HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-3, Page 4i•
Th M O1sa�ras Banka Carr ; to fop1el for she Uri Q e `If ell %Abuei essattheir homes.men
;octant[ new
[i Its, {;� 9 p t bu:iuesaattheu'ltomes,easilylearnoti
denting when twitted. kin an how, Nope(Whop Ret cents t050cents i
• an hour ,rade daytime or evening Send ten
tpor►►raat# rEu BY ACT are rAaL1AUE T,1855 Audacity and human f)tttllty tocol Cents for %Semple$ to con1EOneoworkou,
' much fttrthet; two men 11ft•tt[agced • AderessH G FAY, Butlaua, Verrnont
. their farms, cute for $3.400 } telolt.
t;apttet,$2,404,Q011> Rest $5004)00*along with $400 worth ••f cattle, surarribk,,oxer t • Ur McKim; tltt, .alterleIseApeotremedyortutedls+•bcb,
•man e1ie1 ales sumo, unit 1'• UOW i 4 , eaudlnRh`taveebeeneure4. ludeed.xa iL iiWe odm"- �•ti
' tetet►la territol eude•averiug tt• eertl ins h 'iii Etc t,sad. t tw�r° , ninA ,tY µ.•W,
`0110ient tel iakO t11e fAtttib, Real a F tuaoyautremr. 4lxeSxrrr..amdP.o.addre.Y.
t . 3'$0,1[443 WOREVA.t.k sq, - President Aa T. A. St tit.CAL, 1St rest SA, low York,
Asoveoe Prez nowt+ that line been d'lite rated, and
Hon 1. Lid aeA. ry TO 44.00Q ON MARR1AGE.Itedies
itonlrLtfacpherson, 1t l'f'Shepherd.Eaq. whloh would '1".•t be comfortable and G $250 cCOentlemau. Apple immodiatelp,
fixving, Ea•l., i1ltt+par had 'tie Ilett, ti1,,0 1 �t>!, stns+ BEY,ec+- rt.as., .Onon, nt.
AlilesiVillains.Esq• Age nib ttanttu.
A.P.(tault,A W'llt t R \ Ctt J 1
S T 1 d O
Kirkland. lidiened to the voice of lite
ENV tnt•ttttssaw Tnoares, Ego„Geri iManager. ser elft 1.. a few daft+ tilt+ Grasp 1 AI,VF,itTISIrIiS by aeldresein! GEO,P.TiOW
e or trea•iBrattele. ; ELL at c 0., tel Spruce -St„ New York, oat
SE. fieAToar,Esq. - - -• Inspector iifed 111ese t1Po Ittell f<t>ansl ttrt'in.e ve+;leurntt►eex etcostofauyprol:osedlineofAd.
Jaa,l GLIOT, 4$12.,lranag r3r ►
and Lunettes stripped of +3vorvthul vorttstngau AmerioanNewspauere 4tal0ee-page
pp R i Pampheet, l00
Exeter P,l"a:n(311-
by the Wellington "patriot,- who $aye
4. A. 0 DEIJOSeAN, - - ttA1+iAGEzt , he bee saved the Ontario a.m. *Intent DOMINION
4F))'ICE HOURS, ' from rola, and stented the evarttotintg
:C a• in. tI s p, ut. q►turd:►Yz--l) a.m. to 1 pan gratitude, of Mr, M ltt l4 rind the 131 C . '.l T �J ACT j�
(HallwayTltua.l Globe. /•3t'J,A.�t 0 �<��FF jj
totter adratrced to [armors on easyterma,on
tbeiroir i promissory notes with one or more
geed�gndarserz. Ao mortgagerequiredelat
iS TO FAB RS Stephen.
The 13 hie Qttrietin e8 around Share
pnrpe1se ere(); Mg ri o ergtalndi• ue she it
INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. tor toil itttl*Ailed ifaot'l troet!►.tion of
Bronson United States bought andsald. OMB,.
SterlingExchangebou;btand ofd, Sutler ruakiug is being engaged iu
eollectious made inall porta of the Bosom.
.on and -*was ,rmsptly retuitt d at lowest j by * great ttntabar t:f fetrfPoix.
tisoter August 25th 1870
f171to (efer gimes.
•ru sRSDag,APHIL 8.1884.
MR. PROUTY' 44G:41Y.
We Maid ennoludtld not to take any
Wore natio* of Mr. Prouty', •$a.waa,
Net mg oontpslted to deny the follow.
iug elatsrent. w13io41 he trade in his
Muddy roods preyed, out under
ills w+trmi anti fn*onrable wea•h er are[
drying up rapidly.
The full wheat orng is looking wall
and fanners are looking abserful an4
Mr, Morstoak, who has been far
6 number of Menithe suffering from a
ottttoer in Mhe throat, iq mill in 4 ler,
garinus condOlon but hopes, Are being
satertaiuetl by hire numeroni friend
of lite rreov*ry.
heels Pilton. -••-far. Wm. tinker
"1 was in hopes that the Tstrr-tc told on Monday toot, a fine three year
editor would hate left the WI* digit- old hurto for toe' cum of $286
wee went between us, to Inc inveetl• Qom 0131131t1413v.—&t s meeting jA
Piton of disinterested parker, "Mr* tate directors of the Bake Butter 'taro
ding to hie owu suggestiou, to widen afactaring tdiolllyeny, on Saturday
I readily ,seeded." last it was goof: u.1dd to lel Ikea •lift tr.
ens routes for, skimming and drawing
ibe oreutlt, oa lbs 4th of April, at the
hour* of 8 p. rel., at the factory. It le
considered that owing to the azpeol d
inoreaae of patrons Ibis year there will
bit Oar tearue0n. It ie skte iuiontiou
of the dir.'oter4 to give the different
routes totturtworthy aud reliable men
so that fire lana ice pe.feet setts.
faction to beth patrons and company.
The dir otcrs intend to 1st tbetr,diflrer
sat routes by auction this rim and as
there are a good number of intending
furnished, we will let the matter drop. ` applicants nodoobt there will be same
Bring them *long. lively bi $ding. The directors will also
sell the Nineteen at the same time.
We merely wish to remind Mr. P.
that we ne=dearly such state.
meat, and if ha reads out • attiole of
the 6th of March he will then see die
error. When we made the complaint
of not reoeieing the Stephen miLutea
iu time to, he replied making conlra-
diotory statements wttioh (he said) he ( 1 y 6
wee prepared to verify under oath.
We took hila at his word, aud asked
for those affidavite, and until they are
About McKim.1 i'holte hosing a lot of pigs would do
well to attend.
Artkttlr Enterprise.
The public are scarcely aware of
the extent of bir. MGKitn'e trammel -
ions to the oounty of Welltnrton
lately ; it they were, no surprise
would be felt at the part he has
acted in this disgusting affair. Iu MARKET REPORTS.
order to throw a little li.ht upon the
true iuwarduess of the "patriotic
aotiou” as the Globe has lied the au
daeity to dub the "Careyiam" of Mc-
Kim & Co., in their career of crime, it
will be only necessary to make a few
revelations in refareLce to Rome Of
the honorable and '.patriotic" trau:t-
notion of Mr. McKim—the purest cf
the Ontario Grits—in his dealings
with the pet.ple of \Vellingtou. Many
of hitt n to it]liti'at supporters •vlt •
have acquired a bitter experience of
the honorable dealings of the man
whom we have been augured by the
Globe and by the Hen. C. F. Fraser
18 a''patrirtt" and an ornament to
our Legislative body. will be able to
boar witness to the facts here related.
But their notions of patriotism and
honur will hardly be endorsed so long
ad the conditions under which these
virtues are now claimed, and the deed
by which it is sought to elevate vil
Many to the rauk of virtue are under-
stood and abhorred as they hare been
PacxAtfD.—In Excitor, on 29th inst., the wife
of Mr. Robert Pickard, of twins.—boy
aud girl,
(Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday.)
All parties wialito io:epelx for lioartae trader
the Liquor Zioense Act of 107, ara'aereby nett -
Bed that the lime for makingapplitettlena will
be•estonderl beyon•tthe Iselior MAftt.IT,and
that applications made at ono+ will be enter.
gained by tiro hoard of License eommiistttn•
era. All an lieatfone moat he a000mpanred by
a ter of $10.00. and eddretesed to
Cblef Inspector.
Gerrie P tl
The undaxeitened offers for suite aft his Store -
hawse. Eider Stenon, the Ioflowirg varttiee
of seed grain
White Russian per lb 11 40
Lost :tatiu i ,a 1 35
Illc+Cxr•liag 1 20
.7oltaaton .t 190
Paley „ 6)
Clotrer Seed '' 750
Tauotny " 9 95
ort age Sale!
SIC its/ V a..
Silks and Satins
Ottomaits and Brocades—they
Any lady buying a locket
from US gets it out ,fres of
charge by a Gentleman Cut-
ter. Remember we have or-
naments, loops, frogs, and all
the trimmings to utatch, You
will save money by buying
your Mantles at
Another lot of those Cele-
brated CORStTS just in.
They stand without a rival.
Ease, comfort and a graceful
figure secured to all who wear
them. Call and see them.
For Corsets, Corsets
$oop Skirts and Bustles, go
to RA.? TON BROS., the
place for fine goods and all
IN STEPHEN. the leading Novelties,.
TINDER Altd by virtue of a power
sale cnntain rd In a certain Mortgage,
dated the 32nd day o4 Decembor.1892,ma a by
William a-alranus tFilzabethS Mame, hirwifr
joining therein to barber Dower,)to the Von
dor, default haviva been made in the uay-
meet thereof, there will bo sold by
At Brener's Hotel, Village of Grand Bend
Township of Stephan. by
PHILIP BAKER, Auctioneer, on
ednes.16th A r'11884
k'ALT, toasts Y
WniteWhea[ ,., 100 to 105 P ,
White Wheat Naw ••• ••• ,•• !. 00 to 102 AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. M.
Red 1VheatNew ••• ••. •. 090 to 0 75
tied .. 0 .5 to 090
/fife (now) ••• .4 ••. 105 to 1
darley 0 45 to 0
Clover Seed ............7001o7 •
Timothy 135 to 2
Peas •,• ••• ,•• ... 0 6i to 0
Corn . -. ... 0 00 to 0
Ngga •,• 0 18 to d ..
flnttol C lei to 0
Flour ,erbbl. ,•. 5 00 to 5
Potatoos,per bag .•
Apples, per bag
OreedApploapr b
Geese per lb. ... ... ...
Turkey per lb
Ducks pet pr
Chickens per pr
[toga dreseedper100
Hidesrouhg, ... .,,
dressed ,•.
3beop3kins,eaeb .,
wool per lb o
tiny per ton ,.. ,•• ,., 800 to 8 00
iinionsnerbush .. 0 80 to 0 75
Wood per cord .,, 300 to 3 50
(Sproduc d)thefect to inch ollowing valuableonditions se afreehold ll then e
0 property
33 All that parcel or tract of lanel and premises,
• 10 situate, lying and being in the Township of
00 Stophou, in the County of Huron, andEroviace
70 of Ontario, containing by admeasurement
B ( 27,1
sed of •the North -half be bb e f the Easte mintier -half being
f Int
17 No. 4, in the Aux-Saublo Concession, of the
00 said Township of Stephen.
70 to 0 75There is a good Frame Barn and a one-story
7006 to 0 08 to 0 75 I prams Dwelling House on the premises i- aleo
05 to 0 OG a young orchard of about 2 acres in good eon -
07 to 0 08 ditiOn.
50 to 0 55 For further particulars apply to
25 to 0 30 MR. B. V • ELT.IOT,
00 to 7 50 Vendor's Solicitor,
,.. 5 00 to 6 00 Dated starch 3t st, 1881 Exeter
500 to 0001
050 to 075
.� 09010100
0 50 t0 050
Live Stock Market.
in every age and clime. MONTREAL,
The Globe and bir Fraser should 1 March 31.—The receipts of cattle
al the market here to -day were under
200 be d. Rates were unchanged
from last week and the demand rather
dull. Prices for best quality ranged
from 5!}c to 50, and second quality
41 to 5c per ib., live weight. Sheep
sold at 5o to Sic per lb.
The British Gram Trade.
London, Mardi 81. -The Mark Lane
Express, in a review of the British
grain trade the past week, says: Cold-
er weather checked vegetation. Wheat
is not too forward.
Flour is weaker. Sales foreign
wheat are slow and tedious,and gen •
erally in in favor of:buyerb. Business
in cargoes of coast is restrioted. One
cargo of about No 1 Californian' real-
ized about 38 s 6d. Five cargoes of
wheat have withdrawn. Two wheat
cargoes were Bold, one withdrawn
and four remained. including one
Califonian. Cargoes cu presage are
little noticed. Sales of English wheat
during the week, 57,248 quarters at
88s ld per quarter, against 61',805
be made aware that Mr McKim be
cable bankrupt last fall ft.r upwards
of X60,000, and that his victims were
chiefly poor men and women unable
to bear Bitch sacrifices. Mr McKim
went around borrowing from the wid•
ow and the orphan; the humble work
ingman and the farmer—in fact from
all who bad a dollar to lend cr a beast
to sell on credit ! Names if necessary
Thus the savings of a lifetime to
meet the winter of old age were easily
obtained from confiding dupes ; and
either lost or went into the pocket of
this reckless borrower. Whatever
may have happened, or however the
money of the lenders disappeared,
the result was all the sante—the ored
itors never saw their cash again. Mr
McKim bought up some cattle on
credit, boasting all the while of the
large profits he was making by his
speculations; and not only that, but
our "patriot" in order That there
should be no delay in the borrowing
business, always bad a bundle of
notes ready signed by himself, which
he is reported to have commissioned quarters at 42e the corresponding
to his son, the reruterd register, to week Iasi year.
--OF rrxF
Dashwood Flouring Mill
Wishes to return thanks to his numerous
customers, for the past liberal patronage
given him, and since malting im-
provements, which is a large
saving on fuel, will do
until farther notice, at the following
--rates :—
And for all other grains (Peas excepted),
Are my regular grinding days
Strictly Cash.
N. B.—Flour & Feed sold at a close mar-
gin. Don't forget to give no; a call
Dashwood, Feb'y 7th, '84
Exeter, - Ont.
New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts
As paying as any agency in the world. For
!ole pprttculare, f rte, address, 8.0.TUNISON
Map;Publieher, 388Ittehmond•st„London, Ont.
Will be mailed FREE to Aft applicants and to
customers of lost year without ordering it.
It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and
directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower
Seeds, Plants. etc. Invaluable to alt.
D. M. FERRY & CO.:
Health is Wealth.
WENT, a guaran teed specific for Hysteria, Piz
ziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco, \Vakefulness,Mental
Depression, Softening of the brain, resulting in
Insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, Primature Old Ago, Barrenness, Loss
of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and
Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the
brain, colt -abuse and over -indulgence. One
box will cure recent cases. Each box oontoien
one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or
six boxes for five dollars; sent bymailprepaid
on receipt of price. We guarantee six looses to
cure any naso. With each order received for
six home, accompeniedwitb five dollars, we
will send the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money if the treatment does not
effect a out o. Guarantees issued only by J.W.
BROWNING. Sole Aoent for Exeter. Ontario
Planing Mill!
Done to order.
Remember the place.
Dyer At Reward.
residence property with building-op-
positeMr. Verity's-pricelow• If not sold in 50
daps will he leased for a tern to party willing
to make improvements, Apply to JOH
HAW1iSHAW, Cenitneretal Hotel, Exeter.
For Sale
HOUSE, contaiuing 6 room s, kitchen and
wood.shed,together with 2 -fifths of an acre of
land, planted withchoice bearing fruit trees.
Hard and soft water, Good stable. Apuly to
JOSEPH GOULD on the pion ses.f+leeen-street
Heusall. or to MANN ELLIO p. Exeter.
For Sale
That valuable farm, situated on south halt 01
lot 9. con 4, Hay Township, containing 50 acres
There is a goo o frame dwelling 18 x 21 with
kitchen 14x18;good frame bare 20x30; frame
stable 1800. Also a good orchard landed with
choice fruit bearing trees. Land in splendsd
condition, and soli of the best quality. 30 agree
free from, stumps, 5 acres in pasture and the
balance in bush. It is 4 miles from Exeter.
and 3 from Heue*U, with soboot house and
olturob t of aurile distant, Good water the year
round, Apply to Ja nus McDonald. Ray P, 0,
or to B. V. Elliot. Exeter.
Jaby 17,'84
The undersigned offers for tale that well WO.
aiodtwo story brink bogie. containing elevsa
rooms, en Wileiaur et, near the Exeter Market
Theresa agood barn and stable, together witk
driving house: also gtlod Mg pen and hen coop
cotabtnt•d: %%e lend..,mate of tltrea•flftha of
en aere,ort which there area large umber of
Choice bearing fruit trees l end hard and soft
water, Torparllcadars apply to l3. V.
Exeter. or to
3001 FE;: WICK. Dashwood P.O
`ATANT1 D, ---A BOY Ai3OUT 18
yaer. old is learn Pbotograpbing, Ope
wlro trpdorataatia.both Eua)lett and Harman.
4pvlyto W, T.JOtITia, lssoter^sorsa.
rota Lost.
# #7e dollar nob oa or about Mut ]at of Icor
repr. ottani** areoauttonad stalest malting
tin labia.
15tepbep. Fob. 7.Ital. 3011t1 WADDLER,
Charles Re, {Gordon , s • tai tat ted
with the hlotnat 1lndowa,vt on Marriage as d
Rona £sioolation, delIro. rritablo tt;sots
mantels for Ea 'tat. Godaieb, tYiny:lxm . i
B. N. CURRY, Secy. -Treat. London, oat.
An'T 17.'81
A lleatltntr sondem
rbgntotan eetabtistte$
ar t e euro f =ork
from lal.Jaarnidof b.dlclua
AD. **wrote (Iota at L radon% who restos a,p.•
Hattie Spitep.y, hus witAuat deabt tr.uIid Fad rorrd
won SIM Molt any -otter MNta[ pby.tctan, 1111 ear -
NN ha..tmpty bet a.toet.hlsr. Ma hard hard et
ewe or over N yy.ane •taadlnx .taee..tanr cured btt
Ata[. Its lase p.An.tted snort on the. dt.,we, wbteh
se volutewith a[.rgebook, ofhis tternd.rhtt con 4t o
to n•ty.utt.r.rwho mar (wadi [MIT t,alimit.k
ospreoo and r• Q
Aj inns,
. AB.1 e[L3iNatN
O 0Lit, Jahn at reu[T w.
The Marriage Looking Glass
For Every Married Couple,
While it wilthu'rt no single man or woman
to read shit; peculiar book, yet to all who for
the first time enter the married state it is
simply a NECESSITY. 'Ibex moat Stave rt
nor can the contents be given bore, but it ie
enough to say tbo book contains all the neo -
rote relating to newly married couples. Othort
who order It will have to bear the coneoquen-
008, as it is only intended for theeo who wish
to know how to acs after the knot is tied.
-.very suet couple should have it, and as it
emits o..ly a paltry 95 cents. or 3 for 50 ote.
Every one can have it by remitting stamps or
silver and thin slip; to
AW KINNEY, Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia
Cera tral Drug Store