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The Exeter Times, 1884-3-20, Page 6
ytial:te .0114. ls'. A wt lie love like the love*a mother When the trials alts gathering fast., Though fond lathe ease of a brother,. Sometimes it will fall at the last. S13ou1d you turn from tbo ,atimav of duty, A sister's infection sitar Bele; But mother -love shows its best beauty ,.. When her chiles So sin is lesttaYed. A father may speak stern and coldly If his son has wandered astray; Bot mother will stand :envied boldly 4•n t ;.sit: taus regain the lost way, Asa, v,; to him kindly. in warning, nsten. 'crv. tons ,•: elluid::ood'a puremorrting, and sums leahad known.. Qo IRxe a motherly, argiving an true; ,t to utany. arether's • t that it i new, ►t life's Run is shrouded, thvngr.,rttel. theewer). .,i• ae, tM,,q •Spill lie; eIou fed. folio ass to the tomb. The Indus •Ial Censusof India. 'sit 'F t journal' iv tails o indu • 'o n •, iu•,..:,h o The t �l o ol� country is 253,591,824 and of thi- A� o mous number only 85,544 perse"hs are British -born subjeots, and 56,646 aro soldiers and 12,08$ females, Practically less than 1. 100 1114044411.13S, 44411.1Ys, yiric3 'Aug au array of . 5,oQQ men, control the vast elapimp. `!'' a WWI° 40, ntber of Euro peons returned is o v.• 0,612. The occui zoos of 102,629,1 )O persenss . are de and a -these 71,190,000 are en- gh3 #xagriouituro or the oaxe of ale wad In iredustria,000upations ,041, 000 persons aro engaged, 12,850,000 reales eat+d 8,182,000 females. • Th rwrl;8rs in cotton axed :las nnuibe 5,485,45.5; in clothing, 2,815,280 v getattle food, 3,165 4xil, in stones cl and ea$benware, 1,'804:974; in houses and building, 836,453; in guns and wtph).; CV' O ; Sl1FHRItS, ATI disturbed tit eight and broken of y4ert, SU) asick elr91.1 suffering and ea ing ivt a jpi iu Orf eating teeth? If so, send tyt once getfafiottle of MRS WI;iSGOWfi'S SOOTHING SYItUI" It ,value is incalculable. It will sew sieve the. poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend up itruotl�err there is oto'"lints ke about; (. it. It curet dysentjifra and 'alrhaea.lenil as' 'fitQ t u h stomach and wcarol-wind"' t# t 1 'fi'o el. � C i ,. tr softens tin. penia,'' 1•I.t+te ea i',iiittnn .tion. ,rod'. given tone'' an to .t rgy to the whole system, lefa6 ��11 r,r1, ..tic.olti,*:l: SYR1'h' telt Dutr.1. TOM Tor;rlrclro its pleasant to the taste, .ltd is the prtseription of ooe of the oldest and hest • i female nurses at,d y•llysichaus it, the United States. awl is for sale I,y all druggists through. out the world. Trice 2.a :nits a bottle, THIS PAPER may be fame on rl file at Gxo. >?, ilowLL,r, ft Co's ap Newspaper ,Advartir rig Bureau tl4 $press, , Streteisiu l,wntore adv er- lr� Yank. thing eontrncts uray {Rye ba uz?cdo for Xt iu resins, 762,5`6 •, 111 bamboos eazre, rush A Dutelanala's: Apology. ; , t_... straw and leaves, 880,732; in gold, sir: iloeffenschaffer made is. mash yester• ver and precious stones, 472,956, and in day uloruiug. He was starting out of his iron and steel' only 478:301. engaged •,gloats to go down town,wheu he slipped iu the work of government, national, lo. s,u the sidewalk, knot lied a • beautiful eat and municipai,are 1,843,000 persons: young lady down, fell ell her and shrill• of whom 315,000 are classed as belong- :tial her. When he got up ag,aiu he evoke ing to the army. The professional g zed as follows : Sla�Ges t mbrace I,451,000 arsons. •• Oxgn a me for dot. Ouf you don't �___,,....r ,,as.. peen elute, nappy- I got me proke mon lurk." tcsessiug the Ilallla>re+, A few Sleeks since a railroad collision Sharper than a Reran ou one of the roads leading out of New It rr� .r...stea moot with the those of York killed, aurong ethers, a passenger; a fes, duel au eye full its ulat. 'A living in an interior town. itis remains • 1.0X, i alta o y sfe'end•tautl clothier telts were sent Moshe In ox1 sltave,Andaferr w,r. esker day: Irl it eeou and said: days after the funeral tllo attorney of tiza road called upon the w Tew fo effect " Dee that t'vercoat flanging out down a,.settlement. She placed her fioures at tul'l'e 7" GA[emui1 W Well, I've taken a far10 to it. It's el t)ll, tilat SUM is,Illnreeeonable," re. S plied the attorney. Your husbands was There but 1"1.1 ;shake It all object.I Yes sir' �ti;Q l au cl to buyit for rue. van( are L. yes.. K '4• #20,000. iatliC"r the el,z to ask you to go down nearly fifth veils told 2" won't Ore lent ti 8 fee the coat, but I'll " bluer ,dee a Jct., and kuow show to beat hila! +e Aiutj 1l9.. :._t health was poor 2" slower. Mere are >l It t�ulter poo." The (dealer took the moues and Ftart- ee Aucl be probably -could not have rel off. and in five minutes was back lived over fiat S igen 7~ nitli trio coat, "Probably not, sir." t. Oeo4:" S AsstsUcs1 t1atr 1.3,t..11"". '• I j u Then i seeing to ung that two or t.•ci:elii y eou"d lay hint out. How utueh three thousand dollars weal be a fair Girdou make for your share 7" , Co:upensation. ,. VcJ ash dot is my branch. store, Twoorthreo thousand,,, she echoed. .end T only „mak sin clollars fur degoat, I "sWhy, sir, I courted that man for ten rta*t ails,ttt urea tlollar'1 gneiss, years, tau after hurt for ten more, and then lied to ebaao ]aim down with a shot third':: Sacrifice. you to get hire before a preacher. Do you suppose that I'm going to settle for A Donn;; rue who shad leen ou a the bare cost of slim leather and azo. *.hretltlays' c1c4*uch wandered lute the lmmition 2 Tr all Strut :8".1t'P. readiug.roinu of ;k hotel where be was er rlr known, sat down ant%looked mood• He Was Going to Take Somethin ily into the street, Presently a little Warm. girl abort tun years old cause iu and looked about the room. There Thilillelethorl►o was going to take a were fire persons in thO room, and l:us-iau bath the other day when he alto went to each one begging. tine mulls weed Boozub utiezrt:tlt gave her a. five cent piece, « Where are you going?' was au:first ,Inti 1•• 'toe to the gentleman spoken greeting that suet Thireblethorjle:s ears et*fur lh Ixuuy, adding: after they had shaken bands. d aurtblog to eat for :a "Oh, I am gotnz to take something, Swann, as ho sea y contracted his laic an was out of rather, and ' eyelid "Come along d"' r Rue. 1,aYv n'b Lea Nothing lothBoomby caught 0n, and to11owed 1ri>t 130 z ti'rony into what be c fur three days," thought was .an exceedingly hot room. •'end her eyes lu shy won- i, Let us Mite It drink of water before ,ier, .1 at him for a lrhonlent we older the stimulants," remarked incl re -• t, -lowly toward the cloor- Thimblc-th,lrlrk�,. . leu a el t,- „ .� i'1 • , s't>,�t� answer, ,t for til towed the knob and tl ft •gees a ca was IN ' eeptathlhg u ft ccoutls, Stalked up to I feel awful warm,” i,zn end gently lazing the five Conte on ills msec, oait1 with tunes of tine girlish pity in her voice : " if yon haven't had anything to eat for three days you take this and go and buv sabre bread. Perhaps I can get more somewhere." The young plan blushed to the roots ,,1' his h .sir and lifting the child in his tr"-na; kissed her tato or three tithes in delight. Then he took her to the other Irt„�rsolht in the room, and those in the sic partook of the ayes parry, and soon the rireitir.ation began: to ooze from ervety port`: "Coale snit o, 4.4," 136:1 Ida tt 1 couldn't chink aliytl,Ilug steelier than soda :tow." Just thou, es 1i0Utuccd at the shell i_ ; around the r oie, ou which were reclining several nude figures, it ,began to dawn upon hien that he had been made a victim of a huge practical joke, olridor and office, and told the stor t "` ]Men's say toward. about it and . Intl assists contributions, giving laimxelf stand a.t� quart bottle," he -whispered, as 1 he dartedout of the street door and into all the money be hall with Hila. He the nearest apothecary .shop to cool off. •.ucceecled in rails f 1 ll ;end sent the little girl on her way re- g over or ty t o ars, Boston Courier. lohchng:—Phrlioldpiice OM. Singular Contests of Strength. Apropos of Sullivan's claim that he con knock a bull down withone blow of his fist, Arthur Chambers,. mit that some years ago he saw Bauer, tate wrestler, free 'a bear off a platform after three hugs, and he saw two men in Manchester, each in a pen with a belligerent bull, each striving to win a -wager they had made of £10 as to who' ,could stay in the pen the longer. °e Both The SeVen1tlh Son at'a Son,ef*G;nli. . A young totter wend to a foriun a teller to .see What •91: ould do for 'him a„ gate a ai*',ait 1.'f " Yon want to know the=fitture, sir ?" "Beteher fife I does, munch" " In what Iaartieu six ".. nl "t I'tle'nx1- dtilek ontt 2 ,14sarld rwatnts tet knoti''f Pm gods' to corral her, or'f were to fight the bull at the same time. seine other Snoozer'11 take the pot." If the animal rushed at one of the men "..11, it is a love'affair, is it ? 1+1.1..y s feltse Thus theywere to continue"1 er to jump thefenee. want for _make mea penniless bride - him le- In the neck and behind the ear and Ili have ' the other man •was to come to his de- vices will be worth two dollars, sr." er nn- • Ioses in the bulruslhes, mule. D'y sheens of the men had tic The pen -was about five feet high and groom, like them actors play ?" thirty feet square.' The bull toot a cor. e" 'That's a small amount, sir. I'm the her.. When he came out the men struck seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, you to know, sir. Upon the ribs. The bull could.notdodge, " Come off, now, will yer? Seventh while the men could. He fought a John dotter of a seventh dorter's good. Well; L. Sullivan fight. At last the bull ran a horn through the cheek of one of the men. The other fellow jumped the fence. The injured man was repeatedly butted down and gored, and died of his injuries. His widow got the £10.—New York Jrr it• tl ., .� Won't Doc go up; ifear,allti g`et wry - goats Off the bureau 2" "Youi goats? queried sones'; , wlist e -tan nl ed thin 's,that?" "1'11 show you,"reuilrrked:' the wife, as she sailed up stairs and down again with a pair of well -acorn kids on her hands. " There they are " 1 id. " Why, I 'call those kids," said the surprised husband 011, do you 7" snapped the wife.So So said 1 once, bat they're so old now 'I'm asham- ed to call them anything but amts." Jones tools the hint. 1 , beteaer tiffy, I ain't onto the dotter racket. f'rn the seventh son of a son of a gun, Winn Powderville I ant, and ye can't two dollar' me. I'll lay fur the snoozes with a club. Tootle to toot, $is; so long."—I'ltilotlelf,kia Ci.nus. -- . , like, areAhti - sjikoarl'efin of ar t �Or 9tEP 3�nta are GyF • r x]31:0 dna al Iter ,+riuson a ways es' ere each heart, l' L rs inked w; gins Y 7Yone stir r h C roJliuo • flet eyes a roue and doi;p,- ' ''But the story cern a• straight from., her brother. W - That thpe1 tau sl0rs' -A -rag says Us one of .his• friends in the most selenss msintier,;"If my -'ons• said player does not take back � wliu;t ho s ala torn not this nvot.ning, 1 shall leave lair' shouse." lX?!hYr,�sv7la tau may?' " H,c told me that,xe old o kI'M am. other placer, 41 reature snores in her ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES At rains and Aches, AND 14111a MAST PERFEQT um NMI: la tho WORLD $ots) Rev AU. OSAt* 3s. PHICE, 25 AND 50 COTS MI 1l0 Tl.E. 3E"1.41.3LaXimilPSI Vegetable Sicilian nut RENEWER was the Out preparation perfectlyadapted to cure diFeases of the scalp, and the first successful re- stoner of faded or gray hair to WI natural color, growth, and 3•outbinl beauty. It stns had malty iudtamora, but tame haver se fully met all the re- quireme' hta needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. i1ALtla llAUI Itk:nswza has steadily grown is firer, and spread its fame and uses iluef* to every quarter of the globe. 11* un- paralleled suece*s can bo attributed to tut ore can -e: the aeuirej11011,rerttnjitaprastias, The proprietorobave often been aurprixd at the reeeipt of orders from remota countries, where they haul never ruadeauetfortfor Its introduction, Pita use for a }bort timo of MAINS limn itt,x::wVat wonderfully improves the pereonai appcaranea. It eh:asses the scalls from all len. lturrttrs, sure.; all humors, fever, and drynesm, and thus rrevrnts lralducaa. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to malt for. ward a newandvignroua growth. The effects of this article are not thaniient, liko those of ;tiro. hums pre ltaration.,but remain along tithe, whish 1110k,"+ It a tiro a hatter of economy, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE TOR '1115 WHISKERS Bill cls,n,e the beard to a natural brown, or black, as ik•rircd. It produeesapermaneut color that will not wash away. Consisting of n Angle preparation. it is applied without trouble, PREPARED BY B. P. I A I & CO., WasIn t, N-11, Sold fry all Dealers ins ledieines. FOR ALL TIE FORMS OP Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blooth lturifar, 1* flyer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists; 51, six bottles, 5.1. Harpers's Weedy. 1r,1.uFrrr,.vxl^n, Weekly -t.•^.r•,as at 11.ti Lend of American wee14y journals. By its unpartis"an. position 111 polities, its:nirnil'ablt' ill aa tra}ions; its earcrfnlly chosen serials- short stories, sketcilc's_ sla(lp00rlre,con tri iinted 1iy 113ei fore- ineistxtrtists and authors of the ,lav, it oai•- l'ies-fist ut:.tioi and entertainment to thou- sands of •lrbericgn Isomer.• • xt will always be tb#a situ tithe piiblishers eto.plal; 7larlrel's 11 eokly the most Popular and atil itotive family n,rwspaperin the world, and, in the pursuance of this, to present a constant improvement in all these features which have gained for it tlloconfidenert,xym- pathy, and suprort of its large army or read- ers. SARPEII'S. "PERIODi03L 1'er Year: HAMPER'S +ICLY,,.......$4,00 HARHERi:'S MAGAZINE... 4 A0 HA.nER'S BAZAR• .:: ... 4 00 HARPEtt'S YOUNG PEOPLE -1 59 f Th" HARPER' 8, F]ol rfL1N SQUAFr 'Ys atfi .Ess is acknowledged by all, to be the most comfortable, cheapest, and durable in LIBIi;ARY,OnoYaar•52 aunt' ,at1' the Market. Gall and examine. tett States or Caiiaclyr ,ej'e?tt tri E vi • - Tbe Tele- 1\i -ow rJ11.aer tai T�CTOULD,SAY TO YV YY these tieh Intend Purchasing to do so freta the :rna afaeturer, T al v dv inti, s tc se11 agai ' irea't necessarily have a prett.t. We ,slams to givothe p ohascrs t}aa lreneflt,wltiolt cattnotf to meet tho views of thr Grangers'. Our expenses aieleasthan these of cite realmmactnrerseonseg tent we oat: sellelleapor. C. c5; S. GIDL.J ', 11.11(-) Fi l.d'11h Ma 1,-uthatuz'ex NATE WOULD call speoialatttentio to our -undertaking delrkrt r a „1 ich" mere In 1. t ane rot§.}� ve idled gecor neer de ns f late Thbest oot�u a u � a . caskets shrcuds,aizcl every uneral requisite at the lowest pricer Our naw Hearse is pronounced by ,eompetalt,t yudfl`err,• to be aoeond to none 111 ,Che proratees Emblems of all thefferent Societies. ZrioiHl1\T .13 I I.&iwi ! NDERTAKER AND Funerals furnished a.,.. coucbucted atttle gory low• at rates' 3fy',Stack efbfudertaking geodsia largo, eetup,iote and we assorted. and any erscu requiring anything, in thisline win Audit to their advantage to give me a CRIT a,ud examine fcr themselves. CABINET-MAKER, I have justrece ved a rage stook Walnut and Rosewood Caskets; also 'afthirs of every descrip. lion. d, complete atock of Thebes and Trimmings alwi,y e 110114, Tha latest styles of Chamberand Parlor Suite. AD kinds of Furniture at the lowestratcs. rIf H,r i ESI' it h•t It 3l IN TUE VOLINVIC tuber the place—Nearly opposite I ewp'e Tabaceo Store, ttaiu.strcet, Exeter. ,T07433A.Vi%/IT. New Photograph Studio. PR Cab,xxets NETTS, — X4,00 par dozen. VI NETTI , -- ,e < '1UURE. 3.00 s/ to Two finished iu water cote $1 extra. + LTST Card de Bata CU LLDItEN — $ 2.00 per dozes:. •VIGNE TS' " e{ It 1 FIGURE, -- 1.,%) 41 e1 Two ftlielbed .iu water cols Goa extra. PIotures to he paid for when Negative is taken a AMBROTYPES Cents each. 10o will be charged for each subject exceeding twe old Pictures enlarged for $1.0, and finished in Witter Colors for $250. Pit lti.wo FraMing lt.:" +j"1ef; .G1lt W. T. J'C? TAT ,Prop. r, Jars). 7.6411 1881. Ezzetes Most Office Time Table. 3r ti s Eirkton,Woodham,Wineholseaand Elhuville' .., ... ... ... Scuds,oastandwest,includingLoudon.Tfamilton, Toronto 31ontreal, 31 am, United States, English and foreign mails ... ... .... ... ... ... ... Soutlh, easta11t1 west .,• ... ... .•• ,,, 10• Northam' east.inoludingGoderiob,\\,'inghanl,Iiihacaldirraarid allpeititaihorth, ; Stratleid,Torouto, Montreal, and. I:aster-a States.,. .. ... ,.. ... W.00a.tn !V.0 a. ni• �Arfia a„... t ... ... ... ... ..4 w'.ti0 lia m..5,00 p.m. ,C.,uflp.ur.14.t0 p. te. MONET ORDERS Issued and lad on andiron any ntone,.Order Ogiao in the Dominion of Cunada,(lran tBritain and Ireland,l3ritishlnaia,Nowfouudland.1 ormauy,Austria,Italy,.,iustraliaandthe United States. POSTf71'1'IO)3 S;LVINGSB.NE. Deposits' will: be received at this o$ieo from i,1 to nee. Depositors obtaining the Postmaster - ,General's epeeialpermission eau deposit$1000. DepositsouSavings liaank account receivedfronr 9.rn.to4p.m. li:,tltur's ofiicehourrftow , Qa.m.to7 p,n1, Letters iuteudedforregietration :mist iluPostoais minutes beforothe closing ofeach. mail: Nil—Itis particularyrequested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of th Counties to the addresses. D:JOHNS, Postmaster. DOMINION WIRE MATTRESS ---- � �` ^9.4::-••••-••^........., - - R II itol A111{{ie wets �.i II!kt limal!1..J�a SII .I II . iN, ,r I (W.. DREW, Sole Accent for Exeter.) Postage Free to at subsea' first .73- ," - r- .-.les of the Weekly b gin with the ,1.nbei folri7:tnnali• effuse, year. Wliln ..Jaime is iineutione , it wl 1)e�'uuder"stood lat the subscriber wishes ' corumencewith tile.. Number next after the ac ell?t of order. thest FourAiiitai ?S, Of Mill). cr's Weekly, in neat cloth binding,,. will be ?eat by na,postage, .tid: .or hh .express, s free of expense (provided Wet e freight does not exceed ono dblr per volrrin o), fo& 47 0 1 SSE =-ERZ We respectfully invite the attention and consideration of every careful and economical person in this vicinity, to;the fact that MONEY CAT -4713E4 SAVED by purchasing your Furniture, at Drew's,FurnitureWareroom 1-403- .Cases:fvr a ell ]arras „truiEeli]© for We wart t all to know that this St$lsou eve lartve• a larger and better Steel; than ever before, and 5° Y� " bindingwilt'iSti=rieirt G�' snail ant lies on re out ;Unbitten ,.s to furnisl;R• everybody with substantial and dmsbl Furniture, urnst ure, at• ce{pt ei $1 00 each. P4 : , , ; reasonable rates. Rentitta'uces shoald sae marlo.byl.'ost-Oplee ; 7ienlout�rer-ve liavo,the ]ateststj*'!eir,'bnd the most Reliable Goods, and at.tlle lowed 0,ar:•tied on as usual with a larger Rtocl= *',- ;1a Otho ]Honey Orcler Or tis tft,tn';weld .ehinco.of loss. TJ L^p°�,'�9'�jTAXING v TILTDERt ut EstaUhtflamcsr News n.lers nom g i;; < ' s a -. _0 0 ,tp tlars.tr 7.1a e - p l d7, . Pines ;. .o , � i acv. L1` s. call n , l a,t, u Z r .I11z1 �A }l ' ' a ., . m bFP.. 3F9 w 1 I •i jj1:, eat rvlthout the express rndet „r�.T.I:tnrrn � • : r.. ;_� s,, w,- •, OB1f,-' "'131'1 Tiloxaris. 'llcth°ost` kTA1ia;1• f4 r»1Ree G4eclo�i•uortfiao Ponht3, a'o>k, r§v i• .., e 61$oade4'Aett5te .�nou1?oirtlp! lu lneer.ithest