.ar #rreaus,CAM eon
ttni*Uet 1t•1arl6B(tyxrw. CTg4
1/41* C4. frince GerlsA .co. Ilene nook obeli
1',er."nta+wnt free. Thtril.xerc„� �eara'experlrne:w.
.Pntenta ebIMl, ee through It Ctsra t CO. ereno!I od
to the OriirirAMERICAN, the iargeit be►t.ad
cast whichi rWelted *dentdep.p•r. te,Vayear.
wuekh. enik, onirsrintRehs etlntreitteg in.
tormt0a0.psehnencopyofte rnitlaAmer.
Sean lent free. AddreisMUNNCO.eelasxriraa
A 1tltitiQA11 orrice, 3Gl ataltdwaly. pew Y' rt.
Health & happiness for all.
Biliousness, Headache, Dys-
pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering
of the Hear t,
Att1 every species of dieeeee arising from
Impure Blood, &t. &e.
Climax Chemical Company
Exeter Butcher Shop.
Butcher & General Dealer
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence.
Mill omen will save meney, ami save their
Machinery by using Lardine.
Ras boon victorious at all the leading exhib i.
tions and industrial fairs 511100, 787!3, cartyingof
first prizes and modals in every instance. It
bas nnw no equal as a lubricator, nue will out-
wear lard, seal or en stor oil, and wnrra ited not
to clog Or gum the tweet machinery. • Yeu will
save money by using this 01;. Tey it and you
will testify in its favor. Beware 0i imitations.'
MCcol1 Bros. &. Co,, Toronto,
J. EILB { R && SON, Cre ditou ;
AlePONELT.a tt, WATI CrII. Henaali
1f you want the bcatvalue for
-^ were--
. Doupe & Co's
tiavJnp c/1Wlnencett IntSilleRitt•r tut -
Pall and Winter Trade I
We ereprepared topurcbasc an, ,uantlty W
I"eerk,enbjret to the following roe nletious
We wil I take off two panda per lnuutred it
land that pound molt. Shoulder
tweutyfive cents. 1f any of the 1 ung guts
are left ia."35 eeentasextrawill be et'Iltehit.
No prat wiiibe bought at any price
It warm.
Wewant all Hogs l`ntti*i right thvutpl,
breast tteier 1, and liamr.spened out to tail.
le.e3 of Appetit,
r1 Sour vi.'h.l`:. i.
ii:.',i-lei COJiivon3 Z.
Sick Headache and Gii ensues,
..-2-1E ONLY
Pace, .0:,. p -r bottle. Sold by all Drug; sts.
1-3C Si
Vegetable Sicilian
was the first preparation perfectly adapted tocure
diseases of the scalp, and the first successful.re-
storer of faded or gray hair to its natural color,
growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many
imitators, but none have so fully met all tho re-
quirements needful for the proper treatment of
the hair and scalp. HALL's fIAin RENEwEn has
s,.eadily grown in favor, acid spread its fame and
usefulness to every quarter of the globe, its un-
paralleled success can be attributed to but one
pause: the entire fulfilment of its promises.
The proprietors have often been surprised at the
receipt of orders from remote countries, where
they had never made an effort for its introduction.
The use for a short time of iiALL's Hdtn
Ruse;Sven wonderfully improves the personal
appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all im-
purities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness,
and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the
weakened glands, and enables them to push for-
ward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of
this article aro not traesient, like those of alco-
holic preparations,but remain along time, which
makes its use a matter of economy.
FOR zin3
Will change the board to a natural brown, or
black, as desired. It produces a permanent color
that will not wash away. Consisting of a single
preparation, it is applied without trouble.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H.
Sold bei all Dealers in Medicines.
Scrofulous, Mercurial, and
BlOod Disorders,
the best remedy, because the moss
searching and thorough blood -
purifier, Is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,,.
Sold by all Druggists;'$1, six bottles, 65.
th r4°44
And for Purifying the Blood.
It baa been In use for 20 years. and hes
prurod to be the beet preparationin the
i ctrl,etfnrS,Il'lilli:'AOA.LIIE.PIiN 15
PLAINT. leennF.S U:i TH ' SACT',
I,1S1'C1'GI1., H.1.141, and alt lisiatses
hat avis* front a 1.7soniered Lever or
Impure blood. The _rltutla of our beat
tit., a tt. Dud glvo it to titter chit -
,1. perm r.,.:s I•r••seribn it deny.
. •sa�i,a t.s.s aL *ace recainiAeett It Co
arnti:, f 7"law Deck. Honda,
ata Ea .;fir- a,..4 t'herzT. Stitlingia
lilnilc •y t•asiafrat,, Winterrn'en, ...sl
r er 71, .l.kanwa valuate.* r. ns sash
7,1:.3Aa..tl '/g al,1P and can-
not t":0 113104 girt...• 0. ',:Inlays.
t ti(.n. et Iho b -;snit li nee an use for
it0. lat.vg 51.0 newel',.
"re d lash - 4%cvx:i.moi • or au ba!uai
, •' , •t a +•, Z 10"t• of this
., ..� •.f
WO EN POW3al,ii ► a
Aro plea • •at tot hs nntn:.t tl:r:r nun
Purgative. Ir r. r •+,, r , d ,-;:.•dirt
dastroyer at worm„ in Gtutdrenordduttsr
Pronthill Nurseries.
325 At' i
,etaItee.eteen. AVV:a ole - el,
Steady Puipics meet at leietel Snieriee to al'
willing to uc+rl P 1 5 en \, •r'11 'a eau bee..
plennaut work the !btee:11+,ens. Geod. Agent -
1 ars eartnnre #r,an $du to o7. ver mouth and ex•
1r••rertu•:111+1"atiltfree. teirtre,:..
s rc1::1; a. \VELLI`t7'ft ne. I..rnni-.
'IN ST I N C 11) 1.4 144
1 "
el',Itentellin(•nnada , July 1:1.1ber.
Mr. 0. Rau wishes to inform the inliabi
tants of .Exeter nod vicinity, that he has sole
right of this washer for Huron Comity, mid
also that he bas appointed Mr. Robt. Pickard
agent for Exeter, and any parson wishing to
see the Machine, will please call at the Beetsr
Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and its
merits approved before the patent was ay
plied tor, It bas since been placed 'in 00n,-
petition with a great many washoes of note.
and. in every instance proved its superiority..
It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in
adieu ever invented ; the improceulents are
prominent and well definedg; they arse naot
irnitntilnes with a slight ohmage of parts of
some old otayed otat patents, such as the
public are often. fleeced with by Patent Right
sharks, but they compose An origival and
genuine invention, containing.distinctive
features, which aro fully set forth and claim-
ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers
ata distance.
Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best
1st. Only one-tgiiarterThe amount of soap
usect as with other machines.'
211d. Only one-fonrtli.the fuel,
3rd, No labor in gompal•ison with th
4th. No wear and tear, as,steinn and soap
are. theprroipal agents.
�6th. It regnires only one-fourth 'Ile time
to do a washing.
l 6th. The house is not in an uproar with
slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least one
day out of each week,
C. RAD, Il. PIO.KARD, Agent,