HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-20, Page 5SEEES 1 SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS AT THE XE'irlen, SEED STORE, DOZAZINZON LA,BR1 TORT,' Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seeds. We call the attention of Fanners and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspection. BB,QTATIst7,41sTO, Vrop The iuron Presbytery. The Presbytery of Heron met in Willis Clhnroit, Clinton, on Tuesday, 11a1 lust, the moderator, Rev, J. A, Turnbull presiding. Owing to the unfavorable weather and bad roade<,. the attendance was smaller than us al. The reward of all ill sessittths with, t i. for its N It „a bounds. o to t the were p y : Galled for and examined. . Theta were 1 found to have beev, oil the wh' le,enr reedy'ud oarernity kept. Owing to iuottmpleta returns from seasione, the eouhtnittee on the state of religiou hats net been able to repair A report. Dufanititig seesians wore renumled of their duty to furnish the committee with the irifarisalailn re- quired, for the preparation of their re p ort. The following aommiseio•.era to the nett General Aaaewbiy were appoint- ed :—the Rev."b:[eaere. J' oobead, Mo Lessen, Stewart, Musgrave, T. G. Thompson, ministers; and Metiers McLaren, Alderson, Gray, Pollock, Whiteford, Were. The Rev. Kenneth McLennan, of Charlottetown, P. E. 1., was nuwiu swt'edmudoretor of the next General. Assembly. The report preeented by the caw - mitten) on Sabbath Scheols,'.aa adopt- ed, and ordered to be transmitted to she Convene of the Syned's committee on Sabbath School. Messrs. Turnbull. ItInegrave and llioOov were appointed to visit Kip Rea, Hills Green, Berne,13ayield road, and Bethany, to order to aseertaiu whether a nee and better grouping of these congregations and stations can. not be effected. 'leave wa8 granted to the trustee, of the Clinton oongregatione to sell their present church buildieg, the lot 9,tt which it st tilde and the lots ed louring the manse property. It was agreed to hold a special meeting of Synod in Seaforth, next mouth, and to hold the next regular meeting in Clinton, on the second Tuesday in Unroll. 1 Beaten mutturned. Abort 11. o'clock Friday ulght Geo, Roes (colored) went to hie house, on MoDougall street, and found another colored man namedSoott,witb his mi9- trees. Road threw a temp tttSoott,strik- ing him on the head and breaking the lamp. The oil took fire and burnt Scott in a horrible manner. The phy sieians gay Scott cannot live. Roes was arrested after a desperate atrag• gle by Chief Baines and oflier Welle,be defending himself by an axe. Ho was, however, overpowered without injur- ing the officers. An answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily euro ? We say they can not, as thousands of cases alreadypermanently cured and who aro dailyrecomtnendingElectrio Bit- ters, will prove. Bright's Disease, diabetes, weak back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels,and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by C. Lutz. 1 Fought For honor. At tlio eeraio,.i held at .Pembroke, one of the Wont important ease's was that of a y ting Inman named Blip. tiete Lash, w1e was charged with at- tempting t.tempting to outrage a child aged about eleven years. Ti'e history of title case, as drs vered in evidence,ae, its as fellows; About five utoutlta ago wbioat this young I••diat. '.gas crus®ii^ the Matta NA ti'rtagn rond. (ttrttaevat ha in the District of Nipinsittg),Ilo mat the child. Her unprotected clondr tilt* prompted him to take advantage of bar. Dragging her into the bush, he made a vi"lent a8aault upon her, but the ohtlti, froth the very deeper• ation of fear, fought eft!) a courage land Mtrenttth wholly to be unaccount- ed for, to j'tdge from her etppearauce, and suooeeded in escaping from hies elutohee. On reaching the road °lice neve, elm fortunately met with the agent of a lumbering firm, who, on star explainiug b w affairs Mood, tis• Qt+tntly uudettnok to pr teat her, and at once escorted her to her mother's dweiling. The ouil't woo o'ut•id"rably injured but regateed he' health and Ili n a few Reeks. TIth cal p . - prit,h,.s a brute) loniting tthy.ioguouhy and rill the ani►nal peed ,us seem to predominate in his abstracter, HA is a er it C el'Shop. in the vitaa lity of twenty years of age, but stout and strong looting for his ago, $e was aontenced to ono year . to the central prison at herd labor. United tutee, Butcher &, General Dealer -IN Ar.n KINlt3 or-• . •. To cure eonsuuiption, nkeratlou in the lunge moat be atppped, the matter must be thrown off, the uiexnbrauces and tissues. healed and the system invigorated.. Downs' Elixir will do all this. Try it. Every bottle warranted. A Startliu ; Ihscnver •. '.Nr.Wr. Johnston, of Huron Pa#:., writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that al1 rem. v wiles tried no permanent dragaver e ie ma ut xc# f util e gp ,u b prccurred a bottle of i<lrSiiig'a_vcwDiseovery for ConAnoption, Coughs, and Colds, whfeh hada maeiceletfeet.attd lrrotlucetl a perweueut cure. xt is gnaiauti'ed to Coro allPisrasee art L'ungs,or I3ronc#tial Tubes. Trial Bottles Free at 0, Lute's, Drug Store. Large Size el.*. 5. DO ' S it riR MEW= BALE= ELIXlR� Ilan stood the test for Fit t' -t itati:t, YEAAs, aitd ]s,.5 proved its 1S tti:s l+ st remedy kunwa fir t3;e c:ar: //C�Orttettlrfl et�ie.:llp. CQ�.:,;3':`°; SCR, it e,YV�h Toper::., t`8M1r•F^, and ail t.un ;iw.,'«:we. yin„y:;� or ell , ,:..,,1. FARMERS'. ATTENTION WHI `E'S U PSQMSIt ;°� SLIDING CATES .-.M r u, A DRIVE 9 FJELD GATE &droved. by avers far. zter, �l r all vrlw WO EOM Ita9 *WetAmes"1'.ttt are 08MtEttliWCE, DURABILITY ]itW'tIQt1X. MWcxt s , It takes np po room on the rued or sidewalk. It opens .iown the feurw. It lecke opete and when closed, lochs rent. A shiki six Sears obi can open and elose it from a wagon or horseback. cr afoot. It i4 rtes liable to get out of order. So simple ill construction that any farmer can snake it. n ran be male of lumber, iron ar wire -netting. i R ,• admire �# ! who see s rt it, r be o with Can nt:d tt one e • r �Auger from Wagons; Buggies, etc, It baeke out of the way down the fence. taking up no room. Ilan no lever age en pests. Can be opened and clotted 3(i times a minute. '.lakes a wore lock with- out a la telt or pin: A tlovvuwartl pull apeott or t?lc�eaa gateet►tuy Ient;th,4r weight. ;t; file tan lea have a double action and always up. nut of the xati•. The .seat shore the cr. dinary� gate is from 01 to 'I3. 1 sen furnish Oi'ra Taos-, no binge, to buy. Price of FARM R GT T$ from $5 to : 3. , tall encs see the Vote at Centralia and Exeter, and * eottlie str Varus Right, R. DAVIS, On January lltb, 1860, Christina Kett, a pretty girl aged 18, was mire 1VEI "v dared at Drayton, in her home. Na Its •1• l elite was ever diroovered to the mur- derer until Saturd iy, ellen her broth• •r told the death bed confession his owe mother made three weeks ago. The murdered girl returned home an hour late from a visit to a lady friend. The mother, in a fit of passion, drool; her with an axe handle, crushing her skull. Appalled at the crime, she smeared the dead girl's face with gun -1 powder, and deported herself in snob t a manner as to entirely elude detect - tion. Mental torture drove her from ; the scene of the crime. She roamed through Western cities, and finally returned several years ago. She Was sixty-four years old at her death. All of the family are deed but the son, who relates her dying confession. At Toronto Auv o Boston, mother of eleven children. attempted Wed. nesday night to hang herself with a hemp cord. At the police court she was remanded for medical examin. Rtion. Drink is supposed to be the cause. A LAWYER'S OPINION OF INTEREST TO ALL J. A. Tawney, Esq., a loading attorney of Winona, Minn., writes: "After using it for more than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regard Dr. King's New Dts. covery for Consumption, as the best remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It has never failed to cure the most severe colds I have had, and invariable relieves the pain iu the chest." Trial bottles of this sure cure for all Throat and Lung Diseases maybe had free at C Lute's Drug Store, Large size, AUDITOR'S ABSTRACT OF THE AUDITORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1888. • We beg leaye to present a statement tunds for the year 1883. RE OEIP PS, To Balance from 1882 ......... Assessments 3690114 " License Funds ......... 515 67 " Clergy Reserve Fund...... 25 05 Government Grant...... 223 OC " Fines 9 OD " Money Borrowed Nelsons Bank..... 600 00 •` Non Resident Taxes Co Treasurer 1 42 of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Municipal EXPENDITURE, By County Bates 1883 $ 15 0'1 " Streets, Sidewalks &c 714(4' 46 77 " Salaries t•92 55 O Schools ............ 2361 28 " Debentures & Loans Re 8060 981 8275 2e 11 ., Taxes Refunded Charitioi Printing, Postage, & Stationary Interest .. Rents Fire account Tanks Insurance • Election Expenses ... Miscellaneous ...:........... Balance on han•1..... ....... 2155 05 6 00 138 00 51 e8 28 10 4 00 265 85 124 00 2.5 87 80 50 116 70 1744 721 $8936 281 ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Oath Balance Dee Met 1883 31744 72x1 Council, including salaries & Buildings and Beal Estate 2200'00 small debts ...... ............. 8 800 00 Arrears of Taxes 94 17 Railway Leine & Bonuses... 10000 00 Fir o Engine Rose &e 1000 00 Other Municipalities' 2100 00 r--- 35038 891 ---, 012900 00 We the undersigned Auclitors certify that we have examined the Treasurer's books for 1883 of the Municipality of Exeter, and found them correct and in accordance with vouchers pro., duced; Balance on hand Dec 3let 1853, $1744.723 Copies of the Report in detail can be hand on application to the clerk TfOcBR.AOANEG ll Auditors. 38936 26 Exeter, 13th February, 1 Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence, ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL ItE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. LABDIN 1' MACHINE OIL, VARMERS, THRESHERS, ANI) DI31lmess will save money and cavo their Machinery by wing Lardine. 1 I8 an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and k 1cery. it is famous for Gout and Rheumatism.' To AGENTS' r he lilett of this 10eut for HURON COUNTY, and as 1 are otherwise 1 Cannot canva44aeh Townsb#riin the Comae, 1 will sell itw►1i'#tip Ili htt:•, at prices that will euable the purchaser to make stoney at the hesiecs:. $$ISQ tO $20 per DAV' V' caz. be IC &DE ;cod canvasser in telling out a Township Biuitt hi Fenn Itfghtc. Cru, uu null's are atauythingolse mitts a Small Capital Invested. I mean to sell so yeas cal make i,10NEY. A Rare Cbl rtee--Speculatiou. The selling qualitleat of this gate cannot be questioned, 'The Invader beat sold ^^�--OVER $00,000 WORTH ALREADY, - ire rw Township Bight, and make money easily and rapidly. If yet do trot, so*e. Dna will, and yon will bee the chance. Call and see me, or write for sarins, 4.. Q 33QI3XER, Cez #mita For County Bights in Canada write for terms to C. W. JONES, Lemke, RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT) THE PILE Purify the Bleed, eorrcet all Diaordera of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the axed they are PI lrelesa THE OINTMENT . DINE 1!08 DISORDERS OP THE CHEST 11' HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colcts,Glandrlar• Swellings. and all skin diaes+.vs it has no rival ; suit for contracted and stiff joints itactslikt' a charm. Ilas been victorionaat all the leading exbilci tions afid industrial fairs since 2878, eaxryingoff brat prizes and medals iu every instance. It has unw no equal as a lubricator, mil will out- wear lard, seal or castor o11, and warraatod not to slog or gum th0 DuOst maohinarc Yeu will save money by using this 0i1. Toth and you will testify in its favor. Beware al imitations. The Pills and Ointnieut aresold at TUOBAS HOILOwAr's Establishment. 78, NEW OXFORD -STREET late (583, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON —uei > irAaxcnen ONLY BY—also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls. lid., 2s. 94 4s. Gcl., lis., 22s., and 83s. each. The 2t*. 9d. size coutntus three times the quantity of th is lid, size ; the 4s. Gd, size six ; the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thuty-three ; and the 1VIcCo11 Bros. & Co., Toronto, 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be batt in any language re- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. Loudon, they are spurious. —ren BALE Ali— BISSETT BROS , Exeter ; J. EMBER & SON, Crediton ; McDONELL & W AUGH, Hensen TO FARMERS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OF THE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past libe,•al patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do --CHOPPING-- until further notice, at the following --rates :---- OATS,' —OATS,' SIX CENTS PER BAG, And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY et SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS Strictly Cash. N. B,—Flour Ji Feed sold at a close mar- gin. Don't forget to give us a call NO46.13 TRIZaa Dashwood, Feb'y 7th, '81 FRIED 1111 0111111111S ATTENTION. Why',ou should use the Combined Milk Bucket and Stool : let. --The use of this Bucket will effectually protect. the milk from contact with any foreign substance whatever, and from the odor of the stable. 2nd.—Should a vicious cow kick over -the bucket no milk is lost or injured. 3rd.—In case of spattering, or misdirected streams, no loss will occur, 4th.—It avoids the soiling. of clothing. 5th.—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the "old-fashioned" tool. 6th. --It enhances the value of dairy butter. 7th. -It is mutually acceptable to the milkman and his patrons, as it guarantees satisfac- tion. 8th.—Butter and cheese made from milk drawn in this Bucket, possesses keeping quali- ties, far in advance of that containing all the germs that fall into. an unprotected pail. 9th. -Both the creamery and the cheese factory eau afford to remuueratel those patrons who use this Bucket, and will in time,be compelled to dechnethe iuilk of those wiho do not. BISSE'VT1 BROS.