HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-6, Page 6THE END OF TIM TRACK., al.wc .7 the Beauties et' the Cascade lli.utttahou Qasoade mountain, which has just teen passed, is a stupendous elevation of rock, deriving its name from a small stream that oozes bi h up from its east - I ow t. Itarescrro a rhino.. It is evident that if the piauo is to re. main in good order for many years, good care must be taken of it. The in- strument should be closed when not in use, in order to prevent the collection of duct, phis, etc., on the sound board; however, it must not he left closed for 4 period of several months or lengcr, but ern side, and Ie psdown in pretty tilt be opened occasionally, and the day. cedes from. realty an abrupt g-, ll light allowed to strike tho keys, or the reaching the level it loses its identity in. ivorymay turn yellow. Any bard sub. stance, m the waters of Devil's Hoad creek. nuo atter bow small, dre .ped Seldom is its peak, which. is about inside the piano, will cause a rattling, 3,500 feet above the valley, 8,000 feet above the sea, free from veils of cloud and mist, some biding it out of sight, setting the mind wondering where its height ends, and some only dimly ob- scuring its dark massive loftiness.. pines, with here and there smooth lance. like poplars, color its earth -surfaced parts with shades of green that darken as distance lengthens until ebon spots jarring noise. It is in every Me desir- able that an india-rubber or cloth cover should protect the instrument from bruises or scratches. The piano Should not be placed iu a damp, room, or left opeu in a draft of cold air dampness is Dense woods of arrow -straight spruce- its host dangerous enemy, causing the stripes and tuning pipes to rust, the cloth used in the construction of the hey$ and action to swell, 'whereby the mechanism will move sluggishty,or often on the cokl grey and white scene is all stick together. Tins occurs chiefly in that tells of mighty forests there. the summer season,and the best pianos, In the darkest density is the haunt of tirade of the most thoroughly seasoned two black bears, that nightly visit and material, are necessarily affected by feed on the carcasses of three worn-out, 1anhpness% the absorption being rapid. old death horses lying near a timber ( Extreme heat being scarcely loss in. camp within 200 yards of the railroad. furious. Tile piano should not be placed But their cunning and wariness is more than a match for snaresor at tempts to diseover and slay them, and though one, a no bast, has been seen 1y several times, his majesty .hissing when purposely t, tit. 21st, soiue men lent tank: at the 3rd nuox is wan On building" siding west of Calgary shot a fine young eagle, rbich measured 7 feet 10 inches from tap to tip of its outstretched wings. It was a grand bird, and would bavo lie tuned at least once every three or been of mueh value as an ornithological four mouths during the first year, and specimen if properly" saved and pre. at longer intervals afterward. served. very near an open faro or a heated store, nor over Sir close to the hot air furnaces now in general use. Moths are very destruetive to the cloth and felt used in the piano, and may be kept out of it by placates a lunhp of t:alh:pher, wrap1'cei iu soft paper in the inside eerier, care. being taken to renew it from time to time. Many Meront are, miasmic of the great importance of having their pianos kept in order, and tuned only by a mint =e tent tuner. A new piano should Interesting Items. Four railway companies offer an additional reward of 41,000 for the detection of the auth- ors of the dynamite outrages, Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for Outs, Bruis- es, Sore*. inners. Salt Rheum, Fever. Boma. Totter, Chapped, hand*, Chilblains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptious. and positively cures files, or uo nay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mune}: refunded. Price 25 cents per box. I+'ot• sale by all drug- gists. SHE DEQLAI;S IT SAVED HER LIFE, lairs, F. Taylor, of '1'olol.to was a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, which for a long time baffled all treauueut. At test she tried liagyard's Yellow Oil, Rill declares it saved her rife. $1000 Forfeit. Having the utmost coufiurnec iu it suptirl- ority ov.r all other* , and after thousands of toes of the trios. complicated- and severest cases wn could and, we feel jttsti5,sl in o1Ttriug to forfeit Otte'iitottsatid Polices for any ease of .coughs, colds. sore throat, influenza. hoarse - nese; bronchitis, consumption is its etieb stages, whooping cough, and all dt>,t area o; the threat and Mugs, except Astinua.for which we only etainr rebel. that we can't care will, West's Sough Syrup. when taken awarding to directions.Sample a bottlf. 25 ant u 0 cents.; fare t bottles elle dollar . Gentile. wrappets only ru blue bold by all th-ngitfst.. or ren by wait on receipt of pr ce. JOHN V. 'VEST 4t 40., 81 a rc ; King St. t'.act. Terauto Out. ON THIRTY DAYS" TRIAL. Tug i u-.ra.e price t'u., Marshall, .tich.,will send lla brier, t'i.TF.su1rr** t:r.reriz'-V,+LTAIC tiit.T. A\.e IA... :li'1':1.1\e'Lr, . *t tried tot thirty` days to teen (prang or al ti who are at- dfeted with uercaun t+t milt; , lost vitality met studied troubles, gliar.uueeihtg speedy slid eotupleto reatolatiun of health and manly vigor, about N. It. ---No ht 1a h:4 iat.enrr+••1. es thirty day* tad isallowed The dieputta, between the Vatican and !'rostra iu Agent to the saeaut zees have been t,ettltid. Cared Free. Here, now, is a broader vitlley of tlhej° Any reader tumbled with Dyspepsia, eoa- Dow river, very marshy in laces, well 1 ate Oile Thluhisk g ill WShe Was lot tivene• Heatidebe,liveer cuwplatut,etc.,t•hould Thera is sprays great excitement in ease of wooded and tWckl bushed in others. • Es.travirant. call at C. Lutz's Drug Store, ants 1:ceure it flee sudden aeettteut and injury, Every enc should be prepared for an emergency. Hag. yerd'a Yellnwuil is the reliable. friend iu-.rest; Vessels atvlr;ug at Loudon report unusually large af 'o. fields and enormous icebergs iu the Atlantic. $500 I_Ietiv sled. ii We will pay the above reward for any vase of Liver cosupleint. Dyspepsia, Siokhead• ache, Iudigeation, Constipation or Costiteness we cannot curewitli West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are atrhekly Complied with, They are pnrel3 Vegetable, and never fail togive satisfaction. Sugar coated, Large boxes, eoutaiuinu 30 Ville, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The Genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. w MST sic CO., "The Pill utak- era," 81 R 83 Ring street East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaired c,n receipt of It three , RES S CHO OL' A ai,ftTAII N RESULT. 'f vont bloat i•: impure it will buret forth in Ilat nes, pimples and soles. festering and psi ,fitly, Burdock Blond Bitters will t bor- a lAitly cleanse the blood and eradicate all Pout humor's from the system WARNING. If tronble,t with constipated bowels, never neglect it. or the swam becomes slugged, the ire• etions dried np. anti the system puisoueu. w•i 11 foul gases. liurdoel, Blood Sitters cure C .I* tit•Rti en by uuloekiug le secretions suet r lu wing, tit-- glaei.ln ar system. ' — An Ilisbntau named Ellis has stirrer der - el o tlhelzreeeeekF . says eineHe s be knows the y mu te ems of Lord I.eittim. tie l,asi• a s4?tre.l} alit positive cw'e fur Catarrh IttCR, (,U.ei mouth h Rnd Head Ache. iu SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with ca+ bottle. Use it i you desire health and a sweat breath, Price 0 ets. Selel by J. W. Drew:wing Exetar. 33 Pimples and Blotches. Call a' t". Lulea Drug Stere and get apackage of t dvert's Varl.ilie Cerate. It is cotuoosed of Vaseline. t-atb+,ltu Acid and Create, and has never failed to retueve pimples, blotch+'*, nl. .'etatt.1,ores, rough skin. It euros when all Ethel* hail. Try it. 2.3 In •auity is itt almost all cast* the outgrowth of nu overwrought brain. lir•. E. t'. 1\art'. Nerve and Brain Treatment removes the cause and effects a care. Sold at J. W. lll'tltl'ningg s Ill's;. Sena. G GREAT EXCITEMENT. CEN T RAL DRUGSTORE It is protl:tetive of prolifte grass, a bun- a trial bottle of Metrrtegor's Speedy Cure at ouch droll tons of good hay having been cut Mr. Topuoody liglhted his cigar the which will couviuce you el the merits of the here this autumn. And when the future other evening, after supper, just before wediciue. it cnrvs jserluaueutly where all itis fur intermit external use, eur]ug I3tues, urges settlement of this region, with ' starting dawn town, and Mrs. Topnoody otht r nit dieithrs have failed. As it blood pari, Braids, Braises, Lnuieuel s, Fiero Tineat, clearance of the useless vegetation, and looked at him anti saiti : per it liar no e,lual- Remember, , it costs node. Illietimatism Rud pniflftil eRerflalts ;illi fences enclose cultivated fields ana pas. q 4. You smoke goon cigars, don't you, :ug to try it. iteatilar size ,fifty et pts and nue' weiiild,i, tures that warmth and light have re. Tapnootiy?" dollar. 514,liouurt.inure. eu;ne.drivtr betseeu Kin 1 claimed to fertility Anel utility, pastoral ,• 1 try to, my dear," Whitt entry lx rsoashottld know --lip grand tareliue slut Hemline), asss t. "it oras iinpoa- scenea incidentut"to mount:tie regions, 141 heard a lady. say today her bus. outlets t.f disease from tut+ sce:ent art the Bible 1•.r Alty per•ital itt be a worse subject of with coxy little fatriubouses very- dull- band told her you smoked two fora- buivelsand the kidney, Jobuetou'a 8ara,iva• Dse eptia and a greater sufferer Hiatt 1 tray. 1 Itutiva oontrasteti with the j ij autie pro- nickel kind " rills la rho hueat fiats, pteasaut aid elle etusi often had to lie do n in the eea'roote, and aeta. portions of the sarrctlnding•country— n The scoundrel," said Mr. Tonnoody, mud be ci,uter siinc elle, b ort, rah. tilers vu(ilt itktt dcativatftghtt 1 1 urle4a eti ifnrti le routteed m' y gardens of tainiature size with cottage in anti iwg. flowers of sweet simplicity awl elearly 4t told. I knew you had better defined hue will beautify this present taste thautltat," wilderness. Down the steep hills from 44 Of course I have, toy dear, and I'm many a winding path will conte at even- 01i1 -- glad you dofonded we. I smoke only Mortar. J. W. Brownlee, prop. jy 26, 6 -nu or's Speedy Clue, audit curt -time." Free trial Paulen is actively promoting a company to bottle at C. Lutz'. Drug Store. Regular size further iwuiigratieu from the congested dee- Elft; cents and elle sollsr. 2`* nicht of indeed tide the lowing g in Cattle borne, aull during "1 had beau for eight mouths unable to - -• ' 'D' P the boat and those coatt�w'enty-fiveoents work„ and felt as though 1 mould as lief die as To all who are suffering from the orroreand the tray, far up tho Frei ghter, the leasant a pieee, wholesale." tinkle, tlulde of bells will tell where ,t Ho:V many do you smoke • a day 2" they wandering graze. Where the 44 I smoke only about a half a dozen ; mountain sheep. crops the short, sweet but 1 give away cuouolr to make it herbage of ledges that hold a surface of soil from washing away through the re - posted rains and snows of ages, small docks of hardy, tiny sheep will thrive and grow fine wool and luscious glutton. A race of people, only ambitious of simple comforts and a peaceful exist- ence, undisturbed by tiie ferment of political noise, uunieved by religious political nniropelled to amass great wealth for tho glorification of individual ability, prosperity and Iuxuty, full of wisdom as to the destined fulfilment of mortality, and full of hope as to the cer- tainty of a glorious hereafter, may arise and be the clearest shining jewel in the crown of Canada, Last week has been very fine and mild, allowing good progress of track - laying, eleveu miles being added to the main line,-- II'inniprg Fire Press. average as much as ten a day. There's nothing mean about me, my dear, in that sorb of Wilk." t4 Ten a ay," said his wife, meditat- ively, " three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, 8,650 cigars a year, at a quarter apiece, amounts to .3012,50— Topnoody, I want a 6500 sealskin sacque." 44 lhat? Yon shock mo. Why, I can't afford it. I never wear any 5500 clothes." ' "' All the same, I'm going to have it, and if Thaw to select It I'll get one for seven-filty sure,. Topuoody." t, But, my dear—" " Don't bat me, Topnoody. You may be a goat, but I'm no target." 44 Good heavens, woman, you'll bank. rupt me with your reckless extra- ... You think I'm extravagant, do you 2" " Yes, I do; you are extravagant in everything from your jaw cleararound." "Not everything, Topnoody." t' Name one thing you ain't extrava- gant in and I'll give you a dozen sacques, if I have to mortgage the house to do " 'Will you ? Well, Pll tell you mighty quick. I'm not extravagant In my ad- miration of a man named Topnoody, and I—" Topnoody didn't•remain Ong: .110 hear the concltfslon. MKerck&nt Trav'eian. vegans." to IN ention of the Bicycle. Forty years ago a man named Kirk- patrick Macmillan, a blacksmith in the parish of Keir, Dumfriesshire, made a bicycle on which he soon became a clever rider. On this 14 dandyhorso," as it was called instils district, from the fact that over the wheels was placed a smallwoodentorse, on Which the rider sat, he made among other trips a run to Glasgow, distant from Keir some sixty miles, and manned to keep in front of the mail coach all the way, much to the amusement of the passengers. He ac- cidentally knocked down a woman on entering Glasgow,for which he was fined at the police court. We are not prepared to say that be was the actual inventor of the bicycle, but the machine must have been a novelty at the time,as some of the Buccleuch tamily, then resident at Drumlanrigg Castle, sent for the "smith," with the request that he would ride up on the machine, which he did, greatly to their astonishment. It was constri;yeted of wood, and was work- ed on the same principle as the bicycle of the present day—the wheels, how- ever, being more of a size, -with the smaller one in front. ltiore Considerate Than tszia1. He was a Nevada millionaire, and he had been in a deep puzzle for ten min- utes, when he suddenly rang the bell for his butler. "James, I am about to give a grand party." " Yes, sir: yes, sir." "I shall invite 4,000." «I want the party Yes, sir—yes, sir."written up to the ors, and thus to control those beneath extent of two columns in the papers her. She knows the .worth of money here." after she has earned it for herself, and " Certainly, sir." "You go out and ascertain what it will cost me." "Yes sir." At the end of an hour James returns to re rt. control •her ; and, when' this' has been " Which did you want, sir—to buy the attained, she has found out the secret of editor for 950, or the two -column space a'ltappy life. Besides, and perhaps al- for67 And thefornot most above all other reasons ifslhelearns lies, through dyspel,aia and indigestiau. I indtsorotiourof youth, nerynue weakuesr,, earls weighed at the time of galling a bottle of :lie- decay,loesofmanteod, &c..1 wtllsend .recoil, eiregor's Speedy Cure 135 lbs.. used 3 bottles. bat will ::urs you. F REB'er CHARGE Tiih* and now weigh 165 lba., suet never was better qr,,; eh Amo *exa5andsee t so res it nnvolo'r. in my life. It was MoUregor's Sikesdy Cure to the Rev JossrizT INMAN. StatianD,BTew Y4rrr that brought inc around. So says Willium CIO/ Fell, Hamilton. Co to C. Lutz's and get a free trial bottle, 3*" , Ryon are trouolett with a disordered Ste- mmer Dr. Carson's Bittern will afford prompt relief. It is the lust family Medicine, far Sup - rein to Pills Alt druggists sell it, PROOF POSITIVE. If your sufferer from pain iu the : region of 'he shoulders, headache, irregular towels. faintness, took stomach, variable appetite. and tante .iq,fasife mouth and shallow eatuplexien, your liver and biliary organs are seriously af- fected, and BurdoekBiood Hitters is the prompt Working Women. Says a cultured-woman,writing onthe work of women : " An Irish barrister with whom we travelled recently said : What a blessing that -work for women- is omen is reputable in America, as I bear it is. 1 have six daughters, and the struggle is great to keep them until they are mar- ried.' I could have replied that, alas, I knew families in America who would be quite willing ytliat a daughter should marry a clerk: in a dry -goods store, Who would be indignant if theirson, for whom they bad high hopes, were to marry a girl who was a clerk intim same . store. ' it would bo pathetic, were it not pitiful, to see scores of young men working for their sisters who are able to care for themselves, and would do so gladly did public opinion favor it; or afather elav- ink; for his daughtorswhomightwell save the gray from creeping so fast into his hair. Every woman, as well as man, is better developed iu body and mind by labor. She has' more sympathy with. the workers. She learns to obey superi- and certain remedy. Price.tn sealed enveleito,onlr 6 oo�l ts, Co, twn ANSWER TOES QUESTION. Wily do so ninny Uoataao*tautlis people aro see arouud us,eecm to prefer to auf- len celebrated autherofthis adlnirableessay AMR. MANHOOD How Lost, How Restored. Wehave recentivaublisbodanew edition of DR. OfThvBRw:StL'S CELItBBATEll ESSAY ontberadical and ermauenteure (without ina- dioiuelofNervous l'iiability.Mental and physical Lncapaoity tmnpodlrnohte to, Mari to., re - ter and be made miserable by indigestion, eon- stlpation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the loop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante- ed to entre them. Sold by J. W.13rowning, Exeter. E O N THE GREATEST HEALING COMPOUND. Is a preparation of carbolic avid, vaaelin.e and cerate Balled McGregor to Panic's Carbolic Comate. -It will cure any sore, cut, born or bruise when all other preparatio'rs fail. Carl at 0. Lutz's drug store, and gets), package, 25 cents is all it posts. 2-1 HOPE IN HOPEVILLE. Mrs McArthur of iloeeville, declares she c nlduot keep house without PectoralBalsam. It is a remedy in whieh the sufferer may saf- ely Hope for speedy relief and effectual cure of Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchial, Throat and Lung Troubles whieh neglected end itt hope- less consumption. HIGHLY AGREEABLE. olaarlydeinonstrates,from thirty years' Suocess- falpprractice ,.thpatalermiugoonsaquoncesmaybe radtoallyouredwithoutthe dangerous use of in ternalinedicines ar the use of the knife; Point• out a mode of cure at once simple certain and of- teotuet,by moans of whieh every aufferer,luomat. ter what his condition may be,niay curehimself ahiapty,pr(vatoly and radically, tarTbl lecture should bo in the bandsof every youthandevery man iu the lana. - Addresa THE OUL'VL�RWELL MEDICAL. CO 41 ANN r.,NEW TOBY, Post Office Box 456 One very valuable feature of Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is, that it is highly agreeable to take, and all varieties of Worms, tapeworms included, can be safely expelled by it, without recourse to harsh and sickening drugs. Holloway's Pills. —1u order that the .lightest indisposition I lay not rapidly run its direaterons course from bad to worse, the af- ilierrd of eve,y age and class should gibe it immediate attention. A low doses el these thoroughly purif3ing aucl strengthening Pills ' wilt always be beneficial when the least dis- order heigns or when. nervous fears oppress. Two or three Pills at bed time have the hap- piest effect in promoting perfect digestion, where by the muscles are rendered more' vig- orous, the spirits more buoyant, and the en- Lire frame more hardy. Holloway's. medicine increases the quantity of nutriment derivable from a given quantity of food; and so the qual- ity of the blood is improved, the tong of eve,y fibro throughout the body is heightened; and cue disposition to fall into disease is reduced to IT IS NO HUMBUG, BUT REALITY. r Y a minimum. That Diphtheria is ono of themeet dangerous Cherry Pectoral has never been equalled. Its children, is a fact wt -.,,h no one can deny, and that name is a household word throughon, the doctors in many cases are powerless against it is jut as true. A medicine that is a certain and sure world. cure for this dangerous: and contagious disease should be harper with joy and warmly welcomed REST AND CO1tEEORTTO'THEsicFFEBINO by 'every' family for use in thus of need. .A. con - if she marries .will he more salamr,i, of "itro-yn's Householdranacea"has no equal Ila ratigon is much more. easily checked at rho tbee what anotlher earns for her. She sttlUies forreIiev hgpain,botb interual and external it.. Alltht thishdiseatssee. • i l eep it on band aid do snot human. nature and Sees 'its nobility amid cures pain in the Side, back or bowels, sore throat wait till it .is too late Such . a medicine is offered hire ' DIERLA11Ill'S DIPHTHERIA and Ass remedy for coughs and colds. Ayer's aisetees and annually sweeps .away thousands of its selfishness. She - learns to control Rheumatism, Toetbnche,Lumbagoandanykind ohrcuinstances, and'not let circumstances the pu c ui CROUP REIIEUY.: Weare thoroughly convinced of a pain or ache. "It sem mons surely quicken that it vtill answer,., jts • purpose,. Letters patent the blood uud heal, as its acting nower is wonder- have been taken out for the Dominion` of Canada, ,„ - and pre+nutiotlt are taketi'that no ono shall imitate "'Brown's Houssholtl Panacea' beinguek cul B it. we kindly ask medical mepte ive'thiareinedy nowledged as the great Pain-itelisver,and'of dell a trial. Testimonials. circulars •anile trial bottles ble thestrengtb of any other Elixir or Liniment sent en applying for Agentawanted in every city 6 n ,sir, price ' lathe woridsboulabe in every family handy .fob , 'own apd county.Ask: your druggist fortif. ' itching into you and calling the whole to support herself, ;the will not marry a ,IIagWhen vdhntea,"ae it really is the best remedy Address Rev. H.DIERLA11iM, Zurich P.O., Oat. P o y g thing a shoddyite fizzle will be 9250. man she does not love, simply `tor a in the world for.. Ora tope in the: stomach and For Male et t , LUTZIS' Centrist. ii ug �itor home.' Pains and Aches of all kinds; and is lei; ea�te. by , , allDruggtatsuttticents a,bOttle.• tixETnIB, o r i • BOORS 1e:.'7" �,f _ " J...�C[ tom? 1� --AT Ter-- itr;ij X)I'tlerSto1'e ^� fy ., l�.•,�►TZ. g i5 umseenA.NTEI M,TN 1NS O4an*ABNY ar THIt 0OVN, ....WOO ,. ewe Nu .v.0 uwtl-,.tS „A.±T..AS Ti.E CRICAGOI ROCK RHO &PACIFIC R Y o r the genital paut100 or no Iia* connects the teat and the West at chance rtdttto,and Oar 1111251% pNaoa re, wl at oaoaunce of saga, gqa,*ween Chicago an an�+ i% tr, notl4 t. sto. - w orth, Ateti capons cud nt'ill 3t atria®*a In U1n pets Tviti an. 4 �yrE l sea of road between a Attentho d tae as eosins. Its eywpmant ie rivaled and Magnin mit. being composed or oat Comfortable d Beautiful liar Coaehee, ]tretntesent bolt a a. %qilinins Chair Cara, Pullman's Pretties 1 aoa hell n Cara, and the Beat Line of ,Dining art n theWorld. Three Trains !Wean. Climanttand Sseurt Raver Points. TIEo Trains betwee : eeitio and It,lnnelttoltaauq ttAlaut,e O UM a aaaolt VOW "ALBERT IAA ROUTE."' A WSW and Diroet r tpe,vis seneoa d Ranke. kee,huraoentry been openedbotwaen mehriond, ioaxolk,NawppoossttNowt,Lchat canapes. Atlanta,An.t hvilte Louisville, Lexantton, Ctn ar,aa� tilt. Paul Pannull a and inti mediae points_tn AS • rough Paeacntert Travel on Fut Tratwt Tiokattresetr e.5 romprT fpal Ticket 01> Stn theUnatedtheek ettdCen>idsM;, ways shacked fhrouah and ratol or faro *1. wtaatle ae low* ooanpOittru that ease lose adYan- Tor detailed lnrorautlon, tet the ]raps and ?old. enofthe CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, otlrour nearest Ticket.aha., oraddr O R. R. CABLE, E. *T. JOHN, yl.a•rtea.atOan'l]i't'r, deal Ttt. &Pant AO. , CH1C1\RO- 1884. Harper's Magazine. ILLCaTRATED, .Harpers Magazine begins its sixty-eigh volume with the December number. It is the most popular illustrated periodical in Ameri- ca and England, always fully a'ereast of the times in its treatment of snbjects of current, social and industrial iuterest, and always ad. veining its standard of literary, artistic, and mechanical . xcellcnce. Among lite tions for 188.1 are: a new serial novel by WILLIAM BLACE, illustrations by ARnEr; a new novel by E. P. Rol., illustrations by GIlisox and DIEL1tAii; descriptive illustrated papers by Groner Iiy Bononrox; FnAsx D. MILLET, C. H. FAnxnAar, and others; import- ant historical and biographical papers; short stories by W. D. HOWELL, CnA1MLES BEAnE, LCC: HAPPER'8 PERIODICALS. Per Year : HARPER'S MAGAZINE......i 4 0(1 HARPL R'S WEEKLY............4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 CO HARPKR'S YOUNG PEOPLF,1'50 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY,OnoYet�r(S2Numbers)$10 Postage Free to all subseribo:s in the Uni ted States or Canada. The volumes of the ljlaeazi,•^ ' -sin with the Numbers for June and Detali iba of sash year. When no time is epee Lsd,it mill be underatooa that the subscribe.... es ,to be- gin with the current Number. The last, Eight Volumes of Harper's Maga- zine, in neat eloth binding, will be sent by mail; postpaid, on rs•ceiut of 93,00 per vol- ume. Cloth Cases forbincling, 50 cents each -by trail, post paid. Index to Harper's Magaziue, Alphabetical, Anlytienl, and Classified. forvolumea 1 to 60, inclusive;'from June 1950; to June, 1880, one volume, 8vd, Cloth. 94,00. Rem Helices should ,benieae byPgst-Office Money Order or Draught, tq avoid chances of Ioss: Newspapers 'are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of HAnr.> a P' 4,BnoxnERs..,• Adctresti s , H.ARPFL A B4t015tETEe5, New York.. ., . • lilt ere P llh( :lit get Ile ua