HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 597, 1880 tB14I SGROC1HRY szz Fresh s and """`' e1 abbe. THE IMIS STAR G szczo Fresh and y' _ e is l , All kinds of Vegetable and Agricul tura Seeds of the vele best quality',' direct from Importers, at noel. l ~4Y ixaS-Wtll�w,W,•W4L pLY 1ud �'VC YAL 1: wianAT. White Wheat Scute .,, ... ... 1 luta) 1 11 HenaNO w1tna1 Irif,. • 1 Into to t 10 Chaff " 1 es t:, 1 io Barley ., a 45 4•0 ( 15 Iasi(; ,.. ... n 34 to +' 4r, ( lever Heed ...................... .... i 00 40 ti 1 .. 0 ',R to (10 tter Flour porl.bl, .. 4nn1 per oe.l; ),r. 1.... tic , ..,,Lie.., 1 per tee 1':ln 1.11 .. cb'e.re '1 .. ,heepskw•('((eb ... line pm: boa ()Mods per nush \Vo(•Lper iI. Turkeys p •el'a' q Lucke, utas a 111• .................................. U 10 to 0 el) 1 into' 12 ... () Di) ro 4) 01) tl pito 013 • ro ter 56 g11�T,DYtV+ near peed t the Poit- �J.It)1 (1n �1 .!L .a. Y.il.,ts. 7 n.'s, "'1=ster r lart4 CO1'TRACTS. 71) to 1er rhastral ('.neral will be )'• r lved at 1.) tll�vn. 0 P7.•yO n 07 nut.' Noon on 1'1(10.1] J1th JUNE, , .1810) for the • b no to : ro e,(11l0 muco nr Ilei i\fui(.'.(y's 1)1111(1,011 a p1np6R0cl .1 U(i+a(' 5 no 0';i,4,cot for four year", a. under, 0a and from • 0 nn:•!,m 7 cin the l..c J ily 0 (o) 40 7 tet n)lswr s 75 to 1 50 Ilnrnl,h an(1• 1'1e, tr. yt , (l y. t..10 on Centralia ;tent h•11•oot.), daily, by way of Dash- _ n '(l t, 0 7.1 wood, til.'. a i(1( l t're(t.too. ... 111 an 0 10 Parkhill et r i 'i lr,q'ta, dahy, and fort Pranks 0 0,1 y,1 and Tlledio'h t.7 -weed. ly. to 17 t, Po))t anot,(c('Recnonrn • forth( rinfo••nultinn ) 01 4." '4 411 (04 to cuuti(tiune of Lnv():,.,otl u,,truet• may be 41(•411 1 1.10.1 Wank forms of 't•e'tarr alit Y bt' nbta{heel at the i'0nt tlhllcos 400 we• oil lel e(t.1lnli (.t lily olein, li11..1317i1'ul t;ll.lbl'1�, 1'ast dude( Inspector's Oillee, J ouo..1>, J1: 41 .'1'rj), ST.:II A1t1':3 • 1•':111 when t. pm. i,n to/ ........................ 1 11 ro 1 00 kjo S"q 411)t. .....:.:......... ... 1 14 to l 1)) berl...... a•, 1;1.M '1'0t 1 t0 i':t% 11 ld ........ et1 to 0 in 0 M j� /�� I s,inn•do:;i+ .....• ........................4 etul)Iwl (✓�I/GiCt f1�1� 1 CtL��i n 1 lilacsp^rlto 4 ;u to I) 0n ----_ • r.,,,e.i1 hoe,. e"h;),• a i to.fl 5 oa Tenders for Rollin„ Stook ';e.•e(4 ekim: 1 Uu to 2 no Wand per cord 2 fill to 2 75 ............ ell to ,I e:, ••-•.y.• 1 n'r r 14) to ll( i 1 o• ° i aJiwy r 1ENDETtS are ir,vite(1 fnr furnishing .,..- tele Iin11 nr St.i•reg(lireto be delivered "'• on the Cnunduul I'I1 utile It tihvay, W1t11111 t11ttlieXt DOr t --r •, e 1 Al) rt r�v f.1ln' y6(Irs,ea,)11,1'7�11rR tt)0 (l,'.lirery to Daub year DO 11- N o-1.. ±"UiJ ;.7 orahnllttho fniiuw(u).1.z:- 20 Lonolmative 1,n ;Inas 1 ; 10 First -eines Cars (a proportion being el'+opers) axing (•!'eolYeel r1 lot of now mnach nei' .I I0 heC0n(1.010 n Oars, tin, would i)l:,,r)n the farmers of the sur- 11 1,..pr•ss ami bogo,it,o ears 1•a)1101i'17 t.nintd',y'that 1nhhl prepared to ma)111- 242 Postetliand Rilaok{ng ear) 1n lip x I' 1•(1„11( 41:,1.41 flictnre ell ki(isle of:11orse flakes„ Barley 10n'teatva1( takes, (:groin (;r:l,ilos, S'ihtthi, etc, 04.1 having 2 V (11. Ploughs ')r,0Urell t` r.' s.•rvi.'o: of a first-class Turner, `•'• tinnw l'1(n)bhs rs 1 a)1( )rep:trod to d.1,) '2 1. az r:ea 1 t Y 7r II i 40 Hand caro -AL1.. liiN I )il 0 ? T 4 Ibi\ i G TTrt•: wn0L'4 To ^,T1 1iA':itrx TL"SrD T`: Trot I)o7UT\nnCI411't'ANAD.t anti leliv4"e,i on the Caan;- c•)1 the shortest 11)) 1' e, and for E+..1'31'. and pries: 'ia(1'acin • ltailws.vat Fort William, or i11 td..e I defy c,unl i'tition. Always oh.. 11)01tl a first- 1'rovin0e of Si11nitoh,t. g4.(,44spiel: of fork- alhl Shovel 'dandles. Mill Drawing, specifications and other Information 7 may be had on a•)pll.'ation at the office of the Lt(f tt lull° souidi of 1;teter, 1•:i1Fiueor-(r:-Clic(, at Oit iwa, ou and after the A. CQT1l LL" nth day i illbuts111,1 tel by the utuler•i"sednp to noun of THLTI18i).AY, the 1st day of JULY next. By order, P. Bite Al*N, Secretary. Dup.411 rsyr op 11AIL4TA'' AND CAI1di.). 1'411410041 41111'o11..1.t741. f WE:MON ?kAB OR. Tt�, HUM 1'LII;13Y'S 4n k+i�a: l�%V 41 U S.EJiia CUi. n These r.preparatinns aro arranged t0 cure ';•+er, dist tl-('(1 .'onditi,.0 which it is propel for .f1m11oir or ;molly to treat. Hundreds of phials .old monthly. Cali for List and Manual. I'E PY"S GO:IiJION SENSE Horse &Cattle Medicine -8 File only scientific preparation in the lnalket. ROCK CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. 'The best fold cheapest in the market-5cl. tiiicaily fitted. IV t r.s ori 1 ICIIAnosox's PEnrEe•r1P.n utter Color 10 cents worth warranted to give alien dan- delion color to 51) lbs. butter. lac. worth is sufficient for 300 lbs. Sign of the Golden 1'Iortar, Exeter. AUCTION SALE --OF-- Hotel Property IN iD.444.1V7OO'D TND1i,I'L AND BY VIRTUE or A POWER l + of Sale contained in a certain 11Iortl:age which will be produced on the day of sale, ?nacre by Henry Orth and his wife, who joined tp ibar dower, default having been matte in pay- miut thereof, there will bo sold by Public AucLion AT r(ToaANNN's I3o'.tEla IN THE VILLAGE 0111 DASHWOOD ON Tuesday, the First Day of June A. D. 1880, At Two o'C1oelt is the Afternoon, the following lands and (promises tlloriu oom- prised, viz : Villago lots 1 and 2 in Froid'e Sravoy of l)ash- woo.l,00utailiing�5 2.5 acres of land ,aud the west cuId of the south half of the south half of lot ^:1: in the South I3onnclary Concession of Hay Township. containing 5 a0res of land more or less, The above is a valuable property and is well located. Sale will ,he on terns to snit pur- chasers and which will bo made .known on the day of sale or upon previous application to the undersigned. JAllft3S 11. BENSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Seafortb, Out. 1latod •I iLly 1Itb,188D. Grenville Cara 1,atta wa River NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. C1EALE;) TENDERS, Ancltraacvi to 1� tato undelri„tied (Snerotal;v of Railways and Canal;), and endorsed"Tenders for \Vorks,tlren- ville (hlnal," will be received at this office until the arrival of the Eastern mud Western. 11111115 on Thursday, the ;31•(1 tiny of .Tune next, +01 the con- struction or two Lift Locks and other 'works tit Groeco'sPe•lot, orlower entrance of the Grenville (11(11(11, A slap of the locality', together with pians and specifications of theworks to be done,oc.n be scan at this ollle°, omelet the resident Engineer's nitl.le, Grenville, 0n if nil atter Thursday, the 20th iii?,y, instant, at either of which place) printed Jones of Tender eau be obtained. Contractors are requested to hew. in mind that tenders will not be considered n.11(ess'.lade strieto 1y {u sem (lanes with the printed forms, and—int the case of liths--earept there are attached the actual signa-ures, toe linter., of tho occupation au,l residence of each member of the same; and further , an accepted bank cheque for the Ri1111 of ;'•3,(100 must r10Canll;alny the tender, which shell shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for t11e works tit the rates and. en the terms stated in the rifer submitted. The cheque talus soot in will be returned to the respective parties whine tenders (bonne accepted Perr the duo fulfihnentof tho contract the parks, or parties whose tender luny he accepted will he requited to mance a depodt equal to 1'1Vi twat omit,of thobulk sum of toe contract within exuht clays after the date of the notification. The sum (sunt in with the Tenc.or will be considered a part of the deposit. Ninety per cent only of the =ogress estimates will ho haul until the completion of the work. This Department does no, howevor, bind itself to aceepttile lowest or any tender. 13y order, I)opt. of 1tniiways 4: Canals, Ottawa, 13t)1May ,iHsl 1 I”, BllATm, bemetary: Welland Canal. NOTICE TO MACHINIST CONTRACTORS QEALBD TENDERS a,(itlreHsed to ). tho undersigned (Secretary of Hallways and (lanals) and onrlor••ecl " Tonder ror Lock Grates, 'Welland. Canal," will he received at this ufdmeo until the arrival or the Ilasterrl and Western mails net T}[tTI r1T) AY, the 3rd day of JU N t, next, for the construction of gstos, and the necessary mach ism y connected with thorn, for the now looks on the Wellaliet Canal, Plans, Specifications and General conditions eau be seen at this of)loo nal raid alter'1'HiTItS- I)AY, the 20t11 nay (.f MAX Inc tt, where forma of tender can also bo obtained, Parties tendering cure oxpeatecl to provide the CATARI it t CATARRH 11 USE The grog( Sierra Nevada Sinein•. 00.77,901 11d Mao (hlypositive °twofer Catarrh yet discovered. TATE 4441),7.) 1)q C. h(1T ' 4 CENTRAL DRUG ST()RIi. V1T. LSY1I'i'.U, General Agent, .4rkoua, Out. WELL1AN D CANAL, NOTICE TO BRID(i1il BUILDEIRS, QEALED TENDERS n+lilrooeect to L thn 11004rvinned(Secretary of 'Railways andC)auals)andendorsed '1'. -idler for Bridges, Wel- land Canal," will b', received at this orrice until the arriv„1ofthe 1, estern mails, oil it:.ral7AY, r11 4.1 111111)A.YCk' T1ry,.-: next, for tile cot tine of swing and statl0nery budges at various places on the line of the wre11,11 11 (`((11411. These 101 hlg11wa1B aro to be a• combine tinerot 11011 ilml wood., and thtose for railway purposes tiro to be of iirel7, 1'bins,sp('cinenci0us slid ttennral oils. can be Row! n1 tl(is oilice')n and r1t:'1. 11 ()N 1)d.\1.31)tt day of MAY next, 801100.i forums of Ten,let can also be obtained.. 1'01'ties tcnil('ring en exported t•n phew (a pro c.„ ties]. knowledge of Mol k,. of this 1111(x., r n• L (11" re- 11,ltnty .i to bear tr inhewers teat will lust ba worn lcred unless bade strictly 111 n(•ror(lanco with the printed forms, 141,1 --in the wise of 4r1us --except there are attached the a0tnU si1111"t)11'es the nature ni the o0anpatioa, ,tn(t To l (nee of each of the same ; and fm•th'r un ((c- (- peril Maul( ch" quo for it stun ellen l t ::.n for each bridge for which an oiler is made. most ac- company each teoller,which soul shall be f.veleit• 114 ii the party tendering (1(xa1tl4)) entering into contract lar the world '(t. the rates and un toe t' rns 51%40,1 the offe0 slulm)ittea. The cheque thus sent in hill i'.% returned to the 1 estlua tive p 1 mien Whose tellde0s are Ila( ,,0et•), • eel" - For the due fulfilment of the contract, the party nr parties whose tender It iv proposed to (leve)(. will be nntitled that their tender is aeee),t•ad suu- jeot to a deposit of fire percent of the Milk `:11th 111 the hunt-l'acm-^of 10(1(4131 t)n3 e11111 sent in Math the tinder will be considered a part- to be dep(•nited to the credit of ti)Allecelvel-(. )'neral within vi,,ht delhs after t'u• date of the notie,,, Ninety per coot only of (11,,1'1">'('s 0,tfmatos will be mud until the completion of the work. Tilis.f)epcuto'uut Quo,, not, however, Lind itself .to accept tliu lowest 001100 tot(te)r. By order, I BILVC' T, Sec,•( tar); Dept ofRai7w'vs and Onus Is, Ottawa...4th •%1 arch, 1,143,. tit HE S A L L. n 2 1 1 y, '°'..-ry 1.1115.,311!t FURNITURE ROOMS. lliiy- go abroad for vont•Furniture when you can get Better Value for your looney ie Hensall. JAZ'. CO O H .127. having bought on t the furniture Tins ineeF of Mfr 0.3a•irb11ir11, and mailed largely to the stuck is enabled to offer furniture. at very lo" prises. My Undertaking Uel' (1tui eat will be found su- perior to any 1n this section, having just received a lame addition of all kinds of undertaking goods. A fust -class hearse will hit furnished for funerals on reasonable terms. Also agent for the Wauxe0 I' and New Turk Singer SowingMachine. JAS. COXWOI1TII. This great nnnnchold 3foclicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. '.'hose 11011nile Hilts purify the 1.3 Noon, and ail most powerfully yet soothingly on the Liver, $tolnacli, Kidneys, and 33-owols, giving tone, energy ane. vigor to tlleso great main springy of life. '.'hey' are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy special tools necessary for, and to have a. practical in all oaf e% whore the constitntian,florn whatever knowledge of works of th'.s class, end are segue, t- cause, has become impaired or weakened. Thoy ed to hear in mind thee teu(tors will not be 0011- aro ovanderfnlly 3111011AI-0" i11 all ainnents ivoi. RidereC111(110)5 n1ltd0 Strictly' ill a6001'dance with mental to females of all age; 11110. 119 a )(1101 al the printed forms, and—in the case of tlrtns--ex 'Family medicine are nnettr1a.sod. cei't there are attached the actual signature (,tho nature of the occupation. awl residence of each member of the saute; and, further, an accepted 41x1 k Cheque f01 a sn111 equal t0 4111110, for the gates of 01101) lock must aeoonlpany emelt tender, wit Mil sum shall be forfeited if the party tonc:orillg de- clines ontoring into contra et for tho work at the treacles edlnt rates anti on the terstated in. the offer submit - 'rhe Cheque thus sent in will be returned to t 1n respe1tive parties whose tenders are not ac- cepted. For the duo fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is proposed to accept w111 be notified that their tender is Elecle1:1(11 situ- - joot to a deposit office tier cent of the bulb out. of the contract—of wdieh the sow sent in with the tender will bo considered a 11ti,rt—to be deposited 1 to We 6reait of the Itocoiver{+eneral Within olplrt doPs'aftei the date of thenotice. Ninety per 00ntonly of the progress estimates will be paid vut{1 elle completion of tho work. This Department Loos not, howevor, bind itself to accept the lowest er any tender, By order, • r BBAUN, Secretary, Dept of Railways 8nt1 Canals, ' Ottawa, Loth nlarch,1600, td witit m >,f1v y+,.'d..1..! .. ,n�, CA ,t Ifs searching and Ileal eg properties aro known throughout the hro01(1. For the mire of he d lag4,bad breasts. om wennds Bores sawn:leers, itis an infallible remedy. if offectually rubber( on the nook and chest, as salt into moat,it 011 res are throat; 0ronotlitis,(longhs Colds, and oven Asthma, Per Glandular Bwel- lings, Ahce'sses, Pilon Fistulas. (+out Rheum tisnl and every kind of Ski Disease, it has never been known to fail. ThePiils and Ointment amnion• uftictnrocl only at 53s O)IF0111) STEET. I.0N1)0N, Atirl aro sold by all Vendors of )Todd. nines through. out the civilized world; wieli directions i11 almost every language. The '1'ra de ittarks of these Afed{6iuos Are milts- tered to Ottawa, Hence, any one in the British Post(ossious,wllo ma yq )seep the American 001111• gerfeits for sale, wilt be prosecuted, +'' Furehnsere should look to the Label on the r• t+;and Voxes, If the address is not 1133, Oxford Struet Loudon, the7 aro litturiols NEW STA. I would acquaint my etlatnrrters that I havo re- moved my FOJ. UII0IOE Family Groceries FRESH FJour & Fe d Galion and Fisld Seeds, D11,1111086 .t0 W. II. TBOTT'Fi OLD STAND, Throe 3.)oo"> south of tho Vest(1#li'e, and. has opel;e(t out a eholou stook 01 .roah 1'LOWEli, FIELD AND CARDI':N 51111115. i Floor and Need doliverod free of charge. ):rOMI,T AND ORA NOES AND LEMONS TIDY �-. A. Hyn d m. ate. 1ANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. THE' CiA.NA.DA. COMPANY'S Lam' 1 Sale. Ill order to meet the rre4ent di l.rer.r ien.tho reve do C(:n'renv offer fir sale or lease, en easy terms !elle( in eerie ill vel ea T REDUCED PRICES, All thei, T,nal1R ro-cletilnacl or bnnoittte,l by the" Lake Harwell Dr(lin'lgo Works," d.1) the Township of T.osangaet, atepllcu anditfd(:iIUivray,fn the Counties of Lawbton, anion and hibldlesex tespoct I ely. Lists of Lands slut y l.e ontaiuerl, AA plans of the Lots may be seen, On ani llcatiell to ;17,'1'. John Bp) Menu, Exeter, .,1r. (1••,.t•);c %V. Holwell, of the " flolr.eii .inh,a," \3'ith1::r Station, G. 1. 1railw-:y, or to :ir. John 1t'oll ].tie, of (10,111,1 11u,,t(. ror lists, price's, l0"10. nr '.(1101• information. apply tm tie) Commissioners, ('ruld an ('m, ;,ally, T6rentn. G. W. Ai,L,tN, 11. 2+1.31101, 41':1'1(', Conned. stoners. Canada Conium iy's t'IDces, :May 20, 16150. Stn • i..t-r -•r{•1. y-)^jl' ill t -L__1A-Y...r, .._l. Just received:a choice supply or FT tV ER PLANTS & SEEDS Call and see olein. Golcl and Silver Fish for sale. Pere Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. W. B. SELLEY, Prop. VI.:. L A . DREW P U R N ITURE DEALER TIaving been drawn into the Furniture Line by deceitfulness and falsehood is compelled to continue the bu.riuess, and 1S PREPARED TC SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. An examination of my large stock, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and n nolnparisr•n of my prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I some. Every Article ,].larked Down to the Very Lower( Figure. nave male arrangements to purchase a Now Hearse, which will be really shortly. Coiling. Shrouds and all Undertaking Material nu hated. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems constantly in stock. Be sure to give me a call, and I will make it to your advantage to buy your Furniture from me. 1t(tmember the place—north of Mois0ns Dank. M. W . JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXE T GROCERY AND I.:IQUOR ;STORE, • A LA11.GE STOCK 0%' GREEN, JAPAN, NOT.UNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, ' EMSINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED P1IUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, I3ITTEII SAUCII AND 1'toitLl1s, I3tbMTnl7 S. GINS, WINES ANl'1 SYRUPS, RYE, VAL SCOTCH, IILISFT AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. er. A, Ail .A.OE Fain Street,Exetor,