HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-4-3, Page 1.r.,XETBRt O IN TR, -M ,T..,, Y RS1 M... .� SUGARS, SYRUPS, SPICES. P1OKLES, N P SOAP. Bit -QUITS. CONFe.CTIoNTARY, TWEET CORN.. Time ley' -11 & 0 Food —Just 'Received -- CORNED BEEF LUNCH TONGUE PIGS FEET LABRADON HERRING FRESH RADDIES Try G.'A, Id's One tobaccoes best in the market. TEAS COFFEES QA'l'1if;EA14 CORNMEAL VICTOR b(QAP ORANGES LEMONS CRANBERRIES. r � G, -A.. ITYNII'MAW. L W. BALI., BARRIS `ER, SQ RTQ e Dowtrtton. Hamilton'. Central Fair will be held, chi. pas September 00 and Op ttT ,► z tuber 1.2 and 8. The Toronto dog stow is declared to have been a rumen, tinat;oially -���._.... ...._ -_ ._..,_ __ ,._ and otherwise, The Hudeou and St Antes oottoa` wills et Hoollelaga Trill resume work. ing on hit time 6000. F,,XIX* betide, T,1,,. D.$, will he employed. 11 is not yet known defituitely Eturemor when the (errand Trunk antllorittee est re row will take posIression of the Welieud 4c4P1c+41" Railway, but it is generall au.pposed iedrZ the transfer will be elude during this t vein. tnonto. Two sons of Johu Loom, aged twelve 'tea foutteen yei*re, of Erin towinship, Wellingtou cduuty, were w drowned i ooday afternoon, They went upon the ice to slide al d broke through- The bodies were Teo +vored shortly' afterwneds, Private Jolet, of St' Johne, Quo', military school. Inas been ienteuced to six month' ireprisnnlrisnt for atrikiug a sergeant of the corps. This is the third case of iusnbordi-. nation enure the sohou) was rimed three mouths ago. The St. Lawrence is still rising tit Montreal, and the basement of dwell - lugs and warehouses alt along the riv or front are flooded, some deeply. However, the iuhabitante had timely warning of what was avproaobings and everything perishables was reinter - ed in time, so that there will be noth- ing more than inconvenieuee experi- ouced while the flood baste. Right Rev, Dr. t)arbery, Bielem of Hamilton ,Qat, arrivedpMoudity at New York on the steamship City of Riolimund. .A, large detention of Catholic cietgy boardtd the eteanler dawn the harbor, among whorl were Vionr-General Dowling and Father Lennox, cf iiamiltau, and Rev- Fatn er Lily, Prior of the Demiuion. The Bishop leaven for Hamilton Wearies. tinyevening. The members of the Montreal Stook Exchange voted against listing the NowYorit stook queetionson the board there. Mayor Bestiary, of Montreal, pro • tests against the action of the Oily Council in rednciug the Chief &Ingle trate', salary. A. 12 year-old lad named Duncan, of Glanford, dropped dead on Wed- nesday, while on bis way to school. He appeared to be in his n.,ual health on leaving home. The Hon. Mr Matsou, ox Minister of Militia, has been appointed te Leg- ifilattve Councillor for the divisiun of Lanandiere, Que. This makes three 'membore in the upper Chamber of the NJ. CLARK. COMMISSIONER Province who ere Seuators of the Do. a in the Court ..1 Common Pleas-Deode minion. Wi11s,Mortgagee, Leases, and all forms ofagroe. menta drawn and oxecufedaccor.ing to law. Several changes have been made at MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Parties wish- the Sandwich jail within the ptst few �. days. Constable Sparks, of Amherst - burg, takes the plane made vacant by the murder of Jailor Leech. Turn, keyFOR SAL.-TWO-STORYFRAME law of Sheell has ie be been a son in law of Sheriff Ii,' been installed in DWELLING HOUSE and ot,e acre otland. situated on the 'Chemed Road, 21 miles east of Ills plaoe, whiles gentleman fromCol Exeter. Goodlarge'rains stable and driving 'ebester has been added to the lief 3f shed' splendid orchard of choice fruit -beating Q*oa is $autweti'sPleat, Exeter. irRNTATe ENT ME i?ICAL lt.1/YNOMAN ,—CORONER FOR tbseountyofHuron. ttillce,xleatt doorto 1Sr.I.i:,►rtinp'satore.r.veter - r_ W. UiWUWNING M. 1?„ M. C • P. t0.'1min axe Vietoria[lnirerIitx • 0 M ---1 amdoaaidanae. rano `aiAa' I,atrnr#torr . Exeter. r _.... 'FIR, 3. A. ROLLI:r S, ?i, 0. P. s. .1..! 0, Osseo, mein 3',F.xeter, Ant. liasi+l5nco boasts recently ceoupled by P. McPRnWpe, Itsl- y� LU'TZ, ti. D., '.J. !Mee at his resi.ience Exeter• IRVING, 411ADU' ATE UNI VKRSITY TrtaityCollegMember Cellos* l+uveiciana t til iirraoonr 0u...,' aloe liirk top I MPORTAN x:10T=8 TAMES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION • t• neer. Sal4Rarowptlyattsndedto. it#ysof ral4sarranrod#ttlrls oaice 10- NEYTO LOAN ON REALES'. .1 tato for the Huron & Erie, Loan Savings eoloty. Low* rates of interest. Apply to John Spackman, Exeter. J. CLARK., Agent for the Us - .I.' •borne;to,ltiibbert3futuaIFiroInsurance eiompany, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by in prourptly tttend,'dto. OS. HUDSON, COMMMIS51ONlf.R 1u the Court of Cowmen Pleas -heeds, Wills,Mortittgos.Lcases,and all (0=1614 agree - numb' drawn and executed according to law. OF1rIC1--Iuthe Coutonnialliotellilock,Hon- sall, Ontario, IV ON �'Y TO LOAN AT 0 AND flit' Per cent, aceora'ing to tortes. Private rands, Apply to ..Y.F,LLIOT Ootobor15,'80 Solicitor. Ex..otci MONEY" S I can lend any amount of Manny on farm se- curity at 6,6i add 7 per cent. according to terms Private Elands a specialty. Charges moderato, H W HALL,Barrister,Exeter. (1 LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property At lowest rates of interest, and on terms to suit borrowers, A number of :first-class Parma for sale. Mortgages b•ught and sold. Oinoe in Fanson'e Block Exeter AP,,.,M rL 3, -T84' 4 CtlittItui$:l Ob. OrNVINNNTI, March 213,—Ten tbons and persons gathered, sit this Ii:Iusie Balk. iu response eo the call by re pu*sble citizens to Lek* action oti. the I3erner verdict. Miley could not get in. Strong resolutions were ad- opted condemning the verdict, Upon. Adjournment the vast crowd moved directly 40 the jail, where it begin an attack on the from'door,_ A. riot alarm woe sounded a nnmoning the plies force to *Ls jt ia. Yash crowds of people gatbeted that vicinity, ,Berner woe removed after serieipoe thio afteruoou and le cow on tint way, to Colltrtibus. The polio. 14.011 arriving commanded the crowd to more and not liking obeyed they fixed, but rte one Vial hurt, It is presumed they OW in tate stir. A shot or two was Aced from the ja#t, but the crowd refused to move, Al 14 o'clock in the evening the crowd got inside the jail yard, . `vimg previ- unsly broken into the ► Leh shop ttrid taken all the toot tr ;i oeutd bs found, There wan .dl tlalty,bi Rett• ing inierntatio4# about their More' went. because the streets alt around the court house ttndjail werejammed The reporter, from the stone wall of the jail yard, soh a great ortwd of men iastde Ilia jail, bat .bay had out reaullad the call room." They wer'a well supplied with Wile, and leer• .at work at the doors. There wait ap•, parontly uo rosin►teoas to the mob and no yieleuee offered to person, by the mob except Mein 1i4.alay, ane of the l ulioetrteu tit the petrol wugoii- who was etruce 'vith it, brink aurid slightly hurt. The action was coo - downed be the mob. Tbo 11;i1i: itt was ordered out, hat large uumberd failed to appear, as there if a geaur. al disposition not to interfere with the snob. The firet regiment of the Ouio Nattoual Guard entered the - just about midnight. Thirty shots 'with muskote were fired by the militia for the purpose of scaring the mob. Glauoing balls snrhak at least four lrersous, inELutiug injuries which tuny prove total iia --some ousea. The v•i11ey chinked the movement of the mob, which mad° no effort to retaliate. The police did not nye their pistule. Berner, After his sentence, was die- gui•sod uuri taken to Loyol to await the arrival of Crlmival deputy, Joe Moses, with the necessary papers for hie oummital to the penitentiary. It beoatria known that Brener vent+ at Lover. The crowd gathered when the train with Moses aboard came in and when Berner with the officer went to board it, the crowd made a rush for Berner. He ran through the oar and escaped, and is 'stili at large. At 12.45 the jail was fired by the mob, and the crowd on the streets say they will cut the hose to prevent the fire department from extinguish ing it. The History of the case is as fol- lows :-0n Friday night, December 21, 1888, William Berner, a yonne German, and Joe Palmer, a negro, murdered Wm. H. Kirk, by Ahem they were employed' iu his own s table in, the very heart of the pity. They Billed him with clubs late that after- noon and covered up his body until dark. They then hired an express wagon. took the body out of the pity, and dumped it in Mill creek. They killed Kirk for money, and got about $100. On their way back- Berner carried a ouoket of water from a sa loon to the negro Palmer, who wash- ed the blood stains from the express wagon. After taking the, wagon home they went to a saloon over the Rhine and divided the money. Ba- uer afterward took his girl down town and bought her $15 worth of jewelry, and went around with her until quite late. The two menwere arrested on envicion, and two days, afterward Berner confessed his guilt, and hie. story for the most part was corrobor- ated by his companion in the crime. The trill of Berner bsgau a little over three', w eke ago. Berner's father Lei la><:nde • and maney, and he em-, ployed the threeablest, criminal law. yers:fii Cincinnati to defend his son. The trial was concluded some days, ago, when a verdict of manslaughter was returned, 'The ,verdloa was met ing to borrow money en. account of recent pur- chases ofland,or to pay off existingmortgagss will find a great saving by giving me a pall. Can lend money at6 and 61 per cont. according to terms. N.T.CLARS. trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a. re- assistant turnkeys. Davis has not as tired farmer Will be sold °heap for cash, Ap' yet resumed his labors. ply to THOMAS ALLIN, E sates P.0 jy 19 tt, --TRY— C. Ma96.11INTINC'.S Central Shaving Parlor The jewelry store of Abel Ashby, Windsor, was robbed Wednesday after noon of twenty four watches three sets of plated jewlry two revolvers, a set of watchmakers tools aud a lot,of as.1 For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting ex. sorted jewlry' The supposed thief is i Clean towel for every customer,' a young man named Randolph Malan. Next doo: to Central hotel i dor, who bab charge of the store. Ashby did not discover his loss'uutil drivel al hours after Malandur had de parted. He estimates his toes about $212 Malaudur had been iu his orifi .Established in .1803. I ploy but a short time. His home is HEAD OFFICE • . WATERLOO; ONT. , in Montrerl. Thiscomianv has been over Eightteen years a 4ucooseful operation in western Ontario,and 1 continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Morohandise, Manufactories ,and 1 This Pro^"ressive Age. all other detoription ofinsurable property. In- tendingiusurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or (Nab System. During the past ten years t1 is Company has issued 57,006 Policias.covering property to the amount of $40,872,088; and paid in losses alone .3700,702,00 Assets, 5116,100.00, consisting of Cash in Bank, Government Deuosit, and the unassoesed Premium Notes on hand and in force 3 W WAt,. DEN,l1f D. Presider t. C. if. TAYLou,Secretary I. B. HVdriEB,, Inspector. CHARLES SNELL igent for Exoterand vicinity. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Every one should know for himself that "Gold Coin" is the best Chewing ` Tobacco now made in Canada. The unprecedented demand for it, singe it has boon in the mar- ket, attest the fact. For sale by all Whole- sale Grocers and Tobacco Dealers. Made by ADAMS' TOBACCO COMPANY. Montreal. Quebec. NO. I bility the lrtrsrrs will be .held raspou Istiob airouwitsuces as („n rsitteeetii., siblo for the 70 deaths in brittle se ,,tion made to him by the Imparter well ate r the esoape of Berner, and rrr County Board of Examiners,)ehow dispel s way be .rrxpsal a deserab it to be neosaisery to meet same tones ing r lyuobing.Bated emergency, i p iii rgengy, aud such extension - • ea.* will be valid only till the nett exam, • Ftrtlxi:w 1.otopoldDDead, Loudon, Alvah 28. -.Pring+ Leopold, the yottugeet son of Qseen Victoriia, died, stldrtenlj at Cannes this morning. The Queen is profouuuly affected by the death of the prince, who diad or a fit ad be was stiertiatt for Darmstadt 44 Si toad the wedding of his utecs, Privaess V1c4o4a of Reese. The res idence of the Prince of Wales is be - Bulged by people calling to express. oond,ilenae. The body of the Doke of Albany wen embalmed and brcughi to Englsnd to . bellistied et Frogmore. Toe cause of the uke'e death was effusion of blood into the stornaals and lungs. There was no ei•nsual premonition*, but the aymptouia have long been threatening. 'fie Q5,5151' reco,ving the ex-Ernpreea Engaut' ,clasped her in her arise and was e •_. d4ty loud' oouec+led by liver *yam, •y. Tele- gram* of condolence are arming from all parte of the world. ZVhau tit. Queen first heard of the Duke's- death, alio was seized with a peroxyiaan of weeping. The Duke felt ttu the etepe of the club house et 414111 Oil Thursday evonitig. He wail 11- WW1 ou+tti u afterward to Write a din patch to the Duchess, ,feting thltt;, or at licruimrr..,..,,..R..,, 20uv50x he had fallow, Arid p+rer%bly would oat Candidate* way also take sitttei°, or i6o able to naive for England 10-10 1; or Iltith vAlve 75 each, and y any musks obtained will be added as The Doke 4trugk ail hie head ween a banns to their aggregate; candidates he fall. TV' escort will start with le addition minimum on each subject must obtain an aggregate of 700. They will have to read a passage se - looted trope au authorized Fifth lead- er. rouble candidates may substi- tute Froliph, German, Museo, or B tt. any for Algebra. Candidates fur with a cry of rage from the, audience teaching)' ip*tions. A. fee of $1 will be regtlired frown earth candidata, to be remitted by the Inspector to the Department for the expenaes of nomination. Oaudidatea must send the presiding Inspector, not later than the 1st of June, a no- tice stating tate plena of eertilaatel they apply for and rhe description of aertifloate they already posse** if eon; snob atoll** to be .soaompaaisdby the feet and evidence of obart>Ntsr, cad to state what optional etilijeote are selected. The obligatory subject. for Third. 011464 uuri profaesional, with the cal. ue of the 8ubjeot and the uainitnuw required are: - 1. ltea+liugR •A 0141).• 2. Writing. ...,, , 8. English Grammar 4. "" LiteratureR 5.Oowpositis)u &t Dictation.-- .,.... ,., 7. Arithmetic and Mensuration. 8, fM ebra# ,1„R,e,,,..«..♦ i;uehd,..• , 414..,R R,,.,,,, G.Ggiitphy'.,,,„ ,,,,.,,.., tg. mental Arithmstia.,........ +Ani, fa any two of these, Nataral Philosophy, Om - Botany.. ,..,.. '200 or (b) Latin, or fol 1 reach 100 75 150 250 100 50 100 100 75 75 19 46 37 26 12' 4 25 25 18 19 ly ao the body on ruesday mornlug Prince Leopold was bore, April 7, 1858, and was married Vetch 1,8, 187€1, to Princess Louisa or ,'rueeie. de was of a quiet and studiop;e dispo-. salon , and of an artist" turn of ailed, takiue a great deai trf interest l Iutermodiate only will take Reelects 1 iu seientifie matters. His health has to 7, and either 8 0, or 11. never been good, end his death will The work prescribed in each sub. bo a matter of surprise to few, J ` t: jsat is the scone as last year, oxoept. before the appointment of Lord. Ltttfltt in Literature which is "s The Travel[- downe its Governat-General of Cana. re," "The Elegy," and parte of "Bur ds it was rumored that niece Leo ke's Reflections." It h stated, how- eolrl would be appoiuted to the posit ever, that the paper ou Composition. int. Tins statement, of course, ex- will be of a snore practical character cited much intorost. Iuveetigatiou that, herorto and teachora are reforr allowed that the Pri tae had himself ed to "Hodgson's Errors in the Use of :English." The subjects, values, and marks required tre the same for second as for third, but the pipers will be asp• suggested that he be appointed to the positiuu, but the proposition was not favorably received by the British Government winch replied iu a oonrt- coos manner giving reasons for re- [trate in most subjects, and for grade. fusel. ''A' an aggregate of 870 will be re- quired. The examination for Thirds will begin on the 7th of July and end our the llth; for Seconds will begin on the Oth and end on the 14%. Not Far from Home. News Condensed Mr. Jas. Aikens. Hullett, split his thumb open with an axe a few days shoe. Mr. John Biggart, of Chntou, met with a very painful accident on Tues- day of last week, while engaged skid• ding logs in Mr. Mark's bush, which will lay him up for some time. The harness broke, a piece of them catch- ing Mr. Biggart and tearing a hole iu his leg leaving the cords and the bone bare. Mr. John Gilgriohist, the well known strawberry grower of Hernial!, has let the contract for 9 handsome now rest. deuce. 11 is to be of brink, and will have a elate roof, and when completed will be one of the hacdeou neat resid- eucee on the London Road. The con- tract fur the carpenter work hes been let to Mr. Henry Reynolds, and the brickwork to Masora Howard & Baw. den, of Exeter. When completed it • is expected it will cost about three,: thousand dollars. We learn with regret of the death of Dr. Ninfan Wtroode, Bayfield, He - was aged about 64 years. The doctor Changes in the Departmental regulat. was a genial, companion, a staunch Nitro•Glycurine 1 1 Tno nitro-glycerine house of ,the Repauno Chemioal Works al Thomp- suns Point, exploded on Saturday morning. It is supposed that seyen oc eight men are killed. Among the killed are supposed to be Lamot Du- pont, president edges oompeuy; W. N. Hill, superintendent ; Norcross, compounder of dynamite, and others. A tug has gone to Chester, Pa., for angering. The works are among the largest dynamite manufacturing houses in the country. The explosion at Repauno Chemi- cal Works is supposed to have been caused by to much heat, generated by nitric acid. Six occupants of the building were seen to rush for the door, and Were jammed in the pees- age when ; the explosion occurred. The six were Instantly killed, their bones beings, brokou and twisted 'Itnd heads crushed in a frightful manner. Their mantle are Lemont epont, W. II. Hill, k Edward Nordrose and George Nortpu aud Lewis Lay, em- ployees, and4. S. Ackerson, oheinist of S1. Luuial IMPORTAZNT TO TEACHERS.•. The Amended .• Educational Department liegaletions. The following are the principal atlons;relating.to teacher.' oertificetee and examioiitiens. , Holders of Third -Class Oertifioatei. who desire renewal' of such .oertfi- oate9 are rr uired`'to prevent them- selves at the non-professional. T but Class e'xaminatiou iu July, 1884;orara the Conn. Iuspeotor may i# ,4 marks (for eReienoy rani apti of ro:exneted 200, to and the judge himself said, ;"It Lea ,.added as damned outrage," and ctiemiued number o. them without the customary thanks' .professi(d5 for renews wise gran ono extensioa:exoept under for faithfulness, eta. Berner riealy deserved hanging. and .in all probe: fried,' a .true`, ohristtan and a skillful praotitioaier.. He one time gook au 'active pa1"t'iu municipal and polities! mattere.atih had • been honored with. ,poiitione both in 'township and•coun- tv enttr:oi)s. Of late years he paid lees attention to those shatters. He was a Liberal -Conservative id polities, and from his high sense of honor and un. doubted integrity exercised quite .an • influence among :bis fellow citizens.` bouua "a the aggregate He was one of the,pioneer settlers `tin mailed^,. ob y anyd in non this section durinhis long residence ti'eutijectsby any candidate worked' assiduously at his profession 1; :The Minister will other and has uousequently accumulated considerable of this worlds goods.