HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-20, Page 8+\rfi ti 1 I GG Loral Brevities. LTsborue. Summer is nigh athand. Manicy yea St Parkas NY, No excite- BRigErs.--1,1r. d; Mra. Mill, of Wesl- ment prevailed here, Mr James Rickard will ship a oar load of iiQ1ssal a and Retail plow, to Matutoba, on Saturday. The auuual meeting of the Methodist Church, Loudon District, will probably be held in Exeter nest May. Several oases of Aiptherie. are reported throughout this district. T 'county spring showof entire stook rill bs held in Brucefield, on Wednesday, _--aND_ April 16th. We are sorry to learn thpt Mr Pee, gent the Srd concession of Stephen ia at. t PANCT GOODS DEALER vt+ry iv, ;ieaforth council have drafied'ilwelesp r the purpose of granting a loan of ''&titin to Mr YanEgmoud, to aid hunt* rebuilding his factory in that place. Six care of stock and ,househola effects left Heneall station en Tuesday, for Mani- 'aha. .al couple also left the station and joined the others. If you want to buy or sella farm,advertise in the Toms. It has au exceedingly large nunberr subscribers, when the number who borrow it from regular subscribers, are cal- culated. There are over 80 applicants for licenses under theMot;arthy Act in the County of Huron. In fact nearly every hotel -keeper and liquor dealer in the County applies to the Dominion Act. 13001CSICLUICR EXETL, ONT. TEN CENTS per bimDefor first insertion. and ROUE. CENTS per line for each. subsequentIn- aertiort Wfllbe cbargedfor ea ties e appearing la this column. j !(e Stelet + Zsr *l 'f. HL'1:'SOPsY.1IARCH 20. 1884. LOCAL NEWS,. Wanted—el smart, intelligent ' lad, about 16 rears old, to learn 6rintin;. Bust hare a fair education. Apply at this office. Deluded People Thur, That times hili ba hard duriug the cuui- . leer. That Exeter is decre* ins; h population, They are astray. That one ball is s'ttlieir}ut iu town. We think tee north end hear at right to a belt, provides they goobout it in the same wan. Her as the lower folks did --by taking up a subscription amongst themselves. That kir Hamlin is wroug in ordering at1 Lome and other rubbish from the sidewalks. That lo..fers night not to be ordered from the gilttreh dneraaava on Salk ruff eveuluge. That Rotor etuunt afford a new Town Had - That there le uauve of talking Teen Cloak, ex it werild not b: s i etioueri by the major. sty tt ratepayer,. That ,"Wbite'a Impreiv,'t1 Sliding fate" •sill friciiten berme. -- what We Zany lgapeet. Severe wind., a..rureaureel lett o'er...Armed med retia and .now. The sire•4 ele.uner,i b dug put hi ,eenunission *ton. A larggoc, quantity ui Inokon plink in the nidewalk- Eatreanele untidy Leele this alining. Tile robbins to he se.•a in large quantities swan. A imp number of buildings to bo a reetsi in town during the ensuing temcrn. `Those large displays of spriug goons now -.town by our nmerel:ant;;, to be aoh1 oft iu a hurry. The isitiea to talk a:,ont ntraaberrtee end •:'e cretin. To sea straw I: ata tltutiq;ht into requisition. 7.e ai•gJ1rr tut 1.Lighinz h:oti,m to be end. rwl for this season And "strolling" thrnngh the streets to take their place. A. portion of tic y tiratiou Army soon. T*a ereateetalti ceitcln:int amorgst the oaths, The Sett Well to soon recover from the ',nishau--the breaking of a portion of the en- Aiue--and gaining a headway in the making d Salt. The 1Te't',rrthy T.ieeuse .het to take the lora A New proprietor to take possession of the Exeter Hotel. at the station. Spring ploughing to e.nana 'nett els eoan as the fro i•: e.:it of the ground. Hotel hold. Mr H Martin. has sold the Queen's Hotel Exeter north) owned by Abel Walper, Esq., o Louis W. Gudwig,.li:twagerof the Carling .e Ca's, Lager Beer Departmeut. Flo intends Creating a Lager Boer Brewery, during the eTning su nm+r, and v.•iil be enabled to sup- ply the trade in tuffs district. After a se,na:what sever • winter, with. ,,boot three months of unbroken sleighing, the thaw which ham set in this week is a re- lief. Should it herald an early spring its appearance will be doubly appreciated by t'annueks leneraliy, who although not at enmity with nig Winter never regret seeing his rein coming to an end. For Manitoba. a. number of freight and passenger cars, tilted with Stook and people, passed through Isere on Tuesday, being joined by the follow- ing persona : dno Taylor and family ; Peter Strang and brother, and others. 24 cars of Live Stock and Implements, with two pas- ,enger cars formed the train,' which is in charge of AleKay.agent for the C B I&P Rail- way. White Bros. These celebrated singers, of Paris will ren- der selections at the coining entertainment of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church,which will ke held on Tuesday, April 1st. These gentlemen took an active part in the Sabbath Senoel Anniversary, of the Methodist Church, a short time ago,andfrom the impression they left behind, we feel cer- tain that a good attendance will repair to bear them on this occasion. Ienportent to horsemen: We have the largest and best selection of horse cuts in the Province. Having added two nforc "cats" to our already largoassort- ment, we aro prepared to say, that .wq will. put our seleetion with that of any other of- fice in the P?,:ovince. Speaking loud. We have only''expendeci $50 in horsecuts during the past two years, unci by so d sing wo have soeured "cuts" that resemble horses not mere pictures, Watch for our samples. Prices' are low. Gall. , The special services now inprogrost at the Methodist church are being attended night - by large numbers. Great good is expected ly esult from these special efforts, and al- ady a large number of persons have ex - Pressed their desire to unite with the Church. Presentation.. Mrs Robin on, wife of Bev E J Robinson, of this piece, presented the Lebanon l;orest Lodge. with a beautiful tlauueeette, at their last mseliug. The following 1s the addreea t To Bre i Eacreat, See'y— Ar:att Sir, AND Bro.—It affords me ver great pleasure to offer to Lange No 138, the accompanying Bennerette, cheerfully and heartily worke.l by the skillful fiiugures of my wife, fur our beautiful Lodge room, Truetiug that the worshipful ;water and Brethren will please to accept it in tba kind- ly spirit in which, I am ewe, it is offered. Millen rue, yours fraternally, Bev R J Itoni;+sov, M 8!, Claaplaiu. 'arr,: • To /tee g .T Rubinson, Cheplaiat DEAa lira --On behalf of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No 133, we beg to return to Ws Bob. inson, tbronga you, the sincere tbauke of the Ledge for the magnifioent Bannerette, pre- sented by her. Kindly assure Mrs Robinson, thiather gift is hi Illy appreciated by the brethren, aud that it will henceforth form sue of ;he admired adorumeute of the Lodge room. Our ardent and sincere iieb ae that the Great Architect of the Universe may Rive you length of days,eud anal admittance to the Great Temple above, after severing all that is mertai here below. Signed ou be- half of the Lodge, yours fraternally, Ilion SeAexuaN, The Rev R. W. William, of Lon -- tion is at preeeut preaching Educe— , conal sermons on this oirenit. Ile has succeededmore than doubling the amount of aubsoriptiou tbie year than that of last. Mr. Williams ie a fluent speaker, acid can (wily command the ,attention of has audience. Mks Behiea, sister of A. Q. Bobier of this place, is at present visiting Mrs. Bolder' Eitmville. We have jubt been favored with a Lecture from thenen. R. W. Williams, ofLnndon, subject, "Lost Arts unoov wed" or rumbles in Anoieut cities. accompanied by seloptican views (of places both auoientt and modern), on uanyass. The views 'veru very find. The lectuto was delivered in a simple ooloquvial style, and the language was very choice and sometime, ornate. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was tendered, and an invitation equally as hearty, to return at some future time. We can recommend it to any who have a taste for art r pointing, portry, and eloquence, or wish to spend a profitable and enter. twining evening. To such go and hear Ur. Williams' Lecture. Grand Bence.. Last week the people of Grand Bend and vicinity manifested their re- gard for Mr: John Dalziel by a supper previous. to his removal to Sarnia, Au address was read atioknowlodgiug the great interest Mr. Dalziel has ever takeu in the public welfare of our vil- lage; also thanking him for the many kiudnesti bestowed upon friends audr acquaintances, and expressing theif deep regret at the departure of himsei. and family from our midst. Mr. Dal ziel replied most feelingly, and though the promotiou will be for the ptomot. ion of his own and his family's wel- fare, wo are assured he will long cher- ish a warm regard for the maty friends left behind. Inspector Miller inspected Grand Bend publi'a school, and the following promotions will testify to the progress of the pupils. Promoted from 3rd to 4tv—Nellie Felton, Willie Dalziel, Aida Mollard, Dicey Schlemmer, Al- lan Schlemmer, John Kennedy, Ezra Cobieigh, John Mallard.—Junior 3rd to senior 3rd—Emma Mollard, Fred. Follie, Peter Musser, Alvira lvtollard, 2nd to 3rd—Peter Ferguson, Thomas Fulton, Alice Tapson, Bella Lewis, Arthur Mollard, Caleb S,huart, Jesse Graville. 2nd ?rimer to 2nd book -1 James Ingram, Sabiuel Grattan, M. Mollard. 1st primer to 2nd primer —Effie Lewis, Angus Patterson, Eva l Stell, Walter Glenudenning, Willie, Kennedy. minister, who were visiting at Mr. D. Alill's Net week, returned home last Saturday,..-..Btiv, W. Williams, C. M. of t ondon,preached an excellent Edo. eittional swum in the O. M. Church, Elimville last Sunday evening. The Re. v gentleman mode a strong appeal to his poo alien to give a liberal sujlport ung men entering the aunistin ase enable then to fit theca selves uaors1horoughly for their work. On Tuesday .evening, .Mr. Wtlliauts gave an excellent lecture in the same Church, on ". The Ancient Cities ". The lecture Rya homerons and witty, and was listened to with rapt atten tion by a very fair audience. ---Mrs. G W Holman, returned from Anoaster last week, accompanied by his sister. —Mrs. Joseph Orr, who is at prows►.' visiting friends in the township.-- Mrs,. F. 41odbolt took a few holidays fast week, and visited her friends. iu London, ----Quite a nutnber of our tea pecten citizens left the township,. Tuesday last. to seek their fortunes in the far west. We hope their ear - Kenmore. a is wt i terieae'' Jarrett, E. Troyer, W. Gram, H. Shoes, D..Wildfoog, J. Foster, S. Martin, G, Witmer, J, Koch, H. Babes, H. Willert, N. Hartung, 11. Reynolds, A. Englana, M. Bechler,sa C. Wagner, R. Otto, J. Fann, A Johnston, H. Gies, J. (Stehle!, C. Helbein, H, Walper, Q. Oswald, G. Ntoheleon, J. Desch, H. Bender, J. 'Vieleur, H, Phile,D. Geiger, H. Stein - heel*, J. Bartell, P. Cantina, N. Morse, D. Spencer. R. Jennison, J. Hartman, G. Tomball, W. Turnbull, D Surents, C. Sohooch, H. Pfaff, H. Diehl, 0, Willert J. SoIteeeder, A. Sutiroader, G. Petty, W. Charters, T. Johneou, F. Hees, D. Faust, J. behluchter, H. Grebe, N. Fried, .1, Kleinfield. The following aeeour•ts were pah+•ed :---E. Troffer, making culvert, 11,25 ; H. Lipphardt, select log jurors, $3.50, enliecring $57.50 ; 11. Co."k, gravel, $4 20; Philo & Launcetot, culvert. $3.110 ; The council adjonrired to meet on Tln rsday, April 24th.—S. FowrER, Clark. rows will be few,au d their jays many, and tit l y 11 prove t1 lvea worthy of the land 01 their adoption, and that the true spirit of patriotism that has characterized them here cvtll abide with then there, and that the seeds of dissension which are befog scattered broad cast iu that promising country by its ,ruenttes will And barren soil in their hearts and mind. Good citizens is what Manitoba wants and we feel confident that Uiaborne'a quota w ill be found of that sort of stuff. Anderson (Received too late for lest issue.) Miss E. Catner•'n, who has been en gaged teaohing school in Windaor,wata compelled to close her school on ac count of diphtheria raging in the sea tion. It is our melancholy duty en this occasion to chronicle the death of Miss Jane Stephen, eldest daughter of Mr. John Stephen, aged 20 years, who departed this life after a brief, N but painful illness. Her death has ;caused a great deal of eetonishtuoot hero, ate she wee ailing but four days. ;'1'he bereaved parauts have the gym- ' entity of the entire community. t Our School olnsed this week on ate u count of several apses of diptheria be- ing reported. We also uuderetaud that the teacher, has a slight attaok, but it is hoped his case will not prove serious, , Hiss Mary Whaley daughter of Mr. 1 D. Whaley is at peesout viaiting friends in North East Hope. . es Mr. John Milt. of this community has removed' back til the county of B'•noe,where he has purehaeed a farm. Mr. Mill intends making his home there for the remainder of his days. Mr. Matthew Hamilton lost a valu- able mare last week from bloating. This is the second horse 11L'. Hamilton has lost inside of a year. Mrs. Bell, o£attle 1st Consessiou is at present suffering from a severe cold in the head, Miss Mary Cameron of this place - has aeon suffering for the past week from the mumps. It is hoped ebe will soon recover from her illness and again resume her duties as teacher. Mr. &Initial Harding who has for some time been in Kingston writing for the News, returned home on no count of 111 health. Hay. COUNCIL MEETING. --The Council met on Friday 14th. The members all present. The Reeve toJk the chair at 1 p.m. Meyer] by Mr. Mo. Ewen, sec ,nded by Mr. Surerus, that Frederick Hese be permitted to out down and remove the poplar tree*+ opposite his property in the village of Zurich, as they have become danger- ous. 'Moved by Mr. Ronnie, second ed by Mr. Surerus, that the auditors report for 1888 be accepted, and that the Clerk be instructed to' get 100 copies printed for dtstrrbntion. Mov- ed by Mr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Heyrock. that the following pound - keepers, fence -viewers and path•mast- ers be appointed for the current year. and that the Clerk be instruoted to draft a by law confirming the same. Pound -keepers: J, White,W. Hodgins, J. Northcott, R. McAllister, J. Brod- deck, R. R. Johnston, N. Fried, M. Kaercher, J. Reith, D. Spenoer,_R. Turnbull. Fence -viewers: J. Load man, R. Ferguson, C. Eacrett, W. Moir, J. Petty, H. Bauer, W. Fee, J. Decker, S. Troffry, J. Oesob, W. Me Kie, J. Vidour, W. Snider. Path masters: A, Holland, R, Soots, G. Rose, D. McEweu, J. Heffernan, R. McMordie, B. Case, T. Ching, W. Russell, G. O'Brien, A. Ingram, J. Bonthron, W. Buchanan, R. Carliete, 8. Thomson, W. Hanson, J. Berry, S. Troyer, T. Dick, D. Mack, J. How era, J. Carrick, ' W. Colwell, H. Datere, W. Bell, W. MoSherry, 0, Suldan, H. Reinhart, 0. Troyer, J. slight mementoes of our pleasant mods. tions, as *token of our ever constant friend- ship, There is something peculiarly sad and solemn in the tearing asunder of associations knit together by years of intercourse and acts of kindness. The present occasion is no ex- ception to the rule as we all participate is a feeling of sedum in anticipation of your do. parture. Be assured that whereveryou may go, you have our heat wishes and kindest regarda.•and may the tried of all grace prolong your life and crown it with abundant success and may your pathway ever be brightened by the warmest lrie„debtip and the happiest as- sociations.. We hope to renew the compan- ionship now about to be severed, in 11tsa Allie tloruibrook of Fullerton, Tp., wee reef utly visiting frtet,ds here. ilisa Allis), of the Thames Road, called on a few of her friends Mare last week, Bible Class at Ur. James Tuns, coil Friday night. We aro pleased to bear that a form - or Eitkton girl, Miss Annie Hann e,of Minneoto City Manitoba, was recent- ly made very happy. She is now known as Lira. Andrew llleBain. May her happiness never grow less. Rev. Mr. Turf*bull intends giving to lecture in the Hall on Friday ev'tr, Mara 21st,on hie experience in South America, where he lived for fourteen y"ter, Doubtless it will be worth near ing, On Tuesday night, of last week, a large number of the friends and well- wiehore of Miss Libbio Ford take pos- sessive of the bouse of Mr. 3 B Spar - ling and presented her with at, ad dreae and some beautiful silverware consisting of a cakebasket,butter•dielt, knife and napkin ring, The preseute were gratefully received by Mise Ford, who thanked the friends for their de.` monetrntiou of regard for her. The evening was pleasantly spent, On Tuesday of this week, Mies Ford left for Alnekoka,aeootripsnied by the hest eiehea of her many fr;ende. Feljgw- ng ie the Aadreea ;-- To Miss Ford— Dna num.--It is with deep:at regret that we hail the approach of your departure from oar midst. While yon have been amongst us, you have succeeded in ingratiat- ing yourself into our favor, and winning our highest esteem. Wo feel sensible that in your departure wo shalI sustain a great loss. We eball miss you frim tho sooial circle where we have over regarded you es a genial end warm-hearted companion. Wo shall miss you from our circle of Christian fellow- ship of which webave considered you a faith- ful member, striving hand in hand with usto press your way onward and upward to the Pearly Gates of the Celestial Ci'y. Wo shall also greatly miss you front the cllon•,of which yon have proven yourself an attentive and ef- ficient member. Iefoat willingly have yon de- voted the superior talent of song with which God has endowed you to enlivening the ser- vices of the eauctuary, Wo cannot allow you to'leavo us without iu some. tangible way, manifesting our reapect for you and recog- nizing yonr efficient services. Theteforo we request you to receive at our hands, these presents, which you will please accept as ""That world above, Where parting is unknown; That long eternity of love, Formed for the good alone. Signed in behalf of the It rktoo, 0. U. Congregation ; --- LEADER—ALEX. Kxns, SARAN RnADuousE, ISABELLA HIRE, ALBAN TUSTS, titre, STAcRY, & sawing tuatoh in which much in. serest was taken, came off here last Friday, in the pteseuoe of a large nti,uber of spectators. There were two classes; 1st. diose who had pre• vi'ruely sawed at match, and 2043 thoan will) had not. In each class there were seven entries and five prizes. The 1 g cut, was rock eine, measuring 18 ieoltes at butt and 1T1 at top. 'Messrs. Oke & Stevens were timekeepers. The renewing are the nanitty f the competitors and the nutuber of seconds required to strop the two blooke; FIRST CIAOS. Holden & Stapleton, 02i;• seconds; hiarehatt' Bros., 631; Flyun & Stepte. ton, 52i; Vickers & Hanna, 52i; Yuly & Barr. 561; 6lelvilla & Vennor, 64; Boa & Peart, 49. SEC1•t D CLASS Hogart Bron., 02l seconds; Hodgen Bros„ 62; Huukiva & Passmore, 64 ; Francis Bios., 601; Pastter & Ja;uie- qon, 78; '.?'bier & Deep°, 90; Road. house l3ros,,100. it.a.-. Tragedy. John Martin, aged 70 hie wife, two drown up daughters and ran, egad 12, were murdered to their house,20 miles from Springfield, Tenn., on Wednes- day night. Martin had just returned from Nashville, where he had pro• oured it settlement of a pension claim. The 'door of the hone° was kroken down with an Axe, Martin Nati iotluQ with his head split open in two places. The wells and flour were bespattered with blood. Mrs. Martin must have been killed as she started from the bed. Her arms were broken and her fine terribly mangled. Tho boy was ohoked to death in a trundle bed. The girls slept in the next room, and were outraged before their skulls were crushed. There weep evidence of a frightful struggle. George French, a firm band, was suspected and arrest- ed. He told aoontradictory etoryand Mutilated citizens strung him up to a tree. ®u being lowered ho confessed that be and Doo. Carter, uogro work- men upon Squire Davis' farm, had planned the murder. 'Ito said they found $1,200 in the house and divided it. French was itemetliately jerked up and strangled to doath. Twenty shots were fired into has body. The mob then captured the two nerroes and hanged and shot them. FEBRUARY SALT. During the Month of February, ISAAC CARDING- Will ARDING Will offer his Stock of WINTERDRY:-ii GOODS a At Alarmingly Low Prices, ---In order to make room for the Large Spring Purchases Which will arrive in a short time. Call and Inspect It lit (COOPS los Sib,► XC*$ And you will be convinced that GREAT BARGAINS are afloat at Carling's. In the Grocery Department There will be found a Stook of good, Fresh Groceries, --purchased from the best markets which is large and well -assorted. Call and be convinced, I. CARLING • 1