HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-05-14, Page 7TUDEBAKER.prices are now almost as
low as those of the lowest priced small
car! And this big, impressive, beautifully
styled 1936 Studebaker definitely surpasses
any other car you have seen in all around
desirability! Thoroughly new from top to
wheels! Only car with the Automatic Hill
Holder! Automatic gas -saving overdrive!
Largest one-piece steel top! Strongest all
steel body! ,58% inches of elbow room! ..
Official gas economy record of 29.12 miles
per Imperial gallon! See it — drive it—
now! It's the year's best buy!
Completely equipped
Sttudebak$r's new 7% C. A. C. Plan
offers a new "low" in time payments
L7 & SO
Phone 83 South at., Goderich
The Slight Cold of Today
May Be .Serious -Tomorrow
A "common cold" is a serious matter and the
proper thing to do id to get rid of it as quickly as
possible; if you don't it may result in, congestion,
inflammation and irritation in the head and bronchial
Dr. Wood's 'Norway Pine Syrup is particularly
adapted for coughs, colds and troubles of a bronchial
• nature It is composed of bark, herbs and roots of
recognized value. w
Get a bottle of "Dr, Wood's" and la. low quickly
it will give the desired relief. Do*'t accept a
Saye Money By Prepaying lawn of Goderich
1936 Taxes
AMOUNT May 1 to 15
$10.00•.... ....•.$ 9.93
50.00 • ... • . 49.65
Ptepayrnent Receipts mugt be presented along with 1936
Tax Bills during the first installment period.
Bank• interest IS only 2 per cent. Purchase your Prepay-
ment Receipts early and have your money earning 5 per cent.
June discounts will be allowed in addition. .
• NEIL R. Ms1cKKAY, Tax Collector.
By Roy. Norton
Entered sec rdtng to Aet of Parliament ,by George J. i►tcLeod
.Limited, King St, West, Toronto; at the Dopt. of A neu!!ur ,.
Taking it for granted that the
younger man would accompany laim,
lie was already -slippiug -slippingoff his work-
ing shift rind /peering the corners, of
the r'oom' for hitt clean` boots. Dick
hesitated and had to be urged, He
wondered then if it were possible
that something. beside the errand to
thx.trader's cuused Bill's eagerness;.
but .wvlsel' k
ykept the idea to hinself,
The camp. was in the dusk when
they entered it, the S)aft dusk that
falls over earl;. summer evenings in
"Wonder what the rest of it was.
Lets,go on up toward the High Light.
Seems as it it must have been pretty
bad, ;W'hat's-.the' .oamn otion . -down
there?' •
Ahead of then;; :they saw =bn clue-
luetering toward a ventral point, and
others who had been in the street
hurrying forward to be absorbed into.
the group. They quickened their
steps 4 trifle, speeulating as to .whe-
ther it could mean a brawlor some-
thing relating to the disaster of
which they. bad just learned. 'It prov-
the hills, when everything in nature' ed the: la ter. A man was standing in
the' centre
seems drowsily awaiting.the night. .,of the- gathering . 'crowd
thought'• there was an unusual with the reins of a tired horse hang,
. He was
'bush in the manner of those they talkingstoythe er cloctor,his�rmswho was ask -
met. 'Men talked on the corner:; or ing
in groups in. the roadway with urtac- him questions.
customed earnestness. Women leaned 1`1''0, 13111 and Dick heard him say
acress: window sills and chatted as they crowded into the group,
chi can do Dos
across intervening. Spaces with ari air
•of ' anxiety; the very dogs in the
street appeared to be subdued. At
the trader's there Was not' the usual
small ;gathering of loungers squatted
sociably around on cracker boxes and
packing cases, And the man with the
twang was alone, lean ore, over there, you know, So
Say,, tilers's something `wrong there was just one drift away from
with. that stuff •you sent us,'' Bill be- the shaft, and it was in that she
gan, and the' trader answered °with a caved."
soft, absent-minded, "So?" There was a moment's silence and
Bill repeated the words of the then a half-dozen questions asked al••.
cook; but the storekeeper continued most in the same moment. The .man
to.: tare out of the'door us if but half turned first to one and then to an.
of what was 'said proved interesting. tither as if striving to- decide which
"I'll send up and bring . it back `o- querry should be answered first, and
'relarirow,"- Ile replied- 'w'howthe -miner 'shook --his- head -hopelessly.- ---
had concluded his complaint. "The , "They didn't have a chance," he
fact is it's a job lot I bought in Port- asserted. "It happened three days
land, and I didn't look at it. Came in `ago, as you all know.' They sent over
yesterday. • I ain't— I ain't exactly ' to Arrapahoe and all the boys over
feelin' right. I suppose you heard there went and volunteered. They
wheal; it?".... _ ._ . .. _ _ _. _
The partners looked at him,.ques-
tionably, but he did not shift his
eyes from the door through which he
still appeared to be staring away . in-
to the di$tance, .and it,wets easy to
conjecture, from the expression of
ointly, sponsored, 'hy 000, 44 Me'.
Limited nblialaars of Torent4),.
end TKO' Dada Publishing (o. of
New York, with • the eo-o eretiCll. o
the Canadian Authors' ssoelatinrl
The enadian Hook Contest. which is:
often to,any .legal resident est. Cookie-
oon' e -(as of September 15ilxl 2010 will
close on `ane Iutli witha, esti
tot both the Canadian said American
Sponsors, and the jiitlges off' the Qone
test,; which: will be. held In 'pronto,:
" io. number •, of xegn'e•5to that we
'We reee�lred to ' information
ga ing"�the�• contest has been most
�encour �iging, accordin eto Mr, Me
Lewd, We have received offers from
'evaral English Publishing Houses
for the right to, publish in the United
niolom :and; .,Australia, and effete:
have been received from 'Canadian
'newsp��1 's for serialization rights,"
" 'litl`i' ' previous' contests of ti L9
nature that have been conducted in
nada, Tile Canadian Book mast.
is open: only to Canadians, and to odr�
knowledge we are offering the larx-
est ward offered in this country for
books by Canadians."
The Canadian Book Contest is of-
fering $1,00O in advance royalties for
is ioRiG 'submitted,
ie best book
"there ain't
all over
h' you >a
the best book of f' ti
It'sr with 'em. I was there and a like amount for t
until quite late. God! it's awful!" of non-fiction.
"Anybody get out at all?'' someone
"No. That's a cinch. You see they FOR BOYS AND GIRLS
driving back in and feeling for the
ledge. Blocking nut, I think. Pretty
- w, ()Mitt WALLC0NDUCT*D.
p0*. HAUL— $r Wim I*TN
0E010 ?oftrov 0* witApir leo
Practically every householder in
the country or an urban centre has a
desire to have attractive surround-
ings and nothing will do so much in
this way at so small a cost as the
planting of trees, shrubs, plants
,und vines. Within the next few weeks
is the best time for planting, but
such work should be done on some
definite plan in order t� get the moat
pleasing results.
worked • just Its many men as - could
get into the drift at .a time, and they
spelled each other in half-hour shifts
so's every ;man could do his best.
They hadn't got in twenty feet be-
fore they saw that she was bad.
Seemed as if the whole" drift had
his eyes, that he was seeing a been wiped out. It was as solid , as
tragedy. . rock in place --just as if the whine
"I'm sort of busted -up," he went mountain had slipped!"
on, without hooking at them. "You "Did you go down, Jim?" the doc-
see I had a brother over there. A tor asked. For reply the man yield
shift boss, he was. Him and me was up his hands. Dick, close behind him
more than brothers. We was friends. and .peering forward to see them in
It don't - seem right that Hiram was the light that came from a street
down there, in the dark, when the big lamp, saw they were a mass of biis-
came came—come just as. if the ters with the skin, torn away, red and
whole._ mountain wanted• to smash bleeding. The answer was too elo-
them men under it. It don't seem
right! I can't quite get it all yet. I'in
goin' over there on the stage in the
mornin' He's left a.• widder and a
couple of little shavers. I'm goin' to.
bring 'em here."
"We don't quite understand you,"
Dick said, hesitatingly, and witn
sympathy in his voice. "We haven't
Down In Jacksonville, Florida, high
school boys tntd girls are being trained
in a practical way for future josbs in
their coznmtmity. Four hours of the day
are spent at regular €:zhool subjects but
the rest of the day is spent in depart-
ment stores, advertising offizet, broad-
casting stations, hotel, tea room, tele-
phone eines •wisere they Earn practl;al
work right on the j gib. Since t1xs
scheme was ,started some two years ago
it is estimated that eighty-six p;r cent
of these pupils have secured jobs upon
graduation. (Many pupils today are un-
able to -go to university, yet their train-
ing is direeted toward. that end, and
when .they go after a .job, they...have .no
training for the work. This more prac-
tical edu:ation is rapidly gaining favor
in manycountries and seems to be in
the right dtrect.on. The pupil As- train
ed for the job and gets away to a rnu: h
better start. ---Listowel Banner.
quent to require words for the man.
they . called Jim had evidently been
there and striving madly, ds had
others, in the attempt to rescu't.
There was a surge forward as the
crowd pressed in, each man trying to
inspect these evidences of the tra-
gedy. The questions were coming
faster and from all sides. Most 're-
heard about it—whatever it is. I'm quently the anxious demand, cotaple,
.sorry if--" - with a pronouncedeagerness was,
The trader straightened • up from `. Is there anything any of us can do?
where he had been leaning on his el- Can we help if we get over there?"
"How far over is it?" Bill asked
the man nearest him.
"Forty miles," was the. answer.
They were all wpling to . travel that
far, or farther; if they could be of
any assistance whatever.
Then there is the' question of just
what to plant. This and a wide range
of other questions is answered in the
handbook "Beautifying the Hoine
Grounds of Canada'' issued by the
Horticultural Council of -Canada, 114
Victoria Street, Ottawa. The , open-
ing chapter is on Landscape 'Archi-
'tecture—Arranging and Planting, the
Home Grounds, written so that the
most junior tyro in gardening ran
readily understand. There are plans
to illustrate the arrangement of
lawns, gardens and plantings for the
average small house with pictures of
what engaging results can be attain-
ed. There is .also a special chapter
dealing with Planting the Farin
Hume Ground. . •
How to Establish and Maintain a
hock Garden is also fully described
and plans are given to indicate how
to- get the most effective lay out.
Every conceivable detail about ar-
ranging lawns, gardens and plant-
ings is given in the book, which con-
cludes with a complete list of trees,
shrubs, herbliceous perennials and
annuals that are suitable for plant-
ing in each province prepared by
Provincial Horticulturists.
bows across the counter and they
saw that his face was drawn.
"Oh, I see," he said, in. the same
slow. hopeless voice. "I forgot you
men don't come down here very often
and that any driver never has any-
thing to say to anybody. Why, it's "No. there's no use in goingee.the
the Blackbird mine over across the man in the Centre said. "There's more
divide—on the east spur. Bad, old men there now than can be handled,
fashioned mine she was, with' craw- and all they're doing is to try to get
'lin' ground. Lime streaks all through. at the boys' bodies. It's sure that
the formation and
plenty of water., I they can't live till they're taken out
Nobody gnite knows how it happen- i You all know that! They're gone,
ed. There was a bigslip over there 1 every one of 'em. And that ain't the
a few days ago on the four -hundred- , worst. They left twenty-six widows,
hoot level. Thirty odd men back of 1 most of 'em with chidren.
it. Timbers went off, they say, liked A groan went up from the ,crowd.
The word passed back along alike the
waves cast up by a rock thrown into
the centre of a pool of blackness. It
began at the centre with its repetl-
t'on as the words were conveyed to
those out of the earshot. "He says
there's twenty-six widows. He says
there's a lot of children."
The questions were flawing; in -
a gatlin' gun. I just' can't seem to
understand how they didn't, handle
that ground better. It don't look
right to me!" .
He stopped and twisted his fingers
together and the palms of his hands
gave out dry, rasping sounds. His'
attitude seemed inconsistent with the
immobility of his face, but Dick sur-
mised that he was trying to regain ward again.
control of his emotions. He had a "No, boys, there• ain't a thing you
keen desire to know -more of the par-
ticulars of the tragedy, but sensed.
from the storekeeper's +appearance.
that he was scarcely able td give a
coherent account of it. His words had
already told • his sorrow. Bill's voice
broke the pause.
"We're right sorry we .bothered
you about the supplies," he laid
DR. F, 'J. R, Oi1rS E .
Late. House Surgeon New York Orph»•''''
thalmlc and Aural Hospital nocicta.rik, aa1
Mooreflelu'a Eye Hospital and golden.
Square Throat Hospital, London, fir.
> meted, glasses supplied.
53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Teze•
phone 267.
Next visit Wednesday, May 20th, from.
'1 p.m. till Thursday, (Moil 21st, at 1 p.m.
At Hotel Bedford. Telephone 149.
jr. W. MoNTErrH.
89 Ontario St, Stratford, Ont.
(Member PIrs":braolt:,. McLeod- & Mon.
With, Toronto, Ontario) . "
There is nothing repulsive in Miller's
Worm Powders, and they are as pleasant
to takeas sugar, so that. few children"
will rause them: In some Qases they
cause vomiting through their act:on in
an unsound stomach. but this is only a
manifestation of ,their cleaning power.
no indication that they are hurtful.
They can be thlrc ughly depended upon
to clear all worms from the system. 1
thrown downward, feebly, from the
"Give me room, bays; won't you?"
he asked. "My cayuse is about all in.
There ain't nothing more to tell.
There ain't a thing you can do; but
just what I said. Those women and
children will need money. They're all
The crowd slowly parted and he
rode. through a narow lane where ills
stirrups brushed against those in the
front ranks. and then the gather:ag
began to twist backward and for-
ward, to disintegrate, to spread itself
outward' and up the street of thy.
ramp. It talked in a subdued way as
it went. There were but few in it who
did not know and picture the mean-
ing of all that had been imparted by
the courier—the desperate alarm, the
haggard, sobbing women in frlont of
a hoist, -the relays sof ;nen who were
ready to\ descend and beat hanrm e• -
on steal and tear madly at slow -
yielding rock, the calls for a rest
while carpenters hastily propped up
tottering roof.; .);cit-
sional. warning shouts when men fell,
back to watch other huge masses of
rock fall into the blaek drift, and the
instants when some rescuer, over-
wrought, thought he heard sounds of
"rock telegraphing' and bade toe
others pause and listen. There we:.e
those among the men on the . stre.rt
who had seen the desperate, melan-
choly conclusions, when hope, 'flam-
ing rever more feebly. guttered out es
a burned candle and. died. • There
those among them r.who had been in
those black •holes of despair and been
rescued, to carry scar of the be dy
for life, but recklessly forget the
scars of the mind, the \horrors of i'lea-
pair. Comparative strangers to the
carhp as were the two men of the
Cross, they appreciated the full mean.
ing of the blow; for doubtless there
was scarcely a man around them
who had not known some of those
who gierished in that terrible, linger-
ing agony. Besides they wero.miners
(To be continued)
can do," the man they called- im-4 r
peated. "That is, there ain't a thing
can be ,done for the boys under
ground.' They're gone; but somebody
ought to de what can be done for
them that's !eft. It's mons;y
helps the most. That's the best way
to show that most all of us had
friends whoptlt out." . -
softly. "But we didn't ,know, you see. He turned and climbed back into
II reckon we ain't inany big' hurry. his saddle in the little open space,
You just take ,your time about fixin
it up. We dan live on most anything
for a day or two."
The storekeeper looked at him
gratefully and then lowered his
eyes again. He turned away from
them with a long sigh.
."Nope," he said. "Much obliged.
I'll send my man . 'up to -morrow.
Business keeps again' on just the
same, no matter who passes out. if
you or me died to -night. the whole
world would just keep joggin' along.
1,11 send up."
They turned and walked out, feel.
ing that anything they could say
would be useless, and, sound hollow,
and they did not speak until they
were some distance farther up the
"He's bard hit, poor cust' Bill said.
and there another moment's silence.
The crowd looked up at him now, as
he sat there in the centre of the light
Barrister and Solicitor.
Office: Hatnilton St. Phone 612.
E RNEST M. I • ,
Barrister and Solicitor.
Sun Life Bldg. Adelaide and Victoria
Telephone: Elgin 5301
Toronto 2.
If The Liver Is. Sluggish
Watch Out For Trouble
One of tho principal functions of
the liver is the formation of bile
which substance its so essdntiatil in
siding digestion and promoting ab-
sorption of nutritive substance de-
rived from food.
Like other organs the liver Is fre-
quently liable to attack by 6ertain
disorders and diseases.
Neglect of liver trouble is dsnger-
errs and sauf if diseased leads to serious, disturbances of the body.
Take Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills for that sluggish liver.
Equipped with electro-magnetio laths,
Electronic electric treatment and claire,
practic. Chronic, organic and nervone'
hours 2 to 5 and 7 to -8 pre -en Tuesday.
Friday and Saturday, and on Wednes-
day 9 to 12 a.m. only. Consultation may
be had by appointment. Monday and
Thursday at Mitchell.
A. N. ATE NSON. residence and
office, corner of South street and Bri-
tannia Road. Phone 341.
IVR. G. E. MYERS, ;V.B., B.V., Sc.
Graduate of the University of Toronto
and graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Office in Mr. 'T, T Murphy's. Hamilton
St.. Goderich. Telephone : Day 206,
night 249.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers
Elgin Ave., Goderich.
Bales made everywhere and all effortn
made to give you satisfaction.
Farmers' Sale Notes; discounted.
Phone 119.
Guaranteed Bonds, Low Rates with Ab-
solute Financial Strength
Mutual Life Assurance Co., owned by
The Policy Holders
Information gladly given. Call, write or
phone 166.'
WM. BEATTY, Hamilton St-,
;larvae 11 attendc-d to by the
EstaaWished 1878.
Head Office: Dungannon, Ont.
Ernest Atoleetrt, BDotywod, president;
Dara Moly.Rip a 1r, Vtce-+Pr ;dent; in
a rt te). to the Pa k1 rt and Vie . Pre-
sident, the following are Directors:
Wm. Watson, Auburn, W. J. Thompson,
Aubtuin; Geo. M. Stuart, R. R. 2, Luck -
now, Harvey Anderson, Lucknow; Harry
L. Salkeld,. Goderich; Wilfred McCarthy,
R. FiY. 1, Dungannon; Robert David„
CECIL rieuteLgAvrae, nee.
31 MUTUAL PYRE mutt.
FART AND -rsotamo TOWN
OlE' i —Presi , Alen. Brod....
foot. eafortli; 'Nice- nt, John l
Pepper, Bruceflelc%; rotary-Trear,
M. A. field, Seaforth.
DAMYrOnfl—Aites. ra dfoot. Sea'
fora;; James Oholdice, Walton; William.
Knox, Lon; George Lconha t,
Dublin. John'epper.. Xtrucetletd: Jas,
Connolly, Goderich; Tinos. Mojalaan,
forth; W. It Archibald, Seaforth; Alex.
lAttor 01" AGM -W. J. ' 'eo, Clin-
ton R. R. No. 3; .f es W'attt, ;
JOhn J9. 1s er, • Brui fieeld, R. It. I1TO. 1 ;
R. IP'. alkfitetcherr, Dublin. It R No. 1 ;
Chas. P. tfewit , Kincardine; rt. 0. Jar-
Bortih iS.ini« 1 , Nth 1.
holders • an . their -
.= �7y[
+ti*R'JF; 01stt04„., ° xYC;...._..:.+.4Xtih: K'
, 1.,.40
:> 127fC"r`O :r,.y2t5w`ia