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The Exeter Times, 1884-2-28, Page 2
The(j f r Lr interests Of the company RU£1 of. the t ; Batik country were identical. The slel)rec► c:axs,,rterm0 ss A("r 01? I'ARr astx•ex, 1555. lesion of the country haddestroyed the sti value of the Canadian Paeiflo railway stook, It had keit tmuligra,tiou out teeeit,tt,$2,000,000, nest, $500,000.1 t►t the North -Went, It had prevented Customs revenue in the Nertb-\\ r.rt, ' the i.tivestrtlellt of eitpital iu Manitoba in&ludiug janitnba, of $819 622. l u of the Canadian Pacifio Railway ? In, 1880, the Outstanue t.eceipts isl Mani. i tolla were $279,766,and in the North West Territories. outside, of Mani Whs. $21,850 ; ur a total r, eeiet of nu (3 the Norttt-West, It has .salve'' 188e, the Ouet.,ela reoelpts m Meet - a generalstagnation is ueiu, , n 11 e i over the eouotry--_(tsiteer8)--nor was North-West Territories, $51,755.4)r a • J R,I ¥ut0. a Esq.,- • - V ce- es there any foundation for Ole attacke total of $1,106.856. 10 18tt3. ILQy t LE )a U t, Xitt:. hrrson, AMS! epherd,l s8- span the C'atlxdian P4aclte railway• or had riaen from $297,000, ill 1880, to I 11,— r- trashe""" •' S H r•wiug.Eeti•4 anything in the a;lur try which war $1,764 805 in M,ulitebe. and $68,187 a Zings Vi um . q d .h t allot the enter lu the 'sort 1 West Trillium's , of a • HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL" t b "@ s all toba were Rl 054.601, and 1,11 1 DIRECTORS. \ 'its s 3.T.s rants a 1)rQ a»se _ r . W a ,, , ! Jas E or E R 3f. wayE 5ie aireaiBraxehr q • prise would not be successful. Ho total of $1„882 944::, itt1 1868: Ke e'ut 3f. HtrxTax- Esq.,- - - - Zitepector beta t►:at in 3iauitoba aiono there ' pared wit n 5319 022, u' 1880, II I *sl g lis; to be business E11011 !1 to would be impost:Bile ile fur .av ' evi ieuct i{searet(. 1 B3'ci71-eb-. Iamore shire support the Ctinade Nei to establish mone conclusively shay 11001111 Us,read rata! developmentfl i. -1. l: 1.)11".,.:0V.AN. 3ii'tiA(il•:tt, fie." nowt'. not tae. Aso reader of either the Gl.Ille of :ally o ,antra, C eisetriel t mem tiny :. a. 111 E.1:3 tl. eM .3 tt•,rdyta—bl a.m. tat 1 p.m l .idCertiver tIn)e8S eomi)letely 13-tetleti ' :'0'100 'alien by a Geverienettt, than [tarty:ay T' t1m.) dacha ti" It e, ttst:tbli4k• The total i by party prejudice., will :u too with , amount of dotty c •,t, 0 Pal in 11411ilit•4b.t' Look Out There Bill • 1OAN%TI) F'al,?tE1:ti. ' the atet[ibet' for Lisear, 111 1430i11K that land toe 'ttt1 wo,t Ti ivttt•rtes Outs' • Don't k,t. ek tna over with Ilia" tiled l4unec, [0 Nrit £ 4. east, ^.ileiluy , prtiel:iptiley nJR+,C+#s Dere ar mare, the l •'f'Irtit prPl,a ttl gen IR,1 tol*,QIh(•r . Jo,. oars 1{t, 11351, to D. (I'•tttbl'.r +t, illi; 'tercel of P' urs.' tlfa:v in tin t t n est, trtrote eat , +o') ; eeel>rscr;. No nnJrtgat(erearnredease- n ,nlx ti+1ln es111.1i'e11 i, bail J,FE18 30 b, t 1\ DEPOSITb tl ' tl e' torsi tui it jure the brat von have the sausage ovlt eeee'' t to sleigh) year c" tivertilig a ler er mount of tholes than the tat: year- . r city. wit h all@ Ratf+trnl leader have dose 1830, lea$ $1,831.167 to to that. she; trout! (tett '•n bay s+ il)UC11 11t(st 1 Ck'1ti;` T 1I.LOWb ? t . every nsW t7 their 1 X1;70. t't Era: tub •r 01st. 1810. Snt'i , !stella un ()f 11111 \oral. Wont Terri- 1 a sStert.141.',°..s.,. ts earn batialatand w*1 i„t old. *try. Ii'oue,t4..1 :a'Ite1a.18 arts-ntt.l.t''Iallt,t.9.; _ :,.t) t +-1 t t..a<' n.;.ariztly roortitt d s t :0weet MOW it 1. Itft \:, mites ototcluata8@• 'rho fopaewiuit extr et fron Lilo t f . Chas Tupper, ar deli meat l hole r aomowllat of the t all raid 5tll.iut+t., sl4taWN alis tllllnllnt F b t C' lore fast AS 11. trG1a ,. 1, pre►'Hall',. a! ll In1P+ )„ • Bee nee I set my gooks rir=t.t 14,1110*end dnlr't wear •lits atnl seentl.U1r waist P' • ;ve 1'. • at Ile A !!ileal PitOEE11TY LI1T For „Sa•1e A farm containing fifty acres, situated on 1south half of lot 4, een. l township of 11sborue ; 40 acres Bleared and tlto relnain4orwell timber ed: a<ot- full u •rticulalrs apply to Ctrs, Ann Huxtable on out prenlises. nr at the post OEl3eo Oerttralaa. Fr'ai c5. town, 1' Toll ar3rlll:r--THAT DT,E,SIRA13LE I posite kir. '1 or. t a 2 pricolow. 11 note sold z DPG I days will be leased for a term to party willing 1.0 mate improve/node. Apply to Joan S.l WESIId.W, C'•zumeroial Hotel, Exeter. For Sale t 7.'Ui2 .-:'#ND • t - HALF FBA -BIB 1IOi. cal. eontainiag Gkoo nl s, kitchen and wl,od-slte:l, together with 'ti -fifths of an acre of lantl,planted laitheboieobeari_'g fruit trees. Bora and softwater. flood .Cabo :tp»1y 10 fOSF.P1i 00011) on the oxen see.Qtleon-street !Bewail. or to MANN EL1,10 r. Fxeter. For Sale Teat vuluallafarm.sita1ttteu su +. tut half of i let9. ecu 4, Hoy PJ::us3,it .ct» staining :a scree There is a ga,. frau'e towelling Is x .1 with ttehen14x18• good. frame barn 2,3x30: tratne t:lt,le 1'1x fO. A leo a good orchard %dented with r^::(seta inlet beartap tree,. Land tri sitlentltd couditiun, and roil o1 1140 b, et quality, :)1' acres i.'e fiJt11 +ttlnt1S, 5114.Sin p11s1Ura and th0 1, rlat,ro iu bush. it is 1 tulles froth 1•;seter, and 3 fron, Ilettstf. With sellout ltouse tool eltorelt i of 030110 dirtatlt. Goss water t410 Noir roul01. 114I+1c ti 1a•"tn911e11ouaha1..110y 1'. 0. qtr t•,13. V i'lhot. is eter. '• 11sav look here ----there 'e is shirt J8'1,4l7171'1 'mil o it a u1 p , 1f \ti17o1.t. tvu1C,F has been (; •111•; ;;Is ut I:A: 'PU` l•IIUh' nearly n . tear ego, salad 1's et; blight as nets ;ZOQ BRlc, i 4l:tsai•i•A.l•;INCE Canada .ta1.T411.. -- collected from Caston dues from July 1 •relfio mon ,poly, "41.'1°3 at t 1 W 1t . I'm glad n e , 0 4h PI , r _ i .' ' t ' I SP v t A ,t' ,Ztrtn\ ti.l=EWER* rH1lRspAY VER. 28.1813#. 1st, 1870. to the 99th of June. 18811, prospect of the country bating hand* d but what have ; r•il got lhtwt fi g _ a period of 100 yews, Ind front the over to a 1pauolpar at:t"tueau-1 times; "motile ?" 7 fib. Cort'rf:l' S.4 IRP. 1st of July 18to the stet Decent mole genies—the Oralld Tauuk..a irut was no at BATON . BRCS. agate, and they had just got ' eat resolutions, grant. bar, 1888, la period of tts:. years and alap.1tt.t condo I'aeifio has Monte a ul in 233 ur 30 pirere atf allose fast eokti 1!11 Gaverutu B 1 ysix months. The great ill(:rrnse of but the C;rand Trunk Hasa gauss, fay • „Itlrtiugs. and that is just RHs, tit* bysay to the Canada Pacific R *00, t the .latter period, which can 148111ly b., sticking its A at• into thepeople's 11u.i• ltttneta halt, sof got a lit mr)r(l fm Fig. tray wf loan to the ZTllolk,lt of '18A. N sen is owing to the festal+•tilatlt , f xotnR antearmbt@ c ►,tot, rlipeg Sliftines a 1, lea:Qntit+ut paper neva the GrKnt1 Trunk iar lealuad she herr awl tied b tt major. dean, } 11 thin --that le the estimation it ,ads rot iaante " ity of75 after ane g p f the 0.r. ! Yeti h d 4.100,00.1 Have been car y The undersigned offers tar sale slat well stn- ;rtetltwo showy brickllouse, containing eleven tuonis.oli il)iam•att, near the Exeter Market There Is a gond barn and stable. together with drisiagltnut ahs g004 '1g wu eu3 hen coop curubiutd- T'!te land an, stets nitbree.0ttbsof ,tu acr0,0u ttlticlltttare stns largo nuallex Of choice bearing fruit troos i ow) hard n,t4 coir water. Forparti,ulars apply to 13, f V. Fluor, Exeter, or to JOIE* FE:;\VICE. Pasbwoo41', 0 the country, which followed the rapid . } .r h •alis tl n t'lt. „ — xciltu halal protract to e t t 1 1 At d is all that for spirts and ad tlebttte That the resalntioll erould 11SALE REGISTER. 5f00RtT, !dolwn,10.--Pana Stock. been. c' i1iuy, bless you, no ! 041 mors era of the c ' r,rul" o jea ► ' :,ship '8. the propene of shows"' Marshal than half of it ; but y. ,1 *see titre 1u1ilruatl rtl o t a, ..----- *-,-S#-4 — -- -- -. 1 intake and his followers it: the, haute : A R. ( faxing : carr{' we Hever entente ned a doubt, n (' , f Reform, object t the means of re tl0 iavaug iHt1t the tax flaw fartla:utr wHa4 sats heretofore all 011e I,Jt , ^')R. 111 l4lepheP. Henry F.Ilber. Dante saw the load was neceseary.,1 sue. showed we *mule °Atop —yard vrid.,_ o d 1 Y ' suffer in ttraductive cauntre't to to productive • 4 tat 7 star, and f co,ultret resist t skint. and they would its no of home a web to Sudan, for 8110 Workr 1 sue ' awl iu their opposition to the t 1 i which will suable the uarusa lassoo. no TME POPLAR STAR action 0f the (frtaut flared." ',Crank, who n INT owos the country . praeoa ort i, - e *, That's right. 13111 ; you're a good Over $80,000,000. in attempting , to 1 e,trtpKuy to continue the @ourtluotisatl Hearted afoul 1" • bulldoze the Lxoverntnptltiutnhaud)ng olrIbe road toward cotnptetiou, they 1 over the road to thong, or mballdoaitlg; base •lii(e their opposition to dirt 3. it to its fate, (ltd alt mush ex ally (111(111 t 1'.--rnA a ouster to public oilinioa cause to 013011 the ager of the penton! i of the e,untry to the gilntl3ug 1nn11a +'When 1111' }1');180 rose. 1 arse rniy,whiclt would e4ist not only 111 Ili" l ab',ut to draw its attention for few 1 North Went but in Outrule at well,.aaiaente to the wed tee rapid c•1i1• far all time, if the reaoltlt0u11 were .traction of the 0aund'ta14 P,tcifio not pessod at the Dolninnott 1l tr11 e " itail •v+y lune heti upon Cas Isola, and 1 meat. Though the mai Intl: s -1 feel that tt wilt not be .vla0ung year large as 75 in a housed 19.4 ineiub*'1'a: thea If. instead alft;ivia:} Yalu rue ower , there 1' a certainty that in ape0111+11t'v 't 14tsioull in rotation to that (111e41t0r1 the :fraud Trunk's insoreet demands or toe geuerei publlc s@utilne0t art h h ave t:anaed a ov'erwitplming prepoud re;artt 10 ia, I slt'lutd for a few tilt)- erance of public feeling in ftavar of teems call your attention to figures Ike p -'$tion taken by the galverumAn ; *u,i field which place, 1 think, u1))u in eta'laing by sur ubati.rual railway. a foundation that n ititiug can soaks, to the c01unketion of nllich,ttiecout)try . the evideuce that the progress of Otto. t is Wedged. ':Cite CIeverntuo'It h1tv1' ,ails, u,lder the rapid con ttuotiou of ,lone there duty welt, and wilt receive 411i9 Canadian pacific l:alilway, hes the a.lpt.ort of all Onnediarle f+14' the .tnrpaised anytl)lug that - the most mauls- 811x1 p,8triotio 1tani they hove *ailgniue promoter of the great sande., 'Callen in resisting the outrageous de prise ever could have antioipated. bot' mewls of it tryannical compltuy that toe give you a statement of us etfrcttt would have fe.teued a monopoly of +14)011 the yule of laud in the North. the most galling nature on the people ,Vest, Cor predecessors were eniag- of Ontario. The stand that Sir Sohn ee as actively ad they felt wile 10 the interests of the public service in the Pons promotion of the censtruotion of the °ars'e' " 0auadiao Pacific !Railway. When we entre) succeeded thein we- felt obliged, in ac, Potatoes,perlour ba g ji'otatoeK,per bag ... ... 1 Ap1L31es,por bag nrIed.ipplespr b ... • .,. Geese per ib. ,.. Turkey per lb -„ and Lis noble followers glare taken has Saved °ntarm from IIW'll a men opoly. This will tench General Tay- Ior, Pre -idem of the Grand Trulllr, not to lntetfere too emelt with our •,,,+dance with the opinion we had at. national ur:dertakingn. ways professed, to grapple somewhat ... _ _ .., .....,,-- more vigorously watts that work ; but , . ROSS. we were not %bis. down to the t•tne iTI ?i' tr tlhthat It was in- our power to make this The Loudon Advertiser, of the 22nd contract with the Canadian Pacific inst., devoted a whole colaurll to the E'ailtv'ty, to tall© such euergrtie action abuee of Mr. Rose, the member for as I am glad to know leas been taken by that Oowpauy since it received the Lienar, Manitoba. At the general approval of Parliament. I hold in my election of 1882, Mr Roes was claim, hands a statement showing she ain't ed by the deform Party to be a sup- receivedou account of Donn uion lauds porter of fele. Blake; but at the recon/ homesteads, pre-emptiune, sales, col auization oomeenies, timber, grazing. crude at Ottawa he having independ- minerals and miscellaneous receipts eminent enough to differ with the in 112nuitoba and the North-West Ter - Reform leader, and looking to tee ritories, and 1 asked the Hon. Minis - welfare and interest of the oouutry ter cf the Interior to divide this so as before art voted for the loan of the to show, as far as pnssibte, by 0 ,n • petty, 'vast, the effect upon ahi:l important C.P.R. In the course of his 'peach on question of the contract made with the resolutions moved by Bir. Charles the Oeuadian Pacific Railway. From Tupper, he referred to the way in the 1st July, 1870 to the 80th June. which the Reform press had persist- 1880, ten years, we reoeived from these these services the sum of $847,4211: antsy striven to injure the North-west from the let of July, 1880, to the 81•t as well as the O. P. R., by publishing December, 1888, we received $3,572, - statements about the country, which 836, giving the welt palpable evi- ls were without founation. In the fol dance possible to be given of the;effoct of the Nom h. lowing extract he deals with the Ro We err'itorieos of theteorari do'n t rue• form papers, and the Opposition :•-- tion of the Canadian Paoifio Railway, "Now,a certain portiou of the press There is due during the next three and the opponents of the Canadiau years oil pre-emptions, sines 1880, in, \ii acific rnllway had worked in har- addition to the $3,572,886 re3elved ony in depreetat ug the lauds of the silica the let of July, 1880.''uo leas orth-West, The former had abused than $4,898.070. It would be lln• e North-West,' the latter had col uoeeiblefor rue to give to' the House ered that abuse and published it in more striking, more 'iuoontrovertible nelaud. The result had been dis- astrous not only to the Canadian oific railway, but to the North-West' • welt and the people living there. Ldid not be'.ieve that the abuse in i , ,,,, Web certain persons had indulged re - /larding the country would have been ludulged in: had it not been that the New 1: t, Yee sir, mud I got her it dotr(a. Overcoatincs, garden print, tool What do you think '! that :) But good bye. Go snot pest that letter of yenta, a11d don't forger j to call at i ANTORANTON BROS. Dress; Good and Clothier Ile z1 METER, 1t, ONT. to mu L t' 1 r O131r1`M TUNISON'S Suitings: Coatings. Trowseriugs. W. GRIGG'S. ¥ARECRT REFORMS. %corrected x13 o'cl(rek p.1at. W1.4111Qh4to•,' Lr1tr.AT t\/1tite woes t tted Whitt tV1'cut Note ... lied Wheat New t'ifo entad barley tads Clover riee1 Timothy •arrtl)it: WREST Ducks per pr Chickens per lar Flogs, h•essetlper/00 .` eef Rides rouhg, " dressed... ,., .. 3heopskins,tacis ... Calfskin! Wool per lb ... . . day porton 3)utonsnerbusy' Wood per cord 3 New & Superior Canada, Daps & Charts Art patina+ no any agency 114 the world. For ' , fall p ;Aleft lats. ft( e,11d1 11 4, 0. 4'. Ttt iZS0 N , Map Publisher. 4-3.t,,l.ondon,rant. 4 Ole, to 1 OR O70to0to 0 75 to 0 ;1) ;! 1333 to 31 31 1 05 to 1 IO 0 15 to 0 52 U:30to031 -1 50 to 700 140 to 200 0 (15 t0 0 70 0 ei to 0 to O 20 to C 22 G 131 to 0 18 506 toy OU 075 to080 0 70 to 0 75 005+0008 005 to 06 007 to008 050 to0U1, 025 to03U 700 to 750 ,00to000 5 00 to 0 00 6 50 to 6 75 090 to 100 050 to000 019 to 022 700 to 8 00 000 to 075 300 to 350 Live Stock Market. MONTREAL, FEB., 25. --The receipts of cattle at the market to -day were 220 heads, and prices were rather etas• ler than at the previous market. The hest quality offered brought from 5 to 5c. and second quality, 4 to 4o, per ib. live weight. Sheep are scarce, only:100 being uu sale. A lot of 47 en average weigh of 100 lbs., sold at 5o. per Ib , and a smaller lot of better quality bought 51o, Hoge were in demand at $6f- to 60 per ib., live weight. The British ('rain Trade. LoNno8, FEB. 25. 'Che Burk Lana Express' weekly review of the British grain trade- says :—Wheat shows sigus of active growth. The consump- tion of breot?stuffa continue„ 'srultll Fine native wheats are soa:ue and' firm. Flour is dull. Foreigu w heat is unimproved and receipts small In cargoes off coast there was rather more business. Eight cargoes arrived; evidence of the effeot upon - the de seven were sold, two withdraws and 1 Io moot and 'oanstrurtion of t e one remain. oroargoes on pNseage ve p h F Canadian Pacific Railway, than that and fo.i shipment tnere was tlitle in- furnished by the statement I have just submitted. " Then, if you turn to the .Department of Customs, what is the effect shown there aeon the trade of that country b the ra id construction quiry. Sales of English wheat for the past week, 58,198 qts a 86 11d per quarter, against 48.268 qurs at 41s 6d for the correspondiog Week of last year. ATS ttLliNN A. CO.. On Se/ENT l( ,tirertrr.(x, eons tineotonet a:1:,oiicitors for P. mans, (caveats Trade Marks, Copyrights, fur the t) rated States, Granada, England,1Nreuee, Oel'runnY. eta. Band Reek about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience. 1'atcnfs(.bfained thronelikiUNN b CO. aro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC .t V EltICAni the largest, beet, and most widely circulated scientific p.per. 13.20 year. Weekly. Solemn() engravings and interesting ins formation. sent Specimen rreess MI11NN & 00 USc NTiiiE Ai(o1uoAS 0(1100, 261 Broadway, Now X'ork. Z salth is Wealth. TAN'1'laD,—A BOY ABOUT 18 ye(Irn 0441 to learn i'ltotogrspphiir. Ont;. who uuderstandwboat 8881t811 anti Oen*art. .1pelyto W. 17.J011NS, Exeter North. "tart+ I.t1Kt'. A 47f) dollar noie calx ur Montt the lot of Nov ti18a All parries are cautioned agaitretcnsbinil rue same. 4011N \WAPPLE;V Stephen, Feb. 7, 1061. Notice. Charles \a. Burdon i8 i Ito WO' VOttUOCted With ales Motuel Ctulowin,,,,t 08 Marriage and Noma Au'OCiatiiw. Asti i . rtlieble Agents wanted for k #stet, lode e4, Witalbaus anti Kincardine• 11. N• .... _. IX. `loo .•Tress. Latu4op, Ont. Jau'y 17, '134 I CURE FITS 3rhr0 t.wrann,44,I . (mean 1ivrtn, inia t ,',t ar o1• .e and then Oar ttcalt,non oz.tln I rut s ars•'!• cal cure. t hate matte, the d.•ea*e or I"1?S. 11171.11!,,\ or TALT.1N0?;TCE' 11" 418. long PUMP 3 WOrrv,t tai intorno 10 euro Mu worst costa. 1laan10 Ottani 11 3.' :SRN l,;nn:tir flr itat Il'werrretsin5ocurt. halide•. once 10 a tretala0 sun v. Pion bottle et rue lnt.11n,t, t t ranr ;.•e Exerts and rest (3:CCp is c.: rut S',nt 111111,13E t r n trial, and I ,.IR curs Tau. masts.* On. It G. ROOT. 5,;: ro.tl at.. IC.'w Verb. NWT SNTEI)••-1feit and ROAR It to 3(1(1(8 now Iry ' btrr;inows at them tootles.. cantly teamed in no haul Nnpeddlilrg Ten vents to 50 cents 401 hour tatele daytitut+ or owning Send teal sent,! for ItsSamples r0 commence %cotton. A,41'reaa11 11 PAY. Rutland. Vermont TO .ADVERTISERS -- •Lowet'.t Rub s for ad. vert-lsing to 070 gond n"trr:llta•ers free. An 4re+E, (t1:t1.1.'.1;0WI8LT, .8((3.111 Sprat:we t:'!.V. SUMPTI"034 111,.,' litanitt.a moray tor Eli, l.n1t Il. .- .1,4.:5 'AP ti.,.t,..we9 01191.,113•,1 th4 w••1M kU i u I o7 :•• „tantl,ng llnva Nicotined. ha to+t. •e 5tr na 1 r a rii .0 n. .'airmen that l ,t ill s. n 1 T+CU 1401 , 1.4 ,.Eelber with a VA TATAUI.ErsE4T1SEl p tl uMr, briny sun:4mr. Etre !t1pn'lvand Alt, 1'. A. S1.0101, tot Pearl 5.., M 4.4k. 3)!,. (8 O. WesT's NERVE AND BRAIN 'MEWL. nn:NT, a guaranteed specific for flveteria, Die - Convulsions, Fite, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, \Vakefulneegpy ]Mental Depression, Softening of the brain,rol3111ting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Primature 018 Age, Barrenness, Lose of Power in eithot sex, Involuntary Looses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by overexertion of the Untie, self-abuse and over -indulgence. One box will euro recent cases. Each box oontaius one month's treatment. One $ollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; eentby mailgprepaid on eeeipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to AUTO any case. With each order received for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect s out e. Guarantees issued only by J.W. BR(4WNINt>r, Sole Anent for Exeter. Ontario THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASH,. DOOR, and RIND PQM! ALL KINDS OF J R NINC Done to order. Remember the place. Elver ,st I!o'clsard. STATION -87. The Marriage Looking Glass Tor EA ery 3Iarrietl Couple. While it will hi1r,* no single man or cvculan to read tltia peculiar book, yet to all who for the first time enter the married state it is simply aNECE$SITY. They must have 11 nor can 111e contents be given here, but it is enough to Bay the book contains all the sec- rets relating to iamb married couples. Others who order it will have to bear the cunsequen- oes,asiris only Intended for those who wish to know how to `,ass after the knot is lied. ..verysucn couple should have it, and as it costa o_ly a paltry 25 cents, or 3 for 50, ate. Every one can have it by rowitting stamps or silver and this slip to A W KINNEY, Yarmouth, Nova. Scotia WATCI ES . Cloaks sad Jalccry e R. HICKS Has opened out a JEWELIVir STORE Opposite 14Ir. Jas. Pickard's Establisbm'ent. A call solicited. . Repairing a Specialty. R. HIOKKS; Exeter, Ont. f