HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 2• Bat only the echo of his - Rene so Much worse than yon two r WU It OP A own .shoat asks Paul Farrar. * comes batik to hili down the reeky Johnny tries to tell. "Rene starved. 1!1' Mali MINES iLl�DihIt161; �' : , himself to feed Snowball ; •never slept '� t us o further up," augge As ,Mr. at all, hardly; wa t.,ly clad, and so, macuou yos r. "4'whey may be near the sum- and seg." . e , . , :, ,� ^ They may be on the other side." " Sama'inb fist; es,1 s&. Braere Sail?riy ` and True d yad "Marr- ",,Tbey will have landed at Sugar boy; go'.t Ueite AO he is not as e 9e'," '04 IVfe, sE'eroXisferSfv" Scoop, surely," Desereaux responds; strong a 'ta'Ott* Jo u never will' be. 'bit atti , "c ' "tlhere is n*.;,cher safe landing. Bated But d. 'Wear. l alt,.'''(i:ighne 1, f ice, ,course, they went in, search of berries, Boar bo , we will bring him round yet. P A R T I, and would not remain near the landing, Once in Ma'am Weesy s kitchen, with In mine eyes she is the sweetest lad The raspberry thioket is ober yonder, warm blankets and hot grog, we wit! „ of you: my �t14on, here Rene back, please heaven, and able :seen i ),et %1101,7T sxirtiixe. So they ode " to talk to your father when he returns t y �, that I ever looked on. t take the other eee, rari^a and Dc ger, i t +''uorroiv$ and, lel him all, about it." Y its tilt he latest Novelties esus going +,ills the nigh, two noon Johney utters a cry. Desert. aux ;;nes ori. " Mademoiselle the soma" "Net home yet, old boy; for which iill Departments. se .e, eel! told' ata- d:iu;ltter Iuuocente, It is hadeselibably lonely, &ed oven is let ns be duly thankful. Think what a and she hey epregosed Pini to Chapeaui ling xn the whites Shimmer, the un- row after dinner; after dinner, Johnny! Dieu for rast}berries, and invited her ,to utterable hush and solemnity of night ,You haven't clued lately, have you accompany them. Irmo could net she What a story it will be for ilia rest of i 1r . a.,tl went. c only rete ed to and pau&ed . peau Dieu! Why, you will awake and To the Front a� Usual e The way 1 know is ";leis; ` M. to the left, two. more mounting towards "Papa not home yet? at the eouvent, t to other da , haat she p g P • ry to -mor- . �' the pallid nzntionli ht,tlie wild sea, spark-, ; arca you will have to ball ilio ^ i overlying p °� thicket your life; sot days and nights iu Cha- T s+�as;;uiu; on a visit out of iciest with . reached the res b + The place tQt et everything�%ou wan We rn 1 .i day, ;hent is why she did net bear and ," shout with ins," ser. i. Deeeresetx., iiud yourself fatuous; find greatness speak sooner, `aiy thin ntouutaiti, moored the boat, ante nests: , while they were iu search of berries that They shoiot, and !shout ninth they are the b_etteau floated out on the ebb title. hoarse, but only the melancholy echo of `I'Itc'y might remain there a mouth, and their shoats come back. no one chance upon them 'unless they Far up they can haat the hostiles went ou purpose. The question aiA pre- ding troo, rentd carting, also. iu sem i•�, how to reach them. It will be e ' wont /oar falls u them.. most tli :;cult matter to sheet a landing Surely if tltay w r iu the mountain at tht' font of thu motuitaln, after the + at all, and alive----tins"y would hear," Mr. xoeeta %term, Still we must try." a Farrar says ; "let its try ouee more." Ire must, most eertainly, ` said Mr. ,•lftlslt'." cries tiT,l)aserp. m .elutehing idea is they went ti Ie is possible they may be somewhere f� y prices to suit the times. thrust upon you! For Snowball, here, she will be the pronounced heroine of modern times." But Snowboll cares not, heeds not, hears not. Rene lies there, lifeless, and rescue or death ; what are either now They talk no more; Johnny, with the best will in time world, fiuds ilio effort too painful, and he lies back and drops asleep.Ile is only awakened to find himself in some ono's arms a seeonel i' ;rest ' nut without a tuottmeut'x delay, his arms. +" I',isteu! Do you hear notla- time, and being carried somewhere, Leveling is always poseibh, even hi the iu" I,,iston el wakes fora moment, and is heavily off heaviest serfi, at Se ur ticgop Beach, .'hey bend their oars, and—yes—faint Pgain. Presently he is lying ou some. ;Aim, who of yon will conic ? Glues," and far off, there collies to them a ery-- thing soft anti warm, and someone is There a •e half n, dozen volunteers 1 crying over Mina and kissingtitin; , a tiutntan cry in a moia, tit. The group tiispersen ;1 "+ That is no night-lsawk, no sea. MIta ,i u Woesy,110 dimly !liaise, and even they hurry to the shore, and is tea ! bird l" Deserc4aws exelainas r "it is c in tle,a state of ears, is sleepily cow minutes large boat islann.died and 11y- I voice respoaditmg to our shout. T'.tanlz scicus of feeling cross about it, and lug through the white caps to the , God r Try it again." wishing she wouldn't. Then something to "I'a'arn �l e,e-.y. full of hope and fear, i shouOnce r hxmight and wah2. raise voices and hien in a t and oou, beef -teas sweet maybe; given hastens home, across the river, to pre- '• steno Snowball! Junin,'-' Where sleep one:: more, sleep, long, blessctl, the lite tle lo.. t ones. 0rta01,1 Tin rows tier' a And ouee ou s owe gain, dietinnet though faint, another clay he fa a b© openat s hia.on of eyes over, and it is verhape the first time in , that answering ery eonies bees. agate on this world of woe. all their an,tuy'years of intercourse that „ The), an' totinad! they .are fiaund they do not quarrel by the way. • silents esultiugly. "' This M. tat eereanx aetentipenies Paul Far. ~;ear, Farrar; this wav, env mien. wo ren in hie anxious quest. The two men have them! thee, :hirci: It is till CHAPTER XV, talk little ; the thought of the children right r absorb them, but Mr. Farrar informs fie plunges la the direction of the FWt'ttit.r.'s HERO. him that this in merely one of his flying feeble cry; it conies again, even as they vi icy to his old friends, preparatory . go, and guides them, lIie t noon. A .smuts, breezy, July 1 to a still more pralengeii absence a "All right, my children "." tie calls thy- -:toe :nes and scarlet meets tint- abet. telt IIsi +�.ni yet further afield— evril basil " we are (twang.Iee t •:n�sg outside the muslin curtains of the Is an infallible 1- in rdy for 1,;u1 Legs, Ball Beeeea. tl1.l ' mise", t`eie enol t'il't t . It up a Toed heart,.poor little ne troll nt u , , e i f; f;m)„us for tient aid lthvuutatiete COME ONE, COME ALiL. "To trouble to ,how Goods. "ANEt' ' CKAR liTiNQ«'NEU kll+al�ll+aDli��SR 'TU PILLS Paarify the lticoil, entrees all Isle -sok rs of the LAW it, ST(1�I:i0II, KI1 » 1';1 S, A N 1) f'hey ivvigeratt" and 4t- toil to health Debilitated t ooetitutiotas, *eel are invaluable iu ::13 Complaints incidental to Mein:tics t' 't all a;,,• . For ,1mil.lu n atmat VIP need they ars onietl '-' THE OINTMENT to litseia,• -11e lst received ani appoint- i i sl lc v a :meet, salt,st •on Hea- ve -0 to St. Petersburg, throng i the win bo mai you iii a nm)nit'nt. `„eti,l wining in, and it is Lis own iron good 4,31**of an influential friend, and Ouco again the weak cry answers bel in whn.h he lies, his own attire will ee art for that far•a;ff laud iu a ver} back --this time nearer ea.t—farther up roots in. w hien he rests -it is Isle Per - tet weeks. II' ii tired of Ft:yal, and the mountain sialeend before it has tirlie ei; ie home --it is Messy who o his monotonous a Istel s: a there. y quite .died away:—with a groat, glad shrill tone:; Ito hears down -stairs, and it "" •l ate, as old Tim tells rue, a rolling terrified shout the two mien are upon 1,.., - I. is his father, whose face bend,; Ston,,, that will never gather much them, and ha';'o eagle seized one in tis abeee hint. as he awakes. moss," 110 says, "but at least 1 ueednot arms. itew fast it „rows dark;' 11. caught; it is Snowball who is in the choiree hint, then there is a Iong, lou;, Dr;: r,aux c•• crams, scanning the hoer arms of M. Deeeresux, And the two ion„ :silence. lett. " 1 WW1" mild have daY'tiglitteen are holding thele close, hard, joy " 2ly boy 1 my boy 1 my Johnny ! 4 tea wise •t as lan?Ini;. At least we will1 full anti—Jolutn y blushes all the rest Dr. Macdonald says, and then there is It ve a Rill n1Qen: ' of i,h 1ife to remember it, he is being silence' again. e;; is rising now,'" Farrar says, - Flit; Jtalntu recovers, and hie first die- . -e: tl 1: t .trust be within a mile or so y .isscd hj the taesardcrl lips of t :ir .; t'.)ustgl t is—that he is awfully Of .r• a :swoop near, I °�„ hun xy1 Ills hollow, but always beau. We t • i)arc+Iiuntil luoruin•�before i ,are lluu tft)ts Dieu!" cries the t- , 'r fu diel; them, oven if they aro ou`' the ' .table C,'an•t,11;ti1,••liow nein I rejoiced! I, l fui e'er., Mole at Ina father, thie, )ow•ball, lea prate -iuy aunel - low is arcuu'i the Loom. muitn'_,mn: It ng as wide circuit, my i t with ou?'' Pupa'. sae. s end tins reeent it .n )d alt getaer impa.� ebbe in "Put y „ " 'tT psan:' eterei mu I ut Luc, down, answers a weal. --oil, 3 „ such a poor, little weak voice—but ' I want something to eat. taiutiy imperious still. " Pat loo down, I)i 1lt:ctiouall laughs, but a trisl4 pleaeo at once I must—hold—Reno " bnsl"ily:. Instantly a china bowl and :a -•Lyse, ," he cries Out. vc t t ttt forever a in one place." It is Jolauny whom '41';; Farrar has Teo' thin arms uplift, a erect so`e l pit Sa;1;l+tWDF.i4S OF Luc Limn 11: ria lin i,i1t :1L. For Sore Throats, Brt•nehitis, C'r•rgbe, (,.';,Ids, tiian'lnlar Swt•I1iugs end an rein tui i:)�, '" it bee no iit;il ; soul ft.r eautroetett auel stiff Nuts it acts like a charm. The pins anti Qi^,...cut are soul at rnONa+ Ifoii,+,w,ts',i l ,tablislt)n+�nt, 78, NEW ON.l'i D•ST1:L1;T late MSall, OXL'laltll.S1Itltl•:'i`►, LONDON also by uenrlx every re:l":etable Voider of Medicine, in Ilexes and F, Ott„ lis., 4'�r.. said 3l:la. trach. Tlsc 2s. thl size touts:ins dire thud, the tcaautitc of th is i jd,. eize ; the 4s. CA. sire six ; the lis. size Sixteen ; the L'2s size tbirtythr, r ; and ib b:h size fifty.two tittles the tltt^aitity of the :•iu,sll0.at Ilos.ea enol Pots. Fill retitled tlirtetions are alfxt•d tot aeh ltnx and Pot, anti caul he lout m any laugnage IA's.' 1'urcbm:era should look to the Label on the Pots asisl Daus. 11 the address is not ,93 Oxford Street, T 'athru, they are spmtrioue. f l . v,• &eel them up badly," •• Do yon think,'" Farrar asks, with a herd breath -that there is really hope? Su days ea dist barren hillside without shelter or food—" lie breaks off. " Without shelter, perhaps, certainly not without foots. Raspberries anouua --not very :ntisfactory dant, but casual to sustaining life for a few days. And she was 5itttnK when the found her, so breast and a fiver wing in an tient, no doubt they' brought a luncheon site had boon sitting for hours, waiting And a glass of such old port as you basket with them—all do, who are plc. u: w rr tasted!" • for death--tints—Rene in her lap. nicing or berrying there. hope for the Mr. Farrar lets go Johnny, and is ,Tohuay rolls his oyes up in one rap - best, mu unci. It is true we may find kneeling beside the prostrate bey. Ono turoas glance, but pauses not for idle thein in a pitiable plight, hut also, 1 glance only he gives to Snowball, re- 'speech. There is no time. All at once feel sure tete shall find thee- lice °lining against a knoll,too far gone to be Pauses- " Ali Reno. l•- •whore is :limo e what silver spoon aro in Johnny's hands. is is papa. , -�• —what--what—what--" Desereaux pauses "'vs ees 's vex best, vex stropgest — 7I. Desereaus pauses.. ]u consterna- y � y' y g • . tion. She ]las slipped out of his arias, broth. Rat and fear not. A chielten is and down en the ground a; ain,aud lifted preparing, Johnny --such a•fine, fat fol:. back into her lap the head of Rene. So low ----aril for you! You shall have a " 1v1 t this,?' arpets, Carpets ' ' " 011-h! papa—Rene 1" " Is doing well, thanks to the good God and the untiring care of 'my good Patel Farrar. I have but this moment left his side. I am now going back. You can spare me, my dear ?" " 011, yes, papa," briskly re -attacking the bowl, " I can spare you." Silence again for a space—the bowl very near the bottom by this time, and Dr. Macdonald, smiling down on bis son, Johnny looks up. " And Snowball, papa ?" " very welll—very well, I am happy to .ay. My sweet little Snowball1 Johnny i Johnny ! hots* can we ever be thankful enough Y" No response from Johnny—the spoor taut the bottom of the bowl clinking b; this time.. "Rene will not ice ill?" " We do not know --we hope not. He speaks little—he is too far spent, but ho takes what we give him, and sleeps a great deal. In that, and in his youth, we hope. If Heaven had not sent Paul Farrar, and my very good 'friend, M. Desereaux, last night, Rene would never have seen morning." Dr. Macdouald's voice breaks—ho turns and walks to the window. He is a tall, stooping, gentle -looking old man, with silvery hair, and beard,and face, and eyes soft, gray, and wistful, exactly „Heaven grant it. If we can but get them home before the dear old doc- tor returns-----" He interrupts himself again, too an- xious to put his thoughts into words. The daylight is rapidly fading out, a brilliant night is beginning, moonlit, starlit, calm. The sea runs high ; they can hoar,long before they approach, the thunder of the surf at the base of Chapeau Dieu; but the men who bend to the oars with such right goodwill are men who will effect a landing, if landing he within the limit of possibility. Sugar Scoop, too, when they reach it, seems fairly free of reefs and rollers. They steer with care; a great in -washing wave carries them with it, up and in on its crest .Two of then spring out, up to their waists in the water, and draw the big Boat high and dry on the sands. The landing is effected. "And no such troublesome matter after all," remarks M. Desereaux. " These fellows know their business they are boatmen born. Now to find the children. Here is the path M. Farrar— you have forgotten, doubtless, in all these years. Follow' me." " Make her fast and come on my friends," Mr. - Farrar says. " We will disperse in different directions, and shout. if they are here, and alive, we will find them surely in an hour." "Ali, m'sieur, Chapeau Dieu is a big place,," one says. "! We will do our fully comprehend what is taking place. >ike Johnny's. best. They aro being rescued—a fact that Rene is •a brick, papa, cries Johnny, They secure the boat with a chain, only clearly dawns upon him now. warmly; " an out-and-out trump 1 You and file up the steep path after their Snowball, too, revives somewhat, but would not think he had it in him. He leaders. -It is a path some: two miles she will look at no one, are for nothing, starved himself to look after Snowball'; long, straggling and winding in a serpen- save Rene, he told us stories, he read to us while tine fashion, to a green plateau on the " We will do" she whispers ; "give he "could speak. Papa, may I get up,?" mountain side. something to him. Make Rene open his. II you feel able, my son; but I would advise--" " Oh, I feel all right—a giant re- freshed. I can't lie here, you know, like 'a mollycoddle, and have Ma'am Weesy coming in and--." " Kissing me every minute," is his disgusted support herself, Rene's dark head lying on her lames. She does not look at him ; she seems past care, past hope, past help ; she sits, her mournful eyes never loavmg Rene's deathlike face. " \Istat is it ?" Desereaux asks, " not e ee "No," with a quick breath, "' Tkthiuk. not. I hoes not: something terribly like r tl, ria nas swooned through +a ., .bn, I take it. He is very far You will carry him to the boat, ; ;t, ";t fellows—we willcarry them all. of these children can walk. Snow- l', nay little one, Come to me—give us • .ic. I will carry you. Come." lle gathers her in his arms—a light E •c•i,;ht-a feather weight now. She snakes no resistance ; she lets Rene go ; head drops helplessly on his shoul- der ; her eyes close. Two me a comp after with the two boys, .and Johnny, even in this supreme hour, is conscious of the indignity of being carried like a baby, and makes a feeble effort to assert himself, and his legs. It is of no use, however, he is unable to walk, and ;gives up after a few yards, with the very worst possible grace. For Rene, be lies like one dead. They reach the boat, got the young people: w, and proceed to . administer weak brandy and water. The stimu- lant acts well with Johnny, who sits up after a swallow or two, and begins to Here they pause for rest. Silence is eyes." about them, night is around them— Easier said than done. All that is silence and night, broken only by the possible to, do, Mr. Farrar does, the booming of the surf. So still it is that stimulant is placed between his locked the cedars and spruces stand up black teeth; his hands and face are bathed and motionless, like sentinels guarding and chafed, bet the rigid lips remain " in grim array their rocky fortress over closed, the dark eyes remain shut, - the thought, but he restrains it. Please. the " sea. And then M. Desereaux up- hands and face icy cold the ghastly hue may 1 get up, papa, and go down ? lifts his voice: of death leaves not. I'll be as careful of myself as if I were "•Rene—Snowball—Jean 1 My WI- , " Can you talk, Johnny? Don't try eggs." drat, answer. We are here."you. if it hurts How is 5 that w. 'Ana Continued on 3rd page IVIURRAY & CO London, Ontario, Have on hand the most modern and richest stook of • House Furnishings IN TlitE DOMINION. CARPETS.... Stook of Carpets, larger and of greater variety than all the carpets in the city of London. OIL CLOTH....1,000 pieces Oilcloth, new patterns and beautiful designs, from 1 to 8 yards wide, cut to fit any size rooms, sold at whole- sale prices. RUGS....563 bath and oilcloth Rugs new designs. LACE C O RTIAN S....1,000 pairs (new patterns) German Lace Curtains, from $1 to t'8 per pair; usual prices from $1.50 to $10.50 per pair. 'DAMASK....•Four cases German Damask, purchased at re- duced prices ; beautiful patterns. COJOA MATTING.,..500 pieces Cocoa Matting, from half yard to three yards wide; Job in prices. ENDS CARPE,TS....100 ends Tapestry Carpets, 1,000 ends Wool and Union carpets, 750 ends Oilcloth, to be cleaned out at any price. FANCY MATTING....1,000 pieces Fancy Matting, from 25c. to 750. per yard ; reduced prices. HEARTH RUGS....1,000 beautiful Turkey, Brussels, 'Vel- vet, and Tapestry Hearth:Rugs, to be cleared out at cost. • TAPESTRY CARPETS....Just received : 500 pieces Tap- estry Carpets, from 35c, to 500. per yard. PIANO and TABLE COVERS... -Job Lot of embroidered Piano Covers, embroidered and velvet Table Covers, much less than usual price, BLANKETS and FLANNELSO....wing to the . stringency in the money market we have been enabled to purchase a lot of white and colored Blankets, white and check Flannels much below the usual prime. THREE-PLY CARPET....Just received : Fifteen pieces three-ply. carpet. CRUMB CLOTHS...,One bale new designed Crumb Cloths. Call and exs'mle our stock before purchasing, as no one will, or eau, do bettor with you. 1) 4das-wt. and 125 Carling st.