HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-27, Page 71. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail
New Brewery. Mr, John Morgan. of McGillivray
Dir. Louis .Zudwiek, of e1,, tile new township, has soldbtis farm to Chas.
' proprietor of the Queen's hotel,Exeter (north) Bean for . 6 bOQ. and will reside iQ
'intends steeling a brewery, daring the coin-BeIt ,
in tan on the site formerly °coupled by Fen- E'
trick's mill' Mr. Ti,, haying an abundance
of capital, will undoubtedly, make the con- Lucite
cern prove a ;movie in every particular ; he
intends'employiag seven or eight hanae,most AQOZPENT.--00.SAturday la►tt,
of whom will be uew residents. Exeter is while F. Diamond ri+s �awiug
favorably situated for au establishment hotelent of iece of lumber M Mr Bleepers ceb-
this hind, as there are numerous hotels sac, Piece
rounding it, Farmers will get a ready sale that factory, he aooi4lently out his
for their barley, band. He is getout; along as well
as can be expected.
.l.7tlts.111/A1oth Oz.
chased from James Pickard, of Exetcr,an o=, created on the streets an Tueatray.
Rhioh iaa to -day the largest, and in many re- by the running away of w team of
spects, the finest attires' to the Dominion. horses belougiug to W. Naugle.
Greiffof Elmira have per- Ru wax.' A little excitement was
Hie age is about three yearn and ten months, They made tlliege lively for ra short
and while not hit, though In good condition, time but fortunately no damage wss
weighs et present'a little over 2,800 lbs, In ty B
lira hands of•the a�iessrs, Groff Itis height can done.
TEN CENTS per ltue tor arab insertion. and be considerably increased. and it Would not SAr vL'nori Aauy.—The barrit:ka of
11'Ol1it CENTS per line for eat* subsegaeat in- surprise us if bynext September, in lima far
reettonwillbechargedfornoticeeappearingia the kielvatio'►. Army ie about fl"ished.
Otte oolumu. exhibition, he should be brought up to 3300. A halletugil limo uts,y be exlrasotasd at
It is said let the Messrs. Grog were offered the o .lust, There emit ba e„d
A. Valuable Gift, a t e .haste by which to throw people out.
-- Sone of the members are trouderfal.
The Travellers Insurance Company of pugaliete.
TIIC'IISD&Y'„11 1.11013 27. 1884. Hartford, Vann', whose graceful tribute to—.-��rr+,..• .-
the American prase, the eugraTing of the ()ebo iiQ.
,"Represeutauve.Journals end Journelieta of
Aaaertoa," wag last year (liven such wide die, Bele rs.---The aping and sun mor
tributicn, are non Giving farther proof of birds have made their a t'earauce and
their artratio outerprise. This time theyp
Ile Sider Pugs.
and x40;0(1,500 for btm. Wood tock rime, . P g
Wanted,—,4 smart, intelligent
lad, about 16 years old, la learn
printing, il!ust have a fair
education. Apply at this office.
Jaen' Itnexty n. -•-hest and cheapoet lot of
boote and shoes we have as yet seen to town,
.a att.. Eacrett'a. Also baud -made work and
repairing done as usual. Harness of every
3dud always on hand, whips. truuke.ehildrene
carriages, express waggons, &c. Call andeee.
Arm Broken.
Mr. G. Aluuteith, of Uslwrne, an Sunday
havc brought out a special edition for tne everything looks favorable for au
press, of the ofdciat engraving of the uolu«s- early eprintf.—Mr. T. Winter tt avel
al French statue of Liberty, as it will appear jar for J, W. Tie 4.. 0., of Toroutu
en the gigantic pedestal now being erected was loin the towllt+ili 1 hot week, he
for iia „option rn wow York harbor. above $ 1
whose water it will next year raise its fiatu. looks Mule and nerrty.--•-Ur. II. 13.
ittgtoreh to more than double the height of MnTeggert hes returned to Winohel
Niagara Pelle. T1tia °flee has roomed a
copy of this iutereotiDg work with the cam-
ptiolents of the "Travelers,” to whom ac.
kiiowledgements are hereby tendered.
Loved Brevities.
All fools day will soon be here.
The streets have beau scraped in sorbs
stained ou some ice an tri
tent fell as arm he break tai Market is dull owing to the muddy
ing it a little abore toe wrist.
dight Hata revved raw
Willie a. young son of Mr. Jahn Dowu, of
vabonie, was at play near a woad pile,
which the scow had melted from in nudes. it
tell over ou the levy. canoiug serious injnries.
card or Thanks.
Tee Misses Speckniau it Boyd, Drees-
ruakere, desire to return thanks t•, their
eustomere for past liberal Patronage, ana.
trust that they will be favored with a like
-:hare of trail o in their ne c elem. missy's, l beteg exercised for tho Spring Rates.
Pimiento block. A call i d,liaitetl. lir. A Bishop, Af. P F., bas returned home
front Termite.
Removal. White Bros.' entertainment la postponed
Wo aro inforined that Mr J. it. Jaynes, till the Sth of April.
formerly employed in the boot and short de. Thu Star Grocery is the place to purchase
partnu•ut of Mr, Jamey i'icker& has accepted your seeds. Alluew and fresh. Sae adv.
:rpoeitiou ati travelling ',aleamsm for Garret
condition of rho roads.
The weather for the past week has beets
favorably for auger staking.
The tutow has disappeared, and the roads
are iu a muddy aondittiion.
The "rest youth' has return( d home, and
is admired by all.
Ur Martin late proprietor of the Queen's
Rotel, left for Godorich on Thurstley lest.
The American horsebuyen aro in town
again purchasing horses.
Union pra]er meetings are still being con -
tinned this week in the Methodist Church,
"Jcrecy Lily" has winged hands, and le
tea and is working with Air. R. Rob-
luaou.•--Mr. Tbos. Halls of Elimville,
has gone to Chicago to resume work
as a mason.—Mrs. 3aeepb. Orr, return-
ed to Aucaster tact Wednesday..
Whooping•oough has been raging in
varlon..a parts of the township, but it
aeons to be abating somewhat now.--
Ilited help appears to be a aro° this
,year and ferules are offering good
wages to good men. --•-!"be fall wheat
looks well, but these waren days and
frosty night*, will not do it any good.
--We notice Messrs. David Milie and
Jalnea Halle are busily engaged eau.
vermin the towsaabtp to seouro patrons
fur the Birkton Creamery. Tuie in.
ion is r'Jri aria audit
etitut p p g a patrons
are scattered over a largo area of" �._
18{anahard and Usbocue. People are er than spend the proper amount of which are extravagent and whoae ex.
begiltlug to see that a groat deal oe la. time carefully oonsidering and closely penees amount to one-half of their, iu-
bor is saved, a butter prise for .heir onietdatintr the result --whether or, coma ; but on the contrary ate to
butter obtaiued when they send their net it is going to et:d profitably. -I favor of Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur-
eream to the creamery, hence resit do not desire to take up any poiut ex- anoe Companies doing a safe and econ-
patrouage, coptittg oun which I am sure Ur. omioat business. Mr. Hogarth in
Riad Carltng'a change of advThou uew --- ►-*�++ Ilagarth has not spent a proper ain't winding up enys that as Partnere and
t t',t,, tibula eall� Ild�dst and 4lino ins+rufact. l sprh+g aceta aro well sd'lectod,and will be sold 1�otlgerville. of time to oousi+ler viz.,Insuraat, ce; he tneu tney ought so to look after their
ttrora of Hamilton. llo will begirt hie wow cheap, •—^�- says there ie one this. g I have been bu+lrresti that they aro net eat moon
came'on the 1.-t of April next. We ~vitt Iuisa A amber oryoutbs )40 'lava been idle Brogre.—•Fttre spring weather.
Fall particularly ragneated to refer to, and tllttrsly. I tray of t119 opinion that
you Juhu.
-OE ---
1!! SPfi111 GOODS at CARLI!I!S
We are now showing an Lnmense Variety of
Now Spring Cooa5 in all, Mepartx .ents,
cc SATINS, .
New Oottons, do. Sheeting, do, Pillow Cottons, do. Table
Denims, do. Table Napkins, do Towels, do. Lace Curtains,
do. Hosiery, do, Gloves, do. Laces, do Ribbons, do. Corsets,
do. Prilliugs, do. Embroideries, do. Dress Trimmings, do.
Fancy Goods of every description.
Mi liii a `3r, New & St 'fish.
We would also call special attention to our maguificaut stock of
New' Cent's Irurnishings
New felt and straw Hats, do. Ties, do. Shirts, do. Braces, do
Handkerchiefs, do. Gloves—in all the latest styles.
Best quality and Lowest Prices.
Intending buyers will do well to Wiped oar Immense Stuck, before making your Spring
purcbasea, and should also bear h* mind that our Stores are the most haudsomu and beast
hgbted in E eater. Our Stock i,* new and Choice. No Ueda.) to show Goads.
fur the past few weeks kit for London on wheat "looking well. Sugar -making 11 thunk it will fit in admirably under that is what the 1lodel Farm has been
'*Imlay last to Reek employment' the order of the day. the beading of this paper, that is in- leaciiin
steely s Runaway. rt .,__ The "Ohl Established it; ahead, as usual , g I I ;, farmer's sous at Guelph but
On Saturday lu:,Cning l.t;t, while .ifs, tau with a petal display of new Sluing Pods -
cacrement tine dispensed in the * urauce for farm property; he olai'ns at11 easily unstal:et), and that Mr. H's
Snell wtt,tdriving a term of voting Itorr4ee tip 'See adv. Presbyterian Churob here last Sabbath to have prepared soma statietioa upon kt,owledpo of letmance is very limit -
\tidiest., they became Matted, and began gal- Thu river *,mining through here, is very by Rev. Mr. Tll%nnp.on who has again that edtbjeot, and teat those were bas -'ell, and goes to prove that in future
:eying, alum and' of Caen 3 icf:eel its leg over Moll at present. 0i+ account of the fast die—ed ou the report of the Inepeotor of II belch e :lir. H. e:ivect his brother farm -
lbw polo , f tat, t5tr ,,m. la jnriug iteidf some- appearance of the snow.
what. Tee mate w•+. eat eunsiderably. stir. • lir Ludevick has repainted the Queen's nr. S. llttreltall is retuoving his insure= ; he says the gross income ere advic:r and igum; to prove his as -
Snell pulled tha•rn onto 1)svi t" lInteher Shop, Hotel, and it flaw presents a very Mailable largo brick bttitdiug formerly u.:ed 88 of all the Ontario Companies (Ex- t•ortione that it would bo :advisable for
him to spend :t litli0 Mare time (s'1 he
says) in earefuliy considering points.
,out &o., INSVInANCE MAN.
Exeter March 2fith 1884.
t„ prevent tiu:•ut getting away. appearauce. a hotel, to .lions;ill whore he tuteude .elusive of Life) is $687,427,95 (1881);
It is reported that .lir. Thos Carling, of ro 1)tliltltu it for is more. the amount raid for losses is 215
lectern*. -,_._.. f'1' t� will run the 'Exeter hotel at the g1,
nt d 1r, ' On Friday laid, Messrs. James and 498.77, the expenses of managing
On ^�,;itirday last, ,l �•sdiln°, lad, 'named station,
Brewer, from 1ii.tlavn, n hili" playing will ;Iugh riyu hnau, who has been attending
Borne idler buys in Mr Jatnt' Down's lumbar the London University, returned 110010 last
41e41, managed to climb upon the ceiling, and reels,
by sumo mishap dipped upon It jolat that '\'Philo elephants liavo dropped in price
was route), when it fell insuring his head from. $200,000 to $1?5,000 Now is the time
-emu -what. lie was taken to Rirkton' and is to lay in your summer supply.
eating along likely.. Some boys while out sugar hunting the
other oveninghad a narrow escape from being
Cgicket. caught. Bo careful.
Tho annual dinner of tho "Tile Exeter A number of young folks visited Luau tho
Cricket Club" will be held at the Club Rooms other Sunday, and satisfied their curiosity by
on this Thursday evening at 3:30 p; nt„ attending the barracks of the Salvation
when tho election of officers for the coming Army
bright season will take place. Also the days It is said a detachment of the Salvation
for engagements with "Tho Engli.h Gentle- Army was in town last week, endeavoring to
men" will be taken into consideration. All secure the Agricultural hall, to neo it as a
who take an interest in this manly sport barracks.
Rev. Mr. Thompson,of Brucefield, will take
the services in the Presbyterial) Church next
Sabbath, in the absence of the Rev. llir. Mar-
Fresh strawberries have commenced to ar- Local sportsmen are polishing up their shot
rive in Boston and Now 'York from the sunny grins to be prepared for the pikeahooting sea -
should make it a point to attend.
A Chance For Editors
South, but as yet they are nn expensive lux-
ury, sales being reported iu the latter city of
120 quarts at $3 per quart. The above wero
received in refrigerators in splendid con -
son, which commences as soon as the ice
loaves the lake.
Mr James Pickard's Millinery Department,
under the supervision of Miss Doherty, late
clition, and wore readily disposed of, notwith-
standing the exorbitantly dear prices, which
would be at the rate of abort 3c. a berry.
Are They Shot.
Mr John Balkwill, of this village received
a postal card, from Chicago,. by last night's
mail •stating that "the divorced Lattie Patch
had shot his son "Jack,"dead, and that "Bill"
Patch was dying, come immediately."
Mr. Balkwill, tbinlcing that the postal was
sent for a mere "whim," at once telegraphed
for further particulars and received word
hey were all right.
Troubled. Journalist.
The,Wingham Vidette, late Blyth Review,
seomiugly, has been in trouble ever since it
emigrated to Wingham. Its editor slaps at
the Expositor for making several sensible re-
marks anent its establishment in Wingliam,
which appears to have somewhat arousea the
Vidette editor. He does, indeed, make some
very boyish charges against tie Expositor
editor, who merely stated that Wingllam
could not support three papers, which state-
ment we corroborate.
Highly Esteemed.
We again hear news from fresh quarters,
which we are glad to chronicle, being, that
the TIMES has for the pant number 0f months
been. heldin the highest esteem, by both
friends and enemios,-the latter in this case
-so much in fact that au individual,possess-
ed of immense wealth—as one night infer
—would deceive our carrier, rather than pay
the subscription price. We would mention
his name,if we thought it would shame him.
but shaming an already upbraided person is
a difficult matter,
The dwelling ou the property just north of
the Presbyterian Church,Is being torn down.
The land now belongs to Mr Adam White-
ford, who,we believe intends erecting a hand-
some residence thereon.
It is reported that a deputation of the Sal-
vation Army will visit Exeter at an early
date. It would be well for none of the young
men to raise a muse with them, as parties in
Lucan were made to regret such doings.
We hear numerous complaints about some
of the young men congregating on the side-
walks during the evening—especially Sun-
days, --and insulting young ladies as they
pass by. Such practices should not be toler-
ated, and it Is the duty ot our constable to
look after such characters.
A $2O Stoical Rewar a.
The publishers of Ristledie'sMonthly offers
twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for
April, among which is the following :
We will give $20,00 to the person telling
ns how many words there are in the Epistle
of Jude, as recorded in the NEW Testament
Scriptures (not the xnw REVISION,) by April
10th, 1884, Should two or more correct vox-
uewers be received, tkc REwvnn will be divided
The money will be leawarded to tho winners
April 1510, 1884, Persons trying for the
reward must send 20 cents in silver ' (no
postage stamps taken) with their answer, for
which they will receivo the' May. Monthly, iu
which the name and address of wiuners of,
the reward mid the correct answers will bo
published, and iu which several more valu-
able rewards will be offered. address the
Easton, Penna.
George Johnston of this pinoe, put iu
,t faithful days work fo; Mr. J. brood,
of con 2 L?sborne, cutting over tl►ir-
toou cords of maple wood in uiue
hours with a lance t,)otll saw. Who
oau beat it ?
Mr. John Balsdon met with a seri-
ous accident on Tuesday last. It ap-
pears be was riding ou the bench of a
sleigh with his feat on the roller,when
unfortunately 003 of theta slipped off
and was doubled bank under the bench
dislocating the aukla and breaking the
leg in two placed.
Sugar making is the order of the
d tl f tilea farmers
this amount of business is 282,270.42;
he Hays here you will find a disc: er
ancy of $89,653.76. I understand
lir. 11. is a graduate of the Model
Vertu of Guelph, and this surpriaoa T9 Rent.
sue that he should not know better
than snake the above statement io
public print which is false in every
particular, granting for the sake of an
argument that bis figures of Income
and Exji. m.liture,, are correct. He
ear he finds : Income $687,427.95,
expenditure $491,775.19, here be says
you will find a discrepancy of $89,-
653.76, wbioh should be $189,652.76,
an error of $99,999.00. When your
cor.•respcndeut found this large error
in Mr. Hogarth'e letter he turned to
ay wl 1 some o the Government report to find the
A taffy -pull at Mr. J. Irvine's on oorreot income and expenditure of all
Friday night last, was enjoyed by a d ,r b K
number of our young folks, lots of companies oinb a inees in 1881 un -
taffy, lots of filo, der the Ontaro Legislature and found
Fall wheat Coke exoellont, especial-
ly what was put in in good order. We
wont tell you yet. though,if it is going
to be a good Drop or not.
Review service in the Methodist
Sunday School next Sabbath, com-
mending at 1:80 p. in. All are invit-
On the evening of March 31st, Rey.
Mr. Turnbull entertained a good audi-
ence, in the h ill,on his fourteen years
experience in South America.
Mr. Melvil Razlewood ani wife left
last week for thair new home in Mani-
toba. We wish our young friends
every happiness in their prairie home.
"Happy" Bailey w.ts reconnoitring
around here last Saturday and has
made arrangements for invading our
village shortly. We would welcome
the regular Salvation Army to our
midet, but don't wish to have any-
thing to do with this silyer collec-
tion sharpshooting Bailey.
Economy on the Farm.
To the Editor of the Ti+lies :
In the issue of the Exeter Reflector
of the 20th inst., I find a letter by S.
J. Hogarth, Exeter, in which I notice
a number of amusing remarks and
false statements. He says it is a poor
that there are Companies doing busi-
ness under their different systems,
Cash and Mutual systems,Purely Mu-
tual, and Joint Stock Companies.
The Income of the Cash & Mutual
Co's, I find on page 154 -is $206, •
820.92; of Purely Mutual on page 160
5142,073.96; of Joint Stuck Company
on page 169, $162,327.45, making a
total of 5511,222,88 and not 5687,-
427.95, as Mr. Hogarth says, show-
ing an error of $165,205.62 in his
statement of income. In the matter
of losses pard, I find Cash & Mutual
Co's, paid (page 155) 5116,038.73 ;
Purely Mutual Co's, paid (page 162 &
163) $79,188.38; Joist Stook Co's,
paid (page 169) $75,505,07, 'making
a total of $270,782.18,aud not $215,-
498.77, showing an error of 555,283,-
41, in Mr. Hogartb's statement ot
losses paid. In the statement of Ex-
penditures of managing, I find as fol-
lows :
ol-lows: Cash & Mutual Co's (page 155)
$69,982.81 ; Mutual Co's (page 163)
$50,593.73 ; Joint Stook Co's (page
169) $52.122,42, making it total of
$172,648 96, •and not $282,276.42,
sh^wing an error cf Mr. Hogarth's
of $109,627.46. Your correspondent
does not desire to continue to show up
tbe balance of his letter at present, as.
they are just as false as those I have
economy, to rush lute speculations or referred to. I do not wish to be under
any transaction without thought,rath- stood as being to favor of Companys
A. goodFarnl of 05 ncros in the FIRST CON-
CESSION of the Township of TUCK)I1ISIIITH
LRS. fora term
For particulars apply to
I Esq,
:or to
Solicitor &c,
Notice to Creditors.
All persons having any claims against Neil
Stewart,lato of the Township of Usborne, in
the County of Huron, deceased, who departed
this life on the lath day of March, 1854, are
hereby notified to send in a statement of their
accounts with full partic.11 rs of their claims,
and of the s •curitics (if any) held by them, to
me, the undersigned, by post pre -paid. All
such accounts (if just...nd correct)prosentedor
sent to me on or nefore the 14th DAY of APIi1L
1884, ;will pay ; but I will not pay or be re-
apousible for any accounts sent in after that
Alt poreous indebted to the said Neil Ste -
warfare hereby notified to send in a statement
of the amount owing or due by them to me on
or before the Said 14th ST
dayMES of ,pril, 1884.
Dated 24th March, I884. LumWAleyRT, P O
"For 6fountedPolioe Provisions and Light
Supplies," and audreesedto tbe Honorable the
President of the Privy Council, Ott awa, will
be received up to noon on THURSDAY, 1st
Printed forms of tender .containing full infor
motion as to the articles and quantities re•
quired, may be had on application , at the
No tender will be received unless made on
such printed forms.
The lowest or any tender not neeessarlly ac-
Each tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted Canadian Bank Cheque for an amount
equal to ten per coot of tit o total value of the
articles tendered for, which will be rorfeitedif
the party declines to enter into a contract
when called upon to do so, or if he fails to com
plate the service contracted for, If the ten-
der be not accepted the cheque will be return-
No paymentwill oe made to newspapers in-
serting this advertisement without authority
having beenflrst obtained.
Ottawa,llth March, 1884,