HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 8•
.1GRIGG I Important To Hotel Keepers.
4 - At the Division Court, London, before His
Honor Judge Elliott, a case of interest to
i hotel men was derided. The plaintiff sue4
an hotel keeper a the city :or the price of a
Wb.olesale and Betail
I set of harness, which was stolen from the de.
femlaut during the heeling of the last West-
ern Fair. His Honor deckled that the de-
fendant was liable .for the price of the liar -
0 03MS EralasEre nes°'
EXET1.111, ONT.
f Local Brevities.
Plouebing bas again coonneueed.
ruioo prayer moetiuge aro distoutinuea.
Sugar -making is about over. The season
lute proveu to be a comparatively poor one,
On Thursday last, as Ur. C. Fink -
Wrier, of this piece, teas driving along
;log through the beeh, it became en-
taugled andheut,itud the ehein break-
' ing, it suddenly sprang back, striking
Mr. F. ou the leg and breaking it in
three pieees. Big alene he =nag-
ed to crawl and unhitch the 'horses
land orawling on top a stump, got, on
/horseback and rude tome. urgio-
al assistat.oe was called, and we nit',
glad to learn that the leg is doing fay
, A draiu ia bang rut io on the street lead- orably so far. \1 nob sympathy is ex.
lug to the Schoolpressed for ..‘lre F. in his severe mei We are wew showing an Immense Variety of •
iDIR,"r-0-007,)$ 1 •
flees. Diekeon and resew, exchanged put.
Pits Suuday morning last.
To -morrow will be good Fritle•y, anti next
-^e"-- Sundae', Easter Sunday. Eggsactly.
CEN'TSper lino fere:telt, sabsequen* ite.
elite CONTs per Imo •for drit Luse/Alen,. and i An eclipse of the moat will be visible iu . . The bsee-ball club has been re.
this part of the �1d this (Thursday) even- oro-anized here, and while it is 0111
*calm willbecharged for notteeeappearing in ,. •
.ong, April 10th. -
tbiecoitone. to tunadv to engage ranch it, the
i .This poem has the true fire," salt' the gaine the metubere are getting nit a
• e ditor, ee he pieced the .first spring ver -s on
grand concert, to oetne eff on the 22nd • •
Neter r .
Ilev. das. Gray. of Clinton, will take tho 1 - "
Spring goods in all Depart:met:to.
" B1i0OADES,
islets to peocare funds for the our
services in Rae Methodist Chine+, next Sato
- eitatiing of gloves. masks, etc. A
THURSDA.Y. APRIL 10, 1884. bath. good time le txpeeted, and it is sure
Our town constable keeps a dose look -out to (law a "ha:inset " he aSe., sktinile•
for those wno do not live up ta the bee a chin 15 ots.
the place.While Mr. Ed. Doseenberry vns
';`"" Malsliall has ilisPawa "I his fan" va*uttitle trotting stallion
boots mei elteee we have as, yet seen in town. the stun of SONO, Olt the Bollii 1"11. Line s-ine daye ago,
ker Wert% EN -11"t elwat"t 1(.*1: tr teeetaitoiug 100 woes. to Mr. Oahe. Eilber,for
sa". Eaer• Atse taine.mieee work ethe
The Nfollons Bank will la!, closed. teenier. it *tePPe'l inta it"ie anti brltitft nut'
d..ii as as". everY ; raw lteatel Fritlayt Roe Eester 31011414-A4re- of ite (rent legs Though efforts were
knot aloaye on 114114,Witii.e.trztuks.ehildrens . fore no person lova go to. trausaet businese. made to mire t tut leg it has ellie(/ •
Mr liopeel hoe removea from the
Every- swung Malt 611"Uld givc' Mr* Wm" ? cli i s 0 reipi el 1 that uow is the time village to his holm. on 1110 .fariu, elle
Smaltle. jr", 8. call Rua iwcure it. cci,Aio. illii 'I, zv ' al. t,ie r . , i ,,I. tio of . mile. east. of here. ThA liOnste ia just
tlw Mlitlial Enslavate- tit Ateeoletiou of Lou. to c ear tovey t le w nter e ace it i a It
filth COmpleted and i -• one of the finest
dou, etiten account of thielbetuglettp year. '
arriaeee, .1,1 I. . • , .
The voice of the bawd -tell empire will soon
be heard in the land. eqltree strikes and
ctoott Chance. •
i I -L. " PRINTS,
New (ottons, do. Sheeting, do. Pillow Cottons, do. Table
Denims, do. Table Napkins, do Towels, do, Lace Curtains,
do. Hosiery, do, Gloves, do. Laces, do Ribbons, do Corsets,
do, Frillings, do. Embroideries, do. Dress Triaunings, do.
bailey Goods of every description,
Millinery., New & St3rlish.
We would also call special attention to our magnifieent etoekoL
.Vew Ctent's Furnishings
they will terra preparcil to accent, and Le Sixty-four persons have given their names rem reeitleecee irt the &nutty.
ttappy Pima .0; rea. OS LOUR desirous of becoming members
,Tonable rates.
New felt and straw Hats, do. Ties, do. Shirts, do. Braces, do
of the Church. Ushorne Council. Handkerchiefs, do. Gloves -in all the latest styles.
i A pane of glass, iu Mr. 11 V Ellictt's Law -
Inlituery Opening.Office• wee emesbed ou Friday tileht last. It The Council met the rail day 'f I e.
Messrs. Sinnwell 64 rit.ard will on Friday y ia MIPPoSeti to hare been dome Accidently,Atli iv pll rew44a to odjottromeo"it
an o April Vitli A" 19th, un their Millinev ,i Mr John Kedtly, of ITaborns. hai arrived .1 ,,,
stiaw Room, weer., they win es,hibit, ow of , in Brandon. Mr. E. we believe. Intends ''-ite t.'11411"e'8 . Pr's6at* Miuutes “f
the finest fitoeke of Flowers. Feathers and wing into the Agricultural implement bust. previous tneeting read and confirmed.
rrieeleei aemierry in - It the latest novelties. ', nes*.
' Moved by 11. Iininey, seconded by •
All are cordially itivitel to call met exeuriue We are iii error in stating That Mr. Tire. J. Hackney, that the followiti per. ,
k Carling of Clinton, will ran the Exeter : Iutend'..; nuyers will do well to inspect nor Innuensee litodk. before making ourySpring
whether wishiust to purchase or not. 80111 he appointed noundelateuere for poreha- •-. and should ;its° War hi ntiud that our Stores are thts moat handsome and beet
.--- ,` Hotel, at the statiou ; be intended to. but a , . ' ' , ji . '
aecond. consitleretion thaneed his rubel. the ettrretst oear, ,VAZ ,:- -.atilt "Dew , lighted in Exeter. Our Stock is uevs and Choiee. No trouble to libel" Goods.
igertion or ocieers,
lite following ottleers k II the Exeter Lodge . . I
Free te all. and the party giving the correct Aildrew Campbell area Williem Gil. I
last, for the eIlIrtla quarter, by Mt, Chu.
Best quality and LOWE:Mt Prices.
Your attention is solicited to W. T. JaInt's at/11th y, John Haziewoed, Ralph
the Dominion Leharatery. Keddy, John Merley, A fred Coates,
a S. of T. owe iu.ax, a 0. mouby zventogilBellu rt.44'laul at
Deput3.4. w, p, p., yet. nutaber. reeelve tt prize.
fillau ; that a By -Law be drafted con
Bak; W A., Mies J. liquid; R S., Juo West- urge am un ° ' " ac s a' ag finning the mune, and the* the Clot k
Nati A lt S',: Mile,' Bell; F 5.5 Whitlock ; purchaeed in this county for shipment to ,
T aii
chap„ Geo. Thomas ; Treas., 11. Crocker ; Nfanitoba, Ana the North-west, where it dup()cure 23 forms contnng the din -
Con., E, Harwood ; A Con., Miss •J Muttart ; a goad sale. lee of poultd-keepere and hared there -
1 fee elise Stewart ; 0 S., W. Delve; Organ- Mr. L L nooper, who is attending the Tor. in the Munictnial y -Law relating to
Miss Fenwiek. ;auto School of Medicine, is at °regent in Exc.
- i ter visiting friends, Mr. 11. intends taking a
Close &WPM ray mot.
The following schedule uf the close season
for fish in Onterioilutiug the leer 1884,which
has iust been issued by the Department of
Marine and bishenes, may be of interest:
Pickerel, 15th April to 15th May ; maskinon- The Central and Commercial Hotels have utility the 31st of May, at 10 0 clelt
ge„ 151.11 April to 15th May; bass, 15th Apia soured licenses nutlet the McCarthy License a. in. ; that N. J. Clark be Clerk of
to 13th May. salmon trout and large grey Act. At the next sitting, more will be grant. toad Court, tool thee lie advertise the
Pounds end send a copy to eaoh
Pound -keeper.- Carried.
Sarervell PMoved by J. Halle, seconded by H,
ickara have just reeeivell ee
largo consignment of English eterney, that the Court. of Revision
Well patters in the newest designs which will for this routticipality for 1884 be held
be offered cheap. at the Town Hall, Elimville, on Set-
trout,lst November to 10th of November; ed,
holding thereof nee *Ohio to law -
white fish, let November to 10th November; A base -ball club has beau orgautzed here,
speckled trout, llitb Septeatber to let May. and a match may be expected on Good Fri-
-- day, with some distant club, providing that
Spriug Fairs. arrangements an be rasele.
Tho following are the detest Anion which
Spring shows will be held in this vicinity ; A. number of young men iu towu have sot
a movement on foot in fever of having a La -
South Huron show at Brucefield, on t pril crosre club. Everythingfs nearly in shape
16th; Crediton, on April 16th ; orranton on and a meeting for organization will be held
April 10 South Perth at St Marys,on April
15. anti Blanshard at Kirkton. on April 3.6th, soon
Sutphen tt Usbore, et Exeter, on April letie Horsemen, now is the time to look around
Hullett Branch. at Clinton, on April 15.
Hibbert Branch, at Staffa, on Thursday,
April 10.
Police Notes.
On Saturday afternoon last, a geutleinau
'from Centralia, came to town. and after be.
coming somowbat embarrassed, ealcholioally
so to speak) commenced driving up and down
Main-st., at an unusually fast speed, and at
times running into other vehicles. He was
finally taken by Constable liatnlhi, but upon
promising to go home he was let go. In the
..tesurse of baltau-hour he repeated the furi-
ous driving, and was taken in charge by Con-
stables Hamlin and Gill, who placed him in
the lock-up, 'out upon bail being furnished,
he was taken out to appear on Monday motu-
ing, when a fine of Si, together with costs of
prosecution, wore paid.
trrivate Sale.
2.1r. E. Drew intends to remove about the
lat of May, to California. In the meantime
lie wishes to dispose of a piano,
and a large
omantity of excellent householdfurniture by
by privatesales. Parties wishing to secure
such shoulki call at his residence immediat-
lately. He also offers for sale, cheap, a
splendid team of matched driving horses,
harness, single and double setts,a top buggy,
a democrat wagon, two cutters, a pair of
light bobs, all nearly new, a lawn -mower and
a lot of other articles toe numerous to men-
tion.. As he is determined to sell everything
before he leaves, great bargains may be ex-
Sacred Concert.
The .eoncert given by the White Bros., of
Paris, under the.auspices of the Ladies' Aid
Society, iu the Methodist Church, on Tues-
day evening, was very largely attended, a fact
which speaks well:for the popularity of these
singers, and the choiee music by which the
audienee were entertained will tend to stilt
furtner increase their popularity: The pro.
gramme was principally composed of sacred
music, aud it only affords another illustration
of the tact that the singer who touches the
best emotions of his audience, affords them
the most enjoyment. The simple songs ren;
dared by the cultivated voices of the brothers,
were received by the auclienee as more pre-
tentious songs would not have been,and those
who 'attended came away with the conviction
that they had been benefitted as well as
pleased by the programme provided ; and that
they thought them much -more improved
since their last visit, in the -previous winter.
The efforts of the Rev. Mr. Dieksou,the chair-
nunoto fill his extensive part of tee program-
me, met with well deserved appreciation at
the hands of the audienee. Rev.
3Ir. Pascoe also gave an appropriate address.
which was thoroughly appreciated by all.
The choir reuderal several selections appro. ,
priate to the °pension.
and oxamine borse-ents, and make your
choke. We have the best soleetion of cuts ing and gravelling for the current
in the country. Several new ones added this year, and tient the Councillors of each
season. ward be a commissioner for expend-
ing the same -Carried.
Moved by 3. Hackney, seconded by
3. Shier, that A. Bolton be paid the
said about the matter. mum of $26.18, for 14 weeks board of
There will be (D. V.) Divine Service and Thomas Bennet an iedigent.-Carried
Snead sermon on Good Friday morning at Moved by J. Halle, seconded by J.
at 11 o'clock, p. m„ itt Chriet Churoh,Exeter, liackney, that Thomas Wilson receive
calculated for assisting students preparing
Moved by J. Shier, secouded by J.
Hackney, that the lest of Petlimastere
as now appointed be coufirmed, and
that the Clei k prepare the pathroasters
sheets for distriourion.- -Carried.
Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J.
Halls. that $150 be the appropmatiou
for expeuditure in eaoh ward, for grad -
The parties who smashed a window in Mr.
Elliot's law office last Friday night are well
known, but if they settle with Arr. D Spicer
any time this week, nothing further will be
i lest week. RM
ev. r. Turnbull re-
t cenily launched ea the placid watere
!of Fiefs Creek a handsome little boat
acted by Mr. it J. R tadhouso
and occasionally indulged in the
I pleasurable parttime at boattug. Here
' tofere this mettne of pleasure has not
I been engaged in by out. villegerts used
es a couseqaenea we In bliesful ignore
atm of the tnystet iee f oaretnauelliii
However on the day in gnestion one
of them, surcharged with that quality
which every one should in sone de-
gree postess-conoeit-resolved to
give an exhibition f his skill preoar-
Mary to challenging Ed. Haulm).
Everything being ready eur hero step
ped abiard with the remark "I'll
show the parson how to row," pushed
from shore. For a little while all
went merry as a marriage hell. But
ho 1 in an instant he exchanged hie
seat in the boat tor one in bed of
oreett with the water up to his ueelc
-nearer to his month than it bee
been known to come for years -while
the tittle craft floated gently away
for the ministery. $20 to procure provisions and cloth
Drew's Stock at Auction, Don't forget thing for Joseph Hewitt and wife.-
sale this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and Carried..
on Saturday 12th at 2 & 8p. m. Sales next Moved by 3. Shier, seconded by J.
Week ou Wednesday 16th and Saturday 19th, Hackney, that Mrs. Wilson be paid
only, at 2 ck 7 p. m., each day. Make n note the sum of $5 for attendance or Jos -
of the dates and hours of sale and don't fait
to attend. You can buy a sewing machine
itt one-third the regular price at private sale.
Note the spot, Drew's Block, Exeter.
BRasra.-Fall wheat i4 looking well
in this vicinity, and Jarman', ,general-
ly,feel delighted with the corning pros -
petite. -The saw mill is kept busy,
while our grist mill is in full blaet.-
Our enterprising merchant, Mr. J.
Neeley,bas Just opened out a new and
very select stock of spring goods. As
lie has purchased from the cheapest
markets, be will be enabled to sell
goods at prides heretofore unheata of.
Mr. N. has been in business here for
the past number of years, therefore,
you can rely upon getting bargaine.
EXAMOUTION.-The • foliowing are
epli Hewitt aud wife. -Carried.
Oa motion the Council adjourned
till Saturday, 31st of May, prox.
N. J. CLARK, Clerk.
a. Farmers have made a second start
e the plough.
Spriug fair here on the 16th.
Our sidewalks are in need of re.
Every second boy you meet Ls the
possessor of a tnouth•organ. How
onr despondent spirits are cheered 2
while listening to the heart-rending
strains borne to us "on every breeze
that blows"! --
Quito a uutiber from here went to
Woodhain onA:many night to hear
a lecture lemperance by the Ex-
prtest, Riv,Witioeut DeDoringer.
Remember year failing neXt Suu-
day. 'Hen fruit requires to be used
the names of four pupils from each Girls • no. thaw; their hair with
class, who have obtained the,:,highest .wastazags.., What next I
number of marks at the weekly eXare Atit. Albert Switzer leaves for Da.
inations during the past remitter :- theta shortly.
511i class, 1st Maud Francis. 2nd J, "A race for a great prize" was the
Daucan, 8 d Chas. McClocklin, 4th subjeet feonqt which Rev. Mr, Le Gear
Martha Itlecbing ; 4th class, 1st Elmer disonursed profitably Sunday morning
Stinson, ;2nd Wrn. Duncan, 3rd S. last'
Shier, and Thos. Delman, 4th J Mill; An Educatioual -sermon will be
sen 4th class, 1st N..Switzer, 2nd A. preached in ,the Methodist Church
Francis, 3rd E Cornish, 4th Oh/tries next Sunday night by 'Rev. Mr. Har.
Irvine ; jun. ard class, 14 J. Shier,
2nd E. McClocklin, 3rd 'Carrie Fran -
chi ; 4th Jas. Ballantyne.
A"-mi•Ast amusing tfastropbe befel
a citizen of this burg i an Monday of
leaving our "Devotee of Bacchus" to
his owu reflectious, wiioh wo fancy
were anything but pleasing. Like
Horatius ot old, however, he strugg-
glad bravely for the shore, which was
soon reached amid the cheers said
well Bones of thos who had witnessed
the scene. Wet and dripping he
wended his way home thiuking doubt
lesa that after all boatiog is'nt just
what it is "cracked" up to be. Theu
let us sing long live the Quees. And
"Jimmy" long live he ! And when
you next a boating go, may I be there
to see.
1, -**4-41
List of Licenses.
The license commissioners and in.
sewers under the McCarthy Act met
it the court roue, Goderiob, oti Ition•
day last for the purpose of granting
licenses during the ensuing year. The
following applications were granted :
Gonemon-Hotels-Jaa. Bailey, J.
Brohmau, Wm, Cox, Thos. Whitely,
Hy. Tiohbourne,Wm. Oraig,W. Babb,
John A. Doyle. Snops-Hy. Cooke,
Geo. Graut, Wm. L. Horton.
CLINTEN-Eintels-Mrs. S. Morley,
Mrs. E. MoLatene Mae. Spooner,
J. Moore, M. Ke113,Ietiac Rattenbury,
Shops -Nicholas Robson.
SEAPORTH -Hotels-James Weir, J.
W. Carroll, Wm. Hawitahaw, Dennie
Bros. Shops -L. Thome; Mrs, John
Wrionsm-liotelA, Roe. 'Shops
Mullitt„ R. *Carol, •
RanssEns-Hotele,-.R. W. Tucli,T.
Hall, Feed. Fray, Fcenig & Goabel.
BLYTII-Elb s -R. oolc;, ion a.
Einigh, R. Milne. ';ethop---J. A. Mac-
AsnmeLn-Hotel-Jolizi Polfook.;
. EXETER-Hotels-4no. Hawkshave
Mary E. Oke.
WHoNETER-J. W.. Hunter. .
• Asinumn-AleX. -Young.
COLBORNE-J. A, McDonagh, ,Wtn.
Graw-Chae. Wins, Lem: Gill.
GoDEHICH TP. bur Knox.
Howicx-LiwIess & Wiggins Arch.
Moltito,h, Lachlan Campbell, U. 8.
Bu chert.
Muerte-4os: P. Fischer, John
Hay -Richard Reynolds, Jae. Cox -
IlIcKrenoe -Oat 11001)6 K113%.
TCCKERSMITII-R. 3. Turner, Wm.
Dixon, Ohne. Atezel, Wm. Kyle.
Moms --John Scandrett, Charles
STANLEY. -Wm. Cook.
USW/HNC -R. 0. Thomsou, J. Lan -
E. WA SVON0SH--.1011il Wiley.
W. Wawaxosir-John Laugheed.
The commissitiners adjourned the
meeting of the boa't'd until the 29th
When the work of liconsiug will
be again taken up and .e nupleted.
To Rent.
of4)5 acres in the FIRST CON -
C ItSgS°1011:Iitt ownship of TUCKERSMITH
L R S. for a term
t'or particulars apply to
HOB T RIcload :or to
Notice to Creditors.
All person,: having any claims against Neil
Stewart,late of the Township of Usbonoe, in.
the County of Huron, deceased, who departed
this life onthe 15th day of March, 1884. are
hereby notified to send in a statement of their
accounts with full portico', re of their claims,
and of the s ,curities (if any) held by them, to
ine, the undersigned, by post pre -paid. All
such accounts (if just end correct)presented or
sent to mo on or before the 14th DAY of APRIL
isl14, Daillpay ; but I will not pay or be re-
sponsible for any accounts sent in after that
All persons indebted to the said Neil Ste-
wart are hereby notified to send in a statement
of the amount owing or due by them to me on
or before the said 14th day of April, 1884.
Dated 24th March ,1884. Lumley 'P0
"For tdounted Polio c Provisions and Light
Supplies," and an dresse d to tbeBonorable the
President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will
be received up to noon on THURSDAY, lat
Printed forms of tender. containing full info),
motion as .to the articles and quantities re-
quired, may be had on applicfttion at the
No tender will be receive 2 unless made on
such printed forms. '
The lowest or any .ender not neeessarily ac-
ept ea.
Each tender must be accompanied by cm ac-
cepted Canadian BMW Cheque for an amount
equal to ten per cent.of Cs e total value of the
articles tendered for, which -will be rorfoited if
the party declines to 1 enter into it contract \
when called upon to do so , or if he fails to com
plate the service contracted for, If the ten-
der be not accepted the cheque will be return-
No payment will be MCA% newspapers in-
serting this advertisement without authority
halting been drat obtained.
Comptroller, -
kVAi leLaren 1884