HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-3-6, Page 5J. GRIGG,
Wholesale and. Retail
Concert. }Shooting Notch. 1 OAEtx1YAr.,-A Rralhd tsarnivltl was
On Tbu1'sl1.ay ev'lling the concert under i Oa Tueeday of last week, a. friendly shoot- held here on Friday ever*ing, Feb.20.
the auspicee of the Fleeter Fire brigade, head iug-match was hetet to this place between the Rntltvritlt tuildingt rte eittrtsme.ouolueas
in Drew's Hall. was a fair success. In eon. Ailsa Craig and Exeter (Luba. The visiting
sequence of the extreme cold weather erbiett club were victorious, as will be seen by the t'f =118 atIoephat'e, a bar'.;e nember of
pievtiled, the crowd was not as largo as it a follnwiug score :-
would have been. The entertainment was c meet CRAIG.
purely meek) ;doted the selections rendered r (traham---1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1--t►
were choice, The proceeds amounted to about (;twAlingham.-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 19
335 or $.10. Stewart 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0: 1-5
Metewett--1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1"--7
Gose Seasons for Dints. i iiindtnaroh-0 1 1 0 4) 1 1 1 1 1-7
The following schedule o£ the close seasons Tueddie-.0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0--6
for fish in Ontarioduringthe year 188#,which 1 Munroe -0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1. 1--.7
it,sjust been issued py the Department of Drought -0 11. 1. 1 1 0 1 01--7
_li'striue au,' Fisheries, may be of interest :
Pickerel 15th April to 15th Mae ; maskilonge
FANCY ii'1 V ]lith AurMay; to m15th Maytrout
; bass, g th April to
15th May; salmon trout and large grey trout,
1st Nov to 10th Nov ; whitefish, 1st Nov ro
10th Nor; speckled torus, lath Sept to let
i Captured.
_ _. r . ou-table (sill has received worstfrolntlsc-
TEN. (f.1. NTSp41 inlufor first inRettioi., and Port Huron authorities in reference to the
;?'O3 it CENT!,erlineforeach suhsegnt-nt 1n. Partes' who stole the horse awl cutter from the „
,ikai.•,n wntbt el u. for rioticesappesrtnurn vicinity of Exetcr,as was etate,1 in the Tines
this eotuuu . i rutin, weeks a u, 51r Gill teleg aphed them,
giving a d' e-iption of the party. whop° was .
Oder f ,tines.
, arrested Sat:inlav crossing the river. fie is
!� �. . sat present in the heeds of ties authorities
_... _._. - - .. . _.. _--.. ___ - there,
`.R lint SDAs. AIARCli 6 188.1.
LOVA/4 X111:QTS,
ii''a ted --..4 smart, intelligent
lad, about th years old, to learn
hinting. Must have a fair
education. Aptly at this o, ce,
AIAAAn *wits,
ltd aro due Mr G Prouty for loud•
n Council proceedings in proper
for Ilii. week.
'• Ott F,Wmo*y niug test, the tbernenneter
1:teetered at 18? below zero, the oddest of
the moron. Rrozen tooted pests ware prevalent,
crises (wpm.
evlvat serstoes.
Toe educe widow
kiss 1
der.)ble week,
wltth lines
,r leiprt he'd in 1111,
weenies *leapt
Rev Mr 1.'aa-
;rick, less pnrchttaed tho
f .,r W Aiken. )Ir Mk•
ryes this week. We are
w •rt]ty citizen.
s stir again with *moth.
run, %rhioh will take pisoe
%farah. H•t prs,ddieted one for
which o*me very true there.
for the coming one.
., ,.,..---57
Lilber--1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
essaubr:iry-' 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 '1 1 1-7
Bis.et--1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1: 0 1-5
Weaver --1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1-6
Sbersett--1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-3
Lyons ---1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-9
S uel1.1 1 1 0 1 1 1. 1.1 1--9
hunter --1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10
l4rOugIlt - -1 1 1 1 1 1--6
Weaver -0 1 0 0 1 1-3
F,idser-1 1 1 1 1 0--5
personals. Munroe --1 1 o l 1 1-5
%His Lee. of Liman, is at prevent the guest meEl"n-4 0 1 0 1 0-3
Rossenberry -0 0 0 1 1 1-3
Stewa, t-1 1 1 1 0 1-5
(Arnhem -4. 1 1 (1 1 1--5
Curtin _1 1 0 1 1 1..-11
Banter --0 1 1 1 1 1-
thorn- 0 0 1 1 1 11--.1
S►serrrtt--0 0 1 1 1 1-•-1
Yearly --1 1 u 1 0 1-1
ries-31 .arils,
t3hrrlett-1 1 0-2
Curtin --1 0 0-..-1
Eilbet--1 0 0'-1
ltlteree.--.1 0 (1-s1
of lfrs flollsud, Loudon Bond (north).
Mrs Pinole of strattord, formerly of thir
r place. wets le town last week. Wt friends.
Mr ik
Mrs Rothwell. of 4o•1er.ioh, took part
14* the Firemen's concert it► this p ace.
Mr A.11derron. of Neafort1A, is tet pre.'ent p
visiting Afr Jar liwenerton of "Salado"
Miss Louisa trawl -haw, of Seafcrth, was
OM guest cf the Missies llawkshaw of the
Commercial, histwesk.
Mr Geo No on, of Bamiitou, formerly of
111ie place, was .et tots un Taeeday, and pave
tilts oiliest a call.
114'lequeratlers, and spectators were
present. Tun following -prizes wero
awarded;---Beatisedi'•8 costume, Mees.
A. Spatting; Gentle Costume, Mr J.
Quigley; Pettey Skating, Mr, J. Mc
Kvitit, Arlea Craig; Mile rare, 1st G.
Munro, Alenia Craig. 2m1 R. Eaorett.
it[r. Alex. Cameron, of this place,
intends eteo-iiiii a now franca shed
UeX4 blap1111e'.
Blit -n
Wooden, of , ornington, is at
present ri^iting her fiends in this
part of the entutitry.
Mr. C. W. R• Witten of the 1•+t eon
of 131ft1 II sed, intends bullili isr a new
b..uae and A aAying JAl>z bxrus next sum.
bir. W. 11 Cleitivtr1 alas gone in
M •r,treei t • see his meth r and he in
tend'+ going to P it c.i.l,;fade,before
bir Thomas 11-11 of this place, s t1.1
• nst of hie two year nl'l onite f the
hnladsn;u.e sum of $1 60, cash. This
does unit lank like ae if heroes Stere.
d* preciating tit saint'.
Mt. John D. Grabens, wink hats for
the inset fete weskit bran in P,tielev,
tuna rem. tied home with the intention
e'f taking batik to that country, a tool
Mise 13rewn, of Exeter, has for the
past wiles; boon ytaitiug her frieudd
lersx, she line made a cosset Iarable
'1 he ties t oize •,as both by my floater, the number of frtenda 'arnotig the y,.►inft
.t Uusine is melody. s4rosld prise was divided between Lyons and people ut Oda eeetion during her stay
and ho was
vrSnell ; third page was awarded to Shervett ; among them.
Them ices9 a man in nark, onderuns wise, he t
*narkede, whoa he bis price's fourth piers to Curtin ; and fifth divided be -
Al's J,ta blcCollou 11 jr who hast
down he theft ,,lid advertise And when he %ween
Vibe r and 'itnaroe . Exeter will slicer
sew his uses issesssa,with oil hit might *u4 a return Klatch *1 Ailsa Craig, soon.
main he mllrked still lower every price _seed It mttrstllit<
advertised again. Awl when he a4Terts,ted
again his rivals loudly swore. to see folk%.
With 1E100 awd main to patronize hit' Divan our ;tits. Eton s --On S-Our-
Atore. And wehile the/ sat in *olitndo And day mooning let, the ;ad news was
in, the user behind his counter etoa4 and.
raked the slwkele in. Aril while ho raked
the shrkele in endear lire fortune tieing, he
took a goodly lot of tin and kept on ltdvertia-
as. Each Bay a generous sum bled sink.
rstit,uunct•d to fila tirtrabitatlts of Con
rralia and vicinity. %hoe Mr. John
Eos ery, sir., beloved rt'•d clieriyhed by
tael dealeuetrato toll plalu,tate more ate past all who knew hen, had departed from
for priuter'a ink the grantor is ilia RSh . tin's world to bis Inst home in heaven.
.1 W Broderick bas pie esnre in ennouaeiO4*
that be has purchased from Ur Aiken of
Deetwered sae ono ut the eldest in-
habit/tote of Stephen township, beim
86 seers of age and has borne au ex -
Ester, his alien* and teeth Stook of grocor.' o„dent character ; was fttthir of two
(4•1' Settle time bight home from Dakota
vi•ithug her (*hinds, *t.41 her father,
leave, for her home nu the 4th mitt.
We all juin in wishing her a happy BORN.
return. Wazratt8- Ii) Exam, oa tae 98th silk, tate'
Ur. 11. 1a. R st'ilrsou, of this place, wife of lazes ;Yalteua, of a densbtte
harts just returned from the Detroit
Medical Co1le4•e as A full ire tied 1 kfAitRIRD'
right to expect 3livin from that bu:li-
!IeBA or profeseiou, 11e alaain,troduo•
ed and eplained the ati.rnentation
soih!nteuy which the rnluitnttrn -stipend.
of snilliaters is to be fix, -•d et $7.50.
Wo think it is high 41028 that thi8
scheme was adopted for the proper
tuaintenauoe of our rnitijeters and
their families. Nearly all of our pros
fessiottal mea amid rneob.unos have
formed unions and wherries to obtain
A proper support for their labor, ex.
crept those hard•werked and 111 -paid
servants of the public, the school
,estohere, and we think it is surely
their turns, now to basal tl ereselves to-
getnor for their rights, as they reefive
a lower o.,inmereial rahha far their la -
bar, and .h•, time asld tnn•ley spe0t
to 6t
themselves for t1A:' p ,Killon than
any other else of our }it-n.ile.
A tea meeting, !told in ties 1f ,tit')s'1-
1+r elin'-o11. Q'suel B "td ou Wetlnest-
4 iv evening, F•`h. 20:th, proved s great
seecese tlrih'4 a :.•u rho .u.Ht K,tttgrlitle
flail ';'.red to a 1t1,:ttt*te, rot nee ”(4111 of
the bid ,list • of .he r•,a-la. After par-
taking Ite*rtiv •f the iln,'tttoi t e littl-
les of (rra<ud li-'n•; know ster';I l
3.501)*' e, ,i4r. T 1"ti1 is u shit
0a'1 4 (41)04* 14* t,tkel the chair. en
Ilit' honors' wilts Itig newt) grafi
na.e. Uwe. M. ssrs. ^a,trrto+
Slijltnt,, and b1 •, MaA'li•ter str�?lr
the audience. .4NI,Plie en g...aI
was given by .lie utlttir, colnt'o'•e
solely ul local tallest, Mi•n Foltie,
orgent'•t, Two iglus effootiee1v rend-
ered by it1145 'rotunda, and a tiro by
1t utatie Reiihart,Folliv and 14tr, FON-
slid much to'varde the oomtliPti n of
the, evenings enjoyment, The pro-
ceed., together witis the social for the
bso,.,dt of the ahildreu, tttszituniIs l0"
Amertaau doctor. 1[r, Rnbtitson in -1.5"4 tx—Doeoxtr.-04 the 91%t ilii., as,
the residence of the brida'a (ether, lay
tends going bads to the Statee ie about the Rev, It. Y. Thomson, 13 B., Sc.
rt week for the purpose ('f seouri.)g *
ulnae wherein to pr8alice itis skill.
Wo all ]toll') that Mr. Ii'binson niav
be IUC9eeafUl.
test, crockery, glassware, Ave and baling, famdie•, 1+11 4,f whoa) have aealre11 Rt?<lge;trvllte+:
bought the stock at a la 1ryt'ein, tho good; wri
be tittered ata groat 'mace. The anincrib. Rood coo'upatioua. fie has been air
The rel it in the Presbyterial,
sr has also purchased from the City of Brant. ing for dome time, but sin ing the last i P y
ford a bankrupt stock of dry -goods, cloth, leer drive his symptuine became worse.Church Rats taken duan during the
tweeds, bio, Now goods, awl one of the hest
gis remains were interred its the uaat week and dope; o'f inn anttgunt.
tree X54. Snooks the subscriber has ever offered in F irfie d*•'meter a ;iters n ea
f tilr,dniplihas , H..so'1 of Eitote'r. I'itrs at.,ok Isa+s Iutst nrrIceal and S' o i ?' ( more modern pt, e.
Baters.--Sleitrinng splendid and
�s•-- 'veether clear send cold. Cutting and
ii,t 111411 Mounts, or the raw of #IAJOiac u tinne furtfiiftr ails, an =tutiwelsi*veintt
i►uiwal ass tcttl! • a clsnice beast. • ilii � � � . � Cutrstctr, ligttTexsa.--Council met drawing etaw•t,sga and wc•rtd seem is b'
. ,i• i ,l 1 t. ed appearance a doted *gam is a
Ur P Egrtitl u are beta n ekin tbo a Tice stook
kiwi tie i m9 144 f3trdeirtrtie Stallion 7 ape t tii1e{I
"Bettor T 'so erre; Miner et ,
es r 11 fro u our 8atwsltlsy tnat•ttinalo will
, �(t• Liiirt' FAlcorss%peaeetiter�alo4ina-
don't miss a c uoa. mem the a . unroll 8.188,- All turtubera pea set t- the nruer of the jail. Quito * 1 •rue
life Aiken's Old :Rand in Fansoa'11 lock, minutes of taut niHetlu>; zatKuetf, he or (number r4* arts vtday. ante whom
ItioMak, ak, Fxstar
sing tate pan=t few day's, the lovers of Exeter, March 6111, 1884. JW Baonrarctr. Perth meters, Fence viewers and are 1fr. J. Elder a •d family. Mr. J.
ng have hest a grand opportunity of
cat will
Jtrsr BEE
thentbolres. no ie. 1s*e bean in
edition, end largo crowds "oonld
vetting. Itis expected * Oarnl-
soon..; -
--Bast and cheapest lot of
boots and eli s we have as yet seen in town,
is at 0. Eterolt'a. Also band -made work and
repairing done as ueudil. Ilarness of overy
kind alv.aye on htutd,whip., trunks, olsildrens
earniagea., exprese wngises, rte. Call and see.
Thr. Woadtl* m Stook,
The Woodham Steak belonging to the Drew
Estate has been removed to Drew's Block,
*ter, fully assorting the stook here. mak-
ing it templet* iu all departments. Purebas-
ere eau save from 95 to 50 per molt, in mak-
ing their purchases from it. Particulars next
week. Jno.11auton..
In Litt list of 1"t*si1s of the Toronto Normal
Seined. who we've s:uee -4-fol in ter J,enuary
:'x.uutrstions, we !mice the Dann., of Miss
Agnes Henderson, a former teacher in the
Exeter Public School, as haviug seamed n Dave are lenghening.
grade "A" certificate. Miss Henderson n .w School be Ass aro selling at cost, at the Oen-
resides in Oaderich. • tral Dru t Store. 0 Lutz.
-•--- Coming ! Longer clays. Lighter fuel bills.
Accident. B,th welo sine.
On Saturday 25 inst., while Mr Wal Balk- Mistimes has been fairly good in town dur-
will London Boad, (south), was working ih ing the past week.
the cedar swamp, Hay Towu-,hip,he inst with Mr Bobier has cud of White's sliding gate's
taper 0 prii'lfnl accident. While chopping, on exhibition at the lfarket square.
the axe glanced. and gave him a very severe Revs Mr Pascoe and Dickson exchanged
wound, cutting the back joint of the big We pulpits on Sabbath morning last.
an two. flo will bo confined to the house for Mr P Curtin left for Scotland, on Tuesday
Several days from the effects. last. He intends bringing back a choice one. I
-, - Large quantities of Salt is being drawn from
Change of tiusine4s, the Exeter Salt Well
The ficin of Bissett Bros., having been die- Get your spring printing done at tho TtalEs
AVIA bythe retirement of Mr W G Bissett. office. Good samples.
the busiess will be carried on by Messrs G A number of the members of I 0 0 F., vis -
.4; I Bissett:. From tuo intimate knowledge ited Clinton on Tuesday.
;possessed rte,, these gentlemen of the Tinware Mrs Thomas Trivia recoutly purchased a
surd Hardwatro t,acle, they will no doubt meet young parrot, which is of the best kind to be
:lith contiuhv'i eifceess. The retiring gentle- found.
Coen ;;stench confining himself solely to the A number of sleighing parties took advan-
Livery and G, ails busilese. toga of filo excellent sleighing, and visited
_ _ their friends in the country.
entangled in the Halter. Influenza colds are very prevalent in town.
there is scarcely a house, but which isinfect-
OnFriday ov'g last, a horse belonging to oil.
.lir D Spieler, aceide44t3*got his foot entaug- 1 White Bros., aro expected to sing in Exeter
led in. the halter shatfk; while trying to I shortly, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
scratch his head. The anneal was confined of the Methodist Church.
to an ugly position for a long time, and when. An exchange speaks of a man with one
12r Spicer wont to the stable, the horse was gteen and one red eye. Wo believe it ; for
almost cloud. Many hours olapieli before it we have frequently seen men in Exeter with
could bo gut to its feet." The ant4nnlrecover- one black a .d one bine eye.
ed, however. The Wingham•Yidetteat nev< paper recent-
-- ly started in tlnst'town, is really , a credit to
A Day of Thanksgiving. the place., ifr Mitchell is`a pushing young
The Grand Sire, I a 01*'., has issued his man, and will make the,paper still more in
annual nnual circular, calling upon all the lodges to teresting. We wish you success brother:
observe tho 26411 of April as a day of thanks- itev Mr Musgrove, of Seaforih preach -
giving to God for the prosperity of the past ed in the Prehbyterian Church on - Sabbath
year. The Grand'Master's oiroular has been lest. in the. absence ,of silky Mr Martin, who
issued iu accordance therewith. Each year d^ U and
this auniyersaryis being more generally ob.
Served in this nein every other jurisdiction
where Oddfollewship Is established. The re -
nits that have been achieved by -thii "order
'MotorMeettantes'a laattitue.
The follnwin rt of the Mechanic's lel-
is •glow e% from the report of the
of Ed
utstu (Ontario) for be year
1883: timbero tneulbere, 65.
Balance on hand.,.,., 311.85.
Pram Members ................. • ....05.65
Legistrative Oraut.... . ..... 280.00
',Vote( 8357.50
Pound -keepers will he npuointod any
beat desiring any particular= prom td
scot iu said c*paoity will give in on or
before said meeting a petition
eitrned by a majority of the beat or
locality, nametng the person of their
choice if they have not done so al-
Moved and rosalved that the whole
Council bo a deputation to meet Mo
Gillivrav ()outwit %ileo that Reeve,
EXPENDITURE DURING TIIE YEAR. D. Reeve and Clerk be a deputation
For Rent 340.00
" *B solea (purchase of) 165,80 to west a deputation from Hay, in
Works of Fiction (purchase of)....37.10 both canes to investigate the pest
" Miscelt:4neona 620 year's expenditure of the Boundary
Balauco on hand
-109 32 Concessions between said tnuuicipal-
300 Resolved that the Reeve sign the
'"The stun of 11177.s50 was expended after fnllo'vieg ordere, after which the
1st May, 1893, to entitle this Institute to new council adjourned to meet again 00
grant. -� _ first Monday in April :
J.O'ii, n• ke,ovor ohtttge in S.L.$ 5 00
II. Curry, 2 00
T, B iyle,error in dog tax 1 00
G, Brown,00llecting... 85 00
P. Lang, cedar f r culverts 25
G,Brown,over char, 0 011 interest 4 20
Reflectors, order book 1500 ord... 4 00
Beene, livery to Stalelake bridge
on 2ud con 1 00
0. P4*, ATY, Clerk.
Lang rend family, Mestere. Peter anal
Atianry Strain'; 'and Kr. 19. Dougall
are making preparations to leave for
the North west with the party that
are lie leave Hensel! ten Tneeday the
18th incl. We wish them every 5(4e
cess in their new lhumes, and we dean.
ly regret the loss of so many good
Rev. 13*'. Merlin preached in the
Presbyterian Church of this plane last
Sabbath and sp• ko from the following
wards, "Even so bath the Lord or.
(Received too lute for last issue.)
We uudersta•td that Lieutenant
Tom Willie is about to remove from
tits station here .o a larger field of
labor. His place in The Army will
not readily be fillets.
A. Grand Caruiy:et was held here on
Saturday Ev'g Lest, and VI/113 a grand Large
success in evury respect. A great
many skaters it1 004tn4re, as well as a
large number of spectators, were pre-
sent. Some valuable prizes were
Another Grsind0areival was held on
the Rink last Saturday evening, 29th
ult. It was well patronized, and the
prizes given wore of a useful character.
The farmers are tailing advantage
of the good sleighing. and consequent-
ly bringing large quantities of wood
to town. Wood commands a fair
Robert iil®f eren, of Tuokeramlth, to
31esgetet, youngest daughter of Mr.
Wm Dolma% of tray.
1lclseon-'1'cloatso8.---At the residence of the
bride's tether, an the 2ctth ult., by the
Rae. W. Baugh, Mr. bfe etedt to MIK,.
Thompson, second daughter of Mr
Jnu1*a Thomson, all of Daybed.
'aslant St, Marrs, an she 27tH
uit , at the residence of the bride'tt
father, by the Rev. W. 0. Henderson.
M. A , 3. J. Urabbs, of 9t. 'Marys, to
Mary, only daughter of lir. 5. Myers of
the firm of Dutton s9 Myers; Woolen
Maunfactnrers, St. Marys and Strut -
Swrrzsa-Dtexi.r-On the 13t1i ult. , at she
Methodist Parsonage, by the Bov. W. G.
Hendeasou. M. A.. 1e. A. W. Switzer,
'milder, to Metiida, daughter of 1 tr A
Dickey, of Blansherd
Mottee t-Iu Exeter, on the 4th inst., Thetis
Morgan, aged 46 years
Deranueee-1n Usborne, en the 1st inst.
Lily. infant danghter of Bicbard and
Elizabeth Delbridge, aged ono month.
Hester -In Stephen, on the 5th inst.
Letitia Jane Hokey, aged 1 year 2
11*suRv-In Stephen, on the lst hist, John:
Emery, aged 86 years
Mr. J. W. Bebiuson shipped five
very fine young entire horses to the
States Inst week.
darned that they which preach the As a surd remedy for Sick Headache, Sour
Gospel should live of the Gospel" Stomach, Dispepsia,Indigestion,Constipation,
showing that whatever bnsiness or Torpid Livet, Biliousuess,c&-c., no medicine is
profession a man follows, he has a equal to Dr Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. ' ,
25 eents per bottle.
During the Month of February,
Will offer his Stock of
was occupying vaoaneies in Ro gervi o a The bg•w,ir.i aaruuud town is, who
Chiselhnrst Ohurebes.,' ,, killed the pig `?
a The new.Barraokll`is to be built on
weane'nr i a.duty,. Diseaak a= oritne. Uro Mr. Lewis' premises he having pre-
Dr-ildnry Boater's Mandrake Bitters and bo S i the Land to the Major in true-
uring the past sixty-five yetsts,speak volute. cuiett•of all biliousness or liver trouble. 25 den et i
a for its future possibilities. cents will buy a large bottle. of the Salvation Army.
At Alarmingly Low Prices,
._ ---In order to Make room for the
Spring Purchases
-Which will arrive in a short time.
Call and Inspect
vas cOO
And you will bo convinced that OBEAT BARGAINS aro afloat at Carling's.
In the Grocery Department
There will be found a Stook of good, Fresh Groceries,• -purchased from the best markets-
which is largo and well -assorted. Call and be convinced, -