HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-27, Page 1'VOL. XI
Thorley's U .'k 0 Food
^^Just Received—
eceived—^"CORNED BEEF
Try G, L Its flue tobeecoes
--beet iu the mair'ket. G. A. 11,YND?1'AN,
LBGAL. American.
JILT •HALL, A fatal'dieettee 111110 appeared among
the cattle et. I1akford, Ill. They are
B. RRXSTER,SOLI-ITOR,etc taken oink at night and die before
morning, the bodies being neueh
OAice In Satnwell'slitookiEgeter. bloated.
On Wednesday slight, Aire. John
Schaefer, of Oakleud, Cal,, became
1ne11.0e over the death of ono of her
children and cut her baby's. throat,
EINSMAN,DENTIST, L. D,S. thou her own. Whet' the husband
reached home and saw hie wife and
babe dead be Imogene orazed stud at.
TO. 11
It is reported that some eery re
markable duds of gold at St. Francis
Seance, Quebec. have just fallen to
the lot of the company =imaged by
Air A. A, Humphrey.
1 The emigraa,t party on the train
which was reported wrecked Sunday
night were for Winnipeg, and 04111:
ithrough from Durham, Ont. Seven-
ed to Post. tempted suicide but wee prevented.
"leeWock. Mrs, Letralii, wile visited the bottle,
arson, o t- wee so shoakod that she became a
rola, manias.
Three uegroes, named Lewitt, Free-
man and Aadersou, boarded eegaral
freight tritium near East St. Louie,
March 20, and with drawn revotvore
overawed the conductors and brake•
max, sal robbed the oars. At n+lou
a pease, beaded by .ildoraltu Green,
!rem East fit. Loan, assaulted the
uegroee six miles front We city. After
an exohange of over forty allots the
uegroes were arrested. Auderaon re-
ooived a big load of buakehot in hie
Ride and arm. Aldermau Green was
shot in the knee. leo one else was
George Waters, a fernier living
alone hoar Vineland, N. J., has been
found mnrdefed in the cellar of hie
the Counts of ]iurun, 1,111oe,aort doorto
.0erliniess tore,Exetor
T W, BitOWNINO /lit. D., M. 0
V . P.11,GraduatoViotorialinlverstty• Odle
and residence. Dom afortaaboratetv.Exeter.
DR. J. A. ROLLIN'S, M. C. P. S.
O. Wilco, blain SIP.Exeter.Ont. Residence
hone° recently occupied by P. )10PluWps, Enq.
CLU1Z, M. D.,
• Oinceet his -residence Exeter.
VllltJLTY Trinity ColiegMoinborCollege
puveicians a't.1 axrrgeont Out..rface lisrktou
t'neer. Sales p-ctuptlxattended to. Days of
salon arraneed at this ofnee
.L tate for the Huron .S Eria, Lome Haviuge
coital?. Low rates of intcresi. Apply to ,Toho
Spackman, Exeter.
'a J. CLARK, Agent for the Us-
• bore eand !fibber t. llntuaiP ireinsurance
Compauy, Residence-.Varquhar. Orders by
mail promptly Qtea,dedto.
rJ :n the Court of Common Pleas -needs,
Wills, Mort1ages,Lsaros,aud all forms of agree-
ments drawn and exe.'utedraccording to law.
OFFICE -In the Centennial XIott:1Bleck, Hen -
Sall, Ontario,
Icor cent, accerOing to terms. Private
Apply to
Solicitor, I�lxate).
I can lend any amount of Money on farm se-
curity at G, Gi� and 7 ivy cont. according to terms
Private Funis a specialty. Charges moderate,
11W HALL,Barristcr,Exoter,
Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property
At lowestrates of interest, mut on terms to suit
borrowers. A number of first-class Farms for
sale. Mortgages b-ught and sold. Office in
Fanson'sBlock Exeter
N • intim Court ..1 Common Pleas -Deeds,
Wilis,Mortgages, Leases, and all forms of agree.
ments drawn and executed accordingto law.
ing to borrow money on account of recent pur-
chases ofland,or to pay off existing mortgagss
willflnd a groat saving by giving me a call, Can
lend money at6 and 64 per cent. according to
terms. N. J. CLARK.
DWELLING HOUSE and one aero oflund.
situated on the Thames Road, 271 miles east of
.Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving.
shed; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re.
tired farmer Will be sold cheap for cash, Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN, I+Lceter P.O 3y 19•tf,
Central Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting Bcc.
a 3 Clean towel for every customer, 1
Next door• to Central Hotel
Established in 1803.
This oomlanv has been over Eightteen years
raeuoceseful operation in Western Ontario,and
gontinues to insure against loss or damage by
Fire ,Dutldings,Merchandise, Manufaotories,and 1
all other desoriptionsofinsurable property. In-
tending insurers bavo the option of insdring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years Ms Company has
issued 57,096 Polioies, covering property to the
amount of $40,872,098; and ,a'
ad in losses 1 e alone
Asset% 8170,100.00, consisting oft Cash in
Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes on'hendand in force J, W WAL
DEN, M D. PresideLt. C. H. 'TAYLOn, Secretary
J. B. R Gras,Inspector. CHARLES SNELL
Latent for Exeterandvicinity.
A great many are gozag froze this
part to Pakote this Spring. ai}
Sugar -malting nas coutraeaced and
tome of the farmers leave already
made a goat lot of sager and maim -
Mr. Johnatou of the Rnron Hotel
esu were njure , s•e. Ing comes s so on to Messes, Grape di
pendent telegraphs that tree at least Moyer, of Haanburg, Both era. af=
cf that :lumber were fatally hurt.
David Kyffer of Portland, St, John
aged 15 yore, George Aiabroso of
Black Revat, aged 10 yearn, and a led
maauetl Wagner, aged 8 yearn, wont
to Meek River, IND„ oe Monday to
gather drift seaweed, The beat ap.
set and all weredrowued. The bodies
were recovered. years.
The coroner, Dr, Belleau, Bole Re Holtzman Sroe, .have dieeolved
iuque0t et St. Sauveur upon the body partnership and the plauiug will is
of Aire. Jubiu, who died Suddenly at (to be removed from Zetich, acid is
Quebec. The verdict of the jury was gafng to liildtnav, where .it will be
that death Riad resulted by a shock to ruu by Dir, Win, Roltstnen and Mr.
tue norvaus system, caused by the Sobweitzer. This ie the second mill
attaok upon her of two large doge, of that has removed from Zutiob this
which the ov+iorsilip had not beau whiter, the other being the sew mill.
proved. 'phis iudioatee a deohne in our mirex•
Chief of Police Gileitt:ist artbxtad ra factures. Rtiill avory Available dwelling
ensu at Wellaud on the strength of in the village is oa+eupied, and some
hie reetmbetuoe to O'Callaghan, the femiliee have removed, not being able
Sanwich jail murderer. He gave his to seours a liouso. Tbiat* ie to be de.
aamo ae J•,hn Wilson, born north of plural aa the mating emote le at
Toronto, hue refu.bd to give the Goan hand. and it ie difllonit to say how
ty or township, and appeared very many of the young folks may De de-
aatu)tious to get out of the country. It sorrel from committing matrimony
is (moldered donbtfull if he is the 00 this account..
The following ie a list of the con teentrsaila.
etituenoios in whish the Scott Aot has
beau adopted: adopted: Nova Se,tia--All Mr. Jaime Brown moved to Oent-
napolts, Cage Breton, Oelahoster, ralia an iliolrtlay last.
Cumberland, Digby,Hente, Inverue,s, Mr. T• Abbott is visiting, friends
King's Nem, Queen's, Sholburue, iu Forest.
Yaraloath, P. C. I>.ltentl—Ot*n,i Otto. Ur. Ohm. Lingard, has bought
town (city), King's, Prtuse+, Queen's, the right of selling au apple•piokez in
house, He was last Been on Feb,18, 'New Brutuwiok—:llbort, C artetou, the totrtiailiip of Unborae.
John and Freak Jones, who were ar- Charlotte, Fredericton (city), h.itlg es Mr.jut. Wilson who has been
rested last week on a charge of bur.' 1V ora:hulnborlaaud, Qut'eu'ii, Sudbury, sick for eome time ie able MR aron'id,
fable young Esso° and will identities
keep a firet•olasa loose.
Ur. Hartman Rappel iuteude grow
lag flax and runniue his float -mill this
eutamer. This will be a g,iod thing
for the village, ac it furnishes em.
ploymeut for a goad number sod bee
been badly missed these last two
glary, tint escaped from Jail Sunday ealtal.ireland. Y "lc. Unta:•tu-- sgstu
night, are suspected. They 'ire sone Halton, Oxford, li'.tnitobe.---Lisaar, The Revisal eervioes began this
of a highly reopeoted citizen, but have . Afargn,ittu, /11
rile full iasuig coml. week, Rev. Mr. Jounon of Elimville
a bad reputation.
John Austin, who wag arrested at hatn; R,1,0311 and Preop at ;
ties Scott Act eampaigne are iu pro ie assisting Air. Peasant.
rt.se : Northuulbg rlaud gaud Dur- Mr R. Bissett acid family leave for
Stor• plauitoba on Wednesday, Wo wish
Red Batk for abandoning his family moat, Glengiary and Luaus; outwit:, E theme overt' success,
in Jersey City, was found at it halal J. IL Bradley, the gallant knight '',• Mr Charles Ltni and brought some
wife. On Austin was fused a large .1611 from Grand Bond an AZonday
number of Austin
mato letters from caste at the spring ataririu,i of the leer.
yoltng girls living in to le ill 1)arta of 1 Orth Assizes. It appe:f rs that 'Ailed
. Praif. Taggart featured on phren-
York State. His wife o arts a Hornet., a y'auug taaililreas, had sat olooy on Friday .old 8J�aturdny eveu-
a dlvoroe, the costo being paid by the fcr pictures, which, when fiuislletl, inns. Ho think wo have some
displeased her, .a:. l Taal fu;laa to "00061ty boys."
1 t•f h 1 1 l Prof. Taggart thinks of starting ..
factory for initl leg Basswood brains
for the benifit atsome of our Elderly
The 'flus driver rax into a buggy
at the natation an Monday night, darn
aging it e'msiderably.
Some young "so tuudrels" took the
Rev. AIr. Fe, -tants horse out of his
stable and tied it to the fence. They
also drew the buggy to thegate. We
think our constable should look after
such characters
• Not Far from Rome.
" Wm. Noble, of Paarkhill, has receiv-
ed a good appoiutmen under the U.
S. Governxneut at Salt Lake City.
John Morgan, of McGillivray town
ship has sold his farm to,Cbas. Bean
for $6,500, and will reside in Bid-
The bridge between Colborne and
Lolmesvilie gave out on Saturday
last', and pedestrians have to resort
to the boats.
While driving along the 2nd con,
ofIdit•l(et, tha other day, Mr R. Fit-
zinous teras surprised by a large eagle
flying olntse to him.
' The fell wheat presents a tolerably
fair appearance, not Having been in-
jured 80 far, but farmers are getting
a little timid about it with nightly
frosts, and daily thaws.
A ltrge crowd assembled on Tueel
day of last week to witness the de.
parture for the west of those who
were going to .,Manitoba, along al -
the stations of.L. H. &.B. Ry. The,
speotal train ocin'sisted of seven oars
of r, tock laud a fairlyfi•lled passenger
ear, and 'cent hy way of London,
picking up iniveral'oars of stock at sta-
tions on the, road. Whet) it reached
London, .it; consisted of two ears of
passengers and teventy-six of stook.
An ilcoideait; cii/eitrt•ed at the river
a snort dietati•oe u eat vf'Ilolmesville,
;lest 'Thu red 3e,:li ` hielr 'Jacob Wil
n of
a loos
flee w.ae.ociinii g; doom the: river on'
the ice to' Walder',s:tnilLwith ,a load'
of logs, when neaarly, opposite the hill
wall a
:Toting rsls, iOt l8terE'C ae ilia of the oaauera was fiut'i $200 aud
re a lyes o t e young tt y av lam liar pay for thaw. the plbit Igraphor,
took from iced Bank, and whom he fair revenge, deeortats11 sonic of
wilt marry. Horner's piotutt s with a moustache,
James leavis, of Wheeling, and Jim cigar, and f ve plass,+e, anal attached
Conners of Pittsburg, fought a prize to the cards some verses, and hung
fight in a barn in the east enol with the attractive cards outside his gtudao
hard gloves for a silver cup valued 'at door on the street Being told ho
$200. Seventy-two rounds were was throwing himself liable to a libel
fought and Conners won. Both men suit for damages. Air. Bradley took
were badly punished. Davis, at the down the oards. Mies Horner was
conclusion, was so weak that he was much inconvenience] by public talk
unable to stand. When the fight was the oeonrranoe gave rise to, and
over fourteen policemen forced the brought action for libel against r.
door of the barn and arrested Davis Bradley and recovered the damages.
For some time past ugly minors
have been flying about in refereuce
to Major Atherton, bead of the Gos-
Eobbins and Doane, aooused, but pel army at Brautfard, and also of
acquitted, of having assaulted two branches in Galt, Pari, Dunville,aud
girls, aged eleven and thirteen, daugh other places. Pile e Major " Came io
ters of J. N. MoOrellis, of Midesto, Brantford some three or four months
Cala., were notified some days ago by ago, and sinne that his efforts have
the vigilance committee to leave town been . crowned with great success,
or suffer death. The MoUrellis' fam- Some of the Army are now calculat
ily was included in the order, owing;
to the shameless way the girls gave
the testimony. Robbins and the Mo.
Crellis family left immediately. Doane
delayed, and fifteen masked men
visited his place and shot him dead.
and a number of a,aeotators. Con-
ners escaped. There were about 200
persons present.
The Scott Aotwas carried in Ox-
ford. A very large vote was polled.
Majority for the lot will be about 800 The spring show under the aus-
Tho supporters of the Scott Aot Dices of the Bullet Branch Agrroul-
for theunited counties of Leeds and ural Society tvill be held in Clinton
Grenville are meeting with good sue- on the 15th of Ataril, .when a num-
cos, and it will shortly be for the ber of liberal prizes will be offered
people to say whether it will become for stallions and hulls.
law or not. .«o-.-•
Johfi E. O'Callaghan was arrested "THE WOMAN'id PHYSICIAN."
o Hamilton, on Fridley on the sup= A common sense medical work for ladies
position of being the man who estop,o"ly. Fully answers " all questions which
modesty prevents asking a male 'physician.
ed from Saudwieh jail. He says be Gives causes and symptoms of all diseases of
s not the man, but his brother. Com- the sex, with positive cure for each in plain
munioation has been had with the language; written by ladies who have made
ing the statement that the head of
the forces lives anything but a Chris
tian •like life. He is charged with no
leas an offence than keeping an S. A.
lassie. Atherton denies, however,
the assertion in toto, and is ou the
warpath trying to find out which
member of the Army circulated the
rumor. A number of his disciples
hive resigned.
Detroit police. So far es learned he
is not the man, but is still detained in
custody. He is a lithographer,
his employer says he has correspond-
ed with O'Callaghan for six weeks
past at Detroit, so he is cleared on
this evidence.
these diseases a life study. A Plain talk' in
delicate language which every woman, young
and old, should read. It is recommended by
many einentlady physicians guide
for the sex. Handsomly bound and illustrat-
ed. Sent postpaid fo'r161,00. Address the
Roam',STER P0BLIS11IN6 Co.
32, 33, & 33,'1-2, Osburn Block,
Rochester, N. Y.
the ion gave way and team and load
were immediately preeipitsted :Pete
the, river, With the aid of a number
of mon. he +ltcoeded iu reeouigg one
of the bore but the other nom
with the sleigh andharness was lost.
There have been several ettenges
in Deehwood lately, Mr Henry Thal-
er has sold his houaa and lot to Ildr
1, Beaus, Mr Thaler baias removed
with his family to Hiobigau.—Mr.
Om has been actively engaged hi
agtionitural ptt,rsnite in *hie neighbor.
hood for a great paatne years and he
is now enjoying a rant wltiolt be rich-
ly deserves. ---Air: Fred. J, WilierI
leas sold hoe 0errasge situp to ¥r. I .
Welt'tn, ..lir, 110115 I£teinstwer has
sold Ids house and iqt to ?dr. Wru,
One day lett week Mies Simpson of
Clinton met with a painful Accident.
Halling reason to go into the cellar
she horridly raised the trap door,
and as she was depending the step►
her thumb caught in a leat►ler loop
need for h Wing the deur up, whiob
pulled down forcibly on tier fingers
this caused her to faint, and else fell
to the tettam of the sellar, dsappinr
art soma fruit jars, which broke end
out bar 'severely. Her Augers were
badly bruised, and injuries o netted
bar to the bourne for wet al daye.
Oa the ta3ruieg of the 1611i inet.,
es gr Wm. Campbell, of Iiarpurbey,
watt oloaniug his rifle, ;$ accidently
weat off aud the bullet pealed thro-
ugh a room door and shot hie wife
who was standing in the bedroom.
The bullet passed through the left
thigh bone shattering it, then paint-
ing out mitered the fleshy part of the
right thigh and paeeed out. The
bullet wait not foiled and: its final
destination is unknown. The in jars
los will likely prove fatal.
1r Goo. Simpson, of McGillivray,
rsosutly,raode a femarkrble discovery
When digging oil his farm, he struck
on a large stone and after clearing
the dirtaway, (hoovered a petrified
max. The being wast have belouged
to a rroe long siuce extiuot as it rhe-
, asured 7 ft el in height, and was
almost perfect ie form, Parte of the
body ere white and the rest ba>, tur-
ned a dark grayish calor, Mr. Simp-
son brought the fight's• to Parkiiitl ani d
slaeod it in the grocery store of hie
pen, whela !urge numbers of people
call every day to sea it. It is one of
the greatest curiosities ever seen in
tiles eonutry. It is understood Mr.
iinpaon Is list sieiatiiaq with the man
agoras of toe Z o ids Toronto for the
sale of his =joint discovery.
Some Crediton and Exeter sports-
men engaged in quite an exciting fox.
hunt on Friday last. The fox on
being closely run by the hounds,
took to a tree, climbing (as stated by
some of the party) ti, it height of fifty
feet. Our sportsmen were determin-
ed LA to be balked by a treed fox, so
atter some, consultation, one of the
party volunteered to fell the tree,
while it was arranged that the rest
(some five or six) should surround
the tree in readiness to shoot when
tho tree should fall. After some
thirty minutes chopping, the tree
fell, and at the sante moment bang
went five double barrelled guns lev-
elled at the fox.- It would hardly be
supposes that the fox could escape
such a volley, but on examination it
was found that Raynard had been
killed by the fall of the tree, not it.
grain of shot being found in the body.
Mr Wm. Chubb, blacksmith Staffs
having resolved to dispose of his
business in that village, where be has
successfully worked since 1857, and
try farmiog, for that purpose iia has
purchaser tile farm of Mr. M. Garbutt.
containing 50 acres, far $4,700,
Apopular domestic journal for American
homes, will be seut for one year free to every
lady who will send at Dace the names and ad-
dress of ten married ladies, and 50 cents, no
postage stamps taken. Best paper for either
young or ofd housekeepers in existanco. This
offer is made only to secure names to whom
to send sample copies,as we know every lady
who onca saw Inn HousEwirn will .subscribe
for it. Regular price 161,00 per year. Address
at once
THE HOUSEWIFE, Rochester, N. Y.
How TO MANE OANDY.—This book gives
full directions for making all kinds of plain
and fancy candy. The receipts for making
caramels, chocolate drops. French mixed.
and all other kinds of candy contained in
this book are the same as used by the loading
city confectioners. Any one o c can have these
candies at ?time et less than one third the
usual cost. Sent postpaid 50 cents in postal
note, or 18 two cent stamps. Address.
32,-33, &s 33 1-2, Osburn Block.
Rochester, N. Y.