HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-17, Page 1VOL.• XI >t ETE1t1 ONT., PRUBSDAY APBLL 1? 1 UGARR, SYRUPS, S1>WWLS. PICKLES, N P SOAP, Just i ieceiv'e(1---F CORNED BEEF LUNCH TONGUE PIGS FET J31t*CUITS, LAIitt:&DON tii,ItRIiG OONCreCTIONARY, P11G;lii i &L)t>11"aS SWEET CORN. Try U. A Ire flue tobeete as Thorley's H & 0 rood—beat in the market. TEAS COFFEES OATMEAL CORNMEAL VICTOR rt(AP ORANGES LE ~IONS 0RAN B M; IiRIES. (4. A. R'YNDMAN LEGAL. LT W. HALL, BARRISTER, SOLI NOR 'etc Otdee £u:xuuasolPsillock, Exeter. PI NTAta, KINSMAN, DENTIST. i.,. D.8* Sporting Brevities. Dprrcan be w,•itit $20,000. 11. . Shale, tit g ing 10 le)' tNun Legs Amerind tioytlist of the Minsiter opponent Two D•n.to)i men genets of cribbage, ere ie one gime nit Menne. alyets, and Withiten, the Itserenrov athlete.+, aro tv Si ea to Pout- c'tllee Block. cull ill Jtute. Soatl..ud in '4 laud at A -h 0413 gnat 10 nine+, ani the I+1i•gU.h reeve getee to noire, W, S. Georgian Teeth ex- traetedwitir out pato. MEDICAL st 11t . II YN I)11 A N.-,-CO1t()N, li FOR L! t:.ctrounteo;ttlnr,,u...Riee,nslrt doe%t.ai atr.1., ' R .Yr1frit:, tt ore..xoat n' I W. 1�31tOWNIN(i M. 1)., .NI. G' tr• r :4.:1ra.luare 4 ictorial utsuraitl • Onto tttdeestdauce.1)on .iorr,abotatcay.Exeter , lt, J..3:. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S. Cl, (alone, Main fi*,Rxeter.t)nt. Residence house recently occupied by P:Rena fps, Fag, • 11131.'Z, 1I. D., ernceta era residence Exeter. 1 IR. IRVING, .3-RADUATE CNI �-/ Nn1tSITY 'inettyColletiMember Cellos° pu+•et,;iant• t td ,trr;tuoua Oe):... Olenrirkton .1t1'UR1 V7.'Zt'F�S. f A.\IL"'S oIu1"a, (JuuYTY AucT oN P near. Salesp-on ptlyuttondodto. Days of •talesarrauved.attb.s atilt* NAONEYTO LOAN ON RiEAM. tutu forth° Huron & Eric Loan Ravings -, 4cioty. Luw tato, of interest. Apply to John Spackman, Exeter. 3. CLARK, Agent for the Us- • borne and Ilibhert lfutual Pireinaurancc Company, Residence —Farquhar. Orders by mail irnnt,•tly .ttendedto. TUs. HUDSON, C011MISsIONER e in the Court of Common Pleas—needs, lTart+;agcs,Leuses,and ell forms of agree- ", ' menta drAwn and executed according to haw, OFFIUI:—Ie) tate Centennial Hotel Block, ilen- all, Ontario. ' : ONEY 'CO LOAN A'1' 6 AND 61 l�� per cont, accor"'inn to terms. Private i•'ands. Apply to 13. V.l'.LLIOT, Octoborl5,'80 Solicitor, Exetm itt 51 Minutes 20 e'1 eravione red natetent. Tho 1 ..tl tec••rd writs 52 '1"11M wrestling between rlltts.1/lrt at,ese, aud Andre hive; of the ,"Jap" falls in five. The O d. Tecum Letelon have orgy a meulberehip of May under the net Base -ball Club." The University teem* 0 •tntirt,lge told Oxford was won by Combo ilige by 2 lengths, The race bread- along series of successes for for Oxford, wtuuli had won the four pr, ct:t:ding cante*ls (3aptain TritynorAritin flare Bath, ht ., April 5 lh, to row to Now York ie) a doug 18 feet long, gal 5 ft wide, having a cabin and two air tight lattice. He oohtenla•late maki;:g an attempt. to row across the Atlantic, eluting In June and carrying t.:ur in)nthe pro- visions. Wm. Page Phillips, one of the best known and fastest of English eprini- ors, died suddenly on March 26th. Ha won the 100 yard ohatnptouehip of England in 1880, 81, 82 beeidee hold• ing the belt Attlee U • record in the world at 120, 1510 820 yard. In a prize fight at Cumberland, :1I. 0., betweeu a Hungarian named f , ! ! Nicliveet and an uulcuown, supposed MO .Ei Y to bo Kilrain of Boston, there were 58 I canitneany amount of Money onfarm se- rounds fought with no advantage. .A. ewer att0,a}mad 7per cont•according toterms 3ryOf foul was raised ani a riot fol- lowed, in witch. Nickvest was killed and a number of others seriously wounded. One of the longest :. iov'l tights on record took place at Philadelphia, be- tween John Welch add W'n. Sheriff, the Prussian. Shrine;', $i' O a side. Seventy three rounds were fought, lasting five hours and sic Initiates, at J. CLARIC, COMMISSIONER the end of which time the fight was • in the Court cf Cemmnn Plias•—Deeds, declared a thaw. Both men were Wills, efortgages, Leases, auelall forms ofagroe. very badly punished. intuits drawn and executed accor' ing to law. MONEY TO LOA'S O TEaAL ESTATE. Parties wish. Mr. John Henueey. of New York, ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland,or to pay oil existing mortgages willend a great saving by giving me a Doll, Can bred bull terrier in the world. The load money ate and 01 per sent. according to dm ie *near white, 18 months old,aod Lerma. N.J.CLARE. tri weighs only 81,- pounds. She was pre - 1' OaR SALEM -To O•STORSE and Y FRAcre &nE• recited to kir. Peter Duryea, in Eng - ' on the Thames Road, 2} miles east of laud, by Mr. G?0. AtkinBOn, Of the Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving London Sporting Life. Mr. Henneay • p 'valuea his dog at $143 a pound. athlete, is said to acre pugilist, le N e Zealand. atwptoe, female ie to neve .Ilioago• played 20,001 to of the play f ilia .tiler. ray. Froderiok noels amateur gldnd,and will defeated Eng. of belt by one ay or two laser, tf•'atf•d Wnieo, 4 Just ran 10 ;glee nude. brc'nktng Regius, is said to have discovered a mailer who eau perform more tricks in a shslt then bhtn.'elf, His name ie Sealey. among loamy feats, Seeley pilo tow In a twelve inch sbell,firat attend. ing on his feet and then on his head. He also evvings heavy Wien olttbt iu hits elleli. Wait t it Is said is will. lug to matt. the We•teru wonder ageing any of the trick performing experts, ..4 •-'r The Hay Agricultural Society. The se000d reticular. meeting of the I3ty Branch A:trionitur,*t S, aiety woe Meld in the Town Hall, Zurich, on tllonday, the 81+1 nit. The fol. lowing offiiaere and directors being present, viz t H. Heirock, Viae mei but ; D S- Feast. Secretary ; and 11I,. Karcher Wm. It/Ziff, Job» Volt- er. Di. Buohnnau, Jatnee b'aneon, 11 bort TtfuAltister, Wtu. Buchanan nod Alexander AfaEwen, directors. "rite prohibit& being eluent Ate Hey. Agriisutltuitows. The following I a +iaoudensatian of the °pinions given 1111.1k•a resolution curled at the .first ginoterly meeting of the .Prluce Albert Division ,range, • T'ba Neve Scotia Legislate:re is egts Pealed to prorogue next T'pltttradeste, The G'Iverner-General till vr.lie hold at Batuteli an the 27th Irisresb, Manitoba during tbo oamint4atntusr. and that farmers natty leave an apaper. He will snake a eb' rt afar :t,'Qbioago lenity to disouss. Mr' M. McQtuade,1 e't route. Secretary,. wits enstruolstt to publish a After the p•esetrt °om 11ion 120 Ifs '_„ Chilebriat sol](,l,trewp mit be ufiered see ars, in Canada, as it had not, promise slide rset=.ry, , wi4lto Tboe Clerk, of Truro, ilmsulor of en improved car fur traneper•atlion of eatile, hoe received an eirgytttt gold ataoclal awarded by the f unteene Astro iodine). F No light La Well y.,:. t o Ot. the tragedy on Gnat idle:• It i Wed- eynopais of the pr We are of opinion 1 1. Too uteuy smell 2, That loo molt oy theta. 8. That the some it4a1 are often 'hewn in several of the small ones and Chau in the Comity shot which de. tract from the public serest. 4.. 'Tat by reason f so many needs[ Various tltru►teY fa* advsil= small shows the intere4l* not token that abonld be, end thy cannot it. l c"4. A reward of #1it000 been ford to give prizes worth o impaling (,5arod for the reeove;y or eddor,e for ; while it much lase *ere trimmed uudy. . together itt one comfy show, prizes , The Grandl I.rnnk C:atnpstn'y 14 anx- and oath erition would; bring out ton" titer it" •':n1tl:tgrx r;honid alt rig° rook took the chair, and the �Saore- stucls.and implements that would ono fife Pledge int t0 'l .e.'l: 1:t4•;xicattng tart' read the minutos of Net regular for real benefit. . inencre. In i circ rtes east ••ut by W. meeting which were tldopced, after. 5. That Gutuneteteut aid should 3• ti 'nor, thin Snpara:tettdaut, the which Or. Buohauan was appointed be given only to comity fairs, cud; kdvantn>tes of total 04401400e Aro Presideut in place al Hugh Love, sett, net to l nelier 0065. glinted out, ifs, decorum&. The reeignetiau, of Mr. 8. Only one plana should be fixed, A, laborer at wank on a eltr.t•stortty Robert, l3roderto.c on a:oount of ill named ie) ■orae central yaw itt exult 14114444 et I)orolt("atar (Qfate•) felt a rofessional etc health .vert aeon ted and oil motion counts far tiering and [feta exhibitions. re) tanca of 2G feat, , Meg on hilt ntet•. rentor ie) hie plyoo, air. Jt'lin Reith! for the rale of otadk and *0pletsleltta, 1 U " Bei au srbteie 11n rr i w ao , at C"Ievt laud, j was also appoiutt d n director to t s(1 nape t tulle prevtunsly lir. Joseph Broderick appointed R di' 7. That thane shows Quetta eery, bead and ehuuldere. After rt'oover- fi h as well for du i`tiritt t e even e , u resented i woe . the vacancy owueed by Mr. Hugh 8. That at this rr aerate (ober Platt Th" oap.aty oarnciaiettinairt under Love. The directors alien took into of easy aoceai gea,cterly fairs ultuuld t alta Ltamiuinn Iriunarse Act St, dollts, consideration the prise list far the be faxed for the sale or pinches/0 s'f fall show whioh was trade as ecru YtoOK, 08y anent the beginning of parte and liberal a•t the Nude of the August, or when graes.fed beef wi l society would allow, and after attend be fit for the miring, as by this plan lug to a ounaiderable amount of other buyers told slier* sound begot togeth. necoessery business the following re• aolutiono of ooncoleuce was moved and °+trod raoe be- carried unanimously Moved by 11. lluyrook, esoonded by Wm. McKie, that we tho directors of kistu the Jap. Itrsl, resulted in the best throe b*ao.ball club of for 1884, with and will view f the ""Loudon Private Funds a specialty. Charges moderate, fl \V Ii:1LL,Barrister,Exeter. /-1LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE \ .5 AGENT. Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property At,lowestratos of interest, runt on terms to suit borrowers, A number of first-class Farms for sale. Mortgages b ught n,nd sold. Office in Fansores Block Exeter shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -boating trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re- tired farmer gill be sold cheap for cash, AP It is proposed to settle the dispute ply to THOMAS ALLIN, E..eter P.O jy 10-t1, as to who is the champion 100 yard professional runner of America, and C. M4NNIwchs entral Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting ,1tc, t Clean towel for ovory customer, `*../ race—Prizes, $500 to first, 200 t0 , Rest coo • to Central Hotel a 2nd. Entrance fee, $50, and each mai entering must take hie oath to try to Win. . The Sidney Mail is responsible for Established in 1803. the 1. Hoeing :--In a match played HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. at Psralnatta between lie,,: srcoud Thisoom>:.anv has been over Eightteen years eleven of the Alfttede and Uotrteit and usurcessful operation in Western Ontario,and 'Harpers team, a wOnderfni bOwliilgj continuos to insure against loss °relamn o by er, withmutual adyeutage. The time for holding fall shows to be fixed to suit the parakeet) of steak for win. ter feeding ; and the spring enure for the sale of shippers to foreign meta N.13., are puzzled to kuow tfhere the money ie) to come from to�y ofa- flls. There is only $7 to band. Th have m arthl'ad Govern. Intuit mu regard to the matter. Sheriff D.tuoett, of Bitltpwat, N. B„ has been acquitted of Warty by Sti. nendary Magistrate *Laughlin. The oharge of misdemeanor will be proceeded with. Thief otliaer opened the Hay BranchAgrieuttnral Society kote, aud for the sale of spriuger0 or shies lettere and seized the ooutenle in meeting assembled desire to record granters. to satisfy a judo;.;scut wtaudiug s- our (Whigs of sincere regret at the M. Ma dv i0ec. .tstuit the person to who the letters death of our late preltdeut, Mr. Hugh `I'' i-«- . 1 - e' "o°'t'-' ' "� Love. Sr,, which occurred when on a _ pp Wm. Rosser, of Montreal, ,iu a fit visit to hits native country, and while Not Fctr tam Uoine. I of despondency omitted by financial we tnisa his o teerful ounuten nee, and®\ra Condensed, the waut of his ivies aouueels at •flee eharelt driers of the Plttkhill tele meetiuga of this auoiety, oven' Salt Wolin have resolved to collect ?ht tosses, attempted suicide by throwinghiruaelf from ,4n auto window of Itis morning, Ho was taken to the hospit- al Thursday mornin. suffering from preBit httd for the last btx Acme the bdhanco of un akl calla and " years with credit to himself and bane p„ a broken thigh, aud though badly to extend the capital to 010,000. Hurt may possibly recover. He is a fit to the eooiety, to o;ttoud our .1lehars. S. Borry and 11. Happel' member of the firm of Bowes & it a- beart [alt sympathy to his b•+reaves shipped a fine ear Load of horses from eor. aidow and family in tits great loss , they have swaged. d. Homan ou Tuesday lot Pennsylvania. Frank Taylor, the defaulting clerk The load wag made up principally of l of the Merchants Bank at 13e1leyiile, alovoa uy lvm. lsuouauau, ded by Robert McAllister, that we re- good drivers with a few heavy gret to learn that Mr. Hobert Bode• draught,',. riek,oue of the oldest and most les- Cho following is a summary of the Dratted members of this eooiety, is for- busruose done at the Seaforth post. ffice 1 ' the threw months cud cad to roeien his position as director g ou account of continued 31 •health,'and Ing March 31st : Deposita in the Seer. while we extend our sympathy to him pmitesaid, Bank, $38,000 ; bank cheques in his protracted illness wo express ornera$yaict,$4.000, aud .000 :orders sstamps sold, the hope that his health may yet im $1,183. Provo, and that a kind Providence lllr Geo Lewis, of Brjusley, hired may yet see fit 10 spare his life for Pet Murphy to work on hie farm for a year. Pat got Lewis to give his note for $145 In purchase of a horse and bugler, wherewith he might drive about ,tt,d see his girl. Pat drove too far many yearn of usefuluoss as the guard- ian of hie family, and the joy of his home. The meeting then adjourned. the directors resr.iving to aparo no of fort 1 t make the Zurich Fall Show one night and has not eines returned. for 1884. the best ever held by the On Thnrlday,Af last woek,H. Hood society. left Kippen for Pease, N. W. T. tak ing with him a carload consisting American Newspapers In 1S84. of household effects and stock. Mrs. From the edition of Messrs. Geo, Hood and family started on Monday. P. Rowoll & Co's AMERICAN NEws- Mr. John Watt, of Hills Green, and PAPER DIREOTORY, IOW in 1)[0519, it ap same Mr. R. illellia, a Kippeu, left On the wish pears that the newspapers and per and pleasant journey. them a safe y. iodioals of alt kinds at present issued At a meeting of %he "Active" La- in the Unite States and Canada reaeh Crosse club, StMarye, ou Tuesday, a grand total of 13,402. This is a opening last, the following officers net gain of precisely 1,600 during the were elected for the comiug season : last twelve months, at d exhibits an Hon. President, H. F- Sharp ; Hon. increase of 5,618 over the total num- vice-president, J. Ohalmera,jr. ; presideni, Wm. Andrews ; vice-presi• dent, James 'Thompson ; captain, W. J. Gillian; seaetery, Leon Ford ; trent- urer, R. W. Eaton : ma raging com- tnittee, Fred. Gillies, e. Whelihan, Leou Ford, R. W. Eatou and W. Gillies. The club will uo doubt be a strong one this year. A. curious freak of nature may be seen on the premises of ldr. Samuel Wallace, lot 2,4th con., Tuokorstnith, iu the shape of a calf with five legs. On the left side there are two, hind legs attached together from the htp down to the knee joint, with skin,and from there down are separate. At the preHent time it alive and doing her peblished jute ten years alone. for that purpose the Pittsburg sports The iuc:ease in 1874 over the total for men will hold a meeting in Alleghany 1873 was 494. During the past year City. The track Will be put in the the dailies have increased from 1,188 finest shape poesibl". I1 will hoopoe to 1,264 ; the weeklies from 9,092 to to all Americans -100 yards scratch 10,028 ; and the monthlies from 1,000 to 1,490. The greater inore.tse is i0 the Western States. Illinois, for la. stance, now shows 1,009 papers in piece of last years, reported iu 1888. Other leading Western States ante exhibit a great percentage of increase The tete] number of papers in New York State is 1,528, against 1, 399 in 1883, : Canada hes shared in the gen- 'eritl increase,a rr1iE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. P` Dili' g Mer h nd'se Manufacto ' s and feat' was aoo�'mplrshed by Smith, of the former'olub;who opened the match by by bowling five wickete 10 five oou seeutive balls. At t110 close of the iuninge he had- taken seven wI tltA& for nine runs. Ota the same day Hyder of Chu Peraulatt club took nine wickets (four 10 one ower) for three rums. •ire, u" m s, a s t ries, all other doscripti01S of insurable property. In tendiubinsurorsitavc the option of insuring on tho Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ton years tl is Company has issued 57,090 Policies,covering property to the amount of $40,872,038; and paid in losses alone 5700,152,00 - AssetR, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash in ,.Yank, Government Deposit, and the uuassessoci Premium Notes midland and in force 3, W Wer". DEN, ti D. Preside' t. C. 6I. TAYLotz,Secretary J. D. Humans, Inspector. CHARLES SNELL ,.gent for Exeteranclvioinity. The'Presb,'teriat. Synod ef. Hamll ^ ., ,net at' Seaforth,' Monday ,,:pave A. (,well. Mr. Wellsco Was offered $10 U: McDonald, of Soafor(ll, preached: for . it, which ue refused, and is at the ripening sermon. Rev. W. Fletctl- er,,of Hamilton, was elected Modera- tor. preeent neg•.ttiatiug with the Zoo Managers at Toronto to take the cur- iosity. has written to the local manager, re- turning the cheque.' which he stole some weeks ago. along with $1.268 in cash, and expeesa1ng his regret at having neglected to retail them be- fore. He refers the bank author- ttea to his father at Oshawa for a settlement of his defalcation. Thursday night; or early Friday morning burglars outered the hard- ware store of lIortin & Christie at Windsor, and carried off all the knives, razors, etc., they could get together, .o the value of about $600 or $700. Entrance was effected through the back part of .he store, where they one out a window. Jilack Sinners. Crime among the negroes of elllar-- leston,'S. 0., state is said to be in. creasing. At the present term of the Court at Marion County, twenty col- ored persons wore sent ro penitent- iary. One was convicted of beating his child to death. Another for fie tally whipping a colored mat. Two were convicted of shooting au unof- fensive colored farmer. Four ()there were sent to prison for riot. At the spring tern in Newberry County . fourteen convicts were Bent to pene- teutiary, thirteen of whom were color- ed. In Lawrens County seven neg. rocs were convicted and no whites. In Union County nine negroes were convicted and no whites. In Spar. tanburg County fifteen negroes were convicted and five whites. In other circuits the ratio of crime b.eiiveeu whites and•nagroes is about the same. A hired man named James Winkle - bah, of Watton, 111. has been ar- rested for the murder of an aged couple named Fteotwood. There was uo money in the shouse. Tho cause of the crinis. is unknown. Winkle- - bach shot hie victims and then crush ed Omit skulls andfired.Lilo bed, when the datightor, who slept up- stairs, snxelled the smoke and iuquired tho cause. 'Witiklobach told her to jump out of the window.