HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-27, Page 5--FOR New & Fresh. -".ALL KINDS OF - FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Just Arrived, Try our 50c. Tea. *SZOSilgo New & Fresh. --ALL KINDS OF - New • Photograph Studio. PRISE LTS Ca'bi ;+ is Card de "G Lata CHILDREN, - $r4.00 per dozen. FIELD d GARDEN SEED ' -- e.00 ,. .. Just A mired, Wines and Liquors Wholesale and Retail. SEEDS! somas s SEEDS SEEDS 8T THE EXETER SEED STORE, aoaazrrsarr Lasaalrolvz. Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seed!;. We call the attention of Farmers and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspect on. W IIROWINTINC, Prop WHOM U14A0g0APNTt3 N'ITH T$ GFQGRAPHY OF TH.3 OWN. TRYWItt,att GY EXA 1,100,4g THISIJAP THAT THg riWokg`s IFJ r•:6i*/Aso, fit 's CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAM & PACIFIC H'Y By the eon rat position of its line. Connecta the Rev and the Methg the:Mower rcnt..a id ear• rler p&,9, r, Crs. trubout cheuge or carth h• tavern Criwairo and 1anaaaCOY. CaunertlBlurts L_avca- worth. Atchison, Mtnheapoll• awd tit. rani. Ie (lcanects in union Depots -with all the pm:civet lines of road between the Atlantic+ and the Pacine Weans. Iitrs equipment to rinriral'.t and isal;nit. _•+ It auttful pay Cosaahe.i.2 a ninasattNorton and dining Chair Cara. Pullma0 a Prettiest, Paloco Slaftang Cara. and tho Beat Lino of Dining Cara in tho World. Threw Trams !between Chicago and Igateourt Bluer Points. Two Traits between Chi- sagoand Mtnneapohaand ge.Paul.via thohamoue "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.' A New and Direct Line,via Seneca and Ranks. hoe, has recently. been ep.ncelbetween Umbra and., Norfolk, Newvpport Nowa, C1lattafOotta. Attanta, Au- g1tutta*ta.NarhvTillo Lantevtllc. Le xtngton,Clneinaatl. iadiatapalia and Latayotte. and Omaha. Minut:ap- olio and 8t. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Pasteugora Trisect on Fast>;xprcas Trains. Tickets for sale at all principal Tlokot OC1cee in Baggggage el Cked though and rates of faro aL way* a* low as competitors that oirer lcsa advaa- uFordetailed intormatloa, get tho Wept and Fold. era of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket O8toe, or address R. R. OABLE, E. 8T. JOHN. iiloo.rree,tGenf,at'k•r, RMI Tat. tPao.Art, CHICACO. 7 SSV SO. stir. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes :'tI never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to mycustomers,they give entiresatis- factiou and are rapid sellers. " Elechie Bit- ters aro the purest and best medicine known and will positive1ycure kidney and liver com- plaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars fn doctor's bilis every year. bold at fifty cents a bottle by C. Lutz. 3 A Fight liaiv4entli )oa and a Ram. John Barton, a ferule • of Foster, Rhody Island; near the Oonneulieut border, owns an extensive farm.known as the Bradford Pince, on which ha raises large flocks of sheep. For many mcnths he and hip neighbors have lost many sheep bya strange dog that killed theni at night. Al most daily in the morning two or more were found decd in the lots. At about ' two o'clock on Monday morning last agreed clatter was heard in the sheep pens at Barton's. but it was not until two hours later that the howls of. the dog brought the farm hands from their beds. Two or three men harried down to the pens and found thirteen fine sheep mangled and dead near the fold. The noise of a desperate struggle was heard at a distance in the darkness. The men found a big Newfoundland dog and a powerful ram in oombat. They had fought all around the pen, knd'cked down the fence, and in their alternate dashes and retreats, had gone half a mile from the fold. The fight was in she open pasture and it was 'impossible for the farmers to stop it. The struggle had lasted nearly an hour, and both tcombatants were bleeding. As often as the dog fast- ened bus jaws in his enemy's quarter's he was shaken off, and before he re- covered was butted, rolled over, and jammed against the turf. The ,dog TBS °LUNDE GHILDItEN - $ 2.00 per dozen. X,IGNETTS' r. .. it - 140 Two finiebed 114. wetter eti!e $1 extra. Two finielled in water cola 50o extra, Pictures to he paid for when Negative IS taken . - .BROTYPES 25 Osntaa eaell. 10o will be obarged for each subject exoeedin,g two. Old Pictures eaalerged for $1.50. and finittbed in Water Colors for WO. Picture Framing ng Speeialt y W. T. 41O TS, eter. hay. 1883, .,, F HQU'SE To the Front as Usual With all the latest Novelties in all Departments Tne place to get everything you want at prices to suit the times. COME ONE, OOMF ALL. No trouble to show Mods. JANES.PICKARD. ATTDrTOR's AI- .L;T ,A. OF THE AUDITORS 0]? 'THE VILLAGE OF 1 X tTTEI. FOR THE YEAR ENDING filet DEC �,AIRER. 1888. Wo bog leayo to present a statement of the Receipts and 1•iil,euilitures r r the 1runlcipal funds for the year 3l4Sl. ItECllLPrfi, Lxl'l1Nr)irtlltl:. To Balance from 1$181 trl;0 93y ilS County llatce1t�t ,. ., $ ar.01 „ ttseeasmente *t•.J01 11 titreets, Sidewalks &e`.,. 710 77 •• License Funds....., .... 212 07 " Salaries '• Clergy Reserve Funit..... 25 03 •' Schoolss's.1 t2 " Government Grant....,. 21.801. " Debentures* Louis Be "• bines.,,,,, 9 90 deemed .. tuns es „ Money Borrowedbrolsons " Taxes Refun+ledI_.. ti DO Baur..,,., 500 00 " (•haritiei .. 1,",fi fA1 Non Resident Taxes'Co " Printing, Postage. .0 Treasnrer 1 43 •' Stationary........ • . :.1 NI 0375 es Interest .$ 10 " Rents . " Fire acenntzt....... .., .. 365 N. " Tacks . . . . 1.1 to Insurance ., • . 1 ;,7 t . Election Exp.!. a ea ...... Br :V briscella,teon4 lir, 70 " Ilnlaneo d`u llau t 171.1 7:14 -r--• apt! 10 1,01' 09936 arts ASSETS. LI 11trLITtFS. Cash Balance Dec 31st 155: $1711 721 Council, including Sala ries & i3uiloings and tical Estate 2200 00 small debts ......... NW 00 Arrears of Taxes . 91 17 Railway Lens fi Bonuses..., 10900 00 Niro Engine Hose 1000 00 Other ltrunicinallties........ 2100 00 -- aeons art ---- 3131100 00 We the undersigned Auditors certify that ire have examined tale Treasnrer's books for 1961 of the brunioipality of Exeter, and found them correct an.1 iu novo! del Cu with vomiters pro- duced. Balance ou hand Dec 31st 1883, $174J.72Q Copies of the Report in detail can be hand en application to the clerk C fL19. SN I:LL IAuditors. THOS. B. CARLING Exeter, 13111 February, 1881. was thoroughly exhausted, nud• aux , ione t,t nbandon the fight, but at the first movement to bee the ram fairly ran hits down, and, lifting him high o11 his hurts, dropped him, trampled over his body, and then butted him, jt wits not until both animals had fal- len with exhaustion that the emfiict was ended. Two of the dog's ribs were broken and Unite' ed in. and his head was terribly tnutileted. The ram was scarred and bloody. Tho dog belongs to Job Slade, 0110 paid Mr..Bartor. $60 damages for the sheep kilted. Mr. Barton asked nothing for the injuries. to his ram. .AN EDITORS TRIBUTE. Theron P. Keator,Editor of Ft.Wacue;Ind. "Gazette," writes; "For the past lite years have always used Dr. King's New Discovery., for Coughs of most severe ellaracter,as well as for those of a milder type. TI never fails to effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I have recoulmendectitepeak of it in same high terms.. Raving been cured by it of every cough I have heater .five years; 1 consider it the only reliable alir.t sure cure for Coughs, colds etc," Call at C. Lutz's Drug Store and get a .Free Trial;Bottle. Large size 31.00 2 Will be mailed Cnce to all applicants and to customers of last r[l GG year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, etc, invaluable to all. D.M. FERRY & DOWNS' ELIXIR 2. H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BAL1A1IIC cC w . rt 'ITLXta l0 LYJ G til lids aro 7d the test for Fit ] Pinna: ci LYantis, a,nd has proved itself the hest fA D remedy known ' for they cure of., TI O COr1S sw1pt16'31'9j OLi.ghS, 33 ° Colda,WhOopin3 Cough z and all Lung Disoa:�aeiu 1young .or old. SOLI) EvEuy yria1t1:. Price 25o. and $1, 00 per Tattle. Asking' 7 DOWNS' ELIXIR w1u REW'S t. bung', of Advertisement RENO WNE1) Em EDT ES, THE PILLS Purify the Blend, termer all Piss-r.let•a t.f thr LIVER, STOMIAGIi, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. T1h'y invigorate and restore to health Pfbilitatttl Cou titutir118, and ins invllulil.le rn :tit Complaints 'incidental to Fes of all *gra. For (+iltlri u 11nt1 the il,"", d they are lni('elt+ THE OINTMENT Is an iufallibk, it mcdy for Bad Legs. Bad Banta. Old \)i uuuda, Sores and fleets. famous for Clout and P.huunlatiriw. I01t bItlOBDE33 01' 'ME CHEST 17' Mb No 1:e21'AI,. Ft'ryvrtr Throat+, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandplar Swellings and all skin diseases it has no rival : and for contracted amt stiff joint:; it actslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment aresnld at Tno,us Hot I.OWA 's Esteblirilment, 7S, NEW OXFORD -STREET late f533, OXFORD-STP.KET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1K.1}d,. is. 9tt 4s, t`id.. lis., Z2s.. and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of th is 10, size ; the 4s. Cal. size six » the iia, size sixteen : tile 22s size thirty-three ; andthe 33s site liftytwo times the quantity of the steeliest Boses and Pots. Frill printed directions ate affixed to cull Box and Pot. and can he had in any language L s' Purchasers should look to tbeLabel AM tin' rets and hoses. If rho address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they aro spurious. �'�11�lIE�S :41D NM A.T111EN' 114 r Why you should use the Combined Milk Bucket and Stool : lst.- The use of this Bucket will effectually protect the milk from contact with any foreign substance whatever, and from the odor of the stable. 2nd. -Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket, no mill: is lost of injured.. 3rd. -In cage of spattering, or misdirecf�d streams, no loss will occur. 4th. -It avoids the soiling of clothing. r. 5th. -It is convenient for inilhing,; and does away with the ",old-fashioned". stool,_ Gth.--It enhances the value of dairy butter. 7th. -Itis mutually acceptable to the'iuilltrnau aij l his patrons; as it guarantees satisfne- 8th.-Butter and cheese made from milk driiwu iii this Bucket, possesses keeping quali- ties, far in advance of that containing all the germs that fall into an unprotected pail, 9th. -Both the creamery and the cheese factory can afford to remunerate) those patrons who use this Bucket, and willIn tinie,be compelled to deehnethe milk of thosirlwllo do hot. BI f -;,.OS.