HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-20, Page 34 Continued from 211(1 I a{e iifty,'sixty, more years ago. Its head- • says to himself, thinking of his aunt, "no one knows what might have happened. Shut out of ilia world on this faraway island, she will speedily forget, I trust, all about her, It shall be the business of my Life to compel her to forget. Until the fortune is actually seismal am daily in dagger of losing it, unless she forgets her sou's daughter." Early the next morning the first train bears away among its passengers Mr. Paul Farrar and Miss Snowball Tripoli. Jewima Ann weeps copiously at the parting. A glimpse of romance has Como tsh brighten the dull drab, .of her existence; and it gees, with the going of Snowball. " Grood hy, gond . hy, he sobs. "Don't, oh! don't forget poor Mimi Ann, little Snowball 1" " What you ewyin" for now ?" de- manded Suo\shall, touching a tear with one minute linger, and all expression of much distaste. " don't like cwyin'. You is always cwyill'. What you want far My some more 2" Snowball cri t, It ' Il black CS no er 8111R cloak is fastenaa, her littleblaek bonnet tied. under one delicious dimple, she is kissed, and departs in high ;;tee, and ever: the rnewel of good Jemima Ann waxes pale and dint before the first hour has passed. Mr, Farrar Inas been right. All tate way, ladies take a ]refound interest in pretty Snowball. Her deep mouthing, l her a quisite face, bei feathery, floating hair, her blue, fearless Ayes, her enchanting baby smile, her piquant little remarks, captivate all whom she meets, "Isn't sn't she sweet ? ' "Oh, what a pct 1" Mr. Farrar hears the changes rung on these two ferniliiz►e remarks the whole way. Snowball fraternizeswith every ossa•• -alta aloes not know what bashful• nese means; she flits about like a bird the whole day long. Perhaps, too, some of those good ladies are a trifle interested in the tall, silent, bearded, handsome geutlenlan, who has her in charge, and who is not her father, brother, uackl, anything to b(lr, so fu as they can find lout from the small fle- , moiseile herse f, whose wuuo she flees riot even know. She cornea hack to him cues from her percb'rinatione, replete withcake: and questions, perches herself on his kuce, gives one bronzed check a pre] mirrary peck with her rosy lips, and puts this leading question : I9 you my papa ti y;p; Snowbttff, I don't think 1 $ u " +1 o yeti my untie ?•; "Nor your uncle." " Is you pry broder 2" " Not even your brother," +• What et i;; you, den 2 rause de lady t'heass'ul,,ll:' •' The holy had better not ask toe „ many tlut...ta 11s. .1. thirst for leiew1edge, you may futorm her, has been the bane of her met. t. Anti Snowball must•uot die. tend licr•,I:if llllfw a :sural]' auacuadat with .coufectlefnety. The lady mt1e118 to be kind, but prcrhape Snowball has heard ' of people who were killed with ]dud. Wt's ?' To ani; b Snowball's reply is that she Ls sleepy. And then the flaxen heal cuddles comfortably over the region of t 1LT,r. t•ttrrac's heart, and the blue eyes do a, and the dewy lips part, and Snow- b ill iti eafely in tine and of Breams, The close of the seeond day brined I theiu to St. Glides. Cold weather awaits thein, iu this Canadian seaport. The .lawn lies deep. winds blow keenly. et:1;r:• Il shivers under her Will /3 in lir. lamas kr arms, 'a'lley spend the night .tt a hotel, and after breakfast neat nee:ning, cross the St. (tildes ti -et to Isla Perdrix. Thirds an anaa:cd and joyful welcome awvaitsetlletu. Snow- balls luow- b l s rets. ]tion is ail Bfr. Farrar has lirceielcel, both from the elderly Scotch tioetor and the yoatbful French wife, They accept the charge with delight, the 'two boys of the household alone eying the intruder with dubious eyes, a5 it is in the nature of boys under nine to belts{ sasall gil'ly, But neture is eoi nc- Weiss ueaterotsaa. '•.ir. Farrar remains ten days --teen days of transport to the two Macelonald lad. who worship 11iin, or thereabouts, ton (lays of ;sadness to their parent,, ,l i,rs of much caressing and infantile lows -making on the part of Snowball, ten happy, peaceful drays. Then lie goes back to Fayal, out there in the Azores, - and to the monotonous life of the manager of a large estate, in that dullest of fair tropical islands. Aid Snowball remains, and life on . its now page, a breezy and charming and beautiful life- 1 on the sea.girt isle, begins, i land light burns as of yore, a beacon in dark wad dangerouallastGhaletk?,its resi- dent physicishn isig ll eesjden•' ese when in that far oft tinSiiii3vse a .q arantine station, and menu and Women diadeht the long sheds, erected intim sandaser ship fever, faster than hands could bury them. It is an island makrmined with raves, haunted by ghoetLLgy zueMaales, The world moves, but it moves languidly about Dree Island. It is 'a quarantine station still, but its hospitals have stood empty for the past decade of years; emigrant ships come rarely now to dull St. Glides, and Dr. Macdonald finds his ufiiee pretty well a sinecure. Ile lives there atilt though, a sort of family Bela inson Crusce, in his cottaga,llra.Ctfices as he gets it over in S. GxYdats, and brings up his tero.boysin their breezy home, and would,nob change his secluded, peaceful, plodding life to be Made viceroy of all Her Majesty's clominious. Dr. Macclonald's island castle is a cot. tage—a long, white cottage, only one story and an attic irigll. But though low, it is lengthy, and contains some nine or ten pretty rooms, and always a spare chamber for the pilgrim and the stranger within its gates. They come sometimes to sketch, and fish and shoot -bronzed and bearded pilgrims, artists from the States, oMeese from Ottawa and Montreal, and go away charmed with the doctor, the louse, tltp cuisine, the sport, the sea. i o would bo diffiia cult indeed wwhuut D. ;Augtts Mullett. aid's genial manners and 3ladarne :Aloysia'e cookery would fail to eblarzn. Moat kindly of hosts, most scale of gcntleaseu, is the dreamy doctor, and hi her way " Ma'am \t'eca y,"' so the the ebildrou ehol'ten her stately liaptisrnal, tp,-tlen bleu, 'T11e cottage sits comfortably in a gar. dna, and the Aartion is shut is an • the north and east by craggy binffe, that break the farce of the beetling Atlantic winds. Behind is a vegetable girders, with currant and goeseberryi• bushes, flourisllitig among the potatoes: and cab- bages; in front is:t flower gardens, such flowers as with infinite coaxing will ecineeut to blossom, in aucb a spot., Hardy ohl.fasliioned poppies and dab. lifts. Loudon pride, queen of the Hata. slow, bachelor btettons, and Wail trees; tb,) a with southern aanslliuo and seed- ers* breezes, brighten the islaud garden' for three or four months out' of We twelve. 1 cat picturesque trail' of hop -rine -au.t scarlet runner drapes the pored, and twines in pretty festoons t ' round t110 \w l,t o\v of the doctor's; study. 1'e,?t(' it for all in all, thcbeardedartiste, who carry away o many' sketches of it intheirportfolios, maybe sincere enough in petmouln lug it one of the most capital litttle lte rinit tg;os diets world ltolde It ie a July morning •forenoon rather —for eleven ltas Sts tick by the doctor's Flock.. Peace reigus on Isle Perdrix, a peace that clay almost be felt, a great calm of \vill,l( and sea. The summer slo:y is without a cloud; it is blue, blue. ham:, anti flecked with rolling billows of white wool --a lauguitt avphyr, with the saline freshness of the ocean, just stirs saw hop.viuc s. but faintly, as if it too were a -weary in the unusual heat. Litt. ' baby wavelets lap with murmur - tie; motion upon the gray sands --tiro gull' that whirl awl eirclo round the is. laud du not even shriek. Peace reigns too within the cottage, the doctoris front home:the boys are at St. Gilddas, and the other disturbing element of tllalulusehoiclis--.yell Ma'am \ 't ay doss not exactly ;mow where, tent whore s1i' will r eiraila she devoutly hopes for another hoar or two's for a outer hoar or two. Vain hope—as 1 1 , t1 o thought lit cro:'s cls theold \wonitul's mint],. there euuies the, sound of allrill, sweet, sinliiig .a quirk rusk and a patter of small feet, a shout, and there whirls into the cottagb ]fitchon algid ir] of twelve, out of breath, I -twilled with. run. wing, but singing her chorus still— .Rose to the wind that'. blows, And the ship that goal, And Vie Ism that loves a sailor," '" Oh, Ma'am lyeesy," cries this l;..:athles' apparition, " whore is Johnny 2" ;silo stands in the doorwa.y directly in Om stream of the morning sunshine, her tailor hat on the back of her head, a charming head, sunning over with curls, and looks with two eyes as blue and bright as the July sly itself, into the old, woman's face. Sho is a charming vision altogether, a tall, slim girl, in a blue print dress made . sailor -fashion, and trillimed with 'white braid, a strap of crimson leather belting az about the slender Waist. Long ring- eta of ftaaest fairness fall until they touch this belt. The face isbe'witch- ii►.c ; yo fats, so spirited, so fund life and eagerness, and joyous healthful youth. It matches the onde hair and sly -blue oyes—it is all rose -pink and pearl - white, Ma'am, Weesy pauses in her work with a sort of groan.She is peelingpotatoes for dinner, and throwing them into a tin pan of cold water beside her. The sunny kitchen is a gem ' of cleanliness and comfort; Ilfe;'ain Weesy herself is a little brown old; -person of fifty, as active ani agile L4* 'young girl, and, .house- keep x for :fifteen years in the. debtor's' eotta;yrl.. • Sho is monarch of all she sur- veys set so:esent, for Madame Macdonald is dead, and an autocratic ruler. The, kiaelie n interior is apicture ; everything contains glows aud gleams main with fr'ction tinwware:tekat; on the brilliance <,5ieels Cie h of dishes sparkle in 1 tht place of honor, in 1 ,'halite; her iratren, that ]tau• l: o: e: Saint Aloysius Genzaga, to, whom in all her difficulties culinary asi y well at eonsgieittiousi.phe is accustomed to promptly,,.iaot•'"to say peremptorilly, appeal;,,:.• She cast ap:inmploring glance.: at him for this youthful person is the one the '(family who rags and•gex,,,, es heal 'esti but± Al a .mon- •eg r :5. grave e, ante^ ._...' T r.1 Iv.,• i>; rr:ii711i , CHAPTER XX. ISLN 111;10u%. Far away from grimy New England xl.anufaeturing towns, from coal smoke, and roaring furnaces, and brisk Yankee Crede and bustle, from cirou'ses and fly - Log trapeze,`thero'rests, rock-bouad, and Deere, and bleak, a peen dot in a bine waste of waters—Isle Perclrix. Lonely end barren, it rears its craggy headland, +Crowned with stunted spruce and dwarf - Cedars, and runs out its sandy spits and tongues, like an ugly, sprawlingg spider, i*toj the chilly waters of Bay (Ghalette. Through the brief Canadian summer, through the' long snow -bound Oanadiau winter, with the fierce August aunts beating and 1114-4---:--• ''h dank sea, ". sucw- ge- (` ei 1., ,.. f Zii 'i, t N? Ot :: 1':;,l 'co c •' l ere 7Z ,, rl,a .i] 7:anonRtr&1 d►ia 11n,1.Gi'-,( t.',r a i, x.gtcrt o + . ,W. VGrO4,il.r44 - r, t '.), ovcr :a7,az it.- i 4.4.4.G.0,0* ;, ,1d' cva +t f'•"i(^ t tw fv +.}V;ASI -t,,-w,rt 1yJa . ^theca the wcenedtertsttd c.at„7ty r rarur.oell kinsGpf'?s kt^a7tix"c:Y g•,7Ecisnx ' l Rnd uoefZetree les, before SwIt a. It CI, t$a'tf,''o>;1wA,ve ettrt;rot'thc le trek/1440e LIS sea- arta a VilatellptaTel r1 TomTench`11B lia&Dira ll 'WII,L,7fe 71 KW4•BP 40 Co. gos.eosanosoe west lawmen Street, ire, No, ,ttvoulro.N'krYork. upe --•-- --•)QF(-•,.. SIVE POLLARIIR1..' l SEIV £i 4Ar*PN4 OUTSTRIPS E4E31T flNU VOR HEADACHE, OF TiIE Mak speclea of dlstase Arkin fro CU f lin OR 1 E1„1EV WL1O;l,!'NES$, DIZZINE$3, Q t 3PEP$I,i, DRQP$Y, I:.aiQE8TIQN, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE REAR , 43RYSIPELA,3, ACIDITY Of SALT RIiEU,If, TIIE $T°MACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNT$$ PARRYSEWING SfAOHINE. Although; 1 this Sewing DIhcliine is offered at the unheard • f 1 ' and nidieulous low price of 4,5 it must set be imppored Chat itis a toy. It will. to the work of ,fnj• StrrY DOLLAR MAURIN , and do It as well It io canatrueted;q;- u uew and seicutRvprinct- 'de,t putt is siwide to ruactl•uctiou. easier worked and loss liable to get out of order than any lnea- chineluthewar.ct ItratfiesOwl-eine etitch aF thele,tdincmachines innthe 1 MtedState& The principle of construction i5 entire]; n•.- . • end covered by br Ilt1 patents Having i. euied this ivachine,we Base decided to put, the pricenMOUT now 7'P MAR VAN ter ,7t 6hurt tints v ly Wkii tr,k1Mriutclhat every lady aid went cue Full di. ructions. with. oec11 niueli31te, Agente Wonted ANGELO ART CO., i)I T11QiU, 31[t;Fl1GAk. Salt ! Salt I - •ro1. +AI.F. AT 3'ItF.--- Exeter A If you want the beetvalue for fond every ,;i;,orclered L1YER, KiPNeY8, &TOMAQH, BOWEl•a OR 134001t, 1 T.i11,DURN & et, i'PriM. x BUTTER & EGOS Doupe ost Co's K t li1:TQN, Salt Works Oa. ,]3,N ` LL I "R"q"'"1"q"'"1"ell-•- PORK K (. A R,d! / I SR V }t Land and Fine Salt A11 cel muuieatiaus addressed to the uudersibn- eR stili be pre mptly aw•+s, r, . . W. (1. f1USSETT, Exeter P. Q. •A,S1 TED A1t11S OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Imam, 1 (1 %ND P.tnTt,v 1n1`RAw En, tls►vlul c"stutucur4•11 b ( ALSO BUH.OT Fall and Winter Trade4 til erepreparedt441141'elnaff art; avant 4 F Any one wishing to sell ;hie class of properly porlaenbj; ct to the f(lhnvinftrf, pnletiegee can readily obtain a:iur:hacer hy apply lug to (']I,&,1:. alltYIWER. \\clwill take off two poendt•porhued rfwlil, Jape Miele 1I;n 4tj&st..I,,a,ttlnn,Oei.div,au.lthree'hound(t soft. Should tetees f twenty -Me aunts, [(Ally 44 0101 nue gni.; l are eft la.21 r-tntsextrawill bettf•iuctee.l (lo proK will to,bought at any price] i warm. vivant all ile,gs C'ittiup light tin •u};1s tea telteaC and Iiaurf+Ilpened out to tell. G&J. PETTY• IIO1ET TO 74041.11 ct lowest rates of lutenist. Apply to C 1:, li1:Y11til:y heudt:n. I•tAA11t L'1"U:ti w ,+ Cotton Compaiiyo 11.A1fII:'ro , ON IAIUUO, 1tisVtnea emirate or COT r 4 ON"STATIN White and Colored, Single anti Double CARPE( WARPS, White and all Colors, b VEGETABLE CURE , FOR BEAM WARPS of every description, l . '"` mempo> Hosiery Yarns Balled and witting Yarns t, Loss of Appetite, (i EVERY '1':1.CIETY, ' l::te,gostloll, Sour Stom cii,. habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness, .Price, ga, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. DENIMS, TICKINGS uud COTTONADES. Tileso Goods are -Universally pronounced l,vthe trn do to be/ally equal to tally nlaetu, and fox re. gularityendevenness in slake ant coloring they I are uusurrasso(. CARPET WEAVERS -You Will final our 'Warps superior to any in the Market ; we ask you mat to give thein a trial. If your Dry Goods man has not got it write us and wc will see you are promptlysuppiiect f 1 IT Orli.YAB1vS,ofwhichwe make all desorip• N ... ... JJJ V .JJL.. SLA tions will be found equally good. Asir for them. Try them. and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipelas, This Company was awarded two first prize ail- Eczema,Bloteltes, Itingworm,Tumors, Cave vermodals at TorontoExhillition initial, anti a buncles, Bolls, and Eruptions of the Skin, first prizes atrrovincialExhibtion at Eingston, aro the direct result of en impure state of the 1882.- blood. AGENTS a t4I11,i 1 S C!i .. Toronto ; P. Me - tion. (Uro these ti{seitgeti the blood aisles be lonr.- ]iL1 1n1Y & CO.. hTontreai, i y 1 •Gul - fled, and restored to a healthy and natural condi- } yqpption. A.rER''s SARSAPARILLA his for over forty L1+ LV O W 13L 1 REMOVAL T years been recognized by eminent medical au- thorities as the most powerful blood purifier Ila existence. It frees the system from all foal lo:- niers, mulches and strengthens the blooll, rn;Pere'. ll$)rii GENERAL i VES'j' t?plwT alt traces ofuterouriaitreatment, tea Drava; ti sett a complete piaster of all scrofulous disurst., Agitatllli; tale Public miud at present is where .1. Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores, can tidy get tli t best Bread, but this matter "Some months ago I was troubled with sere ns- eau bo settled to the entire satisfaction of the lour- sores (ulcers) on My legs. The limbs u rrt: neo leeff Exeter and surrounding country, b , badly swollen and inflamed, tuna the sores die. l pg y+ 3 charged large quanntities of of?enwi\o natter. calling' on Every rennedy I tried failed. until I used Avtnt'n SA US.%rAIUULLA, of which I have now taken Olive iYOZIN EinLL bottles, with the result Out the sores are heeled. and my general health grt;atlyiatpproved. I feel 1 very grateful for the good yournedieinehas dram nae. Yours respectfully,'Mits.A?t2 O'liUw-wN," the old established and reliable bakery, where 148 Sullivan St., New York, June 24,115'2. All persons interested ore invited to call on Mrs. O'Brian; also upon tlse Rev. Z. IP. Wilds of 78 East 54th Street, New York City, who will take pleasure in testifying to tate wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparil- la, not only in the cure of this lady, but in his 'wive case and many others within his knowledge. Tl,e well-known writer magi Boston .ZIerald, I1. W. HALL, of Itaeliester, A:IL,wrrites, June 7, Ise::: "Having suffered severely for some years with Eczema, and Ilavingfanled to find relief •front of hot. remedfo;, I have made use, .'hiring Ole past three months, of ,AYLrt's "SAIISAYA1nLL:r, wilieli ht.:* effected a cosi:Mo . ,arc. I consider it ttinuc;I,,.i- ent reared' for all baoo'i diseases." they 'will find just wlnat,thoy want. • A Superior qualityof Bread always on Hand Also a first -Claes stock of Bosoms, Burls, CAXEB. & O' nartot xvr, which will he sold cheap. While opponents have started busi-. nese, and tail' out, andleftthe place, Mr. Bell has been eetaud at his post, during the past eight peas, ready to attend to' the wants of the Pab'lic. C111.0CE LES. . , C)wvia'tbinereasingUtisiuoss, `. Bell ha "flyer's 8arsaparvi.4 foundit necessary to remove to. more cern, stimulates end; regulates the action of :ire :- modiotis„promises, and has added largely to gestive anet assbnilhrtive organs, rclaw rs his stock of Gr'pcories, and will keep ..on Band t strengthens tbe vital forces, and sm. reply int ..” ;Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everythingRheum Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic. Goer.usually found in a hist -class. GroceryStore. I Catarrh, General Debility, ;Incl all ,liar. : arising from an impoverished or eerrs erteil c,,. •'. tion of the blood, and a wealteued vital it It is iticonlpttVablythecheapest lea +„ ,:' 'r eIl ;ll e-1'clltunge for "Gooc1S. ou account of its conceutrrted..tt• : r, , power over disease. LwfrUZ >, TR, ,S AYD , SAuthcott e Block, rnt!i.wnt:n lit Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass ” JOHN. ' 'I L18iPi ,1 g0141).n all Druggists; price S1, sir bottles tor 11, X10.. .. All kiuc1i of It aria :Produce ta k- will C1ntl01S tfll:l3g !Tif1 .: • ==.TON'S ". SARSAPARILLA LIVZ11 ii6llif1}I#11 Ind for Purifying then 11 5011, It lass been In nu. t'nrll')yrtittt, and t - eweitt+el ,t ,.1-tl,rtp.lr.i, on1 C. • t,et for txl. K li., 14c,1,:;.'11E,1'A N L. T1111 5I11k. (,li Hutt 1,1\I•} Ccl`I- ri Ais-l; Pi31Pl 1 s (4X I'll l > to > tai•1:1•t I \, I ,l.: , ae to Si•seAr•'± t t►rise1 ,Reit 3 'Isorderretl, r or *4 atm 11s ! T ' a ,,:•t el t ;r 1r t 1a viset ni.drut. it.tot',reta f401•114.4 I: Liao., 1 i+i.w J 6. •. {rally rS4'W:Ar,.veitl 1: I.. 5 t-tr lsr t- ' . • l`M +.slid+'. 11 111,U4 r„ 0'4 .1 n ' n eels... a r (° p y,. t ,in a lir;*w. 1. ter. rh s 4''1 r• ' e 3141111114I44% yo 5 dt i , •., ,. , t lilt 4•10 Of time twit ute11U414J1. . 4.4 ..m1,1 .3.14e 37! 'd t a't a r^,• ws'1•+w pass e•s,wn y` teitl.art @c FREEMAN'S WORM POWDER. Art pleasant t•o take. c',rntn,t: tin Own Purgative. Is a ante, sane. u; .l effrecgat lfmrer of worms in ChildrraorAdults, Fronthill Nurseries. ;32.5 ACRus. THE ARGEST111 THE DOMINION Stcait i'nthd,, ua, nt at h iti.14 Salatitb Ie 311 wvillau t to work. NI /IN an l \\'OMPli rust pain•( i'lea,aut w,•r1+ rho Year Ib,uud, bond Agent.; are ttu'utt,„:front Ato to .....l+e••r mirth nod I t.. 1,1 ?it,l.... r_=• 1't., iUS 1(111 uutat fire. .1,It1rr1it amid d- 1\'11LLlli(1TON.'1„r(lto THE NEW 'INVINCIBLE' !!AM WAH! —IS - -IS TI3I--- KING of ALL WASHERS il'atentett int C'uzn ia, Tilly 13,1863.) ifi. O. Ilan wishes to inform the inhale stints of Exeter and vicinity, that he lies sole right of this washer for Huron County, and also that 1,e has appointed Mr. Rout. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing to see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter Tea Store. It was tilorougllly tested, and its merits approved before the patent was ap plied for, It has shine been placed in com- petition with a great many washots of note, and in every instance proved, its superiority, It is, without a doubt, the .most perfect in action ever invented ; the improvements are prominent and well defined(; they are n.ot !imitations with a slight change of parts of some old played out patents, such as the public are often fleeced with by Patent Right sharks, but they compose an original and genuine invention,, containing 'distinctive features, which are fully set forth and claim. cciin a legal patent that will keep infringers at a distance. Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best 1st. Only one-quarter the amount of soap used as with other machines. 2nd. Only one.fonrth the feel. Sid, No lobo; in comparison with other machines. 4th. No wear and tear, ae steam and soap ' are the ptircipal agents. 5th. It requires only one-fourth the time to do a washing. nth. The house is not in an uproar with slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at loast one day uut or each week, : C..1?t'tl`, B. PIGCIKARD, Agent, ('real i t o n . , Erctcr.'