HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-13, Page 54 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED —AT THE— GOLDEN MORTAR. . GOLDEN MORTAR, -AT THE -- tM ain"stree fa. Mai i -street. A. complete and well -assorted stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sponges, Trusses, Should - der Braces, Dye -stuffs, and Druggists' Sundries. Also a • Good Stock of SCEIOOI1 BOOKS, STATIONERY, Toilit and Fancy Articles. Physician's prescriptions, and receipts direfully compounded, J. ''RT'. ].RCW1nNC, prop e$ETNA OREEN. WEO sylran1.t ltlwncrwIs al! cepoisetL tor rileds lt[wrr.tal filteery. " Twenty-three hundred and four lest night,"" answered Squire Mayer, who was found comfortablyseated in an elegant arm -chair at his residence in West Alexander, in response to a query put by your corre ondent, Mr. Mayer Is s ce of the 'eaoe, and the nurse. ber • meant he had married that many couples. West Alexander, the home of the joiner, is a small town of 500 souls on the lino of the Great National Road, be. tween Cumberland Md., and Terre Haute, Ind. Joseph Finley Mayer, the name of the celebrated knottier, is pro. bably 60 years of age, • tali, but by no means a heavy- weight. Within a year or two he has taken Mita himself a ,raird wife. His father joined toe,ether 1,860 happy souls. Be, tr0,, was a Justice of the Peace. A record of all the mar. ",ages solemnised byhim is in the poa• session of his sort. The latter received his commission in 1862, and at the end of the first term of live yearn he had jaiaed. together in tho bonds of holy wedlock 2"0$ couples ; the second term, 3011 ; the third, 501; the fourth, and up to the present time. 1,185. utak• ung a and total of 2804 couples. A glance at the Squire's record shows many carious facts and incidents. lip fio 1865 the fee allowed by law was $2 ; during tbat'year it was increased to $3. The least he ever received was ninety yenta ; generally the regular fee wail plaid, One happy groom loft a $20 bill. with the Squire.No license is raquir• ed in Pennsylvania.. West Virginia and Ohio, being so close, furnish much of the marrying timber ; though nearly' 'ivory suction of the United States 19 3eproaontod. About thirty couples were of African decent ; fifty of the groom bare the name of Smith. On one co. easian four couples were upon tho floor toady for the ceremony to begin, when '6 ring of the doni•hcll announced other arriv'alswho canto on tho Hanle errand. tu�ate':ld t'f the four couples. Fix were at. the S;afrlf' hue pronounced linshaitd$ end wives s °.° c:;to :tribune. -- .111. Beecher says four-fifths of the inhabitants of Heaven are women. Mass- achusetts comes nearer being a heavenly State than any other in the Union, on that basis, for she, too, has a large pre- 1'underalnoc of women. S ALI, REGISTEE, . Tncs snAr,MAItcII 20th, 168 4.— arm oc Implements, &o., the property ofJames Brown, lot 8, eon 5, Biddulph. Sala et one o'clock, Jas. Oke, Auc. Famax, March alst--Farm Stook, the piopettyof Henry Sberdoil, lot 6 con 11 IlaGillivar• Henry Either, a:;o, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwswawera RCVER t:IVEV '. If you are troubled with low and depressed spirits, lose of appetite, general debility, dis. ordered blood weak coustitutioli,lteadacfte,or AZT disease of a Willem nature, by all u cane procure a bottle of Electric Sitters. You will bosurprised to see therspidimprovement that will follow,you will be insuircd with new life; strength and activity will rt.turn; pain sod anergy will cease, an'9hencefoith yon will m- ince in the praise of Electric Bitter". Sold at C Lutz's, Drug Store. 0 The Marriage looking Glass FRANK LEmL1s s SUNDA1MAGAZINE-- TItP April unmoor has such an ab uudanoe of good things that our space will not pertnit list to pvrtioulariae. The editor (Row. T. Da Witt T tlmage) has an admirable article, "Practical Sympathy," and in the Home Pulpit is a sermon by him, "The Royal Exile." Among the elaborately i11ua- trated articles are : "A Pilgrim in Yellowstone Park"; "Easter Feetivit- ies at St. Petersburg,'" "Tile Found ling Asvinrn of New York City, and other articles Essays, Sketches, eto., by Alf►wt'n Harvey, Leigh Noryal, Bev. L Rand, Mrs. A. E. Alexander, Rev. J. F. Clay -Moran, J. Alexander Patten, eto. The serial and short stories are by Helen W. Piorson,L. T. Meads, Josepheno R. Williams, etc. The poems are of great t:letit,and the miscellany is most o•,Inprehensive, in- tereattng and ante, Wining. Price, 26 cents a single number, or $2.50 a year, postpaid. MRs FRANK LESLIE, Pnbli'hcr 53, 55 and 57 Park Ylxos, Now York. iFor Erer•J Married Couple. While it will hurt no tangle matt or woman to read stile peculla r beak, Set to alt who for the first time enter the married atate It Is eimplyaNECE$SLT7i. they Binet have it nor can the contents be given here. but ft la enough to nay the book ooutfa•nse11 the sec.. rete relating to hotly marrled0nuples. Others who order it will have to bear the con,equen- CCs, lie lr to only intended for those who wf.h to know how to ;ex*, after the k:.ct is Heti. ..vary (turn couple should have It. and an 11 caste o .ly apaha y ES cents. or 3 for 50 et,.' Every ono can have it by remitting compeer silver and thin clip to A W KINNEY, Yarmouth, Novati3aoua. ,FARMERS' ATTENTION ! To cora. consumption, ulceration in the lop moat bo sto pert the matter :Hast be thrown off, the membrancea and tisanes. healed and the syatetn invigorated. Downs' Elixir will do all Ode. Try it. Every bottle warranted. A Startling Ihscover� y. blr, Wm. Johnston, of Huron Dais., writes that Itis wife had been troubled with acute Brouchitia for many years, and that all rein. *lilies tried gave no permanent relief, until he prcourred a bottle of Dr,Kiag'sNewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which hada mal caleffaet,and produced a permanent caro, It is gumauleed to cera allDiseaaea of Lungs. or Bronchial Tutees. Trial Settles Free at 0. lints's, Drug Store, Large Sizo i/1,00. 5. ..I. DOWN'{Y' ildITAala W41,I4b10C ELIXIR 0 4 liar stood the teat for 1''ir.t •Titri:i; z Ysaas, and has proved itieli the ta<.,t remedy known f.)r Ill:'. oro. o Cansuimptiorl, oollh, ' Ca11ds,iVlaarili:.; C and ail Lainz,1; ► � ..:, y r tial,^, :hl. s,,, •' 1 t • 21i4e 250. Ma $` CO ger I Ott; . 't ..,.. ,— .. ..rte,.--„, Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS! WHITE'S IMPROVED ..moi re. & DRiVE AND FIELD GATE admired by every IV - *? I It r. Doetrel t by all who. WA Oates. SLIDING DATE, Its chief merit* aow •323 a:i,E v , 023A31lUTT StliPiiort- Aldi CIIE;APEStI.. buy toss or by all who see It. • It takes up no room on the road or sidewalk. It opens down the tencz. It locks open and when closed, locks shut. A child Nix years old can open and close it from a wagon • or horseback, or afoot, It is not liable to get out of order. MAU. Butcher IL General Dealer WHO h UNAOQ4AINTCO W,1 N 1NC OCQONAPHY QP TN,e 00055. TRY WILLAC= Cy CK AM,NINOTHIIMAPTNAT7He NPWITZ I1gt411 •I „ '� CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of its lino, connate the East and the West by tho shortest route, and car- ries passengers, without change of oars, between Chicago and Renews City, Connell Bluffs Leaven- worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt, 'Paul. It eonaeato in Union Depots with all the, principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Paorao Oceans. Sts cgaipment is unrivaled and magnifi- cent, being composed of Most Comfortable And Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Horton Re- clining Chair Cara, Pullman's Prettieet Palace Bleeping Caro, and the Beat Line of Dining Cara in the World. Three Train. between Chicago pd Missouri River Points. Two Trains between MI- osgo and Minneapolis and Bt, Paul, via tho Famous "ALBERT ILEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Lino, via Ponces and Ranks- . tee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atntnta, Au- gusta,Nashvnlo Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minnoap- a'T All Through Passengers Travel on Fut Express Trains. Tlokatafor sale at allprinolpal Ticket Offieesin the Ualted Crate* and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of tare al, twaaay. as low as competitors that offer lees advan- Por detailed information, got tho Maps and Pold- er.ofthe CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket alone, or address R. R. CABLE. E. 8T. JOHN, Vioa-Pre,. 4 Oral 3i 'r, deal Tkt, 4 Yam Agl. CHACACA- • --IN A1,rylt1NAa ,: IAITIS So simple inconstruotionthat any farmer Cali Make it. It Can ba made of luutber, iroi' ar wire -netting. All who see it admire it. Can be °Pored with one linger trona Wagons. Baggies, oto, It backs out of the way down the fence, taking up no room, Has no lever age on posts. Can be opened and closed Il0 times a minute. Makes a secare look with out a latch or pin. A downward pull opens or doses a gate of any length or weight, at the handles have a double action and always up nut of the waw. The coat above the r.r dinary gate is fruna 81 to 83, Teen furnish Gars IRONS, no hinges to buy. Price of FARM RIG1ITS from 55 to $],O. Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THUS- ; DAYS Ain SA.TUBDAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. LARDINE • IMACIIINE OIL. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF 'THE VILLAGE OF EXETER FOR THE YEAR ENDING Slat DECEMBER. 1883. We beg leaye to present a statement of the Receipts funds for the year 1883. RECEIPTS. To Balance from 1882 ' • Assessments 5690114 " License Funds.. ....... 01567 ClergyReserve Fund,.•2505 • Government Grant223 OG • Fines........, ,,.. 9 00 " Money BorrowedMolsone Bank ,.....•• .„„. 600 00 Non Resident Taxes Co Treasurer . 1 42 and Expenditures of the Municipal EXPENDITURE. $660 98I By County Rates 1883 $ 515 04 • Streets, Sidewalks &c ... 746 77 " Salaries ▪ Schools .......... . 25'1092 2865 " Debentures & Loans Re deemed .... ............ 31.55 05 " Taxes Refunded 6 00 " Charitie4 ....,...•............•• 138 00 ' Printing, Postage, £ " Stationary 5181 8275 28 •' Interoat 28 10 " Rents ... .....•,. 4 00 „ ..... Fire account....... 265 8:, ' Tanks .. 124i00 • Insurance'- .:,...........2• " Election bx onaee...e7 ........ • 30 50 " Miscellaneous. :...:110 70 ' Balanee on han•t............. 1744 72i 58906263 Call and see the Gate at Centralia and Exeter, aria secure a Farm Right. TO AGENTS ! I own the Right of this Patent for HURON COUNTY, and as I ase otherwise ase. gaged and osnnot canvas tach Township in the County, I will i'elI Township Rights. at prices that will enable the purchaser to make money at the business. Brom, S10 to $20 per DAF can be M A E Bya goodoanvasaerin selling out a Township Bight in Farm Bights. Canyon magi wore at anything elec. with a Small Capital Invested. ins—ml t.. sell Na you can make ItIONEY. A Rare Chance—Speculation. The selling qualities of this gate cannot be questioned, The Inventor ;as coed --OVHIt $60,000 WORTH ALREADY.- • Secure a Township Right, and make money easily and rapidly. If KP:i d,+ not. ,au'. ono will, and you will llao the chance. Call and see me, or writ.' for terms, .�►. Q. 1BOBXER, Centralia. For (*aunty Rights iu Canada write for terms t.i t'. W. JONES, Londot' � PARM'`RS, THRESHERS. ANI) Mill men will save money, and save their Machinery by using Cardin. LARDINE RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT: THE, PILLS Purify the Blood, eorrtet all Pisarlli rs s.i Ow LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND .tiO\VEL`. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated t'nnstitntinna, aura alt incalaabir' iu s's Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. Por ehildrrn and the need they are reieelae- THE OINTMENT Is all intalliblo r=emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old wounds, tint& ,, taw 1'd"r r. 1a .• famous for Gout and Rheumatism. Has been 1 iotorlaua at all the loading exhlbi I011 DISORDERS OP THE CHEST IT HAS No norm.. 'dons anti industrial fairs since 1878,carryingoif For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glan�I+larSwelliuga and isit skin •li�fsw• first prises and medals iu every instance. It ( it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts likf• a charlu. has naw no equal as a fabricator, ani will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warra•atod not to clog or gum the finest machinery- You will The Pills and Ointment are sold at Thomas HorLowAT's Establishment. save money by using this oil. Try it and you wilt testify in its favor. Beware 01 imitations. 78, NEW OXFORD.STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; —aeAEnir crunIan ONLY ET— also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 9e. 41.1 46. 61, lis., 32s., and 33s. each. The 28. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity of tl+ McColl Bros. 41 Co , Toronto is lid, size ; the 4s. 6a. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and tl '• 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots, —FOB HALE 11Y-' 1 Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be lute in ,:uy laugnag• BISSETT BROS , Exeter ; tit Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is aa.r. J, EILBLR & SON, Crediton ; 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. McDONELL & W AUGH. Iieneall ___ TO FARMERS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, ---OF THE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do - -CHOPPING-- until fnrther notice, at the following �'�RMFRS 11D hhIKUE\'S ATTENTION. —rates OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG; And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. 58976 361 TUESDAY, THURSDAY cA SATURDAY, ASSETS. LIABILITIES.Are my regular grinding days Cash Balance Dec 31st 1888 $1744 72i Council, including salaries & ' Buildings and Real Estate 8200 00 small debts $ 800 00, Amara of Taxes- 94 17 Railway Leine •& Bonuses.r. 10000 00 Fire Engine Hose &c ..... 100000 Other Municipalities 510000 ---- $5038 893 , , ---- 013900 00 t we the undersigned Auditors certify that we have examined the Treasurer's books for 18831 of the Municipality of Exeter, and found them correct and in accordance with vouchers pro. ?Woad, Balance on hand Dec stet 1883, 51744.793 CHAS, SNELL C 1 Auditors Teton. B. CAB1;1No+ Exeter 13th February 1854 TERMS - Strictly Cash. N. B, --Flour & Feod sold at a clone mar- gin. Don't forget to give tis a call NO4313 TREED Dashwood, Feb'y lth, '84 Why you should use the Combined Milk Bucket and Stool : 1st.-- The use of this Bucket will effectually protect the milk from contact with any foreign substance whatever, and from the odor of the stable. 2nd.—Should a vicious cow kick over the bucket no milk is lost or injured. 3rd.—In case of wttering, ormisdirected. streams, no loss will occur. 41.12.—It avoids tife soiling of clothing: bill•—It is convenient for milking, and does away with the 'old-fashioned" stool., 6th. --It enhances the value of dairy butter.' 7th. --It is mutually acceptable to the milkman 'and his patrons, as it guarantees satiefee- tion. 8th.—Butter and cheese made from milk drawn in. this Bucket, possesses keeping gnali• ties, far in advance of that containing all tbd germs that fall into an unprotected pail. 9th.—Both the creamer, and the cheese factory can afford to remnneratel those patron* who nee this Bucket, and will in time,be compelled to decline the milk of those wilo do not BISSETT BROS.