HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-05-21, Page 7s
.Roy Notlol.
Enterti4 accardin to Act of Parliament by `Geri' e J.McLeodw
Limited, King St. West Toronto, at the Dept. of 'Agriculture.
(COntiaiuedl ."phis . Meredith," he said,, "sa►ys
Pr+ett taiutigh.1t,ck,�1s>t't it?" . , t at any man here who has no money
They and themselves confronted with him. can Aga what he wants to
:by the doctor who had 'turned at the 'give on, as piece of papier and, that, she
sound of their voices• as they surn- .will accept it as site would a s
ed conversation, r oheck and forward the 'rash.
"We , just learned, of . it." remit . on' pay -+fay the man . +eau come and:
snswe'redS "and know 'scaicoly any -
his.l'aper pled>�;ans,"
thingwhatever of lt', etave what we 'I'he Wee a, loco aur nulr of atp-
uThe heard.' which `began to xxtovaa forward with
" cal ` swe t hound mover .the crowd
The doctor, shook hie .head,.
--"It has, been almpst the solo topic :low regularity. ,The doctor drepp d
r here for the .last two days►" he said, down from his rostrum as .if' his tack
"'We ;heard of it after it was too late were done. Tho torches lowered s
for any of us to be of use. 1 startedthie1bearers followed him and plant-
over but got word from a en free of ed them .beside the box on . which
mine from a camp farthee east, that coins, big round silver' defiers and
there were already tour doctors on yellow goldpieces, were falling,
the spot' aland. that I need not come with tiers and there a scrap of pa er.
unless they called for me. Even then Na. one stood and over that collec-
�'they_e�hopeless. Most of the men tion,`,the crow!was °thinning out.
of the Blackbird scree clovl men, too. Dick turned toward his friend and
Thekind that have• families, and are
steady;, .but f suppose from what I
hear they Were nearly all fellows
who have been idle for some time. or „the younger man mistimed;
have just UMW into the district, so own, y ge ,
probably they head nothing much to "but I.haven't a -dollar that actually
leave in the way of support = for belongs to me. I am going to borrow
those left behind,a little from Sloan," -"
He stopped for a moment acid "I can't do that much." was thio
peered at other nten who were pas- sorrowful reply. "And there .ain't
sing them, nothin' I'd rather do in the world
'1I think it my duty to do some- than walk up there and drop a couple
thing in that regard" he said quietly, of hundred on that pile. I'm•-eI'm—"
"I believe I shall get Mrs. Mere- His manner indicated that he wds
-lith to call a meeting out in froht of about to relapse into stronger ternis.
her place. Nearly every man of the He suddenly whirled. A hand had
camp goes there` at some time or aa- been _laid- on -his sleeve and- a low,
other, in the coarse of the . evening. steady voice said; "Excuse me, I
Perhaps Icould--" • ' heard you talking and I uitderatand:-
Again. he sopped, as if thinking of 1I know what you feel. I want you to
the best permit me."
"I see." interpolated the miner, al- 'It was Mrs. Meredith who had
o t as.younger companion was walked around behind them
hie:. _ ..._
s _ _.. P
about to offer the same suggestion.. served and now held out her .hand.
"Leet ;her send but word that every a They fell back, embarrassed. She
man in the camp is wanted. Then appeared to fathom their' position.
iyou give *ern the last news and get "I know," she said. "1 ` wasn't
them to do what they can. That's eavedropping. I saw you here, 1
Iright," ' wanted to talk to you both and so,
"It is the .best way," asserted Dick well, I overheard. Take this, won't
agreeing with the project. "You can you? Please .permit me." -
do more than any one. -They all re- Bill suddenly reached his hand out
speed and'knoFw you." ' and found in his palm a roll of bills,
They left him to make his way to- rare in that camp. He Iooked at them
ward the" High Light and stood at the curiously.
borders of little gatherings on bhe "There is five hundred dollars in
street, gleaning other details of the , it," she said. "That permits a reason -
tragedy, for nearly an hour, and then : able gift from each of you. You can
a ere attracted by a sound below return it to me at your convenience!
them. Men were calling to one an- Neither of them bad spoken to her
other. Out in front of the High Light in all this time. Now both voiced
two torches flared, their flames thanks. But a moment later Dick
glowing steadily in the still night air found himself talking alone and tell -
and lighting the faces of those who in,,r her that he would send . her a
gathered toward them. They went check Within a few days to cover the
f with the street current and aga.n amount of the loan; but she wase let
found themselevs in a crowd; but it looking at him. He saw that .her
was, not so -dense as that first one eyes were fixed. on the big man by
they had encountered. Men stood in his side, who stood there looking
'greups, thoughtfully, with hands in down into her face. For some reason
s pockets, their . harsh, strong faces she appeared embarrassed by that
rendered soft by the list. They talk- direct scrutiny, and her eyes) fell and
ed together with a quiet and sad I wandered around on those standing
sympathy, is if in that hour they a nearest. Suddenly she frowned, and
were all of one family up there in the , wondering they followed the direc-
heart of the mountains from tion of her look. Not ten feet from
which .they tore their hard livelihood., them, standing stockily on his feat
There. was a stir.from the nearest with his high, heavy shoulders squar-
store and a voice called, "Here, Doc! ed, his hands thrust deep into Ms
Here's a couple 'of, boxes for you to pockets, his firm face unmoved, his
stand on so -they can see you when hat shading his eyes, stood •Bully
you talk." Presby. He made no movement to -
It -wouldn't be base mut
plenty�af ark, r I.
And the best warto be +crertain is to
have a copy of "S 's" t'aaseban
book. It tells all you acted know
to be a good ptayer or successful.
umpire; and helps 'y+ou tnjoy . e
morefrom.tbe sidelines, too.
Another great help n enjoy" ' .any
game is plenty of pep.•. -its extra
energy that allows you to take full
advana a of
.,..,,.. . $ .J�`porturdv_.= Star_
athletes get this extraenergy by aeating
"CROWN. BRAND" Corn Syrup regu-
"Ike" Boone, ►f the Toronto
-Maple Leafs, uses and endorses it,
becauses it is so ,easily digested and
assimilated. lie says: ... It is one of
the most nutritious foods we can eat
—and it tastes swell too!"
,Eat plenty of. "Crown Brand" and get
that «extrui pep" which means. so much.
!Vim 'famous' Frank Ohag)' Shaughnessy
lenowsall the baseball -answers. To get a
con of his great book,REB jut buy
a ten of ' "CROWN BRAND" or "1.,ILY
WHITE" Corn Syrupfrom your. grocer
- and on the back. ofthe label.write :our.
mime and address and the word, "Base -
;ball. Book". Send it to The Canada
' Starch Company Limited, Toronto and
your copy will be forwarded . promptly.
May 18th,' 1936, was the 87th Anni-
versary of the opening of 't the Con-
ference at The Hague in 1899, where
for the first time in history the
nations met together to • consider
. means by which international disputes
could be settled without recourse to
War. This Anniversary was ob-
.served in the schools of many lands
as Goodwill Day. The movement is
sponsored by such organizations as
the Junior Branches of the League of
Nations Society in Canada, Home
and School Clubs, and the Women's
International League.
(Douglas' Egyptian Liniment relieves
toothache and, neuralgia. Invaluable In
cases -of a roup, sore throat and quinsy.
Keep a bottle handy.
That Stab -like Pain
In the Small of tile Back`
.Those 'sharp pain, those quick twinges, those dull,
aching pains are a• kidneys 'are weak
•send. sack—ra warning that soot go unheeded.
Do -,not delay when your backstarts to ache and
fain. Prompt action may save you years of suffer -
ting from kidney trouble if you will only put your
'kidneys right and keep them right ;by using Doan's
Sidney Pills. •
Others + have, no doubt, been saved from years of
kidney misery by their use. Why sot gout
Start and
You can buy
and Anything
,far the
We Positively. Save.' You Money at
On the: Boov#tivi►Ry o}.Goderich
looked up at him to meet eyes 'as
troubled ashis own. Each understood
the other.
"I wish I had some money of my
asswell Rackettt, Turnnberr$ 'Town .
shift aha ed: 'with sttampting auk*
ide es in loll hake, pending'a hearing
of his 'Case which will probably take
Taco today' before Magistrate..Malo
llaekett walked .inte hit home and
tell on. the' floor, unconscious, els
wile summoned Dr, N` . . Co . of:
\V',inghsrn who found an'•einpt y three
eel ttl a iodines f of e the:
young ;mean, the contents of which he
le • alleged, to have swallowed, Re was:
revived And removed to. the )pail here
by county constable a . l'erguson.
-Mr's. Hackett told police,of threats
'her husband l"aad email to kill her and
then commit suicide*
Hackett ' was arrainged in court
into last fall ,ona charge of, stealing
hides and was cent up. for trial in
June, '
atw ilnidT, WALL OQ!$$ lot&If,
CO$V*$$*M'i, 'MMO0e0K '100
1‘0010 HOTEL 10• WITH OATH
volt Ir0I.00* ,
MOM 0$$PO1 0* WN*MOs» s
With the almost perfect score of
498 x 600, the Soo' •Civilian Rifle
Association team, Central. district
'champions, won the final match of
the annual tnnirletion -Mark=
Small Bore Rifle League whfch rare
ried with, it the ,1936 - Dominion
the einerat scheme, They are for me
to use."
His words were like a challenge,
Ile watched her curiously as if await-
ing her reply. Dick felt Bill starting
forward, angrily then checked him.
"Wait!" he whispered. "Let's hear
what he has to say."
The Lily took a step forward to
arrange him. Her face shone whiter,
than ever in the light of the torches.
"And that is all? That is your at-
He did not answer, but stared at
her curiously.' It seemed to Anger
her more. ,
"I wonder." she said, "if you would
care for my ,estimate of you! I won-
der If you would care for -thee esti-
mate of those around you., dt does not
seem strange that you are called by
the fitting sobriquet of 'Bully Pres-
by.' You are that! You are one of
those shriveled souls that fatten on
the toil of others, --that thrive on
others' misfortunes and miseries. My
God!' A usurer --a pawnbroker, is a
prince compared to you. You ;core
without- ompassion, pity, charity cr
grace. Your code is that of winning
all, the code of greed! Listen to ane.
You doubtless look down on me as a
camp woman, and with a certain c -
mount of scorn! But knowing what
I am, Q should far rather be what .I
am, the Gamer of the High Light, a
sordid den, than to be you, the owner
of the Rattler, the man they cell
Bully Presby!"
(To be continued)
Sarnia, May '7.—The Province of
Ontario is prepared to build ap- Men were .carrying some large ward the goal of the contributors.
proaches to'a bridge between Point 1 Packing cases, or tumbling them end and seemed to have no intention of
Edd - and Por Iluro egre el• I over end with hollow booming noir- so doing. As if to escape' an un -
wart n, ,
with its share amounting to $636,000
if the proposals made by Michigan
State Highways Commission and pri-
vate interests regarding the Ameri-
can approaehes and the span itself
are carried out, W. A. Guthrie, M. L.
A., has announced on the authority
of Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Ontario
minister of highways.
The proposal is that Ontario and
Michigan each build an approach
costing- approximately $650,009 Jut&
' that. the Michigan State Highway
Commission, guarantee the bonds of
a private concern for the erection of
the actual span a, a cost of approxi-
mately one and a half million dollars.
Jos: Campbell, aged 27, one of the
minerswho risked hie life in the res-
cue of .Dr. Robertson and Alf. Scadd-
ing from the Moose River mine, was
instantly killed at the Macgregor
mine on May, 13th. He was structs:
by a string of cars sat they were be-
ing sentto the surface. " He leaves
a widow and one child.
Showing kindne to an aged 'Person.
(Destroying the letter written In anger•.
Orfe ing the apology that saves as
frlendah p.
, a S 'Sandal that awasa wrecking
`Taking time to show your smother con-
siderst1otr. •
Soret ) Fite amore Its are many
who have betM aftlieted i+ith sores and
ha ,• � thein ate` with Dr.
hasaas ase' .1Selectrie 011 Ale siuni se
tr+abeled should lose no time in ing
this Mex ream►, there to nog
like ° it ne- be' hid. It, Is theatre but its
power.* in no-•'iaw7 expressed by its loow
es, to form a crude platform. The I pleasant situation. The. Lily suddenay
boxes clashed together. Two men I walked toward him.
holding the torches climbed up on"Good-evening, Mister Presby,"
them :and they save two others boost -1 she saluted, and he slowly turned nis
ina>' the doctor upwaral. At sight of head and stared at her. He did '•ot
him there was a restraining hiss pas- shift his attitude in the least, and ap-
sed round through the 'gathering peered granite -like in his rigid pose•
crowd commanding silence. He wait- "I suppose," she said, "that van
ed for it to become complete. have put something into the contri-
"I have not," he replied with his
customary incisive, harsh voi'!e.
"Why should I? The contribution
means nothing to me."
The brutality, the . inhumanity of
his words made her recoil for an ht -
been no• more effective. Dick looked stents and then she recovered her
around him. The faces of those near- fearlessness and dignity.
.est were grave and unmoved,' as if
carved from the mother rock of the
country in which they delved; but he
saw a light in their frowning eyes
that told how deeply their sympa-
thies were stirred.
"I didn't get cap here to talk to you
so ms►ch shout them, however," the
doctor want nest, quietly, "as I did to a trace of a harsh sneer outlined on
remind you °atlsati but of thirty-three his face. "If they get killed, I am
of these inert were twenty-six who sorry. If they live, they are useful.
If they are lost, others take their
places. They are merely a part of
"en;" he said "you have all heard
the news. Thirty-three of our fellows
died over across the divide, or are
dying now: God knows which!' 'God
grant they went -quickly!"
He stopped and although not ' a
trained orator, the pause could have
"I might have- known that," she
said, coolly. . "I should have expected
nothing more from you. The lives of
these—all these—" and she gestured
toward those around --"means note-
ing to you. Nor the $offerings and
poverties of those K dependent on
"Certainly not," he answered with
left • wido s, orwidows and children
behind stem. The boys over there 41d
all they could. There were a hun3-
red sand fifty seen *Ito tried' to save
them. They at* now working mere.-
1.y to get their bodies. We couldn't
be there to help in that, so We do
what we can 'aide. And that doing
shall consist in helping out those
women and children~. There's a box
down here in front of nye. I wish
you'd put what You can on it:"
Bill ,alarm ever the . heads of
those around im saw a movement a-
motg nearest the orator's
stand and into'tbe ring of light sten-
ped The Lily. Apparently use, was
speaking to -the doctor, who leaned
down to listen. He straightened ,up
and called for silence.
Long Neglected, It May Even
Develop Serious
Common constipation* keeps you
fromebeing at your beast. It causes
discotnfort, and may lead to head-
aches and loss of appetite. You feel
below par, lack your usual, vigor.
So many people treat this con-_
dition ,as a slight matter. But it
can be the starting point of serious
trouble. It contributes to a general
run -clown condition. With lowered
bodily resistance, you are more
likely to pick up the first chance
i nf'ctiorr° you meet in you'r every-
day routine.
Common constipation" ias. due usu-
ally to insufficient "bulk" in meals.
Fortunately, a delicious cereal sup-
plies gentle "bulk." Within the
body, the "bulk" in Kellogg's Au,.
BRAN absorbs moisture forms a
soft mass, and cleanses the system.
Serve ALL -BRAN as a cereal, with
milk or cream, or cook into muffins,
breads, etc. Two tablespoonfuls
daily are usually sufficient. Stub-
born cases may require Ase-BneN
oftener. If not relieved this way,
consult your doctor.
ALU -BRAN is guaranteed by the
Kellogg Company as an effective
laxative food for constipation.*
Sold by all grocers. Made by Kel-
logg in London, Onta*rib.
*Constipation die to at,uaw,afteient "b+rW'
If Sickly and Run Down
Build Up Your Health
-What is �f,� rum l� �nditian
health is a preferred,
build the shattered syitrmaad restore it to
satrength. .
The reeonastrnctfieM nt
of lba's 11 1MIr.
Pills, containing as they de three prepsraiione of
iron in an easily sodzsilated force, ,,are such that
those whoae health standard is under par will soma
recuperate aad get bath their manta* and bodily,•igor.
Try a fife aaad Deo kw they will help you
boa to
- SYBOIW + ULA 1<MoW ¢
htUCl4 AS Itie'ileAci4a y
8034.4. a
ALL11.48. TIMM •
h's SHE
R.' F. J. . F"( ItSTI .
HYZ, a1Mt, NOM, TilitOA' .
-Late Howe Surgeon New' York Or
thalmic and Aural IHospitaal : FOa,sf Uta Xi s
Mooreliela°a Eye Hospital = and.
quare Tbroaaat Ho lter London, Feu.
Eyes teed. &ogee supplied. --
53 Waterloo St, S., tread esu s!, Wee
phone 287.
Next visit wbdn, May 20th, drat
7 P.M. till Thursday. M,,v 21st. at 1 pts„
At Hotel Bedford. 'Drone 149,
89 Ontario St, Stratford, Oat
(Member Plrstbrook. McLeod & Itaati-
teith, Toronto. Ontario).
1)0110148 R. NaAIR,N.
Barrister and Solicitor.
Ol'Rce: Hamilton St. Phone WB,
Barrister and Solicitor.
Sun Lite Bldg. Adelaide and Victorila
Telephone: Elgin 5301
Toronto 2.
Dunces PRAK rrIoNE1.
Equipped.w,ith eieotro-magnetio laths.
Electronic electric treatment and chiro..
I praotic. Chronic, organic and nervous
hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
Friday and Saturday, and on Wednes-
day 9 to 12 a.m. only. consultation may
be had by appointment - Monday Monday and
Thursday at Mitchell.
A. N. ATKINSOIN, residence and
office, corner of South street and Bri-
tannia Road. Phone 341.
DR. G. E. 1V-YERS, V.S., S.V., SG
Graduate of the University of Toronto
and graduate of the Ontario Veterinaq
Office in Mr. T. T. Murphy's. Hamilton
St., Goderich. Telephone : Day 246.
night. 249.
Live Stook and General Auctioneers'
Elgin Ave., Goderleb.
Sales made everywhere and all efforts'
awe to give you satisfaction.
Farmers' Sale Nates discounted. -
Phone 119.
Gtaranteed Bonds, Low Rates with Ab-
solute I+inanelaaal Strength
Mutual )dile Assurance 0.., ranged by
LOW RAS O(!'adi[vrt
Information gladly given. Call, write or
phone 1,
WM. BEATTY, Hamilton
Hove it attended to by the
Established i$71.
Head Office:
Parneet Ackert, 0. • 11.
Dan M ay, p� , F !•1 . . •,• . y�
addition to Abe ia1 Vker
Went, the doUoa* g arra Dit+d; sx I
Wm. Wsteon, Auburn; W. J. Thcb3pooti.
Auburn; Cleo. M. Stuart, R. 11. 2, Luck -
now l�, ► Harm
L. Oaalkelci; atlas ia: Meted
RD. Dungannon; Rdbetit David**,
• OTn.
H08. TE , . Geta. Treac ;''t.
Mc610.1LOP MUTUsAL: PIRXu ua—
Mai AND remittal) TOWN Mao —
dent. Alex. ros -
foot, &earth; Vice—President, Jobs IL
P ,pper, Nt'i eld;Becretary.Treaoure4
M. A. Held. fleaferth.
•D--.Atex.mrcatdfoot. S"
forth: James Choldice, Waitotit; Wes
K�,j,n�S�o'x(�,, L/a�yndeebor{o,•; George
y�I;eoaa4rls Mete
.Dahlin. John It Pepper, Bruc ld: Jas,
-Connolly, Godericln; Thee. Moyle*, ,Base.
forth; W. K.. Arch.il*ld, Seeforth; Alex
Mel, g, l kt11.
Le. AOISN ` '1PM. J. ACO,
tory R. a. No. 3; Aimee Watt, ~1�
John Pe Bruceileki, R. It. No.
i . 1'. Aftektereber, toubtir►• B. R No. 1.
Chis. P. Hewitt. ardtne:, R. O. dam
-math, ,Beenholree R. R. No. 'met
menta at t ►t ' a sore,t er
The, " ` Z ' n, er J.