HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-13, Page 8J. GRIGO
• Tb.backyards lobe properly clean-
ed, so Ai 0 Avoid 4ise4sea $rising
e therefrom.
The snow -shoveler to'bray a corner
Wholesale and Retail tot a..
is over.
1300 :13. 1174x+
Mr. Tito,, Marko, of Bayfield was Bietnsilard
in our villege this week, visiting old
friends. We are pleased to learn that Connie Mweer vG.—Tile regular
his health, which has not been. good meeting was held March 8rd. All
for spate time, is now improving. members present except Mr. Graham.
Our T.,wnship Assessor, liar. Jae. Minutes of previous tteeetimg read awl
•-••-•-- Bou hron is on. Ilia rounds this week; sonfrmed,
Fersotee is. It is surprising what a modest value The oese of Mr. Cathcart was then
I Mr, & Mre. Unearth, of Ridgelown, owners tiow place on their properly. taken up and after a erne disouteion it
were in town Riel'tug Mr. & Mrs. , to 4144 4 - -^-
Spicer. \nets Tillie White left this leitteton,t $au,)
I week to take charge of the Millinery r Departiueut in Mr. D. MacKenzie s (Eton our own eoA'rrepat,denrj
! Eetsblishmeut, Si mala.—:'tire, John*, l Mr. 3, Siewamt is; the ceoiract for
Imitating a school b use.
Sleighing has bean very gooi here
ail winter, until about two weeks ago,
when we had some very high winds,
EXETER, ONT, i baa•, visiting filet as m London, re- drifting the roads considerable.
lturiied home en Friday last. --:ilius While a young matt in this vieintty
- iAgnea iitliar, a former employee in wast xattaiuing a sbct gun in the
TRNOENTsper nester arstinsertion. and ithe Milknery Department of Mr- Jas,, house a few days ago, it Went oft'.`onuuci: as provided by ==torula,—Car• Gtb'on, P. G. M. r f Stratford who
tows 0RNTwtP erltneforeacb eebseenentin< Pio&ard'a Store, bas left for Strath. sendiug the charge of shot through a t rie4, 74 4.4 pre+ee.t at too inRtitaiei,n of the
vertton'uritibecatt'rgedfor noticeeat+ite$ringxrt
rats column, roy', where elle hes seccured a pool Atteet of drawrertt. There was totem!,+ The case of Mr, Jas. Reo. ryas then minion, lodge, hed etieo arrived and
-�•-_ - - kion wi+h ?Hies Willie, who zeosutly in the hr'use ae the time and it was g telwet: bp and o *n'.i 4A.re+i, ilia clerk in-. tdu+,li regret WAN felt
a iso introduced. g
FANCY' GOODS DEAtE 1 cf na-Mrs.
is theSp guer, st o! MM. Da
Jobna--..?tire, I? fipiotix, who bas been
, vi•ii'ittg a# Ottewa,returned tlotnw. !Set
a week.—Mies Bertha Dickson,wbo has
hol dayinClinton,Invitationswererem%
ern of the tny„lio links looked, foe-
ward to at good time, They were not
disseppoiutod, On the inoru tag trent
from the south otme the Or net Mas"
ter, \V. Mo1)iartnid, Esq., who was
by a number of the brk thein. Prompt,
wee moved by Mr. 1loteint,gs seri., by le- at 2.30 p.m. the first meeting weer
1klr. Hinson "That the peltation of Mr held, being a lodge of insttuetio"t, and
,at which reitresentative9 from Goder-
init, Seafortll, I3eu.,et1, B'uorfield
Ezetr, Iittoa,tlitte, lateen. anti tttet
Clinton lndeee. At six p, tn.. Rthe
lodge resumed walk, end to en in.
oreeeeed comber of repress •t.etivtes the
Greed Master wag intro+?noe:' by Pest
Greenda Smith tied White. %deb ell the
honors of the order. In the ;meantime
another ex -Graters officer, Mr. John
Henry Oathoert and others praying
that his (H. Cattioar,'a) Properte be
changed from S. S. No. a- to :that of
No. 6 be not g.anto.t, anal that the
motions remain nncltanged".—fear.
'ef eyed by Mr. lin oltttis;,aeo by Mr,
lindeeo't that r<n sea tial of a„ine irre
g&Sriti^e in Lite ossa of d Conk i►
tt be kill trier u'ttii he -' titian tiie
;I iittroites41 a Minuery business iu that a marvels that 00 ono was shot
t . yformett the board that h. h ed inter- at the ones. •ideble ' beeece of G. RT., .
- town. -Mies I:logadb, of Kiuoartiltter The farmers are busily engaged 'viewed the solicitors in olio nott,•r and Ot T. Crumb °lt, of London. Judge
preparing for the tooling spring, his opinion wee, that in the fleet place Tt„me end F, W. Jnlotetaq a A -
*non as °teaming send -wheat, getttug the texe•t heel to ho Paid by sntte rrtelt and Grand W ,don l41s of
h 'Mll' Exeter.
their plow eheare sharpened, nod
their summer's woodon. hand.
is the gust of Mies Knight.• .Mian
'.;;HURSl•\A ',MA.11CH 13. 1884, Johns, of Southampton, to tete guest
ofthe ises. Down,
„ Auld lto
- - persod +triol► i aars was done Ol114111 n. Theta RA Rout fro rtual
! a by alar. S. Res and tiectndty if Mr. greet,* e. tete. hoot-1tolione impart-
i,()G�lt, NEWS. WS, I+ae3Al avowal**. Some of the farmers hero hips t Jars. Rea weeded o entpeoesatiou he ed by t re (ennui Mester were erni�
The streets being icy, reaudera orale. had their {,otatoes all frozen lu the ; sho ld baro, appealed to lite board et sentry 7/..t1/440141.y,(enand his urbane
St3tart intelligent in diiiiteeti►. a others a a had them t tee nt neew. t •,ae• therefore •, •„ u .
iVa� tett--- �, 3 calf r, wlitta It r lieu ! >l a trio titno t iii 1 as t di.cteed mauler won f r htut
lad, about 1~6 years old, to learn , We direct your attention in. the growing in the caller. i ttuvetl by lir. Hn'etnui.» ,see• by. bfr• hire gaol opiuie of ail previa.
/nintink 141st have a fair Read B h f d
in. another column. will lett.---Corned. the hi -Ahem of the Clinton ledge with
you. b
. r. 'earth to t 11 excellent
, - e °r. , r. i .
un. ship, unwell tar sometime. M. Churches, with good resultw. Ttia lfr. Bolder ha• erected otic of lily collected by fetich viewer's sward. ping winded the chair, and oa his
It all rumored thea* S. S. ?Ve ell e i Caeri+d- right eat Mr. Mo iarinid, Or ll., anti
attendsnoa is inoreneitlg every night, Slurps Improved badiug gates upon gnittg to take a wits to the Suotbern
and it is to be hoped will so condone lilaZli k State.f l b f f his health. The connnittoe wee eppoiated to at his left Mr. J. Gibson, P. G. M.
ansltect the b let a not Fteh Creek An R
Exeter J L,ditar a Abatretot. ;lir. Win, Hogg tet expected t.: at- t' earn that the tilers be
ti rnwea to Tug $ANgtiaT.
' e Renton BM' o saga o a Y. rives here shortly with hit, bribe. nt+tify blr, R set stf tit° h t,iRitura Nen. At about 10 t olnnk in the evening
educations. "4 ppty at this cues. • I1 benefit
tiesivel Services: y , t`redtton' Moved by :tie. Hutchings woe by la number of otheea from neighboring
Bissett tiros., killed ten foxes hist \i t that the sant of 36 00 bo lollgss sat down to an esce^i out sup-
Theee nieetteege are stili being bele while bunting urn. t�tellhau t'oeen The R•ai•Sol meat Ilse been y
dere the Uuion of bath 13 0 & C refunded to 8 Rtardri•) +menu% illeg• j Iter in the Queen's hotel. ?Sr. Man -
!o iacreaee, ar et uara. for the one tt o ►ts tea t, . , "ter a re k address of wrelcontet was /liven by
Toa people are d'tso whet the m 'kir, August Hoist leas meta bra ti
Y. re ex. I. a.• 1,portaUt question arta to whether Mardi ,young oh olYoutig croon prince, te' on the IOth 0 ei.,iri v "rt having ex Ur. lifenning, and speeches even red
A tneetiR, of the young I;on le"* ot►ta. to like a liooi or like a lamb, Mr, limiter, for oyer $WO attiiwe°t1 it stn t ie a vii dila by Veneers, eiolliarmitl, of Limn,
= t: p So,nethiug ues.� utcker than "Vitiated onndttion deal it untold be ut►
bel4 to Improvement Attnttciatictn wet• The Stephen council Have $1,e6Utl
Bela its the Preeb tenon Church on ligb ting -•-Picture* taken at W. T. I tea tend on real . emote ruortgaga moil vie a to incite Nether expense by re (ir d " h
y Johns' Photo Studio, Exeter, (north) t ent+lt tante re the ravel road &ben d psi a and wntttd the' ofe,re recommend
*venins last, A t►ttr number g cltat:t no v w,nre r+ttrnc°mP be built
were in. attettste 4b and froth elle iet- Read Dimwit Brat,, °hangs of lulu., lure beoomea due.
serest tne►tufaeted by those present in and give your opinion as to the New tent council met tin 1tc0ttiitrtty soon a« ina�aible.--t erti,,l•
1?coed by lir Iin'o'eit:tra sec., by
the programme, giyes an indication 1 qtr Pearn that tho Root, i ► t net
that the ineti•utiou. will continue le
iuoreaae in inembereliip.
t3ib*on, of Stratford Thorne and
Seattle, Seater li, hall, of od erio.,
Frazer, ot St�entor, T. White and
Deonty reeve Thompson, of Clirton.
The epaeo]►ea mainly referred to mat -
etre pettaininti to the order, and
#farrow 'Knape.
Milk can, , council at Offe beet Monday, the 10•li, .. be'e s r were, therefore, not of Qeurral publto
A large number of cellars through. last., acrd had a Rattl,enaent of the ea, flet .11141.8 nod tensa fieetione and ie.teroet. Mr. Th 'a. C"rale and Mr.
out the towiewore petrtielly filled withbusiuoss of 1888, A. deputation will'
evMet on Tueeeiay lair. I meet the flay council to•ciay Mimeo ask for tat .s1Pre for tb a above mention Three White
by unl the eryle
Mr, John W•od intends *rooting a .lav 1, at 11e►ehwood, ed ltrut]itr+,--Cetrried songs weret iv
Ou Tuesday last, while Rioter G, ' 0w briok'resideace at tate lower end' Grant Bros. have been trcnbletl of \Hoed by Mr, 11 dolling' see, by Joaea. Altngotltar a very pleasant
g' g 8 f1 tato by persona triltiht, lir. Porn that the R"aur urocnre eves lull cess epettt, the bretherts dis-
b'ues, wee riding a horse and leaden of the village aurin the °natio stun t water front N svinetnw btu► t alae, a table or desk for peeing at a reaeetuablo hour.
four othere, the one upon which he mer. their well. The facts of the e.i'e :ere, , _
was riding, retired up, and failing Mr. ltobt, Rollins, of Crystal Civet that the b eget lately bon."eht a paten' the 1rose�n er —Corti 1ieey+ sec.. by
b+tokward, tbrety George noon the � brother to Dr. I;vnllins, of this gives, roses putntt, anti it tvorit+t en e:e•i{v - 1)nvrd by t, het Itte mores --hest sod eiteapeet lest of
'.Ir 11 a,lsntt e'TkM1' )Ire, at,ei 1: bo in boots and shoes two have as yet seen in town,
is at 0 13acrett'tt. Mee hitud•ru,ule work and
repelling t1:in es nsuat. Haruefs,e of every
kind always can band, whips. trunke.,childrens
carriage e. expr,eas waggons, &r, caII"n1 ee.
ground. After rolling about fora few had his been and contents thereof, that the nei}tltborrt take advantage of ' rttate, t,) +•tticlttt+tit ell xe:ltinute► y re
moments, he agate got to his fcet,and burned lately. , them when retired at ,tight, and
monuted the Ramo horse, without the We regret to announce the death of drain the wee. t gnired by tl,e1lrteard reel officiate and
11 (I r • t I that no bilis other ikon the aleck
in dealing with horses. villa slued in. Scotland last evaek Mr.t boot r nrga: u••et] 'Deer leer for astral,°)*nry be ttsitl'".--Carrietl,
aeries Shipped. Huron County. 1?artisulars else- ,shoo sin{), Subjeae:--lteye,lvrtt that q r e'tirn ,,e „ MARRIED.
5feeere. J. Stanley & Son, of Rhode *here. i it is night in ease of a neeee:tit`• to ;the- nee of 11)0 T rnehip Heil for noteiet.t...-Muria.---4t the re•ii+1 olust., ria
„ other than 0 enncil Meeting shall , s t beiie's father, on the 1 t
€stand, lease., *hipped from this ala-' Iloty ,bout the "pawn. }Tall cud, toll a Ila. Daviel Dougall to 311,s Su8a►r'se*. both
tine., 18 fine general purpose horses, Clock ? We have heard nothing more lir. l4 en., senders+, outs ttt town ! the cone"i,t of the thieve fo. the same of ltsl,orun,
the cont of which wee 33,150. The about it. Beater cut ettrely mord a laza week in search of a J. 1? , to have i'v }):utast" the eart'teelt, ra foes, ..,,ar• A:uu1:w-tiiA�u1kir.—Lt rile ,esid^.ntu of
:tnfulale were put'cl►aeed in the die- Town Clock, as well as the village of a warrant iosuod far :t number ref ''incl- the loititf s father, on the 5th inst„ by
;Tho fon...* t , ar;lrr,t everts than issues] 1 the, .i;ev \V yr :Ifartit►, Mt Titus ftraw
triol, and their condition and breed Zurich, a place uotquarter teteaize of sports from Exeter, wile ha,t b.,,t ; tetOakRive:r,Ma., to `fargaret,ttaughter
reflect much credit upon the persons Exeter. . trespassing 00 his inemires sed cot { Jeno' li 1: • tor, e3 00 fixing onlLert.N, of Iv Tains Matheson. of I:xetel.
From whom they were purchased. _. _.._ _ ting down teen+ while fox liontit,t. I t woo" a t 0 o elfixi t�a nlvert t
Huron county is noted for good horses
of all classes. lI Ruud nee rue i e )u }, Halt,
levet fear. George is a brave fellow \1r. Hugh Love, ern of IIi a reeu, Tlto C.redttou 1, hlloe<opluc%l CIa )
Love was an honored resident of meeting w1M hold over 13 Browne. .roved be M . litoehin:• a sec., by
B lr 1�, "That-
f +,11 pe+ries reelnt)itit.
Batng iuforint,d that they wore lett'. 111"11, '- ' ,a ,, ') , DIED.
Connell Doings, Tories he rrsol •ed not to meddle :with
5 . 1i' SI $2 2" `1'reeeene er', hook Ee,.we --at the residence of Dr Jos Kerr Lou
1i + Shit
'kite Council met nreuant to ad -t! journmout at toe arltet ouae,
Exeter, on M arc t,the members present. Minutes of
prevous meeting were res an con-
r p t7 ,
assn J •h)r 1'feCnrh-u::l) 328 14e "ravel
An eclipse of the moon will be vis- p
ible in this part of the world on the M House,
j Hart eG 01) 31.00 ae•eesstnent Rill,
DI h 5 h 1884 All , Riith Riehl' $7.00 'Niro. Foster $4.
morning of April 10. This will be v
the only eclipse of any kind in this lo. The Council met oo the 1st inst., 'Goo Willrine.on :,8.01) chititieta. •
oality during the year. - d d according to nonce. All the member' i The Council lien , ';,turned to meet is a euro remedy for Sick Headache, Sour
present. The ileacs in the chair. ' on the first Dint,,..,, in April at 10. Stomach,Dispepsia,Indigestiou,Constipatien,
Minutes of previous meeting read anti I, o clock a. m. Torpid Liver Biliousness,&o., no modicum is
S. CLARK. Clerk. equal to Dr Baxter's Mandrake Bitters.
signed, f 25 cents per bottle.
Moved by W. Clark, sec by A. ll.
Campbell,that McLean Bros., !•e poid 1---
$1 for advertising—Carried
nq—CarriR FEBRUARYMoved by J, Torral,ce, seconded by't.Britnett be Hold
Strathbuno, nearGlasrow, Scotland,February 10th, Hugh Love, I.sq., sr„ of
Bills Green, in the township of Stanley.
aged 54 years.
The big sale of the Aikius Grocery,Moe7ed by A, G. Dyer, neo by Jae.
°rookery and Glaesware Stock, to-
gether, with a large Bankrupt Stock
of DryGoody, tulothe, Ttveeds, &c.,
has now commenced, and the whole
Stock roust be sold off at once.' The
Goods are all fresh and new and will
be offered at a Great Sacrifice. Tiiis
Great Sale ,till continue for 30 days.
Call early and secure the• bargains.
Remember the plane, Mr. Aiken. Old
Stand in Fanson's Black, Exeter.
Exeter, 12 March, 1884.
% arge Steer.
Mr. Tames, Pickard disposed of a
very fine steer this week; for the sutm
of $300. The following particulars
relating to its weight, measurement
&o„ will be somewhat interesting to
stock -raisers t=its height was 5 feet,
8 inches, length from pole to root of
tail, 8 feet, 8 inches; girth around
body immediately behind fore• quart-
ers, 9 feet, centre of body. 10 feet,
around loins, 8 fest, 9i inches. front
shnuiders, 9 feet3 inches ; weight,
2,800 pounds. `This animal teas 3
years, 11 months, old, and was one of
the finest steers in Canada or United
States. The only one ever known to
be its equal watt exhibited at the' Cen-
What We �Iay Expect. .
A drop. in eggs,
Sloppy rounds.
The Easter holidays.
The skating to break up.
A good Spring Show.
Tho •""Bu'mtuers" td' find employ.
tweeting of the "Boys" to organ-
aerosse Club.
merchantss to have a good
Pickard, that Samuel Faosou be ap-
pointed to light the streetlamps,fuen•
ish oil, wick and glasses, and that ho
be paid $1 for each night the lamps
are lighted --Carried.
Moved by D Johns, sec by J Pick-
ard. that this Council adjonrn until
Friday next, at 7:30, p. m.—Carried.
M. EACRPTT. Clerk.
The Council met pursuant to ad
journment al the Market House, on
Friday, Maroll, 1884. A.11 the mem-
bers preseut except Mr. Pickard. The
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and ooufirmed.
Mowed by A. G. Oyer, gee by Wm.
Bissett, that the Auditors report be
received and 200 copies printed, and
the Abstract published an formerly.—
Carried. e
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by
D. Johns, Ihat this Council adjourn
until Wednesday the 26 inst., at 7:30,
p. m.—Carried.
Rensall. •
Our business man report trade brisitfor this time of the year.
Grain, wood and sale logs &c., cou•
tiuue to come -into market in targe
The late thaw has had the effect
of snaking the sleighing rather bare
on the Zurich or lake shore road.
A number of one villagers have
been engaged tuts week in curling,
better ltuown, perhaps as till ""Boar
;lug game". We can boast of some
crack players.
Mr. W. 0.- l'harlers, Grain Mer
chant of this place is to the front with
a quantity of choice seed wheat and
pees. `J:'hie will prove a convenience
trade, especially those who ad• t,y our farming friends:
McKinley. that G w I
$52 for keeping John Bartley, for the t
year euding Dec 31st, 1883, said Joe. , --
Bartley being and indigent person — )
Carried. i
Moved by A. Di. Campbell, second 1
ed by Wm. Clark, that the Reeve be I
paid $5 for registration and expenses 1
in oounection with loaning township i
Moved by W. Jlerk, seconded by J.1 Will offer his Stock of
Torrance, that A. Stinson be paid'
$1.80 for wood ani brooms for hall. --1
During the Month of February,
Moved by Wm. Clark,sec, by A. M. caz
Campbell, that N. Roes be paid $4.132
for stones for culvert 00 Loudon Rod, At Alarmingly Low Prices, .
this being our part of the expeuse.•--
Carried. ---In order to make room for the
Moved•by J. McKinley, nee by A.
M. Campbell, that the Clerk be and is
hereby instructed to get 50 copies of
the auditors report printed for dis-
The by-law fixing the salaries of the
towuebip officers were then read and
passed. •
Moved by J. Torrance, sec by W.:
Clark, that this Council' do now ad-
journ to meat again on the first Sat ti
urday in April neat at one o'cloolr, p,.
en. G. STEWART, Clerk.
Large Pipping Purchas#•
It took five days to dig out the Sore
•I & Montreal .train that was blooked
with snow last week.
The Oshawa Cabinet company bus
>sssigeted in trust. with liabilites of
$55,600, $12,000 of, which is held by t,
the Ontario Bank.
Which will arrive in a short time.
Call and Inspect,
00010$ midi zc*$
Anel you will be convinced. that CELLA"1'•BATIGAINS are afloat at Carling's.
In the Grocery Department
There will be found a Stook of good, Fresh Groceries,—Purchased from the best markota—
which is large and well -assorted. Call and be convinced,