HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-10, Page 11.
N P SOf,.P,
SWEET CORN, Try G. A. H's fine tobsec•+.'ii •
Thorley -rt 1i & 0 Food -beet is the tunrkot,
--Just Received—
CORNED 13l•:k;It'
k-MTE13,: ONV., TB URSDAY AP Rf'L 10, 1884
ORAN let;ttR1Eb
Sporting Brevities.
lout +t Eli., game altogether.
. W'u. tip4ngl•+r of the Uuiyursity of
' ledrena, leas 4trriktlge,1 f,r a bicycle
oral throu lr, Aust.iu,Gsrinrtny,Iat'y,
belizer)ruld, Reignite, Fraesca arra
AEngirt:el. 1' enty-:Etats .::lwulsme:
leave th t, far .agreed br go. ant the
tat /ts. ilt leave tiaar Ylek on June 12.
Id .: his pereip:t.tte era uxnected to be
'fi-est-::toys bic,csu titter,:, so ;t4 trot to
it ldelsiy the rest of the party. The trip
tier ext, at, ti to lam. eb.•ut ton weeks
Jem Warts, of ondon. Eng.. Etre ::4d will c t,t ,sb'n► 8•S0.
HM air, The fleet tiro, Cara lay ua tttetr' ..lcuilt; S►t►leis+u,►:i" la John t.'ti41-
1 pneiliot• is dratt.
{office car, two baggage c• --re, two ouc tpali4s to tihegrave• The procession
Iteed Glase cars, two first-class cars. r eompri,te^ n:,e ltni:died au3 sizty CPU
and two Pullrnau's, wee proee.diug M en u:rceei (tact
oras the iarges ever seen
6 a ul..derslt° rate of speed. Ethan air R fitly ire veiElagP,
ot1A of Elie centre Dara he heard. Ti4s,+. K1;6°'of Riverside
rseeiug noise, arid in a few deco ►rte ` 1ler, Ti4ttme + 1:oad, l7ebarttti, I1ae
kuetr what Litt} tunae8 w .8 by tfre car n Mde the (itttawi:t; :a:ttt• • f thorn'
1►e ++rts u, leaving t.be track. `1'ht► brea buil o ivoeol i aurintz tfhe fall ofe,i888:
p►ts+reugot'a were ver} wash alarrnsid, .i{Dan Prince° 1 • D. E• �fcKellen,
but behaved
trek. Tbe engine rolled L,icinicleir Post office ,.-'"haver-ids
'right off the track into the ditch and to U. tiu'ell. # +hh tt ° l iatr;
fty on its back with the wheat iei the F of Exeter" to Wei. etethweli. Stauicw;
NO„ 16
a respected member. 'allotted the re.
Exciting to missal*. j Haden, r 1f this trnok, ante by 6°41'.Ening Hullo• el:: al of sti1 ,aeeete
lepon a statieh'. trite`¢ oho etrtao of
i white the beggegu-cars. winch dui ; t,, Themes Dist-+i:►le. sett kis :lir.
9 not run off bull kit tt on their ea-
�,J'�,�„ , Trg,�t�,?(a QRr�iC
Maud S. the trotter, 18 feat d JoEt�s Smith, rt utter., who hes Wee y, k. Ruseel is rut imparter mid beer der of
HPr,Itijoisiy, tiie Queen of I•,ngientl1inciting Elle eatnresi to 4t of Geor;;iu, retic nihil esalliding vrtttr the two fx.t, tltrnla.11breil' Streit if,:rus' 11,rlcrbire
Druce iu sa,u►veirai3locl., a ba8 been a trice -01st ter the pare two t t;01lillll)ia. b, (:.. to rine and lnr.yattorti 1 The two seeoud-•:Esta cars: 14411"1"1" , iug4 And 5.:uth >lt,wu *irtnit and 86 110
hoe a sir+PCH hart .,f la, .... with tlt:tt
L ENTers.
ventre t the whites and eperoantlte :heat prop
Robot t Botiner se
aalJuyiere is the fasten 2 mile «-' 'e idea wise carousers, urging the colored
1 in his stably. !people t.f juin iu a gr nerd upriaiu
li KINSMAN , DENTIST. i�• piss l Spinner find Cola aro to skate a an.t !.ill ere. whites, H • easel Grant i
'saes---;tuilei•'ou rollerakatee,at 13�,stan A.nat 1raring feuds iu the ,forth :util wit
. f',''''"" o`li:esrcreov • 2, for a !Mee 01 ;+100. t e�e:l aur army to leap the ,'Dacus
ataumest .l Articles of agreement have bPen.i Stores of eruusu•titern have been am
�rcetu a=-
Finned by 0. E. C"rnrrr+ee. fir a boat ' to Serratus:tit f.i►• um In heteo or trouble
tracteeneth race with Wallace Rog'', on Mat* 801h ', An effat is hong mole uaia ng wait
nsrt Fait:.
Arrangements are being wrath for a i Erien to nr.,,artize a r rpilauce c:luutnitte
into the duob, and were ptorsatilerebly
cs l:is tail lino
obit i..,t y, Esu bt•:;uu fi,•r,+liug S .nils Carni : atunsla0d. Tile rails for .t. Coositiers rpIt udisl imuc+tett hull '+1rl,tme nt
able distance heck were bent and t., ,
g broken. He tooughtthat the cause"
ere, he��`l' of ti.t.tu tits:' alt ei t . pati
'but -lose `t h . rue1134" t{1° i; Pang
a $ Of il,e Accident was a break in the taunt bull. fr,iln taint will h two good Austro::
1 ° chicory of the engin:, as he fuoud with th,u*a, :iu.i cti+ w •'1tsi aJviee tho,t'
,, that for..oats diatauoe hack frocq am within.:...•stl4h i-. t _aii ;End ace
t i rcelle of the evident elle.11ee,.orH and 1 the Rivara:el•':' Hord °weeI, by Mr
• road bed had been out ab rut lnidlrrty; ;Ruled.
e betwueu the rail., ad if SMUG beivy r
e piece e:f !rate had been dragged along
ed t Post
fight betrrteu Stance.* a el"Siltcltell to este "lane, smith. tinder the engine. Thorne¢ Todd, r+f i =#. Forest k'trs.
scour an the reinter cfthe formoe from
.�..- .. -- (fait, Out., who wee a p•lsseuger on The greeter, tion ager 9;u,wc in
Els �eG'l.+ct l Rad sportsmen clauua to
Another Qreitt Dleaster. tltc alt fatsitl train. uocu1 i0d a rear ear '' earth g+troirua brtreer ;rut toff Wedu�ee-
_ winch, however, did oat leave tete ,flat'. ilt iR iiri.lt, .ttrtl s rept tgtt:u;;ls
halve iuveute0 n ill'churt+ c ,lr:tbea oft 1'!t • '1' .411 �t p ,:,i+•{ S'.r utntt,l,ftccul track, steel e.sueequeutly .lid oat ex- ,
1t, FI3�ti llIAi.-t:OP.ON Est I''UF. :alar in t . Etta taxi fora; t. of ytliaar liuC ,rlliotz
e� g 1,:100 aftat r�nu c.utrtdt;e.. in pAnttst'r ► err the
li+sh(rs.:�1. S,. is re It f t lite
the t'ouutyofRur„n..afltco,uoxtdoarto! R 1
as_.i u3rliu '.etore,I:xeter Ian is urs 4 parted emits Id Serub't', abort twenty
eine ver” Brown, the •tell known ; niter: teem inort. Slat, struck during
11'. BROWNING 31. D., M. C nacre, u, who died recently. waetedtFriday ltiglit. Nine mer, only ares ea
U • P. voce routs; Viet Ital niversit}- Ii61e p 1 l I t. reached t:t:itl• otlt
tnd•esidence. nor.- -:tor Laboratory. Exeter. I1Wit tri 'rt at,at•V-ttlnll 'WI e=1ne lilt 1• Ertl' re Ortt'ft t y have re!AC.I,. t
,.__. _ , .-_ _ _. - - - tion, nee Left a widow and children iof 140 ou beam!.
T1R. J. A. ROLLINS, I. C. l . S. eutirele eeetitate. i Intell r;t:�ica ao:tar (roar the wreck
ea, O. Ofue++, blain lP.Exeter, Ont. Residence
house recently orenpic+l by P..)101'lnlltps, Esq,
pettnuee taunt t u a hogs. stretch from San,utd. filty tut -a from:
trait. Naw proCeo ting ata high rawer IZ ¢lei h to Notut• 1► ireli•we*t, and
at,aed, and the effeotd of Rove e. ig 10 't (south! saint Janet; iu South Carolina.
end :rem +td abrttlitly gave e. frightful l Tue first was ceu•ed iay burning health.
a*ca tremendous shook to the noon•- Large znatlse. eat $lei warn aotaatity
made of the front odes. There was no furcGtl tartru,gii the .tit by this it�eep,
watuiug, and -ui au instant after !rel; gale, The tuts: of utill•bariiatn.
ThaClutmt+is•u tntlning )lane Com of the atP.ttne,' 1 -tartlet .Strlulna:rn la the accident; all MU oottfuelotl, pines recce thrown greet die►truoea,
pant/ .'f the United states ds arta in i vary meagre. I t t, •sial the captalls Tisa majority of the pasaeugera The Hautes towered to tutauntzurg
height. At Bluo'e Grousing and Key -
el LU'i:Z, NI, D.. Deoehen. III. It teas 2 mon who are and five f the crew were the only per-
• .,meeut ititireiidouce i.zeter. the champion Couplers in the conn• sous saved. She had ninety teeming-
j \iii. IRVING, aiRADUATE UNI try*
Whe Baltic and S,+rria rinsed somas
A! i'41LSITY Pi laity Collet;erembercolIeen
i,uvefoian.-tout ttrreeoar On:..rfitooKirktee the Allantio With full hteam anti lull
----n-.-T-. _••-- -.---- - _< • sail. The Sareia beat the Baltic by
rt �OTRTANa.OTIOES.T I,r11 *�
el neer. SaIearpomptlyattendedto. Days of
saleserrant'edattb3s cline*
L tatotorthe Huron it Vole Loan Savings
•aoloty. Low rates of interest, Apply to John
Spackman, Exeter.
`T J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
re\ •borne and Hibbert 2Iutuall'irelusuranoo
Company, Itesidenco-Fargttirar. Orders by
ro ail promptly tttendedto.
4sin the Court of Common Pleas-»Uooda,
ills Mortcages,Leasen,and all forms of agree-
# Monts heCeueoaeloHon-
sall, Ontario.
per cont. according to terms. Private
Funds. Apply to
Ootoborl5,'80 SoUoitor, Exotei
era, and thirty four of ii Crew Twenty
passengers were to heti .tt Hntifax,
all Gormane,and save v were for New
Yolk. She ie aur; to {helve street:
2 hours, Many bets :vete up en the on the Swans silo ,;;off yatubro hut
lseR. •j.nigbt and shortly rifler sank. Her
At a meeting of the A neriean base- least is now veehte Team the shore.
ball asi,00ietiou of umpires, ,t eras de Intelligence cliduot emelt lialifitx until
gilded to Place a fine of $5 to $10 up- 2 p. m. next day. Cansiderttblo cargo
011 pitchers for striking a botemau sol- was for dere, the balance Was for New
idly with tho ball. Yot k. Trio owner& have goue to the
Hunt the pedeetriau, who won the I scene of the wrack.
27 -hour wanting match at Delutte i The tugs :which left for the
Saturday night, by 28 miles, starts }scene of the wreck of the steamer near
coon to walk to San Francisco, a din ; 1 tumble
tante of 4,200 miles.
A 100 -yard foot-raoe for $550 tool;
Place at. Eoho Park, Philadelphia, bo•
tween Fred. Rodgers, of Newton, Now
Jersey, and H. Westley, of Canada.
At the start, Rodgers had tho lead,
and held itto the end. Time inside
of 10 seconds.
The Australian cricketers are now
on their way to England, and expeot
to arrive the last week in April. They
will doubtless make 11 lively • for the
Trickett the Austrs tan oarsman
was again beaten for etbe champion=
were either hurled. frotn their dente or
oruahed under the broken seats. 1'Ite t syr tate people gat,ie ed in larger num-
bers theft beggared dt+seriptiotl. b,ers Kurt fau.;ltt the &toes with dea-
lialf-terrified travellers attempted to peratlon. A d•rzau 1u. pautiue distil -
crawl out of the overturned wanes, leriea were destroyed, as well ate large
while the {cusum and a l:outa of the i clpaatdtititt of reel's, turpetl►tue, Etude
lass furtuuate outs sued Elia tnurtxtug other ter.vai Modes. .;troy persons
air, making a .perfect pandetnonluul-who dust their clothiers, uud auula were
The 'tt edrain werereevva everyerallewscorehhere, teud>:obly per. i "'BY nl imp +erect daug3rd. The t01 n ride Manly
formed their duty. While these ; ion The anklets) wartilsuuse caught
Beetled were betl,g auaeted a altrlder taeverni timua. 'Phe'llathodistchurch
etiato of etffeere existed towards the and five gnome and eult.,u werehouses,
front of 1110 train. The engine was land
the town guard house were buru-
ditnpletety uvarturnud tete a :matt laud
1t two o'cloca next morn-
ditcll on tela outskirts of a swamp, ins; Aautiel was surrenutlt,d by See.
Sambre. have returned, being while the angina find bagt;+tge car Slimy farm -houses have beau to roach the ueiehborllocd. The. were lhruwu courosedly over it. •the con-
sumed slut uo lose of life is tepurted,
Daniel Stemmautt was au iron vesselt uninjured passengers rustled to the Foy feu n►il0s east of Hamlet every -
of 1,784 tuns, built at Antwerp is, trout of the eugine, and there beheld tit"; to dent, east.
1875,aud owued by Sttmmann & Lud ,t terrible sight. Underneath trio t -.....•�- - 4
wig, of that place. She is Fchoitler heavy loe unutive was observe.! the . Pile iiou•rea. Herald Paas strong
rigged and has eusrinee of 183 Horse uotruding hand of the engineer, t
g" 1 • • leu ua a bat none to ssrou * to de-
potver and five bulk -heads. The fol Thomas I?un±shoe, wee was almost id tl r
lowing were the pasaengera to be lend
buried in mud. Across his dead body noun00 the gross frtlsehocds of the
lay the firesusu, Grit °rgau rog4rdlug the Canada 1'a -
ed. The New York list teas not Charter King. The a
received by Halifax agents. lieudrs, grovels and supplicetious of toe tat- etfie railway. Atter giving specific
aged 32; Cornelia, 30; Peter ter to be released from his terrible denjala to all the Globes statements.
prison were heartrendering iu the ex• the Herald goes on to east-
o treme. Unfortunately bhovels could ' 1t such at:ttameuts were onnfin-
not be procured for some time, and ed to Canada, where the facts are
- the terriffied passengers had to watch kuown, they might Pass uunoticod
I him scald to death bef,re their eyes. fur all the harm they might du. Al-
lowauoe is made here for partisan
Not Far from Home. frenzy and the malice and inventive-
- tress of newspaper correspondents.
e News Condensed and °specialty those of the Globe.
for Montreal, and all the former for A fanner. who has resided over But in•New York, in Loudon, and
Sherbrooke, Que. thirty years in Hullett, witliiu four j other a muse••cial centres; where even
The passougera from the steamer miles of Clinton. took hie first ride on the most extreme j •urnals deem ib
Daniel Steiumann were saved,wtth the on the care ou Tuesday last, on the prudeut to have a Ewe bases for ,atate-
oaptain and five of the crew. Their occasion of his being called t•, Geder- ments published by them and olden-
can lend any amount of Money on form so- Nolle, 11; Adriana, 9 ; Joanna, 8
curity at6, 0 and 7 per cent. according to terms g Jan, 4; and ACldbraVenboor, ,118
Private Funds a epaoratty, (]horses moderato, 1' •Paulus, 85 : Maria, 83; Cornelia, 10
a w aaLL,Sarristor,Eaoier, Hildegrunda, 8 ; Aria, 4i. and Aart
GLINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE ship, by NV. Beach, who wou easily. kranadouck, Martians Stack, 60; al
AGENT, The tug of war at the Greed Opera laborers of tiiddekirk Holland, also
Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property House, Toronto, between 4 of the Sebastian Riodl, 28, of Wulferdof
At Toronto police force, and 4 of the prueaia,and George Stiokl,23, of Gnu
borrowers,rat A n interest, first- lass Farms suit
Bnffelo police force, was won be Buf tl:erhof, Prussia. The last two Ever
sale. Mortgages b ught and sold. Ofhoo in falo through a misunderstanding.
Fanson's mock Exeter.
A main between Harlem and Long
XT J. OLAR1 . COMMISSIONER Island birds, for $150 a battle and
..1.1 • lathe Court ..: Common Pleas -Deeds, $500 on the maul, took place at New -
wins ,liortgages, Leases, and all forms of agree. ton, L. 1. The main was won by
menta drawn and executedaocording to law. LongIsland by6 battles to Harlem's names have slot yet teen ascertained
MON&Y To LOAN DN RB.tL ESTATN. artiee wish- -
ing to borrow money on account .of recentpur- 8, They are all Sambre light island, til
'aliases ofland,or to pay off existing mortgages p pugilist, only communioation with which is b
willfind agreat saving by giving me a call, Can Mervin Thom suu,.the hal
lend money at6 and 01 per cent. according to been arrested on the elia9ge of sedtlel- signals in rough weather.
terms. N.J.oLARIi. ing Kate Powers underpromise of
FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME' marriage. He gave bail. A Grand Trunk Smash Up.
PWELLIN(BHOUSE audoueacre ofland. The great raue horse "Loonatus' —
situatedon the ThamesRoad,2imiles east of�hae broken down and will not appear The engine and seventeen Dara
Exeter. Goodlargo frame stable and driving
shed; splendid orohard of choice fruit -bearing 0., the track again. the eight o'clock express from Peron
trees; farmer llandeistern. cheap Suitable for a re- The salary lilt of the 1000 base -ball
tirodtarmer .Jillbesnldcheapiorcash, Ap to Montreal isII off th@-.Ernst: abo
ply to THOIJASALLIN,F,ceterP,0 iy19-tf, players now under contract for the two miles west of Wates at 5.20 o
running season amounts to Clearly $1,- Friday morning. The driver was
000.000. killed Bed the firemau fatally injured.
The average weight of a bicycle 45
pounds, of a trioyole 95, of a sociable
140 It 1s expected that itnprove-
entrap Shaving Parlor
ioh, to ahead the court of assize, as a sated to injure the etaudiug of cam.
juryman. Had he been a ,honk he meroiat compauies, is may be assum-
could not hay° been more retired. ed by busiue's mei that there ie some
The executive of the Sunday School basis for suoh ituputatiuue 00 the
Association of Canada, under the dhr- credit of the Canadian Pacific) Coin•
action of their seoretary,Bev, Juo Mo- pany. It must astonish such persons
Ewen, propose to hold a aeries of in- to learn that there is a press in this.
etitutes for the benefit of the teachers country which has fallen so low as to
of the county of Huron. The time publish as truth rho purest falsehoods
proposed' ie as follows :-Wiughatn,"'that were ever cou000ted and to lend
May. 11113; 12113, and 18113, Clinton, its eolntnus to the eueouragement of
14th, 15th and 16th, Goderioh, Sau- the moat wicked assaults ou the fivan-
day 18th,19th and 20eh,Seaforth 21st, tial staudlug of the companies ou-
ducting great enterprises and needing
to use their credit in the mstrketa of
the world. Yet 80th is the fact, anti
.he Toronto Globe is a ceuapiouoas•
example of a journal which does not.
hesitate at the use of the foulest.
means to aocoinplisli purposes which ..
are as thoroughly disreputable as
most of the crimes which society pun
fishes with it he•tvy hand, 11 persous
At a dietaries were to read the Toronto
Globe steadily they would understand
all this and kno.v what to exosot ;
but o:hey have not tits advatitege of
the regular t erusal of .shah criminal
Itlorat n.e.
A few passengers are said to be alight- 22act and 23rd. :Mir. NI°Ewen's insti-
ly hurt. Some of the cars took fire, tutes are said to be full of instruction,
Further particulars about the ac- and all who take an interest in Sun -
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
nutting &c. meets in the two latter, will "au" oident say that the tender left the day school work should make It a
ate' Clean towel for o'ory customer,t their weight to 70 and ,100 lbs,, res. ,track first, for some sn1 nown reason. point to attend these iuterestiug gath
sera deo: to Central Hotel peotively. The engineer was tbrown over. The
Established in 1863.
HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. about 14 feet,
This comrany has been over Eightteen years The game of haso•ball did n t be
a successful operation in Western Ontario,and some a National ZnstEtution meet 1869
continues to insure against lose or damage by
>vire,suildings,Merahandise,Manufactories ,and whets there were only seven clubs. Of
all other descriptions of insurable property. In-
tending insurers havo the option of insuring on the men who W810 in those cilibe,Stat't,
During the pthe Premium Note orCashSystem.. Neleotr CogSler.fiucl Ferguson are the
ast ten years tris Company has ,
issued 50,o6°lie.coiitia p_ropeasestaoithe only ones now playiuq, professioually,
amount 840,872,038; F Cha man, Malone and Harry Wright
6709,752,00 p
Assets, rn,100.oe, consisting oft Cash in are managingtciubs, George Wright,
�3ank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed
Preva um Notes on+hand and in force J,w were Roach & Cuthbert are dealers fel base- (Admit ; His trails. *Welt utas compos-
Das sv' maeBlnett. C..`�'o$ARLFs'iNELi, ball goods, the remaining ones being ed of an engine. express oar, p081-
1,gent forExeter andvicinity.
Iu or;dinary'arallting twe'etepe ad -
engineer Thos. Donohos,of Montreal
vauce tho average man about'4 feet. was instantly killed, Clete King,
The same exertion and waste of tissue fireman, was buried ander .the Dab,
is said to advance the average bioyole He was rescued with some difficulty.
Ha is terribly: scalded, and will Hardly
recover. Seven 'oars left the iraok.
Only two passengers. were hurt. One
had his collarbone broken, the other
his lip cut. The overturned oat's
took fire, but the flames were quickly
extinguished. ' The couduotor of the
wrecked train, Me. Lulpey, gave the
following etatenient regarding the ae
eringe. Let a.good reception be ten-
dered the able- secretary.
•Mr. t3uooh Morris, of Htlllet, has
bought the stallion Sir Taten •t3oaolt-
MUM, of Jas. Rogers, Gordo, for the
sum of $600. He is one of the tuost
handsome carriage etallious of the
county, and is the sire of some good
Mr. Hodeius of Biddulph, who was
iujared ou Thursday last by a log roll-
ing over hien, died the saute eveuing
from the hurts received. His rematue
were iuterred in the Euglish Church
cemetery sit Luoan,on Saturday. The
Orange A.ssociatiou, of which tie wag 26 cents per bottle.
As a surd remedy for Sick Hosdsche, Sour
St omach,Dispepsia,Indigostion, Constipation,
T orpid liver Biliousness, &a , no medicine is
equal to Dr Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.