HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 5t, A.TR► -^ ■ 7 I. err .A.p, ,) m,�, New & Fresh. —ALL KINDS. OF— FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Just Ar riveCIL Try our 50e. Tea. New & Fresh. --ALL KINDS OF FIELDGARDEN SEEDS Just A. rri.ved . Wines and Liquors WIri•ojesale and Retail. SEEDS!SE, VMS SEEDS E Sh; PADS .M THE EaICED STORE ItOMIN'XQ' LAS.fr.".T'0i.Ze. Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seeds, We call elle € ttelrtiiou of Farmers and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspection, BB.Q177247=03 OPEiNIXPV4 OF QW ROOM! AT-- I���V�'E�� PIFkiflIVS IFriday. Saturday April 18th and :19th. England's Dead Prince. The landing of the remains or the F Doke of Albany at Portsmouth was 1 attitude 1 with union pomp, '1`h01 Prince of Wales, the Ctrutxn Privies of Om—aunty, !:Prince \\'lalilre': P_ r merit, Noes Clhiytia r, Duke of Clatnlaritige, and the NI•t,fl,,u of 14 Arnie er,O,•heti tett. bads to 'Miaow, where it was receir- .1 by the Q teen a'..i Vrttlet+'tot:, titan ttitd l3alatritr. 'i'Iso Dean of \View#tier awaited the ,: lit'tttessi.hn at the (tnt►RIiaH tet rite+ shin. MoN ial c i; i tel. 0011,0011111 11 taAnM the wreaths of flowers tv,L't 4. Ms frust eyoltitupr(•1t8 Entitle. Mier a 811•ri t rte, a ligiuus vet %iv) the+ royal p-rtonsuges witlnlrea. A. eecoh(l stent rtl.l „tat vice the royal ta►fla►f:agea witiuitew. A sec• cowl funeral ,set vice will bo celebrated later, at which none ;Yi11 bre 1lrrarnt Savo the (ween, 'tae Duebees of c1i 1 buy nud tuff Dean ' t \Vlhdsor. The Crown & riucc i .i (Xeerutaf%, 1 eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, telegraphs so the Prince of Wales that tet; to the &vetor William's fe'hlt.11l miss rely illueti:s front solid anti the,, *j delicates state of the Empress' tlealttt, sale is prevented froth attending the ONE DOOR (NORTH) MOLSON'S BANK. funeral of Priuee Leopold. , WILILIANI DREW Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. "THE WOMAN'S PHYSICIAN." A common sense medieval work fur ladies only. Fully answers all questions which reolleisty proveots Asking a male physiestnl. (ttt'es causes and syuipt.,ms of all diseases of the sex, with positire cure for each to piton 100309g0, written by ladies who Clave niatie these diseases. a life etuely. .1. Plain talk in delicate language which evory woman, young and old, should read. It is recommended by many eminent lady physicians as a safe guide for the sec.. i-landsomly bound and illustrat- ed. Sent postpaid. for $1,00. Address tho 114O13EBTEA ..130/m SUING Co. 32, 33, & 33. 1-2, Osburn Block. Rochester, N. Y. These are Solid, The best loodpurifier and systemregulator ever placed within the reach of suffering hu- manity, truly.is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Livor, billousness,jaunclice, constipation, weal. llusnoys, or any disease of tele uriarny organs,or whoever requiresan appetizer,touio or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best audonly eel lain cure known. They set surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to giveentire satisfaction ormonoy refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bye. Lutz. 4 • A REMARKABLE ESCAPE. i<lr0. Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhannock, Pa., was affiliated for six years with Asthma and 'Bronchitis, during which time the best phy- sicians could give no relief. Her life was des- paired of,until in last October she procured a bottle of Dr- King's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for a short time she was completely cured, gaining in flesh 50 lbs, in a month. Free Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all Throat and lung Diseases at C. Lutz Drug Store, Large Bottles $1,00 4 • MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday.) PALL WHEAT WiliteWheat I ... ... *led ... tbite Wheat Now ..d Wheat New. spans s G wH1EA'r rife (iiew) .. .. . . 1 05 to 1 70 Harley ... .. .. . 0 45 to 0 50 Oats 0 30 to 0 37 ClverSeel ... ... ... 7 00 to 7 40 25 to 2 CO Peas Timothy ... ... 065to070 Corn •.• .•. 0 00 to 0 05 .Eggs .. 0 to to 9 36 Butte] .. 0170o015, Flour p e r b bl .... .. 5 00 to 5 00 Potatoes,per bag 0 75 to 0 80 Apples, per bag .. ... 0 70 to 0 75 DriedApplespr b 0 06 to 008 Geese per lb. . 0 05 to 0.06 Turkey per lb . 0 07 to 0 08 Decks per pr ., .. . 050 to 0 52 011iokens per pr 0 25 to 0 80 fiogs,dresseclperl O0 .,. ... 7 00 to 7 50 Beef ... ... 5 00 to 6 00 Ridesronhg, .. ... 5 00 to 000 dressed. 6 50 to 6 75 Sheepskins each 0 90 to 1 00 Calfskins ,,, 0 50 to 0 60,. wool per ib . ... 0 19 to 0 22 Etayperton 800 to 8 00 Ononaverbush .., 0 00 to 0 75 Wood per oord ... ... 0 00 to 3 50 0 75 to 0 90 0 75(0090 .00 to 103 090 to 075 How TO MAXI.' CA=.—This boost gives I fall directions for making alt kinds of plain and fancy candy. The receipts for making. caramels, ohocolxte drupe, French mixed, and all other kinds of candy contained in this bock are the cohorts used by the leading city confectioners. Any oue eau have these .s c i thanthird the one candies at home at t ti usual cost. Sent postpaid .10 cents in postal note, or 18 two cent stamps. Address. ROCHESTER PUBLISHING CO. 32, 33, & 33 1.2, Osburn Block. Rochester, N. Y. ' TANTED—A good general servant. Apply lr to faits DalirlanatAN, Exeter For Sale A 'comfortable t f:anie dwelling, one and a halt Story, standing on iof an acre of land, situated on Andrew St—Title clear For full particulars, apply to MR GEORGE ZE14P, 120 King-st., East, Hamilton, Ont. CENTRAL DRUGSTORE SCHOOL. BOORS OLD--- and-- -NEW LD---- an, d ----- N E W S IT c "ea I ES c -AT 2138 --- Gen trill -)rug Store DOWNS' 0a WN ELIXIR iv. IL DOWNY METABLE na fro ELIXIR Has stood the test for FIF`rv=1'itaSE YEARS, and has proved itself the bust remedy known for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds,Whoopin,, CQu h and all Lung DEC•Oat.1esiu young or old. :lir*Ills Price 25o, and $1.00 per Battle. r - L.OVveo`,' IcLIXIR tau O z WHOts UNACQUAINTED WITH THE 0COO 0APHY Or THIS 000N, ray WILLSEE OY EXAMIOlt' a THIS MAP THAT THE fit u , � iA "i l r • :: ,= moi• t ,;� CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route. and car- ries passengers, without change of care, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven- worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and 8t. 'Paul. It coaneete in Union Donets with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is'unrivaled and magnifi- cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Horton Re- clining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettfeet Palace Bleeping Cara, and the Beat Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. Two Trains between Chi- cago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Lino, via Seneca and .ICanka- kee, has recently been opened between Richmbnd, Norfolk, Newport Newa, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- gRusta,Nashvnae Lossfeville,Lexington,Cincinnati, Indianapotfs auil Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate pointe, Ali Through Passengers Travel on Past Dzpree Trains. Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Oificea in the United States and Canada. • Baggage checked •through and rates of fare al, ways as low as competitors that offer less advan.. teR es. For detailed information, get the Maps and Fold - ere of tate CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Offae, ar address 4. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN. /V • /0./7 �vi.v.cres,decs7 M(r, Gcn1181,kr.s,AeTJs r e will show a face display of New French and English Pitttcra Iiontiets and ibis. NFw Straw Gado. Enpliab Ano Anfeli^ori sl►apea.. French Flowers, Ostrich Featherla. Neveltiee, iiibbotl , Silk Lie n=. Farxirl , steel San Shades. Our laliuery° Department, which is under the roanagennnt of .MISS ¥fcINTYiti. will Ins found unusually tt•tt,tctire'• ate styles and prices will temwith any in the trade. W a solicit a call from ail our patrols. NEW SPICING GOODS—Stock now complete in all depart- ments. Gralaa display of new a411 06ir$b1e (lochs. Oar Bread Owls department will be fonnd very attractive. We show as full range comprising all the New FA. braes for the present season. Speciat cheap linea at 10 and 12.i cents 131ac1: Cashmeres. all wool from 46 oenta to 41 -.-beat value iu thus trade. Silks. W are showing a fall range, from .50c to ts. Black Ottoman Vorcls—speei. ally for Uttutles. HOSIERY -Full range of German, English awl Canadian Gloves—Best French Kids in black and cnlart.4, Lisle Gloves. Petro Silk Taffcln in Week and newest colors. PRINTS—SATEENS;e. All newest desigus for the prey, ewes settaim, STAPLES. --This is a. department we are giving special at tention to, and eau sacy that no other house is t;iviuti better vale,'. �1 s ere offer.lug special bargaitss iu (Grey Ano Bleached Cottons. TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS. Extra value. TWEEDS. Our stock comprises the newest designs of Seott:h, English and Cenadiait Uinufacturc. (TENTS' rLlRNISHINt. Full lines in Hata, 4fap', Shirts, Tics, &c. GARRETS, Brussels, Tapestry—choice new patterns in all wool ane union. New Henap Carpets, Door Mata. Ruin, erunl h Cloths. nu Floor Oil Cloths New Lace Curtains and Table Covets. BOOTS ,e; SHOES. Full assortment of Ladies, Gents' and and Children's: wear. WALL PAPER --Stock complete—English and American, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE --fully lines. GROCERIES—Our stock is large, cheap and fresh. SEEDS—Field and .garden—all kinds. Exeter, April 10th 1854. Sanuyell. & Pickard. FL1IIffR SND D�IRI'UE�ti'S A'S'M F?NTION. Why yon should use the Comb1'fled Milk Bucket and Stool lat.—The use of this Bucket will effectually protect t110 milk from contact with alar foreign substance whatever, and from two odor of the stable. 2nd.—Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket no milk is lost or injured. 3rd.—In case of spattering, or misdirected streams, no loss will occur. 4th.—It avoids the soiling of clothing. 5the—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the "old-fashioned" stool. 6th: -It enhances th value of dairy butter. 7th.—It is mutually acceptable to the milkman and his patrons, els it guarantees satisfac- tion. . 8th.—Butter and cheese made from milk drawn in this Bucket, possesses keeping quell - ties, far in advanceof that containing all the germs that fall into an unprotected pail,. 9th.—Both the creamery and the cheese factory can afford to remunerate, those patrons who use this .Bucket, and will in time,be compelled to decline the milk of talose who do. not. BissErzor,BBIOS, semMOOMISPIIMM ••••.% HORSEMEN !I SEED, SEED, SEED ! JUST RECEIVED Two New Horse Cuts (BLOOD and CLYDESDALE) Made Expressly forOurselves You will fl d it to your advantage to call and exatlliue our outs. ;Prices OUR SPECIMEN SHEET WILL BE ISSUED 1N A,tEW DAYS. The undersigned offers for sale at his Store- house, Exeter Station, the following verities of seed grain : WHEAT. White Russian per il, Lost Nation ilrocarliug Johnston, Pens Barley (,(hovel' Seed Timot br 61 40 1. 2t) 1• 20 1. 20 13(l 60 7 50. 9 25 T S\VENi.RTOIv, (.1I?0. A\'JTi141