The Exeter Times, 1884-3-13, Page 6Bees» Talmage • Fetmali, the celebrated tamer cf wllcl beasts,deciares thattbere is no elnpirh.al reeipe for beast training, and that the ;,teat secret is to fear aathing. No doubts it is to a gree at extent, a,ulatt -r of ne- ons organtaatiun;, bnt.the anima -la are 1r batv also sudeprivation wel . of bleep, not food, and by the administra- tion of lowering drugs. 'And herein.' ilp our opiuion, consists. the difference...bo. tweet" the sportsirtan wrlio boldly' socks les carnivorous oppouci}i "in its natiita haunt, ane! him Who Seeks to further aubjiigata an already-•..lia..brokellan animal. It seems that the hyena:fa.t'liv least intelligent and lilbAtnit i;reclairnablel of all the carnivore; the jeopardy the illtat She fis)lec .Tu. 4 Ail wva .# see l'uw yieu looit R; ithtt i , gs,' sa` " ^ ,, d duffer to a youtuf lady, attempting '.push aha hair front /par forehead. . x. lakiL just wait a moineht until I get a razor," a11e'ieturued, "I would like t4. see haw you lf'ok`without a mustache." " Tian reason. I twat; cultivated a naus 4 " he said, with an impudent tat; . , look.: f prevent h I aCe iC a9 t+4the ttf - Ire ins fro kissing Lei,- -.So if your find it iu the w ty , why cut 3.t eg. 1 " It is net the inns I object to' -so 1 much, Out -the attachment .I fund in the ica,V," a3yilikk biro suggestively fretti bead ter fogt•., lie took the, hint and -re- 1 lievcd 'hh'r- of his.presence.••--Prerzel`a 1 west affectionate arid- tractable; whiles the Cape lion is in this respect superior' Tlio';ght Ile Was in Chicago. au hes congener of the .. Sahara and Senegal. individuals of the same ,lx ries,however, show ;-mat differences in ilia;"ositioIl. The lion is most easily tamed between three and four .years old, while Ilia character is, So to speak, process of development. L'an'e •t- to,yentiletictu and cleanliness i9 Tnue It required for the health of the ulitlaltle, n hitt are more liable to antler from heat than void. The lion refuses mutton, goat's ilesh, vat and dog, and Iwrc•fcrri veal 4u11 beef, but will accept fowl and horse, The tiger", wolf and hyena are less fastidious, and the last prefers its meat high, The black !war eats Email- tri'•tt anti fl•i r, and eau fast for a week without inccuvenience. All the groat c ir.:ivura haled a 1iz•:sion far^ milk. Though the mild. auitunl, will breed pretty freely in captivity, Faitstali's e(- parioltce was that the young are never vigorous or ltealtlt r ; and of eighty lion whelps helps born in his menagerie, we aro surprised to loam that not owe survived its third or fourth year. In most of the feline tribe the maternal instinct eat quires to►1>e assisted by a curious# pre -lLutiau—t11t% toted exclusion of light from the mother anti. her cube during three fiist nine or ten days of their exis- mencfi: otherwise, these fieers.e* matrons would reverse the order of nature, by b-eouring instead of nourishing their offspring. According to the authority quoted, tsllt adult tip r i : the most CX11e11••tvt rtf the carnivore, costing 0,000 franc!;;. but as much, lir more, may be given for a chime peace. The lion cots an equal sum, but the Iioues,x may be hall for from twelve to fifteen hundred francs; tht. ,lava, panther cost frons twwo thousand tothree thousand; and of lVirtes;, from .is dun. •tr4+i tet t'i;;lit huudri t1; while leopards ere sold for 1.' 00 frtulc,tht',pstir. \elves may lie+ had at avt ry ninth cheaper rate_; anti by Inns from sixty to one hundred francs : but in '.Trial the latter stay "iii -time.. lata giurt h;t>sed al low as .t inane, ,�.,. A t1.'n'ter Imide. '1'l ,aa ,,t r 'link tth locomotive in !'rot t•s,s of construction at the Central ttaeia]e halt at Sacramento. Tim name a l:1 il,ilie•rnadnr. 'l'lacw total length of the t'w'ine vutl tender is t15 feet: inelL ms; iris Mg Ni heti lase 1Jfeet i inches; :five rads:: tit clrive'ra, 4 feet 9 inches in lt:tux•ttr. with a four -wheeled trt:Vk is trout : ww ttrr capacity of tender 3600 altun� cylinders 21 incites in diame- ter, with t; tl.itxh stroke; total wvoi b , if clsi:,int'. ;'tans;; weight of drivers, 04 :ons; weight of tender (light), u0,f50 pounds, total weight of engine and tender iligltti, 08 tons and =pounds. There are two six wheel trucks under the tender. Making a total of twenty- -ix wenty.: ie wheels is tttnlc r the engine and tender. The valve gearing, designed by A. J. Stevens. is something entirely new, there being nothing likelt in the coup. try. It is .aid to be the largest engined in the -world. It is for use onthe Sierra Nevada Mountains, and it is expected to do nror9 work than :twci„of tiateln "n nowv used, with less.consimt , titin of The heavic �`,t eitgi• ``no's en.n tit Ce 1 ra y s ,,pp ,... t t , l,,ri aoI'tic � lid , �a?f Iaas�i lee!? nineteen e , la ' t `""71 '• ads„ p a 13. fobs Made. Its dimcnsrms are,: ;14',I tt"df tender (hrltti, 63,000 pounds ; weight of engine:, 123;000 pounds ,,„water, galiacity . of tender, 3000 gallons, 'Tt l(as yeiglit drivers of 4 feet 8 inches each ; driving - wheel base 15 feet 9 inches ; total wheel base, 53 feet 1 inch. Some of the old railroad men have doubts abort the Nuccoss of such a monster, and entertain. the idea that the weight of the engine will spread the track and crush the metal into the ti0.4. The Lightning Ticket Seller Talks. " On Decoration Day, 1882," said Colonel John Murray, the lightning ticket seller of a Western circus, " Chicago I sold 6150 tickets in an hour without an error, and without takingin a bad piece of money. In twenty-two years' experience I have never taken but one $5 counterfeit bill. The false silver money I can detect the monierit I get it in my hand, either by the weight or by handling. it. We run across queer customers sometimes in. the . South. In some places they come to a circus with knives up their sleeves, and as I would hand therm money and tickets the points of their weapons would cut my hands. The negrees of the •South aro. the queerest set Z 'ever ran across. They remember.aman for years. Before a sase ^ season is over m hands have corns on them from theconstant handling of silver. No, an attempt at, robbery was never mado,bnt once, and -that -was in. Cleveland in 1880. It was after the eight performance, and dh v�gRp in my valise. Eph : S . W •' a o s just 'getting off of the grounds to take a hack when a man struck me with a slung -shot. I shot at loin and so did Sells, but he got away without tire money, and a policeman promptly art rested me for shooting at him.'•'—cincin. ruiti Yews Jvrtrttal. Backus, the minstrel, ball au euotr. mous month. Ono summer be and itis fellow minstrel, Birch, parted, Itireli to go fishing and Backus to go to Chicago, NVhen Birch one day had lislttxl fora l sort time. there VITRO tremendona }auk at his book. Using all hie might be palled to the turface .a tush of sue~. i prising proportions, and 'Riththe !armlet mouth he had ever seen iu any member of the nutty tribe.. " Great gotlywhop. ti pus, Raekus,"' cried the burnt cork 1 antler in amazement, dropping his t ,i:kle awl springing to his feet, "1 f ataneht you were in Chicago 1" (ilaagolt''s Coinii ere Al Importance., 3lauy' T'tvatiers will be surpristx1 t') , learn that talas,gowv is the second Islxgest, city in ( teat Britain.:tnti the third iu comnTerrial importance. Iii population and nuumf;,e. torics it almost equals Philadelphia. and for wet weather ear - passes any American vita'. largo or sr,ntll, with which I ata aequauntisd. The e people are bray, thrifty, iudn'strious and exceedingly polite, : intenstyly utstinuai, but absolutely ignorant and iutiiQcrent About America mid Amcricnn affairs. I have not suet any person so igaoraut as the Italian count who asked whether it as !lett t1aii viiinii to venture outside of Ncww York on account of the Indians, but they do not scent to know or tare that iu the vicinity of the noble city of Tow• son there is a populous and thriving vii - ' lege called Balltimorc'. r Glasgow elabu' to have the largest ° locomotive, works in the world, and the shipbuilding yards extend alum; the Clyde twenty miles to. Groeuock, pre- senting a scene of eeasolesa industry that aiw.tonisaltea even an American traveller. The Glasgow Cathedral is ono of the most ancient and interesting churches in (4rest Britain. 1'b : pm'-nt structure was built in 1181 and is in excellent preservation. The Univc lenity of Glasgow made it .t prominent place, even when the population was .quite small— ItoRxmurc Uty l ,lit p, Peculiarities of Tennyson. Tennyson passes lllost of his days at Farringfard, surrounded by the lovely and romantic scenery for which the+ Isle of \Vk 11t IS noted. Ifo spends, on an average, six to eight flours a day in his library, engaged in literary work. Or- ders aro always given that he shall not be interrupted except for most mot mentons reasons, and he never is; for the members of his family and his ser- vants think his making of a line of quite as much importance as the creation of a new world—an opinion which, it is needless to say, he fully shares. Per- haps, if his wife-L.0m was Emily Sell- wood—were dying, she might venture to have him informed of the fact during his hours of work. She would not be willing that his sanctuary should be. profaned for any less cause, because she religionslybelieves that 'i11lan1S ; al s- pore Is carhely tlx equal oft 1 ed Tenlysot. If she were capabl fo ing or e eri' ing any e,gther, i is d lit 1 he woult rve"w I w : y� She lo ab re ervds Yier t:d'ii'iiu dal �p s place by the most rapturous worship and the most absolute self-effacement. Thera hate. been, awful inst':l,ncos of the invasion of Tennyson'slibrary while he was in the throes of composition, owing to the relaxed vigilance of his domestic drat"". ams. The scenes that f'ol- lowved` can hardly be described. The poet, in his wiyath, raged like mad, threatening t estroy the intruder, and literally tear the little hair he has left. The; very idea of interrupting Alfred 'ennyson in his hours of divine iiispiration seemed to him monstrous beyodd belief, a hideous crime eternally unpardonable. He has never, I believe, ntad54 any physical assault upon an un- forttinaii'te intruder, though it would have been sosed, from his furious demon- strationn,, that he could be 'appeased with nothing short of homicide—Phila- delphia Press. ' Possibility of, an, Opeau Telephone.. A telephone on a new principle' has been -invented :by which' divenation has been -carried on at a distance of 500 miles. Considering that the means whereby the power of the telephone'has been strengthened' can be further in- creased, and that the resistance on the land lines with which experiments have been made exceeds .that of the ocean cables, it is hoped that eventually con- versation:may be carried on across. the Atli 1ttele one thu , nloyed min; c n y ' d es over the present sys of transmitting mes- sages, but it would be a very remark- able triumph in electrical science to make conversation possible between continents separated by an ocean. 2,400. miles wide Arali'le lr seri aro men% W R ,re you distutbtel at night au,( broker of your , • Vert byasickehild suffering and crying, with' under tilli`4tlE' ci t{ 1" rn_itur4- x �. pain of cutting teeth? if so, aendataneeand R, SYRUP. Its ts1w. re the eleelable. It wilt re, o u liege the poor suffererftuuwealate'.. 0.)o- arabig Aa wfh inters(' l' i o .- 3 Wtxat�',iu tta slS lift 7r poudupon itwutl,ere,there t5nouiet heabant the mauuf`tacturor• r it. It cures t'ye outcry' and eita,rltoea, regulates aiataleir ztba buyq to sal F be stomach nand but.rls, ;ores c'a„t cane. Qb ,t e. pr ie,n Ya fit all C S t� 11 n F r , !i c ltil't 1? and' '. t i a 1 n, tr x i t alio» to 'FC t q f r. '. i 1bw ar hasors h. $ the -tree t,nemei energy to the whole system. beneAt,wbteb kannotlr,il - 5 as. WixsLcw s tix+oraixo Blithe run, clamp.' #o nisat 7 viers a# xita Grangers, Ons obPenses 'E\ Ton= 's vleaY;int to the taste. anti is Sare lest' than those flfcike rho prrscriptionof uie ce tlic eldest and beet. ° manul4etureracouveepent we can eelleheaper. get o. bottle of ?tUkS W1NSF.OW'S St){1 TIIINO .Idle nul'&e! a'*i pbeeietjtns i'. met li,attea i tit,stes. alit is fox stilt” by all 'nea ites ehrutigti- ut the world. Pzice 23 :drew a bottle. Ti PA", may bo found on ¢ Bile, at tfit " RoWI LI. .t Co'a Newsy pcl• .A,dvt'rtt ag $nrrau (10 aipruc Strceti,wchcro ativ!:r• t tisriigcle to taluant NEW YORKaf be prole dose 1t ate 1. ARNICA and fa LINIMENT CURES NJ. as and Ache IS Telt MOST PERFECT M k 014 a>lx-ul ati : 'e> s Int W'OUIeA _ - can specialatttentio to our 'undertaking depart ment,which is more com riotethanovorAS wye have added several uew.deei ns orf late Tito best cons aa d every }:select ahr,euds, n cry 'uueral requisite at tl'e tow eel ),rite: Our ito'w Referee is pronoueredbr elt✓ to ` ,? eotu etent judges to be ,, second to core in the provinces tbies of all t e Dacca Soc2 t cs Funerals furnished as.... ben meted at the Tory low at r itee- Al r tmeleofp'nndelrtitkipg , dots wrap, complete Irind wo assorted, end any pertain ,eettiriug' u}d-tline In One lint Will flu tt tet thoiradvautap to give Me a gill and 'Alkaline tet thomcsirea, ,1• `yHkl I31r; • platy --N a I lt:tv.e lu :, race ve.1 i! ,rgestock Walnut an.i attuseveotall !Casket,; also i r.ASn. of every aesertp eatofobe etl.PTrit '` away el band. The latest style* ' Chamber and fisher S,lii... :All kinds of Furniture at the Iu-eetriwtes.. ;#I,'t 1N TUE C`01/N"li''% •st1t' 145'snit's Tobneeo Store, $0I.0 IN Att. OEAI. RS. 21 A'W 53 C ^:R lt3T1",," YER'S PILLS. A larges omeett.'enr of the Marano wthkh sato humau suselio* result from derangement of the atootaeb,bewele,atwd)lxer. Melee 4'A7't'TATt7TC 1'lt is a. t directly upon time "meas, awl aro tel eetally deeiguail to cure the disewsett muted by their derangement, iuvbtWug Constieaflort, amliseatioa, Ayveepai#. Headache, Dyson- OH I1t111ik N, -• 54.00rat dozen. CU(LUUT".N lem met a beet of enter aitnierttar, fur ali t,f J (tj•Nj'eTel'+r`j,, *To Sire. Exeter. few Photograph Studio. ll; iehit h they area Safe, afire, prompt, anti pkarant remedy. Tito eittt,•ttr,lye me of these Pitts Py .1:*tent letyelciatra in regular praetlrc, stows. uuminal.ably tit,* estimation in wkieh they era held b7 the medical profession. Then Ihta'+ aro compounded at vegetal** sub - el atI,i 'M.'i,Tr,sadare at.i'.lutely free from calomel or any oiler injurious ingredient. .1. Sufferer from:iesdaelts writes t "A.VeleR. Phase aro tnvslttalde to rue, and aro my emotion companion. 1 have been s< covers sufferer from Headache, and your Ptt.t.a are the only thing could look to for relief one *eat wilt 'pee wv tmiv., my bowels snit tree Tay bead trent 1-int.11tev are the moot otteetive rand mer;1ta, ,t 1 hyr.'i- I•it:111 . v, rb•und. it. lea. pleasure t,' use to opeik tutheir leaflet.. and 1 always du Fo %ln u + •e.t>t•.n tellers. W. T.. Page &lira.°" F a.ar.11itt St Itiehmund, \ a., ,tune 3, lith:', "1 Irv. u -i-,1 111 It' i 1'u.t,s in nutnherlers 1t"• Stam. r, .untc^tn'cdby ynu sad have uever kieeen them t+• fail to aecomedieb the tles[red re. suit We e.•i; ,antsy kaapthem tux bend at our hetet.• and print them as a pleariant safe and ri•Ii tld , fatuity lue•dielu.. @'Olt lerS1'1•;i'tai.t, they are invaluable. 11.wre." 't. -;t Teele, Taum 17, It:,e•L'. 'rtte Iai.v. Feeeset't 11 lr.itutwr.. writing from este rhe, Go.. -.lys, ,For tome years path 1 liayu 1MM! ln,tiect to cin'tlp1uswwthin, front whlt'h, in s;eit • ..t the we of lat911,'1ne's of vntImtg kinds, 1-lLtrt•red inereasing htevuventealee, until ramp neem less .,1 began taking e'r n's 1'ii.1A. They have . ntirelyy eurre.ted the soetive habit, and h n vastly improved my general health." Armes t'ATlrtiltTre puss correct irregular!. u.•• ..f the b, , ., Aleulate the altltetite taut digeethm, and 1.y their prompt and thorough notion giro tone and 'iZoi' to tbo whole phprteal re..el'it t •_ i'1trI- Ann, nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Itr,ugglste. YOUNG, OLD, AND MlnDl.E- Ill esperienee the wonderful hen.ala' effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AGED. Children with Sore Eyes Sore Ears, or any scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may be made healthy and etrong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for $5. Harpers's Wee.1dy. ''• ILLIIS1nwTEp. IHirper's Wireit'•y. stands. at the had of .,Amewt•ican weekly jou nals. 13;� its unpartisan posallon in politice, its admirable illustrations, its carefully chosen serials short stories, sketches. end poems ,euutrileiteelby the fore- most artists and antbarie of the day, it car- ries instrue.tion ar-riesinstrnrtion and entertainment to thou- sands of ainerican homes. It will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's :Weekly the most popular and attractive fainily newspaper in'tno world, and, in the pursuance of this, to present a constant improvement in all these features which have gained for itthe :onfidence,synii- pathy, and snprortof its large army er read- ers. - HARPER'SPERIODICALS Per Year: HARTER'S WEEKLY .$4 00 HARHFR'S MAGAZINE......;.4-00 liAliPER'.S BAZAR ..4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG P.EOPLE..1 59 HARP p' ' F2AN4L1N , SQUARE L` IBRAhtWrl e"Ycaar)'52'n•n til uers)'t10 Postage Free to at sub"s"cribers in the. Um - ted States or Canada. , The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the $,rat Number forJanuary of each year. When no time: is `mentioned; it Will be understood Ibat the snbsei•ibex^wishes fa cointiiencewith the, Number next after the receipt of order. The 1tilt Four (Anilpttl Volumes of Harp- etes W el;.1y1, in neat idoth binding, will be sent b; malt, postage• paid, or'' by express, free of efpense (provided that the freight does n'ot•exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per:vohinie. " • l;lotl2]ire'i "lt coltlirie,' snitablo for bin din 'awl •' c sen ry° mail po tptiicl, cn re- ceipt. of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by•Post-Office^ Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper s are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Haar>en cC Bnormnis. Address TTAIlrl•)li ,e JtRO ITERS, Now York, 1 1 ,V1ONETT i' Two finirhctl it1 tate, en's eit1 extra. Two finished in wa(ar cal* 50o extra, • er dozen. „ ,. Pictures to be paid for when Negative is rakers l : t BROTY PES `�' Cotltli etctih. If)o twill be charged for each subject exceeding two, Mil Pict Merged for plain, trod finished in 'Nater Colors for ti25t1. Pic Lure 1?7.'ntiniij It' xi'ler. ,luny. lath 1881. tt7ipecitalt,v %". T. 3OU '$ Exeter set Office Time Tble.. afa11,�I lilrlltu,i, Voo flail',\� to 1n'tt-ea xttttl 1:iim%l1tr South. ,eastaudvaot♦a,inolutlluul1ll Lundou,liaulilwn, uba, lsultea States, English and foreigu Isiah s •. South, ea',taiul west ... 1.. 'r yMtn t(15 a,tt1'e to 1' it: Ventre:it, :N14,14 it.' a. ui. e.tit a. 1u ... Cwiii p.m. nee 1'. 111 North and east.iutluciixigGo,1crlch,itinghtun.hinemetine suet alt itsat!etd,Tetronto, klontroal,aud Radom States... . .., North .,. .» ...... ieintauortb,' ,.. ,.. 11. .dila nt 3j:.L1 n. to esu 1a 111 , ,.UO p. t"1, 0.80 ra, ui ;8.f0 p. m, MoNET ORDRES Issued and paid on andiron' anylimier Order Otlieeiu the Dominion of Canada,GroatItritain and Irelantl,Britiah Tniiia, Newfouudland,Ciermany. Austria, Italy, Australia and the United States. POST OFFICE S$VIN OSSA NE.. Deposits will bereceived atthis Wilco from $1 to $300. Dopoaltors obtaining the lostmaster- General's spooialpormiseioncaudeposit $1000. Depositson Savings Bank account received from oon.to deem: 'Deice hours hem 7,30 a. n', to 7, p, ni. i,ottcrsintendedfor registration must bo posted 15 minutes be tore the closing of each nail. N B—It is particulary requested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of th Counties to the a'ddzesaos. . D:JOTINS, Postmaster. DOMINION `WIRE. MATTRESS .(W. DREW, Sole Agent for Exeter.) This Mattress is acknowledged by alt to be the most comfortable, cheapest, and durable in the Market; ,' Pall and examine. NOW" SE: HERS 'We respectfully initito the attention and consideration of every careful and economical person in this vicinity, to the fact that MONEY- OAN BE, SAV1 D by purchasing your Furniture at 9 ,r�e $F urni reWareroom know that this Season we have a larger and better Stock than before, .and • our ambition is to f0inish everybody with substantial and -durable Furniture, at We, wantallto reasonable rates. Reineinber wve`have the latest styles, and the most Reliable Goods, and at the lowest prices. U°AYSy`rJtTg mA'' 9" Pw tlarriedi on as usual with a larger:Stock than ever before witnessed t`! �3.Ll&b ,Gl, i.V �T in our Establishment. V. hay otho best Hearse in Huron cottuty, Give us a call and we will mate it worth your white Remember i.he;pl ace—t) n e dons uorth of arolsons Ban!, W. DE.EW.