HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-3, Page 5--FOR-- -- SVS:).) So New & Fresh. —ALL KINDS OF— FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Just, Arrived. Try our 50c. Tea. S J., 01-1 +OOM Wines "lrtltle) So New & Fresh. THE ULD IT1B[1IIth ! —ALL KINDS OF To the Front as Usual FiELD & GARDEN SEEDS With all the latest Novelties Just A ri`ived. and Liquors Wholesale and Retail. SEEDS SEI..IDS ! SEEDS! SEEDS AT THE EXETER SEED STORE, DOMINION L3illn TOR' '. Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seeds. We call the attention of Farmers and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspection. « Wit BROWNINCI Prop. Lumley. Rio Wort*, — Oe Tharsdev last Messrs. Jahn Cole and Edward Stone out for lir Phillip G,eonwood, one aori of Swn•foot wood in the email stem of tib minutes, This was done milli a" OhatnpionSiw". Who's nest? ..... .. iP4.414..., .- _...... ..-. St* itflarys« A fire brake about 8 o'clock ort Friday morning, in the •table joloiog the Viotovia Hotel, owned by Dr Hall, and uoonpied by Chitties O'Rar situated in the east and of the town. The buililinge bring frame, the fire quickly spread to the hotel, and be- fore the brigade got to work it was d mind to destruction. It was thought At ono time that the house aooupied by Mies Johnston, anise - maker, and the Iumber yard of John Willis. world fall a pray to the flame but by the exertions of the bucket brigade this was prevented. It is ,supposed the tire was the work of an incendiary. may. The roads at present are in a fear ful Condition. "Taffy off" is the principal 8atur- ,,, day pastimes of the youngmen(young women included.) Tho fell wheat looks favourably around hare, and no doubt a good orop may be looked for, if not injuried by the frost. Sugar making is at present beim' performed by many of oar neighbor farmers. Thele is at present largo numbers of people leaving this township for Manitoba, Miobigan and Dakota. May eucoese attend them all. Our young folks are very sorry that the time is drawing neat, when the evening's .pastimes of "tripping the light fantastic toe, till tbo wee ma' hours of the morn," is about over. There will be a large nutnber of houses and harne ereoted in the *ries with ref.rerice- t. the Union to be completed in Jun. next. l3atcss«---At the Kirkton Creamery meeting held Inst Saturday, it waa de. oidsdto make three routes in Usborue for the drawing of oream. Mr. John Cook, cors 11, wail the sueoeeefnl ap. Octant of the southern route,Mr, Win Buckingham of Wtnoh.laea, for the tundra', and Mr. Thus MioOloehlin, of con 12, 'soured Sue Thames Road mho, This year promieos great things for the oresmery, and will no doubt sstebtish its rsput+etion more firmly than ever. --Two young urchins of Elio:wills resolved upon a pleasure trip last Sunday, Taking a new top buggy and a splendid hurso. After driving as far as they wished, th•y they prooeeded to tarn round, whet' the horse took fright at the top,jump- ed suddenly round spilling the boys in the dttab, and the buggy on top of Oen. Stephenson of the Babylon line, Stanley, hae a splendid Canadian area Clydesdale two year old. He gold one of the same *go last pear tor $400 and this is a better animas by fr. A eon of Mr, Geo. Wescott, of lira 7th atiu., duller.;leaves next week for Bak., where ha has a brother residing and who is eaidto have done very well in the west. Haw TO 1llkElzs .---This book gives fall directions for making all kinds of plain and fanny candy. Tho receipt* for making earamsls, chocolate drop,. French mixed, and all other kinds of Dandy contained in this book are the sage as, need by the leading city oottfootioners. Any true can have these candies at home at leas than on third the neral Dost. Sent postpaid 50 Dents in postal note, or 18 two cent atamps. Address.. ROCHESTER PUBLISHING CO. 32, 33, & 33 1-2, Osburn Block. Rochester, N. Y. them, bottom upward. Had the spring jacks not been attaohed which €m- WANTED—A, Ato EDa,—Da Itrane:InrAn. Exryrlar t. °pvlr modishly allowed the tiers° to escape doubt hare sustained severe injuries, For Sale Luckily, however,they escaped unhurt h u comfortable ing tame dwelling, r on"ice°o or`1 ua but the buggy received anoh a batter• situated on Andrew 1V—•4itle clear For old ing up as is generally the case on auol] partiotitara, apply to 4R OEORQFh $FbtP, with the *butte, the boys would no °cessions. It willbe a long time ere we scall I look upon his like again. John and Chas. Reid. Varna, have Iwo splendid imported Clydesdale etal lions, two and three years old. The I latter will be for service this year. Quite a number offartners and stook. breeders from this Aeolian attended. the sale of Lang & Thomson' I. short- horn stook at 8t. Mary's last week. Mr. Elooat, of Tnekersmith, porches ed thereat au eleven months bull, " The Enctor, "for $164, and one about thtrteen months old for $250. dr hn Wasbionton, of Wawanosb, " Butterfly Duke " about eleven months old for $225. J 'lul Gien, of Ueborne, a cow, " Fair Queen 3rd," 190 King•nt., East..iatnileon, Ont. a e WN ' ELIXIR N. Ha DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR, w Iias stood the test for Furry -Timm z in YEARS, and has proved itself the best z remedy known for the cure of P o Consumptlon, Coughs, x a Coids,Whoopin3 Cough a Iand all Lung Diseasesilh young or old. SOLD EVERYtvll;R: . Price 25a. and. $1 00 per Bottle. , .:...,.,, t..). . 1 LCnIR and calf, $775, and David Torrance. waa of MoKillep, the young imp fitted Cly township this Reawoa, and no doubt deadalH stallion °i Pride of Fife" for some of them will be handsome. $1.200. UsUorne. BRIEFS.—Mother Earth has doom- ed a suit of white. Ploughing has begun in earnest, some farmers hav- ing ploughed several acres of sod al- ready.—The sugar making onion this year does not promise a great field et several have made sufficient y •y to smack their lips over, and a few taffy pulls have been mentioned,,— The work of assimilation among the churches concerned in the Union, is progreseing favourably. —Rev Mr. Watson, P. M. of Woodham Decop, Discovery for Consumption. The only certain euro known for consumption, ooughs,00lds, ied the B.C. pulpit, Elimville last hoarseness asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, or Sande evening.—Miss E H Clarke 'yan affection of the throat and lungs Sold Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, $an.,:writes :"I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to mycustomers,they give entiresatis- factien and aro rapid sellers." Electric Bit- ters are the purest and best medicine known and will positivelycure kidney and liver com- plaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to bb without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. bold at fifty cents a bottle by C. Lutz. 3 A Wide Awake Druggist Mr. C. Lutz is always wide awake in busi- ness,and spares no naine to secure the bets of very article in his tine. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr.$ing's New y eldest daughter of N. J. Clarke, Esq., on n positive guarantee.Will give y -on a trial t81.3 lett this week for Loudon, where she bottle free. Regular viz• intends pursuing a Bourse of study in -' oue the Ladies' Seminaries of that city.—Messrs P. Straffon & W. Gray of Michigan, are in the township, and will in all probaility spend the sum- mer here, if they can procure employ ment with the farmers. They are sturdy fellows and will no doubt earn their wages.—At the District meeting of the churches of the Elimville dist- riot held in Elimville B.C. church last week, it was decided to secure the cervices of two ministers at salaries of $600 and $800.It was logo decided to extend a call to Rev. W. II. Butt, B.C. minister, at present stationed in London. This meotitg was held for. the purpose of arranging prelimin- ORSENIEN ! JUST RECEIVED Two New Horse Cuts (BLOOD and CLYDESDALE) Made Expressly forOurselves Youwill And it to your advantage to call and examine our cuts, Prices lots. OUR SPECIMEN SHEET WILL BE ISSUED IN A NEW DAYS. 1S UNACQUAINTED WITH THE 0E0011APHY OF THIS OOUN. TRY W ILLSGE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE -7Feit '717 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC N Y By the oentral position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car- rieM passengers. without change of care, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven- worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. `Paul. It Connecta in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantio and the Pacific Oceans. Ile equipment is unrivaled and magnifi- cent. being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Morton Re- clining Chair Cars, Pullman•• Prettiest Palace Bleeping Carq, and the Beat Line of Dining Cara in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. - Two Trains between Chi- cago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Pa,nOue "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Lino. via Seneca and Kanka- kee, has recently been opened between Richmond. Norfolk, Newport Nowa, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- gusto. Nashville Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- olis and St. Paul and intermediate pointe. All Through Passengers Travel on Past Express Trains. Tickets for aatsat all_principal Ticket Oteeea is the United Status and Canada. Baggage cheakod through and rate* of fare al, ways as low as competitors that offer less •advan- tPor dotailed information, get the Maps and Fold- ers of the . GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E. 8T. JOHN, Vlae•Prss. h Oonl M•g'r, den•1 Tkt. e•. Pa,e. it . CHICAGO - in all Departments. Tne place to get everything you want • at prices to, suit the times. COME ONE, COME ALL. No trouble to show Goods. JAMES PICKARD. ii IL; IA1VI DREW undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, ONTAR20 ONE DOOR (NORTH) MOLON'S BANK. RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PRIM tNTMEN. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, cornet all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of ali.agcs. For ohildren and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. • It ie famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF Rain CHEST 1T nts NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandrlar Swellings. and all skin diseasce it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THoxts HOILowAv's Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. 10., 2s. 9d 4a. ed., 11s., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity of th is 1 fid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Fnll printed directions aro affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language r Purchasers ghould look to the Label on tho Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. FIRIER 11D 011RillEi'S ATTENTION. Why you should use the Combined Milk Bucket and Stool : let.—The use of this Bucket will effectually protect the milk from efintact with any foreign substance whatever, and from the odor of the stable.. 2nd.—Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket no milk is lost or injured. 3rd.—In case of spattering, or misdirected streams, no loss will occur. 4th. --It avoids the soiling of clothing. 5th.—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the "old-fashioned" stool. 6th. --It enhances th value of dairy butter. • 7th.—It is mutuall$•acceptable to the milkman and his patrons, as it guarantees satisfac- tion. 8th.—Butter and cheese made from milk drawn in this Bucket, possesses keeping quali- ties, far in advance of .that containing all the germs that fall i,uto an unprotected pail. • 9th.—Both the creamery and the cheese factory can afford to remnneratel those patrons who use this Bucket, and will in tinle,be compelled to dechnethe milk of. those who do not. BISSE'T'T BROS.