HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-2-28, Page 3tMEHT.j 1 wE HAVE J VST RECEIVED -,-AT THE - GOLDEN MO.RTAR Main -street. ' Maiivstreet. --AT THE - GOLDEN MORTAR, A. complete and «veil -assorted stock of Drugs, : ateut Medicines, „~pones, '„trusses, Should- der Braces, Dye -stuffs, and Druggists' Sundries. Also a Goad Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, STAT .N :1'IIY. Toiliti`and Fancy Articles. Physicians prescriptions, and receipts carefully compounded. taT. W. 2f$ROWZrZbTa. 'x o ? . f:tt'>Etti,tlrtetal. tTa cure consumption, ulceration iu the lungs mist be stopped, the utatter roust bo Uncia tris R inttst"rtti It'1 i:stat +efts 11,1111,s Of(Wit ISLAM) ) $R4S,. i thrown off, the ntembraneez and tissues. ainuer a y.'thg 111':1t named Detest„ I how and the system im igo, (+ted. Downs. t Elixir will do all this. Try it. Ert-a} bottle +', Best was I ll t r t! tk11, E'tt t ee et on 18 1Valkerton by tate IA awil:g open ee bete door. I3 aval4 1.1 into pew; when the doer blew 'to feed '+hhint U8 heed wall such 1( Ie i that t rues, Rill•"ct t'►stavttiv. 1, 1+t kreL•i a tilt gin Mau. thins' 'carat of nee. Mr. 'Upheld McBee, a fru filf'r )Fal Seafortll. hazy b'aui;ut n 1?Itrbaltli bul e if from Win. t,VnitEtt:l.r, of Welling ton 0 utlty, at a good figure. 1I Jtiliu S. Brown, of Si :fel ell, ha also bingllt a hull gulf front the 641114 gentlemen. The la. tear ie o.vnor of a. 200 aura farad and 19 eJAsirion� nF wortdug hitt pelf into a, good crass ot iliorobred furcate Atlanta, On, Feb. 28 As &dailt. are vee/ivtatl of diaaurert; attenuant ur• the win l storm in Ntlrtlt Al:heme fieergia, the Caroli nes, IC"rttamity au; `F'eutteskee Tuesday, the extent of th• Awful vieitati•'f eau be realized 'i'ht „lyra leport,t were understated. Tie C§s n •.en, ri Ery „a Jlnuy Tvatals are Lost eau Otte Gent I.mkcal. _. _ .,_ warrantt'd. '• l would rather eros itbooceantwenty times. at OIL, season goa of the year, than a make one trip from the St. Lawreuue River to Chicago on the lakes,' said Capt. Ira Brown, an olds bake Erie kipper. "Tho annualloss of life and property an tato takes is proportionately very muck greater than itis on the ;1t- 111antie Ocean, and you may always ex. }(+key following the reports of every severe storm. Lake skippers will take risks that would appal the bravest oeean sailor. They will start from port with vessels that are hardly seaworthy is the calmest weather, and more of them are afloat during the most dangerous „wart of the year than fluxing any other time, This is bee -twee the mouths; of October and November are ! the most profitable to vessel owners, cargoes then being plenty and freight rate, higheta r, "Grashiptuente are livelier as the season draws to a close, and every vessel that will float can cornrnaud a cargo. teat to bear of disasters on the great FARMERS' WHITE'S IMPROVES 44 -4 (-1 Ga LA ATTENTION 1 SLIDING GATE. A DRIVE ti AND F. LJ GATE a:dmirc:1 cy ern7 Paa; De:-.sb$ I y tll tom use tiggliYy {epe- 1rsrd Or or alt vet* see Ito reg merit), are 1,113.I81it1'Y C,IQc,F,, CI a. AILD MOOS. e,.,--.,.......,.,,...�•� ,\ 1 t."f J41N.. �. • takes flit no ronrr on the reed or Fidettat. It ap,•ns tkr:n tk: fair -3. It foeks „1.11 and when alt; ed, lacks punt. -1 child via i;eare ,rl l van open and data it fr. ra or horarbael;, or a' t. It is fist oat Of nrcik-r, Exeter Bu.tonex' 8110P fiefaipilit'inca. _._. ie. i �structi+antba! tut tamer eau tuul„r it, It tau be u)adr +•'' i�rtut,tr, ar na•ua:ttin • Ali r:ho Lie* it ad1a111',' it. eat 11, ,sp. 1Cal Whit one linger fort] Wagons. Flug{;it>�, tie, It Lecke ont td the way down tato fent . , taking tip tc., g&etta, Hu tk r saucer. age on pasta, Cau be r *stets and closed 30 tulles z tuinnfe Makes t• sconr. ° 104 .t' R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer i --- t� .:, 1Rtts u; _..._ . Customers supplied TrESD AY S, 'HrRS. DAYS !tau SATI'11D&YS at their :e$ittuee. ORDER LEFT XL' THE SHOP WILL Iii: t'EIVR PROMPT ATTENTION. LA.RDINE 1VIACH nut a lately or pit. A downward pull opens or elo11 a pate of rmy I, n tl Cr t pitta se the 'males Imo a 4(411 Ie rection and always up out of the wave Tito ct: t a,Ifc,;r tater divaty gate is ram ' 1 to 13. I ean furn61t tit . Ln.': na hinge --y t•, hove Price of FARM RIG TS from $5 to $10. can utter see tate. (cite at Centralia and Exeter: and ,wet:re st Fttrm Right. TO Af314-;Nr. ' oils the „tight tf this Patent for JEi CRON t;Qlj'ti'I`]i qr` t E ht gaged and cannot t znsaai tacit Township in the 4'aunte,1 will tell Township Rights at prices that will Puebla the purcha rr to wade wouey at the bu'inwr. 1111 OI l is'c'3 ph $ ,Q fico $20 per ?SIT car4 be MAXIM at Ilya good cauvasser in selling out at Township Riel*t in Farm Right*. Can y-ou metre more at anything else with s Small Capital Invested. 1 mean to sot ea you eau rakes )!ONEY, A Bare Chnauce-Speculation. The st•ilin etuaaJittea of this pate vsnuut be qut'Mtif,ued, Tito Ittvvitt•rr Ives.vinl $60,000 WORTH ALR ADIC-.. . Secure :e Township „tight, and nuke money easily anti reititi! . If you du net. seism" ooe will, and you will bee the chance. can and ser: me, or write for terra., 4. Q. 13033XER, Centralia. For County Bight; iu. Canada write for term* to C. W. JONES, Landau. • lose of life and proper ty within a radia The sajliug season is very abort on the " "7AB�II,jBc a Ti RES1LF R d T D of ltO mi.Ire of Ruck Run. Massa vet; lakb es, as it is late in thea spring before irl {viii aill.at*Rru.u.1, •n,t t;sve thrft Lha ice einbasgQ is remov , and early ttr{ehsn+rry br utis+>w 1,,rrdiu., great, :sixty t rhe7t;r arts livaivu t i1t the winter when it again cloaes nsvt• have been killed. In the viciuia•y a gation. Tato skipper's desire is to t*ke 11 doer 21.4 para, as kat then live. advan ,4aAI 1.)ser r sago of (+tory hour of his tithe,• an $ ii.g been yletcrton. at al' fir. t..diug 4;btW And in Georgia the fataihtse are esti and, notwithstanding the fact that he i' t30H..udlndu.trlRlratrs.too. ilr�a.o.rr *I11 Qa mated at 200,t'l, le math are mortali� liable to be overtaken . at any moment '4rartpriare. and w.dadglnarery lastrtuce. it Cretlild0tl, ZII;$ettl h Car „area► `ZJ tw eft by StQCms Q@ great violence, llgtakes 114 to of dd,; i Orlcaatore{I endrrarra seal aper kWlied,aod i11 NTnrlit Uarolittrt it rs Hat' pr(+caution that will subject bins toe the to clog or stem ta**en4.tnl.olti e'rla Yea n:11 least delay to port a' Tltis r klcs anti property enlisted no interference on-arexarakrctu:n n.a.s isv-� the part, coca, of skippers, tubo are the be largely increased, as news is reoeir parties most iatereeted, until a few IlloCof3.13ros, Qe Co., Toronto i d from scettons with a Mich camrnuni years ago: when a movement was made to have inspectors aiipanted by the ••rttttsat,t: +;r= elation is thfricnit. The loaf of prop t Government to examine the vessels in j;ISSIaT'P ,{lie S . !: flV, . esty ie immense. Whole villages hat the grain trade of tint lakes. But freta J. k�ILi3LIi, tb Strs1. Gre'aliton ; been swept uwny, and pletntatloe14 atm all accounts, therotre still many `Werth. farm. denuded of everything veritable. toss hull=s lilyin; between Oswego and 1cJ3i)NLLLR \VAi3GII. Itenttall •Liv*. ter>slt to {;rear on inhere we{t Chicago. dangers of lake navigation aro fat ,nathtored or maimed so that tip. (+ g„lata Ll A 71 �1TT;1 T 1 I.�1 ! Will have to he killed. �Iuoli vt►luah'e so great that oven the stanchest vessels are fretlueutly unable to escape them. limber was blo,rn down and spliuter Storms sweep over the lakes without ed to such au extant that it wilt be any warning. Tho itloveinber storms on1 wnrlltle-a. in Georgia the pecuniary Lake Erie are frightful, and tbo sailors loss is estimated at $.3,000,000, and depend to a great extent on laud/narks rave money by using that all. Try It had you that 75 vtetim8 are enumerated ec a disregard for life will testify in Its favor. hewer. o! iluittattons. Theca figures show the:aggregate lot of life to have been 1100, tied this wi F in one ` Iv, flan of ��.lab rola it is cauda its guides in navigation. The blinding 8,000,0100 will not „vet. the damage, t sleet that neatly always accompanies t the storms obitteratos these {narks sometimes fordays, and, as the sea room is limited, vessels caught in these storms are in constant danger of going to pieces ' either an the rocky shores or on some of the islands that stud these inland seas. " Lake Ontario's shores are especially menacing to lake craft during storms, but, fortunately, this lake isnot so liable to be swept by gulps as some ot the others in tilfohain. If it vessel heaves to in a storm it is certain to be drifted ashore ; or if it rens down the lake to- ward the St. Lawrence River it is en- dangered by the manly islands that abound there. "Many skippers have wrecked their vessels in the risky effort to main Oswego harbor in a storm. The en- trance to this harbor is very narrow and the vessel that is steered for it and does not make it is almost certain to go to pieces on the rocks under Fort On- tarltf," These are Sobel. The best looc't'uriilor and systereregulater ever placed Within the reach of suffering hu- manity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity t f the Liver, lailioneness,jattudiee, constipation, ;teak kidneys, or any disease of tile nriarny organs,or whoever rogniresan appotizer,tonio or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best anclonly ace tain cure known. They set surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to givicentite satisfaetiou ormoney refunded. Solei at fifty cents a bottle layO. Lutz. 4 CHAPTER II, "Malden,I lass., Feb.1,1880. Gentlemen - "'suffered with attacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until 1 used Hop Bitters. "Toe first bottle Nearly cured me ;" Th' second made me as strong and well as when a child. "And 1 have been so to this day." My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a seriuus "Kidney, liver and urinary complaint. •'Pronotmoedby Boston's beet physioians- ':Ineoreble 1" Seven bottles of your bitterseuredhim and 1 know of the "Lives of eight persons." In my neighborhood that have been saved by yonr bitters, Anci many more are using them with groat benefit. "They almost Do'nriraeles Y" -Mrs. E. D. Slack. Wtkbee. etemWindere7s e A Wldtelreeal Nnnttns tkee�a. imttallougo,daad. eolidgold 112 Cbeapeea and bestforuseorepeouletleapurpoeee. Valuable eatalo;uefree ThomasonaCo. tab ieeeauet.NX um Eb o ° DOWNS' ELIXIR N. H. DOWNS! VEGETABLE EILSARIC ELIX1R. Has stood the test for FIFTY-TM:ED Z YEARS, and has proved itself the best ce remedy known for the cure of rm- Consumption, Coughs, x COIds,Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseasesin young or old. , SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price 250. an $1.OQ per Bottle. 1,_ DOWNS' ELIXIR -"What is a limited monarchy, Johnny ?" "Well, my idea of a limited monarchy is where the ruler don't have much to rule." "Give an example." "Au , example. Lemme .see. Well, f you were bossin' yourself, for ;tame " GREAT REDUCTION I PRICES. t'ht,V hmtiga)rate and restore. to health Debilitated 1,'nustituaiteaaa, mad sari iftvaluaalalc iu :611 c'ainrbeiuta incialtantal to Females of all ages. For rlailtiann :had th-e aa, t+l they are ria;eels RENOWN I) RMEDIES. H�ILOWAY'S PILLS. NOAH FRIED, --OF Till., --- Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a largt' saving on feel, will do until further notice, at the following --rates :- OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG, And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY ce SATURDAY. Are my legit -mar grinding days TERMS : - - Strictly Cash. N. B. -Flour ds Feod sold at a close mar- gin. Don't forget to give us a call NOAH TRIM". Dashwood, Feb'y 7th, '84 New Photograph Studio. PRICE LIST Cabinets Card de Vista : CHILDREN, - $4.00 per dozeu. VIGNETTS, -- ,a ,a i FIGURE, - 8.00 " '1'Wo finished in water co's $1 extra. CHILDREN, VIGNETTS FIGURE, Two finished in • - $ 2.00 per dozen. _ tt tt Si - 1.50 " " water cols 50u extra Pictures to be paid for, when Negative is taken A.N1131-1,0TYPES • 25 Ceutaeach. 10c will be charged for each subject exceeding two, Old Pietutes enlarged for $,1.50, fent] finished in Water Colors for $2,50. Picture Framing amin a Specialty VV. T. JOHNS, Prop. Exeter; Jany. 18th'188.4 THE PILLS tautly the Incoa, earner all i1i:,.ndt•rs of tau • ST0 iTA.CIX, KIDNEYS, AND ,isOWE S. THE OINTMENT Is au infallible remedy fur Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sexes and t'Ieara. it is fatuous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS 01' THE OIIEST 17' I1AS Vt) istfr'AL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Corers. Mumbler Swelliugs. and all takiu die -eases it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it actsliko a charm. The Pills and Ointment tweeted at THOMAS Hoz;owa.'s Establishment, ;+a, NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533. OXFORD -STREET), LONDON : also by nearly every respectable Vendor of 'Medicine, in Boxes and Pats, at is. lid., 2s. Od 4s. tad., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 94. size coutains three times the quantity of tit is IP, size ; the is. 65. size six ; the lis, size sixteen; the 22ssize thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quentity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions aro affixed to each Box and Pot, and ean be has in any language ri Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they aro spurious. ar DISSF TT BRos.y -Take the. lead. - For Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, 8cc.1 Stock complete. Call.