The Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 7Some Old Cansideratieste,
er J. =nee= =T AteBir.,
l2The Puritan lies iti his torah-
_ fellow was he in his day;
But now lie's so botheredfor room
o'd Should ho rites unpb space to
23ot a foot from him down below
Great Sachem Paupmuuock lies,
With his kettle of corn and his bow,
,pled both he use. could he rise
And sit at his eases.
Right over the tivtla my bed,
Delightfully propped on the great:
,And oro at my ease overhead
I reit on two pillars of suite,
And I sloop tory well.
If they muttered a word under groan
I dare say '.would come to my ears
But I've heard not the slightest sound,
And they've slept there two hundred ye re,
So the records tell.
I reuse as I think of them there,
And sometimes I laugh to myself.
As 7. say ---What a lino o.d pair,
But how easily lata on the self.
\t'heu we youngsters came.
Tho Sachem sang in his throat.
The Put Usti twanged d through his notae;.
We sing a more lively note
Of the ruby red autl the roto;
In the awl 'Os the same
Watt)* shall hobble away
Froin the merry folk widths Ate;
""Good•hl e. • to the singers shall say.
And van from the lute and tho lyre
k roma the folk mot the shone,
less than ono nlnntll--ono year is Metter A nasal roles.. r free nit ..s It t ittt 1, s.e it seta Lt tttlh •t,f �iclrrt• or ti t t tl Vito" rr
1ittore stile g 'turtle. t --J3 shop Cat.berry ent•'rtel upon ane ale 1
Something About Tlierulontt�te~:. 1 duties Friday morning.He goes to Brautlt, d
When a theentoutet' is to. be made, •t - It is said that '1Ir. Cornelius Donovan, soots to leant airs aid of the fundsof thetrbur:li
the glass-blower first blows a bulb .lei tread master of the R.C. Dlotlel.Seneol of
the end of a long tube. While this tune pito%, has been appointed inspector of separate I 1000 Forfeit
is hoth: end of thetube is inserted in schools for Ontario. Raving the aiwoht e+Uutl.arla a to it Impel.'
the . bgrity ovsr all others, end after lhttusaia,ie of
mercury, and as the bulb cools the mer. Backlen s Allilea Salve• of the wok cora heisted. and $e 1,1
1 wthinR rnr a tyle?, st%9 l trin aura ro
Bury rises and fills, the billb. This pro-° The Rest Salve in the "arid for Cults, Bruin- cases the could find, w,t t juatifi, it in offering ►tttis.ats err. F. 9, Joon iataraarisl,irarrrtir>It
cess is repeated until the bulb and part i es, Sores. Moen. Salt libelee_ Fever .tures.: to leas t One Thousand Della a Or any case P -,--
of the tube are filled. The bulb is then I Tetter,, Chapped hands, ChUblaums,Corns. and; of coughs, oolds, sore throat, iatfleenza, hoarse- l ( " .
irumcrrsed in snow oe chipped ice and :all Stan Eruptions, and emotively curse Pales, mesa, ¢r•�nehitis, clantllrnp"Isla in its early ' ' '
the mercury settles to the freezing or no nay rocttiired. It is guaranteed to ince i stailes, whooping eough, and all themes of
point, which is marked on the scale as perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, the throat and lungs,'t tethina,for which I y f p y Salt �/�� yi �, �t
l a $ ren ai seale 15 e o' '"ts. ' ' t k. 4 E e 4 e 1 1/ i R i t l F Il ft Q Co
water, and the t w rch the mem � � "'""A telegram from Bermuda says Judge Tag- � directions.W;sample ha.hel� tatted wording to :
lowed,. ' Next the bulb is put. In boiling 8h Syrup. ,,tttE+a ;�a mei 54 .;eats,
when e p r wan x to op t l0.lir
athpe WI tt,en baso thgm return pgamo. 1 moss a mil•
co tare. I Kara suds tate Malmo or 5Th Er5L8ri1
ore+ALLINGS,rC%'tJ$a4nitle•tau,Iatudf ■arrantatlr
romedX to cam the Wort%0186@0, k.Aap4a Atbara hsv'
failed' 1, au raetnn for ,,..r nosy roeeiripg a earn. *SPA 40
oast. rat >A season@ suet a Fre* Santa of ,pr InrotnlQ*
remedy, Giro Envois and rosS Oahe• It %oaf you
,silt. f
--Iva sox AT Tui„"—
e ' F h h 't l to b £ 1 r Pries 2a cents per box For silo by d1 drug, l wn mi cF aire relief. that we awl ,cure with
nd pointo t 1a
gt.A4 IietY:1T(1. nonlyin blue, Sold y a crugeist-. or sen �a stat: esslasl[lr ole== Salt iti pal o a R r ear ha, any y .' onc' pr"" Land Fine. A
t - . & CO , 81 t S3 flint,• St. I$ast. *`E:rtlnto."int.
jarring, anti the wllol+a length of the ease of Livercoruplarnt• D, .'spas. slek held' , '-. sit comn etriea:tlotieaddressee to a der n-
tube is tested. The process ass repeated ;ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness .• I b Ghee fully g eti b -t1 a prop
8 nit wan bet,rom stl answered- the urs rig
r f t 1 b 1 t tl West's VegetableT \tell bit cheerfully },tisett by the ptupii tars 1 I y
measured li the time a standard ; l�tils when the directions are ,#riekl • eRm liRrl
IltamB& a b I � p
e isccnica !fmedieino in °mime disrzi c� r,e Ilii Ilio d lirr-r Exeter P. O.
at t
!fail togive satistarrran Sugar coated. Large
cuxy rises is marked on the scale a3 ..", sherrau was in a very low con itiott- large; bottles one drier - (leonine wrappers
212°. Ten degrees of the mercury is act b ]t F t
now detached from the column by ll til b ve et d f r by marl rets apt of oe JOHN C. i}°i "31`
wadi live de Fes o he column 'ming we cannel anreavl 1 ,rxer of 13urdlick liloud Iii lees. Warding tilt• Itrsuj
y of l iiieafics of "'wet"l3le' su r• ding by that f W. O. 13ISFpETT,
thermolneter to see if' the tub 1 with,They are purely Vegetable and never
Thy point. ,. 23 aird kidltty..ruvt•ail 1*,tn f heat i• begitnci toy
The • generally yary about two or :boxes, e•mutailtirag 3t1 1 i114 , e�nts.• For sale They y
three degrees, owing to the irregularity by all Dnwuista. 13ettare of c••ttntt ritrtst anti
possibility t.f dispute by the moat ince•editirtls
WAN .i.'�i rJi-1 `t D
of the a mcnin�' of the tube, which causes Imitations,. he (renuine inannfaetnted vele „--�llliltoauere eta veeseltuc" at Llaiuillolr 4 �.. .
tho mercury to rise slowly where site e i . aro nidkin;,",'plt invitiretu�lt for a t..c41ly np, uin[,'.t j
by ,lOti\ C. \i'l•.^,1 .t t,0.. Tlu' pill mete
d top fast, h era,,' t31 fi 83 ging street East l uruura, tial. of i gvi atle u, t" a We41 cud •,; the b,•.a- is en- t FARMS Ok A1,I, IIESC1tI1'TIONS
opening is too segs, an as . where
a tirel free hcln icl^,
the spelling is too narrow. It retlnires vise trial poeka;; sent by snail prnp:ured c.0 , y
receipt of a t' red'
o a cy Ansi p r LS
i . ,1 . t rd at • ,Itd I 4'44 Sttit .man 1 secure at tt a Anyone wi.IiSng tet sett :fila ria is, otI'ropert
tlireo e •nt s,ttn
ILII RRTF.D A" � 1a PaRTLR turnon. ».
great skill to blow a tube with, a uniform rl i stn 1 ^ u posltivt cure tR u Free.
We have e ,
ening the "bolo length. {ii• k r a untie and
, . Any reader tr"t ibis•. with liti apep,ia. rm:, BUSH
p Cak,arrll t lit r a. ,ui. u t I Ile
^trttlaosy, Head,►cur.,tl.ri w„naplaa.ts,rlc,.honld A 0, a+'tt„ S H LOTS
They. should he allowed to stand not
slu•, SIIUiO S r:1,T.Rall Ilr.MF.Dy ' r >+ , . l
---to allow the mercury to Settle, before . health and a sweet l r. tali, titre i I . $ ” I' y ' t at oi.4:ri ran roadtl)� abeam a ear;hgser t.i• *plying to
Whythe Bail Little Boys Live. F the settle is made. rU put de,nt. It at i which willeouv(uci^ tau of the teems of o p d citl:te;, ig, DAIMONS,
50 els. Sut,t by J. t1, •W. lirn.v .ane 11' "+ter -33 medicine. It cart: a prrluaiirntl+ ..beio all K Lase i)tflc„,1)uuriaq fk..I.nrtli,n.err .
t" Z don't believe I shall die, manta,", The self -registering,, thermometer is 1 O m rainy DAYS' TitIAY,, outer medicines nave failed. Aa a blood puri•
maid little Johnnie, who was suffering
nwcd for narking the highest loWOSt Tits Vur.•rtuc tal:t.T Co.. Marshall, .lich.,wll 1 Ger it has na equal. Remember, item•.' molt.. f from diphtheria, and had just heard of in 9' within a given tune. 'send Il•.Dvaw a t.i~rlsnn:t^r, , Sraextto.Fonrl,lo lug to try it. lieoult►t size. fifty cent wet otto del�+ e♦ a�,� �at�a�7
the death of a Little •riinthe neighbor. he htalh 1h filled. with. mercury, above , i ,a.ati AN., fILL,,L,ITI - alIi.lAst i._ on mai mar aao,hu. ,'"}a■ ,dlM,QiN a�tdltM Y,.IMT
h � which in the tulip 19
inserted fine ftlt.. aV al:t1'e to Ait'It (young l.l't,l +l who
alis^sit 1 lhri srltotl of TorRnto end Rings ell still
oder oftlto 1 conference at l�llaeill�^ ell att•u,la
and hood from the same isease. at lowest rates of interest. Ap 1y to
"1vhy,Johnnie?" queried Ills laic- Niece oftiteelauring;ttherema y 0 E.riltYPONit endow.
acid • to and lasrnlu.d troubles ttarauteeitt Allill,`1'fl;! ,e
diettl wait nerv.3ua debi]ity,. lust vitality 4 bald a c
tube is filled with carbolicacic orcreoso +
a, r The steel yin rest' at the IlightsSt gPa'tlti* and complete re>totation of health and �t All persons engaged in the manufacture or
God 1 Fait a time g th d manly tt of , t rebs a a , t. , �, d;
a you
y es (,ho m a point it is pushed to by o mercuryall ' i; All +r bt v • N. B rt use of tobacco, .ellen Verres art. affected there.
boys. Why do' suppo>;a she takes
s afterward drawn down by a mall.'reek iv incurred, as thirty daph. artalls,allottx d 3 by. will feud 0 cure in Dr. E. C. \Vent's Nervi+CA
o%iy that letnd , contig uetl .l t tun .net 13y a du lex arran""eluellt anti a. Pimples anti I11otcbas• i and llraitr Trl attlrcnt. Bold at J, R', lirclwn• Itj Ott CO1 Ti
shaver, who had seen onlyfive summers e • duplex ' 3
and was approaching his fifth winter reversin ; the scalar the lowest or coldest '•: Call at C. Lutz's Ilei.;, Store and get a package tag's Drug Store. 11
ft'1 t (-Arbon* L at IC c d'
under rather unfavorable circumstances. point is h cheated in the r;ame way. } o a vl r s belie
l4t Cerate, s. l U.
i t olrm+ e `
:iniac ti tube slid is iticascd in a heavy ' aertated sores, rough akin. It cares when all
copper tube to preserve it against the
ethers tail. Tyr it. tl 3
pressure of water. It has, be aidea,Gitrk.1 OR RHEUMATISM'.
self-regulating attachment. The feverSufferers from either saute or throttle thee
Or clinical thermometers aro Inline with
great nicety, and are used for de+tlrrmin• matistu uMfind no more ready relief orltcttar
y curs than Il and"a Yellow Oil, the popular
w the temperature of the human body, houFchold arsenide for esternal Jilnl intrrpat use bl)weaaand $hc #tianey'i. Jubnsion'i" S*rata.•tt CARP WARPS, White and till Colon,
crcury is commonly u.sed for filling in an }gainful affections. rill* is the most saf', pleasant and eff+'otnal BEAM WARPS 0 everyost;I'l 1100,
the blithe, it being highly sensitive to l relaq'e Fluid I,igittning, purifier or tato ayatew knavery. Try outsbottl"+ f ll
beat and cold, but for the extreme Cures toothache and neunllgia quick *slash and be omisvinexri For sale At the (ioldeu �� %$ {et., Tans
northern climates it will not answer, as relicies any be
instantly. the careapest and Mortar, J. W. Browwng. prop. ]9 2ti, fain- """Ei
it freezes s at forty degrees below zero. gUlekent alp a ttleu known Why suffer with
When .Iris ttimpuraturo is liable to be toothache, neuralgia, headaeho, rheumatism, lander,, el you 1 tangnid, creak anti tired
T.....%aet dainties sure threat or acute minis freUng, with Nervous exhaustion, CalxroialIY in
"' I'm sure T don't know," replied his The deep sei, thermometer is of Out •of Vaseline. Oat mb in cit au: -ra r, an itis A rkixans, actors sportsmen, utesthnmics and
Ir I two, failed to rl ansa pie .en, blotches, 51. laboring mneu, iu fact act all who nudely exert
"1 know,•' aaldJohnnie, triumphantly.
Why is it?" queried his another.
at He takes only the good boys," said
Johnnie, " because it would take so
much time to taloa caro of tint bad
clues." That boy is getting well,
A Russian Fable,
A peasant was one day driving seem
geese to a neighboring town, where he
loped to sell thein, Ile had a lougstiekmet spirit thermometers are used, bong
in his baud, and, to tell the truth, he made of alcohol colored red or blue.
did not treat his flock of geese with Those spirit thermometers will not
much consideration. I do not blanto answer for high temperatures, however,
him, however ; ho was anxious to get to Fla the alcohol volatilizes too readily.
the market in timo to make a profit, and 1 Them' is no izevernment standard for
rnuitctrlar strength, ata enbjoct to painful con•
frac i' n: of the eurda.alifi jt,intss and lameness
to all such fieg -*rd'a 'Yellow Oil i.t a prompt, , E: Q'r oN ' ".. \ RN
rdiet and perfect cure.
What eeery price aliouldkranw—Thettread White end Colored, Single and Double
outlela of diseawi from the ae atclll airs the
KAIICrdtTrarsili or
not only geese but mash must expect to
suffer if they hinder gain in the least.
The geese, howevdr, did not Ibok on
tho matter in this light, and happening
to .meet a traveller 'mlkil% along the
road, they poured forth their complaints
against the peasant who was driving
them, after this fashion :--
tr Where can you find geese moms un•
happy than we are? So- how this
peasant is flurrying on this way and
that, and driving w; taw though N11 nett`
testing thermometers, The Signal Ser-
vice uses the Fahrenheit scale. Tho
«tache"stt•r observatory of Yale College
has established a thermometric bureau
for testing thermometers, either for
dealers or others interested in procuring
exact • institlmente. A small fee, rang
ing from fifty cents to two dollars, is
.;barged, and as Yaks certificate of cur -
roamer, is furnished. The observatory
has elaborate apparatus for testing the
instruments, and its services aro of
only common geese. Ignorant h Uuw :as l ll,•t.:t t t eine to physicians in testing
bo 18, he never thinl ht. is bowl to Mliilit'ai the rincenoters.
honor and respee:t it.; for we are the There it. a new style of plain titer -
distinguished descendants of those very moml'ter made with an elongated bulb
geese to whom Roane oat's* owed its sal• with the tube balanced near the centre
vation, so that a festival was established on a divot. ,4.s the mercury rises above
in their honor." the pivot, the point er the tube is de-
i But for what do you expect to be pressed, and an index Iiko
distinguished yourselves ?" asked the the hand of a clock, This thermometer
"Because auk ancestors.-"
42 Yes, 1 know; 1. have read all about
it. What 1 want to know is, what good
have you yourselves done?"
" hy, our ancestors saved lkunc. rated was rt•aehed. Thertnolrreters alto
" Yes, yes, I understand that ; but also made pith wird attachments, so
what have you done of the kind 2" that the mercury rising to a certain
"! We ? Nothing,"' point will touch the wire and complete
"r Of what good are you, then ? Do the circuit of a galvanio battery and
leave your ancestors at peace 1 Thcy sound an alarm. These are useful in
were honored for their deeds; but you, thedrying reomsof paper manufactories,
my friends, are only fit for roasting." in greenhouses and as a provision
r liver is
of auy kittd vats% you eau go. to 0. Trutr,'adru,g alma arty is'spring
ri n tam hen you ,aha torpidl leer=
atom and et n plrfeet and ivatantaueonst care
for tht?trtytiyt eerttc+. Ask for !tint tea Fluid cleanse tbo sluggish blond and rtglalo the
Lightniug, 2,4 secretions with that purifying tonic. Burdock
l Blood Bitter,,.
"I had been for eight tuouibs =Ate to
%Tall:,, atilt felt td though I world as lief die at
live, through dyspepsia and indigestion. I
weighed M the time of getting a bottle of Mee
Gregor's Speedy Cure 136 lbs., used 3 bottles,
and uow weigh lbfi Lbs., and never wen better
in my lifer. 1t was McGregor's Speedy* Cure
that brought use around, So says William
kelt, TIanriltou. Go to C. Lutz's and get a
If auy of our readers arolqiffering from
chronic dideere of the stomach, liver, kiting'',
or blood, they shoultl imrestigett the merits el
]3urduek Blood Betters, It is mating stem, of
the most retuarkaltle earl's on record.
.•-IitSv. Patriek John ltyau has been appoint.
cd Archbishop of Philadelphia.
lteurrt :.Munro, euger•driver between Kin
eardine and Hamilton, say's: "lt was impos-$ fres trial bottle. 3'a
aible fir any person to be a worse subject of
Dyspepsia and a greater sufferer time I was. Inesse ssoss
otteu bail to lie do n In the caboose, nntinctu 15000 RE WARD.
ally thought I would die before. i rt'aebed my STOP I1
destination. .1 purchased a bottle at MeGreg THIEF. 1taltonotAd ..on•. A.i t:i M,th=wia*,
pr's Speedy Care, audit
tinted me." Free trial tor ts, cars or u,usws, 0a*d., Asthma and Cooaamptio
bottle at O. Lutz's Draglitoe. Regular sive ,`; g1 µ cyaspkaan .eo1, rp; aadrattrooe�o* ata Astro. �t u �}r y��a �I�1t �i
fifty cent*sartdant,etgllar. 2**
xt , se s' les proprinora dwtaata,Yataa To pro. ,4,0 La0St r:iI�YY Itesosed
iii:U'0 ANDCOMFORT TO THE FF.L+'RINO ems . xtatrataa. nro�gttut, actuator,
Those 0004s aro u .iveraaUy pronomae,'d la the
trade to be fully equal tai any mads, and for re
au• larhire p and
l starve In make and coterie 1ha3
i'-ARPi;T 1�EAVRRS–Iioo will find our
Warps superior to any in the 'Mterlcot : vat+ ask
you jest to vivo thein a trial.
t if our Dry Goods man hoe not get It write
u u and we will see you aro promptly supplied
01nR YARNS", tit which vis make Iil tlMcrip.
.Ions will be found equally !Foot). Ask for
them. Try thous.
This Comnalay was awarded two frstpriso ail
Yarmoilets at Toronto i•'ahlt:Monin 1taa1, and fir
Arid ;triers at l'rovinciai Exhibtlon at Kingston
AOUN1'f1; tYINAN1t:tt('0.,Toronto ; F.iltc-
ZL&It1tY tk ce,.Atontreal.
teetroaraowtromlmpoeltioo-examine sba honk) atal 1
,, 1, htm.n to the shut of the botye, sward er ii Wo have recently pabliahecl a neer edition ai
-• Drown's Houseltold Panacea*, has no equal � f ++, >frrud for a batter article. to also clay a rp
rorreUovingpain,both interisland external It
cures pain in the lido, baokorbowels,sorethroat
can be read with Brise across a large Rheumatism, Touthncbo,Lumbugo and any kind
hall. There aro also many new eon -
• a pallier aobc. "It will Brost surely quicken
trivanee for registering degrees of boat the blood u.idheal, aaits acting naworiswonder-
end cold with clock attachmeuts to in- tut. /°' l raty s t Hansahotd Panacea' being aak•
dicatc thi hour the temperature lads- hie
th• ogod Rs the great lteliever,and of dim
hie thostrength of any other Elixir or Liniment
Career of a Grandson of one of Na-
poleon's Great Marshals.
Thera is at present sojourning iu San
Francisco an artisan, not blessed with
much of this world's pelf, but who
claims an interest iu the estate of Count
Napoleon Ney, Primo de 1a Moskowas
and sou of Marshal Noy, who died in
Paris on October 13, 1882. His mune is
Emil Hugo Noy, and he was horn esu
Koenigsberg Prussia, about thirty-six
years ago. his father, a younger sop
of the Marshal, was Frederick William
Alexander. Noy, who died when Etnil
was bat two years of age. LIis father
having married against tile old. 111arehal's
will, sass estrangement ensued' and there
was but little intercourse between the
two families. Young Ney, tiring of
':tatty and restraint, ran away from
horse when very young, anti served
two years as cabin boy. Be then de-
voted three years to learniug the trade
of spilt carpenter. He visited every land
and clime and afterwards settled in
South America, waudering from State
to State. For four years aro worked
with Harry Meiegs, who made him fore•
mean of a large force of meta, when con-
structing his railroad in Peru. In 1575
be came to San E ranci, co, and has since.
remained ori ' the coast, engaged in va-
rious occupations and callings. Ou
hearing of the death of ' his uncle, he
engaged an attorney to ascertaini whe-
ther or not lie was untitled to a share of
his estate, and finally ascertained,
through Minister Morton anti Baron de
Yatry, one of the Count's nearest rola.
tives, that the • entire ,estate had been
bequeathed to his widow, and that
the sons of an elder brother would
be entitled to a'preference. iu spite of
this discouraging reply, young Ney is
still sanguine, and intends leaving:for
Paris shortly to look after his interests.
believing: that his relatives are still an-
tagonistic to 1irii and his interest, atn
of course are throwing every bbstacic i•
his way.
1►gainstaccidentalfare.—N. Tribune.
A Coaling Dividend.
Last fall, when a would•be purchaser
of railroad stock called upon Russell
tntho world,shouldbe in (ivory family b andy tor'
use when wantud� 'as it really is the boetremedy
in, tho world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
Paine and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by',
all Druggists ata", coats a bottle.
Foretelling the weather is =certain at the
best but it is certain that if you catch cold in
this changeable climate you can best break its
ill effects with flagyard's.Pectoral Balsam, the
most reliable and peasant remedy for coughs, and loseliable to getout of order than any ma.
Ig , chine in the world It makes the same stitch as
colds, bronchial and lung complaints, It is so the leadinemachines in the T3nited States The
agreeable that even to child will take it. principle of construction is entirely now, and'
coveredby br ed patents Having secured this
maehine,we have decided to put tile prieentonm
'DOWN To nAnn PAN for a short time only. well
To ail who are suffering from the orrorsand knowing that every lady will want ono Pull di -
Sage, and asked him regarding the out- Indiscretions o f youth, nervous weakness, early ructions with each machine Agents Wanted
looked certain stock, Mr.. Sage replied: decaydr tuiivanhooti,teo.,Iwill send arecoft+ AN(IELO ART 'CC.,DETROIT, 1tfICSIGAN,
"" Splendid idea 1 That stock is car- Hato you FREE of CFIARGE This _ _ __ T..
twin to rise fifteen per cent." ;eat
ree° was discovered by a missionary in R,EMOVALM' REMO Y AL
'' Upon what doyou baseyour calm- Sr ,ca Sendaaelf-addressed enverbr„� REMOVAL P JossrnTIsarA;r,Station D,NetaFar1t
lations ?” ----
"" Upon the immense crops to he mov GREATEST HEALING COMPOUND.
ed along that line." .e a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline
;1 ,,+'N1 to tba proprietor of any retee7TT allowing N as
tentlmonlala of ,.., I,. corse of Anthmaand La1R
' 1•01 In the itam* letmt{h of than. roe tate by all re..
▪ LM Arna$iata and eouatry pular*. Woe. 10 a.,l as
• -:-dialled,. 52.75 l,.rdos, ledrilla. IN. n%NON°Plied..
;.N... 8.14,. wholesile ARme kr mesas.
oathe radio aland perm aslo'ntcare (without 1210•
dieiuelof Nervous Itebility, cental and physical
incapacity impediments to ,\faniaite, etc., re.
suiting wont excesses.
Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cent',, or two
uostl eostamps.
The celebrated author of this admtreble *may
o +arly!outnnNteaton,frUm thirty
ears' nuc
that alarn,ingene sequences maybe
radically cured withoutthe dangerous use of ft.
tornalinediolneeorthe use of the knife; Point -
frit nocsimplactrtnil n
et -
tactile 1,by mean •tof which erery sufferer4nomat.
tor what his condition may bo.may cure himsel•
chlaply,privatel-rand radically.
THE FARM SEWING AIACHfNE. Although tra-Thi lecture should bo in the handsoi ever,
this Sowing 13I'tohine is offered at tno unheard of youth andovory man in the land.
and ridiculous lqw price of es it must not be Addrese,
It la constructed upon now and sclontifoprinel-
les and is simplo in con'truction, easier worked 41 AN'S .2JEW TO 1iIi
Pont Omeo Box 480
supposed that it t a toy. It trill do the work of
A- G.tI.I�,D.
The other day the same gentle .,nd cerate called McGregor Sr Parke's Carbolic
again interviewed Mr. Sago re Comte. It will cure any sore, cut, burn or
tee same stock, and the great .r bruise when all other preparations fail. Call
replied: at C. Lutz's drug store, and gena package, 25
" Best outlook in the - that cents is all it costs. 2-1
stock l Certain to speen per tl.NSW.GnTHIS QUEsT:o2.—Why d0 so many
" Do you base yov
Last fall's crops ?
"• No, 'sir ; it's g
winter, and the li
snow•plows to de
per cent."
embrace thre
)nen. That
et not more
as much it
An 010
the Be
been t
:ons upon
an open
e enough in
iiicnd of five
hurch members
many women as
"correct.' 'There
mty-five' per cent.
racing men as wo•
to Boston Theatre.
relies in the flyer of
ire, one which has just
acts much attention. .It
the old Warren Theatre,
among the boys of fifty
the " mud theatre," on
eel, and its date is Friday,
1, 1883. It annou aces the
:,mice on any stage of Mr.
setor, as Damon in ". Damon
as." The afterpiece was the
Botheration, or a Ten -Years'
," and in the intermission there
favorite pas sent by Miss Kerr."
' people we see around us,soom to prefer to suf
f er and be made miserable by indigestion, con-
stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming
up of the foop, yollow skin, when for 75 cents,
wo will sell them. Sbiloh's Vitalizer, guarauto
ed t•` cure them, Sold by T. W. Browning,
Exeter. E 0
Holloway's Ointment un41Pills.—A frequent
caus=e of gout and rheumatism is the inflamma-
tory stale of the blood, attempted with bad di-
gestion and general debility. 'A few doses of
the Pills taken in time aro an effeetuaippre
ventive against gout and' rheumatism. Any-
one who has au attack of either should use.
Holloway's Ointment also, the powerful action
of which, combined with the operation of tho
Pills, must infallibly effect n cure. These Pills
act directly on the blood,which they purify and
improve. Having once subdued the severity of
those diseases,pereeveramiee with the Ointment
after fomenting the affected joints with warm
brine, will speedily relax all stiffness and pro.
vent any permanent contraction.
From the many remarkable cures wrought
by using McGregor's, Speedy euro for dyspep-
sia, irtiigestion, constipations; and affection of
the Lives', and from, the immense sale of it
Agitating the Public hind at present is where
can they got the best Bread, but this matter
can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the
people of Factor and surrounding country, by
calling on
the old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
A Superior quality of Bread always on Rand
Also 11 first-class stock of Busour•rs, BUNS,
(1AINES & OONPSCItONAXIT, wilieh will be - sold
cheap. While opponents have started busi-
ness, and sold out, andloft the place; Mr, Bell
has been found at his past, dating the past
eight years, ready to attend to the wants of
the Public.
Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha
found it necessary to. remove to more com-
modious premises, and has added largely to
his stook' of Groceries, and will keep on hand
Sonars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything
usually found in a first-class Grocers Store.
All kinds of Tarin I'roilnce tai,k-
eil in'exehaiige fol +iaoods,
without any advertising, wo have.conclude/Ito •
place it extensively on the market, so that i <.nrEr.•,nTUE STAND :--S01101.00 tt's Block,
those who strFier may have a perfect eure. -Go Four North Post Office
to C. T.utz's drug store and get a trial bottle Potird RasO fi
free, or the regular size at fifty cents and deo
11 is in excellent preservation, and ens„.„,
sly framed end glazed.
nil'.»riel l51'.'.
That Diphtheria is one of the most dangerous
diseases and annually sweeps away thousands of
children, is a feet wl...h no one can deny, !Ind that
doctors in many eases aro pon'erless against it is
just as true. A medicine that is n certain and sure
core for this dangerous and contagious disease
should bo hailed with Soy and warmly welcomed
by every family for rase in time of. need. A con-
flagration is laud. more easily checked at the be-
ginning than after it has gained headway. So it is
with this disease. 'Keep it on hand and do not
wait till ft is too Irate. Such a medicine 15 offered
the public in DIl:itLA;IIM'S DIPHTHE1.2I_. and
UROUP 1tlMLEI)Y. Wo are thoroughly convinced
that it Wilt answer its purpose. Letters patent
hare been taken out for the -Dominion of Canada,
and promotions are taken that 'no one shall imitate
it. R'e kindly ask medical men to give 'this remedy
at trial. Testimonials circulars and trial bottles
sent on applying for. Agents wanted in every city.
'own and county.- Ask your druggist for it.
Address Rev. i1. DIERLA101,'lu.ieh P. 0., Ont.
Foe Side et 4'.. 1.1 '1' "~' 'easels. ltrlt,.Siert.